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Version of 30/09/2016


Food waste today represents in France more than 10 million tons of pure loss each year, of which 1.5 million tons arises from corporate[footnoteRef:1] catering. Even though this problem is more and more prevalent in the public debate and is better accounted by the lawmakers, the sector of institutional catering still has difficulty in implementing concrete actions for the reduction of the food waste. Within the sector, the reduction of waste is often seen as a logistic puzzle and remains largely associated with legal responsibilities linked to food donation. Nevertheless, numerous actions are possible. The objective of this operational guide is to propose detailed information, contacts of key actors/partners on the subject, concrete solutions adapted to the context of la Dfense, in order to eventually facilitate the efforts of restaurants of companies who wish to take initiative in this regard. [1: Source: Ministry of Agriculture, 2015 ]

This guide is the result of a work carried out in the framework of the Open Source Circular Economy Days (OSCE Days)[footnoteRef:2], which brings together and connects every year experts, innovators and enthusiasts through numerous workshops and which takes place simultaneously in about fifty partner cities around the world, for the objective of exploring the multiple ways in which the open source can serve the circular economy. SUEZ is a partner of the event since its creation in 2015. [2: Official page: ]

In this context, in June 2016, Future of Waste[footnoteRef:3] and SUEZ co-organised a workshop on the reduction of food waste within the staff canteen at the tower CB 21 of La Dfense. The initiative, which took place on 13th June 2016, brought together Magalie Eyen, Services Manager for the occupants at the Logistic Direction of SUEZ, Christophe Delattre, of the association occupying the Tower, Nora Hafoud, Quality Manager of MRS[footnoteRef:4] (company canteen), Pierre Mauduit, Director Engagements of MRS, Myriam Fabioux, Consultant catering with NCISR, Lydia Bodis, Chief of projects SUEZ Recyclage & Valorisation France. Furthermore, the fight against food waste is today structured around an ecosystem of committed actors: entrepreneurs, NGOs, companies, public authorities. This is why the entrepreneurs and the following representatives of associations also participated actively in this workgroup: Julien Meimon of Chanon Manquant, Caroline Delboy of Whatthefood/DiscoSoupe, Ludivine Vajouof TakeAway, and Didier Girard of Centre Hospitalier du Mans. The discussions and the contributions of the different participants have largely contributed in structuring the present Guide, which has equally benefitted from the clarity brought by various different stakeholders through upstream interviews conducted with the experts on the subject. SUEZ today is building its policy for the fight against food waste within the Tour CB 21, and considers sharing the results of this experiment in 2017. However, we considered it useful to publish presently the first results of this route. [3: Future of waste, facilitated by the team Makesense with the support of SUEZ, identifies new business models and supports social and environmental entrepreneurs who develop innovative solutions for reduction, for re-employment, for recycling and/or recovery of waste:] [4: Multi restauration Services:]

Table of content

Estimate of food waste in La Dfense5

Why reduce the food waste in La Dfense?7

Understanding the sources of food waste9

Estimating food loss through the implementation of a diagnosis12

>Details of stage 1: Meeting with the staff of canteen13

>Details of stage 2: Quantitative diagnosis14

>Details of stage 3: Qualitative survey with the guests19

>Details of stage 4: analysis of results and recommendations20

Reduction of food waste by implementation of adapted solutions (propositions)22

>1. Refine the projection of guests flow22

>2. Re-imagining the space to change behavior25

>3. Modify the tariff structure to promote a more responsible consumption26

>4. Sensitize the staff and guests regarding food waste28

>5. Facilitate the re-use of surplus31

Estimate of food waste in La Dfense

Some of the figures[footnoteRef:5] of food waste in La Dfense: [5: Sources (from left to right): Epadesa, INSEE (2009), De Facto]

With respect to these figures, how much does the food waste amount to in the district of La Dfense?

The attempts in quantifying food waste in private company canteens is rare in France (and, all the more, in La Dfense) and remains focused on school canteens. To our knowledge, in France, only the Ministry of Agriculture in 2011 released a first estimation of food waste in corporate catering: 125 g/meal/person (with 35,4g standard deviation)[footnoteRef:6]. This estimation is not based on an operation of rigorous weighing of the rest of the preparations and the meal at the end of the service, but on the interviews with the professionals of the sector. The only other study relatively recent on the subject and based in Europe, led by Engstrm & Carlsson-Kanyama, proposes a range of 94 to 114 g/meal/person, based on a diagnostic led in 2001 by two commercial restaurants in center of Stockholm[footnoteRef:7]. [6: Ministry of agriculture, PERTES ET GASPILLAGES ALIMENTAIRES, Marges de manoeuvre et verrous au stade de la remise directe au consommateur (distribution et restauration) et en restauration collective, 2011 ] [7: Engstrm R. & Carlsson-Kanyama A., Food Loss in Food Service Institutions: Examples from Sweden, Food Policy V. 9 (3), 2004]

Although these figures do not correspond directly to the situation of La Dfense, we have selected, for our estimation of food wastage in La Dfense, to take the bracket of 94 to 125 g/meal/person in order to estimate the food wastage taking place in the business district of Paris. These results will be further refined in autumn 2016 owing to the figures of diagnosis conducted within the restaurant of the tower CB 21 of La Dfense. Based on this bracket and accounting for a base of 147000 employees out of which 14.44% are on vacation on a daily basis (on the base of 7.5 weeks of vacation per year), our evaluation reveals that in La Dfense, between 12 and 16 tons of food still edible is thrown every day in the in the company canteens.

