Download - - ll- -- center/1942/1942-01-09.pdf' ... , • . ·"-" · •. 1·_-Wotkjlt!l 'met:tI)lB w~!lk, Mayor Sam W.Smith. , tala payable in advance and all strain


aO ' IOIOIY ' O.ll m}' .• ~:::~!~&jtl~lm~~~~~~~ 1l ·'llll~ . 'lJI""O" """~ ~"th 'l :oJ:\j:iill~liOJ)e.l' and ob my record

youli\:ommiasioner for few ' fears, .' . ' wlll ree.all, when I "\V~nt in­we 'were still in the de­IIIld not only. thl.8 lIreeinct

r.hott on tunds, .but the county Ollr pt'ecinct was 1'b81l1Y, II) need

equipmCllt; and I had to mllke

't~;';;~;i1~~~f.f~.~ti;:It~~'~fb~ itl~l!li" .'e'lIdlftl~'i:iiilPurehaac •. DIS time. Wehllve pur­"'~ ,. a 'irulnoor ot ptiici!& ot equip., from tbll1r ro~al ment oftne IlItc'st and ' ,best type

Cost of the alic\ler 1ft and we have paid for the last equip­July 1. onotllel' " aticjl:ef, ment . pureMsed. We have, also pur-

$5, must : be, purchased. This' chased many . thou8I\nd'sof dollars WIlS InelY.ded In the recenL I worth 0 '£ iron culverts. trucka.

federal ·tax bill plllseD Ilite I pickups, \!lowing ' machines and . var­b)' ,CeApw., . ) iou8 other 'CIlulpment necessary to - ll-" -- loperate lind do the necessary rolld ~IRE BOARD work.

NAMED J hope thllt you relllize the com-'1'o ' aidin ,buyJnr buttons, ' . Toin · Davia. Hale Cenier; . eo·op ' ~Bsioner '8 , oUIce" HL one of the ' " . . ' . ' . ton compau)' hero, ami we are ul;if •.

'--I·'IlU< .. U~"oa'. inCJdentllla inth/) a.ale gin mana~IlI',,i8 one. of ~e ·tIml~e. 1J!9.M. 11Il.p~!t.!lnt. if. not . ,the most . "l?announclng ~y candidacy far,. ing all men who plan to 1010 tb Red qlOl8 sewW"g and knit- man committee named to iirriffili8- important. offices we ha\·c· in the Ilonunatlon 88 SI1erll1 \>1 lIale County home pard to enli,t at onee, .nd. gilt;

wo~k,. 1111'8. Ben B¢dges . ter the tire ralioning program tn county. During the time 1 bave subject to the action of the Dclpo- th"ir phpsi(llli examination, 10 gave that 'P\lup $10. A drlVc . county:. The other two members been a memb~r . of the Commission- erutlc primm,)" .' . present the follow: may 11'0 • ahead . with our

to prOVide .the local, unit W. KlJlMY,P!!I!n.!je.'Y . 1lJl~,;\, .e:a' .Court, .:..wlL!m\!~. P!l~ ~hL_!!.~~i~ in~ , aa mx" qullllfl~tlon8 to~th~, .of· Whon- the blanka--al'e , 6tin~ to take care of Its B. Tal'water, Runningwater. ness of th'a ,(ounty genorlllly on II l fcll : I nave Hille County oath 8ubscribea to and 'the ~b.Y'1c:;tl

.00 hel4 he. re. S~turd. a? . Hale· cou.ntY'1I defense (OOdin, 1'8 cash ba8is. When I 'went into offi{o, 24, during WblCh time . I h:.e examination. Is PUlled., thim . VI e . ..w1.1 , ' '''~!lJltributli(ln8 of.any 81%S. ,WIll 'ars headed by the- -COUnty Judge;' Eh,dfllie County Sehool Land, Ioca\y had nine yeal'fl cont~nuoUll axp.a- get to \\lpr'k with a will and can PCI'-' " .' 'wpo have oilll Frank R. Day, and include mayors cd In· BlliJey County, waH in If bnd fience as a pence offIcer. ~ur of form some r eal, tel'vlctla to O:\ll'

