Download - GETHSEMAnE · May we also praise God for the ... Call to Worship Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy ... and even read it in the Cebuano translation of the Bible with

  • Volume 23, Issue 22 01st August 2010

    Letters and reports from our missionaries are regularly received. These customary communications are both information and tokens of mutual accountability on the part of our church and our missionaries.

    I value the letters (emails, SMS, etc.) from our missionaries. They help us to cement our partnership in Christ and to coordinate and enhance the work of the Lord. Especially when these letters come with good news of spiritual victories and advances, they enormously refresh our hearts. As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country (Proverbs 25:25).

    Today, I would like to publish, firstly, an email from Ethiopia in which Rev Ephrem relates how the Lord has turned around adverse circumstance our Ethiopian brethren experienced in obtaining a permit to build the church and the Bible college. Secondly, testimonies of blessings that our brethren in the Philippines received through our recent mission trips to that nation. May we also praise God for the blessings our brethren have received; and let us also continue in our prayers for all of them.

    Joyous news from EthiopiaDear Rev Koshy,

    Receive my heartfelt greetings in the blessed name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

    Thank you for upholding us in your prayers in this most difficult time of our Churchs life. Last time, I shared with you the great difficulty we were facing in getting the change of use for our property in Alem Gena to be used for the purpose of church and Bible college. Mr Abdallah, the head of the regional land authority, has been opposing the Gospel outreach being established there. He strongly stood against our request to build a Church there.

    When the plan institute told us to bring a letter of recommendation from the Mayors committee, we were very much troubled, knowing that Mr Abdallah is a prominent figure. It was really asking for the impossible.

    Therefore, we fasted for three days, praying and crying to God to intervene and change the mind of this man and turn the hearts of other committee members to our favour. Gods miraculous intervention was the only way out. O our God, wilt thou not judge them? for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee (2 Chronicles 20:12).

    Our Pastor: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy (M: 9001 1119, H: 6788 1721, Email: [email protected])Our Office: 510 Geylang Road, #02-06, Singapore 389466. Tel: 6741 1910, Fax: 6741 1016

    O come, let us worship and bow down:Let us kneel before the LORD our maker.

    Psalm 95:6

    G E T H S E M A n EBible-Presbyterian Church

    Not my will, but Thine, be done (Luke 22:42)

    Pastoral Exhortation

    Reports from Our Gospel FrontiersRev Dr Prabhudas KoshyCall to Worship Elder Mah Chin Kwang

    *I Sing the Mighty Power of God (29)* Invocation & Gloria Patri

    * Responsive Scripture Reading (Exodus 24:1-8)

    The Way of the Cross Leads Home (179)Collection of Offerings

    Doxology & Prayer

    Come, Ye Thankful People (136)Children's Sermon

    Pastoral Prayer & Sermon Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy

    The Word and the Blood" (Selected Scriptures from Hebrews)

    Holy Communion Nothing But the Blood (291)

    *Are You Washed in the Blood? (288)* Benediction & Threefold Amen

    * Congregation Standing

    to all worshippersWelcome

    Order oF Worship

    Scripture MemorizationAccess to God

    Romans 5:22 By whom also we have access by faith

    into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

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    Our Church Session: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy (9001 1119), Elder Mah Chin Kwang (9675 4031),Elder Alan Choy (9853 9556), Dn Arvind Pawa (9642 8954), Dn Daniel Lim (9385 0371),

    Dn Lok Kwok Wah (9022 5508) & Dn Kelvin Lim (8268 2828).

    After seeking the face of the LORD in prayer, we submitted our request to the Mayors committee and waited prayerfully and yet anxiously for the answer. What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee (Psalm 56:3). Gods sovereign wisdom and power overturned the counsel of the enemy as the committee unanimously agreed to make the requested change and the chief objector was the first to put his signature on the minutes. Truly, The kings heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will (Proverbs 21:1). This is Gods victory! God triumphed over the wicked one! Christ Jesus triumphed over His enemy! The Gospel of Christ triumphed over its foes! And feeble people of the LORD found favour in Gods sight. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth (Psalm 121:2). What mercy! Amazing grace how sweet the sound!