Why reduce the food waste in La Dfense?It is possible

As illustrated by the solutions presented in the following sections, there are numerous ways to reduce food wastage, which are made possible with the necessary human, logistic or financial resources. On the other hand, the subject of the fight against wastage implicates various actors today who can efficiently accompany the company canteen in the implementation of actions against wastage (cf. box Focus on an actor of the sector in the following part of this document).

It is economically appealing

Despite the fact that there are no estimations for the canteens, the studies of ADEME carried out on the school canteens shows that the implementation of actions against food wastage can allow substantial savings. According to ADEME, the economic loss due to food wastage amounts to 30to 40,000 euros each year for one school canteen serving 500 guests and 200 meals during the year[footnoteRef:8]. [8: ADEME, Rduire le gaspillage alimentaire en restauration collective, 2016]

Besides, the act of food gift leads to fiscal advantages: tax reduction at the level of 60% of gifts and within the limit of 5/1000 of their turnover.

The law demands it

On 19th January 2012, the European Parliament adopted a resolution to divide by two the food waste in Europe by 2025 and by demanding the Commission to set specific objectives regarding prevention of food waste for member states. The following year, France took back this objective and declined an action plan via the Pacte National de Lutte Contre le Gaspillage Alimentaire[footnoteRef:9], signed by the big actors of the retailers (Auchan, Carrefour, Metro etc.) and also be several labor unions of canteens, the region Ile-de-France, Basse Normandie and the city of Paris amongst several organizations. [9: National pact of fight against food wastage]

The actors make a commitment to:

Enroll themselves for procurement contracts of corporate catering for the clauses of reduction of food waste;

Indicate in the National plan for the prevention of waste specific axes of action regarding the fight against food waste.

The representatives of corporate catering make a commitment in particular in the pact to:

Lead awareness-raising activities with their clients, their guests, their collaborators and suppliers;

Lead prevention initiatives and improve the professional practices to fight against food waste, particularly by the capitalization of best practices and their diffusion ;

Make a guide to frame and develop the usage of takeaway bags , which may be possibly offered to clients to take away their non-consumed portions.

Since 2015, the fight against food waste became a legal binding reality with the French law n 2016-138 relating to fight against food waste, promulgated on 11th February 2016, and appeared in the official journal on 12th February 2016, which introduced the following constraints: the food distributors must utilize their unsold products, through donation, animal feed or for purposes of compost or energy recovery. Besides, it places itself in the fight against food waste in the social and environmental responsibility of companies.

Finally, the order of 12th July 2011 fixes thresholds defined in the article R 543-225 of Code de lenvironnement[footnoteRef:10], Official Journal of 23rd July 2011 indicates that from 2016 all organisations (restaurants, centralized kitchens and laboratories of food production) producing more than 10 tons of organic waste and 60 liters of used oil every year is considered as a big producer of organic waste and hence has to account for it. [10: French Environmental code]

The action of the government will probably continue to step up. Indeed, the Garot report, appeared in 2015, is the cornerstone of the governments reflection on this subject, already motivates the commercial and collective caterers[footnoteRef:11] to train their cooks for the fight against food waste, to be attentive towards portions served and promote doggy bags. [11: ]

It is a territorial issue for La Dfense

The urban development policy of De Facto, public institution of management of La Dfense business district, turns resolutely towards sustainable development, with a larger square granted to green spaces, a redesigning of transport system, the first shared garden of La Dfense in 2016

Additionally, with more than 1,000 homeless people living in parking of La Dfense[footnoteRef:12], the question of food waste takes a particular importance. To our knowledge, no company restaurant has put in place mechanisms for food donation at the level of the district[footnoteRef:13]. [12: Source: Association Comit Solidarit Dfense, Annual report 2014] [13: Source: Interview with the Director of Comit Solidarit Dfense, only association in La Dfense proposing meals to homeless people of the area]

Understanding the sources of food waste

Is considered as wastage any food intended for human consumption which, in a stage of food chain, is lost, thrown, degraded

National Pact of fight against food wastage, June 2013

That food wastage intervenes in all stages of the food production chain.

Various interventions in all stages of production can reduce food wastage. The law of 11th February 2016 suggests to organize these interventions according to the following order of priority:

It is the law which prescribes what is clean and proper for human consumption, according to the following logic.

