Download -  · Web view19/06/2016 · 19 EA Heinrichs, RC Saxena, S Chelliah. 1979. Development and implementation of insect pest management systems for rice


19 EA Heinrichs, RC Saxena, S Chelliah. 1979. Development and implementation of insect pest management systems for rice in Tropical Asia. Pages 208-248. In: MH Tetangco (editor). 1979. Sensible Use of Pesticides. Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region (ASPAC-FFTC), Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, 250 pages.

Keywords: Oryza sativa, IPM program, chemical control, host plant resistance, biocontrol, cultural control, yield loss, changing status of rice insect pests, economics of chemical control, potential resistance to insecticides, insecticide resurgence, nontarget effects, biotypes.