Download - > priiitf uoodt ! • • # - • — o. MCCARTHY * c©,...nine to good you the dotoJlo of the battle of orak)and eeapoott apply thrfr ghitsni to (heir --•» • Sundav. the retreat

Page 1: > priiitf uoodt ! • • # - • — o. MCCARTHY * c©,...nine to good you the dotoJlo of the battle of orak)and eeapoott apply thrfr ghitsni to (heir --•» • Sundav. the retreat

f I T V f T K > ! S .


T B L D O R A F R I O D E S P A T O H B 3 of 'he la teat date*, w i l l ha found in oar

;f^ \f..wry £ W BY* rehire*! a -**Jf» f r.*w applwu f> .-., N-wJ*»mey Thew am

waeettent *ani|»leM <>f the fruit that i«*mpe#-d Ere

• • # - • —

e W •>< ratfoa roOeweao.—Theeaetwal la Owveego this a BlledeigBteoaeiV

ee. We> h.... .in wrtij MM reachtbeni and will have- a \*\—<nh> tini**

Cla. PJxccaei »i ••• « 'n '" 'J' ,n' , U v rftbe P - M 1 Church]

nregn i ; " • > • * • • " w

caratoa lo .-1, icose 10 mm

^ g r p R K M » rr'MK W e ' -r t h e K«>«l l

. . fapren i baodeome ohiirtary notice i Slorure Theeology h well de ••

and weorahappj monneethal ili»- isaltant Colonel rtill II**

tag*" \ BAD <• We notice bj the >»/• thai N uhao Locke colored |

formerly •( I convicted foi keeping a dlsnnlerly home and fined flOO or Ur li.rkfwl up

• • • ( g T B o a a o i \i K IIV >i ha* opened

a H<>anlinn II in 'lie iarj<#> an<l convenleni building v . |9 r I In ton it reel and is nowvaadj to receive families tingle i»ciitlcin»»ri ami 'l«> hoarders and tcroioi late them with plvat ant r tr«l 'iliu* |

gjajr '**'" I mono; 'he l i -. t of patent-. recently granted aoBndtin »iin«

C |» \ in Ulen •! Hyracoee N V t<-r lm resent in rhornn.

• hawses W Oage, «>f Homei N '• for km i node if attaching; thill I • u • i;ti'»' n

f f N>t UL'ITI Tii' ' l he I ••' tartedb) la* SyracuseJotnnnt, thai If. M McColluin, recently <>f the. Syracuse Ctmritn and Union ban >>eruiii»> a theoli^u-al ntudenl In lie city <•! Now York, '* untrue At least, lie i*. not aware »f having an> wen employment, 10 we iearn*"l IPoes hie own llpa ./• »i »nlee reatei ttay.—Altxirn> A tin*

oST I* Bat f toomt ~ . \ tetter has boon re potted trom Frank Sharer, by one ol hhi friend m ibit city, •fating thai t.'apt. Butler 'i i.otn-

with Col Townaond i regiment are at Baltimore, i Den1 .tart»-«i foi Waihlnij-too, bnl their nroVrawere i ..imi.Tuian'le<l when they rwaebe*! Minora, ami thej expeel ti< remain there wwj time,

t a f CAPAABY.—Caps. Mooehell <> company of Cavalry Were imiAlcrod into Mm United .state* .ervice yoatorday. Boronty nine inen were <worn in. with a lull i't>ni|>leinonl of hor **>•*. TwelvM men leave here tor New York thii evening, with all the boraee, and the re-iiiainmK men will follow to-morrow We have i i opy »'t ftie BWter roll of the company, which wo wlH poblish in oar next pa|»er.

• • •

fjh^ Mn.nv in \ i . i r Ifo iearn that a com* panv of lavoniie Zonavea trom Bocheatei •bont -W) in nnmbor fUJ riall that city tavmor< row. TrU* company In fully uniformod and eojiippod,and will forma very intoreotlngspec tocle They whonld be «»*|| received, and we hope propel met will be taken to tender thorn the huMpltalitiea of tho city Whore are our javealle / uiavea, who appeared so v»oll on the nit "i Jnli ' They whonld »>e on band to welcotne theli Bocbeetet brethren In arm*

gjoT •'"» " •< - Barnard Cofllns > w arre«te«l ior draakonneM ind nenience nuapended,

Matilda lin*kint waa arreated for keeping :i diHordurh houaeon Linden Alley, Oavebail.

Josephine Haakina, arreated for being antn-mate of a diaorperlj houae, Bhe propoaoa In «ive ball. Wi»' wai alao charged >*ith drnnkon< neoj ami Hood i'*1-

Geo, B. Blanc waa arreated '"i being an in-mate -t i dhorderrj noose, ;»n«l gave bail.— liu woe alao charged with being; drunk, and lined $lt> or lo da) i

gojr Baortwr goonoo . ' Oopf OKn f», of the Hawlev Guard* ha^inic be#m prom"»»4 f t«-> the r *it of Male' ni 'he hUx R^jjirnent a new e! <--

v n koM by the Ooontii' <»n Monday mot, and the following orrlr#»f- e|erte«l

loav f.I*TW*«r f'aptain KuaoanicK tk'Nra, First Lieutenant floNor Boowjr. Beeonrf Liootenant

r;a^public *rho*>l No 8, tieddea. will have an etrurtiori t-. Homer »n Thursday, Aug. 8tb. lo whiokoJI »re invited u> portiripale. Car* will <Oart from and retnni to Oedde*. leaving itt a .juerter fwfore 7 -topping at the H. B. ft V V depot and departibg from there at the H*MHI hour.

TlckeU rlf#•> conU Children under twelve v e u r n tWOntJ ' I v e «'nhl«. T i i ' k e t t [llRV l»e o b -

i .it the PoettMBoe a»id at th*> etore of H.-1'lefi A 'iere lo Qodoea, and at the -.tores of i K Whltlock A Co., and Wynkoop A ltr..v,

- recuse jy.'51-dlw

o)oT CoOTBIOCTIOVfl K-»R THK VoLCgTBfllf /', >i,r PtUritttk end litnrroUnl f.udif* •>/ 'h,

Counti/ «./ thiow/tii/a • -The Volunteer Relief AftMoriation of the t'jty of Hyroenoo, de*ireH to iall \<iur attention to tho want* of onr infTer-ii,a Soldiers in the rToapilOhT at WoohlngtOtt, and lo re<|ue-,t contribatlooj <>( jellies, jorna, ph'klen driwl fruit-, crnokora, wine, •picen eeadlments castile ^>n\>. dintilleil vinegar lemon syrnp, tobacco, >••., A«-.. to l»e left at

eaHBBaWB. m W A R r o n n e n DKNn:.

mmtmmmmam rt*ld and in emnfon whli i doaao n-.