For more information regarding the respect for sanitary conditions, please refer to the specific section: Legal requirements for re-use of food surplus .

In order to identify the best solution for a given restaurant, it is advisable to set up a preliminary diagnosis, for minimum five days, where the quantity of discarded edible food is weighed in kitchen, during the service and after the return of trays. This step is crucial as it allows to identify the points of improvement and to direct the choice of the solutions to be adopted. The details for the suggested procedure to conduct the diagnosis can be found in the following section.

Following the implementation of a diagnosis, it is advisable to determine the right actions to be undertaken in order to respond to the ascertained problems: it is the object of the last section of the Guide, which proposes a range of solutions envisaged by the working group on OSCE days, key contacts to support and accompany the interested companies in the implementation of a policy towards food waste reduction.

Estimating food loss through the implementation of a diagnosis Progression of the project



Identification of the relevant stakeholders in the implementation of the project within the Tower (logistic department, service providers?) and meeting of preparation.


Define the methodology of diagnosis & the launch dates;

Estimate how it may integrate in a project of organic waste recovery, if it exists (compulsory since 1st January 2016).



Meeting of staff for one and a half hours.


Explain to the staff the objective of the diagnosis and their interest;

Preparing the terms and conditions for the implementation of Stage 2 (quantitative diagnosis) in order to least hamper the work of staff;

Identify the points of improvement in kitchen for the reduction of food waste.



Weighing the still edible food on the point of being thrown, by category of food, at each step of possible loss (in kitchen, during service, on return of trays), during one week.


Identify exactly the points of food wastage and calculate the losses to identify the points of improvement.



Survey informal (discussions semi-guided) with about fifteen tables at the moment of meal.


Understand the causes of food wastage from the perspective of guests and discuss with the most concerned the feasibility of envisaged solutions.



Data collection and work of analysis and summary of results of previous stages.


Identify the priority points of improvement and envisage the adapted solutions.

Details of stage 1: Meeting with the staff of canteen



Pese des aliments encore consommables sur le point dtre jets, par catgorie daliments, chaque poste de perte (en cuisine, au service, au retour plateaux), pendant une semaine.


Identifier prcisment les points de gaspillage alimentaire et chiffrer les pertes pour identifier des points damlioration.

Organizing a team meeting of one and a half hours, bringing together:

The staff of kitchen

The staff during service

The administration staff

The aim is to:

Explain the project, the implementation of diagnosis and the context in which it is placed (reduction of food waste);

Collect the perceptions of members of staff on food wastage, the identified causes and possible solutions in kitchen;

Understand the logistic barriers relating to the execution of their activities;

Collect the reactions of staff regarding the feasibility of diagnosis, and, in case, modify certain aspects to adapt to the constraints of staff (number of dustbins, for example).

Evaluate the level of implication and identify the persons who wish to volunteer in the implementation of diagnosis.

The potential points to be raised during the meeting:


Possible questions

Evaluation of wastage

According to your assessment, what are the principal sources of wastage?

Which improvements/tools seem necessary for you for implementation within the kitchen (materiel, organization, competencies)?

Would you know a particular initiative which seems interesting to you to test here?

(to service staff) According to your assessment, which are the principal consumption habits/trends of guests?

(to service staff) Have you collected demands/comments/complaints of guests? If yes, which ones? Any particular demands regarding portions (too much/not sufficient)?

Do you think that the portions that you serve is adapted to the hunger of guests?

(to administrative staff) What are the difficulties faced in terms of sourcing?

Implementation of diagnosis

Does the implementation of a diagnosis, for one week, seem feasible in regards to your daily activities?

Details of stage 2: Quantitative diagnosisDefinition of losses to be measured

This phase of diagnosis aims at weighing the still edible foodstuff which is thrown each day during the meal. The non-consumable food waste (bones, peelings) is not weighed and is thrown in a different bag/ container.

The diagnosis must measure the losses at all stages of production of wastage, specifically:

In kitchen,

During service,

After return of trays.

In order to better understand the causes of wastage, it is important to segregate the foodstuff by type during the weighing. The following chart proposes a possible typology, to be adapted according to the situation. It is preferable to weigh the bread separately, since the reduction of waste implies separate actions.




Fruits/fruit salad




In order to obtain a realistic estimation, it is preferable to implement the weighing for minimum one week (five meals).

Number, type and location of plastic bags for weighing

It is preferable that the food to be weighed is thrown in transparent trash bags, possibly labelled, to facilitate their identification. These trash bags can be placed in each zone of waste production.

For each of these zones, it is thus relevant to appoint a referent zone and to dispose:

A labelled, transparent trash bag for each of the categories of waste produced (starters, desserts, etc.);

A labelled, transparent trash bag for non-consumable waste (bones, peelings, etc.).

