Download -  · Web viewWe will make facilities for you and we are in touch with a group and we will make ... We all are worth the same and it ... We sit and


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

(v3 2017-09-16) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Transcription courtesy of Lynn Schmaltz

Video link:

Transcriber’s Comments:

The 137th Workshop was broadcast on the Thursday following the 2nd Universal Council meeting in Rome, where representatives of about 23 of the world’s spoken languages, and several others came in on Zoom from different parts of the planet. Around 120 people met and listened for the 3 days of the conference and Sandy the Secretary General presents her report on the Conference first up in this workshop. In the intro Sandy reported MK confirming that the explosion of Falcon SpaceX9 was not an accident – it was to prevent a nuclear war that was intended. He also confirmed that direct interventions will continue to bring peace to this planet, and WW3 will not be allowed to happen. He then pointed to all the small white spots of light on the planet going around on the video – says it looks like all the plasma reactors with Cu Zn and COHN linking up into a web of light on the planet.

MK announces there are now around 50 doctors in the Medical teachings PLUS about 300 doctors in China who will have to separate into a different class. Paul from Togo then presents his case of a woman and her husband with HIV or AIDS, and with dramatic improvement in their conditions with the use of Plasma liquid water for drinking washing cleaning etc. MK then talks to Benjamin in Ghana about his use of Plasma liquid and finds astonishing results in high blood pressure, eczema and other diseases. MK announces this research will be presented at the Ghana conference in October and says the new generator will be unveiled simultaneously in Ghana and at the Vatican to the Pope on the 20th of October. He then announces a 2nd Universal Science conference in Rome 12th to the 15th December at the Crown Plaza as it turned out to be such a secure venue for the UC meeting. Rick then reads Peter from Austria’s inspiring report on the conference.

Azar then tells an interesting story and gets MKs feedback, and Ali asks MK to enlighten us all a bit more on pyramids, with MK giving some more enlightenment on the use of the star formation pyramid (or tetrahedron) in which there is always H+ on top. Then we have a conversation with Foca Florin from Romania who is developing the GANS water in plastic tube application of the technology, and at 03:06 Stephan shows his carousel and is told not use the hot glue as this has proven to be a fire risk in the stacker units, but he is complimented on his technological experimentation. MK then points out that in the former blueprints the capacitors were wired in the wrong way, and this is why some people may not have been getting good results. The workshop is finally brought to a close by Ruthy from China, whom we met at Farhad’s workshop in Germany, and then again at the UC meeting in Rome – she asks some questions on behalf of her Chinese group.


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

(v3 2017-09-16) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)


Sandy (S), Secretary General of the Council: Universal Council Report

Universal Council’s Purpose

ONE goal: Peace for all Souls

All humanity, animals, plants, the small and the big of our planet…the other worldly beings within our atmosphere, solar system, galaxy and beyond.

S: The council basically started in Dubai in April, 2016 at the One Planet, One, Nation, One Race Conference. 144 people attended and out of that number 76 people stepped up to say that they wanted to be members of the council. All people who attend the council have to sign the World Peace Treaty which says: We (I) as citizen(s) of the Earth from this moment on accept to lay down all tools of aggression and war, we (I) shall never think about getting involved or incite war or develop or use any tools of war on the planet or in space, and to this we(I) all agree and swear with our (my Nation, territory, council, religion, city, town, body(s) and soul(s).

First Council Members 73

25 Languages Represented

Akan 1, Arabic 1, Armenian 2, Bengali 2, Cantonese 1,

English 11, Farsi 4, French 8, German 12, Gikuyu 1,

Hakka 1, Hakkien 1, Italian 3, Latvian 1, Mandarin 1, Moba 1, Dutch 2, Norwegian 2, Portuguese 1, Romanian 4,

Russian 1, Spanish 2, Tagalog 1, Tamil 1, Vietnamese 2.

000905 S: the process then went to select 1 representative for each language. So there had to be a process in which one representative was chosen. This occurred from April until the conference in September. In Rome we had 25 language representatives chosen and this is their time to speak up and let the world know about their wishes. Attendees included 20 language representatives in person, 3 language representative online, 22 support council members, 69 public including 4


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

(v3 2017-09-16) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

children (8-14), 4 Keshe Foundation support staff, 2 others—Mr. Keshe and Sandy for a total of 124 people.

001054 S: Each Language representative was given 15 minutes to share their vision for World Peace and Unity of Mankind. 2 online representatives spoke and 1 representative’s vision was read to the conference. People arrived on Thursday and attended the Knowledge Seeker’s workshop. There are no photos of speakers; pictures were only taken during the breaks. Visions shared by the council include

Equal respect for genders, to allow more feminine energy to be expressed;

Equal respect for cultures, where a tribe is not regarded as less worthy than a nation;

Clean water for all by teaching plasma technology;

People doing work they enjoy and feel satisfied with and when doing work, it is seen as an honor.

S: Mr. Keshe said Man will come to accept this new technology not out of love, but out of fear of his own existence—M.T. Keshe. Man does not have to go the path described here, but can know peace by extending respect and love. It was suggested that each time we see positive change for peace we should take a letter away so we come to peace through love. On the next day we were able to take off the first letter (the e at the end of existence). We can step out of this fear.

S: on the first night of the council the First Wish of the council on the 9th of September was for world peace. On September the US and Russia agreed on peace moves in Syria. (16.17 minutes). I saw this on the news before breakfast. After breakfast we were talking about this and said it would be wonderful if these men (including Secretary of State Kerry) had come out of love and respect for each other, but in looking at their facial expressions they probably came to it out of fear because on September 1, 2016 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, the Space X Falcon 9 rocket exploded. M.T. Keshe of Keshe Foundation explained the reason for destruction of this system as it was to carry systems capable of endangering other nations’ nuclear capability. So it had to be stopped and it was stopped using the new space plasma technology for implication of Peace. (17.12 minutes for links regarding this event). No one was hurt and no lives were lost. The video was shown that shows the orb coming in and the rocket blowing up. This was on the news.


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

(v3 2017-09-16) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

001753 S: the path the Universal Council members walk is acknowledgment of respect for all and oneness with Source. It is the ethos we work through. Saturday was the day for us to speak and other wishes spoken included:

Include children in talks and conferences

Education system with teachings of compassion in love in the syllabus.

Make social media apps that help with sharing love and learning about Plasma

Put out newsletters where internet and such are not available that talk about Peace and Plasma technology

Have trust so you can truly love others—pay it forward

Be willing to teach self-honor to those whose culture demands submission from certain classes of people.

002100 What did we accomplish?


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

(v3 2017-09-16) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

It was shown how much we have yet to understand as far as having respect for others and detachment from possessions, titles and seeing how much we can ‘get.’

We saw how embedded our desire to teach out-weighs our desire to learn.

We learned how we have to work at broadening our tolerances and accepting wisdom of peace.

S: if we only teach we don’t have balance that includes learning. Mr. K gave a talk on Saturday about the detachment from possessions, titles and seeing how much we can “get.” In order to have peace people will have to broaden their tolerance. Where do we go from here?

Acknowledge the intelligence of the Creator within us and learn more about how we are being guided.

Opening up to others in the name of the Universal Council.

Willingness to expand our Trust, in the power of Trust.

S: My vision for the work of the Universal Council:

Language Representatives starting to have regular public zoom meetings for being available to those looking for information or aid.

Support members starting groups such as health aids disbursements, agriculture, support, and organize an aid network around the globe with the manufacturing and distributing sections of the Keshe Foundation (KF).

S: the next council meeting is April 7 and 8, 2017 in Rome. It is necessary to stay in Rome because of the work with Visas at these meetings.

002527 Keshe (K): good morning, good day to you wherever and whenever you listen to us. We have come full circle trying to understand the work of the council and exactly where and how we stand with this process. There is a very clear indication for those of you who are involved with the foundation or listen to the foundation’s work. We established the United Nations after the Second World War to stop the abuses of power so that we could come to agreements before abuses start. But, over time the UN itself became more of the abuser than


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

(v3 2017-09-16) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

stopping the abuse. We have seen wars that were sanctioned for one nation to rob another nation. So the conclusion at the KF is the UN is nothing more than forum of war that has to be ended. We have seen how they sanctioned war on Iraq, on Libya, and the others for the benefit of some of the UN members.

002705 K: using language numbers on the council if you look at the UK it carries the majority of the world, more or less 40% pressuring the world members. But this way the way the Universal Council is set up, we are done with this. People live across the world, on this planet with different languages, connected to the mother language but not only by words but in thoughts and emotions. So, setting up the Universal Council (UC) based on language, we are done with borders. We have no borders. If you are a Chinese in America, you are as much Chinese as you are in China. Your line of thoughts is respected whether you are from any part of Africa or another part of the world and not being taken by choice or by slavery. Now words of the line of thoughts connect the whole soul of the man and not only by words.

002814 K: this is the reason we are one planet, one nation, one race and the UC. The UC speaks the word of the planet including everything else which lives across and within it. The way the UC is set up, with the initial steps is to bring peace for humanity and then it is the connection between the UC and the planet. This means in communication as we realize more as we conquered a new continent and called it the United States of America, now we will conquer space. We need people who can negotiate and explain our wishes and our thoughts and our way of thinking for the new world that we found. Space is vast and if you thought 10,000 cultures on this planet were too many, you haven’t seen space that has millions of cultures.

002930 K: you will come in time to understand the structure of the UC as part of the universal community. You will have the wishes of mankind in respect to that community and it is not for one man but for every language through the soul of the man will be connected. What we have done now is the beginning with 20+ members of the council. In April we will build more steps with 50 to 100 additional languages. It is your job if you listen and you think you are part of the structure of peace on this planet that you step forward to share your vision and your soul to bring about peace. We will explain this more and more. At this time, it is all a vision for you, but it is working for some.

003030 K: we saw the wishes for the council for the past 2 to 3 years was to come together for some type of agreement between America and Russia on Syria which has created so much


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

(v3 2017-09-16) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

displacement of people, which now has spread across Europe. You have to understand it is not one nation any more. We have seen how many Syrians and others there are in Europe looking for a home the Europeans caused them to lose for the financial gains they were hoping for. This is what is finished—wars. We saw in the UC that the wishes are for wars to come to an end. The war in Syria --- is it coincidence that on the 2nd day of the conference we see some changes. It is no coincidence. How many times do you want to call it coincidence because you have no belief in your power or the strength of your own soul? This shows the council has strength and we support the UC in different ways so they can achieve their work.

003152 K: in that meeting on the second day the banner came up the peace between Russia and Syria came up. The man who has negotiated behind the peace negotiations in the depth of trusting so it can go further we had with us. We didn’t listen to something imaginary; we listened to Gordon Duff who has been involved in the peace talks in trying to keep the trust between both sides in Syria. He risked his life in Syria. He took a delegation to Syria in a state committed to peace and he gave us a talk. We understood more—humanity needs to make a lot of sacrifices to achieve peace as those who benefit by war would not let go so easily. We don’t need to fight them; we need to make accommodation that we through our souls bring the physicality to order.

