Download -  · Web viewen-suites. Number of rooms ... (dd/mm/yyyy) Date to be achieved ... growth/decrease in number of residents paying RADs/DAPs and the average RAD/DAP





Organisation name:(if approved provider, insert approved provider name)


Service name:      

Please select the state/territory in which the capital grant is sought

Select State/Territory

Form InstructionsIf you are applying for a capital grant only you must complete:

Part A – Aged Care Application form once for your organisation Part C – Capital Grant Application form for each service.

If you are seeking an allocation of residential aged care places for this service in addition to a capital grant, you must complete a Part B – Residential Aged Care Places application form.

Only attachments specifically requested should be included with your application. Additional attachments provided will not be considered during the assessment process.

Detailed information about completing this application form is included in 2016-17 ACAR Essential Guide.

This form is approved under paragraph 13-1(c) of the Aged Care Act 1997

Submit your electronic application to the Department of Health at [email protected] on or before 11:59pm (AEST) 28 October 2016.

Details on how you can submit your electronic application can be found at Chapter 1 of the 2016-17 ACAR Essential Guide.


PART C – Capital GrantSection 1 - Service Details

1.1 Service Information

Is this an existing aged care service? Select one

Approved Provider ID      

RAC Service ID (existing service only)      

1.2 Service AddressStreet number      

Street name      

Street type      


State/territory Select a state


This form is approved under paragraph 13-1(c) of the Aged Care Act 1997


PART C – Capital GrantSection 2 – Capital Works

INSTRUCTIONSBefore completing this section, you must refer to Chapter 4 of the 2016-17 ACAR Essential Guide.

Enter the total project cost for the capital works.

2.1 Total Project Cost*     

*This figure must equal the ‘Total Project Cost’ figure in 2.22 Cost Certificate and the ‘Total Funds’ in 3.5 Sources of Funds for the Capital Works.

Applicant contribution     

Grant amount sought      

2.2 Capital grant project details – provide a description of the proposed capital works.

Word limit 500

2.3 Describe the issues the proposed capital works will address.

Word limit 300

2.4 If the proposed capital works are regarded as urgent, explain the reasons for this urgency.

Word limit 300

This form is approved under paragraph 13-1(c) of the Aged Care Act 1997


2.5 Describe why you are unable to fund the proposed capital works project.

Word limit 300

This form is approved under paragraph 13-1(c) of the Aged Care Act 1997


2.6 Provide the configuration of your service, both BEFORE and AFTER the proposal for this service is implemented.

BEFOREthis proposal is implemented

New construction

Upgrading of existing rooms

Unchanged rooms after this

proposal is implemented

AFTERthis proposal is implemented


Single rooms -en-suites

Number of rooms                              

Total m2                              

Number of residents                              

Single rooms -shared bathrooms

Number of rooms                              

Total m2                              

Number of residents                              

Single rooms -common ablutions

Number of rooms                              

Total m2                              

Number of residents                              

Double rooms –en-suites

Number of rooms                              

Total m2                              

Number of residents                              

Double rooms -shared bathrooms

Number of rooms                             

Total m2                              

Number of residents                             

Double rooms -common ablutions

Number of rooms                             

Total m2                              

Number of residents                             

Multi-bed wards

Number of rooms                             

Total m2                              

Number of residents                             

Common ablution areas

Number of showers /baths                             

Number of toilets                             

Additional toilets off common areas                             

Other areasNo m2 No m2 No m2 No m2 No m2



Lounge /Dining                                                           

Other recreational areas                                                           

Administration areas                                                           

2.7 Provide details of any temporary accommodation and/or care arrangements you will need to put in place during the construction or redevelopment work. This form is approved under paragraph 13-1(c) of the Aged Care Act 1997


Word limit 300


2.8 Provide the key milestones in the development of the proposed capital works project.

Key Milestone Date achieved(dd/mm/yyyy)

Date to be achieved(dd/mm/yyyy)

Evidence attached?

