Download - ,' ksaoiis, - · BEAUTY. ' TAc wjprf pasteth over and it Ts'gone." I saw aMew dropj cold and clear," ' Dance on a myrtle spray;

Page 1: ,' ksaoiis, - · BEAUTY. ' TAc wjprf pasteth over and it Ts'gone." I saw aMew dropj cold and clear," ' Dance on a myrtle spray;

BEAUTY.' TAc wjprf pasteth over and it Ts'gone."

I saw aMew dropj cold and clear," '

Dance on a myrtle spray ;

Fair colours decked the lucid tftar,Like IhoseAvhloIl gledm and disappear,

WherTsliowers and sunbeimsplay -

Sor. cast athwart a glance seVere7, .

And scorch'd the pearl away.'

High on a slender polish'd stem,A fragrant lily grew :

On the pure pejtals, many a gem,Glittered, a native diadem,

Ofhealthy; morning dew: :.

A blast of lingering winter came,And snapp'd the stem jn two. , ,.

Fairer than Morning's carljtearjiOr lily's snowy bloom,' ' J1 '

Shines Ueautyain its vernal year ;

Bright, sparkling, fascinating1, clear,Gay, thoughtless of its doOrn !

Death breathes a sudden poison near,And sweeps it to the tomb !

Connubial Devotion Tile following,singular instance of connubial devotion Isextractedituri the Gazette dc Fiance oiThursday the 2Gth ol May." An eventhas iusr happened "at "Rumbouillet wlifchlias produced asleep ,sens.uioii at thatplace. A person of the name of DurnifiUiwho Bad Wmerly been a restoratcur sit

Versailles, andjjiad retired tPB.sirtall farmivhich he cultivatedor sometime, at Auf-fanri- s,

near Rambotiillct, in ISOtflost hiiwise, whom lie teuderlyloved, and whosetomb the time ofiierinterment. On. the 20th of May,-Diini-in-


took ahtoffecTumnte leave orliis friendstelling flftfiftiWtlifc ifai sdUintf ouf upona long journey,.- - Al night he dug up therTnaitis of his wise, filled her grave withwo id placed the bones'uptm it fastenedins feetwKh strong lroir wire tou cramp,which he had secured ill the wall contig-uous to the grave set sire to the Faggot,and threw himself ttph the piler- - Hisbody Was'tlius-tonsumc- with the remainsof his wise. He had fixed in the wall a'piece of free stone upon which he hadrudely traced" this epitaph.U "Here lies a man who enjoyed happi-"rie- ss

for half a century; he mixed his ash-

es with those of liis'wifc in1815.of tfie sides

of'thetomb, was deposited the portrait olhis wise, with this inscription :

" Augustin Duminil to Mary Jane Rafi-n- et

hisyife,dicd-20t- April, 1809, aged46 yea,r3. - ,Sho was beautiful 35 years ;

virtuous and amiable all her life ; no pow-

er can separate our ashes., To the external wall of "the tomb was

affixed a label written with a tremuloushand :

"" Do not pityrhe'; For'tluVis a consum-mation which I have long and devoutlywistie'd an object whichI was resolutelylient upon accomplishing. Do not blameme do4not despise me do not insult me.Fmake a present of my wise's picture tothe commune. '

This 21 st, of May, 1815 two o'oclock inthe morning "in she ftioment of precipit-ating myself upon theflames, in order torejoin my wise; , .

'' ' DUMINIL."''