003256 K: there is a need for us who as whatever members you are and you think you can serve humanity to bring peace--there is no good standing on the fringes any more. You have to be inside of it and you have to give from your soul at this physical time. We need to raise the members to 144 languages. We have achieved in the first conference 20 odd. There were a couple more who came to the conference and submitted their language and one was Turkish. And they want to submit their time for peace; the Turkey KF sent a delegation and they want to be a member of the peace council. Becoming a member of the peace council, the UC or the supporters does not mean that you get the same job as is done in the UN. The only job they have coming to the peace council, the UC or as a supporter is to bring positive inside, and wishes that can make humanity better. It does not matter if it is a wish for a nation, an animal or a planet. We have seen their wish became their command and we saw the peace treaty between Russia and United States regarding Syria. You will see more.

003430 K: on the other hand, you saw the rocket launch (Cape Canaveral). We do interfere. We warned in the Washington presentation that we will take steps regarding any nation that goes on the path or war or destruction of any other nation or culture or trying to make a superior force we will deal with it. We do not leave it in the hand of the UC until the UC is mature enough to see


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

(v3 2017-09-16) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

that these materials for war are not made. Nations and heads of nations will be made to understand. The warhead that was set to be used electronically to destroy some of the nuclear warheads in Russia to repeat in a way the forces we saw with Hiroshima. They would have triggered warheads across Russia to force Russia to submit. This is the same thing we saw in Hiroshima—an atomic bomb forced and brought Japan to its knees so that no more of its nationals would be killed.

003543 K: the rocket that was planned and it had the visibility to deliver such a thing to the communication lines and the fields that could have triggered nuclear war by those who had bigger plans. But we had a bigger plan too. We will enforce the destruction of …. Washington. We will deliver it with much more power. Step by step we bring all nations to realize that there is no need for tools of war. My warning goes to President Xi of China: we gave the same chance to China as we gave to the United States. You have abused our trust. We will respond very directly. To the Chinese community you serve your nation as KF to change it to peaceful ways. The trust in your leadership has fallen away because when it came to action, not much was done but abused and we will not allow this abuse. We welcome the joint naval forces between Russia and China to show the Americans that force is not needed in the South China Sea. But, it has to be said that we will deliver technologies which will interfere we have given the green light and we have been given the red light as the rocket. You can kill each other with your little guns here and there and do your little games of wars and generals but we will interfere. We have to interfere because the course of humanity has to be the peaceful way.

003757 K: as I said at the meeting of the UC: if there had been a cat on that (American) rocket, we would have removed it. And we would have shown that no one will be harmed. This is our plan and we carry on. We have to be correct and start making the path for peace. Those who are financially better off and came off the back of garages and building technologies so that now they think they are the men of power just because they earned some money during their lifetimes. They are using their money to finance wars and thinking they can control different births of different nations and ‘who will be who’ and producing things that will endanger the lives we will handle one by one. Don’t say it was accidental. We warned about the rocket in Washington. There was no accident; there shall be no more accidents.

003905 K: what we are asking for is to add to the strength of the council. If you speak a language this strengthens the work of peace as we can reach more people through their understanding through their emotion that peace is the cornerstone of our work. We have announced what we call the third meeting of the council in April and we will stay in Rome.


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

(v3 2017-09-16) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Rome is safe for us and we have high security apparatus for all our members. And, we stay intact in bringing ancient Rome to the new generation of the science. On the back of this work as we go hand in hand with what we call the strength of the soul and the science as we promised it will be the work of the future of the world with what we call the Creator. Everyone has to go together—science and belief.

004015 K: If you have the science you shall not have false beliefs; you can see the truth. This is what is needed in the depth of the universe when you travel. For this reason, we announce the start of the Ghana scientific conference; that is the first scientific conference and it is to show and submit papers and deliver the scientific discoveries using the plasma technology, be it gans, be it energy, be it any other thing that is bringing a new application of the science in respect to our environment, life and everything else. The second universal science conference will be held every quarter.

004113 K: What this means is that from now on once a quarter a scientific conference will be held across the world and we try to keep to one position. We need to do this; hundreds of thousands of you have done a lot of work and you have developed new ways of food production, new ways of energy. A tiny little thing can make a very big difference. You have to have a say—you are a professor and a scientist. You don’t need a degree to say who you are so your mind can be controlled. You are the people—we are inviting you to submit your work and write a paper. Bring your paper and show it—we allocate one hour per person to show what they have done or to bring a school of thought of what they think needs to be done.

004220 K: you have to understand that in the new structure you have to work in every aspect of it. When you set up UC, the one Nation, you have to look after your nation’s every need and acknowledge them. Emotionally you have to feed them through the science and you have to allow them to be comfortable to live in the environment. That is our job. If you are a housewife and you have a new way of producing gans that you think can be used, you are a scientist. You have graduated in the University of Plasma. There shall be no color (barriers), age or race. The certificates of the PhDs and engineers have been created in the past 100 years for those who would like to be separate. In the UC we are all the same. In the universal community we are all the same. We did not arrive with a ‘degree’ when we came out of the womb of the mother and we shall not die with a ‘degree.’


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

(v3 2017-09-16) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

004332 K: there are millions of us over thousands of years who have added to the knowledge of the man and nobody got a degree for that, so why should we now? But, before the mother passed the knowledge to the daughter and maybe to two or three grandchildren. Now you teach your knowledge across the planet and this is the difference. You have a voice and you understand it. In Ghana we announced the first scientific conference. The second conference will be held in Rome and we will announce the date in December. At this moment in time we look on the 12, 13, and 14th of December, Mon through Weds and we will confirm the time here. And if you want to see the knowledge on the cutting edge of plasma technology this is where to be. There is limited space and conference presentation for about 500. If you want to share and if you are part of KF teaching groups, manufacturing groups you can book yourself and show what you have done and show your products. Now we allow our scientists to submit their papers. For us to get someone, a conference, to allow a plasma paper to be shown by a female who has tested and produces the food in the kitchen from plasma, this is impossible. But not in our cycle because what you teach can save a life in a disaster or in space.

004538 K: your knowledge is respected. Make an application and submit what you want to show and what you have and we check that what you are submitting you have the space to talk and present. Book your place in the conference and submit the information and we will try to pick up parts of this to be kept for recording on teaching to be used. You are teaching as scientists of the plasma and you are respected. We are planning the 3rd UC scientific conference somewhere in March around the 3rd to the 4th. We have to do this. If we don’t do this, the scientists and the others who think they have control of science with their false magazines and peer reviews will overtake this. This way we teach something or you want to learn something new with the new technologies come to the conferences. We still do the vetting and those who are not vetted will not be allowed in.

004703 K: for those of you who were in Rome we noticed a very few who came to create problems, but seeing armed officers right across the conference will give you the lesson that you will not mess with KF supporters and the UC. Governments understand our position and are supporting us heavily. We saw a few people who would like to disturb and they would have found out very quickly that there is no place for this. We are here to share. Go on the website and it is opened up this morning. In any shape or form you bring your condition, your question to the council. We allow fringe meetings that people with different interests have and we build on this.


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

(v3 2017-09-16) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

004814 K: We are looking for 400 places in accommodations and 500 places in homes. Our target for the conference was 120. We were correct and we could not allow more because it was the UC meeting. Next time is scientific—book your place, bring your thoughts and we are there together to find and gain knowledge from each other. This is the way the KF grows and the way we are going. We established teaching, the KF, the spaceship institute for teaching, then KfSSI for in depth and bringing more knowledge directly to people. Now we are teaching doctors, which I hear there are over 50 doctors are now registered in the medical teaching. I have good news for those who have been ‘hanging around’. We ask for doctors. As of this week if you are alternative medicine doctor, there are conditions to meet and you are allowed to come in, participate, use the knowledge and let us know how it works.

004940 K: we have a group of 700 doctors in China who want to join and they don’t speak English. We will make facilities for you and we are in touch with a group and we will make accommodations for the Chinese doctors to come in. they are all alternative medical practitioners and it has to be proven with a long track record that you are registered with your government and you practice and everything else that is needed in the background. You will be allowed to join in the medical teaching which is totally free; you don’t need to pay.

005022 K: the same is for agriculture and it needs to be strengthened. The agriculture side needs to be augmented. I am asked about physical therapists; ask Dr. Klaus. He will respond. You will see that if you are a physical therapist you can use gans to ease the pain of your people much faster. This is what we stand for—no boundaries. We have to learn ourselves as we are learning we open more doors.

005056 K: KF manufacturing in Austria will support all medical equipment and now they are in a position to deliver anything you see in the teachings that would help. Austria will hopefully deliver their first systems to the doctors on the teachings. You don’t need to know how to make the systems. Austria has a team for the production of the medical systems and you have their full support.

005132 K: the gans trials have already started and by now most of you should have received your materials. Please report back so we can start tracking. The person in the background will support with the knowledge of what you see and have seen. The first batch of medicine for cancer or what we call the plasma system has been dispatched. We will wait for the doctors who start using it to be able to deliver it. In that process we will see that the first trials on doctors


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

(v3 2017-09-16) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

applying the new liquid plasma for the reversal of cancer hopefully starts this week. The first trials start this week, and hopefully the next trials start with two new people.

005248 K: this is how we will go and the outcome is on an open channel which means that other doctors can monitor and put their thoughts and ideas of how this should be. The problem is very simple. There is no solution for major diseases and multiple cancers. Cancers become multiple and chemotherapy has not proven to be 100% successful. Modern medicine has not managed to bring the technology in science without side effects. The plasma technology can deliver without side effects. Humanity deserves to know and to be able to test. This is not a foreign agent being introduced into the body; it’s not new materials or pharmaceuticals with side effects. It is a natural product. No one on this planet can tell you that you cannot eat meat, have ginger or garlic. This is the same. This is more natural than the matter state; it is the component of what you eat. So, if anyone says to you that you cannot use this material you respond: excuse me; this is what sits in the air you breathe. So I stop breathing? You choose.

005419 K: the way I have thought and I will be keeping on teaching this technology is that these are natural processes and there is no way any administration anywhere in the world can block it. If anybody tells you that you cannot use the CO2 water or the air of the CO2, you tell them that they breathe it every day—they can just stop breathing and that is the end of life for them, then they come to understand how ridiculous this structure is. The way we work from now on, we have set up the UC, the education by KfSSI, and now we let you submit the papers and scientific explanations in conferences that we structure ourselves. Other organizations can see how the science is developing.

005516 K: We have and we are setting up a universal police force. It has taken us a bit and now we are working in the background on a universal bank. It means that we do not accept the condition that one nation’s worth is more than another nation’s worth. We all are worth the same and it does not matter who has more or less to offer. And man works on the street from 8 in the morning till 9 at night and has put enough love and care as a doctor in the operating room with the same amount of time. There should not be differences in valuing a man. There should not be a nation that is better. We have become one nation. Why should we have different bank accounts and currencies? A man works in the jungles in Africa, the man who works in the hospitals in New York and the farmer or miner in China spends the same number of hours giving from their lives.


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

(v3 2017-09-16) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

005635 K: There is no GDP; now we have world GDP and we are the ones who have to change the course. You are all valued as one. This is how we are setting up the universal banking system. Do we need to give money or do we facilitate that I gave my 8 hours to clean the streets for 2 weeks a year and I want the rest of the time to learn and to serve and to be happy? The only unemployment is the shame of us who cannot serve. That is how we change.

005710 K: to a lot of you this sounds very, very far-reaching and you will understand very soon what is in your pocket. Why should you work 50 weeks a year, 8 hours a day, separated from your children and from what you love for others to have a better time while you suffer. You can work 2 weeks a year and have 50 weeks a year to be with your loved ones and have a peaceful nation. What do you expect from people who never see their children? They disappear in the light of the day and come home late. Where is the child to learn about humanity and peace?

