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  • 8/13/2019 0 Workshop IRI Kk Slides


    In association with

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    Workshop Internationalisationof Research and Innovation

    Kees Kouwenaar & Hans de Wit

  • 8/13/2019 0 Workshop IRI Kk Slides


    In association with

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    Workshop Internationalisationof Research and Innovation

    Context and concepts

    6 thematic presentations Rosario as case study Draft Workshop Plan or Internal


    Tuesday pm: make choice Wednesday: work sessions

  • 8/13/2019 0 Workshop IRI Kk Slides


    In association with

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    Internationalization of Research:

    Meaning, challenges, indicators, national and

    institutional aspect

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    Some essential points:

    Internationalisation in higher education is more affiliated withteaching and learning than with research, but increasingly is seenas an essential part, in particular for research universities

    Research is assumed to be international by nature, butcomplexity of research, priorities, its international dimensionsand funding challenges require a more strategic approach

    Research does require increasingly central facilities (funding,access to external funding, legal aspects) but continues to be

    more a researcher and research group strategy than aninstitutional one.

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  • 8/13/2019 0 Workshop IRI Kk Slides


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    Internationalisation of research is on the output side e.g.manifested in an increase of internationally co-authoredpublications and patents, international conferences and research

    programmes and projects, as well as contacts betweenindividuals, institutions and states.

    The focus in the literature on internationalisation of research lieson mobility studies and bibli-metric studies, while there is less

    literature that explicit concern the driving forces and the effects ofresearch policy on internationalisation.

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    Internationalisation of Research:

    ChallengesThe big challenges facing humanity require an internationaleffort by science

    National science systems do not have sufficient capacities andfinancial resources for shouldering the investments which areneeded for large-scale research facilities and projects.

    International networks of research collaborations and global

    strategic alliancesare emerging, particularly in the natural and

    engineering sciences, in addition to bilateral and trilateralinternational cooperation.

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    The Challenges 2

    The internationalization of production capacities is now followed bythe internationalization of development and research capacities.Countries are fiercely competing with each other as potential hostsof research centers.

    Companies are building links with research institutes and

    universities at their production, research and development sites inorder to find more specific solutions to problems they face in thedevelopment of new products, processes and services and totranslate the researchers' new ideas into marketable products morequickly.

    Students and researchers today are also more mobile than ever

    before. They are looking for the best working groups in their fields,and institutions around the world are seeking to attract them.

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    Challenges 3

    Higher education institutions and research establishments arefaced with new institutional challenges: Input-orientedmanagement is no longer an adequate means for dealing with thisdynamic international development and meeting the need for

    international networking.

    Particularly the natural and engineering sciences, but also thecultural sciences and the humanities play a special role in thesolution of these international problems.

    The political community will only be able to continue to shape thisprocess, if science describes and explains the trends, causes andeffects of globalization.

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    How relevant is the national research policy for theinternationalisation of research at your institution, and does thatpolicy include an international dimension and if so, what are its

    main characteristics?

    How much incentives and which one come from the national levelfor your research internationalisation?

    How much is the private sector in your region, Colombia orinternational a factor in the internationalisation of your researchand in which way?

    National factors influencing internationalisation of

    research: Discussion

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    Indicators for Internationalisation

    Research Insitutions: European Science


    There is still little empirical evidence as to the level of

    internationalisation of research institutions

    A conceptual framework is needed for the description and theanalysis of internationalisation processes of research institutions,showing the rationalesfor internationalisation and the main

    processes where an internationalisation strategy can beimplemented.

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    Three dimensions of activity impacted by the

    internationalisation process

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    Indicators for Funding Agencies

    F 1: Budget for Joint Research Programmes

    F2: International co-authored papers

    F3: International co-patenting

    F4: Budget for attracting researchers fromabroad

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    Funding Agencies 2

    F5: International mobility

    F6: Co-funded research Output

    F7: Evaluation procedure

    F8: Openness of programmes

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    Indicators for Research Performing


    P1: Budget coming from abroad

    P2: Budget coming from abroad: outputgenerated

    P3: International co-authored papers

    P4: Recruitments of researchers from abroad

    P5: International mobility

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  • 8/13/2019 0 Workshop IRI Kk Slides


    In association with

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    How central is research to your internationalisationstrategy?