A Universal SiveefLofthe Plague.In the" 'Memoirs of6ihc Cardinal de

"Retz, speaking of Saiagdssa in Spain,flitch citiievfsitedaboiiVthe middle ptthe" 17th century J he "says, " Before onecTttersnlietowrrotiwent, ong sees the Alcacar,"-(palace)- ofthe ancient kings of Moors.which belongs"at present to the ilifjuisition. There is.ijearit a walk'of trce,s,m saw' apriest walking .Theigentlerriapfbelong-in- g

to the viceroy told me 'that the piiestwas the; cratejof;Qcca, aivcry ancienttown in'AngfPi and jhat the .qurate wasthere perfbviiiing quarantine, aster

three weeks since, his last par- -

inhioner, who wap ij reality the last man qf

plague in his parM .,, ii( - 'The heroic constancy of the priest is no

less wonderfuTtliVn iVe'fet of this scrapof history thai-h- 'should-,- hislot," and cohtmt?fr to perform the last offices to the' thousands .cjvjng-- round himd3tjnateariui,aiscase. uniu- - not-on- re-

mained.-. - , "5, 1 ,. ?

Cqrjpcjcficut Cmratit.

- rirhLWftfjiLii; "'BY virtue of a Heed jofj Trust, , executcd,by

Seth Maynard to the subscriber and recordedjn the court ot appeals, fpnthe- purpose of se-

curing toOohn-Fuwleivtb- amount of a negotiable liote endorsed by him fo'r said'Mayrtard,there willbe "exposed" tiT.public lale at the.lyourt-nous- e clour ot aye,tte County in Lex-ington. On. Monday the 25h day of Sept. next,at 3 o'clock' l',M, A,TllAQT,qF,LANtf of2000 acres, lying jn Knox county', Kentucky,en the waters of Yellow creek, patented toThomas-M- . Fleming, and by him conveyed tosaid Mavnard, otv-- so much thereof as will besufficient to satisfy and pay said Fowler the a-- ,rnouul-otssi- note, with interest and costs.

'" THOMjVS BODLEY, Trustee.Aiigust.14, 1B1'5. ' " '

. , 33-l- m

Itcsp'ectfiilly intbiTOtn .rAiblii', that he hM pur.cliascd the DIIUG STOUli WaiS.witiaiiT; an'l wmotwltho sairte'OTUie hotlsfll?,door to Morrison, Doswell & Suiumon Clieupside

"wht'i'c he is now opening an cxtynsire Assortment oj

, Ilajins yurc'iasei! the NAIL V.UJTtl.lY olTilOliGfQNor.TUKj a coTrttiint s'iipijlj-(if- l be kept in

: vi my same room."VSvenJiei- tO.

Sale at U Sfid lo the Highest Bidder,,


MERCANTILE STAOT).Opposite the Court House, Jlfain st, Lexington,'Q UCCES&IVEY occupied by .lames and DaKJ vid Maccqun, William N. Lane and Coand, the subscriber. The lot is about 33 2

;fees?on Main-slreet- , running to Water street,I lrint intf nn r.....ii .......,ntTffr firti, 'Ll ncf I. heinnimii. v... ..u.v jir it-- on Alain street is said to be the bestbuilt in the western country ; front the whole3ize of the lot and about 45 feet hack, contains a store room, and a room rujd passageon tne hrst noor, two rooms elegantly hnisned.-wit- a circular door between on the secofid, and three good lodging rooms on thethinl attached to it is a large back hjnld-in-

containing six rooms, Smoke house, StcOn WateMtreet, there is a three story brickhouse, well nilt about C2 by 40 feet, withcellar. The stand on Main s'reet is considered one of the best in tile place, fur businessand the new market house now fixing on Waterstreet, must in asliort time, lender that cqualy-s- i lie, situation, witu tne nminstimgstale ot tne place, anil tne long credit ot ne,two, tnrce, lour and hve years, with legal inlerest to be calculated on the notes, must icnderit a desirable object with every Merchant;o(, capital in the western country also to those'Houses in the eastern stales, vvho wish'to make'establishments here the whole will. Jie soldtogethernr divided, as may suit purchasers.The title to the property will be made indisputable, as soon hj the navments are 'comnleted; possession given in 90 days aster' the'alenote to tie dated tne 1st ot JutaklirsU

Tlmtmtn 11 FinatBfatLexington, August. i.lYfiils, Brads & Iron "Wares.