005757 K: this is our job, to create this. This is why we are interfering in every shape and form with the structure of the past. As I said last Thursday on the talk, 9-9-9 is the final of the last before you go to 1. (9/9/2016 was a 9-9-9 day of completion) We have started 1 on Saturday. (10/9/2016 breaks down to 1-9-9) It is a new condition and it is we who have to force it and do it. As I said to you before the scientists in one of the leading institutes in America said we can accept Keshe’s technology but he is involved in prophecy and religion and ethics and this does not go with science. So you scientists thought your God of science does not fit, the same as it fit into the catholic, the priests and the others that science has nothing to do with it—it’s all an act of God. Now the 2 come together—religion and science. That is what the KF is—unity of the science and unity of the man. That is what brings peace and that is what we are talking about. We will achieve it because it is correct; we will achieve it because it comes from our soul and not the physicality of someone being paid to say ‘yes.’

005929 K: we act and in acting we deliver. There are thousands and thousands of you involved in making ganses and you are selling your services and your products. You are going and doing things. This is how it should be. The knowledge is dispersed and the knowledge has to be used for peaceful application. Do the governments want us? Or do we govern ourselves? This is the difference. These are not preaching but laying out the new laws for humanity and our wish is our command. You saw it. On the 9th the wish was sincere for those who were there and on the 10th it was the peace accord.


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

(v3 2017-09-16) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

010025 K: we will extend this and we will show more and more. There is a possibility, a high one, that in the coming time you will see the joined hands of science and religion in a conference across the planet. It will be in a very, very short time and much faster than you think. You will see the collaboration and the cooperation of the two sides trying to be the same. We will announce this in the next week or two and then you will understand.

010108 K: I was asked why I addressed the American election last week in respect to Mrs. Clinton and her work. There was a reason and now this is the third section of this scenario. As a lot of you know in the early part of this decade when I was on a trip, I was captured and kept for 11 days, more or less, on the back of an airport in Canada. I was told every day that I would be killed; my family was told every day that I would be killed and I would be shot in the head.

010159 K: the man was very proud to tell me and I stood behind a 2-inch bulletproof glass watching my sister cry, do not kill him! I said you tell him. And on the other side they said to her if she talked I would get a bullet in the head. In that interrogation for days in the Toronto airport I asked in a very simple way from this proud guy who was proud that he could threaten my death who issued this warrant? Who caused this? He answered that I should speak to the American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She decides when you will be released. Then I knew I was under control of the most violent woman on the planet. I didn’t do anything.

010258 K: strangely enough her boss a couple of years later decided to get access to the Keshe Foundation USB stick with all the patents and the knowledge on it. And strangely enough in putting the hand of peace across the table, the same woman, Hillary Clinton takes a flight to Ahvaz airport in Iran and crashes by the wish of her boss and by the wish of me to have peace. And, she actually got a bullet in her head; she crashed, had a brain hemorrhage and was flown to the United States. And now we see the result of the election in the US. This is what they call the tale of the unexpected. The man who wanted to put a bullet in the head of me in Canada a couple of years later gets hit in the head. It will not be feasible that she will ever be president.

010413 K: we take our time and we deliver what we say. Our mission was peaceful and their mission was violence. We have seen it and we don’t need to fight with it. Accidents take their own course and now we see every day one seizure after another seizure—another ‘bullet’ everyday.


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010453 K: we come to the cornerstone of the science. We have to understand the knowledge and the application of the knowledge. We have to understand the implication of the science that we carry. We have to understand under what limitations our knowledge will go. We see now in front of us on the screen, a lot of white dots showing roughly the physicality of the borders of the land part of this planet. If you look at these white dots on the picture, they are very similar to the cores and the Magrav systems that are spread across this planet. You all have made and most of you have done what you call Magrav systems. You have made the cores, the gans materials and now we teach you how to connect this slowly. How we connect and how we can produce energies which are effectively in the plasma condition allows you to create energy of an order of magnitude that is needed for plasma technology.

010639K: you have to learn that once you create a plasma, every white dot you see on this screen of the landmass due to the interaction of the fields is connected. All we need is to allow the master to play his game. The rest of the fields will connect to the others and emit what we were after. Can I share the screen please?

010800 K: let me explain this part of the teaching. (trouble getting pens and whiteboard sorted) 010854 Let’s go back in understanding more. What we need now is one system that the rest of this planet can respond to. Many of you have built many plasma gans coils. Most of you have this in common: C, Cu, Zn. Somewhere across this you have made CONH as well and all the C, Cu and Zn gans while you were making them made the CONH (amino acid). (1.09.46 minutes) Fortunately or unfortunately every many, every living things has one of these in it (CONH). If I decide to interact with the feeling of the man all I need to do is ‘tune’ through Zn. Yesterday I was with a friend in Rome and he said something very, very strange.

011029 K: he said, you don’t do too much of it; you can do too much. And he said, if you mix this and that it will be very dangerous; if you use just a little of ‘this and that’ you will be very happy with it. I laughed and I said to myself - he hasn’t realized yet that in the work he did and when he was explaining how effective it was, he was bringing Zn to work with CONH and it delivered more power of Zn. He was mixing the zinc with amino acid in a natural way, which affects the emotion of the man. And you do not see it.

011133 K: So we can do the same using a small system across this planet, which radiates everything else, and with your own system we can change the scene. This is what I told him: when you are blind you do not see where you are going and it does not matter if there is


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sunshine or you are in the dark room. Unfortunately, with the knowledge of the man you have all been in the dark for a long time. But you have touched and felt the chair, the table and the warmth of the sun. Now it is time to pull the curtain aside and for you to see how you can change everything. In many of my teachings I keep talking about this and you have not seen so I have to create a way of knowledge. If you understand it is very simple.

011233 K: many, many times I always say when you make your coil, your core, pray from your soul for the system you are making. Then I teach you in the process of making the cores and the coils to always add a little bit of amino acid to it. Add your own amino acid to it and now you know where the prayer has gone. You have prayed for your own self and your own soul and your own physicality. When we tell you pray and give to your system from your soul, in fact you are opening a ‘bank account’ for yourself. When you run your coil you run it like a ‘bank account’ and you cash it in. Understand slowly that we are putting all the parts together.

011347 K: you have to realize that we taught you, you followed and made the coils, cores, the gans, the plasma reactors, and the liquid plasma. You made everything but you forgot one thing: in all this process knowingly or unknowingly, sometimes you were aware of it and sometimes you were not, we have made you to walk the paths of peace. One way or another you have touched the gans, the nano material, you came in touch with the physicality of the universe through these systems. Even if you bought a Magrav system we have ‘touched’ you and you have become part of the system.

011456 K: we needed to change your ethos to one of peace and that is what we are doing with these reactors. It is literally an impossibility, even if you go to a full vacuum atomization, that somewhere in the process there would not be an amino acid on the system. So we have infiltrated in every hole and point on this planet through the structure of the planet. Now you see how easy it will be to change man. But the problem is when we take you out of the amino acid of this environment then you change. As I said in the conference we try to tame you before we let you outside to the universe where you would ‘bite’ the others like wild animals.

011556 K: If we can tame the soul of the man from the condition he has created in his physicality then we can let man into space, because one rotten apple can spread across the whole cart and destroy the others. It has taken a lot of work to create and keep the condition of the peace in the universe. The rotten apple behavior of the man will not be allowed to rot the rest.


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You put the rotten apple out of the cart; you cut out the rotten piece of the apple and you can put it back in the cart. This is what we are trying to do.

011650 K: now you see very simply how with the picture that is in front of you I can reach you the way I want. And through reaching you we have the capability and capacity to spread the emotion and the thoughts. I have very bad news for you: we are building and developing the system to reach your soul and it will be our wish to change man to a peaceful man shortly. Now you see how easily I have brought all of you to be men of peace even if you have been aggressive. Any questions?

011800 Azar (A): good morning Mr. K; this is not a question. I am trying to process things. One thing is if my fingers are like the leaf on a tree and I am standing in front of you I can actually transmit my emotion through the zinc and affect you in the way I want.

K: in a way why not?

011846 A: as a human if we know what we are doing it is just like taking one point and attach it to another plate I can concentrate my zinc part as I want and I can change with emotion very easily.

K: why not as long as it is positive. You have to understand that in a gans state unless you bring the rotten apple to the middle you cannot cause much damage. I take what I need the way it suits me. This is the beauty of it. We can develop and we are in the process of developing the peaceful man. But the peaceful man sees what the others get and says why shouldn’t I do that? The process is that we change everyone at the same time and then we get what we want at the same time, which is peace. This is one of the biggest problems we have—changing everyone at the same time.

011950 K: We are in that process and we are just about to interfere with ‘everything we want.’ I will interfere with everything the man could ever imagine could not be touched. I will interfere because I have no choice and you will interfere because you have no choice. If your intention is peaceful and their intention is not peaceful then it is for you to understand that nobody can touch anyone else any more unless your intention is peace. None of us can, if our intention is peace because this means bringing balance to the emotion and the physicality and you will dictate it.


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012044 K: you have no choice; this is what you chose because we have left these things for too long in the hands of what I call the ‘animals’ to do whatever they like. How much more bloodshed, suffering, children without father and parents, can we see. We sit and watch and say we cannot do anything and now we can. Now we possess that energy to do and we understand the trust in ourselves. We possess, we can and we are there to make the difference. There is not anymore to say.

012133 K: If you understand that you can interfere with zinc, then do so. My wish is to be at peace. You will achieve peace; understand what peace means because it is your wish. It is what you put into process and initiated. Nobody else did and nobody else can take your seat and dictate the position. That is the beauty of it. A handful of people don’t like this freedom to bring the change the way we want. Freedom to change the way we would like to change. This is the biggest problem and biggest nightmare for those that do not work the way we do.

012240 K: why not try your finger and point it and deliver your finger and say this is what I want—I wish peace and I want peace to be. Peace will be there. Do you need to use your finger to concentrate it or do you use your thought?

R: we are getting static on the line.

012334 A: can you hear me? In a few years we are able to read each other’s minds and I think a lot of people are going to be…

K: what? You can already read each other’s minds, so why a few years? Why do you have doubts?

012349 A: I can do it, but some people will be shocked by what they see in each other’s minds because some people …

K: ah, so you do things you don’t like to be seen?

012400 A: no, I think what some people think and what they say are very different.

K: yes, but the thing is we become more and more part of our own judge. We will decide, we will see and decide. Do we need to? Do we go and do more of it or do we stand on the sideline and let it happen? This is the change. Do we want to be part of the change and make the change happen? This is the biggest problem; as I said in the conference they have taken confidence out of us that we don’t even believe that we can make a change. Even when we see in the conference


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there are people who now have the potential to change direction when they wish, as I said their wish was there within hours.

012542 K: we saw the peace treaty with American and Russia regarding Syria and you will see the change. Why do we have doubt in this? Why do we have doubt in our own power and why do we think we cannot do something? Because we have been told we cannot do something. We can do everything and if you understand that we can all do everything that we wish to do. There is no stopping anymore and the only one who stops the man is the man himself by not believing what he can do.

012637 K: you wanted me to try it. You tried it, you have seen it, you have tasted it, and you will understand more of it. I don’t need to tell you anything anymore.

012711A: thank you Mr. Keshe.