    Today, we have submitted the recommendation of the Mayors committee to the plan institute and the

    office agreed to endorse the change. The plan institute will write a letter of endorsement to the Mayors office, which seals the whole matter. We are given an appointment on 5th of August to collect this letter. Praise God for what He has done for us for His names sake! And pray that what remains will be completed according to Gods gracious purpose for Gethsemane B-P Church.

    Once again, thank you for all that you have done for Gods work with much sacrifice. Please convey our thanks and greetings to all Gethsemaneans and friends who have been standing with us in the battle for the cause of Jesus Christ.

    May Gods peace abide with you for ever. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    With grateful heart,

    Rev Ephrem Chiracho

    Pastoral Exhortation

    Testimonies from the PhilippinesFrom San AntonioPastor Koshy,

    Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    I would like to convey my words of gratitude to you and the entire mission team for ministering to us and spending time with us before and during our 2nd anniversary thanksgiving service. Our members and worshippers were greatly encouraged by our home visitations. The children and the youth were also blessed by our Saturday afternoon ministry in San Antonio. Honestly speaking, we want you to stay with us longer. But Gods providence did not permit. nonetheless, we praise and thank God for having you and the whole mission team with us on our 2nd anniversary thanksgiving service.

    Pastor, by the grace of God, the people love your preaching and have asked me when you will be coming back.

    In His service, Bro Dominino

    From CebuPraise God for the very fruitful and blessed time of studying Gods Word through the nightly lectures by our beloved Pastor Koshy. Truly, we have been instructed and warned of the dangers of apostasy of our time. As they say: To be forewarned is to be forearmed, let us then be on the guard, always striving for the truth, contending earnestly for the faith. Pastor Reggor

    When Pastor Reggor announced that Pastor Koshy will be conducting a nightly Bible study on the Epistle of Jude. I was very eager and excited. I started to read the Epistle of Jude, and even read it in the Cebuano translation of the Bible with the hope that I would understand it better. But for some of its description of the apostates, I find it hard to understand, especially when we don't have proper theological training to understand their graphic metaphor. I praise and thank the Lord for how He used Pastor Koshy as a channel of spiritual blessings to me. As he expounded precisely on the content and description, indeed I have learned and understood much more clearly and my questions were all answered. The warning about certain immoral men that were perverting the grace of God, infiltrating even the church, was timely. I am now much aware and must be on guard against such men and be prepared to oppose their perverted ways. I also thank God for the plan to start a Bible school here in Cebu. It will surely help us to be much strengthened and grounded in the knowledge and understanding of God's Word. May we all be resolved to earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. To God, who is fully able to keep those who put their trust in him, be the glory. Bro Samuel Mingo

    First of all, I would like to thank the Lord for bringing Pastor Koshy and other brethren from Singapore here in Cebu. Thank God for their time and effort in coming for our church anniversary and for the nightly Bible study on the Epistle of Jude. I thank God that He has raised a preacher like Pastor Koshy and used him mightily for His glory. I thank the Lord

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    Our Church Session: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy (9001 1119), Elder Mah Chin Kwang (9675 4031),Elder Alan Choy (9853 9556), Dn Arvind Pawa (9642 8954), Dn Daniel Lim (9385 0371),

    Dn Lok Kwok Wah (9022 5508) & Dn Kelvin Lim (8268 2828).

    for the 5 nightly Bible studies which has increased my knowledge of God's Word and helped in my spiritual growth. Thank God that in spite of missing two of the nightly meetings, He has made a way for me to know His Word through the notes taken down by my mother. I thank God that He has taught me many things through Pastor Koshy about my standing as a Christian. I thank God also for constantly reminding me of Him through His Word. Thank God for the wisdom that He has given me to be careful and discerning with regard to myself and my environment. Praise the LORD!!! Sis Junko Yamamoto

