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Page 1: Jo ..'.'.~.7.. B!;..-.^ s m k F P

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.LOWVXLUB, S E P T E M B E R S . 1 8 9 4 ;

Official Paper of Lewis County. • " , „ : • ' : - ' /

A L L kinds Sherwood's.

of pickling spices at F . A.

J i . W . * O. WaMroad T i m e Tab le . XOVTOe JfOKTH.

f • e a v e U t i c a

B o o n v i l l e . t f o r t L e y d e n .

- L y o n s F a l l s . . G l e n d a J e

•; I . O - W » l l l < B . . . i C a s t o r l a n d . . .

, ' D e e r R i v e r . . . A r r i v e C a r t h a g e . > . . . .

W a t e r t o w n . . . P h i l a d e l p h i a •. C l a y t o a

. -- M p r r i s t o w n . . . O e d e n s b u r g . .

A. X. . 6 10

7 3 2 7 46 7 5 3 8 07 . 8 67 S 5 0 9 01

9 10 0 50

10 05 10 15 11 30 1155

P. 3t. 1 30 8 3 7 2 51 i L7 3 t o 8 2 3 3 40 3T>0 4 0 0 5 0.-,-5 0 0 5 55 s w 6 t o


* i-ease Ogdensonrg...

• ' M o r r i s t o w n . . . Clayton P h i l a d e l p h i a .

L e a v e W a t e r t o w n . . - < C a r t h a g e

.' D e e r H i r e r . . . C a s t o r l a n d . . .

• L o t v v i l l c . . * G l e n d a l e f L y o n s F a l l s . . F P < M J L e y d e n . :

* - - « » * Cftlea

i . X.

5 SO fifc5 6 1 4 6 3 3 6 45

ere 7 1 0 . 7 J7

•7 32 8.50

A.« ', la • 38 H35 ! 15 COO

10 00 mo-* 1C-19 10 8=1 10 48 11 OS 1108 11 24 12 45

' B C B M O M l n e » , i C a r t h a a r e , W .. t a MckeM

S u n d a y s

f. M. 5 5 0

-v707 7 2 1 7 89 7 4 S 7 5 8

. 8 1 2 8 2 2 S 8 0 9 0 0 » 5 5

11 1 0 . 11 W>

A. « . 7 » 8 45 8 58-904 9 1 8 9 3 2 9 4S 9 52


10 35 1125 laos 1230

Sundays r . *-

3 40 4 04 4 4 0 5 tO 6 15 6 5 0 7 0 0 7 10

• 7 26 7 45

8 0 6 8SZ 0 4 5

'alert H a r b o r J L l n e .


Leave . C a r t h : y * e . . ..-?i<. N a t u r a l BrMgfc D i a n a . L a k e B o n a p a r t e H a r v i s v i n e -J a y v i l l e . . . . . . . . . Os 'weftatehie- ' . .

Arrive. Benson Sines-. , s . . . . . . GOING WE87

L e a v e B e n s o n M i n e s . . . O a w e e a t c h i e . . . J a y v i l l e . B a r r i s v i l l e L a k e B o n a p a r t e . . . . .

N a t u r a l B r i d g e A r r i v e . C a r t h a g e

A. M. 10 00 10 24 1034 10 43 10 50 11 12 11 85 11 45 .A.M.

7 15 7 2 5 7 5 0 8 15 S21 8 3 0 .8 37 » 0 0

on ly . . p . H.

5 0 0 5 23 6 6 0 6 5 0

7 47

8 1 4

' 8 8-' 8 46

10 00


r. *. 7 0 0 7 24

• 7 3 8 7 43 7 50 8 12 8.35

T.M. 2 0 5

2 3 8 2 f 8 SOS 3 1 7 2 25.

LABOR day was observed iit Lowville,only by the closirjg,o£ banks.

PUKB sprnee pruni, 1 Pz package 5c. , sold only by F . A. Sherwood. . -

BEST Pearl Dust Flour for ten days, $3 bbl. at F . A. Sherwood. *

GRAHAM new of an cU

SO have thCl)

& GASSBK hare received their! « J S 5 " ? 3 ^ S S S ^ - ^ ^ -stock of ladies' and children's «*r-1 ™?! !^! !5 l*2£2!E

ments, also, their new stock of far capefc ' J ^ * * ? * Prices within the reach of everyone. CUB. •'**?_ and see the new style. Special sale during _{ j „ . fair week. > J o K £ j ? S S

"ISAAC TOTTIB, aged 63 years, was run over and^kilted by a train at Benson'* Mines, Monday evening. He was lying on the track.

PEACHES, PEARS "AND PLUMS.—Do your canning now. This wilt be the cheapest •week. Headquarters for stock and pricis at F. A. Sherwood's.

T H E state railroad commissioners have authorized the construction of a railroad from Canton, St. Law fence county, to Wad-dington, by a recently organized company.

T H E marriage at Parkersburg, Iowa, of Miss Clara Belle Goodale, a niece of P. 8. Hough of this'village, formerly of Martins burgb, to Mi C. T. Wilson, of Parkersburg, took place on the. 1st inst.

L O C A L M A T T E R S .


Mas. B. B. LOBD.

FAIR next Tuesday.

BOONVILLE fair this week.

N E W fall goods at Weber & C'o.'s,

BIG stock wood's.

of fruit jars at F. A. Sher-

GOOD smoking tobacco 12c. ?b. at Sherwood's.

l fns. DEWEY will return this wwk with a full line of fall millinery.

PROF. G. W.„ V A N S and his combination will be in attendance at 'the Fair.

READ the new advertisement of Henry F. Weber & Go., new tariff prices.

Fon the fair, new fall goods., new prices, at Henry F. Weber & Co.'s.

'MANY weils and cisterns are dry, people are troubled to obtain water.

tariff '. | .


J O B S M. BACLTS, of Great Bend, been allowed an increase of pension.


A L L the paper mills and she ps along the Black fiver are troubled by low water.

T H E hotel at Fishef's Landing, opposite T. I. Park, was burned on the 30th ult..