— P A W N KROKKR—tcan nogoliolo an? tmm« it«T ..f leant from ten cools .<• ten thootond d>illar» on U«MK| ercnril

Canref rat Ooe*oaoaa,j '"'"' '" ! :n" "'' h*nU — A L T * I U T I V » a»f I ••>< r.M R*TSI» L * I * A < T

A«LI*(.T..* ifiir.wT., .Tui) --v tMI « Sixteen beat> nm,*. tre p!,in(e<| on the ri*e or Ki»K WKRH.—See advrrti-einent tn rt..»tber KDITOR* H T A M U B H — i have hut |oet found (.f fronad aidefiBop from pofnttopotel gen ''" | , l ,»»

nine to good you the dotoJlo of the battle of orak)and eeapoott apply thrfr ghitsni to (heir - - • » • Sundav. the retreat and the inridentK ronnwl »yee, They are trying \» ttank us oi ed therewith. knfl The du*t r ivs Ml that ilirectbui. Fur

Friday morning, after onr engagement of iher along and nearly in our rear a body of the previous day, an account of which 1 eon! trnepi |a dfctoorerod. On-line ix <han«e<l to you. otir brigade marched hack and occupied m^i them and In rrrathjogi a&oace we awnk the |>o*ltiori which we held on the da) pre their approach. Nearer thev come and the rfoaa, It was generally under*too<| thai the atara and >trij>en greet our anzioaa gaze •— battle would not be reanraed on that day, and They are our troop* and a k>ng breath of te we laid in the wood* nkirting the field, ready I lief h enjoyerl by all.

M»pt20 •" S KIN • \»;efU

— Per*..!,., in <MMirch of reliable JfasVesi Ad .ire reH|tectfully rr«|ue»t«»d to reud the ^il-

vertiaemeM uf the Syra,-,.., \f,juwl lU»p*»%a-'•"*r colomn <•< tl:i* \:\\<vx

" ^ i i m * » T A K I Nortci - I have J oat received thi^ <tH> a beoatifal aaMrtosonl

rnr any attack that mlgni be made on ns. We inothor body emerge* from the woods on Henry Linen for Pants Call and HCC them were n,.t dinturbe*! however and thedav pass-'our frottt rarrving a nmall white Ha». It it a -i> lu I Hata

. !

Hie Orookory Store of Mr. Ira H. Cobb, in Convention Bim-k. Contribution*, though*mall, will i«e thankfully received, Strong >»tonc or earthen jars are recommended, but the articles Will be received in any other wis-.els when the*e are not convenient

ll\ order of the Board. M A MY K. I . R A V K N H i i R T I I I ' l C S .

Syracuse, July 31. daw • • **-

e<l a« quietly a* tho' we were holding :> pic ni- ' decoj at home

Kvidently the nrorioni day's oporationa were iknpiy to feel the position of the enemy and time waa now being taken to prepare for an attack that would bo notorious beyond a .pies-tion. We felt that though the rebels covered the wooded hilU, valleys, plains and ravines

r$W BlSTini OK I UAHiTY Kx<-t'KMin.v.—To-morrow morning at M o'clock, the friends ol the Sister* of Charily will start on a pleasure excursion over the Binghamton R. R to Ho-met Tins excuraioti will undoubtedly be a pleasant and agreeable o/,».. The manager.1) nave taken everj precaution for the accommo­dation and comfort <>f the excursionists, The delightful scenery alnng ihe road as well BJ the pleasant groves and rural beauties of the village ol Homer, will afford delightful placet f..r recreation and eldoyment, from the dust and discomfort of the city. Sutherland's Hnnd ha* been engaged, and their sti|>erb inu-lit ..ill uld to the ihaim and pleasure of the excursion, in tact nothing ha* been left un­done that can ennure the comfort and pleasure of the party and we advise all to join the ex­cursion.

- • o> ..——

^Jk^RonHKRY AXO \BHKsr. V.'stcrdav af-toraooo i roung felloo named James Drmsby entered die folloring establiahmenl ol Mr Fairchild, over ^ ».• i store, on the pre

• - t !u\Miik: his coal mended, and while there ho managed to uteal three \:irds ol dark broom cloth and a valuable veal pattern, the whole amounting '•• some |16, \ complain) w»s mude at the Policeofoos and officers Pret-tie md Schug proceeded lo the residence of Onoobj s parents, on Linden Alley, where they found the goods and the thief. He was arretted ami on being arraigned this morning he plead guUtj to the charge. The Justice hud not |>a.«*ed sentence on him when we left the court room.

T&. P i n t i o M LOAr.—Yesterday evening, nbont snndown, the canal steamer Ruggle*, towing a couple of boats, came pulling along from the east, and just a* she was passing the bridge over the eastern junction of the Oswego canal with the Erie, a team that was towing a boat from the we»t became frightened at (he '.reamer, and jumped otf the hridge Into the lumber yard, falling about 12 feet, and were wedged in between piles of lumber and the abutment of the bridge. When assistance ar­rived the leader waa lying on his hack, with tho other horse standing directly over bin*." After removing a quantity of lumber, the hnr-<es were got our of their awkward position, and. strange a* it may seem, neither of them ippoared to be injured, with the exception of a few light scotches. The harness was conoid' erably damaged, bnl was soon repaired, and the proceeded eastward.

gjjfT TROOPKKM.—WO learn that there are two clergymen among the members of Capt, MoacheU's Cavalry Company, who were mustered into the U. 8. service in this • in yesterday. One of the Reverend soldiers, in conversation with a gentleman of this city, remarked that lm had found a large amount of religions clement in the company, and he was thna Induced to join tho ranks, These "sold* iere of the cross " will undoubtedly make val­iant soldiers of liberty, and if they don't con­vert they will punish the ungodly rebels. May the Lord be with them in their crusade for freedom and the tight.

Since the above was written, we lindthe fol­lowing notice of one of these Reverend soldiers in the (/Ilea frlffimpK:

Rev. Mr. Day,of DeRuyter, Madison coun­ty, has joined Capt. Mo*chell's Cavalry Com­pany. Ho desired to he a chaplain to some regiment, but failing in that aspiration, lie pro poses to do what he may as a private soldier In the righteous cause of his country.

gJgT DOW.NKAU ••»' SRCRSSIOM.—Two gen­tlemen, 'he 000 a quiet, unassuming Northern­er, and the othot » blustering Boiooalonlol ren­egade of nook old Keutncky, ^ere traveling Best In the ttuoking cat of the 1.16 train, a day or two .!,«.• i ;t mio a discussion oi the present troubles fho <iuiei manner. the calm ans%>»rs ind the quarrel hunmin; patriotism or the faithful nephew of Uncle Sam, aniioyvd Sccesh terribly, and) stung bv • orvsciemc and -name and logical defeat, 00 *honted out the assertion — Northerner* are nothing but a d—d pock -t nigger stealers."

