Download - ' I · fran bombed areae, SO FAR THIS G..W (Upper .-'ustria)!!.\5 RECEIVED ... first mention of the Germane -of the extent of damage done by bombings, )


-----~----=· :..-:-!:. .-'· "' ,-.~ . ,c,~o · A ~, .,. , .A .i t.•·:l .. 16, 1945

Graz (Str.ic} . • lanuary 1- The l!ayor of Ora?. annooncee that tho transport of coal and ooke ie made difficult by tranepo~t situ• ation, and therefore every household, irreepeoth·e of its size ,

can in f uture only bo allowed tuel for cooking and f or heating c?J one room, r; , TT

' 17 l

J'anuar;r 1 . - Bruck (Styria} • Two Oeman membero of the rural. guard~rcm Kreie Bruck on the .Leitha have been awarded dlplcmae of appreciation and 100 Reichemark for excellent service perfor­med during the large scale combing out of the underground of the dietriot in spring,

J'anua~ 2 ,- Wien- In Taxenbach, Salzburg, the Oermand discove­red t~ee ~~~ ago a eecrot printing plant of t hft Catholic-Le­gitimist Front , which wae hidden in the cel lere of the Ci~J-hall. Two persons were arrested, but .While they w&r~ ~hipp~d under Po­lice escort to Zell am Bee by train, be th t.hq. '\n~. their escort disappeared without leaving a trace, The c:.,=t>.n.t ere making ex­tensive efforts to find the fugitives ,

January 5, - Bern- A report of an interview 'n Aa3trian condi­tions with a person with good contacts eaye : '!ilV.'\t.uation started at the beginning of December, Th~ Reich oeroens were the first to disappear and they were foll owed by many i)ar ty officials , The population of Vienna, primarily children, women and old people ie being evacuated accor ding to a fixed plan, AJ.~. the refugeee ars dominated by the same deep resignat ion and a dispair which

seems to make them indi f fere nt to what happens t~ them. The au­thorities, particularly the SS, treat them rough1y ,

' January 1 . - Wien- New Year appeal by Ba~dur von Schiraoh in the Vienna edition of the Voelkiecher Beobachter:"AB long aa there

is a German Army and 55 nobody in Vienna need wo~ry about the events in the Hungarian area, The fortification3 huild at the frontier ae a precaution also protect our city, • . . The bomb which hit the BelYodere baa had ita ef fect , We kn~• our annemiee•

January 6, - Graz (Styria}- A railway accident oc-:ured at ii'ueck on November 4t h 1944 resulting in two death. Four peop~e w~r£

badly and one slightly injured, The Graz Landeegoricbt has s~r­tenced the engine driver to four month imprisonement, The dri · ver said he had been working for 23 hours without a break,

Januaaz 9.- oraz (Styria}- An a i r attack on Graz on January 8 cause 15 de~s and the same number of people were wounded.


' ' I '

Jaruary 12 .- Wien- The Vienna edi Uon of t.lf" Voe1.;cischer B'e­obachter stated that Kriminalobereekretaer 55 Rauptecharfueh­rer Aloia Fasching , a'ged 46 , Who was killed ).n. a mysterious accident on December 30th has been buried at Uarburg a . d.Drau . (Nates At an earlier date underground reports informed that they had liquidated Aloia Fasching) .

Janua~ 14.- Wien- The Vienna edition of the Voelkischer Be­obach\er said that SS Gruppenfuehrer and Generallectnant Josef Filtzhum was killed in an accident on January lOth. Inquier~ee are being made . (Note s Same as above) .

January 16.- DNB- DNB reports that: Ferdinand Lang, from Sal~­burg constantly listened to the enemy radio from 1940 to iUl43·.

He spreads the enemy ' s inciting and mendacioufl t·eports · among'·

~is fellow- workere and tried to underminE: their faith in final victory by remarks hostile to the State . Although hle indig­nant comrades reproached him, Lang cont:'..m·.ed 1.n his activitieo Before a People ' s Court he was sentenced to J. :ut~ •

. January 29.- Linz- A letter from Scharfuebr~r. ~chann Kelser in the sS, formerly stationed in Lower .Austriil. nol"t on the

·weeter.n front , to Gauleiter Jury says : " I hav( been billeted in a private house , All the men of the house h~ve been called up. The women bravely do the work. I certainly wish the atti­tude of the population in Austria was the same as that of the people here . The H. J . (Hitle r Youth) and B:D.H, (Association of German g i rls) are seen everywhere in uniform. Everybody weare the party badge and war decoration at any time with pride" .

Linz (uppe r Austria) January 15 , 1945. Here is part of a speech by Gauleie~ Eigruber of Upper Austria made on January 15 to a party officials rally in Linz. It is interesting to note the propaganda of desperate fear , keynote of most poli ­tical speeches in Germany now 1

"The National Socialist llovment and Nation today too are just as determined as before to wage this v~r until v.ict~ry is

won, no mat ter how dark things look at the present time . The past year has revealed ·our enemie 1 s aims to us . Today we can tell every German from authentic documents what our enemies intend to do W1 th us. THE TEHERAN COl!Fm ENCE TOOK THE CONCRETE DECISION TH 'PUNISH ' THE GERMAN NATION ONCE ,\l:D