JAMES EILHAM, of Turin, died yesterday forenoon, at the residence of Rev. Horatio Artbar, in this village,.aged 78 years. Mr. Kilhatn had been in poor health for sevefal weeks. ••- '•

MASCOT, the famous pacer, made a great record at Poughkeepsie a few days since. He paced three consecutive heats in 3:05^, 2 ;07, 2:06J. The horse was formerly own­ed in Carthage.

H A V B you seen the beautiful felt walking, hats? The newest thing in the market, at the Times block millinery store, 2d floor. Hats, bonnets, caps in endless variety; just the nobbiest things for the Fair, and- so cheap. Call and see them.

T H E statement that has been going the rounds o f the city to the effect that there are four hundred cases of typhoid fe*er in Watertown ija contradicated hy leading physicians, though i t is admitted that there are an unusually large number ill from this disease. * •

Miss MADELINE CHCBBUCK. the popular milliner in the Times block is in New York city securing fall styles and selecting choice goods. Look out for the Jargest, finest, latest and choicest stock ever brought to this city. A'l new goods in the Times block second floor.

—There i s an dition.'rf'Wibflim.'?

' . T i .

<rf Mr. and i j ; Angu»t

»i>nthe6i«k ient in the coa-

rn«m. . i..;

-%MSi . :* ' f l

/ y^K '&**•"

*?> _ T

MM - *

'it i

, ToBiif.^-H. ClintoB: Emm will ftitcid school at the Crouse college, Syracuie,; during the coming fall-term. f* -•

—Mrs. Mary Crofoot and James X i l h a m have moved from ta ia p lace and t a k e a up their abode at^owvil le . ' . ' . • • - ' ' . • ' - •

—Mrs. F . W. Leaveawortit and :tir» children of Detroit, Mich., are the guests of MTS. John Strong. s

—Mrs. Stephen Hart and. George fiart are guests of friends in Dutchess county.

^ W M Bell* ahattnek, (rf Utica, U fiw i e r t | ^ LMr*9t&lri«oda. . . , .

- D r . C . TU& y^e are pass-SBfi^b- '..

&£jfoi&jft&n>t- Bo«*W»er i s the guest 4tfT<Jj|»te'Jteed and!»«»%. \ . :---w^feit 'Vincent Sebaatija of Boonville is v^^i i^giewi* conn t j friends.

.^1|ttw.<3iace Bickford is the guest of S. rowfi BtebardsOD and family.

-MiML^aise Bighain and Miss Ink B . '" are in town.

Oat* 8 bQMe ttaeahing dig, near]}- new, tor tale brgooMMftwth. t*t

A T B B S 8A3Ba*r*?w.TU has rescued many hwm^hronloMootldkMftsBK. Trr» '™ bolttes.

T H « place to buy spectacles is at W. J< smita-a. • ' • .•• .•- ' . . .-'- • ; } • , * ;

FARM F O B S A U L — A desirable farm sit-natodonK»stroad,lntownof Denmark; 117 acres Good buildings, and Sugar Bosh. Abundanoe or water. Ten minntrt drive from Castorland. . J.

Inquire of or address .'• LKSLIE H. BSSSSE, M. P.,

*Btt . LowyBte.'N.Y.

Ojrw» ^QOM and wif« of Watertown, called 0 4 ' " " " ~

T H E Burdick .block, in which the North­ern Hotel and A. C. Burdick°'s bakeVy are located, has beeti purchased by T.-'E." Wil ­liams of L. C- Burdick; consideration said to be $13,000.

T H E Managers of the Fair are adding new features every day to the programme, and when the official programme is ready it will be such that all will concede that the Lewis County Fair is Greater than ever..

MRS. JERK COCOBLAS and daughter, Tes-sie, of Watertown, were aboard the Mon­treal express which was wrecked hear Port •Kent on the Uanks of Lake Champlain, Thursday night. The baggage, express and smoking cars and one coach were tum­bled dofwn an embankment and smashed. Mrs. Coughlan was only, ahle to return home Monday and is yet suffering from the injuries received. Miss Tessie escaped with but slight biuises; Both were in the coach that went:dbwn the embankment and turned over.

T H L Methodist Protestant conference of the Onondaga district, embracing about fifty charges, will open at the North Mar-tinsburgh church,- September 11, and con­tinue a week. Rev. R, H, Hatch of Frank­fort, will preside.

A T the prohibition county convention •last Thursday, Thomas H. ScHale of Low -ville'wa9 placed in nomination for member of assembly: George 15. Jlufant of Den­mark, for couaty CTerk ; Elisha E. Boshart of Martinsburgh and Stiles H. Williams of Denmark for coroners.

GBAHAM & GASSER have engaged Mis» Minnie.-Finch to take full charge of their millinery department the .coming season. iShe left for^-New York Monday night, where she will get the latest styles and pur­chase, the largest stock ol fall and winter n.illinerv ever shown in Lowville.

WEDNESDAY,September 12th. the second day of the Fair, will' be Military and G. A.. R. Day. Col. A. D. Shaw will address the people at 2 o'clock p. M. Mile. Lottie will make a balloon ascension on the bar and the Muncella DeRensselle Combination will, give their full exhibition.

HARRISVIIAB.—Mrs. Alida Luther died, at the home of berjnother, August 13. She was a daughter of Mr. Porter Wood, who dropped dead in the streets here a few years ago.

'•—Martha, daughter of Wm. Cavanangb, was taken ill on the 22d and the life went out after tbree hours of hard suffering.

—Our school .commences, soon with the same corps of teachers with, the exception of Miss Barber,. Miss Cruikshank taking her place as principal. New brick chimneyi have been laid and other, necessary repain have, been made on the school house.