,of ilPOlIll\of th~eadi of the . fQUf cities in tho -!'.Punty. In shape; both from th!! standpoint of w~ich wel·e . as . deputy aberlff and cowltry," he concluded, ... '

"v,J:,~ .I'."",,' '"."' .. ' ''''.' ''''' . c.ontrl\u .. t.e. a .~Il. e. tilJr.-- .ltel, d .. SaturdB, Yin . . Plaln- ten .. · lint oper.lI. tion ,and, condition of' J~lar. of ~. lIl e. County,: I .am fQrty- . Men ' Wh. 0 .WISh . . to joll! .,tlt hom .. • .. c' "'!I'" JI""'_"': ". ~ "'!"1""" " ;'viiw' Qf thellOlln~y boardi Joe, Wed- taxes. I am glad to report tlfat all fIve yeara of ftge~ in the prime of guard unit hCl'e may IIlgn , en",,!! .

. , .. ' ". ' "w[rtgdnttQit, ' city ' ~coretarf, repreuDted of .the landis rented for casb ren- life and able to ul\dergo tile .rigora ment blanks at the .,eltY ,Mli. with ' .. . , • . ·"- " · •. 1·_- Wotkjlt!l 'met:tI)lB w~!lk, Mayor Sam W.Smith. , tala payable in advance and all and strain to whlcb IUeb offiCi! Bub. Joe Weddington or Ed Stcnnett,,~r

Conai.derab~e work RuIn for Tire RationIng Glv,1l '\ . ~!'IW cMlt~~ ~") cU!'l'Illlt and that Jeeta. the Inc.umoont: '.' . .. ' at W. -G, Seal"! ot~ieQ. at. . .. ' . - F::':c: -:;.:::!..-.:~, - .. ~:it""""'. · "'i<ii"">fi',,"; 1t!_. . All new- tire -sales . wcre'- !i\OliPll4i ail taxes . duo on lucb' land baye been "I am maI?nr toe l'lW:e 8tTlct1y ~ Man's Shop with P. L. . Polllrd; , or .

01.. coffee ari4cOQklOs the middle of December,but citi'~1\1l pllld.. 111)' own ments and capabUitl' .to ftl~ 'with Bob ,RclEel'l$On,, <~1!il':r~ I. :.. ' " Tbarroup: mectaevery may nowprocul'e tbem by followmg . Ou.· court haa Pllld out your ,court the ~111~e and to admi)lister ~~t~or W. H. <9X.) ~lIt:Afi; • .'~CI,!._ eft 1I!noon at the Legion, bcsel'Ideal ' . bouRc, a 'pDrt"Ot--wbtclt ~tie&' hfrty., -impaJ'tl~ end at. Loving Barber, atiop\ (. " " .. o' p. m., and, mo.1'6 Peraonaseeking the bollrd's per- were not due until 1969. fear or favor. I WIsh to thank the Enlistments in tlie ,unW~, ~~:

~t:~~'*n!lin needed, minion for purcltlllc of lIutomollllo I have at 1111 times stood for rigid good peoille who ~a\'e heretofore;s- (' D. A,pplewhtte.BlI-.8i1lil, ~j JJED CROSS tln!8niay' lecUn! fol'l1l No.8 which economy in 8]X!ndilllr the peo~le's siswl me In t~e discharge of m~-:- u- C. W. Boone. M Ivln Briclge .. .. A,'l'ria

!ntho. alled')'f. 'procurable at .molt post oiflce •. money. When I first qUIlUfied u tle~ . and 80hclt their help and liiflu~ Brinson; ' Wayne. " , ' 'tQl; the, N.y- When the form la prol\lJrly tilled out, your Commissioner, the tax rate of In my behalf In thlllrace ape 1\Il, Elmo Caudle,