K: thank you very much. The point is now we have to go both ways and teach the soul and teach the physicality. Now do we try to just bring this in when it suits, or when we have to do it and it suits us more?

012747 Paul from Togo (P): Hello good morning Mr. Keshe

K: Hi Paul. thank you for participating in the UC. Paul, try to make your sentences very short so we can understand them. You are a man of wisdom but your wisdom takes us a long time to understand.

012812 P: I want enlightenment about one practice. We have learned at the young age to never let sperm of man go out because they teach us that sperm is life and is representative of God and not to let it out if we don’t need children. They have showed us how to transmit it and to be connected with the universe. So I want to know if this practice is also in the right way.

012911 K: I don’t know; it depends on you. We don’t make decisions on thoughts and what people can do or cannot do. The structure of the man is the intention of the man. Teaching is finished. It was done by the prophets of the past; if you understand the wisdom, the reason of their teaching and why and how they have made us to believe what needs to be done, then we have to obey it. There is nothing we can do.


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

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013014 P: thank you. I have to give you the report on the man AIDS.

013040 K: please explain what it means and what you have done. How Paul and a lot of you work, and we see this with the doctors, the public and all walks of life. You have seen and you know the system can make a difference and you have taken the step and taken the chance to make a difference in someone’s life with illness, cancer or knowledge. You are testing it; people know what they are involved in and many have no choice. Not having a choice is not the question; being able to understand more is the question. Or in understanding more about what this technology can do.

013535 K: people like Paul, like me and many of you across the planet have been given the tools for change. Paul does this his ways, the doctors do it their way and we do it our way. In China, India and South America the understanding is different. People see the gans and the application according to their own view. There is no pharmacy or mixing of new chemicals; the materials we use are natural from what our bodies are made of. When you interact with that there is no FDA, no health authorities, nothing because no one can stop you from drinking water. This is what Paul has done and what he is explaining how he has intervened in Africa with AIDS and how he has seen the change. The doctors who do not know what he is doing have seen the change in the man with AIDS but they don’t know how to handle it. Would you like to explain please? Go from the beginning.

013255 P: this started with the wife and his son said she had AIDS. I said we had new technology and we can try it to see what results we get. They said they need life and if we can do that they will be very happy. So for the first time I prepared CO2 plasma liquids and I put it in their water to drink, for cooking, for cleaning the house, and for bathing. I also prepared the liquid plasma CO2 to give to them. And she only took baths, drank, washed clothes and house with CO2 plasma liquid.

P: Starting the second week we started seeing some results. When she started drinking after the 2nd day, her urine changed color. Starting the second week she felt tired. I told her to continue and she did. After a short time, all the urine color and tiredness stopped and she became more powerful. At the end of the second week I decided to implement the system. I prepared the plasma liquid of ZnO, CH3, CuO, and CO2 and I used the same system for her drinking, cooking, bathing and cleaning with these.


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P: She went to the hospital. The doctor asked her what she was taking. She sent me a message she was going to see the doctor and I told her to say she was not taking anything, but just drinking water. When the doctors got information that there was improvement, they want to know who has given medicine for the improvement and they start looking for you and planning bad things for you. So she said nothing to the doctor who said it was not possible. He knew she was stage 4 AIDS before and now she was almost over the AIDS. He said he was going to her house to see the products she was taking. He went to her home and he only found water. He said if you are getting better as you are, in two weeks you will be over the AIDS and he wanted her to come back in one month.

P: last week she went. But before I never knew that her husband had the same problem so when I prepared this system for her she also gave it to her husband. They were both taking the water. When they went to the control center last week the doctors said he checked everything for the husband and now as a man in his seventies he would live much longer. Nobody believed this. For the wife he said I cannot understand and I cannot give my final decision until I see what you have used. So the doctor doesn’t want to tell her the final results but he said the husband would live to be 80 years. This is very strange and people cannot believe. He checked everything in the control and he cannot believe it.

P: again the doctor went to their home to see what they are taking (medicine, herbs, etc). This is what I have done.

K: But are they free of AIDS now?

P: for the husband, yes. The doctor would not give a final decision because he could not understand what happened with her.

K: but is she free?

P: I cannot confirm and I have to wait for the last decision of this doctor.

014040 K: OK I will tell you what to do. Nobody knows they have AIDS and take both of them to a clinic and say you want to have them checked for AIDS. Ask them tomorrow morning. You need it to be confirmed independently especially if she was taking medicine for AIDS for a long time. You don’t need to wait for the doctor—he is not a decision maker; he just announces the outcome. Take both of them and say this couple suspects AIDS. You will get your answer if the test comes back negative.


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P: thank you, I will do this.

K: here is what we are going to do. I would like you to write a paper on this step by step. You can blank out the names of the people. Ask the doctor for the results of the blood tests and any communications from the doctors in the past years and the medicines the couple took. Then I invite you to speak in Ghana. This is your job because Africa is suffering deeply with this problem. I have seen some of my friends losing the battle in Africa. These are people who used to work in our offices. Even if it has made a man ‘younger’ or eradicated AIDS it is a paper to submit. In the next few days get us confirmed blood results and a letter from the doctor that they have no AIDS. Then you can get other communications from these people that they had AIDS and the medicines they were taking. Try to get any documents from the doctor who does not believe, or won’t say that they have been freed from AIDS.

014308 K: we will put your process on the blueprint for health. The way we release blueprints for energy is the way we release blueprints for health. You tested it and it works and this is sharing knowledge openly. People all over the world can try this approach and understand the mixture you used and the way you used it, which was very correct. Write it as a blueprint so fathers and mothers who are going to lose children can use this. It only costs a few cents and it frees Africa from deaths and suffering and for children having no father or mother.

014403 K: some of you don’t understand or have never been made to understand the implications of this disease. I have watched this process for years in Africa and I have done business in Africa for years. AIDS is a plague and a child loses his mother or father, or both and then cannot be fed. The child is sold the majority of time into slavery and everything else which goes with the abuse of children. They become foot soldiers for the misconduct of the man. We see solutions in different shapes. This is not the only solution to overcome AIDS. Other doctors are testing in different parts of Africa.

K: we have to find solutions for our own freedom and this is one of them. It doesn’t need the FDA approval to drink water and walk away from AIDS, malaria and everything else. I salute you and thank you for your work, Paul. You are setting new standards in the freedom of the use of the knowledge of the plasma and this is what has to be. Thank you; write this and send your paper to [email protected] and Klaus will place it on the blueprint website. It’s not just for Magrav units and energy. When you find a way to improve something and you can scientifically prove it, we will put it on the blueprint.


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014557 K: I would love you to present this information in Ghana and I would love to have you present this in Europe in December. You do beautiful presentations and put this in a scientific form. You don’t need abstracts. The way you think is fine. The setting of having abstracts is the way they block people from doing what they like. Somebody can go on the website and write something about AIDS and we can see what it is. Would you explain the process of using, and put this in the blueprint? If we can save the life of one man to be the father of his child, we cannot delay. Can you explain again and Dr. Klaus and Vince will you write and put this up on the blueprint?

014712 P: first I made the plasma liquid of CO2. And the woman only drank CO2 plasma liquid, nothing else, no other water or other drinks. She had to use CO2 plasma liquid and this was the first process. I have a lesson on washing the clothes. If you wash the clothes with this plasma liquid the clothes will have the plasma condition in them. I advised her to wash the clothes with this and to clean their house with this plasma liquid CO2 because according to my understanding from what you have explained, this can help to clean out the disease.

K: so you used only CO2?

P: yes. This CO2 plasma liquid after the 2nd day gave her the change of color of the urine.

K: so you just gave them the liquid plasma CO2 to wash with, drink with it, cook with it and nothing else.

P: they drank no other water. This was the first method and this gave the results to change the urine after the 2nd day. The plasma liquid of CO2 also brought her to the point where she had fever and was tired. This CO2 liquid plasma brought this to this point.

015020 P: after one week and a half, she started feeling tired and having fever and it was difficult for her to continue. After the second week her health was not stable. Then I decided now to bring CH3, ZnO, CuO, and CO2 plasma liquid.

K: let me explain: these were all the gans liquid plasma. Were they drinking and washing the same as before?

P: yes, exactly; they drank and cleaned the house with this.

K: and then….

P: I added the soap of CO2 plasma liquid for her for bathing. And they washed with it. These are the results.


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015256 K: OK let me explain why scientifically to you this is strange but it works. AIDS is an energy pack, a virus. Now it is a much stronger energy pack than the CO2, or the CuO, because the potential difference in strength of the plasma given to the amino acid. What you have seen is the stronger field which is the AIDS as process delivers and gives its energy to the ‘weaker’ CO2 and to the others. The CH3 frees the weaker cells that were damaged by the AIDS. ZnO supports the emotion. CO2 and CuO supports the damage to the muscle and brain tissues and the CH3 is the energy balancer and releases the grip of the AIDS. Now these muscles and brain need replenishing and you need the CH3.

015442 K: this is a beautiful system and this is how the combination works against viruses. You need this combination when you are in space. When you overcome or have been touched by extra plasma you need to recover from it and it doesn’t come from anywhere else. If you cannot support the damaged cells, which comes through CH3, then you lose the battle because the physical damage is there. You balance and take energy with the CO2 from the cell of the AIDS or other viruses. You support the emotion of the physicality with the ZnO and you allow the support to build up.

015533 K: CH3 here behaves here in the atomic structure works very much like cobalt with the division of energies for absorption. CH3 in this combination –the carbon is used for connection; H3 in the plasmatic condition behaves like tritium and it allows for uses of cobalt in the body of the man. When a child is going to have grown up you speak about folic acid. In the gans state the plasma of CH3 behaves as an energy giver and as a divider. It depends on what orientation it sits. It can even divide the energy of the virus itself. It can become energy of the body in the conversion. You don’t need to look for energy outside—the virus is breaking itself up and the CH3 allows that division. It is another way of taking cobalt or what you call B12. If you understand the science behind it, it works very nicely. Thank you Paul.

015705 K: is Renan there? Please make a blueprint of this and put it on the KF blueprint site and it’s an option for people to you. Do we have Benjamin in the background? I know he is still in Rome. Could you please explain to us that you in Ghana do something similar to Paul and you start with CH3?

015750 B: we had a background discussion and Paul was included with Dr. Ghatta.


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015801 K: let me explain this. We have made a panel of the African KF team which includes Dr. Ghatta, Benjamin, Alekz, Paul, and me when I can join them to share knowledge. Would you like to explain more about how you operate in Africa and what you have to do?

015826 B: we are talking about the liquid plasma and I appreciate how beautifully Paul has applied the technology.

K: Alekz used CO2.

015902 Benjamin: so what we do is we mix the plasma liquid for people with different ailments. For instance, if someone has high blood pressure, I take 2 ml of ZnO liquid plasma and add it to 500 ml of water. The person takes this for some time and within a week there are some serious changes with their high blood pressure condition. I have witnessed this over and over and over.

020010 K: can you write this as a blueprint for Dr. Klaus please? You have to explain something; there are no FDAs or health organizations in Africa. People are always supported with what the earth gives. The gans water of CO2 is what the earth provides. There is no control; if they tell you that you have AIDS they tell you what medicine you have to take and it is a few hundred dollars. In Africa they are using CO2 and it is free.