The attention "t the • hole car-full was at­tracted bv the trsitor * nosty slander oi hi* country men, and began to listen to ti»e conver­sation, rhe Unionist then A ,ib the same calm roloo, but with a light in his eye that gleamed like a cigar tire, and belied h»s calmness, gen­tly intimated to Secesh" that he Mould not tolerate a repetithui of language, that dire, Uy • harge«l his countrymen \*ith theft.

Secesher — Northerners are nothing but a d—d pack of Digger stealers.

Just then a muscular thunderbolt dropped ou blackguard's eye. He tumbled off his seat like one of the Black Guard Cavalry under the muscle of a Fire Zouave. As he went down, he received a visitation from a well shaped hoot that • tnJa >wJk" in soveral places of bis anatomy Hi* batteries were masked. He was hammered nil he looked like smoked beef in front, snd kicked till a dag of truce ap­peared in the rear. When he arose ho looked as though be had just come from where thun­der bolts and hailstone* had fallen thickest upon the seceder* of ancient Gomorrah.

Tho passengers urged on by cheers the cham­pion of their insulted brethren, as he knocked down and dragged mil the representative of Southern Chivalry. The conductor put an end to the light, but not until the traitor bad re­ceived marks upon hi* brow and elsewhere, that will forcibly suggest the image of Cane to those among whom he will hereafter wander. —H*htvm*t»dy Htar.


the blackberry season i* now near at hand, we publish the following excellent recipes, fur­nished by a notable housewife. There are no wines or cordials equal to those of domestic manufacture, and this region, where berries are abundant and cheap, every family should provide an ample supply of these wholesome and delicious drink*.

Blackbtrrtf It'int,—To three quarts of black­berry juice, add one quart of water and three and a half pounds of sugar, white or brown.— Put in an open jsr, and let it stand two or three days lo work, then bottle, and set away iu a cool place for a year before using.

aVosWerrp QMHUSI,—Take any convenient quantity of blackberries and stew in a pre­serving kettle tor half an hour; then .strain and boil again for half an hour, adding one pound of sugar to each que it of juice, using spices fo the taste. When cool, add one gill or more of genuine Oofaofl brandy to each quart of Juice. Then bottle aud cork tight.

WAR ConRKSPONORNcit.—We publish an interesting letter from Capt. Barnum to-day, glrtag a vivid description of the battle and re­treat on Sunday the 20th lost. Of course it will be read with interest. Capt. Barnum's letter* have been the most reliable reports re­ceived from our regiment. He describes what he know* from porsonal observation, aud not from hearsay reports. When the tight took place on Thursday, eapt. Barnum and his com­pany were there during the whole of It, and performed their duty honorably and bravely.

We have received another letter from a gen-llemao connected with the regiment, which gives us some facts iu relation to Capt. Locke. It seems that this gentleman was placed under arrest, as we have already stated, for giving tho order to retreat, and bis company ware also

several miles squarewftl) their terrible masked batteries, eflpporled by an immense force of Infantry and cavalry, yet victory mum with us, and we talked of visiting the various points when we should have driven the foe from them.

At night our regiment was drawn up in line in the road reaching to the edge of the woods, where we staid till morning, icadv tor any emergency.

After daylight of Saturday we withdrew a few rods into the woods and prepared our plain breakfast of coffee, crackern and ham, and after |>artaking thereof, laid around in the shade during the day, endeavoring to become refreshed from the weariness consequent upon our previous labors and the wakeful niuhf.

At nightfall we were again drawn up in line, and again rested all night on our arms, rather expecting a night skirmish attack.

Sunday, the 'Jl«t, dawned brightly on the two powerful armies, with their deadly engines of war, resting but half a mile apart, and ready at the word to rush t«» the eager destruction of each other. All expected a blood) day. I drew the wills of -.evi-ral .»t our officers, and most of us left our watches and money with the sick, who had fo retire to Centl'eville. It was an impressive morning. The timid paled at the prospective carnage, and the brave set their teeth and features in stern resolve.

We had learned enough of the enemy to know that the victory which none of us doubted wo *d be ours, would be won nt the fearful cost of the lives of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of the gallant men who then walked in the full, buoj ant ardor of health, and the Impatient courage and bravery of true and loyal freemen,

At an early hour our brigade, the most ad vanced of the centre of our army, moved for* ward out of rhe woods, and was drawn up in line of battle at the edge of the Held and in the rear of our battery, ready to attack or ie sist the enemy,nHcirriinistanche.H might require. From the brow Of the hill before us, occupied by our battery, we could at one view see the whole wooded section of country, occupied by the army of the enemy, as it gradually arose from the low ground skirting Bull's Creek, or Run, the dividing line of the opposing forces. Only here and there could be seen naked ground, and at these places the baggage wag­on.* of the enemy could occasionally be seen traveling along, and now and then a body of cavalry galloped past.

Clouds of dust rising above the trees in a hundred different places, showed us that, how ever quiet those winids appeared, they conceal­ed tho active movements of a mighty army, whose artillery, cavalry and infantry were hurrying to their several strongholds and pre­paring for the shock of war that was soon to come.

Whenever the dust arose within range of our gun*, shells and shot were thrown to the spot, and must have hastened their already hurried movements. Once a body of cavalry tiled across the road in front of us ami within a half a mile of our position. Down the black yawning mouth of one of our " dogs of war " rolled a heavy shot, and in instant the range was taken, a heavy report, and away it sped on its death dealing message. Range too high. Another. Range still too high. " Bring a five second shell.'' Away speeds the lerrihle instrument, bursting directly over their heads, aud they scatter out of sight into the woods like sheep.

Their batteries were within range of ns. and might have done considerable damage, but they deigned not to reply.

Soon, at the right of us and some mile and a half or two miles away, the heavy voice of cannon is heard, slowly at first—then faster, showing that the guns of the enemy send back defiance to our own. Occasional discharges of musketry mingle their sharp tones with the the cannon's heavy roar. Now a volley of musketry chimes in. Another and another.— Thicker and faster sounds the continuous clat­ter of musketry, louder and deeper rolls the cannon's heavy bass, the shouts of thousands of maddened men eager for their brothers' blood, fill the air; clouds of smoke shut out the view, on the curling waves of which 1 co'd almost imagine devils were riding in hellish f.lee at the sickening carnage below.

