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  • Engineering Anthropometri and Workspace Design (1)

    Kristiana Asih DamayantiKBI Human StudyJurusan Teknik IndustriUniversitas Katolik Parahyangan

    *PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Definisi Ergonomi (1)Ergon (Yunani) = kerja Nomos (Yunani) = hukum.

    Ergonomi / Human Factors / Human Engineering = "A system concerned with the relationship between human beings, machines, and the work environment. The object is to obtain the optimum balance between human capabilities and the demands of the task." (Barnes, 1980:465)

  • Definisi Ergonomi (2)"Ergonomi ialah suatu cabang ilmu yang sistematis untuk memanfaatkan informasi-informasi mengenai sifat, kemampuan, dan keterbatasan manusia untuk merancang sistem kerja sehingga orang dapat hidup dan dapat bekerja pada sistem itu dengan baik, yaitu mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan melalui pekerjaan itu dengan efektif, aman, dan nyaman." (Sutalaksana, 1979:61)

  • Segi Manusia dalam BekerjaFaktor yang mempengaruhi manusia dalam bekerja (Sutalaksana, 1979:57-59) :Faktor Internal (individual) : dari diri sendiri, given, tidak mudah/tidak dapat diubah Faktor Eksternal (situasional) : dari luar diri, dapat diubah oleh management (faktor manajemen)terdiri dari : (1) faktor sosial dan keorganisasian (2) faktor fisik pekerjaanErgonomi "Fitting the job to the man" (Bridger, 1995:16) not "Fit the man to the job

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  • Bidang Kajian Ergonomi (1)Sutalaksana (1979:64) :Penyelidikan tentang display PENGINDERAANPenyelidikan tentang hasil kerja manusia dan proses pengendaliannya FAAL & BIOMEKANIKAPenyelidikan tentang tempat kerja ANTROPOMETRIPenyelidikan tentang lingkungan fisik LINGKUNGAN KERJA*PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Bidang Kajian Ergonomi (2)Hendrick & Kleiner (2001:6) :Human-machine interface technology HARDWARE ERGONOMICSHuman-environment interface technology ENVIRONMENTAL ERGONOMICSHuman-software interface technology COGNITIVE ERGONOMICSHuman-job interface technology WORK DESIGN ERGONOMICSHuman-organization interface technology MACROERGONOOMICS*PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Bagaimana menurut anda ?*PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • John works in a power plant. As part of his daily job duties, he monitors several dozen plants status display. Some of the displays are located so high that he has to stand on a stool in order to read the display values correctly. Being 6 feet 6 inches tall himself, he wonder how short people might do the same job. Lucky me, at least I dont have to climb a ladder*PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • ANTROPOMETRI (1)"The measurement of the dimension and certain other physical characteristics of the body such as volumes, centers of gravity, inertia properties, and masses of body segments." (Sanders & McCormick, 1993:415)

    The study and measurement of human body dimensionprovides the fundamental basis and quantitative data for matching the physical dimension of workplaces and product with the body dimensions of intended users(Wickens, 2004:244)*PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • HUMAN VARIABILITYHumans vary in size and strength Anthropometric data is used to design workplaces and tools to fit range of human body dimensions

    Human variabilityAgeSexRacial and ethnicOccupationalGenerational or secularTransient diurnal/time of dayIndividualSocio economic*PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Jenis Pengukuran Antropometri (1)1. Antropometri Statis (struktural) : "measurements taken when the body is in a fixed (static) position."Does not represent working postures terdiri atas :Skeletal dimensions (diantara pusat sendi, misal : diantara siku dan pergelangan tangan)Contour dimensions (skin-surface dimensions, misal : lingkar kepala)*PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Jenis Pengukuran Antropometri (2)Skeletal Dimensions*PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Jenis Pengukuran Antropometri (3)Contour Dimensions*PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Jenis Pengukuran Antropometri (4)2. Antropometri Dinamis (fungsional) : "measurements taken under conditions in which the body is engaged in some physical activity."

    "pengukuran keadaan dan ciri-ciri fisik manusia dalam keadaan bergerak atau memperhatikan gerakan-gerakan yang mungkin terjadi saat pekerja tersebut melaksanakan kegiatannya.