020058 B: so I take 2 ml of ZnO liquid plasma. And then I get purified water of 500ml. I put the ZnO for the patient and I tell him to take 3 tablespoons in the morning, afternoon and evening until the bottle is finished. Before the bottle is finished he will come to me and say that he has regained a lot of energy as he used to have. This is what happens with high blood pressure patient. I have used the same application with skin diseases such as eczema.

020225 B: I was treating a man with eczema and he used to buy a lot of body cream and he was buying it every week for his face. He was treating the effect and not the cause. I told him that the pain was inside of him because he lacked zinc. Zinc (ZnO) controls about 300 enzyme functions in the body. And when the body is depleted of zinc it causes a lot of problems. These 300 enzyme functions break down into another 2000 functions. So zinc is very important in the body. I told him to give me a bottle of water and I did this amount of zinc for him to drink. I increased the dosage because it was acute. I added 4 ml to the 500 ml of water of the zinc plasma.


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020350 B: what happened was phenomenal. After 2 weeks he ran up to me and said look, it’s gone! His chest was cleared up. He wondered why that was. I told him that what the body needed in the form of zinc plasma had been received. So I can go on and on to share. There are people who cannot even lift her arm. I treated her with CH3 and zinc and she could not lift her arm above her shoulder. I introduced her CH3 first because she was constipated a lot and that was to remove that in the body. After she finished the 1.5 liter of the CH3 then I put her on Zinc.

020510 K: She called me one morning and said she was in bed and just felt like raising her hand and she just raised her hand. And she said it was a miracle; it had been 6 months since she had been able to raise her arms because she would get so much pain in her hand. She asked what was in the water. It was zinc. I can give you a list of things I have done with people. We share how we have helped people. There was somebody whose leg was nearly amputated and now he is back to work.

020616 K: is it possible that you could bring these people to show at the conference in Ghana?

B: it is possible.

020630 K: Paul, I will make you an offer. If you can get the couple that was treated for AIDS, we are prepared to pay for them to join the Ghana conference so that people can see them in person. Thank you. This is our plan—on the 20th the KF generator will be shown simultaneously in the Vatican and in Ghana. The unit will be taken to the house of the Pope and will be shown in the house. Once we get the full confirmation of this then on the 20th we will show the generator in operation and at the same time it’s highly possible that in Ghana we will show the flight system. This is what our plan is and we hope to achieve it. On the 20th the power generation will be shown in Rome and Ghana at the same time. This has been the wish of the present pope to eradicate crises in Africa and we have responded. At the moment our people announce this is very much a possibility to show in the Vatican and in Ghana at the same time.

020832 K: we confirm that if you want to be present in Rome on the 11th to 15th of December we have accommodation with 400 beds with a conference room and an exhibition room. You can book the exhibition space if you want to exhibit anything that has to do with the gans and the nano products. You can book it now and the switchboard is open. This is at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Rome. Bring what you want and in this section when you apply you can say that you want to present a paper or material.


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020945 K: those of you with VISA problems tell us immediately so we can tell the hotel to arrange for your Visa. This should not be a problem. They will work with the embassy. We have come to an arrangement with the Crown Plaza in Rome because it is isolated and can be protected; it’s in a beautiful place. We will hold the conferences for the next twelve months in this location. It gives us a lot of freedom and we don’t have to look for acceptance in different countries. We have full support from the Italian security for you and us and in a way we are part of the Italian structure so we are making Rome the center of the new technology.

021045 K: we will still have the conferences in Ghana and other places if you want to organize. But we announce the holding of the second scientific universal council presentation of papers and technologies in Rome. The meeting is the 12th to 14th of December and you can come a day earlier and stay a day later. We are booking directly into their system. If you developed anything in the space plasma technology such as health, energy, materials, transportation, gans, nano technology, agriculture, and anything else you have a platform. You have to receive clearance from our security before you enter. We bring heavily armed officers so the condition when you arrive is safe. If you want to show something, or learn something, or you are a doctor and want to see what others are doing for their patients, everything will be facilitated. If you are a doctor or an engineer, you will be supported.


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

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021230 K: I have an announcement to make which is what we promised. In the coming time, hopefully before we leave for Ghana the KF will release in cooperation and collaboration with organizations different ways of manufacturing and delivering factories to locations. We spoke about the container shipping and now we are developing this. When you become a manufacturer everything is there in the container that you need. You just provide the raw material and our team headed by Mr. Mike Harris will teach and train your staff. Richard from Holland will help with training and set up the structures.

021324 K: We are becoming very specialized and we are bringing people in Italy to set up decontamination unit group. We are bringing people in and the German who is starting this structure is well known in Italy for this type of thing. This will include decontamination and purification of water, of land and of radioactive sites. All these from next week we have a team in Italy and if you know somewhere that needs to be cleaned up, the team is here to respond. We are building systems for this where water can come into the system, purify and then be released. We have tested this and we are organizing a team for environmental cleanup with the gans technology. The backup factory is producing this machinery so if you are in land cleanup or you want to be in the environmental cleanup, you can buy the cleanup system and everything is in the container. You just put the material in it to be cleaned up.

021456 K: I was told Peter has written something to Rick about the UC meeting last week. Do you want to read it? (215.04 minutes). If you are in Rome in December we will carry on the teaching on Thursday morning in public and you can participate.

021621 R: from Peter about the UC conference:

Coming back from the conference I wanted to report the news and couldn’t do that because of a hacker on Facebook. So I was occupied the whole day preventing bad things to happen. So I thought maybe then, it’s better not to report much.

But one thing I must share, it is very precious to me and I want it to share with the whole world and in a way it encompasses the essence of what we experienced in Rome. It was a 22 hours


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giving and sharing day by day. When I came back I felt a little bit dizzy, but it doesn’t matter, in my soul I felt strong as ever before.

The last day Mr. Keshe asked me about my Gold reactors and said I could have become a very rich man. I answered, that my treasure is in the heaven, upstairs, and that I don’t need much. More money, more problems. I still think that was the only right answer to give.

I for me discovered the mystery of life, it’s the giving. Universe is a giver, the sun is a giver, the creator and his partner are givers, plasma is a giver and I think we can understand the plasma only from this point of view. We heard Mr. Keshe many times speaking of that. But how many grasped it?

I believe Mr. Keshe is the strongest man in the world, maybe in the universe. I want to become as strong as him. He is my perfect example. There was a Bulgarian Master, Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, he always said, “Search for the strongest example, your very best idol and try to become like him,” this would be very beneficial for your soul.

So I know the road I have to take, it’s the way of giving. In a way it’s not new to me; I always tried to live that way. But thanks to Mr. Keshe my giving will become stronger as ever. A way of giving so that your left (the taker) does not know what the right hand (the giver) does. Not looking what comes back, but looking at what goes out from you and knowing that you will get more only in order to be able to give more.

We have been educated in a very mad system that exist since thousands of years and doesn’t match the way the Universe works. It was a man-made prison. We must learn from childhood how to be able to take, how to get a good job that brings us good income how to use your elbows to get a good place, how to be the first. We know nothing else than taking and fighting and have become a very bad species with never ending wars and suffering.

Mr. Keshe came to free us, but we have to go out of that prison by our self. The way is our giving. The greed can only end if we make a complete 180 degrees turn.


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I remember Mr. Keshe saying, right before the Washington event that his greatest fear is that man will stop sharing, if they have all they need. And I made myself a promise, that this will not happen as long as I live. I am not alone and believe many others felt the same way, so it would be better say, this will not happen as long as WE live. Because WE are already one.

So our only concern and our only fear shall now be, that we have not given enough. It’s not important what others say about us. It is only important, that in the end, we can stand the judgment of our own soul. So all becomes very easy, we want to learn more about plasma, we just give, we want to become strong, we just give. And the good thing is, we do not even have to learn something new, everything we need is already within us. We can give a smile, a helping hand, we can give knowledge, we can help the good things in others to face the daylight, we can comfort, our presence can uplift and we can even use our words and our voice to elevate the soul. We are in an upward going towards, and there is no end. Only we ourselves can stop the process.

We discussed in Rome about world situation and that even if we are in the millions, compared to the world population, we are very rare, and one dear soul and, maybe we are just the gans of humanity. I found this very appropriate so in changing our self we will change the whole planet. So let us give the way we have never done before, let’s give as if it would be the last opportunity to do so, let’s be so contagious that we may infect each and every one, let’s celebrate the real life.

This was the experience that I wanted to share with you and what I think is most important to know if we work with the plasma, or better the other way round if the plasma decides to work with us.

The only problem will be that others have no more excuse now; they cannot say anymore they didn’t know what to do. They have read my words and they have to act.

With all my Love, Peter Salocher


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022320 K: This how we have seen and how the structure is becoming. People are deciding for themselves to bring the change. We are just what we call ‘a tool.’ No more than that. We just teach the knowledge and we show how the knowledge can be used in a very, very positive way. We don’t need to go to the extent of receiving more knowledge. We have to understand what we have received and then we will understand the totality of it. It is a proud moment for most of us as human beings that we have come to this point and we have achieved to become mature and it is we who have to understand and it is we who have to bring the change and it is we who are the cause of the change.

K: it is we who have to take the step to bring the change about. I can teach you a lot. We had to reflect back on what we have done and what we have done. It is not always teaching about how to put the reactors together but how to put the reactors on the thoughts together that they give life what it is expecting. In mixing the gans it needs a reactor. You have to build the gans; it doesn’t come out of thin air. If the intention of making the gans is to help somebody, then you see the results.

022523 Azar: I am reading the chat and I was listening to people when we were in the conference. I think it was not clear to all people and to me and I want to tell you a story and you tell me if the story makes sense; that is how I can present my question. In 1961 some place in the cosmos there was a condition that was a magnetic field and gravitational forces condition was appropriate and a soul was created. And this soul was looking at the cosmos and all the planets and saying, where am I supposed to go.

022615 A: She looked at the earth and said; okay this is a good challenging planet. She was looking for a parent to come into existence and she saw this couple who just got married and they were having sex, and she said this is a good couple. She presented herself to the sperm and the egg and when they joined she became that child. The minute she became that child, the essence of the parents from all the generations went to her DNA and RNA. So once she was born, she didn’t have access to all the information because you can’t have access to all of it.

22704 A: she had to go the way of just knowing in the environment. Then suddenly she was diverted from what she came to do. The time she was in the cosmos she knew what she was going to do. But she got diverted and she was confused and she was going on the wrong path. She thought there were past lives, she had been born many times, there was karma and she had to pay back and she shouldn’t judge. So the person who kills or rapes is supposed to do that, so I


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

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am not supposed to judge the person who rapes or kills or abuses children or kills in the war zone. So what is her position if she is not supposed to judge? If she cannot judge how can she prevent that?

A: so suddenly now she got to this organization called the Kf and to Mr. Keshe. Does this make sense to you?

022809 K: not really. But it makes a very nice story. Were you born in 1961? (yes) Hahaha! I don’t know; you have to find out. Let me explain something. Yesterday we were in the car and I explained something to Caroline on the back of what you are talking about. The discussion was about the father who has given all his wealth away, but not to his children. And this is the way this father thinks and works. Caroline thinks of life in a different way and came out with an automatic answer. She said, it is good. They say all the crimes the father and the ancestors may have done which are wrong goes with the wealth to the child. Now he is given a way in which nothing can go to the child and he is isolated and he starts fresh. And so nothing goes from the crimes of the past to be added or taken into the future with the child.