    Thank God for all the brethren that came all the way from Singapore. Thank God also for the life of Pastor Koshy for always being mindful of our spiritual affairs, and for the messages he taught for 5 days. I thank God for enabling me to attend, hear and study His Word in greater depth, especially the Epistle of Jude. The message was an eye-opener for every Christian like me. I am able to examine myself if I am really a Christian or an apostate? Thank God, for I can always call upon Him for wisdom and guidance. Thank God also for the messages; they reminded me to be watchful of the people around me who may be wolves in sheep's clothing. I will be more careful not only for myself but also for others. Thank God also for reminding me that God loves us so much and He is able to preserve us from falling. If I always call upon Him, He is always ready to take care of us. All glory and honour be to the LORD and SAVIOUR! Sis Riza Mortel

    I praise and thank God for the opportunity that He has given us to attend the past nightly meetings. Truly, it was an enlightening experience. I learned that apostates are the type of people who attend church and try to be a blessing to the body of believers but secretly feed the church with false doctrines - these people are heretics. We must ask God for His wisdom and guidance in order that we ourselves may not be carried away by their false teachings and immoral doings if some do ever show up in our church. Instead, we must try to be a blessing to these people so that they will see the truth. If they reject the truth, then must we be vigilant and avoid this type of people. May Gods name be glorified for ever and ever. Amen. Angelo Tiu

    In the 5 nightly study on the Epistle of Jude, I learned many things from Pastor Koshy. I learned many things about the apostates, etc. I also learned that Jude was the brother of James, and also about Peter being an

    apostle just as what Pastor read in the Bible "Peter and the 11". Though I missed one night (Monday), I still learned many things on the succeeding days. I thank the Lord that I could listen to His Word through Pastor Koshy's message every night. On the day of our anniversary, I was happy because I came early and saw the place before everyone couldI thank Pastor Koshy and the mission team for their valued support to our congregation and I also thank the Lord for the provision of a place in Diplomat Hotel and Hotel Asia for our nightly study and our anniversary thanksgiving service. Miko Teedo

    Praise and thank the Lord for His providence for impressing upon the hearts of Pastor Koshy and the mission team from Singapore to visit, minister and encourage us in the work of the Lord.

    Praise and thank the Lord for the nightly lectures on the Epistle of Jude, I could see the great anticipation and excitement of the brothers in the Care Ministry ever since they heard of such meetings. They read and reread the Epistle of Jude in preparation for the nightly lectures; more so for myself since I could once again be a student of my lecturer and Pastor. It was indeed a blessed time of learning and relearning. Though I had taken this subject under Dr Khoo, the learnings I had then were made afresh through the nightly lectures and even the addition of new insights and practical applications from the verse-by-verse exposition of Gods Word. The study and learning of the Epistle of Jude would really cause such a one to take a close examination of oneself. I thank the Lord that through the lectures, I re-examine my personal life and my service to the Lord. Thank God for His mercy and grace that He has upheld me in His arms to continually purge me from my personal sins and count me useful in the ministry. All glory and honour and praise be unto Him alone!!!

    Praise and thank the Lord for the rest of the mission team who took time to teach the children concurrently with the nightly lectures. It was indeed a night of learning without distraction. Praise and thank the Lord for the sweet fellowship we had with the mission team, encouraging one another and provoking each other to greater love for the Lord and His Word and service to Him.

    Praise and thank the Lord for the mission teams visit and encouragement to the Care Ministry brothers. Praise and thank the Lord for morning devotions led by Pastor Koshy and attended by the rest of the mission team. We in the Care Ministry would always be thankful to the Lord for your visit and encouragement to us. For

    Pastoral Exhortation

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    Our Church Session: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy (9001 1119), Elder Mah Chin Kwang (9675 4031),Elder Alan Choy (9853 9556), Dn Arvind Pawa (9642 8954), Dn Daniel Lim (9385 0371),

    Dn Lok Kwok Wah (9022 5508) & Dn Kelvin Lim (8268 2828).