For example, for a company canteen with on-the-spot preparation needs to arrange:

A stockage zone for ingredients (freezer,),

A zone for preparation: cold dishes,

A zone for preparation: hot dishes,

A zone for preparation: desserts,

Two zones for service to guests,

Two points of deposit of trays.

The arrangement of bags should be made in the following manner:

This indicative table can be adapted/simplified according to the needs and possibilities of canteen.




Zone of stockage

2 trash bags:

1 bag of ingredients (vegetables, etc.) not utilized before their DLUO/DLC[footnoteRef:14] [14: DLUO/DLC: date limite dutilisation optimale (best-before date)/date limite de consommation (use-by date)]

1 bag of residues (non-edible or consumed immediately but thrown in line with the regulations)

Zone of preparation: cold dishes

3 trash bags:

1 bag starter

1 bag Fruits / fruit salad

1 bag of residues (non-edible or consumed immediately but thrown in line with the regulations)

Zone of preparation: hot dishes

3 trash bags:

1 bag vegetables/starch

1 bag meat/ Fish

1 bag of residues (non-edible or consumed immediately but thrown in line with the regulations)

Zone of preparation: desserts

2 trash bags:

1 bag Desserts (ingredients not utilised)

1 bag of residues (non-edible or consumed immediately but thrown in line with the regulations)

Zone service 1

8 trash bags for unserved prepared dishes:

1 bag starter

1 bag vegetables/starch

1 bag Meat/Fish

1 bag Fruits/fruit salad

1 bag cheese

1 bag Dessert

1 bag bread

1 bag of residues (non-edible or consumed immediately but thrown in line with the regulations)

Zone service 2

Idem (8 bags)

Zone deposit of trays 1

Idem (8 bags)

Zone deposit of trays 2

Idem (8 bags)

Documenting the information

It is advisable to distribute the following tables to the referents of each zone before the start of the diagnosis, fixed on the walls and filled-up every day at the end of service by the referent of weighings. At the end of the week, we retrieve the tables for analysis.

Zone of stockage






Ingredients not utilised before their DLUO/DLC

Zone of preparation: cold dishes







Fruits / fruit salads

Zone of preparation: hot dishes






Vegetables/ Starch

Meat / Fish

Zone of preparation: desserts






Desserts (desserts prepared not put in service, ingredients transformed not utilised)

Zones of service 1 & 2 and deposit of trays 1 & 2

(a table for each of the 4 zones)







Meat / Fish

Vegetables / Starch




Fruits / Fruit salad

Human Resources

It is advisable to:

Appoint a chief of project in change of supervising the weighing and making the staff aware of the events;

For each zone, appoint a referring zone in charge of documenting at the tables the weighed quantities on a daily basis;

Ensure that the trash bags are arranged in a manner that does not disturb the staff while conducting their usual tasks. At the zones of deposit of trays, ensure that the waste segregation of the guests is not too burdensome for the staff / does not slow down too much the handling of trays. If needed, allocate one or two additional persons for segregation of remaining of the guests, or simplify the methodology.

Details of stage 3: Qualitative survey with the guests

The objective is to understand quickly, by sitting informally with the guests (in about fifteen tables), the causes of food wastage on the return of trays. One does not need written in-depth interviews: it is recommended to favor informal conversations.

Points which can be raised (to be adapted case-by-case):


Possible Questions

Assessment of menus and quality of proposed food

Did you look at the menu on internet before coming down to eat(when appropriate)?

Do you consider the recommendations of the Chef(when appropriate)?

Do you find the offering sufficiently varied?

Do you find the dishes good?

What do you think of the pastries?

What do you think of the fruit salad?

Do you know the origin of meat that you have in your plate?

Do you think that you are sufficiently informed about the origin and quality of products?

Do you have any suggestions to make?


What do you think of the waiting time?

Do you think that you have sufficient time for eating?

Do you find system suitable for the pleasure of eating?

Would you have suggestions to improve the setting?


What do you think of the size of portions?

Did you know that you could come back to the service for re-filling your plate? If yes, do you often do it? If it does not happen often to you, why? (when appropriate)


Do you systematically take a starter, main dish, dessert, bread?

How much would you estimate (in grams) the average weight of the remaining left by the guests?

Do you always finish your plate? If it is not the case, what are the causes? Do you have the impression that you throw a lot?

Do you often take back the remaining foodstuffs that you have not finished? If no, why?

What are the types of remaining foodstuff that you leave (desserts, hot dishes)? Why?

What is the best way of limiting food wastage, according to you?

Feasibility of the envisaged solutions for SUEZ

(specified in the last section of this guide)

Would you be favorable to the setup of a takeaway service?

Would you be interested by an application which would give you the menu, the waiting period in real time, recipes, etc.? If yes, what features would you like to be integrated?

Details of stage 4: analysis of results and recommendations

The data analysis of diagnosis allows to identify the major sources of food wastage within the canteen.