Tho point of contact, indicated by the sound, advances towards the enemy, and gradually the clangor of battle subsides. A line of the enemy's deadly masked batteries is taken by our brave troops and their forces driven back-A brief interval of comparative quiet passes, and again and again the dreadful scene is en­acted.

Our spunky little Adjutant, "spoiling for a fight,'' gallops over to the gory field, and re­turns with tbe welcome news that the enemy are being slowly driven back, though they contest every inch of ground with the fury of fiends. In the distance their baggage wagons are seen hurrying away toward the Gap. The day is ours! Officers exchange congratula­tions, and the men send up a loud hurra for the old hag, which grandly waves an if in con­scious pride at its vindicated honor and pow­er.

A hoary cloud of dust a mile in extent rises

^ sc-.,.. - - . . , « ™ > . . ^ „ .-., —.S,O>KY UOA»XD.—Money advanced to onv stars and striae*. They are our amount ou Watches and Peraonal Properti of

••v.-;\ description or bought and sold U j C . . . . Hlair No. 76 Kurman Itl.wg r;Hsi Water St

nt firing .eases and the .able wings o f f l c # , l l i n r > (rfm - A ^ U J *f Junior • jy28.60-dlT

We send a shot over there and thev -MoRar^Loanxn.-Mouey advanced to any unfurl the friends.

The di^tai of night closes down on !ri.->vd arid !<*», on the torn ami bleeding ilesh of the wounded and the ,,

. . r T i i —RKAI. ESTATI.—Two .lesirnbU citv va-cold brows and glassy eyes < I the dead. ,.HI|I , ( ).s l n ,M, M>1,, ^er> ,„„ {(lf t., i sh („ ,MM|

\ night attack is more than probable, and at -eenrity Enquire of Hulburt A Caldwell So our request we are posted in the advance bet • Granger Block Syracuse N. V, jyl iMw the Black Horse C.valry or the Alabama Wild _ w A « T l , ^ 5 y the su*bsc,i.,er 100 bnaholi fats come, now, on the open field we will show ,,,• , j I M , Currents . also 1<K> bushels of Raspher-thonghtless reporters and |M>mpous Oenerala ries ; for which he v,ill pay the uuii ket price that we are not cowards, and "do or die ' dolirered at his store No. 10 James 8t pas e, from officer to officer and from man to U-d2w _ ^ ^ A. Mooni man along our line. —CIOAR* AT WnoLBSALK, RxTAll OK ANY

But we are not favored with a trial At OToan « T L B . — M r . Horrick, at No. 10 B. Gen esee street, has received a tresh arrival of t'l 11 e. M. we are ordered to rfiitnt to Washing nars, among which are the famous " hong

ton! TIIM command fell like a knell on our John,' and "Old 76,' as well as other celebra troops. Ketreo.t? The grand army of the led brands, ('all and try some of his new Ci Potomac retreat 1 Xnrr. Hut it is the com n' ,rs-X> t

maud and we must, though besides tho many J — F O R THR SCPPRRSHIU.N OK U^ - AIK»RV.—

expressions of indignation and chagrin which Just published and for gratuitloua circulation, I heard tears also flowed :.. the humiliating duty.

placed under arrest and their arms taken from them because they refused to be placed under j "treating columns. Bnt it approaches our command of any other officer. After being in U n«» ! it reaches the ground where rests our

in the distance, doubtless from the enemy's gjgT STRAY HORSE.—Came to the premises

of the subscriber, in the town of Onondaga, on

custody a short time, however, Capt. Locke | waaried forces, where lay our gallant dead.—! Tuesday last, a horse, with a saddle and bridle

v\e were near the rear of the retreating col­umn and did not see much of the confusion which was said to have occurred in the advance but the fruits of that confusion were abundant The road was literally strewed for miles with barrels of meat and sugar, boxes of crackers coffee and rice; shovels, spades, picks, guns, belts, knapsacks, blankets, many- (27 in all) wagons filled with provisions or ammunition and an indiscriminate variety of articles not here mentioned, which the civilians nnd sol­diers had thrown away to enable them to t i c the more rapidly.

our boys took the mailer coolly and instead of throwing away their things, kept a sharp eye out for " plunder," exchanging their old guns for better ones as thev found them along the route.

Near Fairfax we turned into a bideroad and encamped until morning, when we resumed our journey and arrived at Arlington about noon of Monday. It rained during Monday anil from the fatigue of our campaign and re­treat we have hurdly yet recovered.

Hundreds of incident!!occurred which would be interesting to your icaderu, but which time nor space will not allow to be written now.

I must not close however without particular­ly mentioning our detachment of skirmishers under command of (.'. B. Randall. They were acknowledged to have been the bout in the hattallion and were complimented by Captain Breslhctnelder, commanding hattallion, by (.'ol. Richardson commanding brigade, by Gen, Tyler commanding division, and by all who witnessed iheir daring-advances within conver­sational distances of the enemy's line of battle and their skilful deploying, rallying and firing.

Ensign Kandall particularly distinguished himself for dalring, courage and imperturbable coolness. Much of the time he was far in ad­vance of his line instead of in his proper place, twenty paces to the rear. The boys say that when within plain sight of the line of the ene­my's infantry and in speaking distance, he coolly filled his meerschaum, lighted a match and took a quiet smoke.

I>rum Major Daily alao deserves particular mention for his valuable services in encourage* ing the men, supplying them with water, &u\ lie moved about when the bullets rained the thickest and did all he could to rally the regi­ment, <>rri Storrs, Quartermaster's Sergeant, followed the regiment into the action and when the centre and left retired he came to the right and asked for a place in our ranks aud did thor­ough service to the end. When I mention the coolness and bravery of Capt. Hoot who re­mained on the field among the whizzing bul­lets taking care of his wounded after his com­pany had fallen hack 1 have written of all whom I observed during the fire, beyond which I will not apeak.

Spectators agree howover, in their testimony of the cottage and efficiency of Surgeon Pease and his faithful assistant Dr. Phillips. They followed us immediately in our rear with the ambulances till they reached the woods, so as to he near to care for the wouuded. When the firing commenced the shot flew around and over them in n frightful manner, still they held their position faithfully to the close, bringing oft' their wounded and caring to their every want.

Of the whole affair I will only say that the dullest corporal in the army knows thai if not ns a whole, in moot of the details, it was a stu­pendous blunder, the inglorious retreat being its culminating point. De Utaasy of the Gor-abahli Guards says of our attack ou Thurs­day, that we were under a fire that no troops in the world would have stood under longer than did we. Our skirmishers whom all com­mend are n fair sample of our regiment, and re­ports that persist in calling our regiment cow­ardly are founded on ignorance or malice.

