Download -  · Hamilton: St. ’ Parish Church Church of Scotland Registered Scottish Charity No. SC008779 stjohnschurchhamilton Letter from the Minister


Hamilton: St. John’s Parish Church

Church of ScotlandRegistered Scottish Charity No. SC008779


Letter from the Minister

Dear Friends

Almost a year ago Ross Blackman finished his probationary period at St John’s and was called as the next parish minister of Hamilton Old Parish Church. Since his ministry began there it has been a privilege and a blessing to have Ross as one of my neighbouring colleagues and we have already worked together on a few things and are looking forward to even more in the months that lie ahead. The Thursday Midweek service here at St John’s, which he began during his time here, has continued and goes from strength to strength.

Within our own congregation Fiona Anderson has begun, what the Church of Scotland now calls, the discernment process which allows those embarking upon it to reflect upon the call to ministry they may be experiencing alongside a minister of another charge who acts as a ‘Mentor’ for them during this time of reflection. At the end of that period a National Assessor meets with all those involved; the applicant, the minister and a Presbytery Assessor who is involved throughout the process as well, and a decision is made about how to progress from that point. It is an exciting time for Fiona and for all of us who would seek to support her however we can in this exploring of her call and the ‘discernment’ of where it should take her next.

In the past year while we have had no students, probationers or applicants associated with St John’s I have continued, in my presbytery work, to be involved in the assessment and training of various people. I was most recently Presbytery Assessor for another applicant to the discernment process and her Local Review and the end of that time took place just a couple of weeks ago. I am now Presbytery Assessor for a further applicant and will meet him for the second time later this month to hear how his time is progressing and what his thoughts now are. Being involved in the assessment and training of candidates for our different ministries is a real privilege and I know that many of you appreciate how much I enjoy this part of my ministry and how much I hope to be able to offer others, due the positive experience of training I had in my time.

I am extremely pleased to be able to inform you that St John’s will once again have a student attached to the congregation - this time for a part-time, six month placement




beginning this month. Lorna Fyfe has been training for the Readership and has one more placement to complete. We met a couple of weeks ago and I was pleased to hear about all the aspects of ministry of which she was interested in gaining experience. Lorna will have joined us for Messy Church on Saturday 1st October by the time you read this, and will be with us on Sunday mornings gaining different experiences and developing her worship leading skills from our Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday through until the spring. It is a valuable experience for everyone involved when a student embarks upon a placement. The congregation, the supervisor and the student are all given opportunities to learn from one another and to develop their thinking on a variety of issues. I, for one, look forward to be afforded that opportunity once again.

I know St John’s will offer Lorna a warm welcome and encourage and support her during her time with us.

It is an exciting time for the congregation as we have a local colleague in Ross who is a very close friend, a church member in Fiona who deserves to be supported and encouraged by her own congregation as she progresses in her assessment and training experience, and a new student for the Readership in Lorna who will be within our midst until next year. I hope we can all do everything possible to show how these three people and their calls to ministry are important to us, and how the contribution St John’s makes in their story is one we hope is the most positive and useful it can possibly be.

with love and best wishesJoanne

Session News

The Kirk Session meeting in September always has a fairly large pile under the agenda heading of “correspondence” generated since our last meeting in May. This includes extract from Presbytery minutes, letters from 121 regarding national events or campaigns, and so on. It can be a bit dry as I’m sure you can imagine. So I decided that we’d finish that agenda item on a high. As many of you will know, the flowers that appear in the church each Sunday get delivered to two members or households in our congregation after the service. This might be because they are ill, have a birthday, are housebound or have been recently bereaved. This is a really important part of our Pastoral Care and is a tangible sign that we are thinking of them.

What does that have to do with correspondence? I am the recipient of a number of cards and notes throughout the year from some of the folk who receive these flowers. First thing to say is, we don’t expect a note back, so please don’t feel obliged. The contents of these cards however make it very clear to me how appreciated this act is for people who are going through a tough time. I didn’t go through the cards in detail for Session, but talked them through the sort of content.

I’m very pleased that Kirk Session asked me to note our grateful thanks to Margaret Paterson, Margaret Clelland and the rest of their team who make this happen every Sunday, and I’m delighted to do that here where you can all read it.

During opening worship of the Kirk Session we remembered Iain Ferguson, Frank Dempster and Tom McKinney in prayer.

