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Optimizing Applications For Remote File Access Over WAN

Mathew GeorgeSr. Software EngineerMicrosoft Corporation


Page 2: Mathew George Sr. Software Engineer Microsoft Corporation ES23.


Introduction and Motivation Understanding the problem Improvements to the platform Application guidelines

Optimizing “throughput oriented” applications Optimizing “interactive” applications General considerations


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IntroductionWhy care about file access over a WAN?

Storage consolidation is moving storage away from the application Branch office servers being

consolidated to the data center Data center to data center movement of data

for disaster recovery and content distribution Cloud storage

Trends driving storage consolidation WAN bandwidth is increasing and

cost/bandwidth is decreasing Cost reductions, better resource utilization,

centralized management, and better uptime

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IntroductionWhat makes an application WAN unfriendly?

WAN bandwidth is still very valuable – it costs money

Chatty applications can lead to long end user wait times when running over a WAN

Bad programming model can cause app hangs when running over a WAN Humans typically want a response

time of less than 5 sec A hung application is as bad as

a crashed application

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IntroductionWhy should I change my application?

Apps often assume files are local and hence fast data and metadata access This assumption is invalid over a WAN

Improvements made to the platform (Windows Vista and Windows 7) could expose new app bottlenecks

Changes to APIs require apps to make use of them

What kind of gains can I expect? 2-10x for throughput oriented applications 30% traffic reduction and response

time improvement for interactive applications

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Understanding The ProblemUnderstanding the network parameters

Bandwidth and Round trip Latency (RTT) Bandwidth delay product (BDP)

Example: BDP of 100 ms, 100 Mbps link is 1.25 MB Network utilization

Max theoretical utilization is the amount of outstanding data divided by the BDP

Example: App posting 64KB data gets ~ 5% utilization

North America

Europe Asia South America

Mean 14 33 26 5.5Std dev 28 43 28 7.2Min 1.3 0.9 3.5 0.5Max 155 155 92 25

Continental Bandwidth (Mb/s)


Europe Asia

Mean 108 109 163Std dev 69 91 81Min 20 5 20Max 375 372 460

Continental Latencies (ms)

Connectivity from branch offices to nearest data center, Fall 2007

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Understanding The ProblemThe SMB file I/O stack

SMB (CIFS) and SMB2 – our core file sharing protocols SMB/CIFS had limitations

running on high BDP networks The SMB2 protocol introduced

with Windows Vista is optimized for high BDP networks

Clients have the ability to cache file data and metadata Cache manager and the SMB

redirector manages the caching The Win32 API provides

the application interface Synchronous versus

overlapped I/O Cached (Buffered)

versus non-cached Handle versus path based APIs I/O cancellation APIs


Client Cache

SMB Redirector


SMB Server

Server Cache



Win32/NT File I/O APIs

SMB Client

Network Stack

Network Stack

File Server

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Understanding The ProblemCopying a large file

Copy a 20 MB file from local disk to a remote server over a 1Gbps, 100 ms link (Windows Server 2003)

Observations Operation takes 38 sec Link BDP = 1 Gbps * 100 ms = 100 Mb ( ~ 12 MB ) Throughput is 20 MB/38 sec = 4.2 Mbps Network utilization is 4.2 Mbps/ 1 Gbps = 0.42%

Analysis The CopyFile API posts

a single 64K buffer at a time Max theoretical utilization

is 64KB/12MB = 0.53% Observed utilization is lesser

because of other overheads

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Understanding The ProblemOpening a Word document

Open a 300KB Office 2003 document across a simulated 100 Mbps, 100 ms link

Observations About 23 seconds to open the file Approximately 1200 SMB frames seen on

the wire including traffic in both directions Same file opened and closed repeatedly Data read multiple times from the server Significant metadata traffic

Analysis Bulk of the data transfer is caused due to SMB losing

the ability to cache data due to multiple opens Windows Explorer and Office 2003 interfering

with each other by doing I/O on the same file

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Enabling High Throughput ApplicationsPlatform Improvements

SMB2 Redirector and Server Protocol supports larger

buffer sizes for data and metadata operations

Dynamic scaling of the number of outstanding operations based on network BDP

Support for deeper I/O pipelines

Automatic pipelining of large I/O requests

Network (TCP/IP) stack Larger TCP window sizes High BDP optimizations Windows Vista and

later OS releases Cache manager

Larger I/O sizes


Client Cache

SMB Redirector


SMB Server

Server Cache



Win32/NT File I/O APIs

SMB Client

Network Stack

Network Stack

File Server

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Enabling High Throughput ApplicationsPlatform Improvements

Significant optimizations to the CopyFile API. Windows Server 2008 and later OS releases have these optimizations Uses 1 MB I/O requests (as opposed to 64 KB) Issues up to 8 outstanding I/O operations (as opposed to 1 at a time) All inbox file copy tools - copy, xcopy, robocopy,

and Windows Explorer see gains

Robocopy throughput comparison between Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 transferring a 4.5 GB file over a 1 Gbps WAN link.