The following table proposes solutions (specified in the last section of this guide) for each cause identified for food wastage.





Significant wastage in kitchen

Overestimation of number of guests

Improvement of dialogue between departments

Application type Coyote

Re-serve the following day

Poor inventory management

Improvement of dialogue between departments

Application type Coyote

Just in time management

Significant wastage during service

Lack of linkage staff - guests

Enhance the work of staff and the quality of offering before the guests

Planning of space hardly favorable to responsible consumption

Bread: in slices and at the end of course

A SaladBar, fruits cut in slices and sauce separated

Tariff structure hardly favorable to responsible consumption

Tariff according to weight and offres gourmandes

Differentiated tariff at the end of service

Little valourised offers

Enhance the work of staff and the quality of offer before the guests

Raise awareness to the problem of food wastage via innovative and recreational activities

Significant wastage during the return of trays

Lack of time for eating

Application type Coyote

Lack of awareness of guests regarding food wastage

Raise awareness to the problem of food wastage via innovative and recreational activities

Effect Eyes bigger than stomach

Raise awareness to the problem of food wastage via innovative and recreational activities

Doggy Bags

Tariff according to weight and offres gourmandes

Inevitable losses

Management of surplus not optimal

Food donation


Differentiated tariff at the end of service

Serve again the following day

Management of residual not optimal

Donation to Ligue de Dfense des Animaux (LDA)

Recovery of organic waste

Reduction of food waste by implementation of adapted solutions (propositions)1. Refine the projection of guests flowImprovement of dialogue between departmentsPrincipal

Organizing the guests flow in advance is a delicate operation and bad projections can generate a significant wastage. Even though it is impossible to plan exactly the number of guests who will appear at the canteen, it is possible to optimize the flow management by taking into account outside information: weather report, vacation, strikesthis information can be obtained by strengthening the dialogue with certain departments of the Tower: the security and Human Resources, who can provide relevant data on the posed leaves, or still the number of people who presented themselves at the building in the morning (at 10 hours for example).

Progression of project

Survey over a month to determine the correlation between the weather report, vacations, security data and real-time attendance at the canteen, in order to adjust as closely as possible the guests flow projection to the reality. Example of a survey form :

Meeting between relevant stakeholders to determine the terms and conditions for implementation of a daily transfer of data.

Necessary ressources

Few necessary ressources.

A project officer responsible for implementing the preliminary diagnosis.

A meeting is necessary between the concerned departments, once the diagnosis is conducted, to determine the best way to transfer the relevant information to canteen staff on a daily basis.


No budget required.

According to canteens, this can have a very positive impact on the losses.

Points of vigilance

Minor organisational change, which may require the active participation of all stakeholders.

Application type Coyote[footnoteRef:15] [15: It is a French application of navigation and traffic which provides information real-time]



Originally a student initiative, the application Whatthefood proposes to guests of university canteens (CROUS) a large gamut of services, including the information about waiting time in real-time, the menu, the possibility to rate the meals and give your feedback, with bonus and gift offersDeveloped in partnership with CROUS, it is presently in pilot phase in various canteens of Paris.

[email protected]

Focus on one actor of the sector

Development of an application capable of informing the guests in real time about the waiting time in the canteen and which proposes a system of bonus to register themselves the day before or even the same day to inform the canteen about the number of guests projected. The application can combine multiple functions, in which particularly there is information for raising awareness. (cf. section Sensitization) ou Takeaway (cf. section takeaway).

Necessary resources

Investment for the development of the application.

Time to analyze the clients needs (strong impact only if the time to queue is problematic).

Importance of communication campaign to popularize the use of the application.


If the application is largely utilized, it can allow to have a good understanding of guests flow and to improve the experience of the user.

Can be coupled with other actions, notably that of raising awareness.

Points of vigilance

Important to put in place a pilot project to ensure the interest of the users for such a product.

May turn out to be burdensome to develop.

Requires a strong campaign of communication to ensure the effective diffusion of the tool.

Just in time management


Just in time management is a mode of production where a part of the preparations are carried out on request and not before, in a punctual manner (unforeseen event which drastically reduces the guests flow) or regular. This mode of preparation requires a change in organisation but can also allow substantial losses, notably in the case of unexpected situations (strikes).

Necessary resources and implementation

Purchase of walkie talkies for a better exchange of information between the staff members.

Purchase of screens to inform in real-time about the demand in preparation zones.

Reprogrammation of cash-registers to communicate through the screens in real-time.

Organisational change of staff: less preparation before, more preparation for the moment of demand.

To be determined: management of tense flow only during the punctual events? At which % of total production ?


Few required resources.

Can avoid substantial losses during preparation phase.

Points of vigilance

Requirement of important coordination between actors.

Requirement of a fine understanding of guests flow; to be coupled, hence, with an improvement in the understanding of frequentation trends (solutions Optimisation of flow management and Application type Coyote).