THE iihscribers have undertaken the ageucy ot the 1'ittsburgh Iron & Nail Factory, inthis p"!ac, and in K short time will have an

supply of every description of Cut andWrought Nails and Hrads.ofa quality very Superior jo any ueretoiore usefl:tn tins state.which will be sold by wholesllg or.retail, onliberal terms. Liberal credits aud discountswill be given to country merchants aiid others,who purchase to sell again.- Persons desirous of importing any articles

manufactured by said company, mav havfe their,orders legularly executed, is handed to the subscribers,, wlio are tully authorised to receiveorders and transact business generally for saidcompany, in sale of their wares in this sec-tion .us the country. Samples of Nails andUrads of said Manufacturing Company, maybeeen.with the subscribers who solicit ner- -

.sons, whether desirous of obtaining suppl'res'ornot, to examine the same und judge of theirquality.! JAMES l'KENTISS,-

THOS. G. l'KENTISS.August 14. "S3j


k For S.tlaa:traqt qf mtd,

CONTAJHISG F.IOUTr.SlSA A HALF ACttES, .Haifa mile from. Cyntiiiana, lying on the liver, witlia small improvqnu'iil-abo- ut on Jialf bottom, thebalance

'wcjf timbered for

"particulars inquire o,"

" " JOHN EAUS.Lexington, May 1 . IS

Wanted,An elderly WOMAN of (rood character, and

who is capable of taking on herself the man- -

agement ot p Itouse at a manufactory in theCountry, will hear of a good situition by ap.plication to the Printer.

Lexington, 'July 10 1815. J?8

Notice. .iAll THOSE INDEBTEtD "TO THE r.tnu OF

Williamson & M'Kinney,AKE requested to come forward and settleftheiw

accounts, at tliei have ilisposed of their Goods, andwish to. close their accounts. Jan.". -- tl

1 SOrfPtf CAXDLE FACTORY.'"PjlE Subscriber has lately enlargedliis es- -

- tablishment hv nddittnnl mitrttn(rc o,lwill now be enabled to 'supply the public bywholesale and retail, with prime SOAP of eve-r- y

kind, equal in quality to any'

manufacturedin tne united states and with the bestDIPPED fcf MOULD CANDLES.

Commissaries, Contractors, and Merchantswho may purchase those articles either for theforeign or home markets, or those who wantthem fur domestic use, will find it to theit.

call on him, or to give him tfieir or-ders, which will be promptly attended "to, andtaiimuuy executed.

JOHjX V RIDGES.Corner of Water and Mam Cross Streets, next

door Steam: Mill and Cot.'ton Factory, Lexington. ' ' ",

Th'e highest cash pricesgiven for TALLOIV,IlOGSLAJtl), KITC1IEA. GREASE, Ashes& PotVlshts, at the above factory,

41 October 10, 1814

DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.The partnership of Lowry & Shaw'Ws this

day dissolved by mutual consent. Those'g any demands against.said firm, are' requested to tall for payment those indebted are alsorequested t6:call'and dfscharge their acccountsor.they Vill bepdt into ,an officer's ffanHs' forcollection'. ' ' '


HIRA'M SKAW: 'Sept. 19. - V'sa""1

N. V. The business will'be 'cbVinuedatthe old stand byjf "j. LOWItY "

1Xr.,.,4-- J r -aau - vv itiinju;'FOIt S3000 a good interest will be. paul.jind

real estate given as security. liefer toDANL. UltADFOitD, Com. .Mer.

Lexington, April IS, lUf 5. ' '"tf

lisuid and Machine Cards.THE NEW-YOH- MANUFACTURING

COMPANY lnfm-i- their friends and customers, asaIso the customers nfVtln? late firm of WILLLMWHITTBMOltE k CO. lloston. that lumn? extended their machinerj- - for- - stacking all kinds ofuaiits, they Keep constantlv on hrtral-a- ' recilar sup.ply of WfOOL sc COTTON CAD?i, TOAVCAJtDS, HORSE CARDS, CLOTHIERS 'anduai lUb.lACKS Also MLCHINE CARDS,FILjETTING & COMB PLATE al! uarraut-(s- l

of superior quality. Orders punctually and faith.fBdy"'ex'.cutedoiiIiI)erid terms.

