Download - ©. o. a. AtC too/67531/metadc502147/...lag ha* altarad tha flaalcn product deposition. Thla would not be walld If tha atroBtlm and yttriun are, nsspectlrely, 8r^ and tha dsugxtor

Page 1: ©. o. a. AtC too/67531/metadc502147/...lag ha* altarad tha flaalcn product deposition. Thla would not be walld If tha atroBtlm and yttriun are, nsspectlrely, 8r^ and tha dsugxtor


■r-T5®0/ / w - 7920

©. o. d. a. too f i ia700 f l l« TOO f i l a

. / r f c - MAtC -

U i l

c l a s s i f i c a t i o n c a n q q j j ©

d a n z e r o t h ' f H K


h w lh a Atomic C n tf p y C m m kakm

• H & ( I o m a j U L

AvoMoblt IronO ffice of T#cK«lcol Service*I•<

Cfcn». P » c k m m c r ttw t o r n * W aiKington 25, 0 . C .

QssssiI . 1. w m j i of ground oontralnatlan in the 7 and B H a s t A m a m ea le d the preeanee of rany tr a i l radioactive apota on tha ground. This followed on apparwt Inornate In the general shot ccntaninatlcn In the a m . d ia lle r •pota of low ac tiv ity would not have been dletln®iinhed f r a lha general ground ecotaadnatlco by and Klnor long-lived laotopaa. A review of paat data cmggaota a h ia to rj of 6 nontha fo r tha phwnoranoo, with a meant in tea- • lf lo a tlc n . lha oaxtaslaetlon, aa found, la aaaoolatad v lth d itcrete parti c ite on tha ground. I t la not •p eo lf lra lly known that such partial»e f a l l to tha ground. Tha a ffaet my bo dua to droplata ru fflc len tly t r a i l to baoora attached to a ting le partlo la . I t la o c w n ly auppoaad th a t tha partlolaa or droplata oora f r a tha prooaaa atanka. A 1 a t a 1 I ta ly origin la tha oaprlolooa blowing of partlolaa f r a known ccntaalnaticn naar tha atacka.

Itvalca l Fora of Partlolaa

Segregated partlo laa b an an avenge raaa of 1 ng. Tha a ra lla r cnaa go down to 0.1 *g ., but tha oollaotloc rathod doaa not include poaalbla very a ra ll partlo laa . Tha partlolaa are n o im lly brown In color in ooaparlaon with eurroundlng aand or a o il. Under aloroaooplo exaninatlcn, there la no dla- tlngilehlng feature Indicative of tha origin.


By counting partlo laa appearing on cleared ground In tha T H in t, tha ra te of


• 1 '

Page 2: ©. o. a. AtC too/67531/metadc502147/...lag ha* altarad tha flaalcn product deposition. Thla would not be walld If tha atroBtlm and yttriun are, nsspectlrely, 8r^ and tha dsugxtor

BXP-ftie xofy>M » " Tf-r u

deposition le shewn to b# cm p#r 4*j per square foot In ths prevailing wind d irection frem the stack. The m ta la ana psr day par * square fee t in tha ra ra n a direction. P a rtia l as bars t o n found in a l l locations t o t ad up to tha boundaries of tha 20041 and 200-1 A man. Tha •n a s a l a im d istribu tion has not bsan **U-patterned, and ths m ta of depceltla i t o Obscured bp madam bloving of older pa rtic les .

A ctiv ity

The ac tiv ity mega la approzlastely 0.1 no to 1 no. In dapoaitlan te s ts , ths nav partia lss on the vlnd side vers approx imately t o tim e aa aotlva aa thews found upwind.

Radiochemical Analysis

ty p ica l analyses of T Plant partic les Indicate 60 - 9 # Oa. and up to \% T.B Plant sauplee shoved M> - >5> Ca, 7 • 20Jl Ur, and 50 - T. •

Chemical Analysis

Them has bean popular opinion that tha p a r t i else nay originate f r a contam­inated riakse of the black paint on tha staoka. This Is an asphalt-res la paint that should be rich In organic vats r ia l s . Klcro-ocribuetion of one p a rtic le shewed:

Cn.itan by vel£itHydrogen as HgO > .#

U11 Icon as SlOg 27- #

Iron as Fe * 9 .#

In th is te s t , blstaith would have carried with the iron. This ana p a rtic le was oertelnly not the paint.