Yours, n. A. n. P. S. We learu that some of those who first-

fell back from our attack in the woods on Thursday are endeavoring to soften any ques­tion of the propriety of their precipitate re­tirement on that occasion by claiming that those who stood their ground did not receive so galling a fire as they did. We shall not en* tar into a discussion of the matter, preferring to grant the claim with the remark that when they retired the entire fire of the enemy, bat­tery and musketry, was centered on the right, yet it was withstood and there was not a square foot of space for several feet above where we were lying that was not perforated by bullet, grape or canister.

diseases, with the French .system of treatment and cipe. Those wishing H book can have one l>y calling at Dr. W. E. Hoyt's I'mm*. Hospl t.u Myers block.

—BRMOVAL.—l>r. Yf. H. Watson has re-moved to No. M, South Sahna street directly over Everson's Hardware store, where he has one of the linesl offices outside of New York city, lie devotes his whole attention lo the treatment of privatt ami delicatt tlittue*

W. H, WATSOR, M. 1). - • • •>

— Urn m.vuH io KIT. TWO good slows and several rooms suitable for offices or Millinery establishments, w-ill be rented low to prompt paying tenants. They are located on Kast H. It. street, and are very convenient and in good order. Enquire of Christian Cook, No. «'•, Washington Block. dtf

—C'IOARS AT WUOI.KSAI.K.- -Buy yonr Ci gars and Tobacco at Edwards' New t'i^ar Em porium, (at Peck's old stand) opposite (north) the Syracuse House. Favorite and popular brands constantly on hand and sold low for cash onlv. dawtf

.— • • • — — T H I E T B A S T O FAR—Liviwo WITNESSES. -

Corydon Hunt, wholesale liquoi dealer, No, 13 Jamos street, afflicted for six years with inllam mation of tho eyes, ami granulations of the lids, at last rendering him totally blind in con­sequence of opacities <x the cornea, was per­fectly and permanently cured in six weeks by Dr. E. II. Marlett, Oculist and Aurist, No. 2 Collins Block. Kefers to Mr. Hunt. No. Id James street.

< • •• —MASONIC HALJ.—In Washington Block

South Salina street. Central City bodge, No. 800, meets every

Tnesdoy evening, at H o'clock. Syracuse bodge, No. 001, meets every Wed­

nesday evening, at 71 o'clock. Syracuse H. A. Chapter. No. To, the second

and Foilrih Friday evenings ol each month, at 71 o'clock.

Central City Commandery of Knight Temp lars, No. 25, the third Friday of each month at I o'clock P. M.

Central City Council, No. 13, of Royal and Select Masters, the first Friday of each'month, at 8 o'clock P. M.

•• • •• —I. o. 0 . F.—Cynosure Encampment, No.

14, meets 1st and .'Jd Thurdiy evenings in eve­ry month.

Schiller Lodge, No. 480, meets every Monday evening.

Syracuse Lodge, Vo. 18, meets every Tuos day evening.

Alphadelphia Lodge, No. 44, meets every Wednesday evening.

Onondaga Lodge, No. 7^, meets every Friday evening, at Odd Fellows Hall, iu the Washing­ton Block.

Salina Lodge, No. 1*7, meets every Monday evening, at Odd Fellows Hall, 1st Ward. Averv Block.

LnFayette Lodge, No. 48'J, meets evejy Mon­day evening, at Odd Fellows Hall, LM Ward, .Ackerman Block. tf

—E. D. WILLIAMS, M. D—Dr. Williams hav­ing decided to maka Syracuse his future home, asks a share of the public patronage., Having had much experience ns a Surgeon,' he feels confident that he can fully meet the expecta­tions of all those that may need his services in thai branch. For the last fifteen years ho tins given particular attention to the diseases of the Eye and Far, with marked success, as many who were blind from Cataracts und other di-seases. and have been cured by his successful operations, will testify.

He has decided to open an Eye and Far In­firmary in the Wioting Block, second floor, Room letter A, at the sign of the Bye and Far Infirmary.

Office hours from U l » 11 A. M., and from 2 to 4 Y. M. Boards at the Kirk House.


ei i i l te i iai igo Spring* !

THK IIOTKL AT TUKBK Bl'KlNttB HAVING be*n roouritly ratttted ana

N K W L V p r t i N I N I I K U , It open for the reosptlon uf Visitors. Ho pitas DM b«ss ipsrixi to rsader It % mutt delightful

s U M M K R R K S 0 H T ! both for health and recreation. Tbe Mineral Walert are White Hulpbur and Iroa,combined wltb Mafseels iiull >r Medicinal Value »re unrivalled,

jevv B.jr. arKVKNa, i t !>.,preprteser.

t L i M * * \ \ i i i ; i i i , t ; K ; ATTOUNMY8 AND COV/rStLLO*' A* *-**

avooMeoae vo i. u. ssaso, OKKICK HANK BUILDING, Wallna, •*• V.

1 8 6 1 :

*« 'W to ( M i l l *

Prc'Nlt 4.<MMI» !

> pri i i t f uoodt ! Extra Cheap—Loan tbau Panic


o. M C C A R T H Y * c©, 4 ' i , 44 A I t t t i s M U t i ; M l . O l i s ,

tr luv rroclvlDf tlalljr »fe uuutuai large S •» w O.....L, t ureti*»*d al gft all f H»f»* •

than *»»' heJrerel

Our S|»riiijf s to rk win oomprt** aisaset »eerf *»u*i# >>•

t>av OOODO,

1>KK.M» o«>«»I»a. OOTTOHi ANl> VOOIXKM,

ou>A!A», MAN rtLLaa,

uiuut, SHAWLS,

i Akt'kls, M l . A S H W A . ' .

OBOCKKal , • i K< • i ». l » t-

A M i d »•• |-ii'>tifr tit K i n - t o u ld r u » 0 > l i i » ( » n ) • paMIc rffiii ik.i* at

4.KI AT l l m l U . m l t * ! t lirai>n- Than all !

Wr have recelvi .1

io Oaeee L>« l.*uo»» . • • le f> do PrtriU • • tot

t o d » K s t r a P r l a u . • • < • < b <!«< <t» d o • . • «

1<i d o d o d o - • • 1"" III i1n H i i < a « h f 1 hli«««)llii|r • *«• 10 d o i l o .1>. • • >«»•• DM U . i . • T i o k l i i t f . Mh**-iWim>. A o , A c .

