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  • 7/29/2019 00 India Disturbance AbhayKumar


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    The Royal Swedish Academy ofEngineering Sciences, IVA (avd II)Indian Power System Recent Disturbance

    Abhay Kumar, HVDC, IVAa Seminarium om vrldens strsta elavbrottMeeting, 2012-09-10

  • 7/29/2019 00 India Disturbance AbhayKumar


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    Indian Power System Recent DisturbanceSequence Today


    Large System Disturbance Workshop Paris, 27 August 2012

    Summary by Cigr SC C2 (System Operation & Control)

    Presentation used there for Introduction

    Presentation made there by POWERGRID

    Own reflection as Individual

    (not as an Power System Expert)

    (subject to change/discussion)

    (May be wrong/incorrect missing info perspective)

    Not official

    For official version Please check with authorities

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    Indian Power System Recent DisturbanceIndia


    2011 census 1,210,193,422


    comprising 28 states and 7 union territories.

    3,287,263 km2

    installed capacity of205.34 GW as of June

    2012 Sept 1, 2012
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    Indian Power System Recent DisturbanceNational Electricity Policy

    12th February 2005

    Electricity is an essential requirement for all facets of our

    life. It has been recognized as a basic human need.

    Recognizing that electricity is one of the key drivers for

    rapid economic growth and poverty alleviation, the nationhas set itself the target of providing access to all

    households in next five years. As per Census 2001, about

    44% of the households do not have access to electricity.

    Section 3 of the Electricity Act 2003 requires the Central

    Government to formulate & revise, the National ElectricityPolicy in consultation with Central Electricity Authority

    (CEA) and State Governments. 1, 2012



    = 678Million
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    Indian Power System Recent DisturbanceGovernment of India

    The Ministry of Power has set a goal

    Mission 2012: Power for All. 1, 2012
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    Indian Power System Recent DisturbanceNational Electricity Policy


    Available for all households in next five years

    Availability of Power - Demand to be fully met by

    2012. Energy and peaking shortages to be

    overcome and adequate spinning reserve to beavailable.

    Supply of Reliable and Quality Power of specified

    standards in an efficient manner and at reasonable


    Per capita availability of electricity to be increased to

    over 1000 units by 2012.

    Minimum lifeline consumption of 1

    unit/household/day as a merit good by year 2012. 1, 2012

    March 2012

    Mission 2012
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    Indian Power System Recent DisturbancePrespective

    The per capita average annual domestic electricityconsumption in India in 2009 was 96 kWh in rural areas

    and 288 kWh in urban areas for those with access to

    electricity, in contrast to the worldwide per capita annual

    average of 2600 kWh and 6200 kWh in the European

    Union.[7] India's total domestic, agricultural and industrial per

    capita energy consumption estimate vary depending on

    the source. Two sources place it between 400 to 700

    kWh in 20082009.[8][9]

    As ofJanuary 2012, one report found the per capita total

    consumption in India to be 778 kWh.[5] Sept 1, 2012


    15000 kWh
  • 7/29/2019 00 India Disturbance AbhayKumar


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    Indian Power System Recent DisturbanceSequence Today


    Large System Disturbance Workshop Paris, 27 August 2012

    Summary by Cigr SC C2 (System Operation & Control)

    Presentation used there forIntroduction

    Presentation made there by POWERGRID

    Own reflection as Individual

    (not as an Power System Expert)

    (subject to change/discussion)

    (May be wrong/incorrect missing info perspective)

    Not official

    For official version Please check with authorities

  • 7/29/2019 00 India Disturbance AbhayKumar


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    Indian Power System Recent DisturbanceSummary of Large System Disturbance Workshop

  • 7/29/2019 00 India Disturbance AbhayKumar


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    Indian Power System Recent DisturbanceSummary of Large System Disturbance Workshop

    India 2012

    The Indian blackouts of 30th and 31st of July were the

    latest and largest blackouts which occurred so far. Nearly

    700 million people were effected by the blackout. It was

    the largest blackout in global history in terms of the

    number of people effected, nearly 10 % of the worldpopulation. Due to heavy weatherand large

    unscheduled flows three of the five country's electricity

    grids failed.

    Starting with the northern grid a cascading effected

    caused the blackout of the north-eastern and the eastern

    grid as well. The blackout on July the 30th caused a loss of

    36 GW of generation while on July the 31st even 48 GW

    were lost. To prevent future blackout several high capacity

    lines will be built to better connect generation with the load


  • 7/29/2019 00 India Disturbance AbhayKumar


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    Indian Power System Recent DisturbanceSequence Today


    Large System Disturbance Workshop Paris, 27 August 2012

    Summary by Cigr SC C2 (System Operation & Control)

    Presentation used there forIntroduction

    Presentation made there by POWERGRID

    Own reflection as Individual

    (not as an Power System Expert)

    (subject to change/discussion)

    (May be wrong/incorrect missing info perspective)

    Not official

    For official version Please check with authorities

  • 7/29/2019 00 India Disturbance AbhayKumar


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    Indian Power System Recent DisturbanceREPORT OF THE ENQUIRY COMMITTEE

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    Indian Power System Recent DisturbanceReflection

    Number Game

    100 - 44% = 56% = 678 Million has access to electricity

    NR has 56 GW generation, 36 GW was affected on 30 July

    56/205 = 27%; 185 Million : 36/205=17%; 119 Million

    NEW has 84 GW generation, 48 GW was affected on 31 July

    84/205 = 41%; 279 Million : 48/205=23%; 158 Million

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    Indian Power System Recent DisturbanceReflection

    Perspective and Perception of Effect of an disturbance

    From Outside

    22 Years Not once

    12 years Few times

    From Inside

    Regular shortage

    Several times in a day

    For short duration and long duration

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    Indian Power System Recent DisturbanceReflection

    Limited Investment/Resources


    Not easy job

    Political Issue, State v/s Centre

    However most of it can be achieved with minimal investment


    Planning Isolation schemes



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