CHEESE.—At Utica, Monday, 8915 boxes sold at 8f@10fc. : . ' ., • —R. J. Riebardson & Co., have made the following purchases of cheese from S to lOJc. per pound: Imperial factory, 50 boxes; Union Spring, 35; Farmers' TJnlied, 30; Union,48; Croghan, 5 0 ; Bostofl-Brand, 102; State Road, 64; Clover Valley, 84; Silver Spring, 58; Valley Spring, 49; Inde­pendence, 37; Cold Spring, 39; Kirschner-ville, 80;-Mohawk Hill, 48; Roaring Brook, 43; Valley, 45; Perkins, 40; Regetz, 116; Spring Hill, 225. '

—At Boonville, Friday, 1,761 boxes sold at 9i@10Jc. ,

' MRS.' WAITE, of Carthage, has obtained an absolute divorce from her hus-l«ind, William Herbert Waite," for principal causes. The decree afterwards the plaintiff, Mrs. Waite, three dollars per week alimony duriDg life, and permits he remarriage, but defendant cannot.marry again during the life of the ex-Mrs. Waite.

v T B K "Juvenile Temple will here after be held on Monday evening at 7 o!cloek,

• • * • * • ' . ".- . ' " " " • " - • " ••- "

\*tm Mil by T. X. Williams. C»tt early and get

_ _ , „„T_/w1ki«ebi»Me waabun»-ed onlgrm fc«t, is p*8j»ring to reb«fld on the same sits. '

Saturday, September 8th will be Govern-f>i,-s-Day-and Northern New York-Day at the New York State Fair at Syracuse. On this, <T;tte Governor Flower will review the New York state troops from Utica, Oswego, Syracuse, Watertown, Geneva and. other pkces. A fine dress parade will ba given on the grounds, with music by the 48th Separate Company Band of twenty-seven-pieces.

& 4 « T W M *

; T B K entire July -make of cheese at the , N e w Colwin^ia factory hasbe^u sold at -10J -.cents per poond.

THE- state shops and lumber canal in.BoonviHe were burned Wednesday; night.

near late

the last

M R . . BR'ID<«MAX is i>uttinjj machhie'ry in his new mill m Grcigand will soon • have it in running order..

REGULAR meeting of G. D. Bailey Relief Corps No.;:!, Friday evening, September 6. Let every member be.present. - - .*.

H o r picking is now in full the cotintj-. The "qualify of the new.crop is considered At. and free from lice. .

startled t o tear that Wm. Eugene Asfeeraft had assanlhitfl. W. Mlddteton and severery bruised his head by the liberal application of a broomstiekly As a result Middieton Wi-nt to Ckrthagei and swore/but a warrant. before Justice Efawley and Mrs. Ashcraft way arrested charged with • assault. The parties appeared for trial Thursday with several witnesses, when *.he ease w ^ ad­journed until September 5. .

Siv iv ilelegates from, out of town atten-. di J the .annual county convention of the .young people's Christian endeavor societies at Port Leyden, and. the several sessions wire of a profiiable and entertaining nature. The county banner was.awarded to the Pf'rt Leyden society for the best work dur-ing-the year. F. B.. Johnson, of Lowville, w;is elected president; W. G. Mandeville,. jr , Lowville, vice president; ;G. S Hardy, Copennagen, treasurer. ,The next annual convention will be Held at Copenhagen.

CBJAKOJ5 OF DAYS —Dr. Butterfield will be « ? i o w » i l l e Wednesday, instead of Fri­day, com«fencing Wednesday, Sept. 06.'

PEACHEI are arriving in large quantities, and selling quite low. Dealers inform us that noneof the fruit keeps well this sea­son, j _ _ ^ _

TOWH boards met yesterday and desig­nated places for holding election in No vember and also appointed '-clerks for elec­tion day. .'. ;•••

C O L O N E L A L B E R T ID. S H A W , of Water town, has been engaged to deliver the an­nual add»es#at the county fair Wednesday, September 13. .

T H E work: of putting in steam heating . apparatus in the court house is nearly com-

\ pleted, and everything will be i.i readiness . for the next court.

T U B King's-Daughters of the M. E. church, will hold their next meeting with Hiss Cora Keener, Saturday afternoon. A large attendance is desired^

Fin.Es.—On the State road, in the town of Craghan, the tire burned over 154 acres of pasture land on Michael McQuillan's farm M. Yirkler had seventy men fight­ing fire on "the Ward tract. It is reported that a Cow owned by Charles Warner was burned t« death, and he also lost "a" lot of apple trees. Lands owned by Oaniel Bran-igan, M. Corcoran and A. IL Francis, were burned over. The old Nimocks barn, on the Cruiekshank farm/was burned. Geo.

DBNMAWt.—Cows keep shrinking. —We had' rain' enough.Monday morning

last to lay the dast for a few minutes. . —Hop-picking commenced in this sec;

tion last week. —Miss Anna P. Dewey of Antwerp, is a

guest at the Blo'dgett House. —Mr. and Mrs. A". P; Pierce-ai.'d Guil:

ford Parsons and sister, returned from Lake Pleasant last week, ;

—Mr. D . B. Dunham is improving. :

—Mrs. P. Whitford has closed her house for the present and is'Vigitjng at her son's; William H. Whitford, in Syracuse. Q U E S T .

Prcdelllost a large three head of cattle time the fire spread miles.

quantity of bay and are missing. At one over an area of. nine

BARSES CORNERS.-r-About half past ten last Saturday A. if., fire was discovered in the roof of Wright's building. The alarm was given and soda a number were at the scene. It burned so.rapidly it took but a few minutes, to know the building was doomed, and efforts were turned to the saving of the cooper shop which was but 30 feet from the burning building and only 12. feet from M. Coyler's shop and dwelling. Had these buildings burned nothing'-could have saved the business portion of Barnes Corners from destruction. . Wright's build­ing was three sfories high. M«eh;of the property in t h e buiWins was M«iAv«a.

T?» tas* w u abom %\,.".."" " '"*"""

and k^epfag the roof* w«0 *iBt

LAST Sunday two Italians named Blagio Senesa and Pietro Mattillo, engaged on the vtater works job, had a fight at their camp m ar the railroad bridge. The fight grew out of jealousy caused by attentions paid to an Italian girl who played a harp. Sen­esa cut the other with a razor, injuring one of his arms so badly that Che services of a surgeon were required. Both men were arrested and taken before Justice Egleton on Monday." 'Seneasa was fined |.15 and Mattillo $ 5. The .fines were promptly paid, and the prisoners discharged.

T H E ladies' society of the Presbyterian church, expect to have some attractive novelties t o offer at their sale, to take place sometime early in- December. * . .

ALBERT G. T-BOMPSON, onv of the pio­neer residents of Lewis county, and a high­ly respected resident of Copenhagen, died Friday evening, aged -S3 years.

