Download - returns either a filetype icon or generic icon file stem 528 * 529 * @method Alfresco.util ...


1 /** 2 * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Alfresco Software Limited. 3 * 4 * This file is part of Alfresco 5 * 6 * Alfresco is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 7 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 8 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 9 * (at your option) any later version. 10 * 11 * Alfresco is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 13 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 14 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. 15 * 16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 17 * along with Alfresco. If not, see . 18 */ 19 20 /** 21 * YUI Library aliases 22 * Deliberately named differently to the ones various components and modules use, to avoid unexpected behaviour. 23 */ 24 var YUIDom = YAHOO.util.Dom, 25 YUIEvent = YAHOO.util.Event, 26 YUISelector = YAHOO.util.Selector; 27 28 /** 29 * Alfresco root namespace. 30 * 31 * @namespace Alfresco 32 */ 33 // Ensure Alfresco root object exists 34 if (typeof Alfresco == "undefined" || !Alfresco) 35 { 36 var Alfresco = {}; 37 } 38 39 /** 40 * Alfresco top-level constants namespace. 41 * 42 * @namespace Alfresco 43 * @class Alfresco.constants 44 */ 45 Alfresco.constants = Alfresco.constants || {}; 46 47 /** 48 * Alfresco top-level template namespace. 49 * 50 * @namespace Alfresco 51 * @class Alfresco.template 52 */ 53 Alfresco.template = Alfresco.template || {}; 54 55 /** 56 * Alfresco top-level component namespace. 57 * 58 * @namespace Alfresco 59 * @class Alfresco.component 60 */ 61 Alfresco.component = Alfresco.component || {}; 62 63 /** 64 * Alfresco top-level dashlet namespace. 65 * 66 * @namespace Alfresco 67 * @class Alfresco.dashlet 68 */ 69 Alfresco.dashlet = Alfresco.dashlet || {}; 70 71 /** 72 * Alfresco top-level module namespace. 73 * 74 * @namespace Alfresco 75 * @class Alfresco.module 76 */ 77 Alfresco.module = Alfresco.module || {}; 78 79 /** 80 * Alfresco top-level util namespace. 81 * 82 * @namespace Alfresco 83 * @class Alfresco.util 84 */ 85 Alfresco.util = Alfresco.util || {}; 86 87 /** 88 * Alfresco top-level logger namespace. 89 * 90 * @namespace Alfresco 91 * @class Alfresco.logger 92 */ 93 Alfresco.logger = Alfresco.logger || {}; 94 95 /** 96 * Alfresco top-level service namespace. 97 * 98 * @namespace Alfresco 99 * @class Alfresco.service100 */101 Alfresco.service = Alfresco.service || {};102 103 /**104 * Alfresco top-level thirdparty namespace.105 * Used for importing third party javascript functions106 * 107 * @namespace Alfresco108 * @class Alfresco.thirdparty109 */110 Alfresco.thirdparty = Alfresco.thirdparty || {};111 112 /**113 * Alfresco top-level widget namespace.114 * 115 * @namespace Alfresco116 * @class Alfresco.widget117 */118 Alfresco.widget = Alfresco.widget || {};119 120 /**121 * Alfresco top-level admin namespace.122 * 123 * @namespace Alfresco124 * @class Alfresco.Admin125 */126 Alfresco.admin = Alfresco.admin || {};127 128 /**129 * Alfresco top-level action namespace.130 * Used as a namespace for common functionality reused by multiple components. 131 *132 * @namespace Alfresco133 * @class Alfresco.action134 */135 Alfresco.action = Alfresco.action || {};136 137 /**138 * Alfresco top-level doclib namespace.139 *140 * @namespace Alfresco141 * @class Alfresco.doclib142 */143 Alfresco.doclib = Alfresco.doclib ||144 {145 MODE_SITE: 0,146 MODE_REPOSITORY: 1147 };148 149 /**150 * Alfresco top-level messages namespace.151 * 152 * @namespace Alfresco153 * @class Alfresco.messages154 */155 Alfresco.messages = Alfresco.messages ||156 {157 global: null,158 scope: {}159 };160 161 /**162 * Appends an array onto an object163 *164 * @method Alfresco.util.appendArrayToObject165 * @param obj {object} Object to be appended to166 * @param arr {array} Array to append/merge onto object167 * @param p_value {object} Optional: default value for property.168 * @return {object} The appended object169 * @static170 */171 Alfresco.util.appendArrayToObject = function(obj, arr, p_value)172 {173 var value = (p_value !== undefined ? p_value : true);174 175 if (YAHOO.lang.isObjecT(obj) && YAHOO.lang.isArray(arr))176 {177 for (var i = 0, ii = arr.length; i < ii; i++)178 {179 if (arr[i] !== undefined)180 {181 obj[arr[i]] = value;182 }183 }184 }185 return obj;186 };187 188 /**189 * Convert an array into an object190 *191 * @method Alfresco.util.arrayToObject192 * @param arr {array} Array to convert to object193 * @param p_value {object} Optional: default value for property.194 * @return {object} Object conversion of array195 * @static196 */197 Alfresco.util.arrayToObject = function(arr, p_value)198 {199 var obj = {},200 value = (p_value !== undefined ? p_value : true);201 202 if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(arr))203 {204 for (var i = 0, ii = arr.length; i < ii; i++)205 {206 if (arr[i] !== undefined)207 {208 obj[arr[i]] = value;209 }210 }211 }212 return obj;213 };214 215 /**216 * Copies the values in an object into a new instance.217 *218 * Note 1. This method ONLY copy values of type object, array, date, boolean, string or number.219 * Note 2. Functions are not copied.220 * Note 3. Objects with a constructor other than of type Object are still in the result but aren't copied.221 * This means that objects of HTMLElements or window will be in the result but will not be copied and hence222 * shared between p_obj and the returned copy og p_obj.223 *224 * @method Alfresco.util.deepCopy225 * @param p_obj {object|array|date|string|number|boolean} The object to copy226 * @param p_oInstructions {object} (Optional) Contains special non default copy instructions227 * @param p_oInstructions.copyFunctions {boolean} (Optional) false by default228 * @return {object|array|date|string|number|boolean} A new instance of the same type as o with the same values229 * @static230 */231 Alfresco.util.deepCopy = function(p_oObj, p_oInstructions)232 {233 if (!p_oObj)234 {235 return p_oObj;236 }237 if (!p_oInstructions)238 {239 p_oInstructions = {};240 }241 242 if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(p_oObj))243 {244 var arr = [];245 for (var i = 0, il = p_oObj.length, arrVal; i < il; i++)246 {247 arrVal = p_oObj[i];248 if (!YAHOO.lang.isFunction(arrVal) || p_oInstructions.copyFunctions == true)249 {250 arr.push(Alfresco.util.deepCopy(arrVal, p_oInstructions));251 }252 }253 return arr;254 }255 256 if (Alfresco.util.isDate(p_oObj))257 {258 return new Date(p_oObj.getTime());259 }260 261 if (YAHOO.lang.isString(p_oObj) || YAHOO.lang.isNumber(p_oObj) || YAHOO.lang.isBoolean(p_oObj))262 {263 return p_oObj;264 }265 266 if (YAHOO.lang.isObject(p_oObj))267 {268 if (p_oObj.toString() == "[object Object]")269 {270 var obj = {}, objVal;271 for (var name in p_oObj)272 {273 if (p_oObj.hasOwnProperty(name))274 {275 objVal = p_oObj[name];276 if (!YAHOO.lang.isFunction(objVal) || p_oInstructions.copyFunctions == true)277 {278 obj[name] = Alfresco.util.deepCopy(objVal, p_oInstructions);279 }280 }281 }282 return obj;283 }284 else285 {286 // The object was287 return p_oObj;288 }289 }290 291 return null;292 };293 294 /**295 * Tests if o is of type date296 *297 * @method Alfresco.util.isDate298 * @param o {object} The object to test299 * @return {boolean} True if o is of type date300 * @static301 */302 Alfresco.util.isDate = function(o)303 {304 return o.constructor && o.constructor.toString().indexOf("Date") != -1;305 };306 307 /**308 * Returns true if obj matches all attributes and their values in pattern.309 * Attribute values in pattern may contain wildcards ("*").310 *311 * @method objectMatchesPattern312 * @param obj {object} The object to match pattern against313 * @param pattern {object} An object with attributes to match against obj314 * @return {boolean} true if obj matches pattern, false otherwise315 */316 Alfresco.util.objectMatchesPattern = function(obj, pattern)317 {318 for (var attrName in pattern)319 {320 if (pattern.hasOwnProperty(attrName) &&321 (!pattern.hasOwnProperty(attrName) || (obj[attrName] != pattern[attrName] && pattern[attrName] != "*")))322 {323 return false;324 }325 }326 return true;327 };328 329 /**330 * Create empty JavaScript object literal from dotted notation string331 * e.g. Alfresco.util.dotNotationToObject("") returns {"org":{"alfresco":{"site":{}}}}332 *333 * @method Alfresco.util.dotNotationToObject334 * @param str {string} an dotted notation string335 * @param value {object|string|number} an optional object to set the "deepest" object to336 * @return {object} An empty object literal, build from the dotted notation337 * @static338 */339 Alfresco.util.dotNotationToObject = function(str, value)340 {341 var object = {}, obj = object;342 if (typeof str === "string")343 {344 var properties = str.split("."), property, i, ii;345 for (i = 0, ii = properties.length - 1; i < ii; i++)346 {347 property = properties[i];348 obj[property] = {};349 obj = obj[property];350 }351 obj[properties[i]] = value !