Download - 0, - Lincoln · 2014-02-25 · notifiedtilat• suit hila beed com-'ltlencetT, alld la noW' pendiogln (he Dletdel Court of'

Page 1: 0, - Lincoln · 2014-02-25 · notifiedtilat• suit hila beed com-'ltlencetT, alld la noW' pendiogln (he Dletdel Court of'





It'. .11 rl6ht ,. 6.illl flir",d/•• bat leHip ~crr ,.... ,

•dldion on tit_ 6Nftnd•

The 10uDelation of ,our a.­ancialatruecure ..a, be .trou,or ,weak Ic.orc:lial' to tile baaJc1°\.1 choose to bandit, 70ll' a."count.

i$ Gnudan, a ~I:usd iaIUt".lion tbat will be ,.lad to r••­der 10U ever, a.rYle. eoatlat­ent with lOOt! bankinr.

We are naturall, lat"tlttc1in You a. aa ••t.rprllt.,citi,ctI,' b,uule You II .....dividual bue Jour tbar,- hImaking this a prospero".

, .commualt,.

Let our banle work "ilk ,.a,Ullt ,U of Ul ma, be ••tll­all,. bell.lltle. for blL'riu.dOll••Ut abar••

\' .

,'YOU 'Can get it·, "at OUr" '

, .



We pride oumlv.. ,OIl' tilt fact that 'we kMp_roods on the move, thereby aivin, you the belt..".trtihett.· '. .

, ...'

. Ifwe have· not bad th<J' p)tUUtt of -tluI1C*.come in today. ' " '. .,Our.prktl aro 'fIitbin kiepln, witb".f.,~ab!_ .1«'. \'i"OWduk. . "

COn ~o PO . 11\.'., " J ,_L' •


, i

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I it-, ',', 'II 'q't;' t. ,'_ .. =~.

- - ,> I' 1 ba' ,( '$


..;' ','

'n' -, f; tJ' \, lb',. _('f" • '. ,

. '

,.The-- "Plaee- to- Live'.' 'Tla. only U{)IIc.1t to live happily is wide . . _. .

.. • , Ct

, . ,Not.tlltl fouba1e Uyed lor I tim. Qutside '10\11' UtcOIDI, do 1IU fuUYtetu.. UUJ tr\Ith. . -

, -,

t. "Kale' itapdCtioe to MV«~ pe~ cent of.y()~ .aneome. You '~11 .k_, ,m, '-fthln "O11l incom .;

t .,' "'14' ......'u • "I ,. 7, , ' "InC) 11- L ..~n .,. ~ttJ"4"1·

'Itatt Way. , .




•, .


.'.' .



" ,



In~he spring time an.tfill thtlwvestthneiof ,our" '\life, white you have vlgo. and thepowel'to earn, put •

" ...oo4Iypottlon.ofthe lU,ney.,dU tiWct into ~ebank•., ,4 ~

~ ft'1 uot to"" ••, it,to,bewofut'''t ,,m~,' We 'will it...,,~ lritb ;6U Ibcmt ca, "",~t1Hm~of~

".aWJ.t4, .WONll'OUR "cooOJ{~.,







Page 2: 0, - Lincoln · 2014-02-25 · notifiedtilat• suit hila beed com-'ltlencetT, alld la noW' pendiogln (he Dletdel Court of'






,. '



Page 3: 0, - Lincoln · 2014-02-25 · notifiedtilat• suit hila beed com-'ltlencetT, alld la noW' pendiogln (he Dletdel Court of'

. ,I,ae s

o _ ... , ,


., . -". \.

~0r!III.""'1"» ....~., . .


. No .'kin break too .smallfot" notice.

Bo "'cry wat1 of CU~tf~.~.m~·;;t;;ch;;e:;*_H-i----'J. • 0 f nO' matterho,.,..1irht. "Vaselinet. Carbol~ated Petroleum ]eUy-appliedat once-lmen. tho 1>OS$ibilittof lnlcttiorl.. • .'It eol11~. III bott1ct­.t all dtl!ll'rilu IlldrClItta! ItOre.. - I


(Cfto,IItI.I•., ..~t. it. New York·~..v....rtMt' )t...~ ,. 1'IlC.... .a.u'........~_.I "'....·~,.1i44..w_


t' . -, ;r , I '1 '

Hair Gray?



~,,\.~.l \/ .



Page 4: 0, - Lincoln · 2014-02-25 · notifiedtilat• suit hila beed com-'ltlencetT, alld la noW' pendiogln (he Dletdel Court of'










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.~"""",,-~,,a,r ."' t_. I'

U'<;' wi'

G..teaSuper 1'....41



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• •

. ET1V1~RJ~ '.111 ., ',. .~~----~.......-" .

.•:it,.t n

Patent Medicines


'~' I

, '.' .'







}t "


,;ot ' - • t '

.1 r


n •

05..11& I)o()rsBI~kLeaf 224°f'


tI~ FenceChicken Netting

CementLime, Etc., Etc.

. .~

" Exide Service .StationAuto Repairing




Fancv ~nd StapI~ Groceries'. '. \

Fresh'and Cnred Meats,

-Fruits &Vegetables

• • Q l'


City Market, R,oy"O. Skinner. Prop.


. .


.. -

~",........... __ r ..

GocxIftchSiI"rioWI\ .


H;\Y'ANOOR,AIN·IN CAR Lots, , . , ' .

AU· Competition ~etin PriCe! on1:'he4Se Commodities'Rootfty .Yard .. SlalU .. Wat.,..'

'Coal .and Wood·., . .

~••r',t_.,"! '11"',,

W· B" . .. .'. . BL PASO AV U·.. . m. arnett,.., ." 'i'" . ".,§N...R. ,lao•• lUI


; _ j, Ie - i '3




.We .carry in .fock-·•



Our price. are rea.onable . <

"' '.

pt ,

PloWi'Plow' Share.

Onion SetsOudenSeed$. .

BarleyCan. seed

fiay " Oraln. '.

Steel ~nd Felt RoofJn&,~ Paints and Oils,

"T~e Titsworth Com,pany, Inc.• •


.The Tit~worthCo., Inc.:. - . .