T1M01T1Y WHITTF.MORE.Agent N. York, Manufacturing Company,

, No't31,11.arl-st?eet- ?

New-oi- Feb. 14, 1815.UU1 TON& WQdh CARDS for ;lmievy,

may uehailol tliq above Manulacturc atLEWIS SANDERS',

- LexingtonALnxhl, 18tj . io- - Cm

The.Of Lowry & Shaw having been recently dis-

solved, the subscriber, one of that firm, takesthe liberty of informing his friends that he hascommenced n separate establishment next door'to the old stand, on Main Cross street, Lexing-tifn- ,

Ky. Every exertion as heretofore, will beused to accommodate those who may savor himwith their orders antt the usual.alfention to

.customers, llats of the,Grst quality only, alwajs on.haud, for those who may please tocall. ," 41 Hiram Shaw

Hank Jfolcs,Of a)l descriptions, (not countri-f- i it) will be takci

!y M'Calla, Gain).-- , k Co. for all debts iltie themThey earnestly request alLlhose whq are In linear-.iSeslo avail tlieiiiselt es of tlnS oiler before the firsilav of Anril next, or thev will be comi'ellei! loadopt Other measures, w liich nt'e pecuha: ly disa- -

jeeuie (otli to debtor and creditor.Lexington, Jan. Ifitli,1815. 25 tf.

. .; CASE ,'

Wiiriic given for any quantitr of Tallou-- , Iard,and Kitchen Bb'I In the subsfiibej-s- , at tljjar. fac-

tory , upper cnil of Mnin street. ,

. MEGDWAN, TOWLER &. MEGOWAN.Ma.sO.lS15. 1( 'f ,v,

Penitentiary Kails.Daniel Rrailford keeps a constant supply of Nails,

made lit the Penitentiary, which will he sold wholc- -s.ile, st.the Fronkfort PriciA with tjie ailditlon oft:inia;.-e-

. 2i-- tf lJcingtnn, June 12.

Removal.I me remoieil "Water t to Limestone

street; neailv opposite the jail, and continue to jivatcention to thescom-m- aniltiiigof men's elotbs,lailiesilk dresses, of anj colour Mill also be pifiil

In, aiTil he made to look new. Cold and laoc cleared, anil the blue riving carried on as u- -ual. IwishtoseJI aTioise, Chair and Harness

the Horse is rciaurkawy evulte and trpe."HUGH CRAWFORD.'June 12t! 24

Wool Carding'.TllOMVS ROYLE So SONs'wisIt to infortn

their frienils and the public in general, that theirmarliincs are in completu operation at their facto--r-

on the I'lankfyi t roud, one inile from Lexington,at six pepc i t jio'irjil for common wool and ie

advantage qf both water and horses, uill ena-ble tneju to aecotfiinoilate their friends on

notice and in thbest manner. For at theirf.ictO"r, a quantity of'Woolleu Cjoths, Linseys andWool Rolls. Lutsihgton, JunelStb, IS15. 2itl


" I'iirSalebyE. AV CRAIG.

Janiiarv 20, 1815 4--

Elijah llcnry 6j Cp.Carry on the. Illacksmith's business in all its branchses, in the briek shp on Limestone street, a sewsteps above she jiil, oi the opposite side oPlhe street.I hey will nltrays keep on hand, Axes,Hoes, I'ioujflis, Hmji-s- , and all other articles in tiieirUner Oiey Mrlll execute all orders with dispatch, hin the best manner. They will be always prepar-ed trthoe horses in snncrb style.-- ilirar- f..shociiicr all round is 10s. Cd. anil so in proportion for

1:11 ci auuen.

j Lexinson, tav i. 18

The Partnership of I. &E. Woodruff is thisday dissolved by mutual consent, all personshaving unsat tied accounts with, the late firm,ate requested lo call and settle them,without delay, as the Subscribers are anxiousto have their, accounts all, settled up to this(lte. . .' I. &. E. WOODRUFF.Lexington, July 9. 28 tf

Halters, Look Here !