Acquisition of land (if applicable)             Select one

Approval of finance             Select one

Development Application approved             Select one

Building Application approved             Select one

Arrangements for existing residents             Select one

Commencement of building work             Select one

Completion of building work             Select one

Approval from appropriate state/territory and/or local government authorities

            Select one

Admission of residents (must align with response at Question B2.2)

            Select one

2.9 Identify any known risks that may affect your ability to meet the above key milestones.

A. Identified risks

B. How are you going to manage identified risks?

Word limit 500

2.10 Concessional, supported, assisted and low means care recipients.

Concessional, supported, assisted& low-means care recipients

Current number(as at 31 July 2015)      

Expected number(upon completion of works)      

This form is approved under paragraph 13-1(c) of the Aged Care Act 1997


2.11 If you have identified as part of your overall proposal a significant increase in the number of concessional, supported, assisted or low means care recipients, describe the steps you will take to achieve this outcome.

Word limit 300

2.12 Is the primary purpose of this capital works project to facilitate the provision of care to people from one or more of the special needs groups?

Select one

2.13 Specify the special needs group(s).The special needs groups are defined in the Aged Care Act 1997, a list may be viewed in Chapter 4 of the 2016-17 ACAR Essential Guide.




You may identify more than one special needs group as the primary purpose. While it is recognised that a care recipient may be a member of more than one special needs group, for the purposes of Questions 2.14 - 2.19 a care recipient should only be included in one special needs group.

If the primary purpose of the capital works project is the provision of care to people from one or more identified special needs group, this may be reflected in the conditions of any grant.

NOTE: Complete one set of Questions 2.14 - 2.19 for EACH special needs group for which the capital works are primarily focused.

2.14 Outline the evidence that demonstrates that there is a need in the area for residential aged care, providing specific details concerning each special needs group(s) identified at Q2.13.

Word limit 1,000

2.15 How many people from this group do you provide care to at the service now?


2.16 How many people from this group will you provide care to at this service at the conclusion of this project?


This form is approved under paragraph 13-1(c) of the Aged Care Act 1997


2.17 If you have forecast a significant increase in the numbers of people from the special needs group, describe the steps you will take to achieve this outcome.

Word limit 300

2.18 Describe your organisation’s experience and/or expertise in the provision of appropriate care to the identified special needs group, or how your organisation intends to develop such expertise and any other approaches you plan to take to meet the particular care needs of the identified special needs group.

Word limit 300

2.19 Describe how the building design and external environment will meet the particular care needs of the identified special needs group.

Word limit 300

2.20 Is a significant purpose of the capital grant to address the particular care needs of people with dementia?

Select one

2.21 Identify how the building design and external environment will meet the particular care needs of people with dementia.

Word limit 300

This form is approved under paragraph 13-1(c) of the Aged Care Act 1997


2.22 Cost Certificate.


A. Land costs      

(a) Site acquisition (only include costs if land is not already acquired)      

(b) Site preparation      

(c) Fencing and road-works      

(d) Demolition      

(e) Connecting mains to property boundary (water, sewerage and/or electricity)      

(f) Landscaping      

(g) Survey fees re: sub-division costs      

B. Estimated capital works (building) cost for the project      

C. Costs of furniture, furnishings and fittings      

D. Other cost of works NOT included in the above estimate      




E. Fees      

(k) Architect fees @       % on $           

(l) Other professional consultants’ fees      

(m) Describe any other fees      

(n) Contingency sum(s)      


I declare this is my best estimate of the total project costs of the capital works described in Question 2.2 and is based on the configuration of the service as described in Question 2.6

Name of company      

Name of Architect or Design or Construction professional      


Signature Qualification Date

This form is approved under paragraph 13-1(c) of the Aged Care Act 1997


Part C – Capital Grant Section 3 – Financial Information

3.1 Service Overview.A B C D

* If your organisation’s financial year ends on a date other than 30 June, complete in accordance with your financial year end and insert the financial year end date.

