Download - 02-08 Cell Phones

  • CATEGORY: BUSINESS GROUP: 2. TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATION Topic: 8. Cell Phones Introduction: Almost everyone in the U.S. has a cell phone today. Many people dont even have home phones anymore. This is convenient, but public cell phone use can sometimes be annoying. Dialogue: Bob and Meghan, who are brother and sister, are arguing about the problems with cell phone use. Meghan: It seems that everywhere I go these days people are talking on their cell

    phones: at the grocery store, at restaurantseverywhere. Bob: Thats just how it is nowadays, Meghan. People have the ability to talk wherever

    they want to. They can talk while they do other things. Meghan: But its so annoying. It drives me crazy. I mean, cant people just

    concentrate on doing one thing at a time? Bob: Youre talking like an old man. Meghan: I really dont want to hear all of the personal details that someone is sharing

    during their cell phone conversation at the store. Bob: You sound just like dad. Which reminds me, let me tell you about what happened

    the other night. It was really embarrassing. Meghan: What happened?

    Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

  • Bob: Well dad and I went out to eat at that new restaurant, the kind of fancy one downtown.

    Meghan: So what happened? Bob: We were eating and enjoying our food, and everything was going fun. But the

    tables there are kind of close together. Meghan: So? Bob: So, at the table next to us there was a guy, and he took out his cell phone and

    started having a conversation. Meghan: Really? Could you hear what he was saying? Bob: Yes, he was only a few inches away from us. We could hear everything very

    clearly. Meghan: Oh, no. Dad hates that. What did he do? Bob: At first he didnt do anything. But then when the guy hung up the phone he did

    something really embarrassing. Meghan: What did he do? Bob: He leaned over to the guy and said, Thanks for talking on your phone here at the

    restaurant. We really enjoyed your conversation. Meghan: Oh my god. I would have been so embarassed. How did the guy react? Bob: He just blushed and said sorry or something. Meghan: Well, dad was right. Thats so rude to talk on your cell phone at a nice

    restaurant. Bob: It was kind of rude. But honestly, it wasnt bothering us that much. Dad didnt

    have to make a scene. Meghan: I would have been embarrassed too. I agree with dad that it was annoying,

    but I probably wouldnt have said anything. Bob: See, you are just like dad. Meghan: But dont you think that the guy was wrong to do that? Youre at a nice

    restaurant. Why cant you wait until you get home to talk on the phone?

    Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

  • Bob: I guess. Meghan: Was it an emergency? Was he talking about something serious? Bob: No, it was just small talk. Meghan: People are just so used to talking constantly on the phone these days that

    they cant wait. Bob: I guess you have a point. Meghan: Thank you. Talking on the cell phone in public really is an annoying habit. Bob: Remind me not to do it around you next time we go out. Meghan: Oh, dont worry. Ill have no problem saying something to you. Vocabulary: It drives me crazy: it makes me feel annoyed hung up the phone: end a phone call blushed: turned red with embarassment make a scene: act unusually and attract a lot of public attention to yourselves small talk: casual conversation Discussion Questions:

    1. How common are cell phones in your country? -Cell phones are extremely common. Almost everybody has one nowadays. Only old people or people who are old-fashioned dont have one.

    2. Do you think it should be illegal to talk on the cell phone while driving? -I dont think talking on the phone while driving should be illegal, but I think it should be discouraged. Doing this can cause people to be distracted and get in an accident.

    3. Does it bother you when people talk on their cell phones in public? -Yes, it does. It annoys me when Im outside and hear people talking loudly on their phones or talking about personal things. I cant understand why they dont just wait until they get home to talk.

    4. What would happen if your cell phone rang during class? -If my cell rang during class, the teacher would probably be annoyed. I think they would just remind the class to turn off all cell phones. If it kept happening, they might ask you to leave the class.

    Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

  • 5. Do you think cell phones can cause health problems? -I dont think so. Some people are afraid that they cause cancer. However, Im not sure if there is any scientific evidence that supports this.

    6. At what age should a child get a cell phone? -I dont think children in elementary school should have regular cell phones. They make emergency cell phones that just call a few numbers in case of emergency. I think these are ok, but I dont think kids need cell phones until they are in high school.

    7. How often do you send text messages? -I never send text messages. I dont like to. I would rather just call someone and talk to them if I have something to say. It takes me too long to type out a message to send to someone on my phone.

    8. What are the benefits of cell phones? -The benefits are that people can reach you wherever you are in case of an emergency. If you have an emergency, you can call for help. Cell phones allow people to stay in touch more easily.

    9. What are the negative things about cell phones? -Cell phones can be annoying when people just cant put them down. They feel that they have to answer every call no matter where they are or who is calling them. They cause distractions.

    10. What do you think cell phones will look like in 10 years? -They will probably be extremely tiny and powerful. They might even design something that is implanted in your mouth and ear so that you dont even need a phone.

    Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.