    Which international/global factors primarily define yourinternationalisation strategy for research? Are they genericfor the whole of the institution or focussed on specificareas/centres of excellence?

    Which indicators for RPOs are central for your strategy?

    Discussion Questions

    F d d b

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    Aarhus Universitys internationalisationstrategy 20092013


    Generate knowledge in collaboration with international


    Recruit international talent at all levels

    Develop students international competences

    Influence the global development within education andresearch

    F d d b

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    Core activities:Internationalisation of education

    Incoming and outgoing student mobility

    Internationalisation of researchIncoming and outgoing researcher mobility

    International research-based consultancy


    Strategic alliancesVisibility and branding

    Aarhus Internationalisation strategy

    F nded b

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    Internationalisation of Research:Aarhus University, Denmark

    Achieving excellence requires close interaction with otherinternational elite environments.

    Therefore, Aarhus University takes an active part in internationalresearch collaboration and

    Has a considerable number of strategic alliances with universities andresearch institutions around the world.

    This is reflected in a dramatic growth in the number of scientificpublications in collaboration with researchers abroad.

    Funded by

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    Aarhus Research Priorities

    Aarhus University wishes to create optimum conditions for theinternationalisation of research.

    Research is conducted at the decentralised level and the choice of

    international partners therefore rests with individual researchgroups.

    The university will ensure that strategic alliances reflect the needsand aspirations of the research environments for internationalnetworks.

    Aarhus University will give high priority to obtaining externalfundingfor research in order to develop innovative knowledge incollaboration with public and private partners abroad.

    Funded by

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    Aarhus Focus Areas

    More research projects with internationalpartners

    Increased international research funding

    International publication of research results

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    Aarhus Research Mobility Focus Areas

    Professional efforts to recruit foreign research talent

    Development of an arrival and support system forincoming and outgoing researchers

    Promotion of outgoing mobility of researchers

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    Aarhus Consultancy Focus areas

    Development of the research base through internationalcollaboration

    Consultancy services to key players abroad

    Increased focus on developing countries

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    The Institutional Level: Discussion

    Which Research priorities you can define for yourinstitution ad what is their international dimension?

    Which focus areas for research mobility does yourinstitution have?

    The same for consultancy focus areas?

    What is the interaction between the internationalisation ofresearch and of education at your institution?

    Funded by

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    Workshop Internationalisationof Research and Innovation IRI6 themes

    Linking to international Peers

    Choosing priority research areas Valorisation International PhD cooperation IRI support structure IRI and HRM + time allocation

    Funded by

  • 8/13/2019 0 Workshop IRI Kk Slides


    In association with

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    Workshop Internationalisationof Research and Innovation IRIRosario case study

    Future vision on IRI

    Present situation of IRI Natural Science & Math perspective Perspective of Faculty of Economics

    Funded by

  • 8/13/2019 0 Workshop IRI Kk Slides


    In association with



    Workshop Internationalisation

    of Research and Innovation IRIWorkshop plan

    Purpose, intended outcome: knowledge, skills, attitudes/values/behavior

    Target group, expected variation: in starting level of competencies & commitment

    Prequel & sequel Key components:

    Content, activity formats, mix of instruction & co-creation

    Expertise, material Funding, logistics, organisational support

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  • 8/13/2019 0 Workshop IRI Kk Slides


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    Workshop Internationalisation

    of Research and Innovation IRIInternal proposal

    Key questions: What is the problem, why, for whom? What are the causes, key aspects, target groups?

    Is it unique, recent? Solutions

    Open inventory of (wildly) possible solutions Assessment of pros and cons of each Choice of most suitable solution

    Process of decision making Stakeholders, commitment Finance: costs & benefits Time frame of outcomes & impacts