'The subscribers have a quahtity of Bauer Rac.coon & Muskrat Skins, for sale.

26 p. &, VV". T3AIT

, JOHN COLEMANdisposed of his stOck of D

LIQUOR to Mr. Walter Conuell,..iiu iin.cHu engaging cxiensiveij-i-n tne Uot-thn- g

business, renuests those indebted tn himto discharge their accounts to enable liim tomeet his engagements.

" ' Lexington, July, 1815.


T T Mr. Coleman's stock "Of Battles and Hot.tied liquor, intends keeping an extensive slip,'ply of ALE and PORTER in Bottles at hisCellar, under Mr. Yeiser's Currying shop,corner of Main and Main Cross streets. Hissteady attention and experience in the abovebusiness induces him to hope for public pat-ronage.

o0 Lexington, 16th July 1815-

TIGHT BARRELS.6 or 800 TIGHT CASKS-fo- sale, at the

Lexington White Lead Manufactory annlv toMr. Turner, the Manager, at Jhe Factory, orat the Ware House of JSaml- - and George Trot- -

ler, ou m U. MB! CALF. Act.

Cornelius lUcrshon, :

ir T AIL O B ,Informs'his friends and the nnhlin in mn.

ral that he has removed his shop .to the upperpart of the new brick, house on Limestonestreet, nearly opposite the jail, lately occupi-ed by Overton and Cochran, where he' contin-ues to carry on his business in all its variousbranches. Wanted one or two smart activeboys as apprentices to the above business. 30

J. C, Breckinridge,IIA ING. fixed his nermanent rceirinAn ;n .!.

ton u of Lexington, w ill practise LAW in the Countyand Circuit Courts of Fayette; and in the CircuitCourts of counties. He may be con-sulted at his office on Main-stree- t, next door aboveMaccoun's Jlook Store, and a sew doors below theInsurance Rank. Feb, 11, 1815.

For Sale,VEST CINCINNATI ground MUSTARD,i by the keg or pound, by

M'CALLA GAINES & Co.July, 1815. ' 29m3


Mrs. LOCICWOOD tenders her -kriowledgmerits to those who Inn e so liberally

her during a residence of Eight ears inligxihgton, and announces to them aud the public,her intent ion of rccommenciin'herSehnnl on Tm.(lay, tlm27th inst.

0. j" l crms as usual.1- 1- March It, 1SIT

iok ale;nntlETliree Story BRICK HOUSE and LOT

1- near the state hou?e in the town of Frank-fort, now occupied by fiMrs".' Rdsh asa tavern '

: Hk-T- j BARR;--

4gcnPor the. qwner ,Lexington, Oct. 3, 1814. .

JVcr Department, July 6th, 1S15.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,

i hat separate proposals will be,Mceived s,

the office of the Secretarv of the Department?ot War, until 12 o clock atnoon of "Saturday-th- f December next; fbr tlfe'suppl'yof all rations that may he required for the useof the United States.'from the 1st dy of June,1816, inclusive, to lie 1st day of June 1817,within the statfs.jierritoriesaiid districts, fol-lowing1, viz. " " '

1st. At Detroit Michillmsckinac. FortV ayne, Chicago, and theirlimmedllte'" Vicin-

ities, aiuVat any place .or plazas' where tronp'are yr mavjji,uitioned,rarched or recruited,withjn the tjrilory ot Michigan, the vicinityof the upper Lske,s, and the stale

On or'afdjacent to the waters, of Lake Michi- -.' fan'

2nd. At any place' or places where troopsare or may lie stationed, marched cr recruited,witiHntiieiSUteiiioeijiUicyand lennessee