    God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have showed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister (Hebrews 6:10). ALL GLORY BE TO GOD!!! Bro Eliezer Ortega

    Praise and thank God for the nightly lectures and study on the Epistle of Jude conducted by Pastor Koshy. Thank God for the privilege and opportunity to study God's Word through this book. I have already read this book several times during our family Bible reading but I havent had the full understanding of most of the verses. When Pastor Koshy started to expound and taught us verse by verse, I started to understand this book. Some of the lectures, especially during Monday night, became too scary for me that I really focused on listening to the lectures because during this night, Pastor Koshy identified and explained through the verses one by one who are the apostates. It made me ponder and think of my own personal life if I should have a trace of such characteristics, knowing of the danger if we are one of those described. I resolve all the more to be careful and

    wise in the kind of life I live and be properly grounded in the Word of God. I pray in my heart that God will help and strengthen me not to become an apostate. I am looking forward to another book study soon. Lastly, I would like to thank God for the life of Pastor Koshy and the team in our midst. To God be the glory! Sis Arlaine Ortega

    I thank the Lord for the blessed and fruitful time of studying Gods Word through the 5-night lectures conducted by Pastor Koshy on the theme Earnestly Contending for the Faith. The Epistle of Jude, though a short book, is rich and full of instructions and warning on apostasy and apostates and how to identify them. Also, I am very much comforted to know of the distinguishing characteristics of a Christian; that a Christian is sanctified, preserved, called and blessed in the Lord. Praise God for such wonderful blessings that I have in Christ Jesus! I am eagerly looking forward to the next round of nightly meetings and lectures by Pastor Koshy. All glory be to God! Sis Tinkerbel Pernito

    Home visitation

    6th Anniversary Service

    Bro Domi's brother preparing coconuts to refresh us







    Encouraging words from Pastor

    Ladies rendering praise

    Mission Trip to The Philippines (10-18 July 2010)

    Home visitation

    Pastoral Exhortation




    Mission team travelling back to Cebu from Bohol

    Fellowship lunch


  • Our Staff: The Gethsemane Care Ministry Bro Jerah (9337 2337), Gethsemane Chinese Service Dn Daniel Lim (9385 0371),Gethsemane Filipino Service Pr Dennis Kabingue (9648 0004), Gethsemane Childrens Ministry Pr Kelvin Lim (8268 2828)

    Church Office Diana Koh, Bible Witness Dn Kwok Wah, Kenneth, John, Melissa Mah, Eric & Ruth


    Jesus is omniscient! The word omniscient means having unlimited knowledge. In other words, Jesus is all-knowing. He knew that Lazarus would not die from his sickness, and that it would bring glory to God. Through the sickness of Lazarus, many of the Jews would believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.

    When Jesus was in Bethabara, Mary and Martha sent news to Him that their brother was sick. They were hoping that Jesus would come quickly to heal Lazarus, but He did not come. Instead, He told those who were sent to Him and His disciples that Lazarus sickness would not end in death.

    During the next two days, while Jesus was still at Bethabara, Lazarus died in Bethany. Did not Jesus say, This sickness is not unto death? How can He be omniscient if His words were not true? Lazarus death was necessary to prove Jesus omniscience. The truth of the matter was: Jesus was saying that Lazarus would live beyond his sickness though he died; He even knew that Lazarus had died when no one told Him about it (cf. John 11:11-14). Indeed, He is all-knowing!

    When Jesus was about to reach Bethany, Martha received news of His coming, and

    went out of the house to meet Him. She told Him that her brother would not have died if He was there earlier. To this, Jesus replied, Thy brother shall rise again (John 11:23). But she could not comprehend it. nonetheless, Jesus statement is another proof of His omniscience. He knew that Lazarus would live again; He had come to raise him from the dead.