Al Uairii ro%v l»rlrt>ol And our

N N T I K K N T O f K All «'•• M»%% M l « •• > N K l t t l f I

sjs^ Te all wbosnay bave bees Orawaswai ' ) "•• > i i t t i i « t i c . ••( l U m i i i t ' »h . iu- I . i l l . o f U H B t H l e g b I U , • • have only t > aejr, gi'S one m»re call ami , »• .».li>*rtl« n, and lliey will Sad Dial

IT is r<>K Til UK INTKRtsVr to make tliwir parnbaoea nJ <>•

is. ti< cAirriiv A fto. vrseuae, K»T. IS. I SSI

HirJW bJ.*KllNC* OOODto. - AT-

J o h n M<* I'i*i a in AL ( o N

• >

ee ton ,cheap

se la., 4* 6.1 ,

at lm

fc St

A tro utmra o. s. ALLIS.

t-1'2 dim, wly. PARK WHKBLKB.

Deiirable Property F O R » A M : C I I I A F .

flUE Bubecrtber offer* for sale, AT A a AMAIN, lbs L premises oa Beach atreet, ID tbe fourth Ward ot

Syrecue*, formerly owned by Obartee Herbal, eon tain-ln« about nlue aeroa ot land, In tbe beet atate yf cnltl-vatlou, wUb over 4,000 choice Grape Bxiota, lo full bearing, a great variety of choice Pratt, s good d«ti­lls* bouee, large bars, a good well of water, and a de-atrable epri og of water.

TbU 1* s very for a gentlemen of leisure or for a good gardener lojnsks money aeon.

Por farther inrurmaliou enquire of Madame Herbs! upon the promisee, or at Dsvt* a Leeeb,eyrsea**. i^T*Alao for sale! SOO Fossios and DoatSTm (IBAPE

HOOTS, at a low caab piine, or will take la exchange toytbtng saleable. J. BINGUBBKBG.

b/rseuse, April soth, ISSi.—dawiJunclo

Gror r r ien and Pri>*i»ioiio! Blow ys laetriuiipoie. oio* i

Make glad tbeioyfoi aound I Let all creation know

BtsrvsUoa eaat be found I


was released and ordered to resume commaod , Clangor, crash aod rattle again fill the air with o n - T n * owner can have the horse, on proving of his company, which ho still holds. He has l h , l r ^"iflc music. The enemy are rein- property and paying charges. The horse may called a Court of Inquiry, and is confident that t0TC9A- The fight waxes faster than before.—' b » f o u n d a t t h e d w e l " n g of the subscriber, he will bo able to show that ho received the j Heavier roars the deep mouthed cannon thicker! a**"*1 h f t l f * "|Ji® n o r t h o f Onondaga Hill, order to retreat from a Hold oflcer, and aa , • 0 t t n d a * • m««kats'rattle, fiercer comes the | ^ J f ^ B a l s ^ ^ near as we can learn he claims that the order | * « « • y»»8' * n d darker smoke shute in the | o B O T O a B A r a A L B U M 8 - N e w a n d Elegant . tye . to retreat was given by Adjutant Titus. B u t ; w * n # - * jya Beo'd by C H A S . W . CORKELL. the matter Is to be investigated, and the Court Attention! Left face, forward, file r i g h t - ' F 1 ^ E™*™I£M?MA&KI P H R V F . T

of Inquiry will probably settle the question,! « • « * > » » d "V »• «»• back toward Centre-who gave the order to retreat. We shall pub,' | v»»»- F l r a , y « « * «» ^ h musket borne, and C 1 ? » ™ ^Sc^d k ^ ^ t u . lish the proceedings of tho Court of Inquiry ,as **«»*•* " • sVasp our trusty swords. "We are wfARPER* ««©»»??>» Aaeuat, well as the officialaccount of the ene. ,ement , « ^ ^ r c e our side,- run. along the line. , ^ * ^ m i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ = -as *oon as they are received. j B t t l * • r w c h CentoavUloand file into a Urge H j y » ^ ^ W d b^R&KOOF A BIW.

rpSB Olditoreof DOBAN BBOTUkBi, bss bees J. thoroughly repaired, sad le now opea sad well

tilled with sholee

Family Groceries A Proviiiont* la addlt'OB to a general aaeortioest of •reeerles sssy

•• found Bbods Ulsnd Line, E^ZtZZ!? Marble Dual, Water I-sae, B c h a w ^ a a ^ ^ ^ ^

^ o o d Wlae. and MfSSfg .» 6r«e*ry Prleee.

T a ^ r t W o a s e f tbe store ere resiiesttaUilsvliad t 0 VSrir, «&r*a tnaav new oaesss shoes to. flood bar-. ^ ^ y h e e ^ ^ s i , f B i | M m ] ) ( M ( i | |

JIJf tT o n . M . l r

10 Onees I'rleiU to " BstraPrtau to ft " Kenlmky .leans

100 !•• I.»tr» heavy Colored Hilda •"> Oaaea Irleh Llnena, uf onr own Inpor-

(allon, warranted all psrs dai, at «• ( " * to I'aokagea Plain lilssb lllka, full

Balled sad Wsr*«Bted fta,


Every Variety of Dress Goods K<|t> A L I . V 1 ' I I K . t P !

C L O A K S . . le f >< larlmeut (a room eiclualvely f»> wie |>i,tpoae>

will \,6 under the au|>orvlaloit >f »..


A i l i o i i v * S i l i « H o n o f



Amongat our l>ouieatlci are eilra uualltfee ol

HUnvhvtIAi llroWli MhrrIf nis

AT He., < IIKAI' A T If*

V Jt U V ii T * ! A PULL ASBOIlTMKri'r OPfftVBBf U S D AM


Al iroBB 6c . l o HOr, l*er 1 erei



ggp*In oonaoouenoe of tbe i>reaent unaeiiled tiau of Plnanclal Affaire, we ahali, throttyb ihi eosnlsg art ««»n. offer auch lhdueen>entaa» will retAln all our <il<' oualomere and gain many new one*.

_ S ^ D R Y G O O l , AND

C A K P K T S !

PRICB 4L WHBBL^X Not. 38 A 40 Globe Blocic

. ' S f M A C l f S H , ft. 1 ' . ,

A BB now offering to O.e publto the lar.ra.t . i a . beet a*»leoled »ioek of



to be found la Western New Vorb.


Our. eiteaalve linprovewieute, aud the r«|i«le> wbleb we have for purehsaingonr rooda, em t le 111< offer lo our oastomera greatertndueement , I'll ir. qasllty and prloeof gooda, bealdee giving a al *>•>»' nssejualled eeleeUon.

Our atoer rfinbraeea a ebolee aelecllon o II i • aufong wblnh may be found all tbe Laieet atylee a*d moat approved palter na. o H A W Lft I P ei.rilra, v«.i u iy.