10 the.DIatrlet Callrf, Count)'of. I.incoln. State Of New Mexico... ,

p On"•• ,f

· Stale 0'£ New Mexico to T, n, DeArtnau ;\1t4' ElUtite llraddOC1r,

. IJcfendl\ttU,.(;tefllitl • ,,"

. YOte and e~cJi ofyou are bOJ'obynotified tilat • suit hila beed com-'ltlencetT, alld la noW' pendiogln(he Dletdel Court of' the 7'hirdJlidiciul DI.tdet· of the State ofNew Nexico, In and lor:' the Oourity

'of I.Jm'ohl, llntltJe(f u,ltirilt State.Dank of CupUIl!.l, Now M••ieol

11 eorflllraUOtl, l~Jllhttl1f, verllUI y. B.Do ,and l~lInl'e Cradd,ockfurr1lerllfltewile of1. .a. D(t ~rttl.D.UeCt!udants," $ltid clIullfi· being·nunlbered 33:iQ on the Civil Do<:k,t

· of Mid court, 81:u1' tbe objoct of1Vhich ill to fOri.!l:loee • certahuuoct. , .!gnge d~e4 gli/en 'by- the, de/e'Qdant." • $ .. : -= :",: If' == :&'= .kg4$ iiA oS ; £ {"!:£ *; L .' :,*,:: -•. _~ ~ d: ""&. --'$ 2 . ,= "'- ' ... I nlli'"T"-'" #-h

llll1ccure the p.,YJQei:lt of II promla- i' n, " , . ' , • ,pO , i

~f::e~~~·Jj~~or::iJl~:~:II:·~~~~ .• '. F"c.•.. ·13 D VA R.· D'.'lIflO" thereat ut.te,eUuatefu th~ ,L..;tcotlntyo! Lincoln kudal.te 01 NltwMulto, delcrlbed I'll fo11ow" to·wltrWe.t b,U of Sottthe..t Quarter;Elllt balf of, SoutllwolltQuartet of....ccliolt Ten, '.t'owtllibip Nine Souib,R,Ulgtl 'thll'loell. ~.IIt. New M.-Ico .

· Prln~i().l Ml.'!ridiafl. .You lu.'\d· t"eh of ;YOIl are fqrthet .

tIOtifil'dtbat unIt.. you ent'~r yonI'flVl';t-itt'al:lco Itl, .li\lc! "lUle (iU 01' tH­fOff' n1\~ ~cJay ollllay, 1*, Juc:Jc·

· tliltl;ltwUl bo eutllrW iu ..H OIl\tollIt .AI.mllt 1'0'1:1 by d"~udt, . lWd plam· .tit\' wUlapply. to fbi ootUt f<Jt the

· lief pta)'t'tl 10.1' in ldtI tI@l,........'!""I'fIt··iIIj:··- · - ';...·· _· ····..·Iim· __•

.' "ntl1ho lat'ld and prolUl... ltbovo . !?:t? 0?l=:X:,.' ':.'.7:.': ',t,? ,',,' ,4" .. '0.··: ,w,', 4; d. .' ••ot·, "iL.,;".c _. i I I'!'IUhf ......clftWllK*'<11riU be~ ••<1. the pro. ~iJi.iiiiiiii i5i ii._.~ "" .j<, i. n.~" . ~O' ~.Ii,. ...,2;w - - : _ • 9 ;; 4; .:;; ... t t -; ::X -'Q.-,..). =- ===;,.::: J:ahli iii :aCt;;;.~ lUi_ltll: tl:1~frolitt wU1 bfI liP.·..plit4 "'P'llJ tbe £ii'iobltclu'" ak11l

1U'••tl;)tUII.'h .. th_t A. El. alllPl'''· whOlll' PO'ItQMM *tlh'l..... it- Oaini.·*0. N...,..~... • atto,r#*1 fW·.

'tob..~J~, .' .,. Wb.... tIU'~ Mid tli.. 1Ml_

!...~ ... _e ... ~.'


, .





· . ~~.. . ' .. 1D~ N.Ift .' .. ' .... . " .'. .'••!!!!!!!I!l••.f,!!I,""!!ll!le!!1~il!!2!I!!I!lI:~:!!I!i!UiJ•••!!!I!l!Q!IJ!!!i~!!!!!!Y'Jt;III,:N'~!!~

ptiabmeutt of tbel''It Rep·l!Iblh:.n "'1,.,' ...•.

~::~~;;;rJ?;e~~;,f'~;'::~." . ';, . >' : II . ,,; i' t ",,', i -? L J J L H'I

it' .practical .dminiontbd the· Itatutf: Mr, MondeH .rlorifitd is..•1HIt'rl,.- wortbJe5' as aprofecti'ln .. .ror tlle miIHqnl' who have been

· , .

frozen and defrauded ana· out.. '. - .. - .

tllgeJllor the past three. mogUs!', ..

'. AUT()M<iaILj"owNERS' I.' 'rAK~ NO·rICE.. ...1

~ .,'.

! tiud tbdIf,, . " - ~

mobile ownen~ in l..hll:oln countybave nOt. vet made appJie_tiQu fur •their 1~J~3 licc'use.ud it is lJJ1.duty ... Sberiff to remind them ofthe filet thlt tbe:law is strict,'and requir~lllUe taappreheud tbeQwuers of-a11 .car$ that do' .Qot·bear a 1(J~3' Jic~nae plilte. It 1$a.Q Qffense. puoisbllblebj' ',~ unc,and ever! d~y the car ia operlltt."q .(:OIU\titutt:ll a separate Qt!euse~ Itis not my de9ireto apprebend_,PY

'. car owner .(UJ this charge, bqt'the· . law makes itmr duty, i

I .YOlJ wiJI obUgcb. caJUni' at.- the court hOllse iJnd making yout'

appliclltion at onec. .. E. W. IlARRIS, ' Sheriff LinCOln County•

'. 'MYar~


I . .are' hard to beat.

... In .Conletv4tlve and --_...'. .'

.5eml-Contervatlvc· Modet'.•

. .

'OurClothcraft AU-Wool, ; ,

.. 81ueSergo Suit. at. . .

$ ···~O'. " ..... " .•iJ.27, .m"l"l2 i. ;




.Clotheraft and Marx & Hllas ..

•Vi"...t .It." Citr Car~r.