== undefined ? value : null;352 }353 return object;354 };355 356 /**357 * Returns an object literal's property value given a dotted notation string representing the property path358 *359 * @method Alfresco.util.findValueByDotNotation360 * @param obj {object} i.e. {org:{alfresco:{site:"share"}}}361 * @param propertyPath {string} i.e. ""362 * @param defaultValue {object} optional The value to return if there is no value for the propertyPath363 * @return {object} the value for the property specified by the string, in the example "share" would be returned364 * @static365 */366 Alfresco.util.findValueByDotNotation = function(obj, propertyPath, defaultValue)367 {368 var value = defaultValue ? defaultValue : null;369 if (propertyPath && obj)370 {371 var currObj = obj;372 var props = propertyPath.split(".");373 for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++)374 {375 currObj = currObj[props[i]];376 if (typeof currObj == "undefined")377 {378 return value;379 }380 }381 return currObj;382 }383 return value;384 };385 386 /**387 * Check if an array contains an object388 * @method Alfresco.util.arrayContains389 * @param arr {array} Array to convert to object390 * @param el {object} The element to be searched for in the array391 * @return {boolean} True if arr contains el392 * @static393 */394 Alfresco.util.arrayContains = function(arr, el)395 {396 return Alfresco.util.arrayIndex(arr, el) !== -1;397 };398 399 /**400 * Removes element el from array arr401 *402 * @method Alfresco.util.arrayRemove403 * @param arr {array} Array to remove el from404 * @param el {object} The element to be removed405 * @return {boolean} The array now without the element406 * @static407 */408 Alfresco.util.arrayRemove = function(arr, el)409 {410 var i = Alfresco.util.arrayIndex(arr, el);411 while (i !== -1)412 {413 arr.splice(i, 1);414 i = Alfresco.util.arrayIndex(arr, el);415 }416 return arr;417 };418 419 /**420 * Finds the index of an object in an array421 *422 * @method Alfresco.util.arrayIndex423 * @param arr {array} Array to search in424 * @param el {object} The element to find the index for in the array425 * @return {integer} -1 if not found, other wise the index426 * @static427 */428 Alfresco.util.arrayIndex = function(arr, el)429 {430 if (arr)431 {432 for (var i = 0, ii = arr.length; i < ii; i++)433 {434 if (arr[i] == el)435 {436 return i;437 }438 }439 }440 return -1;441 };442 443 /**444 * Asserts param contains a proper value445 * @method Alfresco.util.assertNotEmpty446 * @param param {object} Parameter to assert valid447 * @param message {string} Error message to throw on assertion failure448 * @static449 * @throws {Error}450 */451 Alfresco.util.assertNotEmpty = function(param, message)452 {453 if (typeof param == "undefined" || !param || param === "")454 {455 throw new Error(message);456 }457 };458 459 /**460 * Append multiple parts of a path, ensuring duplicate path separators are removed.461 * Leaves "://" patterns intact so URIs and nodeRefs are safe to pass through.462 *463 * @method Alfresco.util.combinePaths464 * @param path1 {string} First path465 * @param path2 {string} Second path466 * @param ...467 * @param pathN {string} Nth path468 * @return {string} A string containing the combined paths469 * @static470 */471 Alfresco.util.combinePaths = function()472 {473 var path = "", i, ii;474 for (i = 0, ii = arguments.length; i < ii; i++)475 {476 if (arguments[i] !== null)477 {478 path += arguments[i] + (arguments[i] !== "/" ? "/" : "");479 }480 }481 return path.substring(0, path.length - 1).replace(/(^|[^:])\/{2,}/g, "$1/").replace(/(.)\/$/g, "$1");482 };483 484 /**485 * Constants for conversion between bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes486 */487 Alfresco.util.BYTES_KB = 1024;488 Alfresco.util.BYTES_MB = 1048576;489 Alfresco.util.BYTES_GB = 1073741824;490 491 /**492 * Converts a file size in bytes to human readable form493 *494 * @method Alfresco.util.formatFileSize495 * @param fileSize {number} File size in bytes496 * @return {string} The file size in a readable form, i.e 1.2mb497 * @static498 * @throws {Error}499 */500 Alfresco.util.formatFileSize = function(fileSize)501 {502 if (typeof fileSize == "string")503 {504 fileSize = parseInt(fileSize, 10);505 }506 507 if (fileSize < Alfresco.util.BYTES_KB)508 {509 return fileSize + " " + Alfresco.util.message("size.bytes");510 }511 else if (fileSize < Alfresco.util.BYTES_MB)512 {513 fileSize = Math.round(fileSize / Alfresco.util.BYTES_KB);514 return fileSize + " " + Alfresco.util.message("size.kilobytes");515 }516 else if (fileSize < Alfresco.util.BYTES_GB)517 {518 fileSize = Math.round(fileSize / Alfresco.util.BYTES_MB);519 return fileSize + " " + Alfresco.util.message("size.megabytes");520 }521 522 fileSize = Math.round(fileSize / Alfresco.util.BYTES_GB);523 return fileSize + " " + Alfresco.util.message("size.gigabytes");524 };525 526 /**527 * Given a filename, returns either a filetype icon or generic icon file stem528 *529 * @method Alfresco.util.getFileIcon530 * @param p_fileName {string} File to find icon for531 * @param p_fileType {string} Optional: Filetype to offer further hinting532 * @param p_iconSize {int} Icon size: 32533 * @return {string} The icon name, e.g. doc-file-32.png534 * @static535 */536 Alfresco.util.getFileIcon = function(p_fileName, p_fileType, p_iconSize)537 {538 // Mapping from extn to icon name for cm:content539 var extns = 540 {541 "doc": "doc",542 "docx": "doc",543 "ppt": "ppt",544 "pptx": "ppt",545 "xls": "xls",546 "xlsx": "xls",547 "pdf": "pdf",548 "bmp": "img",549 "gif": "img",550 "jpg": "img",551 "jpeg": "img",552 "png": "img",553 "txt": "text"554 };555 556 var prefix = "generic",557 fileType = typeof p_fileType === "string" ? p_fileType : "cm:content",558 iconSize = typeof p_iconSize === "number" ? p_iconSize : 32;559 560 // If type = cm:content, then use extn look-up561 var type = Alfresco.util.getFileIcon.types[fileType];562 if (type === "file")563 {564 var extn = p_fileName.substring(p_fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase();565 if (extn in extns)566 {567 prefix = extns[extn];568 }569 }570 else if (typeof type == "undefined")571 {572 type = "file";573 }574 return prefix + "-" + type + "-" + iconSize + ".png";575 };576 Alfresco.util.getFileIcon.types =577 {578 "{}cmobject": "file",579 "cm:cmobject": "file",580 "{}content": "file",581 "cm:content": "file",582 "{}thumbnail": "file",583 "cm:thumbnail": "file",584 "{}folder": "folder",585 "cm:folder": "folder",586 "{}category": "category",587 "cm:category": "category",588 "{}person": "user",589 "cm:person": "user",590 "{}authorityContainer": "group",591 "cm:authorityContainer": "group",592 "tag": "tag",593 "{}sites": "site",594 "st:sites": "site",595 "{}site": "site",596 "st:site": "site",597 "{}transferGroup": "server-group",598 "trx:transferGroup": "server-group",599 "{}transferTarget": "server",600 "trx:transferTarget": "server"601 };602 603 /**604 * Returns the extension from file url or path605 * 606 * @method Alfresco.util.getFileExtension607 * @param filePath {string} File path from which to extract file extension608 * @return {string|null} File extension or null609 * @static610 */611 Alfresco.util.getFileExtension = function(filePath)612 {613 var match = (new String(filePath)).match(/^.*\.([^\.]*)$/);614 if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(match) && YAHOO.lang.isString(match[1]))615 {616 return match[1];617 }618 619 return null;620 };621 622 /**623 * Formats a Freemarker datetime into more UI-friendly format624 *625 * @method Alfresco.util.formatDate626 * @param date {string} Optional: Date as returned from data webscript. Today used if missing.627 * @param mask {string} Optional: Mask to use to override default.628 * @return {string} Date formatted for UI629 * @static630 */631 Alfresco.util.formatDate = function(date)632 {633 try634 {635 return Alfresco.thirdparty.dateFormat.apply(this, arguments);636 }637 catch(e)638 {639 return date;640 }641 };642 643 /**644 * Convert an ISO8601 date string into a JavaScript native Date object645 *646 * @method Alfresco.util.fromISO8601647 * @param date {string} ISO8601 formatted date string648 * @return {Date|null} JavaScript native Date object649 * @static650 */651 Alfresco.util.fromISO8601 = function(date)652 {653 try654 {655 return Alfresco.thirdparty.fromISO8601.apply(this, arguments);656 }657 catch(e)658 {659 return null;660 }661 };662 663 /**664 * Convert a JavaScript native Date object into an ISO8601 date string665 *666 * @method Alfresco.util.toISO8601667 * @param date {Date} JavaScript native Date object668 * @return {string} ISO8601 formatted date string669 * @static670 */671 Alfresco.util.toISO8601 = function(date)672 {673 try674 {675 return Alfresco.thirdparty.toISO8601.apply(this, arguments);676 }677 catch(e)678 {679 return "";680 }681 };682 683 /**684 * Convert an JSON date exploded into an object literal into a JavaScript native Date object.685 * NOTE: Passed-in date will have month as zero-based.686 *687 * @method Alfresco.util.fromExplodedJSONDate688 * @param date {object} object literal of the following example format (UTC):689 * 690 * date = 691 * {692 * year: 2009693 * month: 4 // NOTE: zero-based694 * date: 22695 * hours: 14696 * minutes: 27697 * seconds: 42698 * milliseconds: 390699 * }700 * 701 * @return {Date|null} JavaScript native Date object702 * @static703 */704 Alfresco.util.fromExplodedJSONDate = function(date)705 {706 try707 {708 var isoDate = YAHOO.lang.substitute("{year 4}-{month 2}-{date 2}T{hours 2}:{minutes 2}:{seconds 2}.