O N P Clonk l9e|rttrlm«ni,

To wblcb we pay partioular attention, la Me% r (St auporvtMoB of onsof \be rooat e*uerlene«-l neter*. whota prepared to COT and Piv CLOAKC. HA « ' r r •nd intubate, on abort nvtioe.

A large atoch of Cloaking*, Dreee «o«»da,«»in »•«»».

C A B P B T S . ml >..r. luet completed a a*»ACl*»t'l

OABPKTS>u«»«a. ^ ^ ^ ^ M I M oow«geil»g

iS&tawSsJX*"" «••* iUb "* b* ' *•' 9 where.

•Mm hkf^l^trec^^^^siminenaeeUMjk ol New and KleeaVulAaPsrn. vi«; WlltoB'e. Bruaeeie, VelvelS, raTStry. Tsree-Ply.Tkpeetrv logrsis. Ingrais. Prug-

rjT»d\r i-arpeu. Coco* Mattlnc. Canton btatitng. Befln, CruBib-Cmiae, Stair Bade, Plooe Oil Ctoths, As.

Alaw, a tarte stack of CUBTftlH SOODS. v i s : -Uo« 'rspsry, Mvalla Drapery, MBSIIB »e«s j toulat . .aia Cartaias. Damasks, Brmatoilea. Bat Hollaads, ••Un.l.w 0hs>tea, Coraieee Oil'. Banda, Tassel-L* ops, x*.. .v<.; all of wbleb we aball offer st the

I e O % V F t T C A f t H P a t l C K w .

itTT Onr faeUlttss sow for JOBBIN* OOOO0. an aaeaaailed. aad we invite akae oasa- bnyars to t sMa­ine oar etoae>.

r»ic» * April lata, lsAL

*•!•! < I \ I > n T H | »

•Ii*. %%lnalt»«»'» luaaelklsai *>*•«•). •• . « hlleti* II rWfhlaegr.

\)m,\ • r,« » •<


i\«t i»rn.»

« h t l U I IM .1 I • «. . •

i m l u m l U »• v o l

„ , l r - l l I a n d » Ml i " |> •» » ' ' -

• l i n H ' i h m e MII ti,< I - . I •

! i l o a \ « »t< »k 'i . c- . i l lk l

\\ II I I III ft

:#•«»% U A t i s i r

llsfBOICAL DINPKNH \U\ . HBTI Al l l IBIII II IN IN h ' M U I i l l

» v . . • i i i l . i l i l .

imr na MA* man i i >ara#oas

•BBSS > . . . . . i < i i t • • * • ! tkott ikat »M- i ». > nnvBiBBB •'i« it otevi >

i . rooaa • slllagi -In vteu . * tl.. veal •

• % l I n - U l l k • • rf

II.< .I.-- e p i h m a i »• -i I > uii | < nt i x m

U h . l .'Ul 1 ••' .. . o l liaVIIMX k U d . i i . i >. n aaasi i->> ' b< \ • i vt. » «barm '•' . n ibra i < • i ; .« • > -> ..i i n . • .t«|M»rtiiu iii Kae <•• hi

lag t h r i • • I I H U l ' l H I.HI I I . . i i - . i « » . - i n . . . Ittg, W< i M k l t l n i

> »»liU Ii . a n t e . , III%- v .-rv I t l l i . . Lull.. •

W » I H \ . I \ • »> i I , • . I . .

ueuail) hargrd BJufri'u \ o | \\ imrselvee inantin \ >• HIIM• lie, Hetulital Wi-ahuea* A »lui| ii,,ni>, eaa) loU i •• -i • Addreae '.\ mall aa • • .•«»

|*i ranna «i a illataiM • . .. > i . i. i KI< l u g ,i l u l l aiMU I...

I • . lot w l . i . Ii Oil . i i . t in * Will •nail preipraaa, i r

II.MI ui., • i Mil mi.I • iplli HI.In. ctlonel

1111*081 INT i" l klUfci \ . liaoaai ullai i

W l,ii.» . ..)., i. • i iu. liana we, i>* . ludaniiuatton and L

i 1.1, ..i raiiini oi ihi ^ n . ptin t Iptee

. . • • l I » S I , V * . 1 I « I • I •

• mi i | IH • Miairui Uona, A product liu ... i ; . . i i» r i i . « • ! • . * no men ••• an) addreaa

I | . I . , l l l « l < I I I M : < l < ' . I . I I I * ] i.. v. i inlli i iglvu aailelav u •uru prvventl* • aaaiuM i i • j . I I . . . i i l i i i i • » . i . i . i Mal i |

• J l l . J . i V l ' l l

» . # • H I I I |)1 . i l l | . jf^

I %« O H O O K N I N O N ON PHIV \ i I i>; -i \ i v i

I' l .yAi.i .s liu. imiiui.i o l ^ |u - i n m i . i i i h. A , >.i ;•. I..IU..I \S . ... I t ) , , \ r l I ..11.11. «• , l l H ulUIII • ' > • . » ivacliliuj limn •.-.! abu a

« bl< ii I I in •' lera of vital Import Ihu HUIH. i ami II lemplati'ig mm • lag -

I o.' know lo IK i I. 1...1 i in any otbei v,.nk • \..| | ubllahi l n ant other i bamvi i

i i. • . . . enla • ni lo ii») .. 1 ] i, . .,!!•»alue ..• " ini| i I in , l u l l aorfc, are lour i l iuee Ha pi tcu , <an bavi i l ivii m o n o ) i

Addreee 11. O i a l ' l l l I >i . a

<»i *|»|<l) lo J'I < '•• •» I > lUl . . . tilt l l l . t l l l l l l i . i l < MlH « .N.i 10 W l o l l i titt tfymeuee l iouao rseuec

U o l h a i k , I I . i n d I L i e . T h e fo l l i iwinf '» an i - U r e a l Inuu t el l e i Ml

taepeetftM ofaBspttei ObBreb lothev'owviai lengav, (Haslnnatl, Ohio, aad apeeAa i. thai *uiM reiniw/Uttd medicine MM* WII • OKTIIINO rVBVP rOB I BlbOBBS IseVBlBU

" Vi I-aoe an kilv.<rn.<<m<'iii it. HHI I A'lnal.iu'a aoothltig Byrsp. Mow, ni M »' •rord la favor of a pstestmediniue I.I • .tit u i ' I."'. • . i i i i |Mii>'.t t<> aaj

• tvehatBhag wauavanaiao IT, »ai» i 4LL IT i.i.ama It la, piobahly, • i»a ol I < ait. jtMieful in.- , i . i i n . >.| t i n ilkv , ... ..I i i .