1.:. INthelon, run, t!te~ . . only wa)l' any tiro

l,rumufacZurer can .'.JdtoreHQ IltV••H.~..ctal di$!;.(,IUbt" jj fa

, ti"~ Ilbovoit.worth in the lirat

I·.. · 'pl,c:Cl, Qr taI:. thod~unf:outof the

I, quanty. £itherwAYf. tho i:ustomer pa;lS• .•

. aeUerhuy Good"year Tire., and Quanty.


'. ,

'- , gin - t

-:;; ~-""-'-""'~"_ '~ , : ;,~

. -

ors elm

We carryacolnplete line of•

Men~,and Boys' Fu,rnishings


II"VU~O .nd· l.ti.IyJ".comfort, I,••k lowd.tiha... word••,

W,() eould aay a great·<leal about FlorslteimShoes, but the shoestlIenlselvcu .. can ' tellyou more,

Their good look.. Ion;

, -SOlUeQJH~ ilbcinll buncoed. r'l

it tbe bcet·~roWcl';,c'Jle.grower,

wool-grower Of IJlanufacturer, or,IS it tbat permarwnt victiw9!tpe!H.ep,uhlic14n tuHf polic!-thebm-fpayer. the ~(m5Umcr? •

? zA LbiLE "dE.". WIUUL441 g

O....h~. £eI••i".lftw"'''' ill CJt'.~.r.1J.1'I lit u....r.. c.."lf.H.w H..iMt,

L..tiIr" ..~m..."~.Ul4ol'~ ."W.ri~. )ft" Jlulll4l.J1UIt1.1f(ll.

, .I're,iden t Ual'tfing's rtcolnmt.. ,ow ,,'.---

dation (or J\lnl.lrican reprelSt'lla' Call f"Bibtion on the lutcrnlltiQl1al Court, . ..For lb. buildh;"g of l\ fence on 'ofllJstice Ita!} ~otrilld tbe irrc.. the '·'n-ri2:ozo.WJdteO,.kuoad, bid.. .ct)nciiablu greatly for tbe lallt • "'"n' will llCl received for Q lour-wiTt'8~v"rAt weeks.. He will be IIbu.. liT ·JJardinK will betbe onl1 (eDC.'e, NC». 1~ bllH':kwir& to be .'11le(lmg' tlH'ir' worry now tbat .bit President or. the United States lmd polta to hI:' IIct Z; leet @putand

who bas ev-ef gone bdore tbe 1I('I,in grollnl111t Jeast 18 inehe., am!·'ltaniJpI.t fricu.(ls 111 VI: told him it· . .' . _ .,.. ahout 0'4' milill ft'h(,ltlg' to be bui!t:wdJlOorpQhhCUO allawthe word COIIIHf! III lDld term IIcekuIK a also 11( miles QI<U(mre tobemovcd .••. ;.

· {'lll/) out that be hu aeareli'D renOml~lltion•• Such ••pectaclel Q\ II RbortdJ.laru:t>, alld.U po"I"· I,oh!;,)'. ..' , enn it It cames witb it no lent' co 110 tlot t-. than 21;( {nche. ut.• '. . ofhumiJiatlun ~tt&eco"ut~18m~tlen~.Qtt ••• th.b6nHmo~ '~ ~ "_'_.__'_._' I

~ '-, .. ', " ' .I, ilfadrulU In.pirilJ~. 'What miiht tban li~' feet long, Al1 bid. will ,If • fIFo un"lll"" t. '... b t . . . t"'f bo acted ppon On the firllt MODdllY . II~I I II" ,

. ":I, .. ,n.. ,. ~hlln U,ldOP an, hlre~en • .,.eltJC)l:tal Ff,,4ou- in HU)", 1"<,r fnrl.her parUclllarll. " , 1&1 I ...." 131:.(11,', I,11,lIml.IIL !Iid II. ,

¢,OnhllUl: N dedatc tl1ctllflft' hu till YUlhation baa been ~Iyenb}' lIee 'UI)' memlHlr of I,he noart1. of _"__~ ..:::.:.::~~~~=.._"",....~>=. ..,. "~=",,~=,=~;J~-=,,=,.2_;"=.~~,,,"=':",=~~......1-.':;....I} 'uu t" ,f . tl tt. • f' . , . . DounlvCoaari)i"iOftfft. Th' BOilrd C" "-I T14 t '''f ,. . ~.." u .,. "',Yo wIt. ge 'Pflee .0, )(r. V'Ullbert, tbe ..pector ~ rtserv~atheriB'httorelecUn)'alldl ry{l~ noa rc, .

) Ilugar tlt"y mltyrurnJtlb. au ,lab...Uul1p>.peecb makiurto"r. 'all bhh" -. _.till' tho SUlCar 'l'rUJJls-Ueet ud.' ,'S AU tbe matedal toIbo.lurkni.he~ Sat. H.-"Dowa lIol11ct" with C'..hol·c.·e M··e~at:; a"B"d·,. b'··· I I 'JI I Th J "It "t .Ii by the penon dohl$r lIe wor , .an"'t· • '. . . .· '" lute' ul n l'I a emc n .e, a 110 . e aW 0 preven,,'txor on tile)' tm.,~"Iv. bond. in 11011ble the Beltru:e Jor. C0l11td1, ~&TbeGiluvitlc(' the, heet flu"... r flfmC,. in the lale of fuel l

' w.. 0111, • lUUOUOt ofthel,rbld. ~' Simp,". Mermaid. . 0 rocerieswho ar~ ~('tlmg Httlc or tlotbilJr few. day• •co cl.ted b1 Frnk W. C()m~i~~rtJ~e~~Jtb~.~c~~ of~~~~, 'rues Apr•. 17- "Yellow H.nd. ." . .tllr lh~IPI,roductAlui bllv~t? pa, Mondell, (orl11ef Rtp~bUc'J:l Door New Mexico. ROUT.l{.'l'A,YWR" kerchiefI'll a ·two reel welteru. •u lIlu~lInu, CVfry Olle CJile to leacter of the boqle of tepreleu- RAU"U M- TRnAT; Chalrruan. "A Bully one reel coma!!owt!lteu tllNr coffee. • laUve" ... oac~ftbegte.taccom. CJer~.. . 4.13-3t cdy. "Sccolfd ro"nd of New" 4 I' lin ""- $' \ '-, " ·C"-",,".:_::~A~~~~~~1z~_~#~~~~~~-,-~~-~;~~,,'~-:<~->;4;'~0lQi;~_~4·'" .-0=:~~-~-' iLca,thers"t "lIe ~.iled-J~.het

COilso)idIIted.No sbowWcd. nor Thun.

r-:d• Apt. 2o-lIBu!Iaio UUI,IINo. IU. IIGypsy Trail.ll wHb ArtAcord Comed,. HTattle 'l'.-il" .