{milliseconds 3}Z", date, function(p_key, p_value, p_meta)709 {710 if (p_key == "month")711 {712 ++p_value;713 }714 p_value = String(p_value);715 var length = parseInt(p_meta, 10) || 2;716 while (p_value.length < length)717 {718 p_value = "0" + p_value;719 }720 return p_value;721 });722 return Alfresco.thirdparty.fromISO8601.apply(this, [isoDate,]);723 }724 catch(e)725 {726 return null;727 }728 };729 730 /**731 * Convert an object literal into a JavaScript native Date object into an JSON date exploded.732 * NOTE: Passed-in date will have month as zero-based.733 *734 * @method Alfresco.util.toExplodedJSONDate735 * @param date {Date} JavaScript Date object736 * @return {object}737 * 738 * date = 739 * {740 * year: 2009741 * month: 4 // NOTE: zero-based742 * date: 22743 * hours: 14744 * minutes: 27745 * seconds: 42746 * milliseconds: 390747 * }748 * 749 * @static750 */751 Alfresco.util.toExplodedJSONDate = function(date)752 {753 return (754 {755 zone: "UTC",756 year: date.getFullYear(),757 month: date.getMonth(),758 date: date.getDate(),759 hours: date.getHours(),760 minutes: date.getMinutes(),761 seconds: date.getSeconds(),762 milliseconds: date.getMilliseconds()763 });764 };765 766 /**767 * Generate a relative time between two Date objects.768 * 769 * @method Alfresco.util.relativeTime770 * @param from {Date} JavaScript Date object771 * @param to {Date} (Optional) JavaScript Date object, defaults to now if not supplied772 * @return {string} Relative time description773 * @static774 */775 Alfresco.util.relativeTime = function(from, to)776 {777 if (YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(to))778 {779 to = new Date();780 }781 782 var $msg = Alfresco.util.message,783 seconds_ago = ((to - from) / 1000),784 minutes_ago = Math.floor(seconds_ago / 60);785 786 if (minutes_ago and & entities with their character equivalents886 *887 * @method Alfresco.util.decodeHTML888 * @param html {string} The string containing HTML entities889 * @return {string} Decoded string890 * @static891 */892 Alfresco.util.decodeHTML = function(html)893 {894 if (html === null)895 {896 return "";897 }898 return html.split("").split("&").join("&").split(""").join('"');899 };900 901 /**902 * Encodes a potentially unsafe string with HTML entities903 * Replaces , & characters with their entity equivalents.904 * Based on the equivalent encodeHTML and unencodeHTML functions in Prototype.905 *906 * @method Alfresco.util.encodeHTML907 * @param text {string} The string to be encoded908 * @param justified {boolean} If true, don't render lines 2..n with an indent909 * @return {string} Safe HTML string910 * @static911 */912 Alfresco.util.encodeHTML = function(text, justified)913 {914 if (text === null || typeof text == "undefined")915 {916 return "";917 }918 919 var indent = justified === true ? "" : "";920 921 if ( > 0)922 {923 text = "" + text;924 return text.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/\n/g, "
" + indent).replace(/"/g, """);925 }926 var me = arguments.callee;927 = text;928 return me.div.innerHTML.replace(/\n/g, "
" + indent).replace(/"/g, """);929 };930 Alfresco.util.encodeHTML.div = document.createElement("div");931 Alfresco.util.encodeHTML.text = document.createTextNode("");932 Alfresco.util.encodeHTML.div.appendChild(Alfresco.util.encodeHTML.text);933 934 /**935 * Encodes a folder path string for use in a REST URI.936 * First performs a encodeURI() pass so that the '/' character is maintained937 * as the path must be intact as URI elements. Then encodes further characters938 * on the path that would cause problems in URLs, such as '&', '=' and '#'.939 *940 * @method Alfresco.util.encodeURIPath941 * @param text {string} The string to be encoded942 * @return {string} Encoded path URI string.943 * @static944 */945 Alfresco.util.encodeURIPath = function(text)946 {947 return encodeURIComponent(text).replace(/%2F/g, "/");948 };949 950 /**951 * Scans a text string for links and injects HTML mark-up to activate them.952 * NOTE: If used in conjunction with encodeHTML, this function must be called last.953 *954 * @method Alfresco.util.activateLinks955 * @param text {string} The string potentially containing links956 * @return {string} String with links marked-up to make them active957 * @static958 */959 Alfresco.util.activateLinks = function(text)960 {961 var re = new RegExp(/((http|ftp|https):\/\/[\w\-_]+(\.[\w\-_]+)+([\w\-\.,@?\^=%&:\/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?\^=%&\/~\+#])?)/g);962 text = text.replace(re, "$1");963 return text;964 };965 966 /**967 * Convert a plaintext Tweet into HTML with detected links parsed and "activated"968 *969 * @method Alfresco.util.tweetToHTML970 * @param text {string} The plaintext Tweet971 * @return {string} HTML string972 */973 Alfresco.util.tweetToHTML = function(text)974 {975 // URLs976 text = Alfresco.util.activateLinks(text);977 978 // User links979 var re = new RegExp(/(^|[^\w])@([\w]{1,})/g);980 text = text.replace(re, "$1@$2");981 982 // Hash tags983 re = new RegExp(/#+([\w]{1,})/g);984 text = text.replace(re, "#$1");985 986 return text;987 };988 989 /**990 * Tests a select element's options against "value" and991 * if there is a match that option is set to the selected index.992 *993 * @method Alfresco.util.setSelectedIndex994 * @param value {HTMLSelectElement} The select element to change the selectedIndex for995 * @param selectEl {string} The value to match agains the select elements option values996 * @return {string} The label/name of the seleceted option OR null if no option was found997 * @static998 */999 Alfresco.util.setSelectedIndex = function(selectEl, value)1000 {1001 for (var i = 0, l = selectEl.options.length; i < l; i++)1002 {1003 if (selectEl.options[i].value == value)1004 {1005 selectEl.selectedIndex = i;1006 return selectEl.options[i].text;1007 }1008 }1009 return null;1010 };1011 1012 /**1013 * Removes selectClass from all of selectEl's parent's child elements but adds it to selectEl.1014 *1015 * @method Alfresco.util.setSelectedClass1016 * @param parentEl {HTMLElement} The elements to deselct1017 * @param selectEl {HTMLElement} The element to select1018 * @param selectClass {string} The css class to remove from unselected and add to the selected element1019 * @static1020 */1021 Alfresco.util.setSelectedClass = function(parentEl, selectEl, selectClass)1022 {1023 var children = parentEl.childNodes,1024 child = null;1025 1026 selectClass = selectClass ? selectClass : "selected";1027 for (var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++)1028 {1029 child = children[i];1030 if (!selectEl || child.tagName == selectEl.tagName)1031 {1032 YUIDom.removeClass(child, selectClass);1033 if (child === selectEl)1034 {1035 YUIDom.addClass(child, selectClass);1036 }1037 }1038 }1039 };1040 1041 /**1042 * Returns a unique DOM ID for dynamically-created content. Optionally applies the new ID to an element.1043 *1044 * @method Alfresco.util.generateDomId1045 * @param p_el {HTMLElement} Applies new ID to element1046 * @param p_prefix {string} Optional prefix instead of "alf-id" default1047 * @return {string} Dom Id guaranteed to be unique on the current page1048 */1049 Alfresco.util.generateDomId = function(p_el, p_prefix)1050 {1051 var domId, prefix = p_prefix || "alf-id";1052 do1053 {1054 domId = prefix + Alfresco.util.generateDomId._nId++;1055 } while (YUIDom.get(domId) !== null);1056 1057 Alfresco.util.setDomId(p_el, domId);1058 1059 return domId;1060 };1061 Alfresco.util.generateDomId._nId = 0;1062 1063 /**1064 * Sets the domId as the html dom id on el1065 *1066 * @method Alfresco.util.setDomId1067 * @param p_el {HTMLElement} Applies new ID to element1068 * @param p_domId {string} The dom id to apply1069 */1070 Alfresco.util.setDomId = function(p_el, p_domId)1071 {1072 if (p_el)1073 {1074 if ( > 0 && < 8)1075 {1076 // MSIE 6 & 7-safe method1077 p_el.attributes["id"].value = p_domId;1078 p_el.setAttribute("id", p_domId);1079 }1080 else1081 {1082 p_el.setAttribute("id", p_domId);1083 }1084 }1085 };1086 1087 /**1088 * Converts "rel" attributes on tags to "target" attributes.1089 * "target" isn't supported in XHTML, so we use "rel" as a placeholder and replace at runtime.1090 *1091 * @method relToTarget1092 * @param rootNode {HTMLElement|String} An id or HTMLElement to start the query from1093 */1094 Alfresco.util.relToTarget = function(p_rootNode)1095 {1096 var elements = YUISelector.query("a[rel]", p_rootNode);1097 for (var i = 0, ii = elements.length; i < ii; i++)1098 {1099 elements[i].setAttribute("target", elements[i].getAttribute("rel"));1100 }1101 };1102 1103 /**1104 * Sets single or multiple DOM element innerHTML values.1105 * Ensures target element exists in the DOM before attempting to set the label.1106 *1107 * @method populateHTML1108 * @param p_label, p_label, ... {Array} Array with exactly two members:1109 * 1110 * [0] {String | HTMLElement} Accepts a string to use as an ID for getting a DOM reference, or an actual DOM reference.
1111 * [1] {String} HTML content to populate element if it exists in the DOM. HTML will NOT be escaped.1112 * 1113 */1114 Alfresco.util.populateHTML = function()1115 {1116 for (var i = 0, ii = arguments.length, el = null; i < ii; i++)1117 {1118 el = YUIDom.get(arguments[i][0]);1119 if (el)1120 {1121 el.innerHTML = arguments[i][1];1122 }1123 }1124 };1125 1126 /**1127 * Wrapper to create a YUI Button with common attributes.1128 * All supplied object parameters are passed to the button constructor1129 * e.g. Alfresco.util.createYUIButton(this, "OK", this.onOK, {type: "submit"});1130 *1131 * @method Alfresco.util.createYUIButton1132 * @param p_scope {object} Component containing button; must have "id" parameter1133 * @param p_name {string} Dom element ID of markup that button is created from {}-{name}1134 * @param p_onclick {function} If supplied, registered with the button's click event1135 * @param p_obj {object} Optional extra object parameters to pass to button constructor1136 * @param p_oElement {string|HTMLElement} Optional and accepts a string to use as an ID for getting a DOM reference or an actual DOM reference1137 * @return {YAHOO.widget.Button} New Button instance1138 * @static1139 */1140 Alfresco.util.createYUIButton = function(p_scope, p_name, p_onclick, p_obj, p_oElement)1141 {1142 // Default button parameters1143 var obj =1144 {1145 type: "button",1146 disabled: false1147 };1148 1149 // Any extra parameters?1150 if (typeof p_obj == "object")1151 {1152 obj = YAHOO.lang.merge(obj, p_obj);1153 }1154 1155 // Fix-up the menu element ID1156 if ((obj.type == "menu") && (typeof == "string"))1157 {1158 = + "-" +;1159 }1160 1161 // Create the button1162 var oElement = p_oElement ? p_oElement : + "-" + p_name,1163 button = null;1164 1165 if (YUIDom.get(oElement) !