FOR ALir. THE PUNISHl.fENT WAS INTENDED TO BE THE CCJD?IEIJ.'E· ERA­DICATION OF GERMANY. The border areas were .to be separated and distributed among the neighboring powers·. Industry was to be ~ completely paralysed, all maahines availlable in Germany

were to be tranePOl'te C. to the Siviet Union and posa.ibly to Fr$nc~ ~ngland and America, The German Nation is . to be c?m­pJ.~ely disarmed, All of the German anned· forces are to eu.r­r4flder , all of the Army, Navy, Luftwaffe, ss , S~ Police, R.ID , and 20 million German men in the ages between 14 a nd 60 are. to go as slaves to .the Soviet Union. German children inolu- · ding babies are to be "internationalized" , The men and wanen remaining in the homeland are to be partly anihilated by arti ­ficially caus'ed starvation, girls and women are to be come the victims of a 50 years occupation, The plan ie to garrison se­veral millions of Senegal Negroes , Yaroccans , Chinese , Hongole and .American gangsters 'in Germaey and thus eradicate the German nation for good,.,, After this war-capitalist America a nd bolshevik Russia wat to share the world among themselve , • • "

"And regardl.ess of this threat one finds today tens of thousands of people in this country (Aus tria) who are most actively participating to bring this develioh plan about , Sor," of these people , corrupted by Comrm.mist -or i:one.rchist i deas have taken up arms agai·nst the German Nation, I can o.scu re them that they will be deo.l t with, our Fuehrer was right· when he called some of the Austrians "das Alpen-Kretinen- Volk" ( " the half- witted people of the Alps" - quotation from "mein Kampf") as we fail to see what they are fighting fol', None of our enemies have recognized an Austrian Governmant in Exile and therefore it is apparen that the Austrians a re going to be treated just like the Germans , These people who listen to Otto or Stalin are ·trying to dig their own graves , "

Surveying the agricultural output of Upper Austria the Gauleiter said "the cultivation of pot o.toes and vegetables must be further increased, We need more food as 1'/e have many more people to feed, We are receiving daily tbw sands of people fran bombed areae, SO FAR THIS G..W (Upper .-'ustria) !!.\5 RECEIVED UORE THAN 160. 000 REFUGEES BUT THIS IS OilLY A BEGiill:!ING·, l!ORE THAN lOO, QOO PEOPLE HAVE STILL TO BE ACCGfOD.\Tr.Il , 11 ( 'I'his is the first mention of the Germane -of the extent of damage done by bombings , )

Then the Gauleiter calls on the people for the"People's Sacrifiee" w:ging them to give up thei.r extra clothes and shoec for the Landstunn (defense Unit) All textiles uill have to be given up by the Theatres ~o make more uniforms , After a l c nghthy ou tburat agaios t the "cruel t:y" ot the "enemy hordes!' he con­cludes by promis·ing a people' s State after "victory is achieved" ,

(Notet quotations are translation from German text)

<t}ork Union e?'ICiliran cACildem;y

.....,. .. -_.,.,.,.

Prealdont Franklin D ~ Rootevolt Ylaeh•nr;·ton, D. c .

J,tJ doc.r 11r . President :

-.~-- ... --..~-~,--.--L- .............. ..

.._,. _____ _ April 10, 194S

If one-halt ot th~ 1nhunan, brutal acta of Ott;r,.any reported have actually oocurred , thon th(lt nation deaervoe to be read out of' c1v1l1cod nattone and I have no doub t that ~ore than half or theoo roporta or brutality aro correct .

This nation, cr. Prealdent, will back 10\t whole• heartadlJ tn a de=and that Oorc&nJ repair IVOl'J ounce ot l Ph711cal da~go she baa done to Allied lands and that they be ~do to work under Allied direction at thft po1nt ot AllSod baronet• ., nan, ,.eera &I DAJ be req\llred to re-build co~lotoly Ge~an devastation.

This r.old having baon found w!ll oertalnly help to pey ott 1ndocn1ty for darnagoa which Oof'l"'l.n hands cannot ) roconttNct and I only hope without MV&ngo or 111 teel1f\.£1 • aeneo or jus t ice •111 do~and coopleto reparat,on .

t:orcy to tho gu1lt;r will be VfU"7 morc1tul to tho innocent .


... lf'DI, Mri ... . ,.~-· .... .

O.t. !1, lH&

W• ,._ PNaUelft • 'IIMk et ,__, .. OM et •~*lap _.. 117 • A.ndu of tM tonu. latlleW b7 tile CIIUbJ MJO M .U otMn 11M nMUef •p1•at ••U• llftft olaoe ptlit tor ~•u -•iedAi 'It'll tlileb u...... 'I'M taertptt .. -~ oe* p~ are 1Ja 0.: • 'I'M .... _. ..Uo tM Preei ... ~ tw ~- -~ M h pna. liU' nppN .... people. Jlellneo t)le PNalae will ua ~• laaft *h -... w lq ~ w1• hla w••ln _. •• "' u of ~ ... etu. •PJ'•

a-tn'l'M \o ... On•• ~. 8 rUa 1011 .s, ftlP •"" 4ef• 2 _. "~-of 1"'-r ... )Ciii'.rou.e to .horn ..... t!lq ban ··"" tlae1r pwpo.-.

oa lo-86-4.1 llll". a. rlta l'ft1IJM4 pontollo, tocetbor ws.n letter to Mls. 'l'ull.7, a4'f'l•b& bel' Uaat 1111 •propnato OJ~~r••l• fit ttae PNIIldeat•e tbMkl hae been llildn81ocl ~o llle• .. Bsolqa.

(OrlciM-1 .. re_,n.,_ 111111 pontoUo --~ to ~· l'vk LlWa~T, 80rill .., ... )