Opactrogmphlo Analysis (by th s Technloal Departaent)

Tha f i r s t partic le Investigated shewed high oontont of lb , P, and 81. Pour la te r eaaplee ohowad no R>, and no pboaphorous above the rather high U n it of sen sitiv ity . dements present (re la tive amounts) vers:

_______ Active Partic les Control Particle*


B1 * 3 0 , *50, 100, >00 a ll >0

To 100, 100, 100, 200 a l l < 10

81 100, 100, 100, 200 100, 100, 100, 103

Os, Kg, Be, Bs, Al • no slgolfloent difference between eaapleeand ooctrois.

See HW-7865 dated 10/22/^7


Page 3: ©. o. a. AtC too/67531/metadc502147/...lag ha* altarad tha flaalcn product deposition. Thla would not be walld If tha atroBtlm and yttriun are, nsspectlrely, 8r^ and tha dsugxtor

3-io/5oA7 ™-?!zcf l u

fro tt tha cbaalcal and apectrogxwphlc analywaa, tha theory of droplat a ttao h u n t to Mod grain* raM lfic ecaw rapport,

f l f l t t f Vtf IB M U M

The ag» of the pertiolee ah aul d glv# *n Indication of whether tha actiwe r a t# r ia l c o m directly from the Separation proomo, or wfcsthsr I t c o m cut of the stack a f te r hold-up In ducts or tha stack I ta a lf . K seratU l aba a m of abo rt-llted Isotopes (exoept daughten) i n h to exclude d irec t process eadM lan. ftuh eslaalcn la alao improbable la wisw rtf tha apparent raoaat drralop— t of tha problea.

Xf prooaao cpra/a oonUlaad a ropreeentatlre sample of tha flee ion product ■ lxture, tha slxtuiw found In tha partic les should daflaa tha e g ^ I t la con­ceded, h w ater, that rw latire w olatillty and othar factors a l ta r tha flaaloa product apart run In spray. Xt baa been point ad out • tha t tha lew ancunta of alrocolaa and colusblm , In acaparlacn with tha quantity of s t r a t i * and y ttriun which here oosparahla h a lf - l i ta s rad flaaloa y ie lds, protss th a t chartoal proosce- lag ha* altarad tha flaa lcn product deposition. Thla would not be walld If tha a troB tlm and y ttriun a re , nsspectlrely, 8r^° and tha dsugxtor l9 0 , isotopes of h a lf - l If a In tha range JO - P daya, auch aa Xr-Cb, l91f oould ba supposed to hara been radnoad to ns& lglbie actlw lty . Proof of th la lactoplo aaalgnssnt would g ite an aga of about ona year.

Exact age oaa ba daduoad fro a two laotoplc xmtloa that would ba lndapaodrat of tha chss loal processing hlatory . Tbaaa m i

( 1 ) C , 11*1 M d C*lk k

I f tha cooking t i n t and flaalcn ylalda a r t exactly known, tha ra tio . Ca1*1/ c#lbh px^oinaiy daflnaa age. The mdiochaadcal d lae rlrtna tlcn la ocwpliceted by tha growth of the daughter Pi*4*, but th le can be turned to adyanteaa. the growth can ba followed through f i l t e r s that exclude Cs141 and Ca14* rmdlatlent w ith ra ther n a i l loea of tha 3 HPT f r m issions. Tho aqulllbrlua cslsolon of C#1-44 la thus obtainable, f r a which tha Oe141 m dUtlcn la obtained by dlffaranca a t ta ro tine . In pmotloa, J.V.Beely, who propoaad th la acthod, finds th a t tha rapid growth of Pr (Tl/o ■ 17 Bin) naoaaaltataa difference-analysis along the growth ourra. Uboertslnty In counter efficiency fo r tha d ifferen t •Dangles U n its tha present accuracy, Separated Cs141 and Ce14*-!*144 a n naadad fo r ocaparlaon. Tha ens p e rtlo le taatad to data had a s l n t r a aga of 130 days.