. Cons()li'c1alcd. , .Sat. Apt. 21,...IlFour. Sellons;!)

tbis ia sbowing', tb~ aulinals,spriug·!lumlU'1'4.utumna wlnter,Comedy, "Faint Heartl," two

"reeht. Comedy, "Snook,'. BilLead." .

.. It' ." \


: The Am('tJt;an Wool CO~P.l:Il• 'Wool 'Prunt) IIIlS given it. em­

.' 1,Ioyea ~U1 incrca6c of U~~per

',rent in wagelJ.· !Sut tbe new tar·/. HI 14W ~al1e tlHt Wool ',liru1t 'an'

mere.le af U7 per (;9ot over tbe.tardT i.n rfo(c<l tWO,J1Cllf8 ago.

,1. W!lcrefon'. fat from being gen­t'rou'} tbe Wool Trult jlHl't evenjUl. to its wor1Hm"

Page 5: 0, - Lincoln · 2014-02-25 · notifiedtilat• suit hila beed com-'ltlencetT, alld la noW' pendiogln (he Dletdel Court of'



, - "'---

. ~ .

, .

• (I-;'"': _ in;; _'.0 •._

r:t.ASalPleD -.



..... ,.!Ill' _ e .. ).,.,ilj.-J, ~_4;_"";'d __ ,,)~_ .. ;.li! f, --*-

~n. J. H,IIt'. Ian "Mti,14 IIC~~lI'.ltUrt....t .1 .-.eU". '-'

.YJ'lllt "ilI l;oa'il1~ JO_, .16••



Carri~1O I Ne" )4•••

rtt -,,----------A.. H, IIODiPJ:TR

• A'l"'rO"l:fJlY-A...r..".w

Olllte: Kltlta...·~ ..11 ....

Oartilozo • Ke. ,....

;- ....


i (.; ~

.. Htlk. tl 1... 011 .........Hmiar .r ••tUita rtf

Pre,kI••f Will~~:;::w

·IN 'rUE PROBATE. COUH'r,I~incott1 Coputy. State of MewMe.ieo.~

LUI Will au4 T..talU.lll 01WXt.tIAM n. 'FlIllJlJll,



State of Nn,MtlJico<tCOlllltrof Lhlcolil f ...

IN' 1.'.X S?RO'A't. CQt1lta' .• Itl the M..t~r QUh.~tlt.of

IntUIt X.JlIHGJUt h TA,lor". 1{'J4w~r. StQf.l. ..ote,.lIed, . ,.,.dqQutet$ .for pip' .4tti.p. .No. 1~1 P "1'J1~t..C' ti~huel. ncb A' batl .

...... if • l. b" • tb t tt.tbt,lltlP••tc. l"J6ttnO c;e II were. '1 .'lYe. IT' '. ",t"ht:ao..~e Ex~tutrixl\fthe]..t he aQ..aQtag~ Qf bati- ,'", .:Ii .~ . '.. v .... , ,emar tor ~I.b It ftJ"ta foowill of. etnue.1rmiaru. d~ea,eclt c&aJlt aU4C1tltoJ:ller proAt-ot1fha, .rel1dered and prtllcQttd for M.r)et. . '

• • • f. lletUIl:I1cut ad lilediu, COMft ¥'QJ1, SA:r..~m. Hi(' ia•.lu~r ~~aI a!.o~nt a~d rePQrt of ihJdebak4r ",a"OUa at 10'" of llald e'tlt"t~ 'l'JrllC T~flwolt'l'. 00•r,Uler with petitiQU-: for~h,tdb." 3·1Nf , C.pitea.non to tb. ~r~D' catitlell tllu.· COJUI i. aad bllOllyiuot« Qatto of aU tbere~idul':ot .diClt"e. cash taJkI "'itll Qt.-Cit, Madiet.and tb.. tbe 7U.. da,)' of )(1', • 'l'h;ee-q.....ter.f.cll caly..Lle44. D., 19%3", ,t the ho~r of t"o PIpe. l~c pet loot at TaIlor"o'clock p.m.,. Qt .dd ai,)'t ~t th, ••r«"art Itore. l-t'f tIcOlutrOQUl of liaid court. in the DeU,iotll lire tb. caadl.. .0.courthQuJe I)). taid county of !.lin· at )fra. J. K. a.cb t • '. 2-1'cohs. state of New Muleo. bal .Aftn'tloJd Come ill aa....b,acil Ii~ed by the court a, tbe our Q." atr!yaJ. hI 1-,dJ..' 8lUetime ~tld pJJ:Cc for the IcUI.mellt Drehel. ad,aae. st,I... Tlte,.of said aceo\.U1t and heariQg of .muat be leea to t. appreciatl4.­s",id report and petitio. {ordi,- GUatto%O T-..wulG Co.

· triblHiou, at wbicb time aud plut Caaditl. tbe cboiceat aad .,,"t-au] persons intere.ted in said est madt, at .Nn. J. It.. eaclt'••ellt.te ma.y appear and tU. except Get a 1••Ic.tiQl1S0robje~tiobstoaaid.ceouot. Lee ,Gultaatced OY"all. Cia

report or pctitiQU, .adcolltest tbe be fOllnd at Zitlltr ~rol.

tame.' " '2ieR'lu Brol. 101. areat. ofNotice is (urtbttgiYeo tbatuidLte Gu.raatted'OYlralls.

estate is read,. !or dbtri~lltioah For tbat Spriag ~eyer-Apb.and ou tb~ ~rllnhug of uld pett- Sarsaparilla or Imperatoae atlion distribution df ,.dd estate tbe Paden DrugStore. •will be bad. • O,e tile ~ld bouet-Colorit..··I)a.ted at CarrIZOZO, New Maxi- Of Me,.r 8tra" Hat Dye at tb,'co, this twentieth da)' of March. Paa.a Drug Stor••

• •A. n., 192;{.'HAtl R. M. Ta_AT" S",:,.t Milk, ilk quart. But"

• Clerk. terallile. 30e raUon. Mrt. R••:" 'Paylof. pbene 8~. ' 11.22

....;;;:;~ '~:-::,:;~-'::--~' ~.!r", _ ,~' _~:' {.-._ - ~:;,~--"",-~-~.~.