== null)1166 {1167 button = new YAHOO.widget.Button(oElement, obj);1168 1169 if (typeof button == "object")1170 {1171 // Register the click listener if one was supplied1172 if (typeof p_onclick == "function")1173 {1174 // Special case for a menu1175 if (obj.type == "menu")1176 {1177 button.getMenu().subscribe("click", p_onclick, p_scope, true);1178 }1179 else1180 {1181 button.on("click", p_onclick, button, p_scope);1182 }1183 }1184 1185 // Special case if htmlName was passed-in as an option1186 if (typeof obj.htmlName != "undefined")1187 {1188 button.get("element").getElementsByTagName("button")[0].name = obj.htmlName;1189 }1190 }1191 }1192 return button;1193 };1194 1195 /**1196 * Wrapper to disable a YUI Button, including link buttons.1197 * Link buttons aren't disabled by YUI; see *1199 * @method Alfresco.util.disableYUIButton1200 * @param p_button {YAHOO.widget.Button} Button instance1201 * @static1202 */1203 Alfresco.util.disableYUIButton = function(p_button)1204 {1205 if (p_button.set && p_button.get)1206 {1207 p_button.set("disabled", true);1208 if (p_button.get("type") == "link")1209 {1210 /**1211 * Note the non-optimal use of a "private" variable, which is why it's tested before use.1212 */1213 p_button.set("href", "");1214 if (p_button._button && p_button._button.setAttribute)1215 {1216 p_button._button.setAttribute("onclick", "return false;");1217 }1218 p_button.addStateCSSClasses("disabled");1219 p_button.removeStateCSSClasses("hover");1220 p_button.removeStateCSSClasses("active");1221 p_button.removeStateCSSClasses("focus");1222 }1223 }1224 };1225 1226 /**1227 * Wrapper to (re)enable a YUI Button, including link buttons.1228 * Link buttons aren't disabled by YUI; see *1230 * @method Alfresco.util.enableYUIButton1231 * @param p_button {YAHOO.widget.Button} Button instance1232 * @static1233 */1234 Alfresco.util.enableYUIButton = function(p_button)1235 {1236 if (p_button.set && p_button.get)1237 {1238 p_button.set("disabled", false);1239 if (p_button.get("type") == "link")1240 {1241 /**1242 * Note the non-optimal use of a "private" variable, which is why it's tested before use.1243 */1244 if (p_button._button && p_button._button.removeAttribute)1245 {1246 p_button._button.removeAttribute("onclick");1247 }1248 p_button.removeStateCSSClasses("disabled");1249 }1250 }1251 };1252 1253 /**1254 * Creates a "disclosure twister" UI control from existing mark-up.1255 *1256 * @method Alfresco.util.createTwister1257 * @param p_controller {Element|string} Element (or DOM ID) of controller node1258 * The code will search for the next sibling which will be used as the hideable panel, unless overridden below1259 * @param p_filterName {string} Filter's name under which to save it's collapsed state via preferences1260 * @param p_config {object} Optional additional configuration to override the defaults1261 * 1262 * panel {Element|string} Use this panel as the hideable element instead of the controller's first sibling1263 * collapsed {boolean} Whether the twister should be drawn collapsed upon creation1264 * 1265 * @return {boolean} true = success1266 */1267 Alfresco.util.createTwister = function(p_controller, p_filterName, p_config)1268 {1269 var defaultConfig =1270 {1271 panel: null,1272 collapsed: null,1273 CLASS_BASE: "alfresco-twister",1274 CLASS_OPEN: "alfresco-twister-open",1275 CLASS_CLOSED: "alfresco-twister-closed"1276 };1277 1278 var elController, elPanel,1279 config = YAHOO.lang.merge(defaultConfig, p_config || {});1280 1281 // Controller element1282 elController = YUIDom.get(p_controller);1283 if (elController === null)1284 {1285 return false;1286 }1287 1288 // Panel element - next sibling or specified in configuration1289 if (config.panel && YUIDom.get(config.panel))1290 {1291 elPanel = YUIDom.get(config.panel);1292 }1293 else1294 {1295 // Find the first sibling node1296 elPanel = elController.nextSibling;1297 while (elPanel.nodeType !== 1 && elPanel !== null)1298 {1299 elPanel = elPanel.nextSibling;1300 }1301 }1302 if (elPanel === null)1303 {1304 return false;1305 }1306 1307 // If "collapsed" isn't specified in config, then use the value stored in preferences1308 if (config.collapsed === null)1309 {1310 var collapsedPrefs = Alfresco.util.arrayToObject(Alfresco.util.createTwister.collapsed.split(","));1311 config.collapsed = !!collapsedPrefs[p_filterName];1312 }1313 1314 // Initial State1315 YUIDom.addClass(elController, config.CLASS_BASE);1316 YUIDom.addClass(elController, config.collapsed ? config.CLASS_CLOSED : config.CLASS_OPEN);1317 YUIDom.setStyle(elPanel, "display", config.collapsed ? "none" : "block");1318 1319 YUIEvent.addListener(elController, "click", function(p_event, p_obj)1320 {1321 // Update UI to new state1322 var collapse = YUIDom.hasClass(p_obj.controller, config.CLASS_OPEN);1323 if (collapse)1324 {1325 YUIDom.replaceClass(p_obj.controller, config.CLASS_OPEN, config.CLASS_CLOSED);1326 }1327 else1328 {1329 YUIDom.replaceClass(p_obj.controller, config.CLASS_CLOSED, config.CLASS_OPEN);1330 }1331 YUIDom.setStyle(p_obj.panel, "display", collapse ? "none" : "block");1332 1333 // Save to preferences1334 var fnPref = collapse ? "add" : "remove",1335 preferences = new Alfresco.service.Preferences();1336 1337 preferences[fnPref].call(preferences, Alfresco.service.Preferences.COLLAPSED_TWISTERS, p_obj.filterName);1338 },1339 {1340 controller: elController,1341 panel: elPanel,1342 filterName: p_filterName1343 });1344 };1345 Alfresco.util.createTwister.collapsed = "";1346 1347 /**1348 * Wrapper to create a YUI Panel with common attributes, as follows:1349 * 1350 * modal: true,1351 * constraintoviewport: true,1352 * draggable: true,1353 * fixedcenter: true,1354 * close: true,1355 * visible: false1356 * 1357 * All supplied object parameters are passed to the panel constructor1358 * e.g. Alfresco.util.createYUIPanel("myId", { draggable: false });1359 *1360 * @method Alfresco.util.createYUIPanel1361 * @param p_el {string|HTMLElement} The element ID representing the Panel or the element representing the Panel1362 * @param p_params {object} Optional extra/overridden object parameters to pass to Panel constructor1363 * @param p_custom {object} Optional parameters to customise Panel creation:1364 * 1365 * render {boolean} By default the new Panel will be rendered to document.body. Set to false to prevent this.1366 * type {object} Use to override YAHOO.widget.Panel default type, e.g. YAHOO.widget.Dialog1367 * 1368 * @return {YAHOO.widget.Panel|flags.type} New Panel instance1369 * @static1370 */1371 Alfresco.util.createYUIPanel = function(p_el, p_params, p_custom)1372 {1373 // Default constructor parameters1374 var panel,1375 params =1376 {1377 modal: true,1378 constraintoviewport: true,1379 draggable: true,1380 fixedcenter: "contained",1381 close: true,1382 visible: false1383 },1384 custom =1385 {1386 render: true,1387 type: YAHOO.widget.Panel1388 };1389 1390 // Any extra/overridden constructor parameters?1391 if (typeof p_params == "object")1392 {1393 params = YAHOO.lang.merge(params, p_params);1394 }1395 // Any customisation?1396 if (typeof p_custom == "object")1397 {1398 custom = YAHOO.lang.merge(custom, p_custom);1399 }1400 1401 // Create and return the panel1402 panel = new (custom.type)(p_el, params);1403 1404 if (custom.render)1405 {1406 panel.render(document.body);1407 }1408 1409 // Let other components react to when a panel is shown or hidden1410 panel.subscribe("show", function (p_event, p_args)1411 {1412"showPanel",1413 {1414 panel: this1415 });1416 });1417 panel.subscribe("hide", function (p_event, p_args)1418 {1419"hidePanel",1420 {1421 panel: this1422 });1423 });1424 1425 return panel;1426 };1427 1428 /**1429 * Find an event target's class name, ignoring YUI classes.1430 *1431 * @method Alfresco.util.findEventClass1432 * @param p_eventTarget {object} Event target from Event class1433 * @param p_tagName {string} Optional tag if 'span' needs to be overridden1434 * @return {string|null} Class name or null1435 * @static1436 */1437 Alfresco.util.findEventClass = function(p_eventTarget, p_tagName)1438 {1439 var src = p_eventTarget.element;1440 var tagName = (p_tagName || "span").toLowerCase();1441 1442 // Walk down until specified tag found and not a yui class1443 while ((src !