    Lazarus rose from the dead, and lived again because Jesus commanded him to come out of death (John 11:43-44). As he walked out of the tomb, many people who witnessed this event were astonished at Jesus power. By raising Lazarus from the dead, Jesus also confirmed that He is omniscient, and knows all things. The things which He had said concerning Lazarus sickness came to pass exactly as He had spoken.

    no man is able to know all things except Jesus because He is God. It is important for Christians to realise that Jesus knows everything; nothing is hidden from Him. He knew of Mary and

    Marthas desire for their sick brother. He also knows of your desires and needs. He knows

    what will happen in the future too. Remember, Jesus is omniscient!

    Jesus Is Omniscientby Pr Kelvin Lim

    Now a certain man was sick, named Lazarus, of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. Therefore his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick. When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. John 11:1, 3-4

    Junior Worshippers Devotion

    ChurCh CAMP 2010CAMP ThEME

    Earnestly Contending for the Faith by Rev Dr Prabhudas KoshyBe Strong and of A Good Courage by Rev Lee Kim Shong

    Date: 6th - 10th December 2010 (Monday - Friday)Venue: Hotel Equatorial Bangi Putrajaya, Selangor. Camp Fee: Adult Single Room S$490.00/person Twin Sharing S$335.00/person Triple Sharing S$310.00/personChildren (4-11yrs) (i) S$145.00/child (w/o bed) (ii) S$215.00/child (with extra bed)*Fees quoted include mealsTransport Charge: S$65.00/person

    Those who have signed up, please collect registration form from Bro Ho Kee How. For more information, please see Dn Arvind Pawa.

    GEThSEMAnE ADulTS' FElloWShiPTopic: Psalms Part 1

    Speaker: Rev Dennis KwokChairman: Dn Daniel Lim

    Date/Time: Sat, 7th August 2010 at 4pmVenue: SingPost Seminar Room Annexe

    Rev Dennis Kwok will continue his OT Survey with the study of Psalms.The Psalms have been the balm of many a Christian, renewing and strengthening our faith in God.O how we love to read the psalms in our afflictions, even to sing them in songs as we seek God's help to overcome the trials and testings in our lives. So let us all come to study all these 150 wonderful Psalms.

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    Our Place of Worship: SingPost Auditorium (Level 5), 10 Eunos Road 8, Singapore 408600Our Websites:;

    2010 Ethiopian AssignmentNew Building Fund Target: $500,000.00Total (as of 25 July 2010): $404,669.22

    Mon - Sat Activities August 02 - August 07TuesdayPrayerGathering(8.00pm)

    Venue: SingPost Seminar Room #02-31

    WednesdayLunchHourBibleStudy(12.45pm)Venue: Bible Witness Media Ministry Bookroom (Tel: 6438 0578), Hong Lim Complex

    ThursdaySeniorsMinistry(11.00am)Venue: Please contact Dn Daniel Lim for more information at 9385 0371.

    FridayMorningPrayer(6.30am-7.15am)Venue: Church Resource Centre (For more info, please call Dn Kelvin Lim at 8268 2828.)

    YoungAdultsFellowship(Every2ndand4thFriday,8.00pm)Please contact Sis Kamala for more information at 9026 0401



    ChurchChoir Time:2.00pm Venue: SingPost Seminar Room #02-31


    Every 1st and 3rd Saturday, 4pm.Venue: SingPost Seminar Room #02-31 Annexe


    Time:4.00pm Venue: SingPost Seminar Room #02-31Refreshment: Sis Sarah Yong & Sis Annie Ho