• SE&DS SEEDS IIEJDS· Foa aA..,.H-Oue Droolt Turkey Corn. Black A.mblr aod 8,,~ac .·Gobbler, Also "boi;.e White ~.g. ClI1ejN.iu &114 Millet. Oae·born Rggs fo! sethag. Iuqlllir. work Mule aad I,t double worJrof W. N. Wllham,ou, Oaul,OIo, barnelll. HlIlmphrlY Bro••

.orpboll¢ 94: _.._,_,,__, _. _


.- . ..,.....



- ,

See this Oil Stove Work!




Yau neycr saw an Oil Stove that wonId produce,such an intense h~lt

,and "use so liftle fu.~~l us the RED STAR DETROIT VAPOR OIL STOVE. ,It willwprlse you. " #

This Stove bas a :new-type, wielden burner .which generates GAS. from kerosene, gtlsoline or .

~istillate. It concentrates '8

double·ring .flame of heatdirectly beneath the ·coole­ing utensil. .

It woxb like 8 city gas~nge-~o smoke, no odor,givesaperfectheat for cook"ing or baking' anything;.ves at Ieait ont-third offuel 1>1118.

Come in and lee the RedStar at once. L.t us "JOW

lOU how easy it Is to operateand CQntIol this stove and

.why it·wU! cAd.n ,our dis•appointmcnta and faiIurei in


Cc>meat once.fora demon..stration of the '. '

R.Ii...J"'7AA• ffI> l>fIrWt(;:;OIi"., ,,'.



• •



-" I _".1 .," I' .-

.. " «

!'ia Tuesday- He is graduallY'tecoveriug from the accidentalwound in tbe head iuflict~d by It

piltol about It mouth ago. The· Muons and Oddtellows. of whicb- hi! il • mell1ber,.bave ~h'eu . him

eYery care- tJUrillg tbe period t~t· .. lowillg his sedaua injury•

. l\.ltl. l~. -e. Cole. who ba' beenquite ill _hit ,plleumooilt, II Jl"

4 pears to bi! improved anet bopesue enttttained lor her' recovery.A daughter. Mrs. Ray W. Hamil·tab, accompanied by' two chUd­tetJ,.rived vt'lterday (rom naWe

. Creetc. Michigan.' Add· aoother· daujthter. M.iss. Margaret Col~,

came 111 tbill morttittg- (.rom tbe.· Cit, of Washington. to be withthe str.ieken mother.

Baptl8~ Church.~ ,#'

.t't.M.~P~ hollaa)~rviett~achStU:ld.yat 11 •• w.

allet Sp. m.. cot:lducted by the·" ·putor. . I

t Sun4a,. SChool ..t 10 '.12:1. e.H.· lhbiM. Su.~dutlltulalit.

.... ~i1d It 2:30 p•• ttL.t..b ·...,4...'. Ololil4t'el1 "II to

t :;~:f:'~~=~:O~:P...y.a~;.iilHtlf_ hob 'WiWI..­

da)'lt' ~'..~~:.:..~o. __ .' , .nell!Hl

. ' .'.., .,-. . "'.~"1fIl .. ' n• !f!M.!!s:Al$A)!E';.I~:a:::d ,:"tl"u.n:.: Q~: f!~!$~"!i!'!l!!!JWilC_:l!!J! ,!:ae_:!fZqi~a!il"I!_!.lt~,~_l'!i':~!4(i

~. t~~,~ ')~!!!;,}~l '. . " :. .

Page 6: 0, - Lincoln · 2014-02-25 · notifiedtilat• suit hila beed com-'ltlencetT, alld la noW' pendiogln (he Dletdel Court of'

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".'~-i"",._<'.;....- .............., ..., -,...,-,'

AftNet Worth tile PItH .. OIIeIf they are the ('big can" kind becaUse theylmay 'mean baking failures.

.' .

M·o"1...- Ad'·.viIe Their Da, bters tQ'. . .' QICI1t .... .... . E..., ,., - -"..-, .ReI'V' I'lftnnLVclia . '. ; '. . '.. . '. s, . 'oJ' ~~ .'J, Kee

'. Veaetable·COI!'~ 10- '. " p'ThAm.HeNth

. ,

New Mexico:State Items


Page 7: 0, - Lincoln · 2014-02-25 · notifiedtilat• suit hila beed com-'ltlencetT, alld la noW' pendiogln (he Dletdel Court of'




t .•4-


Gobbler Lost t:ilhtWith Hi. ReBectioD

, L.

. . ,_ .. : ._; " , ',',' ,Si_ 4 1\ '¢I 1_ "j .; _ • •• •.

, ,..

i 41 J . 4lQ~'1 .. ; i;,I". - - -_....,t j,

·Seaplane'. Wmg


;, Il =.


. '1'0 a""oA(lQlItnto that It ,.. pomble to doa rrplar chorus ,girl at~p ~ thll wtng ot a seaplane proVided tbe welJbt:.. evmtT ~.ttd.members of the Gl.lllham Old.. dub o:lllaml.,Fla., 10 nnJ,lled beeauae Its membel'll have P'edi8<IU!emaelY.. to w~ onll c1J1,ham. P"I' the n....t mUll performance here pictured,

Mme. Kemal Pa$h~ Makes HerAppearanca .at Angora·· 10.

. , .

Male Riding Costume..