T H E State- street' school commenced yes­terday with a large attendance. Mrs. Min­nie Jones has been" engaged to take charge of the interjhediate department. ,

T H E sale of horses by Mr. Lamb, last Saturday, waaa success Thirty-one were sold at auction, « n g i n g in price from $42 to.^78- The ajerage. was about. $52. On Monday forty *ere sold.

THK democratic county convention will be held in Lo^fville on Friday, Sept. 21, at 2\r M., to elect delegates tostata;and con-gressional conventions and nominate candi­dates for county officers.

O N the 28th ult.. William B. Jones of Barnes Corners, and Mrs Susannah C. Wilts* of Constableville, were united in marriage at Watertown, Rev. F. 'P. Winne 'performing the ceremony.

T E E amendment providing that the lands of the .state now owned, or hereafter ac quired, constituting forest .preserves, shall be forever kept as wild forest binds, and shall not be sold - nor, shall the timber be sold, is eminejitry proper. -* *

TnKiCrojrran boys won the paree of base ball r ike Lowville club, at Forest Parle,' last 'Wednesday, "fee score stood 18 to 4 1ft favor of Croghan. A return game was played at Crogban on Friday, when the ZiowviUe club, was yictorous in a score of

PEARL-HrsTiNe.—A correspondent at Russell. St. Lawrence county, says: "The pearl fsheries of this village, which two years ago were entirely unknown, have of late been so rapidly, developing, that now they give profitable employment to eighty men, and bid fair to become an established industry. The gems found meet a ready market with A. S. Gardner and Ti f fany* 5: Co. of New York city. t%e average ones bring from fifteen to twenty dollars, but several have been sold for from f60 to $125. The pearls are ol the fresh water variety obtained from Clatris. but equal in all respects to those of the pearl oyster in the eastern seas."

WORK on the water works in the village is nearly completed, and yesterday mo8t of the men commenced on the trunk line. On Sunday one line of pipes was lowered to the ditch prepared for it underneath Black river. The pipes were put together on a pontoon bridge made of kerosene oil bar­rels moored by the river bank. At the joints planks were bolted together on the upper and lower sides to. keep them from springing and breaking apart. When everything was ready one end of the bridge was "drawn across the river and • the pipe w£s let down with ropes. Another line will be lowered to morrow by the side of the other, and the ends will be connected by m{aos of. a Y. at both banks. This is dona to "secure safety of water- conduit in casp of accident, to one of the pipes.

HD'(JRSG. D. BAILET POST, NO! 200, ) . L>BP. ,N. Y., G. A..R.,.

LOWVILLE, Srpt. 4, 1894. V

Spewtl Order, Ko'. 1: J. —.All officers and members of the Post

are directed to appear at post rooms, Wed­nesday, Sept. 13 , instant^uniformed so far as possible, for escort! duty^that afternoon.

IT.—Upon, the.reqpest of the officers of the Lewis county Agricultural society, this Post will act as escort to the distinguished, speaker who is to deliver the address at our County Fair that afternoon, and it is to be "Grand Army Day.'- All veterans reside ing in Lewis county'are hereby cordially invifed to "fall in" -with this Post, and march to the Fair grounds and the Grand stah d; By order.

IIENHY E. TURNER, Post Cotiimander.

W. D. PARKEB, Adjutant. .

. CROOHAW.-Very dry; cows have shrunk one-half in milk.

— doing a good deal of damage to fences and buildings.

—Eleven in a party have gone to Mis­souri from this place, on a visit to friends and relatives., ,

-^Lowville and' Croghan played a game of base ball. Score 11 to 3 in fayorof Low­ville . '.'.':•''

—Very few cases of sickness are reported in this place. ' . • ' » •

—.Dr. ^Murray is improving his house with a coat of paint.

—Jule Braty is laying a new sidewalk in front of his store.

—The Long Pond Association is laying tile for a water system. . " ' . ' ? •

DECEASED',—The infant daughter of Henry-Stephens, of this, village, died ah Saturday last. . t

—Mrs Warren Tiffany, formerly of Mar­tinsburgh. died last Sunday at the home.»f her daughter, Mrs.. Charles F . White,'^tf this place, agied 77 years. | '

-^On 8undar, -Mrs.-J. O. Flynn died i t her home in Castorland. )'4.

—E. J. Griswold, of the firm of the Ly-onsdate pulp company, died • Monday, at his home in. that place. About three -w.eek4 ago, while assisting in making repairs. a | the mill, a large stone fell oyer against Mr* Griswold and pinned hirnagainst.the build* ing. His injuries were of sbeh:a serious nature as to ultimatelv cause his death., ,

WEST LEYDEN.—People are scarce, m this section now as half the population b'ave gone hop-picking.

—William Kirne has moved 'his hnrness:

shop to his new rooms in C. S. King^s block. • . . . . '!

' -rThe viflftge school began Monday; ; ; -T-Htinfers around here report :p?irtridg^.

--Mrs. Julia A- Gtares, of Boston, is the gnest of har cousin, JudgeTurner.

—Mr. and Mrs. 8 . Itfeilis of Harrisviile are spending a few days at Boonville;'

—Miss Adell Barker goes to Clinton next week to attend a ladies', seminary.

—Elbridge Adams, wife aitd two daugh­ters af Vernon, are .visiting Lewis county friends.

—Misses Anna and Mary Keiser, of Utica," are Tisitrng their cousins, John E. and Geo. J. Haberer. . .

—Joseph M.. Gardner has befen confined to U s houre for the past t w o weeks, but is.

.somewhat improved. ; —Mrs. Margaret Phinneyi who has reside

ed in .Lowville for two. or. three years, has returned to Carthage. T. . •

.—Mrs. Win. Kieb and Miss .Minnie Shep-ard leave this week for Torrington, Conn., on a visit to relatives.

—Norman Bradt arrived home f rom Bing-hamtoh yesterday. He has been there sev­eral weeks for medical treatment. .

—Mrs. Ai J. Woolworth, son and daugh­ter, and Miss Frances Jones, of Utica, are guests of Dr. M. P. Crosby and family.

—C. P. By ther of Carthage will go to California this month on a pleasure trip, in conipanj with George Tast of Theresa.