022948 K: the point is how do we see our lives, how do we expand our lives? When we go into space how are we going to pay for what our ancestors have done on this planet in respect to what we are going to do in space? Or, do we clean the slate for ourselves and then we go with a pure heart and soul? In so many ways when I teach you how to elevate your soul it is to balance from what your ancestors have done wrong in the past to hurt or damage others and those souls are still suffering for thousands of years. Those souls through you are elevated to become equal and to come into balance. Don’t forget you always pray for others and in elevating the souls of others for what has been done to them by souls that you are a part of and we are a part of it and that is the time when we bring all the souls of the past into balance. That is when man will see the opening of space.

023057 K: It is no use to leave suffering behind and hoping for the new future unless you eradicate and bring the suffering back to balance. We have freed the man on the point of physical death from the suffering of his physicality. Now it is time to release the suffering of the soul so that all the souls, even one soul can move on. There is no use having a painful toe that makes the whole body limp from it. 2.31.33


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023200 Ali (A): you said the Ancients of the past used the pyramids to bring peace to this planet. I was interested because you said something about there being generators in the pyramids. There are advanced generators that can bring you closer to the creator.

023230 K: the picture you put on the front page of what you show has meaning for some of those who work with us. In time we will explain. It doesn’t matter how many you make…you can make 7 billion of them and it is the same. Star formation is still the same. All the spots you put on the ground and the ones you showed in the picture it needs a top. Some of you have not understood the star formation.

023350 K: this is very interesting if you have not understood. When you have a star formation these fields cover everything in every aspect. What is important is the flow of the fields and the strange thing is when the fields flow it all gets mixed up. It has balance and it feeds balance to the others. (2.34.32 minutes). With the star formation I always said the position with Hydrogen it sits on top and the others underneath. If you look it is the position of the creator—humble and knowing, he is more and he can give equally to all. It does not need much strength because strength comes from receiving for those who have for it to be centered.

023520 K: this is a very big problem that some of you have not noticed in the understanding of the new technology is this: you always look in the wrong direction and I show you another point of view. (draws on whiteboard) You have your 3 reactors and you have your top reactor. You always looked at the flow of the fields in this manner –the three flowing energy to the top. What about the flow of the fields in this manner (from lower out in a circle to another lower one with energy coming from the top of the star formation? Or the flow from one lower circle to another. If you look at it the triangle is always the same and the flow still exists; otherwise the reactor would not be in this position. The only time when the balance field is distributed is when they all flow and they flow back.

023645 K: all the crimes of humanity and the universe are forgiven to become one and to be spread equally that we carry the unity of the universe. It does matter if it is applied or not.


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023720 Foca Florin from Romania: I am teaching and I have 2 questions and then I’d like to show something. 1. Can we weld the connection of the Magrav and then after that nano coat the copper? This is just the first question.

K: it depends on you and what you expect.

F: can you explain a bit about this?

K: what part do you want to understand?

F: about welding or twisting the connection of the coils.

K: depends on what you want.

F: let’s say energy.

023839 K: it depends on how you want to connect. When you weld you still have an interface. When you weld the plasmatic flow it changes on the point of the interaction. When you solder it is the same. You create slightly different energy at the point of interaction. When you twist you share where it needs to be shared. They take and leave what they want from it. Let me explain something about the designs.

023929 K: this is very interesting and we are considering a lot of things in our work. This is just adding to the knowledge and seeing different options. One of these options is that you are all making the pins for the center of your capacitors and you twist the top. (2.40.11 minutes) and, you build your coils on it. What if you twisted the other end away from the first end? - some of you do. Or what if you leave the opposite end of the twisted end open receiving energy from the universe? Would it be any different if you made your connection of the right end or the left end of the pin? What about when you make your coils when it comes to the aluminum foil at the end and you just roll it and twist if over? What about if you twist the paper back on the foil? So that it absorbs and holds the energy.

024105 K: all of you just roll the aluminum foil and then you put the thing on. What if you roll it back on itself? You hold more capacitance because now this edge is free to the universal energy. When you build it back on itself you build a much stronger capacitor. (2.42.30 minutes). You have to open your eyes in different forms of connections and how and what that gives you. What about if you make one of your Magrav coils with an open end?


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

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024152 F: the second question is about the Magrav I showed you with the tubes. Now I am planning to do the health screens by using the tubes and by using opposite gans for the opposite gravitation on each wall. Is this a good idea? Should the coil and tubes be flat, or the 90 degree opposed for the gravitational one?

024243 K: why don’t to try it and see what it will give you?

F: I am doing this already and I just want to more from you about this

024302 K: it depends on how you mix and position your materials. A lot of you are in what I call the state of thinking that you have a Magrav system in the room that doesn’t work. The others as in agriculture whom we have shown that you give the gans water to one set of vegetables and next door you run a trial of ones with gans water and ones with no gans water. But in fact the gans water on top of the soil goes down and it is shared by the guy next door because it is so close.

024349 K: and then they say there is not much difference. We have discussed this—everything in your workroom has an effect on it, even your emotion. When you cultivate people say they use a patch of land with potatoes that are given the gans water. Then we use another patch of land next to it and we give no gans to it. In the potato/gans field I produce 9 kg and the field next to it without the gans water is 6 kg. What if you take the same seed and go 100 meters away and put the seeds on it? You will see 2 kg. Because the proximity of the material has interaction. They say it is not that big. But this is what I said to the agricultural people: do not run your trials on your seeds near anything you are growing. Move somewhere else.

024459 K: now you say what if I turn it or twist it with your questions. What effect does it have in the environment around it? You are not in the line of connection any more where there is a piece of wire and you get electricity from it. If this system is plasmatic it will affect that system. This will shock many of you. Remember your ‘beam me up Scottie” system? Very soon you will see one. But the thing is, where are you going land this Scottie? All of you saw Scottie being beamed but you never understood the guy.

024555 K: Armen lost two balls. The others lost balls, this was transportation, what you call tele-transportation. In a few months or years, you will say you saw the guy do that but he didn’t’ understand it. Now you understand it. Any of you who work with the fields are capable of doing


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

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a lot of things. A lot of you work on the plasma technology especially across the Atlantic and especially in the Pacific. Run your reactors, put Zinc in them and wish for peace and see how many soldiers in the naval forces walk off. Navies cannot fight when there are no soldiers there to fight.

024651 K: we saw the marching in the Viet Nam era and people would not go to war. If you understand what I have given you and what Paul and Benjamin told you, you have the same power. Those of you who are on one side of the Pacific and those of you who are on the other side of the Pacific you all use zinc oxide. Energize it and put your wish on it and I wonder if there would be any naval forces to fight? The ships would all be anchoring because there would be no soldiers to run it. But the wish of peace has to be there. It is the same zinc and the same core and the same everything. The only thing that changed is the wish for war changing to the wish for peace.

024742 K: But now it is not just a wish; you have the tools to deliver it! You can paralyze armies. You have enough plasma reactors around the Pacific Ocean and you made these to escape the earthquake. You are so physical you worked hoping to avoid a disaster and the disaster is war. You were waiting for the earthquake to happen. You are going to change the course of the earthquakes. The ‘earthquakes’ are for the navies and the naval forces and military aircraft. You built all these systems and said that you would have energy if the earthquakes came.

024830 K: if the earthquake comes you are more prepared than anywhere else. But the earthquake is to stop the naval forces. Go on the internet and talk online and put your zinc in it. You heard Paul from Togo telling you I gave Zinc and this is what it does. You heard it from Benjamin to mix CO2, CuO, and CONH with zinc in it and you will see results. You have all the tools of peace. The conference was just a show. How many plasma reactors are sitting in China? How many Chinese have developed reactors with gans rotating and then how many of you across the Pacific Ocean, in the Philippines, Viet Nam, Australia, New Zealand? All of you put the time—tomorrow, next week and run together. Put the gans of ZnO and CH3, which increases its power. Then ‘run and wish’ and ask for the support of the soul of the 12 core team and the core team center. Then ask for the members of the UC that their wish comes true.

024955 K: You will see a lot of military officers who will be running away themselves and they do not know what they are doing. I showed you the picture of the KF and the clouds. I said these


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

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clouds are the reactors, the gans and everything else. Run it and wish it and the soldiers are in between. The fish are in between. Caroline has started throwing CO2 water everywhere in every pond and fountain in Italy and Rome; you do the same and now connect them. That is what I said is that their biggest problem was that they never stopped me from teaching and writing books and teaching the public.

025053 K: we started the peace process; we can do it. It is our job as the human race to do it, thousands of you and don’t say you tried it for 4 weeks and it ‘didn’t do anything.’ It will do its job and you will see the results. It needs to link up. Next time you go to the port and you see a naval officer coming on duty give him a little bottle filled with ZnO and a little amino acid and say this bottle brings good luck. You have yourself in his heart and soul and he will go to your way of thinking. This is the correct way and it doesn’t harm any of the others

025140 K: I have literally infested humanity with the plasma technology and I don’t need to do much more. We were in the conference from 35 nations and that is a very little conference in a very little place in Rome. We have spread the wish of peace across the planet and now it is for you to deliver. Understand that it is not ‘by the twist of something.’ You have twisted enough wires and done enough rotating. And the system to deliver it sits right among you; deliver it and it will be there. Start moving and you will see the change. You have to change the brain of the man from killing. How you ‘bend’ it doesn’t matter if you bend it 80 degrees or anything else.

025248 K: Let me tell you something: the KF products and technology have become something people want to see more of. Otherwise there is nothing wrong with you. We will see you in Rome on December 12 to 14.

025318 F: can I share my camera?

K: is this your video and is this your work?

R: he is talking about his video camera sharing.

K: we have internet inspectors that we cannot lose anything.

025453 F: Saturday I broke my pectoral muscle at the gym. I lift 140 kilos and I tore the muscle. We have some tendons and muscles going to the shoulder. The pectoral was torn. I just went to the hospital and everyone asked me about pain. They did the MRI. I had no pain. Now


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I just wonder because I drink from my water cup for a couple of months. I didn’t take any pain killer. This is strange for the doctors and for me.

025634 K: this is one of the properties of being in contact with CO2 and nano materials. Because of the carbon connection in the CO2 and being in that environment, the pain does not transmit itself because it is energy information. It just balances itself out, the way we use the pain patch at amputation site. There is no pain and the patch distributes and balances the information that is made of the neuro system especially if you use or have been in touch with copper. You made the gans and you already have it in you from working with it. I know exactly what you are talking about. I broke ten bones falling off a horse and I didn’t feel any pain. I was walking. So this is why most probably I caused more damage by walking on the broken bones. I experienced this over 5 years ago.

025809 K: if you have a burn you keep CO2 hand and spray it and you never feel any pain from the burn at all and the skin regenerates. Is this good or bad? The majority of time the CO2 gives massive pain relief. I have been there…what you are talking about.

F: I am waiting for the call for surgery and they have to put the muscle back.

K: the energy is used for repair and not pain and you will repair much faster.

F: I feel more tired. I have to go bed soon.

K: I hope your surgery is successful.

025937F: OK I have to show you something else. I built a health pen. This is a bit different. (2.59.53 minutes) I built it by seeing a galaxy in the universe. This has one matter, liquid and light. I have the light that comes on. The light is the ‘central nerve’ and I tested this on 5 people. 3 of them feel electricity in the arm. And I feel that also. My idea was from a cartoon when I was a child and there was a light going through that stone like in my case. The light has gone through the liquid plasma and is coming out. This was my idea that after the light hits the flower or the man they are revived. I never felt plasma so powerful; it’s a tube with the liquid plasma, the magnetic gravitational coils and the light. This was my idea and how I built it.