.clOu. '. UDlt;- -T.ldtt

y, ".-pr.- ,it' mUl t be., SUb. In.' Itted to. thO. , 00 .•. rd~ If., alo coulI.ty Willi "16e . on, ,the $100. pl~ft! to. .enforce all th;. Iowa FJJ, Ifer. Belton

weto ~qtnplet-t!(l; The M')'fl lei for Itli. eonalderatlon., "",luation ond , fol' this, year 118, well to ~Pl!r.te wi~. t.he 0 ,or ~I!r.. J. M. wlU meet each Weaneacl.y WRen the board baa p8llsed favor- lUI last yellr It b GSc. tI1.~ lowelt afl Ielea. Ed

"dUration," it . haa been. 1IIl-,1!.\y' em an applicatlob fOJ> · pennia- . that tlic county has enjoyed In - V--- AI .H. ' alon to~ purehallB, Pie ~p(k:ant , tna), ' quutor of a ,century. I lie-

'J'OJ,w:.q'''''Il'lw-;;;;;t''--~, '.. present- tho . proper authorlzlltion to that -county and " the d~ate:r of bJs clIoicl aDd buy. the over the Ilntlrc country should

S~~ - . . • . Uree. , ' , ' ' taxes at tbc very minimum SOturdp,y lI'fternoon ffOe . . mOf'Tho oillcQ IIf Plica Admlnlatra- to ullin the tax paye" 1.1f ,.tnatinee it Rita th~atr{ this *}on ratlOlled tWtt bycijuntlea . and tho added ' tax burden lovl- I tIIelr, Bt'lrv1C:C!II

he another , we t- aut,Qmobllca ollr F-eaei'l/.I Government In

Etnergenoy, :.¥.t;ij~~~i~:~~~~e~':~~:~~~~~~~!;J~~;;~~;;-$ ,of debt that Hale coul~n~.Y, .,yv,. I. ·a portion of , our hUe. apent.OIl.

""'po. lin.. Dudley Appl ... hlt. " nd

dau"'ln. Kudo Lou, and PI... Ou . " Y Gam" . WIOd 89 8 111 CoMll. III AIlIOrillD 'toiada,.

l.ehr ."". .....on 111 with

. Paid Politiral . A nnmmce'1llf'lIts

'I'lIfo -_. hal · boon . ... ho­rta.d by 1l1ooo -"" _ 1<1 ' prIIo\

u.. M.mtJ .. eaDdktau. tor nom.. INiI/Go to th off... Ibdqttd, I Ub.

::, '" tho Do_ra.l. pl'imll'l .. In

..... Clooat, ~'-., ..... "'"". . "

L II. U~N. 111 ... 1_"-1 r.. ltf.

A. III. {1IfI.w !iHOOK.

t ~ I' <1 1 ~,,1 I, n' (



VOL. VII: HAL~ ·CENJrEU. TEX. FRlDAY •. JANUARV 9, 19~2' NuXBErt '20 • . - :'L:

!vIoiY. one of our long-t.ime . aDd eustomers, und . 8 booster . MeCohnlek-Deel"hrg equipment.

\fho baa moved bl\ck here from Ly· tel, has received delivery of a -new Model At, with. 4-ruW ec:fujpmellt nnd .U the trimmings. He's

on the right (oot f BA)'II we. -'-V--

You Are· .. lnvitlt (WE MEAN YOU AND YOUR FAMiLy') .

D. Ni~olaon, who is ~~~~111!H;;'fi~.ill~;:~d··;i;ii;~~;;;n;;;;;;;~:±h~~;~ ::::::~ '4(h20.1:1!ltt'U--'''''-''' ~88~ tp a new home, he

-buJlt, on a- ~l'Jll , there, . is.