—Mrs. R. Patterson and Miss Ida Rob­erts, of Utica, are passing a few days with Mrs. Fred Pfeiffer and Mrs. John M. Bos­hart. • ;'. .'.—John Steinbrenner, a prominent citi­

zen of Oshkosh, Wis., is. passing a-few days with pld friends in Lowville, his. former home,. ^

—A. G, Boshart .and family have return­ed from Westminster Park;.also, William Boshart who has closed his cottage for the season. - • . " . - . . -

.' —Miss May Bateman returned home Saturday, froth a six weeks visit to friends in-Franklin, St. Lawrence*and Jefferson counties. '.

-4Roy Woolworth is spending his vaca­tion in Lewis, county.- His mother who has'recovered from her recent severe illness, .is in town.

. rHMiss Ella Puffer, of Watson, who was. taken to the several months, ajnee," returned home last- week, much improved.. . —Mrs. C. M. Moore left last week for her home in Torrington, Conn.', accompa­nied by her son, Fay Moore, who will re­main there about two weeks. ' -rVPrbf. Thompson and family bav^fceeii canjptng on Black River, where MissTffar-garibe! caught a'bass weighing three lbs. and landed bim all- alone:. Pretty gOod. for a .miss of eight years.

:— Charles Tindell, son of Rev. C. H. Tindell, leaves this week to visit friends in Syracuse, and will enter St. John's military school at Mafilius at the opening of the fall term to take a three years' course,'

—William D'Aran, foreman of the As­bestos Casket company, leaves Friday pixt for a week's vacati«n" at Cooperitown, wfeere fiia wjfe and daughter have been " ! ~", lMir. l»to$*jB»: •:.-.: •'•_;•..•

Ftw«p«tS« aed leave* today lor


Mr*. Lew on* i « * be l«r ^ ; ^ w ' " a * | : - % i ^ j l i l » M W t P . f W - « e , t e H e w / f « f c t* Uva,- ^iVr eating A e elbow joint. The injury i s a t '^-Rev. B R . Watson, wife and sontr'a%e very serious one and he is more than likely, calling on^Lowville friends. JJr. Wat|o> to have a stiff elbow joint. ;'' j ?vas fornjerly pastor ol the Baptist church

iiKthis village, and is BOW located at DiinJ-dea,' Yatescounty, N. Y. They have been camping on Fourth Lake, and are now en-route home.

—Capt. Andrew King went to Dexter last Tiinrsday with Master Alex; Smith, OB a fishing trip, and returned Monday with twelve fish which "averaged. 8 pounds in weight.- He reports good duck hunting, as well as good fishing. The editor was kindly remembered by Mr. King. He stop­ped vrtth Fred'Manigold, formerly of this .village, who now keeps an excellent hotel-|pr hunters and fishermen.

>yj0ST received, choice nov'elties jn- milli-nfery. Harte & Noone, Btwcoe block.

A !Vew Poatinaater. Lowville is to have a democratic post­

master very soon.' Last week Thureday the president reappointed" all the postmas­ters whom the senate failed to act opon, thirteen in number, and also appointed four" to .places which had been rejected by the senate. These were new men. not previous­ly named. In addition to these, about forty other postmasters were appointed for this stare, and several in other states.

Mr. Bo8twick's bond arrived here Satur

tay and has already been forwarded, to the epartment, .duly filled out. He will soon

be installed in the office. The majority oi our people, will be pleased with the selec­tion, for during his former occupancy of the office there'"'were no complaints. The mail was-bandied speedily and delivered jjruinptly and correctly.

.'Mr. Boitwick has not settle/! opon aplacc to locate the office, but the pnblic may rest assured that be will have » eommodi-oaafipom and that ft will be fitted ap in a aaanjtcr creditable to'tfae Tillage,

N E W OFKIOERS.— At the annual business meeting of the Y. M G. A., Monday even­ing, the following officers were elected: President, M G. Mardevllle; 1st vice pres­ident, Prof. L. E. Rowley; 2d vice-presi­dent, Fred Sterling; recording secretary, John Foote; treasurer, S.- M. Gallowayj members of the board of directors, F. H. Cook, James Van Namee, Frank L'Huilfier, -J. B. Jones and F. H. Hews. W. R Fitch was elected to succeed himself as trustee for three years. The othertriistees are Dr. J. C House and H. C. Abell.

•—Remember the anniversary services; next Sunday. In the' morning services will be held at 30:30 in three churches. F. S. Goodman associnte state secretary of • the Y. M. C. A ^.will.speak at the Presbyterian church F:-A. Ingraham, general secreta­ry at Watertown, at the Baptist, and A. H. Whitford, general secrjetary. at Rochester,, at the Methodist. In thejeveninga grand mass meeting will be hfeld in the. Method­ist church,'with-short talks by the three speakers, reports, etc.] The. meeting for Sunday afternoen will be announced at the Sunday morning services; '

Northern N e w York Bay at State Fair .

- This will also be children's day,at the fair, and all school children who- obtain ticketa'.will be admitted to the fair without charge.-' On this occasion, the Rome, Wa­tertown & Ogdensburgj railroad Will run excursions from all points in'Northern New Yo*k at very low rates to Syracuse and re­turn, the maximum fare! for the round trip, including admission to.the fair from any point, being #2 50 for adults. The-highest rate foijchildren under 18 years of age, in­cluding admission to the fair, will be $1 to Syracuse and return,; and the rates will be graded down until jthey reach *$1 for adults, and 25 cents for (children, including admission to the flir. j

This will be a , grand, opportunity to af­ford all children a chance to visit the city of Syracuse, and also go to the great New York State Fair. Rates, and information in regard to time-tables and special trains, can be obtained of all R , W< & O. ticket agents, or correspond witb^ Tbeo. Butter-field, General Passenger Agent,. Syracuse, N. Y. Remember the date, Saturday, September 8th, and do ,pot forget that the lowest rates ever trade WHI be made for this occasion, in order that the people of. Northern N/ew York may make a good showing on Northern N e w York Day at the great StatevFair. ,

' R E A D T H I S . — I wisb, to "state to every reader of tftia paper, ttit for yeaw I h a w been suffering from female weakness, par­tial paralysis of entire > f t side. In fact, my constitution was Completely broken down. I have tried nearly all the doctors in my vicinity, but could not get «*w* rer lief. One month ago'Dr. Showerman com-; menced treatins me and I am nearlva« wen as I ever wa» in mj life. I oeref had any treatment that compare* with blB. He don't promise more U o n be can fbtSQL I know of many bad caaea h e baa cninsd.