.Hiat Aad thoea of pour leaitera wl lo better nimi lolny In aau| ,

fJT* MA I IIKSVh VlM'ilAN MtjUlli II .») fc. Tblaeeaahratad I'ye waaOral |iii|a'e<t ii •inee that tioif it l>an I....11 1. . 1. n tuooaaaoa no lualanue U » ll to give r u n . 1 aaTtorai

HIK VaNKI IAN DTK lathi lie priofl l» ONI.V r i r r r OBBTS, en a1 « • * bi cue -imiai.1111 avi> .,1111» of orseonlal

if « ' i l l fur <iSB l . l / l , U »

T U K V K M i l l t i i l i V K U Ihoaaf al r iu | IU claaa l l la waaaatiTKH SOT 1 0 l a i u n r i n . 1 M I , • • ,b«aoal |», In the allffliCewt drgri •

nilt SKNkTlAN Uifc. worka with aarwtvv *ao I'antaiHTv. It eneeiejaoseaoysuee «»r Iroul i « l i u ii*.. Ii

Til K V KNh'l I AN 0 Y K prodBBee any a had in. I|.HII..I-niiu tii»i will aol Cade, erook > 1 wueboui —one that ta k* pefssaaeni aa ib« kali

TIIK V K M h T l A N l>\ K ... - t i n t , u> m. > 1 r.tit-

lerfore wl in t h S B A t B B A L aorVBBSS 01 i n ' i "

ue l ther aoomhue of <lin a It.

T B I V K N K T I A N D T B U U e b e e t , e b e a |

iimal Cufi von l i l i l , kuu.^naful, ami '• •'»' / ' i/y< .V .it need.

'I'll A VfcW*,'IIAW DVB baring famed M. • > r.<l>utatii>ii, thepBbllear* 1 .»1 1 "Mi> .. • . l iaalnB a n y | . t i . | . a n <1 inHli . i a a m e e i y

»r different heme, as tin y are uaera Imllntlona a-din to i lo ll).|ur>

Por aale every a l m r i l'r«jnrH.| <ni'\ v A. I MATBI •

novlS-danlr bragglat, Buffalo

IIP. W i l l . He lll»ft*BJ H r l V B M IIOB-I » K M I ,

MT*ai.iauro uta roa mth i rracaaaOB 1 1 '..'ui« a*a«, ano r<#a TUB PpiTT" Of VOB MBBBVinBO »*n l« rnooanr - - Dr. lioyt ha. r..on.v« ! )n- •-Ste BBBBk, whwfe he still derotna hie tin 1 ireai Basaiel l'rlvatelMa«aaoa, l>y I'm

NKW MBTttOD OP 1 «'Mi > BOW la operation In Prance aini tr.- II country, iitaeiporicurr wami te 1 ha uone of the f»rma the *ll»«ae* la t'. a»M,ij in. > v. lib. out a aura. y»/ l" rod jmrmantmt rtmiKty. PiVg rDOUBANO PATIBBTi I I BI U Af.Arr .

A LLP. rbereaeadjeeamployoil by I>i V7ss I u •>'. »>• free I'.iin alloffrhelvi; teale «i» aim i^nlaln 1 v> iry, ,1 •. 1.nuire MeseegBof dlet,l»aBli * •> t'uraonaat a dletanca, car, i.» c..1,1.1 k« I 1 u ui..|r raae an<! a'1dr«aalH|t a letter 1 • l-r Wm 1 M>>>< l:.-R'ilact the name and |ila^e N II La it wai.t f a (loaSkatand aale remedy f»i Irragslaritiw

airuotloni, A ., can Batata hi. lirMAa'PBBNni PPUAf^V BI ihe DosJggSj (.Mice In the 'Ijera Bhael II I.* ilea, In certain e iaul< r a. t.h aid 1 1 ruaa<<ria aendlreotlone will'each bag I'rl I by mall to all paito of tbe world. In II a Hi,' «oniy agent in toe United ntat<*. AJeofor aale »t Iftg i/K..v>r> office, tbe remain fro'* tingle-an unfailing prevenutive •! < i! '. '- iBvalnabl • )»iiuh aa through aorne fihyaleal n»nf»» o.atloi r-imtty,arc tnca|iatlatedr>.r»ar< r. , • • trom ar.) [>mrl of lh» l/Btted fct*.t. a. »i • aecurx the return Bflef Is raSSSMH Bil»er ti>»i Dr. Wtn. R. Sept la lh« untf psreaseentl) ratal aad loepooaibli. I'bld'lari Ifl • • ntik! I . v. pBrl u<gra nissfe rsBBBSffi sadHi pn -r0ty OSSSale the I r.i«'i) STSQllll «t$ Hioek. ottsc* tint* knm v A M. aattl v 1 gejaaaPSlrSBB » •»••!>» Y M. *oc«r* • eDeWaSBdkBt J- I OO-i'aw

• H l i | M » > . n o I'A* at* I . .# C. DIA. I . t r > i . l l l « i

K O O l A M I S l i s . t a l i I t s a 1 M » a i OOBUBBB to he the ataadat A Medicine fr.r t ...-<„,. of ail rtllllouaaad Livert'ompk'.r.u.>s| to the worst pBtrtd sore; Jaendleo; U i t i i t i u ^ 11. » 1 tehe; Pi ee; Dyapepeia; ItdlfeaU>n; Weak 1'bey are both aileiatlve aad toslo, regulate tfeg , «eb snd bowele, eUmulate tte L|vrr, raetore tin- tfS H. 1U, promotedife tios. giv«atreB«ih,<)ni.^ei. tt. Uiatioli. aud pilllfy tb< blood batter than ar.y . .laeever baown. Tbey gre made of the beet BaaSjaa « i.rbe, among wbleh are l>araapartlla, Vellow l» .a , 1 andrake, Tboroufhwort. (.berry, Poplar aad Met If tab Bsrhs, Rhubarb, Dandelion, aad otheo recently .dded.all so •klllmkly eomMned aa to act In nefton'aaoe with the laws of Nature, forming the moat effaatnal •prtag aad BBBSB er Medietas that can be used, r-11 rybodf nende tbia midieine, and all akaaM enelt al onee. I'.a.erl au.laale at all tlmia «n. ) v' a eent«i< r r- tu..

1'bU »%oi« m«»ll. Iu«- ia el*.i pal ftp la ft eealfV. I f"»m. .a ' . . | g>f( |,i.*,n'< t'» '"geM IMaasael Uoti l mial Merlr S»l le. -kbaMtte, without giii.ine . r •••in "••• " ttvesere .ad Pllae. eVd by all Hi aJ-ielr. W.^iclr. *

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Syracuse Daily Standard, July 31, 1861. 12th NY at Bull Run. Letter of H.A.B. HAB is Henry A. Barnum, Captain of Co. I.