Pull = Copy from server to local diskPush = Copy from local disk to server

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Enabling High Throughput Applications Application Guidelines

Use overlapped I/O instead of synchronous Use the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED option to

CreateFile ReadFile, WriteFile and DeviceIoControl

APIs Wait for completion (GetOverlappedResult) Completion callback (“Ex” versions of the API) Use completion ports for even better throughput

Issue sufficient I/O to fill the network BDP Limit I/Os based on end to end response time and resources

Works best when buffering is turned off Helps SMB1, SMB2 as well as local I/O

The effect of pipelining on network utilization

Idle Utilized

Non-pipelined Pipelined

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Enabling High Throughput ApplicationsApplication Guidelines

Large I/O sizes allow the OS to process the request more efficiently Fewer passes through the I/O stack OS can segment the request into optimal sized

chunks and pipeline each individual chunk Due to limitations in the SMB1 stack, use a 60K chunk

when reading data and a 64K chunk while writing With SMB2 (or for local files), I/O sizes of around 1 MB

works well Very large I/O sizes (> 16 MB) can result in

memory fragmentation and resource shortages Use the CopyFile API for large data transfers

When dealing with lots of small files, use multiple threads to issue parallel CopyFile calls

For Windows 7, we are adding a multithreading option to the robocopy tool

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Enabling High Throughput ApplicationsApplication guidelines

Take advantage of the cache manager by doing buffered I/O Useful in scenarios where the app

cannot do asynchronous or large I/Os Can hide the delays caused by slow disks Provide hints when opening the file


Minimize extending writes Set the file size first before writing data

Be cautious Opening files with FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH option. Making frequent calls to FlushFileBuffers

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Developing Responsive Applications Understanding the Windows I/O model Handle based I/O

A handle is obtained by opening a file (via the CreateFile API)

All I/O operations are performed on the handle (Example: ReadFile, WriteFile, LockFile, GetFileInformationByHandle, ReadDirectoryChanges)

The handle is closed after use Path based APIs

A sequence of 2 or more handle based primitivesGetFileAttributes Open + QueryAttributes + Close

Similarly, SetFileAttributes, DeleteFile, MoveFile involve multiple I/O operations

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Developing Responsive Applications Understanding caching in the SMB context Data caching

Keeping a copy of previously read data Holding onto data written by the application

and “lazily” flushing the data to the server Win32 file I/O is buffered (cached) by default,

except if opened with FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING or FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH options.

Metadata caching File attributes, directory listings can be cached

Handle caching SMB client holds handle open after application

has closed the file.

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Developing Responsive Applications Understanding caching in the SMB context Maintaining cache coherency

Multiple clients accessing the same data SMB uses “opportunistic locks” (Oplocks) Completely hidden from the application

Oplocks tell the client what it can cache Granted by the server when a file is opened BATCH oplock allows the SMB client to cache reads,

writes and the handle (exclusive) SMB client can cache data even after the app closes the file

Level II oplock allows the client to cache reads (shared) SMB client cannot cache data after the app closes the file

Oplocks can be revoked by the server Client loses the ability to cache

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Developing Responsive ApplicationsData caching lost by opening multiple handlesCreateFile( GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE )

Granted batch



Client Server


Break Oplock

Flush cached data

CreateFile( GENERIC_READ )


No more caching !

Create completes

Create completes

ReadFile completes.Data is cached.

Close is not sent out on wire.CreateFile( GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE )

Cached handle is re-used.Data is written to cache.

Cache is destroyed.