== null) && ((src.tagName.toLowerCase() != tagName) || (src.className.indexOf("yui") === 0)))1444 {1445 src = src.firstChild;1446 }1447 1448 // Found the target element?1449 if (src === null)1450 {1451 return null;1452 }1453 1454 return src.className;1455 };1456 1457 /**1458 * Determines whether a Bubbling event should be ignored or not1459 *1460 * @method Alfresco.util.hasEventInterest1461 * @param p_instance {object} Instance checking for event interest1462 * @param p_args {object} Bubbling event args1463 * @return {boolean} false to ignore event1464 */1465 Alfresco.util.hasEventInterest = function(p_eventGroup, p_args)1466 {1467 var obj = p_args[1],1468 sourceGroup = "source",1469 targetGroup = "target",1470 hasInterest = false;1471 1472 if (obj)1473 {1474 // Was this a defaultAction event?1475 if (obj.action === "navigate")1476 {1477 obj.eventGroup = obj.anchor.rel;1478 }1479 1480 if (obj.eventGroup && p_eventGroup)1481 {1482 sourceGroup = (typeof obj.eventGroup == "string") ? obj.eventGroup : obj.eventGroup.eventGroup;1483 targetGroup = (typeof p_eventGroup == "string") ? p_eventGroup : p_eventGroup.eventGroup;1484 1485 hasInterest = (sourceGroup == targetGroup);1486 }1487 }1488 return hasInterest;1489 };1490 1491 /**1492 * Check if flash is installed.1493 * Returns true if a flash player of the required version is installed1494 *1495 * @method Alfresco.util.isFlashInstalled1496 * @param reqMajorVer {int}1497 * @param reqMinorVer {int}1498 * @param reqRevision {int}1499 * @return {boolean} Returns true if a flash player of the required version is installed1500 * @static1501 */1502 Alfresco.util.hasRequiredFlashPlayer = function(reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision)1503 {1504 if (typeof DetectFlashVer == "function")1505 {1506 return DetectFlashVer(reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision);1507 }1508 return false;1509 };1510 1511 /**1512 * Add a component's messages to the central message store.1513 *1514 * @method Alfresco.util.addMessages1515 * @param p_obj {object} Object literal containing messages in the correct locale1516 * @param p_messageScope {string} Message scope to add these to, e.g. componentId1517 * @return {boolean} true if messages added1518 * @throws {Error}1519 * @static1520 */1521 Alfresco.util.addMessages = function(p_obj, p_messageScope)1522 {1523 if (p_messageScope === undefined)1524 {1525 throw new Error("messageScope must be defined");1526 }1527 else if (p_messageScope == "global")1528 {1529 throw new Error("messageScope cannot be 'global'");1530 }1531 else1532 {1533 Alfresco.messages.scope[p_messageScope] = YAHOO.lang.merge(Alfresco.messages.scope[p_messageScope] || {}, p_obj);1534 return true;1535 }1536 // for completeness...1537 return false;1538 };1539 1540 /**1541 * Copy one namespace's messages to another's.1542 *1543 * @method Alfresco.util.copyMessages1544 * @param p_source {string} Source namespace1545 * @param p_destination {string} Destination namespace. Will be overwritten with source's messages1546 * @throws {Error}1547 * @static1548 */1549 Alfresco.util.copyMessages = function(p_source, p_destination)1550 {1551 if (p_source === undefined)1552 {1553 throw new Error("Source must be defined");1554 }1555 else if (Alfresco.messages.scope[p_source] === undefined)1556 {1557 throw new Error("Source namespace doesn't exist");1558 }1559 else if (p_destination === undefined)1560 {1561 throw new Error("Destination must be defined");1562 }1563 else if (p_destination == "global")1564 {1565 throw new Error("Destination cannot be 'global'");1566 }1567 else1568 {1569 Alfresco.messages.scope[p_destination] = YAHOO.lang.merge({}, Alfresco.messages.scope[p_source]);1570 }1571 };1572 1573 /**1574 * Resolve a messageId into a message.1575 * If a messageScope is supplied, that container will be searched first, followed by the "global" message scope.1576 * Note: Implementation follows single-quote quirks of server implementations whereby I18N messages containing1577 * one or more tokens must use two single-quotes in order to display one.1578 * See: *1580 * @method Alfresco.util.message1581 * @param p_messageId {string} Message id to resolve1582 * @param p_messageScope {string} Message scope, e.g. componentId1583 * @param multiple-values {string} Values to replace tokens with1584 * @return {string} The localized message string or the messageId if not found1585 * @throws {Error}1586 * @static1587 */1588 Alfresco.util.message = function(p_messageId, p_messageScope)1589 {1590 var msg = p_messageId;1591 1592 if (typeof p_messageId != "string")1593 {1594 throw new Error("Missing or invalid argument: messageId");1595 }1596 1597 var globalMsg =[p_messageId];1598 if (typeof globalMsg == "string")1599 {1600 msg = globalMsg;1601 }1602 1603 if ((typeof p_messageScope == "string") && (typeof Alfresco.messages.scope[p_messageScope] == "object"))1604 {1605 var scopeMsg = Alfresco.messages.scope[p_messageScope][p_messageId];1606 if (typeof scopeMsg == "string")1607 {1608 msg = scopeMsg;1609 }1610 }1611 1612 // Search/replace tokens1613 var tokens = [];1614 if ((arguments.length == 3) && (typeof arguments[2] == "object"))1615 {1616 tokens = arguments[2];1617 }1618 else1619 {1620 tokens =;1621 }1622 1623 // Emulate server-side I18NUtils implementation1624 if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(tokens) && tokens.length > 0)1625 {1626 msg = msg.replace(/''/g, "'");1627 }1628 msg = YAHOO.lang.substitute(msg, tokens);1629 1630 return msg;1631 };1632 1633 Alfresco.util.calI18nParams = function(oCal) 1634 /**1635 * Helper method to set the required i18n properties on a YUI Calendar Widget1636 * see: * for what each property does1638 * 1639 * @method Alfresco.util.calI18nParams1640 * @param oCal {object} a YAHOO.widget.Calendar object1641 * @static1642 * 1643 */1644 {1645 var setP = oCal.cfg.setProperty,1646 msg = Alfresco.util.message;1647 oCal.cfg.setProperty("MONTHS_SHORT", msg("months.short").split(","));1648 oCal.cfg.setProperty("MONTHS_LONG", msg("months.long").split(","));1649 oCal.cfg.setProperty("WEEKDAYS_1CHAR", msg("days.initial").split(","));1650 oCal.cfg.setProperty("WEEKDAYS_SHORT", msg("days.short").split(","));1651 oCal.cfg.setProperty("WEEKDAYS_MEDIUM", msg("days.medium").split(","));1652 oCal.cfg.setProperty("WEEKDAYS_LONG", msg("days.long").split(","));1653 var monthPos = msg("calendar.widget_config.my_label_month_position");1654 if (monthPos.length !== 0)1655 {1656 oCal.cfg.setProperty("MY_LABEL_MONTH_POSITION", parseInt(monthPos));1657 }1658 var monthSuffix = msg("calendar.widget_config.my_label_month_suffix");1659 if (monthSuffix.length !== 0)1660 {1661 oCal.cfg.setProperty("MY_LABEL_MONTH_SUFFIX", monthSuffix);1662 }1663 var yearPos = msg("calendar.widget_config.my_label_year_position");1664 if (yearPos.length !== 0)1665 {1666 oCal.cfg.setProperty("MY_LABEL_YEAR_POSITION", parseInt(yearPos));1667 }1668 oCal.cfg.setProperty("MY_LABEL_YEAR_SUFFIX", msg("calendar.widget_config.my_label_year_suffix"));1669 1670 };1671 1672 /**1673 * Fixes the hidden caret problem in Firefox 2.x.1674 * Assumes or elements are wrapped in a 1675 *1676 * @method Alfresco.util.caretFix1677 * @param p_formElement {element|string} Form element to fix input boxes within1678 * @static1679 */1680 Alfresco.util.caretFix = function(p_formElement)1681 {1682 if ( === 1.8)1683 {1684 if (typeof p_formElement == "string")1685 {1686 p_formElement = YUIDom.get(p_formElement);1687 }1688 var nodes = YUISelector.query(".yui-u", p_formElement);1689 for (var x = 0; x < nodes.length; x++)1690 {1691 var elem = nodes[x];1692 YUIDom.addClass(elem, "caret-fix");1693 }1694 }1695 };1696 1697 /**1698 * Remove the fixes for the hidden caret problem in Firefox 2.x.1699 * Should be called before hiding a form for re-use.1700 *1701 * @method Alfresco.util.undoCaretFix1702 * @param p_formElement {element|string} Form element to undo fixes within1703 * @static1704 */1705 Alfresco.util.undoCaretFix = function(p_formElement)1706 {1707 if ( === 1.8)1708 {1709 if (typeof p_formElement == "string")1710 {1711 p_formElement = YUIDom.get(p_formElement);1712 }1713 var nodes = YUISelector.query(".caret-fix", p_formElement);1714 for (var x = 0; x < nodes.length; x++)1715 {1716 var elem = nodes[x];1717 YUIDom.removeClass(elem, "caret-fix");1718 }1719 }1720 };1721 1722 /**1723 * Submits a form programatically, handling the 1724 * various browser nuances.1725 * 1726 * @method Alfresco.util.submitForm1727 * @param form The form to submit1728 * @static1729 */1730 Alfresco.util.submitForm = function(form)1731 {1732 var UA =;1733 var submitTheForm = false;1734 1735 if (form !== null)1736 {1737 if ( 1738 {1739 // IE1740 submitTheForm = form.fireEvent("onsubmit");1741 }1742 else 1743 { 1744 // Gecko, Opera, and Safari1745 var event = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");1746 event.initEvent("submit", true, true);1747 submitTheForm = form.dispatchEvent(event);1748 }1749 1750 if (( || UA.webkit) && submitTheForm) 1751 {1752 // for IE and webkit firing the event doesn't submit1753 // the form so we have to do it manually (if the 1754 // submission was not cancelled)1755 form.submit();1756 }1757 }1758 };1759 1760 /**1761 * Parses a string to a json object and returns it.1762 * If str contains invalid json code that is displayed using displayPrompt().1763 *1764 * @method Alfresco.util.parseJSON1765 * @param jsonStr {string} The JSON string to be parsed1766 * @param displayError {boolean} Set true to display a message informing about bad JSON syntax1767 * @return {object} The object representing the JSON string1768 * @static1769 */1770 Alfresco.util.parseJSON = function(jsonStr, displayError)1771 {1772 try1773 {1774 return YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(jsonStr);1775 }1776 catch (error)1777 {1778 if (displayError)1779 {1780 Alfresco.util.PopupManager.displayPrompt(1781 {1782 title: "Failure",1783 text: "Can't parse response as json: '" + jsonStr + "'"1784 });1785 }1786 }1787 return null;1788 };1789 1790 /**1791 * Returns a populated URI template, given a TemplateId and an object literal1792 * containing the tokens to be substituted.1793 * Understands when the application is hosted in a Portal environment.1794 *1795 * @method Alfresco.util.uriTemplate1796 * @param templateId {string} URI TemplateId from web-framework configuration1797 * @param obj {object} The object literal containing the token values to substitute1798 * @param absolute {boolean} Whether the URL should include the protocol and host1799 * @return {string|null} The populated URI or null if templateId not found1800 * @static1801 */1802 Alfresco.util.uriTemplate = function(templateId, obj, absolute)1803 {1804 // Check we know about the templateId1805 if (!