Kemal's 'BrideReform Leader

•ua~ ....._. - T r.' • "

,. "


Harlf-lurfliM HighwaY' .E:fftet. "q."vlnQ' In M.lnWn&nee llnlJ

. Q~l!nt·~

. ~a ma4etn mallY at.~tta tct- 4et*

.~ tb, a~a! ~ot ~ved roldl.Ji,a\'e ahown that bard-llUfaetel WIll·w~ effect .lul:Jl hie ..'Inn In ))Sa!D.tiDlUlefJ Iln4 p.l!()ll.11e ~' that th0lpv for themllelvOlf JIl tro~ 10 t<l Ul

, leanr.· . '!l'JI...tItl1At~wtront.d104on~aft·

• ~reflll eheeltlJl~ of m-t ~t aa. ."aMt ~e. C<I~JI&raUY. mJ!.lnt"

, ~ce ()Q .OthH' ·t1.Plt f(ltl(1a. a1)4 ~etexpm~ ... on thl,' ~tIlQett.oll. AJf.





.'~MWt .... w.~ JlllI'••_' Tnt.k

. w!dI. ,taaoluoI,...... •....,•... ,""" . .


T k. '. "C,.m. 'J

.._. ".,,"

, ,, .

I .


t 1

ChevroletMotot' Co., Detroit, Mich..Dh;'", .,C;~-'II.,." c.rH'rfll1••

, .

, .

UtilitYE .xpress


~ --..



" ,

A turkey cobbler lost bla Iltewhen he engaged In a savage al·tack upon h1a image retlet'lt:d Intho pollsbetl Ilarturo at a newautomobile belongIng to lira. 0.

.But with tbe erowth ot the Dew C. West ot Delmar. Del,Turkey 1111 t1l1s f. challl;1ng. Turklsla TIle gobblCll', InspectIng Ihewomen graduaU, are belDg released ear, dl8covered \Vlmt be 11\'I<lI'ntl)'

'. from theIr domlJSUe bondago and now beUo\'l!d Q repllea ot hhnselt.and.,tlll::n are «ettlllg .a ,lImpse. of real WUh tllo tury ot a game ('t)('k ho

Improv.!l Road. aav. a.lOlI", 8i11.. An"'ora.-<)M of the;nlo.t iaud'ble lito. .wooped down ullon tho SUPPIlSed, . . ... .. I' m.., Tbe1 DOw,appear on tho Ilt~tll and rivnl. A to\\' mlnutl'll laler Ihoter\!nt road sudace, to mi)t~r vl.'hlclM ,Ima at tbo IlilUon~ln re••mo 1l ... l.lX'o In placN ot entertaInment In ('.on. dlshev,cled and blet!ttlllC gobbler,~- "'I h ... J t II 1 k~ I. to 9Jl!andpate' the TurkliR t tl I J Itt bls ncek broken, was tound dead• • , .uQlJl W.. C.' \A'e IAv nr n "aJO pe. -ame," -ho "'.0'" ".one "t tbo' • an nop e n a mo. a. J1'('a num·

'. , ." " I "'Qlnd. ... ... ..." "...,,,,, " lx\ol'll IllS fOrtlp WOmen. Tbo tlme- In tho road."M .'k Old" ,W' • t U'k'" "N' " J'rfd n. White, dllef enrh'leer ot the ~o~e:rol~l1~:a..c~b~e:or:::~ bonored. veIl, or '.Ilbmale, II dlsapo It , • ' _.C'.. .a eSI a~IS Sf., t ..e a ew r:~~c;.:~~':e:i~~li~~~:'uponetltli of wom.ft·" rlghtll In ~f" ~~~'h glrlll no IQngl't' eut furtive ., , •".. ", . ". .. I 'wa, ·tnllSe hD onterolm thll'OtId. tey Ii~ n.maay EIlIP' .Ranum, a «fanCet: at the yountr men ot the rolll· CoDcnoeu' Queer Need.Partaa. F....... o;..-dy.....u.ts ..,....we ~ 111:101 the fall1t ot the cOl1Dt~ en' llu(fUate ot the Amtt'l(U GIrl.. COl· tal,. but mt le With them trce'v, And .-

" ~ lit Constantinople, and Mme. OJ Are • -'t.Jt f M t .,.'-;;;=Si:;iiiiiiii;;;iiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilL~· Jtnttr, .uperYIlI4)r or hl,hwa, ~mml.. Itemal Palla. lll'tttl nIneteen'feaNld the mooem )tOllll.'tn WollliUl tnillat. ~ e. 0 y. en.,.

.a!oa•.It liUl do M roo4 to ftro the brld.. (ltJlQltapba. Kemal Pal11a. tIlat bel' hUllbllDd .ball have onl)' one Waahlnll1on.-Now the' capitol I.~~eer. INUPtnlIoI'll orl·lltIIl ",~W~1 C<lm· lIat1l11l1 E:tU~ nanum la alre.l!1 wlfl'. Ina~d llt three 01' tour .. tor- confronted with I!nother mYltery, The_(lit, ." men w - ...II·n III --II' .....--111 ·'t-.. ~tat- ·0" :meriT.. t b Ie t bT_ .. dill...... ' ~"- .... .......... w " 'I:'U" ...... annual report 0 t ., cler 0 the ouall.....orJnt an .• "an ..... .,.,. Jaer work a, .h~4 til the AngOtll mIn. • . of repretentntlves Ihow. an amulns1~:.'f~Y~'tnral"UtI'S, J. III the ~ of edUca..tloQ .ftd' tor bel" lld,o- Doctora Ate Amaxed by variety ot article., .uch a. nasD. un.poattlOl1 of the boy wllo h.. outgrown ~C1 of more rational eutom. aJrl(t· f h Do tlreakabl. pint bottlee, I"dlea' blp,fill doth... Xt t.n't bit tault. It will fng Ko.1em women. '!'wo ot her 10111 ,Cure 0 S atteted l' manicure IIlt.l and CUlt baUII, bou,btA_ • IA b hi h Jre .udfJllu at A~ Arbor, lUeb. for the hOUM .tatlonery room where""" JlO coo« ,0 ICO .. or a UM m. T., D1:lt l1me. K~al :r.~a J. a DeW . ~erw York.....Sul'le<ln. o~ the 8a.marl· congreumen obtain theIr omce IUp'rem!l41ta to tn hIm .'Jlllw and1arll't' ell.'lMnt In Turld.h al1d pollUcal bllho.pltal In Droold1l1 we~ elated pUce. Curious penonI aro led 10IUlt and allo tlUlke allowanco tor hi. IIf.. Anrora rot lUI t1...~ sllmPll'o of over what the)' dedared w•• tbe mlrae- wonder a. to ollSce demands ot COil'(Ontlnued Il'Qwth..• tb. )'oWlr reformer ",ben ·.he reo.\lcUon of ••battered hu· Il'ewnen.