$t At anyplace or places where troops areor may be Vtaiioned, marched qr recruited,within thef Illinois, ImlianalSml RIissv,uri ter- -

mlorieS? s,' Vr : t- - wft-- yr , ,,.4th. Atany place or placesnvliere.trnops are

or mav marched, or, recruited,within the Mississippi territory, t(te,e ofLouisiana, auu. lueir vie nines r.prui 01 HieGulph of Mexico. ' ' ",'5th At arty place or places where troop'sarc or may be stationed,-march- ed or recruitediwithin the district of Maine, and stateoCJCew-Hampshir-

i ,.,;.- 6th. Afany place or places .where- - trpepsare or may be stationed, marched or recruited,within the state ofVermont. - '

Tib. At any place or places where troopsare or may be stationed, marched or recruited,within the stale of Massachusetts- - - i

8th At any place or places where troopsare or may be stationed, marched or reenjited,within the states of Connecticut and Rhode-Islan-

Olli. At any pfitce or places where troopsarc or maybe stationed, marched or tectuited,Withindhe stale of New-York- . -

4,10th. At any place or places where troopo

are or may be stationed, marched rfr recruited,within the ta'e"?bf New-Yor- south of theHighlands, and 'including West-Point- '.

11th. At any place or places where troopsare or may be stationed, maiclicdor reciuiled,within the ,s,tate of New-Jersey- .,

12di At'any place or places where troopsare or may be stationed, marched or recruited,within the slate of Pennsylvania. ' '' --

13lh.' At any place or places where troopsare or may he stationed, marched Or recruited.within the states of Delaware, Maryland, and

t of Columbia,14th. At any place or places where troops

are or may he stationed, marched or recruited,within the state of Virginia.

15th. At any place or places where troopsare or may be stationed, marched or recruited,w'ithin the state; of North Carolina. rt16ih. At any place or' places where troops

are or may Ijeslationed, marched onecruited,within the state of South Carolina.

17th. At anyplace or places where troopsare or may be stationed, marched or recruited,within the jstate of Georgia. .

A ration to consist ot one pound and onequarter of bees, or three-quarter- s ofa poundofsalted'pork, eighteen ounces of bread r flourone gill of rum; whiskey Or brandy, and at' therate of two quarts of salt, sour quarts of vine-gar, sour pounds of soap, and one pound 'andone half of candle to every hundred rations.The prices of the several component parts ofthe ration shall be specified, but the Unie,dStates reserve the right of making such alter-ation- s

iti the price of the component parts ofthe ration aforesaid, as shall make the priceof each part thereof bear a junt 'proportion tothe proposed price of the whole ration.rations are to be furnishedjn such quantities'that there shall at all times, during the termof the proposed contract, be sufficient fbr theconsumption of the troops for six monthsinadvance, of good and wholesome provisions, isthe same shall be required. Itvjs. also to bepermitted to all and every of the commandants ot tortihed places or posts, to call for, atseasons, wnicn the same can be transported,or at any time, in case of urgency, such supplies of like provisions in advance, as in thediscretion of the commander shall be deemedproper.

It is underststood that the contractor is tobe at the expense and risk of issuing the sup-plies to the troops, and that all losses sustain-ed by the depredations of the enemy, or bymeans of the troops of the United Stales, shallbe paid by the United States at the prire ,ofwit ai ni,ic tiiiiuiru ur uc&Liuyeu an aiorcsaiu,on the deposition-o- f two or more persons ofcredible characteis, and the certificate of acommissioned officer, stating the circumstanceof the loss, and the amount'of the articles forwhich compensation shall be claimed.

The privilege is reserned to the UnitedStates, of renuirine that none of the sunnlies.which may be furnished ander any of the pro- -juaeu contracts, snau ue issued, until tne sup-plies which cave been, or may be furnishedunder the contract now in force, have' beenconsumed. - 31

A. J. DALLAS,v Acting Secretary of JVar.

- Note. The Editors of newspapers, who areauthorised to publish the laws of the UnitedStates, are requested to insert the foregoingadvertisement, once a week for two months.