(templateId in Alfresco.constants.URI_TEMPLATES))1806 {1807 return null;1808 }1809 1810 return Alfresco.util.renderUriTemplate(Alfresco.constants.URI_TEMPLATES[templateId], obj, absolute);1811 };1812 1813 /**1814 * Returns a populated URI template, given the URI template and an object literal1815 * containing the tokens to be substituted.1816 * Understands when the application is hosted in a Portal environment.1817 *1818 * @method Alfresco.util.renderUriTemplate1819 * @param template {string} URI Template to be populated1820 * @param obj {object} The object literal containing the token values to substitute1821 * @param absolute {boolean} Whether the URL should include the protocol and host1822 * @return {string|null} The populated URI or null if templateId not found1823 * @static1824 */1825 Alfresco.util.renderUriTemplate = function(template, obj, absolute)1826 {1827 // If a site page was requested but no {siteid} given, then use the current site or remove the missing parameter1828 if (template.indexOf("{site}") !== -1)1829 {1830 if (obj.hasOwnProperty("site"))1831 {1832 // A site parameter was given - is it valid?1833 if (typeof !== "string" || === 0)1834 {1835 // Not valid - remove site part of template1836 template = template.replace("/site/{site}", "");1837 }1838 }1839 else1840 {1841 if (Alfresco.constants.SITE.length > 0)1842 {1843 // We're currently in a Site, so generate an in-Site link1844 = Alfresco.constants.SITE;1845 }1846 else1847 {1848 // No current Site context, so remove from the template1849 template = template.replace("/site/{site}", "");1850 }1851 }1852 }1853 1854 var uri = YAHOO.lang.substitute(template, obj),1855 regExp = /^(http|https):\/\//;1856 1857 if (!regExp.test(uri))1858 {1859 // Page context required1860 uri = Alfresco.util.combinePaths(Alfresco.constants.URL_PAGECONTEXT, uri);1861 }1862 1863 // Portlet scriptUrl mapping required?1864 if (Alfresco.constants.PORTLET)1865 {1866 // Remove the context prefix1867 if (uri.indexOf(Alfresco.constants.URL_CONTEXT) === 0)1868 {1869 uri = Alfresco.util.combinePaths("/", uri.substring(Alfresco.constants.URL_CONTEXT.length));1870 }1871 1872 uri = Alfresco.constants.PORTLET_URL.replace("$$scriptUrl$$", encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(uri)));1873 }1874 1875 // Absolute URI needs current protocol and host1876 if (absolute && (uri.indexOf(location.protocol + "//") !== 0))1877 {1878 // Don't use combinePaths in case the PORTLET_URL encoding is fragile1879 if (uri.substring(0, 1) !== "/")1880 {1881 uri = "/" + uri;1882 }1883 uri = location.protocol + "//" + + uri;1884 }1885 1886 return uri;1887 };1888 1889 /**1890 * Returns a URL to a site page.1891 * If no Site ID is supplied, generates a link to the non-site page.1892 *1893 * @method Alfresco.util.siteURL1894 * @param pageURI {string} Page ID and and QueryString parameters the page might need, e.g.1895 * 1896 * "folder-details?nodeRef=" + nodeRef1897 * 1898 * @param obj {object} The object literal containing the token values to substitute within the template1899 * @param absolute {boolean} Whether the URL should include the protocol and host1900 * @return {string} The populated URL1901 * @static1902 */1903 Alfresco.util.siteURL = function(pageURI, obj, absolute)1904 {1905 return Alfresco.util.uriTemplate("sitepage", YAHOO.lang.merge(obj || {},1906 {1907 pageid: pageURI1908 }), absolute);1909 };1910 1911 /**1912 * Navigates to a url1913 *1914 * @method Alfresco.util.navigateTo1915 * @param uri {string} THe uri to navigate to1916 * @param method {string} (Optional) Default is "GET"1917 * @param parameters {string|object}1918 * @static1919 */1920 Alfresco.util.navigateTo = function(uri, method, parameters)1921 {1922 method = method ? method.toUpperCase() : "GET";1923 if (method == "GET")1924 {1925 window.location.href = uri;1926 }1927 else1928 {1929 var form = document.createElement("form");1930 form.method = method;1931 form.action = uri;1932 if (method == "POST" || method == "PUT")1933 {1934 var input;1935 for (var name in parameters)1936 {1937 if (parameters.hasOwnProperty(name))1938 {1939 value = parameters[name];1940 if (value)1941 {1942 input = document.createElement("input");1943 input.setAttribute("name", name);1944 input.setAttribute("type", "hidden");1945 input.value = value;1946 form.appendChild(input);1947 }1948 }1949 } 1950 }1951 document.body.appendChild(form);1952 form.submit();1953 }1954 };1955 1956 /**1957 * Generates a link to the user profile page unless the "userprofilepage" uritemplate has1958 * been removed or emptied in share-config-custom.xml1959 * If no fullName is supplied, the userName is displayed instead.1960 *1961 * @method Alfresco.util.userProfileLink1962 * @param userName {string} User Name1963 * @param fullName {string} Full display name. "userName" used if this param is empty or not supplied1964 * @param linkAttr {string} Optional attributes to add to the tag, e.g. "class"1965 * @param disableLink {boolean} Optional attribute instructing the link to be disabled1966 * (ie returning a span element rather than an a href element) 1967 * @return {string} The populated HTML Link1968 * @static1969 */1970 Alfresco.util.userProfileLink = function(userName, fullName, linkAttr, disableLink)1971 {1972 if (!YAHOO.lang.isString(userName) || userName.length === 0)1973 {1974 return "";1975 }1976 1977 var html = Alfresco.util.encodeHTML(YAHOO.lang.isString(fullName) && fullName.length > 0 ? fullName : userName),1978 template = Alfresco.constants.URI_TEMPLATES["userprofilepage"],1979 uri = "";1980 1981 // If the "userprofilepage" template doesn't exist or is empty, or we're in portlet mode we'll just return the user's fullName || userName1982 if (disableLink || YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(template) || template.length === 0 || Alfresco.constants.PORTLET)1983 {1984 return '' + html + '';1985 }1986 1987 // Generate the link1988 uri = Alfresco.util.uriTemplate("userprofilepage",1989 {1990 userid: userName1991 });1992 1993 return '' + html + '';1994 };1995 1996 /**1997 * Returns a URL to the content represented by the passed-in nodeRef1998 *1999 * @method Alfresco.util.contentURL2000 * @param nodeRef {string} Standard Alfresco nodeRef2001 * @param name {string} Filename to download2002 * @param attach {boolean} If true, browser should prompt the user to "Open or Save?", rather than display inline2003 * @return {string} The URL to the content2004 * @static2005 */2006 Alfresco.util.contentURL = function(nodeRef, name, attach)2007 {2008 return Alfresco.constants.PROXY_URI + "api/node/content/" + nodeRef.replace(":/", "") + "/" + name + (attach ? "?a=true" : "");2009 };2010 2011 /**2012 * Returns the value of the specified query string parameter.2013 *2014 * @method getQueryStringParameter2015 * @param {string} paramName Name of the parameter we want to look up.2016 * @param {string} queryString Optional URL to look at. If not specified,2017 * this method uses the URL in the address bar.2018 * @return {string} The value of the specified parameter, or null.2019 * @static2020 */2021 Alfresco.util.getQueryStringParameter = function(paramName, url)2022 {2023 var params = this.getQueryStringParameters(url);2024 2025 if (paramName in params)2026 {2027 return params[paramName];2028 }2029 2030 return null;2031 };2032 2033 /**2034 * Returns the query string parameters as an object literal.2035 * Parameters appearing more than once are returned an an array.2036 * This method has been extracted from the YUI Browser History Manager.2037 * It can be used here without the overhead of the History JavaScript include.2038 *2039 * @method getQueryStringParameters2040 * @param queryString {string} Optional URL to look at. If not specified,2041 * this method uses the URL in the address bar.2042 * @return {object} Object literal containing QueryString parameters as name/value pairs2043 * @static2044 */2045 Alfresco.util.getQueryStringParameters = function(url)2046 {2047 var i, len, idx, queryString, params, tokens, name, value, objParams;2048 2049 url = url || window.location.href;2050 2051 idx = url.indexOf("?");2052 queryString = idx >= 0 ? url.substr(idx + 1) : url;2053 2054 // Remove the hash if any2055 idx = queryString.lastIndexOf("#");2056 queryString = idx >= 0 ? queryString.substr(0, idx) : queryString;2057 2058 params = queryString.split("&");2059 2060 objParams = {};2061 2062 for (i = 0, len = params.length; i < len; i++)2063 {2064 tokens = params[i].split("=");2065 if (tokens.length >= 2)2066 {2067 name = tokens[0];2068 value = decodeURIComponent(tokens[1]);2069 switch (typeof objParams[name])2070 {2071 case "undefined":2072 objParams[name] = value;2073 break;2074 2075 case "string":2076 objParams[name] = [objParams[name]].concat(value);2077 break;2078 2079 case "object":2080 objParams[name] = objParams[name].concat(value);2081 break;2082 }2083 }2084 }2085 2086 return objParams;2087 };2088 2089 /**2090 * Turns an object literal into a valid queryString.2091 * Format of the object is as returned from the getQueryStringParameters() function.2092 *2093 * @method toQueryString2094 * @param params {object} Object literal containing QueryString parameters as name/value pairs2095 * @return {string} QueryString-formatted string2096 * @static2097 */2098 Alfresco.util.toQueryString = function(p_params)2099 {2100 var qs = "?", name, value, val;2101 for (name in p_params)2102 {2103 if (p_params.hasOwnProperty(name))2104 {2105 value = p_params[name];2106 if (typeof value == "object")2107 {2108 for (val in value)2109 {2110 if (value.hasOwnProperty(val))2111 {2112 qs += encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value[val]) + "&";2113 }2114 }2115 }2116 else if (typeof value == "string")2117 {2118 qs += encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + "&";2119 }2120 }2121 }2122 2123 // Return the string after removing the last character2124 return qs.substring(0, qs.length - 1);2125 };2126 2127 /**2128 * Retrieves a JavaScript session variable.2129 * Variables are scoped to the current ""2130 *2131 * @method getVar2132 * @param name {string} Variable name2133 * @param default {object} Default value to return if not set2134 * @return {object|null} Variable value or default if provided (null otherwise)2135 * @static2136 */2137 Alfresco.util.getVar = function(p_name, p_default)2138 {2139 var returnValue = typeof p_default != "undefined" ? p_default : null;2140 2141 try2142 {2143 if ( !