030234 K: thank you very much. Maybe this is what you see in the movie with the laser lights, this is what you have. Ha ha ha ha! Thank you very much.


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030249 Ali from Spaceship Institute: I would like to extend the hand of peace to SpaceX and ask them to sign the peace treaty so we can work together and build a spaceship together. We will share the technology and I would like to offer the hand of peace.

031313 K: at the moment they lost heavily in this launch and one day they will understand it and say thank you for doing it. But we have to do things that bring things in order. Any other question?

033333 Azar: what is the importance of today?

K; tomorrow is a big day. In the Jewish calendar tomorrow the 16th of September 2016 is known as the point of change. If we are correct we are expecting the talk from religious leaders in the next few days and coming weeks to announce a very big change in their belief and the structure of belief. You will see when it happens and when it comes.

030428 R: Stephan has something to ask or show with his system.

K; I have to stop for a minute one moment please

S: let me run my questions by you while we are waiting for Mr.K.

K: okay, carry on.

030636 S: I don’t know if you remember the carousel. I presented this a few months back and this is a newer model.

030711 K: what is the shiny piece next to the first coil? It’s like a shining plastic on the coils.

030801 S: it is glue. I broke the ball earlier today and I put glue in the ball.

K: what is on the capacitors on the side; is that glue too?

S: these have glue on the top. yes

030837 K: you know these glues are fire hazards and they can cause a lot of problems. I see people using these coils and hot glues and a couple of fires have started with them. The


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capacitors build up energy. Any of you using the hot glue for connections is a disaster waiting to happen. 030922

030926 S: the hot glue was made for the tubes.

K: don’t use anything in line that has wires touching them. 3.09.35 As a container holder the glue is not a problem but don’t use it on your cores. You run into problems with the overheating and glue or plastic melts.

031007 S: fantastic – thank you Mr. Keshe for the clarification for people not to use the hot glue any more. This is a 36 tube cell that I made and it is basically a Magrav. I have some questions. We have the center coil that is in the tube and I did not add gans in the tube. There are 2 wires coming out one re-looped on top. Then I put aluminum tape all around it and I built capacitors by section on top of it. I used Scott towels on this. There are 12 capacitors in this one and when I plug it into 12 volts there is no short, it acts as 12 capacitors in parallel.

K: are the capacitors in a series?


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S: I actually paralleled them. The center wire is aluminum. And the Magrav is the same thing and with this it would already have amperage in it and it would include capacitors in the system.

031211 K: why not? This is innovation and I keep on saying that there is nothing wrong with whatever we do. It is just understanding what the outcome will be.

S: I think the spark gap in a circle will reinforce the system in many ways? What are your thoughts on the top coils? There is the inner tube with gans and water and I did this in the Tesla configuration. I have 4 coils here and 2 are clockwise connected together and 2 are counterclockwise connected together and both are going in on each side of the center coil, like a Magrav basically. When I tested its frequency it was in the range of 3 hertz to 20 hertz for an average of 8 hertz. I may want to test with a ground and see if I can tap into the ground. I could tell the flow was more static. When I test it I get the same results; 66% savings on this, 66% with the 90 degree Magrav, 66% with the Magrav, 66% with the Trinity cup, 66% on all. I know the coils work and there is no resisting principle in them. Am I missing something which this (copper colored) coil at the top? I also have this for the Fibonacci sequence that’s inside (3.14.39 minutes). And the last sequence is the exterior coil. Basically it’s a Magrav but inside you have Fibonacci sequence, so it’s one turn then a space 1 turn, space, 2 turns, space, 3 turns, space, 5 turns, space 8, 13, 21 etc. The last coil is the exterior one and a complete coil and this has an interesting energy field. It felt like it flowed less direct than the Magrav and more wavy, fluid and snake like. It feels really good. I haven’t tested it for the savings. I get the savings when I go through the liquid and I use different metals to create different field potential such as aluminum and copper.

031606 K: this is very, very interesting. There are so many innovations and ways to do these things and each one of us uses our intellect and the knowledge we have gathered and nobody is ‘wrong.’

S: I have been starting to work with 3-D models and this is my first print. (3.16.36 minutes) This was just a little device I made.

K: you mean you have a spare 3-D machine and you didn’t know what to do with it.

S: this was one of my first prints and I’ll print many designs and I have many ideas with geometry forms. There’s a lot of work to be done on the configuration on each system.

031711 K: We understand, thank you very much. We do not know what presenting knowledge triggers in other people and gives us a new way of thinking, new system or new technology. If


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you have anything like this, you want to present in the December scientific conference we will give you a platform. We will find somewhere for all of you to be able to print.

031740 K: We are printing something in the Keshe Foundation background and under no circumstances, they would like me to repeat, will we allow any Belgium citizens, passport holders or any connections to Belgium to attend any of the KF conferences. This is not to be prejudiced but to protect KF from the animal behavior are aware of. These people use Belgium as their national cover and we saw them here and the security forces in Italy are aware of them. Their limit of animal behavior has been proven in the West. Do not make application that we have to reject it. You will find out that we have enough strength to make sure nothing will happen. We even monitor the residents of the hotel and those who ‘try to be clever.’ We are very heavily protected and we are proud to be in that position and be able to present our people. No Belgium passport holders, except for my wife will be allowed to any of the conferences as long as the present behavior of the nation or its ruler stays the same. We do not allow terrorists or those who call others terrorists to carry on their acts in the conferences. Thank you for reminding me.

031936 S: I have a question on the gold gans. Right now I have 14 carat gold gans that I have made with carbon and 14 carat gold and I want to know if there is something I need to watch out for. I am using it in the health cup and the energy of it feels great. Am I missing something?

032006 K: I don’t know what you want to miss that you can say that you ‘found it.’ You have everything, you don’t need anything. That is what we said in the conference, there is nothing missing and there is just adding more to become more peaceful and to satisfy the needs.

032030 R: what was your intention when you made it?

S: my first approach and I always approach it when I do my tests, is on a non-intent approach. I always start with the basics. If you want to walk you do that before you want to run. It is best to understand what manifests where and why. So by getting an approach that is non-intent, even though the first intent of all was to unite everyone and bring people to a consciousness that we all connect and have abilities. This is just to get people out of the dark. Basically a lot of truths were not listened to because of lack of knowledge and lack of studying. So for me when I first saw Mr. K it is like finally somebody steps up and has a method and seems to doing it quite well


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and everything is so well thought out. So my intent was to give it all I have to prove to the world that this technology works and then continue on my own spiritual journey.

032216 R: what did you intend for this specific gans?

S: it’s the same thing. When I do something new, if this was new, I try to have a ‘no –mind’ intent so I get to see the pure basics of it. Even so we are always intending something, like to learn and to discover and start with the basics. At the end of the day it is peace, but the mono-atomic gold and the super conductivity have always interested me because I knew it would hold the knowledge of many things. Through cultivation I have acquired these things without needing technology to assist me. Technology was a way for people to get out of the trap they are currently in. People need to be able to listen to themselves more instead of listening to others and find the truth within themselves.

032349 K: thank you for sharing knowledge with us.

032405 R: Bob Young says a Chinese knowledge seeker want to share his generator. And also Ruthy from China has had a lot of questions in the chat mainly answered by Vernie, but she might have some questions…

K: go ahead. – (Some time spent getting Bob on line, and then finally 123 with Chinese characters comes on line and talks in Chinese.)

032809 Bob: he said he has made changes to his generator and wants to show it. 032014 He added an infinite loop in the center of the Magrav unit. Maybe there is some improvement. 032940pic


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032940 K: there is something we have to say. In the original blueprint there is a slight mistake in the way that is was initially drawn. Would you bring up the blue print, Renan or Vernie? If you want to understand it there is a connection adding that it is important to understand and that is that you come from your power supply to the positive of the capacitor set and you go out to the negative of the capacitor set into the stacker unit. This is wrong. You have to come into the center, which is a negative and then you take from the positive. There has been a problem in this drawing that was reversed. It said it was going parallel and we checked again and it has to be corrected. When you come from your power supply you are coming to the negative of the capacitor and go out of the positive. Somehow in the understanding of the drawing the picture was turned. Please correct it in the blue print and this is one of the problems we have noticed.

033155 K: (draws on white board) At the moment what you have has to be changed in the blueprint. You come from the power supply, positive and negative and you go into 4 capacitors. This is the present drawing where you come this way and you take your wires from the negative and you go out. This is wrong. (3.32.29 minutes). This was put in wrong. You must come to the negative and you have your coils and you go into positive into the negative of the Magrav. Some of you might have had a problem with this and so it comes in and goes to the negative. Go to the center coil and not into the positive. Somehow in the drawing it was turned 180 degrees. I inquired about this in the beginning and now we know that it has to be changed back to the


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

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original shape of positive negative so you can power supply and go through the plasma system—negative-positive-negative-positive –negative-positive.

033330 K: the structure changes quite a lot. I hope for those of you that didn’t notice that on the blueprint, it should be changed and we can be updated. You might find totally different performance from your system. There are additions to the Magrav system, which we will add to the system for you to check. We realized very recently and we are still checking this; Armen came up with this in the past 24 to 48 hours. He discovered this could be possible error or not getting the better performance from the Magrav system and some connections. We will announce this once we have checked in the factory and in Italy to see if this is the case. We will inform you and tell you how to adjust it to increase the potential of your system’s reduction. Some of you who didn’t see massive reduction, it could be a connection missing in one of the drawings that you have created. It happened in our factory production. We are checking it and we are not afraid of mistakes. We are very open about them; if there are mistakes they have to be corrected and this is what we noticed in the past couple of days. This is the connection into the generators. Please adjust this. The capacitor in drawing stage was put back to front.

033516 K: Remember something very important—when you make these units this is essential. It is very important that you come from the supply and come into the 4 capacitors and then you go into the Magrav system. (3.35.43 minutes) These 3 Magrav systems should not have any capacitance or any capacitor in any shape as a Magrav unit with them. They are applied on their own. I have seen some people using the Magrav system with all the capacitors in the back and front for this purpose. This cannot be done—it has to be the stacker unit because you have capacitors here (3.36.06 minutes) and you will get problems in your system.

033610 K: the other thing in your development of your capacitors—please remembers how to make these capacitors. It is important. The capacitors are made in a strict, very specific way and you can go up to 3 or maybe 4 nano if you get it the right way. Understand how this is done and this is very important. We ourselves are learning in this process. You have the gans of CO2 and you may create nano gans of copper oxide by heating the copper wire very high to create the nano coat. Then you dip it in very cold water. You get a lot of sparking and splashing of black stuff and you need that black stuff to add to this. This is the nano gans copper you need on your coils. The way this has been done is these coils are added with gel which has in it the component of NaOH. These are very little things you have to pay attention to in order to get high, powerful capacitors. (This is Douglas’s discoveries and development repeated)


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033740 K: in the background, Renan will add this to the blueprint. We are not just showing something to show it. We are guiding you step by step why some of you cannot produce certain materials. You have got to remember very clearly how you roll these capacitors. You put this (3.38.06 minutes) on paper or you put this on the aluminum side and put the lower on the paper side. You can put the CO2, with the gel and the NaOH on your paper winding and then with the copper oxide nano and gans material added to it on the aluminum. Let it dry so that you cannot scrape it off because it is now joined. When you look at the ones which Douglas makes, this is part of the metal and it fuses into the structure and they give you very high potential capacitance. These are little things you have to look for and do. Every day I sit and learn from the teachings and the innovation center. We don’t pay much attention to it but a little adds to the strength and gives you what you want.