2. Re-imagining the space to change behaviorThe bread: in slices and at the end of course Principal

The bread is often the part of the food that remains on the plates of guests till the end of service, intact or partially consumed. Simple actions can be put in place to quickly change the habits of consumers.

Placing the bread at the start of the course of the guest urges the latter to take more than necessary (effect Im hungry); it is preferable to place the bread at the end of course (where the guest knows the quantity of food that he will be consuming and hence can adjust the quantity of bread in function to it). The best solution is to propose slices in order to better adapt to the needs of guests.

Necessary resources

For the sliced bread: purchase of a bread slicer.


Not expensive and effective.

Points of vigilance

Does not signify that one acts only on the consumption of bread; it needs to be coupled with other actions, notably of sensitization.

Please note: the surplus and left-over dry bread can also be given to the association Pain contre la Faim (Bread against Hunger), which, through its insertion projects, transforms it into animal food re-sold to farmers (cf. section Food donation to charitable associations in the following part of this document).

A SaladBar for the starters, sliced and cut fruits with separated saucePrincipal

For the starters, self-service for a wide choice of ingredients to invite the guests to make their own starter.

For the fruit salad, a choice of already sliced fruits (also like SaladBar) to avoid the rest of the fruits beginning to rot.

For the sauce (salads, or hot dishes), separated place in self-service to accommodate the tastes of the guests.

Necessary resources

The high school Renan de Saint-Brieuc

Since the installation of a SaladBar for the students of high school, the food waste for the starters has reduced from 20-30% to 7-8%.

Feedback of experience

A variety of choice is necessary to provide a positive experience to the guests (at least 5 choice of ingredients), and as much for the starters and fruit salads.

Average human resources necessary to regularly continue the supply of collective bags.

Average human resources necessary before the cutting of fruits.

Small plates to encourage responsible consumption.


Reduction of losses at the level of starters and fruit salads[footnoteRef:16]. [16: For a feedback of experience of the High school Renan Saint Brieuc, see the guide Gaspillage des Ctes dArmor ]

In advance: reduction of time and place necessary for preparing salad-type starters.

Points of vigilance

Need to choose one relevant location for the installation of bar: risk of slowing down guests flow.

3. Modify the tariff structure to promote a more responsible consumption Pricing according to weight and gourmandes offersPrincipal

The price is established by the weight and not by unit at the cash register to encourage the guests to not overload their plates. For these dishes and desserts, there is a possibility to develop a classic offer with reasonable proportions (mini-pastries for example, smaller plates for the dishes) at more advantageous prices and a gourmande offer to encourage the guests to finish their dishes.

Necessary ressources

Modification of contract maybe with the corporate canteen and price adjustment

Purchase of balances to be placed at the cash register

Reprogrammation of cash registers

2 sizes of plates


Quick results and efficient process for reduction of waste on the part of guests.

Not expensive in terms of resources.

Diversification of offers.

Points of vigilance

An amendment to contact maybe required; equally important to plan a discussion around the right price.

To be coupled with awareness-raising activities for a real recognition on the part of guests.

Differentiated tarification at the end of service Principal

Reduce the losses inherent at the end of service by proposing attractive tariffs to guests who come late. Example: Half price for the last minutes.

Necessary resources

Information campaign

Amendment to the contract


Few resources necessary

Points of vigilance

Ensure that it does not drastically change the habits of guests which allows to continue forecasting the right quantity at the time of service.

4. Sensitize the staff and guests regarding food waste

Reduction of food waste is something difficult if it does not have contribution by the principal interested, namely the consumers themselves and, in a moderate measure, the canteen staff. The sensitization plays a crucial role in the implementation of effective measures for waste reduction. It can take various forms:

Le Marketing Nudge

Marketing method called soft or little help, it imagines a change of behavior through incentivizing messages which takes into account the lack of rationality of individuals and rely on other processes of decision-making, particularly the effect of group. For example, the British Ministry of Finance henceforth will include normative messages (9 persons out of 10 pay their taxes at the right time) in the reminder letters sent to citizens late in paying their taxes. Result: increase in 15% of people paying their taxes immediately, according to the report of a controlled group (source: Lark Egan, University of Stirling).

Focus on a means of action

Poster campaigns (which can be reinforced by internal communication), in order to encourage the appropriation of the program in place by the guests, these campaigns privilege humor rather than shaming, in the spirit of Marketing Nudge[footnoteRef:17], (cf. opposite box). [17: For more examples, refer to: ]

Punctual, informative and recreational events on food waste in general or highlighting the origin of products or the expertise of chefs.

The installation of a tool which measures bread waste and makes the weight public, in a punctual manner, can be a visual and not expensive method to make the guests aware of the reality of wastage.

Highlight the work of staff and the quality of offering to the guests Principal

Put back the plate to the center of guests preoccupations through targeted actions:

Products proposed in short circuit: If they are local products, think about getting the producer to highlight the quality of product.