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Developing Responsive ApplicationsSMB2 leasing in Windows 7 Enhancement to the SMB2 protocol in

Windows 7 to support better caching semantics Better support existing applications Layered applications are hard to change Mitigate cross application interference

Allows full caching when multiple handles are opened by the same “client”

A new lease level which allows multiple clients to cache reads as well as handles Multiple clients can hold on to cached data

after app closes handle

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Developing Responsive ApplicationsSMB2 leasing in action

Granted lease



Client Server

CreateFile( GENERIC_READ )


Create completes

Create completes

ReadFile completes.Data is cached.

Close is not sent out on wire.Cached handle is re-used.Data is written to cache.

Data is written to cache.WriteFile

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Developing Responsive ApplicationsMore Windows 7 caching enhancements Transparent cache

A secondary on-disk cache to augment the client’s in-memory cache

Uses the Windows offline files infrastructure. Selectively enabled based on network latency

and throughput. BranchCache

A peer cache which works in conjunction with the “offline files” cache.

Uses hashes generated by the server to fetch data from peers.

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Developing Responsive ApplicationsWindows 7 BranchCache in action

Windows 7Server

High latencyLow-bandwidth WAN link

Client 1 Client 2

Windows 7 Clients

First access to a file on the

server pulls down the file over the slow

WAN link(WAN access)

Second access to the same file from

another user in the branch is satisfied

from the peer (local subnet


Subsequent access from the same client is satisfied from the transparent cache (local machine access)

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Developing Responsive ApplicationsApplication guidelines for effective caching Avoid multiple open handles to the same

file at the same time Use the handle based APIs if possible With SMB2 leasing, opening multiple

handles on Windows 7 is no longer a problem Make use of SMB “handle collapsing”.

Identical handles to the same file can be “collapsed” (same access mode, share mode and create options)

Particularly useful for SMB1 because a collapsed open implies that oplocks are not broken.

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Developing Responsive ApplicationsApplication guidelines for effective caching Provide hints to the cache manager and

the SMB redirector when opening the file FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN tells the

cache manager to cache data just ahead of where the application is reading

Incorrect hints can result in poor caching behavior.

Other caveats Write-only opens are not cached Byte range locks cause loss of all caching

if there are multiple handles open

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Developing Responsive ApplicationsPlatform Support for Metadata Caching Metadata queries have significant cost

Each query may take up to 3 round trips Around 40% of SMB roundtrips are for file metadata

Windows SMB clients can cache file metadata Metadata caching is best effort and there

are very limited consistency guarantees Metadata caches expire after a fixed time SMB1 client caches only file attributes,

timestamps, and file sizes by default SMB2 client caches directory enumeration in addition

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Developing Responsive ApplicationsApplication guidelines for metadata access Maximize use of the metadata cache

GetFileAttributes, GetFileSize, GetFileTime are cached

Directory enumeration via FindFirstFile/FindNextFile are cached for SMB2 only

Only the FileBasicInfo, FileStandardInfo and FileNameInfo classes supported by the GetFileInformationByHandleEx API are cached

Avoid repeated queries for non-cached metadata by caching at the application level

Use the GetFileInformationByHandle(Ex) API Use large buffers for variable length queries

Security descriptors, stream enumeration Use the GetFileInformationByHandleEx API

to enumerate directories (SMB2 on Windows 7 only!)

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Developing Responsive ApplicationsGeneral considerations Support I/O cancellation

Starting with Windows Vista, creates can be cancelled via the CancelSynchronousIo API CreateFile calls can sometimes incur connection

establishment and authentication delays Majority of app hangs involve a code

path trying to open the file Use overlapped I/O whenever possible

Does not block Can be selectively cancelled via CancelIoEx API

Don’t do blocking network I/O on your main application thread

Don’t pipeline too much data

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For throughput oriented applications Fill the network BDP using asynchronous I/O

and large I/O chunks. Use the CopyFile API when applicable. Use multithreading when operating on large

number of small files. For interactive apps

Use the handle based APIs. Help the system cache data effectively by

watching your open patterns. Watch out for metadata queries. Support cancellation

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Process monitor Effectively track I/O issued by the application. Monitor file, registry, thread and process

activity. Available at

us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx Netmon 3

A network sniffer to monitor traffic Parsers are available for both SMB and SMB2

protocols. Available at

Performance Monitoring Tools

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Be aware that your application will be used over a slow network even though you didn’t design for it

We are constantly improving the platform The guidelines presented here are

applicable to other WAN scenarios also Use the APIs provided by

the system to your advantage Understanding how the system works

can help us write well behaved apps

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© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market

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