== "" && YAHOO.lang.JSON.isValid( {2145 var allVars = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(,2146 scopedVars = allVars[],2147 value = null;2148 2149 if (typeof scopedVars == "object")2150 {2151 value = scopedVars[p_name];2152 if (typeof value !== "undefined" && value !== null)2153 {2154 returnValue = value;2155 }2156 }2157 }2158 }2159 catch (e)2160 {2161 Alfresco.logger.error("Alfresco.util.getVar()", p_name, p_default, e);2162 }2163 2164 return returnValue; 2165 };2166 2167 /**2168 * Sets a JavaScript session variable.2169 * The variables are stored in, so live for as long as the browser window does.2170 * Variables are scoped to the current ""2171 *2172 * @method setVar2173 * @param name {string} Variable name2174 * @param value {object} Value to set2175 * @return {boolean} True for successful set2176 * @static2177 */2178 Alfresco.util.setVar = function(p_name, p_value)2179 {2180 var success = true;2181 2182 try2183 {2184 var allVars = {};2185 2186 if ( !== "" && YAHOO.lang.JSON.isValid( {2188 allVars = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(;2189 }2190 2191 if (typeof allVars[] == "undefined")2192 {2193 allVars[] = {};2194 }2195 allVars[][p_name] = p_value;2196 2197 = YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(allVars);2198 }2199 catch (e)2200 {2201 Alfresco.logger.error("Alfresco.util.setVar()", p_name, p_value, e);2202 success = false;2203 }2204 return success;2205 };2206 2207 2208 /**2209 * Takes a string and splits it up to valid tags by using whitespace as separators.2210 * Multi-word tags are supported by "quoting the phrase".2211 * e.g. the string2212 * hello*world "this is alfresco"2213 * would result in tags: "hello*world" and "this is alfresco".2214 *2215 * @method getTags2216 * @param str {string} a string containing tags2217 * @return {array} of valid tags2218 * @static2219 */2220 Alfresco.util.getTags = function(str)2221 {2222 var match = null,2223 tags = [],2224 found = {},2225 regexp = new RegExp(/([^"\^\s]+)\s*|"([\^"]+)"\s*/g),2226 tag;2227 2228 while (match = regexp.exec(str))2229 {2230 tag = match[1] || match[2];2231 if (found[tag] === undefined)2232 {2233 found[tag] = true;2234 tags.push(tag);2235 }2236 }2237 return tags;2238 };2239 2240 /**2241 * The YUI Bubbling Library augments callback objects with its own built-in fields.2242 * This function strips those out, so the remainder of the object is "clean"2243 *2244 * @method cleanBubblingObject2245 * @param callbackObj {object} Object literal as passed to the event handler2246 * @return {object} Object stripped of Bubbling Library fields2247 * @static2248 */2249 Alfresco.util.cleanBubblingObject = function(callbackObj)2250 {2251 // See Bubbling Library, fire() function. These fields are correct for v2.1.2252 var augmented =2253 {2254 action: true,2255 flagged: true,2256 decrepitate: true,2257 stop: true2258 },2259 cleanObj = {};2260 2261 for (var index in callbackObj)2262 {2263 if (callbackObj.hasOwnProperty(index) && augmented[index] !== true)2264 {2265 cleanObj[index] = callbackObj[index];2266 }2267 }2268 return cleanObj;2269 };2270 2271 /**2272 * Bind a function to a specific context.2273 *2274 * @method bind2275 * @param fn {function} Function to be bound.2276 * @param context {object} Context to bind function to.2277 * @param arguments {object} Optional arguments to prepend to arguments passed-in when function is actually called2278 * @return {function} Function wrapper.2279 * @static2280 */2281 Alfresco.util.bind = function(fn, context)2282 {2283 if (!YAHOO.lang.isObject(context))2284 {2285 return fn;2286 }2287 var args =;2288 return (function()2289 {2290 return fn.apply(context, args.concat(;2291 });2292 };2293 2294 /**2295 * Autocomplete key filter2296 * Whether or not key is functional or should be ignored. Note that the right2297 * arrow key is NOT an ignored key since it triggers queries for certain intl2298 * charsets.2299 * From YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype._isIgnoreKey()2300 *2301 * @method isAutocompleteIgnoreKey2302 * @param nKeycode {Number} Code of key pressed.2303 * @return {Boolean} True if key should be ignored, false otherwise.2304 */2305 Alfresco.util.isAutocompleteIgnoreKey = function(nKeyCode)2306 {2307 if (2308 (nKeyCode == 9) || (nKeyCode == 13) || // tab, enter2309 (nKeyCode == 16) || (nKeyCode == 17) || // shift, ctl2310 (nKeyCode >= 18 && nKeyCode = 33 && nKeyCode = 36 && nKeyCode = 44 && nKeyCode 0)2411 {2412 /* Have all the YUI components the caller requires been registered? */2413 var isRegistered = true;2414 for (var i = 0; i < p_aComponents.length; i++)2415 {2416 if (YAHOO.env.getVersion(p_aComponents[i]) === null)2417 {2418 isRegistered = false;2419 break;2420 }2421 }2422 if (isRegistered && (p_oCallback !== null))2423 {2424 YAHOO.lang.later(10, p_oScope, p_oCallback);2425 }2426 else2427 {2428 /* Add to the list of components to be loaded */2429 yuiLoader.require(p_aComponents);2430 2431 /* Store the callback function and scope for later */2432 callbacks.push(2433 {2434 required: Alfresco.util.arrayToObject(p_aComponents),2435 fn: p_oCallback,2436 scope: (typeof p_oScope != "undefined" ? p_oScope : window)2437 });2438 }2439 }2440 else if (p_oCallback !== null)2441 {2442 p_oScope != "undefined" ? p_oScope : window);2443 }2444 },2445 2446 /**2447 * Called by template once all component dependencies have been registered. Should be just before the closing tag.2448 * @method loadComponents2449 * @param p_pageLoad {Boolean} Whether the function is being called from the page footer, or elsewhere. Only the footer is allowed to use "true" here.2450 */2451 loadComponents: function YLH_loadComponents(p_pageLoad)2452 {2453 createYUILoader();2454 if (initialLoaderComplete || p_pageLoad === true)2455 {2456 if (yuiLoader !== null)2457 {2458 yuiLoader.insert(null, "js");2459 }2460 }2461 },2462 2463 /**2464 * Callback from YUILoader once all required YUI componentshave been loaded by the browser.2465 * @method onLoaderComplete2466 */2467 onLoaderComplete: function YLH_onLoaderComplete()2468 {2469 for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++)2470 {2471 if (callbacks[i].fn)2472 {2473 callbacks[i][i].scope);2474 }2475 }2476 callbacks = [];2477 initialLoaderComplete = true;2478 }2479 });2480 }();2481 2482 2483 /**2484 * Keeps track of Alfresco components on a page. Components should register() upon creation to be compliant.2485 * @class Alfresco.util.ComponentManager2486 */2487 Alfresco.util.ComponentManager = function()2488 {2489 /**2490 * Array of registered components.2491 * 2492 * @property components2493 * @type Array2494 */2495 var components = [];2496 2497 return (2498 {2499 /**2500 * Main entrypoint for components wishing to register themselves with the ComponentManager2501 * @method register2502 * @param p_aComponent {object} Component instance to be registered2503 */2504 register: function CM_register(p_oComponent)2505 {2506 components.push(p_oComponent);2507 components[] = p_oComponent;2508 },2509 2510 /**2511 * Unregister a component from the ComponentManager2512 * @method unregister2513 * @param p_aComponent {object} Component instance to be unregistered2514 */2515 unregister: function CM_unregister(p_oComponent)2516 {2517 for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) // Do not optimize2518 {2519 if (components[i] == p_oComponent)2520 {2521 components.splice(i, 1);2522 delete components[];2523 break;2524 }2525 }2526 },2527 2528 /**2529 * Re-register a component with the ComponentManager2530 * Component ID cannot be updated via this function, use separate unregister(), register() calls instead.2531 * @method reregister2532 * @param p_aComponent {object} Component instance to be unregistered, then registered again2533 */2534 reregister: function CM_reregister(p_oComponent)2535 {2536 this.unregister(p_oComponent);2537 this.register(p_oComponent);2538 },2539 2540 /**2541 * Allows components to find other registered components by name, id or both2542 * e.g. find({name: "Alfresco.DocumentLibrary"})2543 * @method find2544 * @param p_oParams {object} List of paramters to search by2545 * @return {Array} Array of components found in the search2546 */2547 find: function CM_find(p_oParams)2548 {2549 var found = [];2550 var bMatch, component;2551 2552 for (var i = 0, j = components.length; i < j; i++)2553 {2554 component = components[i];2555 bMatch = true;2556 for (var key in p_oParams)2557 {2558 if (p_oParams[key] != component[key])2559 {2560 bMatch = false;2561 }2562 }2563 if (bMatch)2564 {2565 found.push(component);2566 }2567 }2568 return found;2569 },2570 2571 /**2572 * Allows components to find first registered components by name only2573 * e.g. findFirst("Alfresco.DocumentLibrary")2574 * @method findFirst2575 * @param p_sName {string} Name of registered component to search on2576 * @return {object|null} Component found in the search2577 */2578 findFirst: function CM_findFirst(p_sName)2579 {2580 var found = Alfresco.util.ComponentManager.find(2581 {2582 