    SongLeader Nursery-P2 P3-P6Carolyn Koshy Karen Quek Ho Kee How

    GYBHTime:4:00pm Venue: SingPost Conference Rm #02-30

    Chairman: Cornelius Speaker: Dn Kelvin LimTopic: Fruit of the Spirit - Gentleness & Goodness

    non-Sunday CollectionEthiopia Building Fund: 500.00

    TGCM (Spore): 5,000.00

    Bible Witness: 300.00

    Sunday Activities August 01 August 08(9.15am) Adults' Bible Study & Children's Choir

    Adults' Bible Study & Sunday School











    Worship Leader: Gan Chin Hwi Kelvin Lim

    Preacher: Pr Daniel Lim Pr Daniel Lim

    Pianist: Eunice Choy Jollyn Low

    Ushers: Jerry Chan & Robert Ooi Ricky Goh & Simon Lim

    Flowers: Lee Kim Lei Yap Gui Lan

    Refreshment: Ivy Seah Jenn Lee











    Worship Leader: Elder Mah Chin Kwang Elder Alan Choy

    Preacher: Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy Rev Dr Prabhudas Koshy

    Pianists: Jollyn Low & Sarah Lee Flora Ng & Eunice Choy


    Stephen, Francis Lee, Jerah, Jeremy Poh, John, Tuck Whye,

    Mong Jee (Greeter)

    Francis Lim, Max, Beng Wee, Danial,

    Randy, Benny, Cecilia Tan (Greeter)

    Junior Worship: Mong Jee, (Corliss) & Francis LeeDorothy, (Diana Chan)

    & Dn Kwok Wah

    AV Ministry: Crew No. 2 All Crew

    Flowers: Khaw Swee Keng Choy Luan Kheng

    Refreshment Duty:

    Aileen Tan, Gina , Sarah Abraham

    Low Hui Lin, Ruth Low, Alice Lim











    Worship Leader: Eric Delina Donald Dela Cruz

    Preacher: Pr Dennis Kabingue Pr Dennis Kabingue

    Usher: William Maranan Arnold Diaz

    Pianist: Josias Pawa Seong Yeng

    Refreshment: Juvy Baybayanon Daisy Jen Estrera

    Malayalam Fellowship (1.00pm) Venue: SingPost Seminar Room Annexe


    s H




    y (3


    m) Venue: 487 Bedok South Avenue 2 41 Toa Payoh Rise

    English: Dn Arvind Pawa Elder Alan Choy

    Chinese/Dialect: Jeremiah Sim Kelvin Lim

    Sunday Collection(July 25 English Service)

    Tithes: 2,024.50

    Offerings: 2,602.15

    Ethiopia Bldg Fund: 1,000.00

    TGCM (Cebu): 100.00

    Gifts: Eliezer Ortega (300.00)Ungab (Bohol) (200.00)

    San Antonio (Bogo) (300.00)Kenneth Wong (50.00)

    GAF/GCM Combined outingDate: Sat, 21st Aug 2010Time: 9.30am - 12noon

    Venue: Lower Pierce ReservoirTransport provided. Please sign up at the reception. All are welcome.

    TGCM 5th Thanksgiving ServiceThe Gethsemane Care Ministry 5th thanksgiving service will be held on the Lords Day, August 8, at 5.30pm in this sanctuary. TGCM brethren will render praises in songs, testimony and a skit. We encourage all worshippers to come and rejoice with us. Dinner will be served after the service. Please sign up at the reception table.

    Bible Witness retreatKnowing God

    Date: 8th-10th September 2010Venue: Batam View Beach Resort

    More information and registration forms are available at the reception table. You may also contact Stephen Yap (9274 0003).

    Hurry! Sign up! (Closing Date: 8th August)

    Sunday EvangelismIt will be held today after Worship Service. Please meet Bro Edwin Quek for a briefing. We encourage all worshippers to join the evangelism team to give out tracts in the neighbourhood to win souls for the Lord.

    BaptismMdm Lim Siew Kee (Sis Aileen Tan's mother) was baptised on 28 July 2010 at her home, on her sick bed.