I. W. ANDERSONJNFORMS his friends and the public in gen

he has commenced TRUNK MAKER and BRIDLE CUTTER, in the town" ofLexington, on Main-stree- t, opposite to MessrsOwens & Coyle's Merchant Tailor's Shop,where he will keep a constant supply of Tra-velling and Packing Trunks, Ladies workBoxes, band Boxes, wooden. Trunks coveredand lined with paper which will suit for standing in the house equal to hair or leather ; anassortment of plated Bridles and Martingales,common Bridles, Saddlebags, Portmanteaus,plated Bridle Uits, and Stirrup. Irons, Martin:gale hooks and buckles, men's and women'sShoes, leather for Saddlers and Shoemakerscut to suit the purchaser, Wagon whips andBridles. Also a constant supply of Soap andCandles, Segars, Potters ware &c. winch-wil- l

be sold low lor cash only.I. W. Anderson having been regularly bred

to the above bdsiness in the city of Philadel-phia, and removed from there to the city ofDetroit, where he had the misfortune to dis-please Johnny Bull, and taken by the tender-hearted Proctor, robbed of all he possessed,sent into Canada, and there kept thirteenmonths, nine of which he was confined in aloathsome prison, part of thctime handcuffedwithout sire or clothing, where he sufferedmore than death. But it has pleased- - kindProvidence to return him to the b6somof hiscountry and friends ; where his steady atten-tion to business, and theiquality of hiswoik,he hopes, to merit the patronage ot aeiierou!public,., .i . -

ji . j,jt m (A Journeyman Saddler wanted'by.'the above!

, July 24, 1815. , Yj 31 1

Plastering Sj Stoco-YTo- il

KOBERT H'aRMSTRONG,Vrom Charleston, ojitlfCarolind

IE(. lie to inform th i'ti7cns of Lexingtonand the ad.(.ii.eiit eounti-v- , lint he l.iii commencedtlu above buinc:3 in all its ai.ous branches:Such as plain 1'iastLring ; Cornices,pl;in or oi maycitU'd ; cuitri- - pieces, pi;tin" oY or-

namented ; (.oiouritiftwallsii. loiuUrs;ch aning 'err anient1 tmd white wpshi'ij; in tin neatest'miBer, wnhout filling nr ' tutming the paper allOlWirj ns i lTicl., lie All txecnte it: the mcitixpe-ditlo- n

and sirjuriui-slvle- , arJI On the most reason-able trims. Those who wish to him, wdlplease lo at Mr JVdl'.am Clink's liot.-l- , at tli-- J

corner ol Mullieri-- and 31iorttivi t.- 'ROJITH. ARMSTRONG-M?j-d- i

11, lSli. n-- tf


n ETURN their sineeie thanks to theirIV friends mid the public in rHfifral for theliberal sjippprt received since they coinme nc';ed lit their established stand. On Mam street,Lexington where they continue to manufac

I tui'e.'and have now'dn handA lurge and elegant assortment of gentlemen t

:,. boOts. ksaoiis,

made ofthe'hest Philadelphia leather in tlenewestfashion ALSO, ' '

- ...,' LADIES SHOES, vof the neatest and latest fashion. All of whichthe) ufiet at wholesale or retail.

1 ,,..;,.frt..n ir u.... Q 1Q11 A e isfjt U, 11,1 J JtBrass Founderv.

, The subscriber informs his friends andin general thatjie continues to carry,

on tjie Brass Founding business' in all ' invarious Branches, at the old stand formerlyQccupiedby 1. k E. Woodruff, on Main Street,and will always keep on hand an assortment ofAnd Irons, Shovel and Tongs, Door Kdockers,Candlesticks, &c. finished in the neatest man-ner j he will likewise cast Bells, and work forMachinery on the shortest notice ; he has alsoa Cupelo for pasting Iron, all orders ill tll.itline will Tig punctually attended lo. Gratefulfor past savors lie hopes' to merit- a m

' .