Iain Ferguson - Iain grew up in Glasgow where he shared his childhood with his three sisters, but the family life he was to create began with Jean in 1955 when they met and married in Springburn. The births of Alan, Graeme and Linda turned the couple into a family, the family that meant so much to him and for whom he worked hard all his life. Iain taught in Sunday School and later became an Elder at St John’s in 1968. He was a member of the Glasgow and Caledonia Strathspey and Reel Society and this was undoubtedly one of his passions. His family, however, was his greatest passion and having four grandchildren as well as a great grandson brought him immense pleasure and pride.Iain shared 60 years of marriage with Jean, he shared family life with three generations of children, he shared work life and church life and leisure time and we’re all the better for having shared something of his life with him. Thanks be to God!


Frank Dempster, Beadle, the Ministers man. There are some who will not remember Frank and others who will have stories to tell of a man who loved the church, especially St John’s. Ordained as a Deacon by the late Rev Robert Ross, and later as an Elder by the late Rev Dr Brown, Frank served the church well and it would be impossible to list all his activities. He left St John’s for a period to take up a full time job in the church at Eastwood Toll but he missed his friends at St John’s and it wasn’t long before he was back again. In the days when the Sunday school met after the morning service Frank took his place as a devoted teacher, in the days when we spent quite some time out with the Sunday hours, climbing Tinto, The Campsie Glen, The Eaglesham Moors, The Avon Glen, The Jennie Dang etc.Happy days, sometimes wet, sometimes cold, but Frank was always there helping on the stragglers.He sang in the Choir, took his part in the then Drama Group, many stories there. He loved that, whether he remembered his lines or not, there was always a laugh at the end. Unknown to most, Frank spent sometime in the Royal Navy, of which he was very proud, and when the time came for him to retire he immediately took on a job as a school patrol person in the Burnbank area, typical Frank. In his later days spent in the Douglas Park Home, he would arrange to be picked up to be brought to church, making sure the Matron would keep his dinner warm for him on his return. Slowly though he went downhill, it was sad to see especially by those who knew him when full of life. To his family we send our condolences, your Dad was a character, and a man I so much respected. (Contributed by Ian Forsyth)

Tom McKinney - Born on 28th May 1938, the third child of Tom and Jessie, Tom grew up in Motherwell where he attended the Boy’s Brigade. Tom began his working life as an office Trainee with Colvilles at the Fullwood Foundry in Hamilton and there Tom discovered that his very favourite job was counting the railway waggons in and out of the foundry. Tom and Liz met at the Trocadero Ballroom, and were married in St John’s on 14th June 1958 and with Anne’s birth two years later the couple became a family. Alison would later complete that family, at least for the time being. Tom’s joy would increase later when Douglas and Peter both joined the family and then, when grandchildren Kate, Ross, Sophie and Robyn were added to the mix, the pride of being a grandfather as well grew and grew.Tom was known in St John’s as a Sunday School teacher, a member of the projects committee, Elder, volunteer in the café and the lunch club but was also an enthusiastic member of the Hamilton Round table as well as helping with the BB and being a founder member of the Hamilton Railway Club. Tom’s love of music also took him to the Hamilton Caledonian Male Voice Choir where his influence is still felt. For all we have known of him and his life we give thanks to God.

Graeme DoddsSession Clerk

Family Record September 2016

Death It is with sadness that we acknowledge the death of the following members of our congregation.

Mr D Murray, Hamilton who died 7th September 2016Mr T McKinney, Hamilton who died 10th September 2016


Quinn Emma Hogg Paterson baptised 18th September 2016Carly June Hogg Paterson baptised 18th September 2016

October Magazine Deadline

All material for the next issue of the Centre magazine is to be with the Editor by Sunday, 23rd October. NO LATER.

Items can be left in the top right basket marked Magazine Editors in the rack outside the office, or by email to: [email protected]

Our Magazine is available to pick up from our Information boxes at the entrance to the Centre.

Or you can view/download a PDF copy here:


Friendly HourTuesdays 2.00pm-3.30pm

Our new session begins on Tuesday 4th October

October 04 Re-dedication – Rev Joanne Hood11 Malawi Fruits18 No Meeting – Holiday25 Tommy Quinn – Clydesider

Nov 01 Yvonne – Praise Afternoon

If you have not been to one of our meeting before, we would love to see you, everyone is made most welcome. Tea, coffee and biscuits are also served during the afternoon.