    Coordinated effort of several body segments Zones of convenience, normal working areas Data integrated, algorithms used to develop contours/topography

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  • Jenis Pengukuran Antropometri (5)*PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Engineering AnthropometryEngineering Anthropometry :

    aplikasi antropometri statis dan antropometri dinamis ke dalam rancangan kerja yang digunakan manusia*PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • PERANCANGAN MENGGUNAKAN DATA ANTROPOMETRI Digunakan ukuran PERSENTILTiga prinsip penggunaan data antropometri pada rancangan :Perancangan berdasarkan individu ekstrim (Design for extremes)Perancangan berdasarkan fasilitas yang dapat disesuaikan (Design for adjustable)Perancangan berdasarkan harga rata-rata (Design for average)

    *PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • PERCENTILES (1)Percentiles are shown in anthropometry tables and they tell you whether the measurement given in the tables relates to the 'average' person, or someone who is above or below average in a certain dimension. Cek di MK. statistik bagaimana menentukan nilai persentil *PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • PERCENTILES (2)First, notice that the graph is symmetrical so that 50% of people are of average height or taller, and 50% are of average height or smaller. The graph tails off to either end, because fewer people are extremely tall or very short. To the left of the average, there is a point known as the 5th percentile, because 5% of the people (or 1 person in 20) is shorter than this particular height. The same distance to the right is a point known as the 95th percentile, where only 1 person in 20 is taller than this height. *PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • PERCENTILES (3)Deciding whether to use the 5th, 50th or 95th percentile value depends on what you are designing and who you are designing it for. Design for extremesDesign for adjustableDesign for average*PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Perancangan Berdasarkan Individu Ekstrim (1) Tujuan : Fasilitas yang dirancang dapat dipakai dengan enak dan nyaman oleh sebagian besar pemakai (minimal 95% pemakai ; digunakan persentil 95 atau persentil 5)

    Contoh : tinggi pintu, kekuatan alat, jangkauan kontrol panel dari operator*PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Perancangan Berdasarkan Fasilitas yang Dapat DisesuaikanDapat disesuaikan pada individu yang menggunakan. Tidak selalu mungkin diterapkanTujuan : Mampu menampung dan bisa dipakai dengan enak dan nyaman oleh semua orang yang mungkin memerlukannya.Contoh : kursi mobil, meja gambar arsitek, kursi kantor*PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Perancangan Berdasarkan Harga Rata-rataBukan jalan keluar agar tidak perlu berhubungan dengan penggunaan data antropometri yang kompleks; perlu pertimbangan seksama.Tidak ada individu "rata-rata"Digunakan bila : perancangan berdasarkan individu ekstrim hanya memberikan kenyamanan pada sebagian kecil pemakai, dan perancangan berdasarkan fasilitas yang dapat disesuaikan tidak layak, antara lain karena mahal.Contoh : counter pembayaran di supermarket *PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • *PSK & Ergonomi*

    PSK & Ergonomi

  • Anthropometry Step-by-Step (1)

    1. Decide who you are designing for (determine the user population) Anthropometry tables give measurements of different body parts for men and women, and split into different nationalities, and age groups, from babies to the elderly. So first of all you need to know exactly who you are designing for. The group of people you are designing for is called the user population.

    If you were designing an office chair, you would need to consider dimensions for adults of working age and not those for children or the elderly. If you were designing a product for the home, such as a kettle, your user group would include everyone except young children (hopefully!). *PSK & Ergonomi*

    PSK & Ergonomi

  • Anthropometry Step-by-Step (2)

    2. Determine the relevant body dimensions

    You need to know which parts of the body are relevant to your design. For example, if you were designing a mobile phone, you would need to consider the width and length of the hand, the size of the fingers, as well as grip diameter. You wouldn't be too interested in the height or weight of the user (although the weight of the phone might be important!) *PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Anthropometry Step-by-Step (3)

    3. Determine the percentage of the population to be accommodatedLet's break the news - nobody is 'average' in all body dimensions. Someone might be say, of average height but have a longer than average hand length.

    The variation in the size and shape of people also tells us that if you design to suit yourself, it will only be suitable for people who are the same size and shape as you, and you might 'design out' everyone else!

    *PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Anthropometry Step-by-Step (4)

    4. Determine the percentile value of the selected anthropometry

    5. Think about other human factors You may need to add corrections for clothing. Have you allowed for shoe heights? You generally add 20mm for fairly flat shoes, and more if you think users will be wearing high heels. If your product is to be used somewhere cold, can it still be used if someone is wearing gloves or other bulky clothing?

    *PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Anthropometry Step-by-Step (5)

    If you were designing tools for changing car wheels, for example, it's more than likely that they would have to be used in cold and wet weather. People need to grip harder if their hands are wet and cold, and they need to exert more force to carry out tasks than they would if they were warm and dry.

    You may also need to consider people's eyesight and hearing abilities. Can they read the small labels on the remote control that you've designed? Is there enough light to read them by? Can they hear an alarm bell above the general noise in the room? *PSK & Ergonomi*

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  • Next Week Review Antropometri Alat ukur dan bagaimana cara mengukur antropometri Workspace design

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