name: p_sName2583 });2584 2585 return (typeof found[0] == "object" ? found[0] : null);2586 },2587 2588 /**2589 * Get component by Id2590 * e.g. get("global_x002e_header-sites-menu")2591 * @method get2592 * @param p_sId {string} Id of registered component to return2593 * @return {object|null} Component with given Id2594 */2595 get: function CM_get(p_sId)2596 {2597 return (components[p_sId] || null);2598 }2599 });2600 }();2601 2602 /**2603 * Provides a common interface for displaying popups in various forms2604 *2605 * @class Alfresco.util.PopupManager2606 */2607 Alfresco.util.PopupManager = function()2608 {2609 /**2610 * Alfresco Slingshot aliases2611 */2612 var $html = Alfresco.util.encodeHTML;2613 2614 return (2615 {2616 2617 /**2618 * The html zIndex startvalue that will be incremented for each popup2619 * that is displayed to make sure the popup is visible to the user.2620 *2621 * @property zIndex2622 * @type int2623 */2624 zIndex: 15,2625 2626 /**2627 * The default config for the displaying messages, can be overriden2628 * when calling displayMessage()2629 *2630 * @property defaultDisplayMessageConfig2631 * @type object2632 */2633 defaultDisplayMessageConfig:2634 {2635 title: null,2636 text: null,2637 spanClass: "message",2638 displayTime: 2.5,2639 effect: YAHOO.widget.ContainerEffect.FADE,2640 effectDuration: 0.5,2641 visible: false,2642 noEscape: false2643 },2644 2645 /**2646 * Intended usage: To quickly assure the user that the expected happened.2647 *2648 * Displays a message as a popup on the screen.2649 * In default mode it fades, is visible for half a second and then fades out.2650 *2651 * @method displayMessage2652 * @param config {object}2653 * The config object is in the form of:2654 * {2655 * text: {string}, // The message text to display, mandatory2656 * spanClass: {string}, // The class of the span wrapping the text2657 * effect: {YAHOO.widget.ContainerEffect}, // the effect to use when shpwing and hiding the message,2658 * // default is YAHOO.widget.ContainerEffect.FADE2659 * effectDuration: {int}, // time in seconds that the effect should be played, default is 0.52660 * displayTime: {int}, // time in seconds that the message will be displayed, default 2.52661 * modal: {true} // if the message should modal (the background overlayed with a gray transparent layer), default is false2662 * }2663 * @param parent {HTMLElement} (optional) Parent element in which to render prompt. Defaults to document.body if not provided2664 */2665 displayMessage: function(config, parent)2666 {2667 var parent = parent || document.body;2668 // Merge the users config with the default config and check mandatory properties2669 var c = YAHOO.lang.merge(this.defaultDisplayMessageConfig, config);2670 if (c.text === undefined)2671 {2672 throw new Error("Property text in userConfig must be set");2673 }2674 var dialogConfig =2675 {2676 modal: false,2677 visible: c.visible,2678 close: false,2679 draggable: false,2680 effect:2681 {2682 effect: c.effect,2683 duration: c.effectDuration2684 },2685 zIndex: this.zIndex++2686 };2687 // IE browsers don't deserve fading, as they can't handle it properly2688 if (c.effect === null || > 0)2689 {2690 delete dialogConfig.effect;2691 }2692 // Construct the YUI Dialog that will display the message2693 var message = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog("message", dialogConfig);2694 2695 // Set the message that should be displayed2696 var bd = "" + (c.noEscape ? c.text : $html(c.text)) + "";2697 message.setBody(bd);2698 2699 /**2700 * Add it to the dom, center it, schedule the fade out of the message2701 * and show it.2702 */2703 message.render(parent);2704;2705 // Need to schedule a fade-out?2706 if (c.displayTime > 0)2707 {2708 message.subscribe("show", this._delayPopupHide,2709 {2710 popup: message,2711 displayTime: (c.displayTime * 1000)2712 }, true);2713 }2714;2715 2716 return message;2717 },2718 2719 /**2720 * Gets called after the message has been displayed as long as it was2721 * configured.2722 * Hides the message from the user.2723 *2724 * @method _delayPopupHide2725 */2726 _delayPopupHide: function()2727 { 2728 YAHOO.lang.later(this.displayTime, this, function()2729 {2730 this.popup.destroy();2731 });2732 },2733 2734 /**2735 * The default config for displaying "prompt" messages, can be overriden2736 * when calling displayPrompt()2737 *2738 * @property defaultDisplayPromptConfig2739 * @type object2740 */2741 defaultDisplayPromptConfig:2742 {2743 title: null,2744 text: null,2745 icon: null,2746 close: false,2747 constraintoviewport: true,2748 draggable: true,2749 effect: null,2750 effectDuration: 0.5,2751 modal: true,2752 visible: false,2753 noEscape: false,2754 buttons: [2755 {2756 text: null, // Too early to localize at this time, do it when called instead2757 handler: function()2758 {2759 this.destroy();2760 },2761 isDefault: true2762 }]2763 },2764 2765 /**2766 * Intended usage: To inform the user that something unexpected happened2767 * OR that ask the user if if an action should be performed.2768 *2769 * Displays a message as a popup on the screen with a button to make sure2770 * the user responds to the prompt.2771 *2772 * In default mode it shows with an OK button that needs clicking to get closed.2773 *2774 * @method displayPrompt2775 * @param config {object}2776 * The config object is in the form of:2777 * {2778 * title: {string}, // the title of the dialog, default is null2779 * text: {string}, // the text to display for the user, mandatory2780 * icon: null, // the icon to display next to the text, default is null2781 * effect: {YAHOO.widget.ContainerEffect}, // the effect to use when showing and hiding the prompt, default is null2782 * effectDuration: {int}, // the time in seconds that the effect should run, default is 0.52783 * modal: {boolean}, // if a grey transparent overlay should be displayed in the background2784 * close: {boolean}, // if a close icon should be displayed in the right upper corner, default is false2785 * buttons: [] // an array of button configs as described by YUI's SimpleDialog, default is a single OK button2786 * noEscape: {boolean} // indicates the the message has already been escaped (e.g. to display HTML-based messages)2787 * }2788 * @param parent {HTMLElement} (optional) Parent element in which to render prompt. Defaults to document.body if not provided2789 */2790 displayPrompt: function(config, parent)2791 {2792 var parent = parent || document.body;2793 if (this.defaultDisplayPromptConfig.buttons[0].text === null)2794 {2795 /**2796 * This default value could not be set at instantion time since the2797 * localized messages weren't present at that time2798 */2799 this.defaultDisplayPromptConfig.buttons[0].text = Alfresco.util.message("button.ok",;2800 }2801 // Merge users config and the default config and check manadatory properties2802 var c = YAHOO.lang.merge(this.defaultDisplayPromptConfig, config);2803 if (c.text === undefined)2804 {2805 throw new Error("Property text in userConfig must be set");2806 }2807 2808 // Create the SimpleDialog that will display the text2809 var prompt = new YAHOO.widget.SimpleDialog("prompt",2810 {2811 close: c.close,2812 constraintoviewport: c.constraintoviewport,2813 draggable: c.draggable,2814 effect: c.effect,2815 modal: c.modal,2816 visible: c.visible,2817 zIndex: this.zIndex++2818 });2819 2820 // Show the title if it exists2821 if (c.title)2822 {2823 prompt.setHeader($html(c.title));2824 }2825 2826 // Show the prompt text2827 prompt.setBody(c.noEscape ? c.text : $html(c.text));2828 2829 // Show the icon if it exists2830 if (c.icon)2831 {2832 prompt.cfg.setProperty("icon", c.icon);2833 }2834 2835 // Add the buttons to the dialog2836 if (c.buttons)2837 {2838 prompt.cfg.queueProperty("buttons", c.buttons);2839 }2840 2841 // Add the dialog to the dom, center it and show it.2842 prompt.render(parent);2843;2844;2845 },2846 2847 /**2848 * The default config for the getting user input, can be overriden2849 * when calling getUserInput()2850 *2851 * @property defaultGetUserInputConfig2852 * @type object2853 */2854 defaultGetUserInputConfig:2855 {2856 title: null,2857 text: null,2858 value: "",2859 icon: null,2860 close: true,2861 constraintoviewport: true,2862 draggable: true,2863 effect: null,2864 effectDuration: 0.5,2865 modal: true,2866 visible: false,2867 initialShow: true,2868 noEscape: true,2869 html: null,2870 callback: null,2871 buttons: [2872 {2873 text: null, // OK button. Too early to localize at this time, do it when called instead2874 handler: null,2875 isDefault: true2876 },2877 {2878 text: null, // Cancel button. Too early to localize at this time, do it when called instead2879 handler: function()2880 {2881 this.destroy();2882 }2883 }]2884 },2885 2886 /**2887 * Intended usage: To ask the user for a simple text input, similar to JavaScript's prompt() function.2888 *2889 * @method getUserInput2890 * @param config {object}2891 * The config object is in the form of:2892 * {2893 * title: {string}, // the title of the dialog, default is null2894 * text: {string}, // optional label next to input box2895 * value: {string}, // optional default value to populate textbox with2896 * callback: {object} // Object literal specifying function callback to receive user input. Only called if default button config used.2897 * // fn: function, obj: optional pass-thru object, scope: callback scope2898 * icon: null, // the icon to display next to the text, default is null2899 * effect: {YAHOO.widget.ContainerEffect}, // the effect to use when showing and hiding the prompt, default is null2900 * effectDuration: {int}, // the time in seconds that the effect should run, default is 0.52901 * modal: {boolean}, // i