(8 ) 81̂ and Br90

Ttle U • ao rt f f tv o n tl , oaa,, ftu, to vlda cnsrgjr d lff .m k o . t,tv«MC the two fcata-my .pac tre , and to good h a lf - I l f , ra tio . Tha growth of

• Dm W-78U5 latad 10/20A7


Page 4: ©. o. a. AtC too/67531/metadc502147/...lag ha* altarad tha flaalcn product deposition. Thla would not be walld If tha atroBtlm and yttriun are, nsspectlrely, 8r^ and tha dsugxtor


io/ v >At V'Tt,

feurffetr T^° la not trafeloeoae, toe*** the h a lf - l ife , 60 Inure, glvae neg lig ib le grtvth during tbs ta r ty counts. Another 4epamUjr., « ft# r w M t t , during which tho v t l l o h u # by a factor I > 6 ,•h » lA give i j « 7 accurate age, up to about kCO ieye. Again, tae t aeaplao of 8r°? end 0i*> are required.

H CARH i ;

XxUn*l tad la t i on

There la ao c r i t ic a l haxard t r m partic les ot ths ground or a) shoe*. I f the particles lodge an akin e ith e r by deaoent or by tm u rfe r froa Us ground, v is ib le radiation Injury w ill oertAUOy bo protocol with partia l?* of 1 pc ac tiv ity , owl pay bo protocol a t the 6 J no lev e l. taddsaed are** about 2 *ai In d isaster a r t to to expected, and u loon tlcn naj fo il on. lowever, i t lo tax® froa 'gold tool* tadiue tbempy, that tissue la re la tiv e ly raoiatant to ted la tian fra* h i^d y localised 1 culling aourooo. Buck rod&ned ateaa would completely heal, owl ulcer* a t t l aroai would bo repaired with permanent localised akin daaage. I f the p a rti cl oo lodged on olorbing, r is ib le Injury n lg it bo avoided.

I t ••o h m tlanal to suppose th a t partialoo cf n o t 0.1 us or acre would bo re* •owed by ocuml bathing. A d h eren ce to tha akin fo r eevexal hour* should not produce datoctabla Injury. K i t Id e e caught in tbo h a ir ooull remain for oca* aldombla porlode. Tbo norual practloa of wearing of bat* around a ohemloa! bloat should roduoo th is b o a rd . CcBtaalnatlon In droplet fora would provumbly bo moxe hstardoui than a • honor of p a rti clot of equivalent aetlw lty. Tha high oontont of aotlwo rmra earth* suggests d ifficu lty In casual remotel by washing.

Internal f a i ls t l go

Inhale, tie© of tha sot Ira parti d e c or droplet* appoara to bo tbo greatest pert an- t l a l h o a rd fo r two lessens t

(1) The deposited na to r ia l nay m a in In s itu for a long tla a . The overage la I f - I l f a for elimination from the lungi of n a i l partic les la aboxt 2 months. larger partlelaa would probably bo m pldly ollalnaU d by c ilia ry action and then Ingested. I t 1* clearly necessary to taw whether a c tiv ity 1* a function of else.

Again, droplets eight be more hntandoue, I f tbo material la not a be orbed through tbo lining of tho lung. Also, In tho lunge, th e n la no p ro tec t- iwe ocutlng e la lla r to the homy layer of akin.

(2) There le loot ohnnoo of detecting Inhaled part I d e e , and, In any oaae, no corrective atop equivalent to the washing of external oartralnetlon.

Ingested m aterial would bars a good chance cf being carried th rong tbo allmsntery tra c t with a su ffic ie n t coating of in a rt Bate r ia l to prevent serious damage •

Page 5: ©. o. a. AtC too/67531/metadc502147/...lag ha* altarad tha flaalcn product deposition. Thla would not be walld If tha atroBtlm and yttriun are, nsspectlrely, 8r^ and tha dsugxtor

N N ru n IO/30AT

TS9T9 11 IftXIHUlia— JmJtmUKKM

l . II# w rr w A —riv— ita l pattern of p a r t ia l* La being natabllabsd by f c i n j i . * I . I . Ourray an ion—i t .

f . I tr tlo la a i n baing M p u a U i — I nubjacWd to;


[ f t



dim featatmtoaUan by nUrahaiancs l e t t f l t y —i>\i— it m a function of manraAloni— ;Inal analyaln an u U 4 to gntaminatl un of origin and aga UoUf to n U o r f C*l w /0*l* ‘ m * Br**/#^0 te ta m lm tlc n to fU mm eboolfnl m m ly lm to M U b lU l aatur# of tba —h id e carrying U# eoot— a t , and hanoa to n a g p l tba o ritfn •pactf^gzmpble am ljaln to aupport aicrcs lipio a inal nation to auyport !:l

OontroV nanplaa w ill ba e la l l a r l / a—lyt#d aa roqulmd.