MBS.JM. B. AURBaaL aieadale, J«ne 6,1891.

LYOHS FALLS.—Workmen are busy break-i ing ground for the foundation of the new pqip and paper mill which is to be erected hereby G. H. P . G.Quld, John. E. Haberer and Charles Prajtt. ! "

—Mrs. Rosetta Turner, wjdow of the late Harry Turner of this place,.is very ill at the home of her son, Franklin, neaTConsta-bleville, with but;little.hope*.f recovery...

^-The baseball clubs of Lyons Falls and Turin played a game i t the latter place on Wednesday in' which the Turin boys ..we're again defeated.--the'score this time standing 20 to 18.'-. ;. •'' '"'•

—Martin-Platte from the west is visiting relatives and friends in this viclnitV; .

—Mr. - and- ,-Mrs. Archibald McVickar went Thursday 'tp- New' York city where they expect to spend a month with friends.

MARTINSBCBGH-. -rMra. ^Allen, Waldb has two aunts frpm''Adams spending some timie wi th her. .," * ; •' -'A'' "k •' . :' . .

—Mrs. Herbert Morse .and daughter Ola,, have returned from Beverly, Mass., where' they have been*eral weeks with Mrs Morse's father . - • • • < * ','_•'"••'• • —Mrs Gilbert Wool wortb-and daughter, Miss Lizzie, of Watertown, are; visiting Mrs. Sidney Sylvester. f . ' • - . ' - . ' '

—T, B. WHliams is enjoying a visit from, his nephew, John Sargeant^ of Rochester.

—Mrs. C. C. Fisber, Of San Jose, Cal.. is visiting he|r aunt, Miss Paulina; Miller and other friends, Mrs. Fisher is a.daughter of John Vincent, formerly of this place.

—^Charles, D. Pitcher has been engaged to teach the fall term- of school in this village.

COPENHAGEN;-^R K. Shaw and «on, J C, Shaw, of Marietfa, Ohio,, are guests of friends in town. :

- M r s . Otarleir Allen is .'visiting her daughter, Mrs.ffi lber Porbes,at Oswego.

—Mrs. Eliza Faulkenbtirg, of Coatf^l Grove, Kansas, is the guest of her brother, 0 . Frank Smith. ' : •. » •

" —Mrs. Thomas Doland and Mrs. Lewis Whjte and daughter. Ida, of, Auburn,* are guests of W. B. Carpenter and family

—Mrs. J. D. Paris, Mrs Mary E. Wes sell, Mrf. 8. ©.Standard, Mm. Maria Smith and Mrs. S. TJt. Bush are spending several days at MflSsena Springs. ,

—The fall tertn of the Cdpenhagen Union Free school began Monday. The same corps'ot teacbennas last year is retained, with the except&n of M W Ida Fowler, in the primary department.

LKTDBN. —J. E; Hartley h?s rented Phin-eas Kent's farm : '

Clairvoyant Examinat ion Free, -5v Dr. E. F.'Butterfieta, "at the Kellogg Efeuse, Lowville, Wednesday Sept. 26;-Woodruff House, Watertown, . Sept. 24 iSnd 35-;' Bagg's Hoteif Utica, Sept. 37 and. 28. Beyond a question there are hundreds bf chronic (so-called incura­ble) ittvslids that could be restored to health it the. cause and location of their disease were understood and pointed out.-Oall on theDpctor. He will satisfy you he understands your disease perfectly—asks' you. no questions, and gives you a diagnosis free. . . ' - . '

. New * o r k Dairy Report . N E W YORK, Sept. 1.—-Butter—Receipts

for the week,.31,825packages. Themarket has been dull and easier in price nn all -sorts.

Extra creannery 24c, state dairy 28c. Cheese—-Receipts for the week, 37,980

boxes; exports 21,000 boxes. Prices were advanced rapidly all round

darinjr the em\j part ot the present week Qwifljjito the high cott o f stock that came forwa«d, .bat since Thursday European., orders have been light and local demand verytjow, so that part of the'advance has been lost, and at quotations the market must hi considered weafc

Best price lOfe. .

—Pamlico, one of the greatest race stal­lions on the grand circuit, died suddenly at Charter Oak park Thursday morning. He had a r^pord ot 2:10, and was valued at |30»0°0.

—William Seaworth, a young farmer of Rockford, III., made a wager with his aister that he could eat more melons than -she Could. - The offer was taken up, The man is dead and the Woman can not recover.

T '.

—Some of our farmers are harvesting their potatoes. The- drouth, and^rot have combined to largely reduce the yield.

—Hiss Lilly Laquay goes t o Locust Grove to teach a term of school. . —There ate; about tweptyrffy^ atone cut­ters employed on rbe w^u* a t the Tracf quarry and maay are froat SytacBse. ' —M»s Fred J . Tromef ^ Rama i»»iait-

iag her aktatv Mir*, llftbaid 7o«ni» of I M -cust Grove.

—Emory Conover nan taken John A % drew's farm and wiB take poavatiSai Ko--; vetnber.l. ;''v".*!" •-%-j»s'--

—The scbooIboBse in the MHfenilte ®a- M ^ K ] trict has been maeb improved pi looJsg'biM^SWai: the addition of new windows w S h he lights. Misa Mary Ward o f X o e S ^ S w S e bas been engaged to teach the »chool for flie year.

—A youa? man bamed B p b l ^ i Header^ whHe engaged in feeding a tfinjiibliij chine on the farm of James "BioWn, Rodnisn. Jeit*r»f>tji cntmty. a narrow eacafe fmm temptiqg tb ^ H -Jlpf band waa teethand With gieni self firaa flie-..

:.".--1 . r - , ; . : " # " "

BTATS or.OKio, Grrr <» Toumo, 1^ «• LUCA» ConaTT. f ,

JffcMRJ. Q « » « » T makes oath that he to ta*«*ntoe^ partner of the ana of t. J. Camav * - O o , dote«-bdsineas la the City of Toledo. Ooontr and; •*,*• «fot<»«a, and that s»W firm wilt pay theram of OmeBrjSDBab DOLLARS Tor each aiidevery caee of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the ns» of H i i i ' s CiTiaaH Coaa,,. " r

KBANKJ CHKNBT. Sworn to before ma and Mhacrtoed In mj prea

ence, tUs fltt daf ofDocamber, A. B . M9S.