Free Annual

CAPll'.u. ACCOUNTS ~l'!ia! Stock, . ' . ' . ' . ' '{j:l' ~Jljlil6b .• tOe •• ··iotll J)lr ·.~G,OOO.OO, _ _ ._, ....... ;. ... , ... ..: ...

~~~~~, P;;ii\i:·:::~:·.::;::~~~:=:~::::::::::.~::::::::::::-:.··::.~::~::.' . R{.erve. (and "'~"'~0l11 _.,1 .fil. protomd .1Ock) .. .. _ ...

• new "Model Bt Farmall wit~ Wd" certainly hote to 1080 U

tarmar and Ilcighbol' like him, but we think ha is ll. ing hm hend to t&ko

' cx(ellcnt n~w etlUl)m011t with him. .

Open House

Fr '~Cln.

£bove are pletufes ·matlb · by the Hale Center Anu!lican J.IlII •. 1. 191m. wilt the Hale Center Baptist cllurcli . building was eledl "t~. 1'ion il' -mC\1l~

IS Wl\tn In. the top view lire: left ·-tli"riaht til late N. . .Ak~ ~. ooitY. Mrs. G. E. Ultchey. M1'I. Aktson. W. Ii. Smith. Ml'L Ace HooP1!t IlIId MnL Smith. All nne been m!mben for ar. yeal'1l lind ~,.. In the et!Jlter ie It .1Elw of the ~ndmll' inel Itt til", rlrht of the \luildina' I. the R.v. J. M .. P arker. Lubboc.k paator., "Ito 1!'11"~ tlIe mnin .. d~. At til" bottom R.r <> .Mwn.

- -Wt.~l. M. ~Iln. building conl· mttwe ellairnul.I\. C .. ne 1\ ""'mit. one of !.he buildi"jf eommlltl'e m~~b.'I'1I. the &v. M. K Fr.; r .. "''''. " •• to, Ilt that tlriIe •. and now of M .. IlJlrd, .nd . t.. M. Andel'tOl.. oulldlnt: <vmllliU<>II member. ,

--V -,--'STATfl DflPA.RTMENi SENDS .W. £) TRAT BA NDt IS !Un: Q( P PfNf.. COIN A

I. I. ' Belt .. Hat Oarl cMelilWny ,

• : Visr Cl:h_~._~~~~ .. :.: __ :. ~-@~f:~::-ll; S.Hllll)li'n. PI.aiuvlew ... _ .. " .JI.,""" ..... gtbwnillal!lOn .Jacl!'1 (Jafe ~_ ... ~_ •.. ..: ........ _ Drldgu 'Garage ...... _ .... .... ,."-&b Bam U ............ _._.:._ D. .1.. ~neh ...... _ .... , ......... _ Fieldillr lobnaon _ .............. . Senior PIol'l~1" Study Clnb ... . Cecil WhitaUII =""';;.~ .. _ ...... , Dr.S. S. 'Underwood ............... . Den Brldp. . .... _ .. ~ ... __ ...... _ C . . 1.. Beli), ~ .... ..... _ ...... . Illlluly Mereantlle ......... ~._ ...... . G. E. Ritell\lf ........... _._-... E. J. wtndllOY ._ .. " .............. ~.' .. J. C. Clark ............... _ .... _--:-.• • ~.~~l!\!!1Il~4~.M .. ~:Il~:J.! G. L. TUma ............ ,_ ...... -R. E. Nidioltotl - ._ ... : ........ _ Oma Monroe _ .... ~ .... _ .. __ _ Mr. and Mia. c. H. IJoreman Ifil' Center American _ ...

. Vlr,n 1..' HIIl'\fu .. _ .. __ lin. Sally Le'Mon!L._:_­Jae.k Roo~r ..... ::: ....... _...,.­lItr. .. If.... Jotllpb Ko. ...:.. .. Anon,moul.. -.......... :~ ..... - ..... -Mr. and Mn. Elmo Oaudll _ TOTAL