EZRA WOODRUFF.I Lexington, July 9th, 1815. w " ' '23 t

PULLING ESTABLISHMENT.The Subscribers wish to inform thei"'friends and

the public in general, that they intend car-

rying on the

FULLING BUSIESin all its various branches, on the Town Fork,one mile from Lexington, at RoyleV carding'factory. They will attend at' the followingplaces on the 1st day of every cCiurt, for thereception of cloth, which shall be returned Onthe succeeding court days complstelj finjshed,viz : at the Columbian Inn, in Lexipgtpn, atWa,tkins tavem in Versailles, and a.t .IJcnj.MiliierVitt.ivern in Richmond -

Cloth deposited at Larkin Ballard's In Ma-dison county, aifdatTauls' place on theTafes'Creek road, three miles from the river.t shallbe attended to with due respect and prompt-ness when passing to and from ft.iphmoiid. Thesubscribers flatter tjjemsjglves, from the supe-riorly of their establishment, to be able to f-

inish cloth inferior to none in Kentucky, ; aifdhope to merit a reasonable share'of public pa-


October 17. ' - 42

Wool Garding. '

Merino and Common Wool --.Carding in aSupener Style and on the usual terms at Sanders, 2 1.2 Miles from Lexington, bv ' '

LEWIS SANDERS.."Lexington, May 28, 1815.' " '



JJV JUfiiTUWRE,Positively commences Drawing on



' ' vl - Prjzeoffc,. ..40,000 Dolls.1 - - - - 20,0005 - - 10,000

. ' "7' ''.-- . . 5,00020 - - J'.OOO25 - . -- 50075 . . . ,

100 - . '. . .' 50'1000 - - ., " 20'

12,500 - - ' . ' 12lOC" Not twtfBIanks to a Prize: No Small Prizes

Stationary being all Floating: i '.


1st drawn Ticket will be entitled toL S5"00do. 2d day ' " 'is Wfr : . '' .'mHi, 500do. 3d . . . 500do. 4th - '-- - J . - - 500do. 5th. 500,, - -- - -do. 6th -- S V - - - ' 500do.'7th .""?".'. . . 500do. Otli , , ' - . 500do. 9th . . . . 500do. 10th ; - . i i . . . 5000do. 11th - .,v. . . . . . .500do. 12th .. Ur



i - r'500-do- .

13th - . .. . . 14th .""J i .. : . 100Odo. 15th - ' -.-

-- . - ' 1000h . . - . . , . 500

do.mii s-c- s.. :.- - -- ,500do. 18th - .'..". . 500do. 19th .j. . .500do. 20th - "T ?"---,. '. . '1000do. 21st"-- -

'1 - V . . v5000

do. 22d - ', . -- i v . . . 1000do. 23d . r-- . . . . - , 5000do. 24th - VA '. . . . 1000do. 25th .."". . . . ' 500Odo 26th . 1' . . . . - '500do. 27th - - . . - .' '. 500dd28th ilO.OOOdo. 29th . 1000do. 30th ,. , 10,000do. 31st . . . . . 1000do. 32d" . . ' . . . '

10,000do 33d - 1000do. 34th ; - . - . . .do. 35lh ' . . V1000-do, 36th ...... 10,000do. 40th 4.0,000

The premiums of 5000 dollars for the 1st.10th, 21st, 23d and'25th'davs.are each payable- -

In part by 400 tickets valued at 4000 dollarsi ne reserved tickets are 33,001 to 5J.UW;-th- e

first 400 for the 1st, andb on regularly.Cj At least 600 tickets will be drawn or

each day Prizes subject to 15 per cent, dis-count will be paid sixty days after'tbe conclu-sion of the drawing. ' '

Present pries' of Tickets 12 dollars.mue iiattot ,.'-- y

WM. ROBINSON.May 31, 1815. ' ;? 36

Blahk Deeds.- tc


I- -