"*~^Ga«ari»C»rel» taken iaternaUrand acted!-M the tOood t ^ mocoiu snrfao« e< 0»

• d t ilaai ~.*H&amim

I F you want a good watch, or your watch nee4s repairs, call on W.J. Smith.

O. P. C. G. - i ^ w - B F l B S B S j s a B p ^ T jirooerlee,nonr and p»ovl«ioiS?^Hn»^.B*53iabay yourselves rloh. AJSIS P. *odt. One Prlbe Cash Cteooer;,I«wvlHeJ!t.T.: .,. ««'•


Beary F. W«l>er * Co., Dry Goods, Etc

Roval ? - . - - * • •



.".'.'.~.7.." B!;.."-. The Tariff is Settled, and Goods are Cheaper.


.4..., 2f£ pieces Moire g i lks 50c; Surab Silks 35c Dress Silks $1. <?;>: l f p i e c e * Double Fold All Wool Tricots, all shades, 35c.

~A ^ ^ pieces 38 inch AH Wool Mixtures, Serges, Flannels, aTJc. ' . f I 20' pieces 42 inch AH Wool Covert Cloths, Fauciera, Serges, Sue

•" .- 24 pieces 60 inch All Wool Imported Novelty Dress Goodi. 3 5 c 300 Ladies New Fall Jackets, Coats, Capes, 5. 8, 10 to #25.

,m 7s New Fui o»?~. s^aj, Skpnk, a-c*-^ t^uf-C^^y-r^n, * r ; . — - 200 Cbildrens New Cloaks and Jackets, 1, 8, 8, 4. 5 to $!&.

250 New Shawls, Skirts, Dresses, lower than ever kaowa^


Best Drees Ginghams 5c» worth 10»u Best Dark Outings 8 c worth lS | c . Bit ached and Unbleach'd Sbeating 3«io. 5c Best Fall Calicoes, warranted, 4 | c Ladies' New Fail Shoes 1, 1.50,4 to $4 00. ChildTCo's Shoes 2 5 c 374c 50c to $1.6*. Men's Shoes90c to $3. Boots 1.75 to |S.0Ok Rubbers and Rubber Boots for all. $ Best Live Geese Feathers 65c lb. • ;

Ladies' Vestsiaod Panti, 25c worUi 50c Ladies' Camels Hair $ t , worth $1.50. Children's Vests and Pants. 8c, 10c to 50c. Men's Natural Wool V and P 50c, worth f t . l«dies*andChildren'sHose, 5c, 10cto50c. •'The Weber" Kid.Gloves, f t , warranted. JRayden's All "Wool Flannels and Yarns. Toweling 5c, Glass.Toweling, Linen, §c-Best^oats Thread 45c dozen, 4c spool.

10,000 rolls New Fall Wall Paper, 3Jc,to 25c.; See it.

TS^-Tbsolutelv i*ure .

Acream of tartar baking powder. High­est of all in leavening strength-.—Latett

- U. S. Government Shed Report.-KOTAL BAjOSre .POWDER CO.,

• M6 Wall street. Hew York.

For sale In Lowville by Aldis D. Foot and other, leading dealers,'

NO T I C E TO W H O M I T M A Y C O N CEBN. Tins is to (five noUoe that mj son;

Moritz Loson, has left home, and ail persons are. forbidden to trust or barber him on my account a*

I shaU pay no bills of bis fjontraodng, irvllli Lowville, N. Y., Sept. 5tb, 18M.



Ifew Firm! New Goods!

s; Hesler & Elliott .

Have opened, a .


wlifire everything periaining to a

Merchant Tailoring Establishment

roav he found. . We do not caim to • ' . • *

have , a n y p h e n o m i h a l g o o d s or.jwi-

ces,'bat every thing k

VNEW, and price* as LOW A 8 POSSIBLE.

We hope in the iiitu£e> .as in the

,|)ast, by honest dealing and attention

to tlie wants of the people, to merit

otir share of patronage...

See onr new Crockery, Lamps, Glassware Full Dinner Set, warranted^ best, $8.00. New Decorated Sets 2.50, 8, 3.50, 5 to $35. Best Fringe Spring Roller Shades 25c . Kew Small and Large Cornice Poles 25c.

I f e w Chenille and Lace Curtains Cheap. . Hop Baling, Kiln Cloth and Twine.

Best New 50c Tea for 25c lb. Try it 1 6 lbs Best Sun Gloss Starch for 85c 12 Bars B e a t ^ p 3 5 c ' Extracts 10c Best Raisins 5c. Beat Currants 5c. Best Plug and Fine Cut Tobacco 85c lb Best Smoking Tobacco 12c 1b 16 oa. Best Headlight Oif (not kerosene) 8 c

JglPJrist Opened One Case New Bed Blankets $1 pr- pair, worth $2. t

: We cordially invite everyone while.attending the "Fair" to come in and see our New Fall Goods whether they purchase or not. All orders for samples and goods promptly filled. ' * - < • * /

HENRY F. WEBER & CO No 100 State st.. (fournoorsl. Lowville, N, Y.

Boots a n d . Shoes.


; Boots and Shoes. We are now receiving a large stock of .Men's and Boys' "CustoriMnade'

K I P , CALF and. &RAIN BOOTS, for the early Fall trade. They are 8tt-:

perior in quality, and will be sold ;it Hard Times Price*.

We are patting in an unusually large and fine assortment of Men's/ Women's and Children's SHOES of airstyles;and qualities.

:Wehave the largest stock of RUBBER BOOTS and all kinds ot Rub­ber Goods, in Lewis county.

We do not advertise any special " bargain .days.''^ "Low prices" and .bargain days are every day in the week with us.

Sfiiiley Bloclc, - -' - Xjo-vwille, 3ST. "5T.

S toddard & Bateman, Dry-Goods, &e.


iFnst Received, AT

Sioddard & Bateman's, •***—~immi** -*m

Xe&ral Notices.