St. John’s Fellowship

Meetings for OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2016

Wednesday October 5 @ 7:30 pm in Clyde room and Forum.Opening and Rededication with the Rev. Joanne Hood.Buffet Included.

Wednesday October 19 @ 7:30 pm in the Clyde room.Presentation on the Haven Centre.Refreshments provided.

Wednesday November 2 @ 7.30pm in the Clyde Room.Volunteering at the Commonwealth Games with illustrations by Tommy Quinn.

Wednesday November 16 @ 7.30pm in the Clyde Room.Eileen Logan, The Provost will speak on a topic of her choosing.

Please come along and support The Fellowship, enjoy yourself, bring a friend or colleague. All meetings held in the Clyde Room at 7:30pm. Refreshments provided.

John Smy

What’s on at St John’s

Youth GroupYouth Group meets on the second and fourth Sunday of the month from 7.30pm-9.00pm for young people in S1-S6. We offer a varied programme and get up to things such as movie nights, debates, pancake making and trips to Equi’s.

If you are in S1-6 and are interested in coming along our dates for this year are:

October 9th

October 23rd

November 13th

November 27th

December 11th

Our meetings are held in the Youth Room (Avon Room) unless we are going out somewhere. If you want any more information please contact Lesley Auld


St John’s Football

Dates for your Diary

15 October Holiday No Football

22 October Holiday No Football

27 November Last football of Year

4 February Football Restarts in 2017

Contact – Tom Anderson

The story of the

Scottish Bible SocietySince 1809, we have sought, under God, to put the Bible into

people’s hands and hearts.

We work so that all people can have the Bible in a language

they understand, a form they can access and at an affordable

price, to aid genuine encounters with God.

We are a fully independent charity, registered in Scotland, and

a founder member of the United Bible Societies – 146 Bible

Societies at work in some 200 countries worldwide.

If you would like to contribute to the continuing work of the Society you will find inside this issue an envelope which can be used to send a gift directly to the Scottish Bible Society.

We distribute Bibles, New Testaments and other Scripture-based

materials, in a range of media, in Scotland and throughout the world.

Our volunteer network includes Action Groups, local Church

Representatives and speakers, all helping to spread the Word of God

and finance the distribution of the Scriptures at home and overseas.

Bible ‘shop’ workers at Edinburgh’s Bible House, late 19th century

Bible distribution in China



Thank you

We collected envelopes, can collected, baked cakes, served teas and coffees, made lunches and together with all the churches in Hamilton we collected an amazing total of £15,031.12 for Christian Aid 2016.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for all your help, hard work, and continued support during Christian Aid Week. It couldn’t have happened without you all.

I look forward to working with you again during Christian Aid Week 2017.

Well done!

Sheila Thomson




What Goes in My Shoebox?"WOW" ITEMInclude a toy that a child will immediately love as soon as they open the box.

Ideas include: Stuffed animal, deflated football & pump, toy truck, doll (baby, Barbie etc), musical instruments.

Why not include a personal note or photo of you or your family?

Gift Suggestions

Toys: Include items that children will immediately embrace such as dolls or stuffed toys (with CE label), toy trucks, harmonica, yo-yo, skipping rope, ball, small puzzles etc.

School Supplies: Pens, pencils & sharpeners, crayons or felt pens, stamps & ink pad sets, writing pads or notebooks & paper, solar calculators, colouring & picture books etc.

Hygiene Items: Toothbrush and toothpaste, bars of wrapped soap, comb or hairbrush, flannel.

Other Items: Hat, cap, gloves or scarf, sunglasses, hair accessories, jewellery set, wind up torch, wrapped sweets (best-before-date must be at least March of the following year).

Do Not Include: Used or damaged items, war related items such as toy guns, play soldiers or knives; chocolate or other food items; liquids or lotions of any type including bubbles; medicines; hand-made or knitted stuffed toys; anything of a political, racial or religious nature; sharp objects; glass containers, mirrors or fragile items; playing cards of the 4-suit variety; clothing other than as listed above.