033903 K: Please when you use the Magrav system only use the coils and not the capacitors and the other one. The capacitors have to be in the right direction. When you look at the compressors one compressor has to be much bigger and more powerful than the other one. You cannot use parallel compressors then you will get your condition of flow. The compressor connection is updated again because some people could not understand how it worked so it has been upgraded. Renan will put up the new version and the line which was connecting the compressor into the capacitor beyond has been taken off for maximum efficiency and connection. The new upgrade diagram for Magrav has been set and please check it if you built one.

034000 K: Recheck that it goes with the ratio being very big—one to two if you can do that. There is a thermostat control of the current flow in some of the capacitors. Please do not take it out. We have seen it burning out and we had it happen the last couple of days ourselves. Renan please update the drawing of the generator so that people can check and check again. We try to be very precise in how you make things, how you develop your gans materials, and wind your capacitors, and your stacker units and how you connect it. This makes a lot of difference for a lot of you who could not get your system going. Capacitor direction has to be changed. The line between the compressor and the capacitor has to be taken out and you don’t need to have capacitance with your stacker unit. In the process of generation, you don’t need that. What you do is take your load across (3.41.06 minutes) as it should be.


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034136 Armen (A): Mr. Keshe there is one more thing. You have to connect backwards in the drawing and add one more thing. On the negative side you have to connect the capacitors together.

K: yes, there are parallel.

A: yes, with the stacker. They are in parallel.

K: no, it is not; that is the problem and it has to be turned the other way around. They are not parallel. The capacitors are in a series with the stacker. In the drawing there is a mistake. The 4 capacitors are in parallel with each other but they sit in series with the stacker unit.

A: yes, actually the 4 and 4 are in parallel.

K: we only have one set of 4.

A: one set of 4? We were doing 2 sets of 4.

K: you can do 2 or you can go to 12 to increase the power supply. We are testing things in the background and in the very near future we can show you that you can produce huge amounts of power out of these systems. But, let us do our work literally off the board and with the understanding we can pass the knowledge on. We have seen other testing and development going on and we are re-considering the position and connection of the capacitors and the rest.

Back to the Chinese connection 123… (more conversation in Chinese…)

034500 B: his 4 capacitors are in the center of the stack unit in the place of the gans balls.

K: why not; if it works and gives him response we learn from him.

B: no, it is not working. He said he said when he switched it from A to B he saw some sparks on the switch.

K: what is he connecting to, a battery or the grid?

B: he connects to the grid.

K: then when it switches on, then go off the grid. It is only used to start. You have a potential difference in the energy release. What energy does he get?

B: he is showing the switch.

034702 K: tell him to move to the right. He’s too close and we can’t see any more. What is there? – a drill, and the compressors?


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

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B: it is for winding coils. When he switched to the other side, the first side is completely disconnected. (3.48.08 minutes).

034816 K: thank you, but the two compressors look to be equal and this will be a problem.

B: they are different.

034844 K: ask him to look at the blueprint again when Renan puts up the update on the generators. They need to be adjusted on the drawing.

034956 K: somebody made a comment…see what the last comment was on the zoom chat.

R: Mark asks if Mr. K is dyslexic.

K: I don’t know, you go check. Please delete him and take him off the chat and don’t let him back in. We don’t need trolls and don’t ever let him back in.

035042 K: you have to allow the system to reset itself and you have to allow the system to operate in the new manner and something which we notice in different experiments is that how you position the 2 compressors will affect the performance of some of the systems. We are trying to replace the compressors with solid state and we are testing in different ways. When you work with the compressors the position of the Magrav systems in regards to the compressors is that the compressors can have some effect on the performance.


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Bob: (3.52.19 minutes) pic

035235 K: is this the stacker 1, 2, and 3 units?

B: no this is infinity loop. Can we add more loops to the 1, 2, and 3?

K: why not? It could be beneficial. There is nothing wrong; you are the front runners of this technology. You try, we see and we learn.

035321 Ruthie (R): recently we mentioned about drinking the plasma liquid. There is some discussion in the Chinese group that people said not to drink too much of the liquid plasma because maybe it will have some heavy metal inside it and impact your health. So could you clarify this?

035358 K: it depends on what you call heavy metals. When you make these waters there should be no metal in it and it should be clear because you take it from the top of the gans jars and you should not be digesting anything to have heavy metal. Where does the heavy metal come in? You have zinc and copper; that is all that it is unless you use other materials that you know. You use the top of the water above the gans in the bottom. The top water is very pure. If there is any structure left in the top it purifies in the body and it takes with it what is not needed. It is a plasma condition and not a matter condition. It does not interact with the body. It is in the mono


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

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atomic gans state and it does not carry the structure. You should not use any water near the gans material. You always let it fully settle and you just take the water off the top, especially if you are just using it for digestion.

035519 Rick: what about quantities?

K: We don’t advise more than 1 or 2 spoons of gans plasma water a day.

R: some people might be drinking cups of it.

K: oh, my God. We don’t advise more than 1 or 2 spoons a day.

035537 Ruthie: okay and I have another question. Some Chinese people do a test (3.55.47 minutes) and they found if they use the salt which has iodine inside it, they found that maybe it is not a good quality gans, or it is maybe just a chemistry mixture. They found that that maybe we should use the sea salt. Will adding it affect the quality of the gans? Or in some salts they have added the fluoride inside of it. (3.56.15 minutes)

K: it depends. When you use sea salt, you carry everything that is in the sea and we say this all the time. Is the sea salt gans one of the best things because it carries all the minerals that we need? Maybe yes, but on the other hand it carries other things, which we don’t want to have as well. That is what is inside. Will our bodies take from what you introduce or will our bodies reject it?

O35654 R: in China they must add iodine to the salt according to the government.

K: yes, but you use the gans of it and the liquid gans of it. If the body needs what is in it, it will link up with it. If it doesn’t need it, then it won’t link up with it. This is how we deal with cancer. There is lack or a wrong that needs to be brought to balance and the body will take what it needs and not the rest. This is an interesting phenomenon and maybe this partially answers what you are talking about. If you go on certain type of food and if you, for example, eat man made additives in the processed foods, these have combinations that your body tries to store when it comes in that it might need.

035804 K: but if you eat 100 grams of fruit it has all the vitamins and minerals that you need for that day or what your body needs. If you eat a kilo of it your body has to work to get rid of that


Transcript from 137 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held September 15, 2016

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extra amount that you have eaten. That creates and takes energy. It is one of the best ways for those who want to lose weight in a specific way. This works the same way; the body only takes what it needs in the natural process and the rest is rejected. When you add and hold solid gans, then it attaches and absorbs a lot of energy of what you call heavy metal or whatever gans of a metal, if there is a need for the body for that particular energy, then it is given to the body. So your body doesn’t hold on to what it doesn’t need. And it finds a way to process it and it is directly rejected especially in the gans state.

035913 K: we will show some scientific data that you will understand very rapidly. That is why this technology was so successful with Fukushima. If you remember the test of the gans on the mouse, they measured everything that came out of the body of the animal. It was equal to the poison or radioactive material that they gave to the animal. The rest is non-toxic and doesn’t stay in the body. There are a lot of rumors in China that we hear and they are aware of it. They are trying to connect the technology to the understanding and it is respected and it has to be put in order as well.

040008 Ruthie: is there any method for testing the gans? Some people said that you said the gans could be dissolved in strong acid or strong alkaline liquid. They put the gans inside it and they found some of the gans disappeared.

K: they are not gans. We see that and we know that. There are different ways of testing it. You have to understand that part of the process goes in the matter state and part of the process stays in the gans state. Partially the acid itself creates a condition for the gans to convert to near enough the matter state instead of the energy state. Don’t forget just because you put acid in there, you have separated. The acid with the gans absorbing the energy creates the environment which can use part of the gans itself. It doesn’t dissolve in it, now it has taken a new stage and a new state.

040116 K: what you have when you add these acids means the acid is saturated with what it needs from the gans. It doesn’t dissolve it. It’s like another virus; it takes energy from it. You have to understand the process; what is the kind of acid and what is the kind of the gans and what is the energy transfer in the plasma condition? It doesn’t dissolve. We explain this in the tests that you see the center core emptying. It is not emptying. The energy is transferred in the gans into the balanced condition of its environment. Inside it is pure plasma and pure fields. Translate the knowledge the way it is and not to fit something that is explained the wrong way.


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040216 K: I discussed with the innovation center today, regarding when you use acid in the cores to increase acidity or alkalinity. I said the same thing to them: if you want to add acid to a gans, you find a gans that is high in acid and you don’t go buy sulfuric acid and add to it. You can find materials which are highly acidic, but they carry order which is produced by the food which means it is in the state of gans. I explained this many times. In the gans state you don’t lose your matter. It means the environment you put it in needs the energy of the gans for it to balance with the gans and what is left is the balance that was not needed. If you add more acid, you will find the rest will disappear too. It’s an energy transfer; it is not dilution.

040342 K: Shall we call it a day Rick? R: Sure, absolutely Mr. Keshe I think you’ve earned your pay today! K: The payment is not good enough can I have a little bit more boss? R: Double!

K: Double! let me explain again, if you want to show your technology, if you want to show your science, if you want to show or learn from people that are doing things, if you are a manufacturer manufacturing different kinds of KF gans and whatever, or if you want to come and learn new ways as we announced, you can book (for December in Rome). We are not holding any reservations. They must be booked and paid immediately. And you can attend the conference on December 12, 13 and 14. Submit your papers and if you want to bring papers or you want to share knowledge we accept your papers to be shown. If you are a housewife and you developed something very simple, you are still a scientist. If you are an electronic engineer or a professor and you want to show something, you still have the same room. We will close these bookings very quickly now because as you have seen in Rome we have 500 places and we only have accommodations for 400. it starts on Saturday, the 11th for arrival and you can present papers on the 12th, 13th and 14th and we finish on the 14th which is a Thursday and we will do a live presentation of the teaching depending on what room capacity we can get.

040536 K: if you want to apply for Ghana, Ghana has opened up as many scientists who can come in. If you are nationals in Africa and you want to join them, again we confirm the conference in March or April. We are the ones who have to build the technology, not someone who comes to do it for us. You build a system and you discover something and you have done acid and gans and you want to write a paper on it, and it’s applicable, you have a platform. No other organization gives such freedom for sharing knowledge. And the organization here is you and we and you have to build the conferences. The more we publish papers the easier this will be understood. It is not something on the internet when you have presented a paper in a world conference. Maybe 30 to 50 nationalities will attend and you gain your own stature and your


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own stage for delivering knowledge. There is no control and we allow you to bring in a reactor if you want to bring it and show it.

040650 K: we support this and come in and show your knowledge. We have seen this in past conferences where people don’t even go to sleep. They are sharing knowledge around the clock. Thank you very much. 040723 Don’t forget the Knowledge Seekers teaching on the 15th, 16th, and 17th will come live from Ghana.

R: I’ll show the Ghana as a screen share.

K: yes please, do the Ghana! show the video. We are proud to be in Africa and there is so much knowledge coming out of Africa. It’s unbelievable. Thank you very much.