THE PEOPLE OF THE. STATE OF NEW'TOHK. to Julia Griffin, James Griffin and

Vary Friary, and Margaret Griffin, whose place of residence Is Untaown.and cannot be ascertained after diligent search and.inauery. and Willie Spain and Agnes Spain, infants, of Utica. N, Y.. The Widow next of kin and beirs at law of Francis Griffin; late of the town of Osceola, in the countv of Lewis, and state of New York,,deceased, send greeting:

'Whereas, John G. Griffin, one of the fxecutorn named in the Last Will and Testament- of the said Francis Griffin, deceased, has lateiyjapiJied to our Surrogate's Court of our County of Lewis, to have the said Win, which relates or purports-to relate to both real and - personal property, proved in pur­suance of the Statute in such case made and pro­vided: ^ou. and each of you, are therefore cited and required personally to be and. appear before onr SorroKate of the oounty of Lewis, at his oifk-e in Lowvllla, In the county of Lewis, on the 53d day of October, 1894; at-ten o'clock in the forenoon then and there to attend the probate of the said last Will and, Testament

And that if any of the above-named persons be under the age of twenty-one Sears, they are re­quired to appear by their guardian if tbey have one, or If they have none, that they appear and apply for one to be appointed; or in the event of their neglect or failure to do so, a guardian will be ap­pointed by the Surrogate to represent and act for them in the proceeding.

In testimony Waereof, we have caused the.seal of our Surrogate's Court of the oounty. of Lewis to be hereunto affixed..

, Witness, Henry E. Turner. Surrogate of said [L. S. County, at Lowville, in said County, on the

8djlay of September AD. . 1894.. ALF3BUS I>. FEASE.

. 9w7 .Clerk of the Surrogate's Court

LEWIS COUNTY CLEBK'SOFFICE — Notice is hereby ei vea tfiat on; the 5ch day of

September, 1894i at 10 o'clock A. at., a panel of twenty;four frrand jQroSji aim a panel of thirty-six trial or petit Jurors will be drawn, at thi»j<Sffice to serve at a oonnty court and court of seagnas t<i be held in and for the County of Lew hi at the court house in tie village of Lowville, oh Monday, the 34tt) day of September, 1894, at-10 o'clock m the forenoon, . . - ' • ' - - .

Dated August 88, 189C ' - • - - . 8^2 A. M. LANPi|EE. Clerk. NEW YOSfK STA11S Ctm .,

NOTIC* TO COmTaACTOB8.~0fije« ofr-Supecintendent of FubOe Worki. AlbaiyiAi 26, 1894 ^-pursuant to chapter 736 of H* '' 189fc sealed toonoaalivrOlhe we«4vrf ihyJ! intendent of PabBo Works at his offloe ii until Friday, September %^ M94,:'at tweiw o'clock noon of that day, tor Work cf Constrncting a sluice in the Bluttlway attbe foot of North Jbateh reser­voir. B V « T pronossi for said work • • * be ac-coxnpaoiedby-aaraft or certified checa npop epme gywabankaw insUtfltlonof flieeitr »fW*w York or Albany,israedbya national at'StateIwnk to eood eredlt within the State, payable at siebt to the Superintendent of Public works fof the awoitBt

-* below a« reqoired to bedeporfted

tions may be seen for fire days.prior letttng^at the office of toe < **^" lie works In Albany^nd at'

the date of of pab-

0. Ward, iVffle,«; T.

for the

"5 -j»f-e»otia<jt on

1 Saotel, 'Saw Baaaaa. H T. -

Beadqnarters ... «vl

. f. HaWtr, Proprietor.

\- ' l , f ; ; N m v Dress-Goods, _'-•__•. •' •'•'•'.;,;".T. New-Triminings, *= ' .

y*,' ".-,--New Fur Gapes:, And Collars. Xow Jackets.

Insl>e<?tioii Solicited,

V. Lansing^ Waters , Dry Codd^ Etc.




Merehaiidiseis Lower in price than in Fiftv Years !

Good Goods at Cut Pr^esVwhich afford the i>eot>le of Lewis county a rare ;. opportunity-^rriakmg their Fall purchases at Lowest ,

- ' Prices of modern times. ' • • • • % - . . . • '

50in. Se/ges:37c aflin-Silltiiias _l6c._w.ere pc.

i l l-Lad ies

.Dress Fl±rmeU 2 5 « , w e r e : 3 6 c . J a c k e t s and Capcss $ 1 . 4 S t o # 8 .

36ii» Child-'

Vej's Jackets 11.98 to $4^75, . Ladies' heavy Vests 25c , were/39e. Best expteiedbetowa.rented to be^poiii.S'wi?^ Indigo P r i n ^ 5c. Beavy .Browr^Sheeting 3_ic. Cotton _Fl*nnela &J,.«e, btoTforthe propoted work. Plans and specific* and T9. <?in$£m» 5c. Gent's (JnlaHndriedpilifta 25c. WindowSliades.

spring rollers,; 20c. Lace Csjrtains 49c. pair. . -White Quilta 47|c. Bed Blankets 49&,jmir. Totfetmg Se. yard.* Ladies'; Shoes. $1 pairl Corsets 5 % e*dk K i * Gloves 50c. pr. Floor Oil Clojfe 2lc. yd, Cltina Matting 12c. t«t ',• B e » p Carpet I2o. yd. ALL WOOL C A R P E T 456. ' Batting 8c.= "%B*fifer» 40c. doz JBaktng Pb*<J^r 15e.l b. Raisins 5c lb. Jleo's

: Boe*»#L5«3pr. '.- \ ->± • :' ' f^member we have tlie largesf stock, the best goods, tlie lotre«t prices. Samite*oh application. Ordefs promptly filled. -. ;. ::•".:"{'.---. •-.•••-• • -• ... -- .•-.%'fAwa^o'trAiggi^''

^ _ ^ _ i " ' . . . irrji 1 _ ^ J - *—n.—, —: ^ - — ^ _ ^ ^ p ^ _ ^


r>B»oii8 Bfrrmo YOUR sPMtm AN0ifw^«sdi»Pty.Foa¥oif«SaSLF OoBBOTTS, tome aodaeecnr good* ana er^Birecpnrprk)* Ottr store toehaek fall o{ ^