, GOOp ROADS LENGTHEN LIFE ~=r~ Smyrna wJth ber brilliant m~h~; II tliit o( Sebastlali nteeo- In the exercIse ot coDirJ'Culonal. "'. . . APPH- rn !Utal.. Attlr.. boM, IIeventeen. .who lell1l4ld tlye duties lome ot tho represenlatlve. de-

I • '.. •• on tI ft I D kl vclop IItranao needa. The c1erk'l r&~""----""'---""'--"""~"j---...::::':"r'''''::'':I·:-·''·"'::r:'"'n-''~"''''::M:-::'''In~d:'"',-_....' ,.tI.,.·Wo POtMtI'll<ltIIlfl of ImprOvt4 ner lI.t.. J(oblll1:unedan. lifted .to tAl 10 etcape a ff' n roo 10 port ~ow. that lHO pocket knlYH..... ' .... ,... HIgltW.y. Fann'rs Lt4 Compa,.. • th..... lOinber nil, In ahtllement AI on OctoiJet 80. RIccobono wu taken

It lJl the mhia.. Wilt ma1(H .. riel" llOtat~ LlvN. thf1 ill" lIer IItl)1,) tro~ 'the mm to the bOfpl~1 with InJuriet which In. were bouaht and 12 dozen aolt balla.and llapp.1. In wllkteondltroll lIOeTel " a. • ZIlIn. wltb I1diJl, c:ludt!d: , . . I a~ ~110"':~ta~ IltJ~

~"t ltW4I~WitJ& • v.u, a..,,,. to It than It d~' to tbe r0d4.-Seneea. .pbJ'.leal Of ZIlental lI"ell,bf!ln,ot th. tt outln,. ('IP. It waa evident tbat and rt,ht arm. paralYIII, of both leIS, Manl of tho congrcuJal!n who coulc1n t~WitJlOtWH-DftWoStnqt& , "', .' £.. In41vldoal help. to,pl'event dlmlle trom the moment of. her uri,,! llIi.. punctured bladder, and fnte-tlne. and UM up all thl8 money on .taUonery~ 'NSW1lI~. t.,.tII.t....tlll.llt .to- - CATARRll to redu~ dlnbllltl and to lcul\itl'n wlahfd It to be emphullled tbat 1\lu.. third degrte burna on ann. Ind body and It. leces.eorles, bad tbe clerkbu1

'frMklte III ....II' .. sllu_NltA " ...rl.... . Catart1J I4l .. LOe&I4....~t1J' tao Ut.. . Prior to th& development ot the tapba K'emal Pash", In hie campIl1D and III tho lIPlnal eonI. Uleln latety MllIOrs, dlDr and dpt<frMkl.. ,..4 IIYiae • .Itar. ,""UNI to..• t!U'lll'td W COlllttt\ll1olW tto...· automobUe. .ndthe buUdlnl of our tot' the emancIpation of TurkIsh wom. n~ent11 the.ooy walked-albelt ette callet, ,olt ballll, etc,==i~' t":f:..·

r• ..,,...... t. ,HAJ,;,U. C~'1'ARRK "lf~tPICINIl~~ coot road.. ))sOIt of the IIlb.bUant. ot eJl. Can count upon. the tull .nd aeU.. balUllllY. DeeaUM ot thla alleged abull' ot th.

J r:.n.::..t .:~~~ :r-&::::1t~:.=,....u.":~ ~\1It°'::. Ic:~ItII:~'W~1~"~ tilt our rural dl.trtet" led eOlllpatativell npport: ot JIll wlte. . Pl'. lIarcul Sellrlt', allslltol1 bl Doc- ItlltJOncry tUlld, a rule WI. Invoked"'\ .. Ult IIrat t." ."UaU'" .1I.tll4,'iI'" 1:::= :~~f::4 :n'1'~rit= ::~~. tIolatt4 IIY8. Tilt dUJ1eutt,. met In It I. not llkell that Turkish Women ton Dllrnet: AroDlon and Bernaltd atilt. that henceforth tho practice WIll to

... "'lItld.tflll J.Pr<I....m••". Mm. • tit. ta.., _114 ..11ta ta Jt44tll&'70t\( 17.... "ttfnr aooottbo cQUl1tl'1, and the wtll dillctrd their black Ilklrtll IDd ton. atter X.ra1!nc bhllllJ.!ulili, treated IItop~ But the mOlt reeenl anuual re-'UI~I'..:::~~.. ~~II~t~:"4~:'fot til. o};~t&~t:iruutiultot OTe.. 4' 1'elltlo atrenuoulneu Of tarm work. kept mOlt 8hawls 11M theIr fm&H!flt'ltrable 'Ten. the bums lind set'tllo'broken bont'll. port 8)lowll tbat, It anything, the rut•...III..IIl" t1t Othlll':. It I. tlar. u's" Jjf r. J CIa'na,," Co. '1'otaao. o. ot tbt f.rm.,... their tamlUet, and for the lInconnntlonlllmll.~lIneat' Then nlecobone wa;, placed. In a ea.t. was mo~otroel7 violatllll than ever...14 a. th .,:~&C~ '~",.~:,' , ',. tbelr· tI:IlplOleet. tJed down to the Uro of :Mme. Kemal, hut It 1. certaIn . Blowll the 'Plrle• ama.hed skull aM Uero IINI lome ot the ltemB:

UnUlUII COitlblnatlol1. -- Qo.od tor Burn.. ta· ~~!ft'orili';~:n~rtto~~ ~~elc~:;ta~ that bel' advent wlll modltl 01' ~at· pel.l. oonl'ft knit; lind tben tbe le,il Satet)' l'Uor IIhd .razor blodCl, MMIt 11lC)fl' aJlus takes a Vl'1'1 unc(1)),~ual quantltlet" of ..tllt ollancf tou';;;;tf1 ind WOmen h:hllUllted their Il'" curt.til the J"lOltrtlb:110tnll thllnd oblO' recovered trom paraly"I.. !!dlkeJI' ::P

j71 ~nl'antcbur\1 It S:ltll, ~~

=011 man.1f

said Uncle Eben; "to "hOW II/l'lo wat~r ll1lxed II a 'Plendld reo:l'4!dJ atrlll' ,..! "d ener,'" t'lr.1", !Jeeamo pr.- Ole cu. oms pre!lcr "'" or 0 women } • " • "ns If. p nt B e UD rea ~ft • l!lCOIlUDC)n ~~."-W..blngtoll Star. for blU11lJ. .,q '" of Turkq by MahOmet., HI. alack HaIr Turn. R.d. ties. IS Bels80rs 8Ot8"U tollllt ~S()Il, 12

maturell old, an4 were otten Ill' IIme.,Kemal IDllltll tbat the rule. :DeUllvllle, I..~lti llealtb« Omcer dozeD galt balls, .. driven, .. bra.IIl..,ea aeltated ·throu h lick ot l' ~t I't!! lua. I IlS, mOll len c I. m,

• ••{i.J



, '

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BLfteKOR 'COROOVANS ~'~ ctll,t.~~ft,fB

00 P2R CENTc.. ~ 1)ISCOUN'l' '\

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We williegladto.howloU

..'to •. ''1't' - ia-'il 'lp' I? "it 51- !' r 'lY· ..


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&Tea\1\eG.\\e\\o\\&\\\ a\\ .1)e\)anme"'\$


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asc and $1.00 GradeSilk or l'.l1it Titt. dOW..... •••••• o.6Sc


~5c SilkIfour..ilS.B.tUlTi~sAprUSpecial , 38c

•Meltl Alhtetie St,leUl,{OlS 8uit.

•. .)lel1'. Light Weirht (juiol:llSItOrtSluycl. (101,_ •••••••••••••••• 9Je,

~() Pit (.ut offotnJ1 our,••••• ~.; •••••Meb" 1>resl orWork Pilate'

,Mtu'. Work Shirts£:dra. '', for l 1'0

, M'el1'l$ Dr eb!rt........ ., Greatl, Reduced


,'. Wotk Shoel. 'Valuefup to 14.50. cholet _.••• $2. 85


! •

- I


, ., ,

(. '.

•Mtn', and Boy.' Hatt-Novt'1t, or Itaple It,Ie.Great .electiotlAprU $pecia.t Price ...,



noW ••••••• _.... 98t.' '

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't' j' -' i 4? '," _ _ $ ., - I I ill ;'-"X I I it,.


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n " rn

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ValueStyleQualityYou ".nt tbe belt tailored luit. 3'Ou "Ittt titte WDQl fabric••mld Ityle ud

, expert t.UoriuJr. We 'Will "iye ,O~ ..11 thtle ib (lurlptil:lr IUU.. 1:10"011 j ~SPECIA~ SA~E. I '

Our Priee. Ate Cut to the Vtr'j Lowest FigtUO .

lJoys' CapllVa1&tt!s up to- $1.$0,

, Children'. Ro.-"er$EI••tic Bloometl 59(:

SP~CIAL, LOT BOVS t silo:msWa"k or 'tal1; ~rh" Vatu••..

*~.2S to .$~.SO Grade Men'. OIlPS~bttd Tiilored.. choic,I, 0 ••• '\•••••$1.96

, \

, ,

'Choict: ~. ••• .. f •• :. : ,'., .;. .; .. '•• t,' •••••• '%.85­I

B.ltUgllJOW AprlJI11 'Nice!,. Taped, '.choiee. _••••• ,_ •••••••89c .

'" , 0_

. Cbitdr(lU'S Wash Suits t

Si~e$ 3 t(),H j'~a.r•• 110"......'......$1.35;0\ .,

. I •Girls' Colored Ute....Si~e. "Ito H 1fl"', now.......... $1.35

Men'. Cap!! •- . .

Specid t#ot ;:. Of $1.19•.......



. '

"_',I . Tt,- pb a '''.atil,:','":' pi, ai4,w .'(J ._ r 'Wild t ' Ie Ii',' I ' P '$ OJ C 7 I : ,. . -,-'lL IX P iX'-.' ',r "

the Store......We S~veyou.·Money

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I _,n. Fbi' '; hi' r 'P 7 b a I

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i.'.i'!i 0:'.'\ 'f" il

'i l' 11_j


W· - o. -' ,.

OlUe»'. ~teen Bloomers-" EJuti~ top, doubled.stle; button

MAde or s()ft luslrOUttlo.tecnCome in different !Shades

, _; ; 1? J•

: .

II .'. illl

(~oodSilel, -~ow •• "' •• f 1" f •••• ttjc: f"

l!~ltra La.rgc.·'!'Utklilh TOwels $1.~5 '$1.50, grade i'IUC1. BOldttlj now•••. '5c

..1St Grade Huck 'l'QwellApril Speeial.. '. .., 9,;

,60c Turkish Towelll- - - ~v ' - "

l~xtn Larltl·Sbeli. only•••••••••••• 43c" .' ... . .. -, .

,CumfyCut; UO......... .t ....... o•••25c


, SPE'CIAL LOT Miss£SI $110£S "•

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, . C:bUdrCQ'" Mlsu,' add Ladiia',,Swntttl, leu, . . . •• •• ••. • .• 2S per Celt t

WOJ:l1l!U'. Mu.lhl Go"tt..$tlltuedl)t .. ·$11 (lPtt1l1c~k .• , ..'" _••89~..

_it; _2 . _ ,f,


,... -it ltl ,i't'bi!' . "('W iih P"id'llii.-

, .

[I' , 8,'" Street, ,Afternoon,·t;JJtJ Evening WeaJ;

• I •

Timely Items throughoutI '



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~~~;IN .THE HEART OF THE SEASONs;:~~ =,,:=-," ---~ .' I)

!': :5.. _¥


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t, _ '5 7 'j'

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Tldild'. J.

Misses &LQdiel' .New Spring'

..... ~ <\

N." model' ha.. artl"ed' to. add t9 tbil Wcu1der(111S.1e; ever, elfe.. lin,been gre.ny redl.fced: Stylel Ir. mo.t aUractive; Color. newC:!lt abaele••

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Trunk., Suit c.k# .nd Hand Bail -

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