Certified products and/or organic: if the products are certified and/or organic, adopt a specific communication (label, spotlight in the menu, posters, internal communication, service staff ambassadors of dishes)

Highlight the work of staff on a daily basis: Pastries made on spot, fresh fruits cut the same morning so much work put in place before inviting the guests to appreciate even more their dishes (poster, label, regarding the origin of products, for example for fruits, with utilization of culinary terms ad hoc, arrangement of territory to directly make visible the work of chef in action, creation of a Menu of Chef or mention of a Recommendation by Chef on the menu, send the recipes of the ptissier/of Chef to guests via a dedicated application, the intranet, or a simple poster)

Improve the experience of guests: via a more diversified offering (organic products, produced locally), via an environment more pleasant (lighting, sound proofing, furniture).

Necessary resources

Of the simple poster to the complete application, numerous ways can be used to regain the food as the center of attention of guests.


Most of the suggested solutions demand very little (apart from the application).

Pursues the double objective of reduction of food waste and improving the general experience of guests.

Strengthens the connection staff-guests.

Highlights the products before the guests.


Supports the implication of guests on the question of wastage.

Points of vigilance

Regular reminders must be conducted to register the long-term positive benefits.

Regularly monitor the impact of communication campaigns in order to ensure their real impact, and adapt if needed.

Sensitize to the problem of food waste through recreational and innovative actions Principal

Encourage the conscience of the guests regarding the food waste problem through:

Disco Soupe

Collectively organised festive events organised in public spaces where the volunteers prepare meals from unsold fruits and vegetables and propose them free of charge to people passing by. Intervene in anad hocmanner or within the events.

Focus on one actor of the sector

Poster campaigns and internal communication (figures on waste, humor-based messages, marketing Nudge)

Informative and recreational events (cf. box for example)

The organisation of public weighing of waste, in which the guests participate and /or in the installation of a tool to weigh the waste of bread. This tool is a transparent container placed at the point of return of trays, in which the guests put the rest of their bread not consumed at the end of the meal so that it can be measured. This tool is a visual and impactful indicator which shows quickly the degree of food waste within the concerned canteen. Set up within several schools today in France, it allows the reduction of losses from the first week.

Necessary resources

From the simple poster at the event, several means can be utilized to put back food at the center of attention of the guests.


The choice of targeted information allows an awareness building on wastage and an accountability of guests.

In most of the proposed solutions, few means are required.

Effectively support the implementation of other solutions.

Points of vigilance

Potentially guilt-laden and counterproductive, if the message does not pass correctly.

5. Facilitate the re-use of surplus Serve again the following day: legal conditions of re-use of surplus food

The reutilization and re-conditioning of surplus food follows strict hygiene regulations. In the first place, it is about:

Respecting the cold chain and maintaining the perishables at regulated temperatures (according to type of products);

Respecting the obligation of traceability of products;

Respecting the DLC of products.

Besides, in addition to the three conditions mentioned above, the products can only be served if they respect the following conditions:

Source: Regulatory guide and practices for food donation by corporate catering to structures working in food aid, DRAAF Rhne-Alpes - September 2013Food donation to charitable associations


Partnership with a charity or intermediary service providers to make a donation of surplus food to persons in need to follow strict rules of hygiene (cf. previous section). The donation can be thought of in two ways:

Regular donation (all the days or end of week, for example), in partnership with a charity-based organisation;

Punctual donation in case of unforeseen circumstances (established partnership contract before and uniquely implemented in case of: strikes, problem of transport, natural disasters, etc. which decrease the number of guests in an unforeseen and tangible way).

According to the recommendations of the law of 11th february 2016, these actions can be implemented only once the actions pertaining to reduction of food waste has been implemented internally.

Responsibility in case of TIAC[footnoteRef:18] (Toxi-infections alimentaires collectives) [18: Refers to foodborne illness or commonly referred to as food poisoning]

The responsibility of donor is committed to only the part of food chain which he controls.

The document CERFA n 11580*03[footnoteRef:19] needs to be filled by the association and returned to the donor. [19: Is a french law which allows organisations and profitable associations of general interest to make a donation to benefit from tax reduction]

Necessary resources

Potential light changes in organisation for stockage, traceability and transfer of surplus.

The logistic is generally ensured by the partner association.

Motivation and strong engagement on the part of teams.


Fiscal deductions (cf. section It is economic).

Weak logistic (ensured by the partner).

Possibility of establishing a partnership contract only for punctual events (strikes, etc.).


Points of vigilance

Involvement of necessary teams.

Logistic constraints: collection by partners obeying specific hours (7h30-17h).

Obligation of traceability and respect for the cold-chain and the constraints of conservation and treatment, strictly identical to those observed for foodstuffs given back directly to guests.