1.1. Mnthutn group aMlgpaantn, In oolUboxatlcn with tba Taokaxloal fiaparcamt.

3. Tha rata of daponltlon In awanurwd on olaaiad ground ax—a , an a function of position * lth rnnpaet to tba ntaekn.

b. tba A t* of d istribution In ananumd an tacky auxfacon piohaotnd froa aa aueh •and blowing aa pcnnlbla. Thin supports and should d lffaran tla ta batwoan fe lling p a rtia l a and droplata. • I . I . and Sit* Bunrny anal——it.

9. CuUactlcn of activ ity on various f l i t A l l a tyntaca, with analyvla of f& rtlein a lt# or 4LrjpI#t activ ity . Tha probability of Inhalation oan ba eaxgutnd f n o th in . - I . I . Burr#;1 and Bit* Burtoy a is l—Baal.

6. TMU for 0«lU la tfa* urlM i r a b*tw a.da. - 1 .1 . Bio-Mam.

.141B J5 S S 3 B

1. Blaloglaal acnltorlng by rabbit* and stoop. tac rlf io a of tba oalm la fo r <U*taction of actlva paitU lan in tba lung. - 1 .1 . Biology analgin—t

2. Collodion of m in nnjaplsn • d lffn ran tla tlon b«tv#«n particl#a and drop* la ta . - H.I. Site 8urvny anol— —it

3. Calculation of deposition pattern of standard nUn p artic le s or droplat* frea tha s ta ck . Thla w ill chock tbo pattnxnn found looaliy and avalua t* thn batani a t z—ot# point*. - I .Z . industrial Byglaan tUMlgonant.

k , A lite ra tu re study of siponurtn to point oauroos, bath arU rnal and in ternal. - Ifcjor J. B room

9. Biological axpnrlaunta cn point nouro# dosage., i f U W ia tu a in In­adequate. - E,X .Biology

Page 6: ©. o. a. AtC too/67531/metadc502147/...lag ha* altarad tha flaalcn product deposition. Thla would not be walld If tha atroBtlm and yttriun are, nsspectlrely, 8r^ and tha dsugxtor

tiu lofro/k 7

6. HacWttt alcroaoopa atudy of n.ry • m il pa rti alas, i f an /. - foam ran Leioralcry (f)

7. T—ta (or Ca*** In faeaa • « .l . au>~Aa#*j.

8 . lapatitlon of m la raa t teats inside prooaee bu ild ing . - H.X.8are«t

9 . Detailed clothing tad body aurfac# examination of 1.1. —ployeea and •eject td other —pi tiy u a (chosan to a**4& 0—oral slam ). - K .l.iurvey

m C K l K2LXC7

I f a f in ite rtak of damfciaa lnhclaUna la indicated 1/ tha tae tc , the veering of rtaplrutora lea Ida" ti* f and B l*l*nt exclusion i m a , tar a v i da / a n a If — MM /, v iU ba reocoeanded. Alternative protact ion «uah a« tha use of caatea-roofed walkways aay ha proposed. fbcomndad policy v U l be to r f fa r coaplete protact Ian to a l l seployete, ra— rdleee of the " •c a n " la jilc e tia — of such procedures.

I f a real m k of n U i tm l cent— 1 nut Ion la d—centra tsd, special procedures fo r hazard Mitor'in** uf a l l panm nal to tha affactad arm a l i i ba proposed, v ith renewal of ac t It# spots undor Operatic— and 1.1. supervision. i f th is cost—Inst! on la vldaapr—d, gmeml advloo on aalfnidalnlataxvd tea ts and dsccntenlmUcn ttapa nay ba off©rad.

tIn tha ©ary r—erta contingency that tha hazard lncrmaa* baypnl tha fm elble cm tro l by that# aathoda, ceesatlcn of tha prccaaa, pandl^R o o n v c tla i at tha • ttirea. vU l be proposed.

Thla diacunelon doaa not ineluda tha eeoential prot'ia— In itia ted by Uv* rrcductlcr Separtnmt and tha Technical Bsparta—t to d a ted the acurue cf t in tmublo, and to m a d / I t , except insofar an ac— of tha B .l. tee te will • s a la t this.

Consents on and c r l t la is — of th« aotic t» , currant and proceed, w ill be appneclited.