Actual position

As at 30 June 2016*


Forecast situation

immediately BEFORE the

commencement of capital works

for places applied for in this ACAR in

relation to this service


Forecast situation

immediately AFTER the

completion of capital works

for places applied for in this ACAR in

relation to this service


Forecast situation at the financial year

end when maximum

occupancy is achieved for places applied for in this ACAR in relation to

this service


$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000Service incomeGovernment subsidies                        

Resident fees (including Daily Accommodation Payments)


Interest and other income                        

(A) Total service income                        

Operating expensesSalaries and wages (including on-costs)                        

Supplies, utilities and administration costs


Depreciation (property, plant and equipment)


Principal loan repayments (parent/related organisations)


Principal loan repayments (Zero Real Interest Loan)


Other principal loan repayments                        

Interest, tax and other expenses                        

(B) Total service expenses                        

Net operating surplus/(deficit) (A-B)                        

Number of operational places                        

Occupancy rate % (no. residents/no. operational places*100)

     %      %      %      %

Number of residents paying Refundable Accommodation Deposits/Accommodation Bonds


Total liability for Refundable Accommodation Deposits/Accommodation Bonds


Number of residents paying Daily Accommodation Payments


Average Daily Accommodation Payment                        

This form is approved under paragraph 13-1(c) of the Aged Care Act 1997


3.2 Outline how your organisation will address any operating deficit.

Word limit 150

3.3 Describe the assumptions underlying the projections.Eg: assumptions made about changes in occupancy, income, expenses, growth/decrease in number of residents paying RADs/DAPs and the average RAD/DAP paid.

Word limit 150

3.4 Capital works costs associated with this application.

Project element

Existing places(Operational or offline)

Provisionally allocated or newplaces

New Construction



New Construction$’000


Do not include GST Do not include GST Do not include GST Do not include

GSTAcquisition of land (include costs only if land has not already been acquired)


Construction of new building            

Fit out of new building            

Upgrading of existing premises            Refurbishment/fit out of upgraded existing premises            

Landscaping and road works                        

Other (provide detail at ‘Other Capital Works Costs’)


Total capital works cost                        

Number of existing operational places to be accommodated            

Number of existing offline places            Number of places sought in this ACAR            

Number of provisionally allocated places from previous ACARs to be accommodated


This form is approved under paragraph 13-1(c) of the Aged Care Act 1997


Other capital works costs.

Word limit 150

3.5 Sources of funds for the capital works.

Internal sources $’000Cash and investments      Loans from parent/related party      Sale of assetsDescribe:      


Fundraising activities      

Resident sourcesRefundable Accommodation Deposits/Accommodation Bonds from existing places (do not include provisionally allocated places)


Refundable Accommodation Deposits from places sought through this ACAR (complete 3.6 Bridging Finance)


Refundable Accommodation Deposits from provisionally allocated places brought online prior to the places sought in this ACAR


Refundable Accommodation Deposits from provisionally allocated places to be constructed at the same time as places sought in this ACAR (complete 3.6 Bridging Finance)


External sourcesLoans from external organisations including financial institutions      Other external sources of funding      Additional sources of fundingCapital funding from state/territory government      Capital grant(s) allocated in previous ACAR(s)      Zero Real Interest Loans allocated in previous ACAR(s)      Capital grant sought in this ACAR      Total funds      

3.6 Bridging finance to be used for the capital works identified in this application.

If the receipt of Refundable Accommodation Deposits from places sought through this ACAR, or for provisionally allocated places to be constructed at the same time is a source of funds for the capital works, include details of the bridging finance that will be used to finance the project prior to maximum occupancy being achieved.






Amount borrowed                              Principal repayments                              Interest repayments                              Date bridging finance is to be repaid in full


How many hours did your organisation take to complete this ACAR Capital Grant application?      

This form is approved under paragraph 13-1(c) of the Aged Care Act 1997