Le Chanon Manquant (The missing chain)

Specialising in the recovery of surplus food linkage in the direction of the most deprived, the Chanon Manquant proposes logistic services between the productors of surplus and charitable associations in Greater Paris (refigerated trucks, take care of administrative documents, direct partnerships with associations). Several thousand meals are taken care of every day and immediately redistributed, respecting the cold chain of partner associations. The past services include Roland Garros (French Open) and the Euro 2016.

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Focus on one actor of sector

Demand of exemption to the necessary agreement: If, in the framework of a donation, an on-the-spot kitchen wishes to give its food to a third party, then it has to make a request for exemption to the agreement. Declaration of exemption to the Departmental direction for protection of populations (DDPP)[footnoteRef:20]. The cuisine can make transfers once the declarations is made, without waiting for the reply of DDPP. [20: Directions dpartementales de la protection des populations]

These transfer of meals have to respect the following conditions: represent a lower marginal activity or equal to 30% of total production and inferior or equal to 400 meals per week.

Foodstuff that cannot be given: minced raw meat, separated meat mechanically raw, egg products.

Food donation to la Ligue de Dfense des Animaux[footnoteRef:21] [21: French association working for animal rights and protection]


Donation of food residual unfit for human consumption la Ligue de Dfense des animaux.

Le Centre Hospitalier du Mans

Didier Girard, Chef of canteen of Centre Hospitalier du Mans, adopted a holistic approach to fight against food waste. After having put in place several solutions for reduction of waste (improvement in the quality of offering, labelling and posters of menus, arrangement of space, etc.) he established a partnership of donation with the NGO Ordre de Malte for the food surplus for seven out of seven days. He then turned towards la Ligue de Dfense des Animaux (LDA) to manage the food residual three times per week: the association recovers the organic waste to nourish the animals at the end of life to whom it is in charge.

Feedback of experience

Necessary resources

Organisation for transfer of food residual.

Partner association generally take charge of logistic.


Decrease of food waste without strong constraints on hygiene (near to death animals).

Little/No risk of food intoxication.

Fiscal advantages.

The partner takes charge of logistic.

Low cost.

Points of vigilance

Change in organisation for transfer of food residual.

Logistic constraints (time of collection).

The doggy-bagPrincipal

Make available doggy-bags for the guests who wish to take back the left-over food (fruit salads, hot dishes, etc.).

Necessary resources


Founded in 2012, this start-up proposes commercial restaurant owners to customize their doggybags by innovative packaging, allowing the fight against waste and encourage the rise of takeaway (classic unitary model price: 0,50 HT).

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Focus on one actor of the sector

Few resources necessary

Initial investment in the purchase of boxes/bags (stocks to be renewed, but billable to the client).

If the doggy-bags are chargeable, reprogrammation of cash-register is necessary.


Easy to set up and strong possibility of positive feedback by guests.

Reduction in treatment of food residual.

Efficient and permanent action of sensitization on left-over food.


Non-traceability except canteen: increase in risk of intoxication (if storage except refrigeration and consumption >D+1).

Question of tarification: chargeable or non-chargeable bags? Put in place at the cash-register or at the return of trays?

Increase in volume of waste in fine if bags are non-reusable.


The dishes prepared and not served on Friday are not reusable the following day. Consequently, the food surplus thrown on Friday is 4-6 times more than the average level on a daily basis (monday-thursday).

The solution consists of putting in place for guests and staff a food distributor (type : meal tray for Friday night at home) to order in advance and recover for Friday night, cooked especially with the food surplus of the day, available in solo formula, for two or family.

Generic example of a takeaway organisation

Necessary resources

Time, HR, space.

Necessary to design a Responsible Project to follow the evolution, hence:

Carrying out of packaging (Tupperware or jar glass): nice, reusable, can be labelled (ESAT[footnoteRef:22] in support for conducting it). [22: tablissement et service d'aide par le travail is a socio-medical organisation to protect the rights of handicapped or differently abled persons in work places]

Plan of communication.

Development of mobile application if necessary or organisation of registrations.

Purchase of material: jar/Tupperware, portable coolers, distributor.


Return on investment.

Sensitisation on a daily basis.

Reduction of food loss.

Strengthening the offer to the guests.


Time of implementation is relatively long.

Necessary organisational change, with potential necessity of an amendment of contract for provision of premises.

Dedicated space necessary

Pilot phase necessary for client feedback.

Re-utilisation of the surplus for human consumption

Utilisation of the residue for animal consumption

Recovery(energy /compost)

Projection of wastage

Deposit in the distributor, with the chargeable reusable jars

The guest comes to search for his dish before leaving the Tower

Monday meal: retour of the reusable jar to the cash register of canteens

Pre-booking on an application jfew days in advance

Put in packaging at 13h30 by the catering teams(option single, double, family)

SUEZ - Direction du Dveloppement Durable

Tour CB21 - 16 place de lIris - 92040 Paris La Dfense - France 2