More information available at:

Age and Gender

Girls & Boys age groups: 2-4: 5-9: 10-14

Shoeboxes are now available, price 50p, and can be collected from Elaine Sommerville after morning worship on

Sunday 16th October


Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees Interfaith Refugee Initiative LaunchedScottish faith leaders have joined with voices from across the United Kingdom in an open letter to the Prime Minister calling for more action to help refugees. Leaders from Britain’s major faiths called on the Government to urgently revise its policy towards refugees.

Read the full letter and Scottish signatories on the Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees website.

Churches stand with refugees as world leaders meet at UN summitOn the 19 September the UN General Assembly hosted a historic high-level summit addressing the large movement of refugees and migrants at its headquarters in New York. Church and civil society representatives hope that the summit and its outcomes will motivate improved and more humane government responses toward the world’s estimated 65 million refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced people.

In advance of the summit, the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe issued statement calling on world leaders to address the root causes of large-scale forced movements, support sustainable and equitable development, and reaffirm existing international human rights laws.

Read the full text of the statement.

International Credit Union Day, 20 October 2016: “The Authentic Difference"

Credit unions are recognised as a force for positive economic and social change and have provided significant value in both developed and emerging nations. International Credit Union Day is sponsored by World Council of Credit Unions, the international trade association and development agency for credit unions, as well as numerous national credit union trade associations and federations around the world.

The Church of Scotland continues to support and promote Credit Unions and encourages you and your Church to engage with your local credit union. Find out more and download our credit union leaflets.

Challenge Poverty Week, 16-22 October 2016 More than 900,000 people in Scotland live in low income households. In a rich country like ours this is unnecessary and unacceptable. Challenge Poverty Week is an opportunity for you to raise you voice against poverty and show what is being done to tackle poverty across Scotland.The main aims of the week are to:

Highlight the reality of poverty and challenge the stereotypes that about exist about it;

Demonstrate what is being done across Scotland to address poverty

Increase public support for more action to combat poverty.Visit The Poverty Alliance website to find out how to get involved.


October November

2nd HARVEST 6th Mrs E Haddow

9th Mrs M Paterson & Mrs T Bellamy 13th Remembrance Day Mrs B Whitton

16th Mrs B Murray 20th Mrs W Howson

23rd Mrs M Stark 27th Mrs J Fleming

29th Mrs F Landery & Mrs J Johnston


4th Mrs J Boyes

11th Mrs I Hamilton

18th Mrs J Ferguson & Mr D Williamson

25th Mrs H Hunter

Flower Rota

Obituary printed at family request

David Murray (79yr) of Hawthorn Hill, Hamilton, passed away peacefully at home on 7th September 2016. A beloved husband to the late Rosemary and father to daughter Lesley, David enjoyed an active social life right up until he was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in May 2016.

David was a member of the Hamilton Caledonian Bowling Club and was past president of the "Caley" choir and Bellshill Probus. He spent the majority of his career with Strathclyde Police and retired as Sergeant in the Road Safety department in 1992.

David was a great friend to many, who will be sadly missed, but never forgotten. His ability to make people laugh with his stories and jokes will be remembered by all. The funeral was held at South Lanarkshire Crematorium on 14th September 2016. Lesley would like to thank everyone who attended and for their generosity in raising over £800 for Marie Curie.

Lesley Murray

Tuesday Lunch Club

For over 40 years St John’s Lunch Club has been meeting on a Tuesday, (when the Centre is open), at 12 noon to serve a two course lunch, tea & biscuits at a cost of £3 to Senior Citizens of Hamilton. The meal is supplied from South Lanarkshire HQ Catering Dept and is served by friendly church volunteers. If you or anyone you know would like to join our group for lunch full details can be obtained from: Marion Baird or Mary Stark


There will be no Evening Service at St John’s on 6th November as Joanne is taking part in the Service of Remembrance

MINISTERRev Joanne Hood9 Shearer Avenue, FerniegairTel 425002 -e-mail: [email protected]

SESSION CLERKGraeme Doddsemail: [email protected]

HALLS BOOKINGSRobin Douglase-mail: [email protected]


e-mail: [email protected]





FLOWER CONVENERMargaret Clelland



CARETAKERStuart Gibson Cleaning ServicesTel 07971155935


CHURCH SECRETARYChristine SmithOffice hours:Tue & Wed 10.00 – 12.00Thur & Fri 09.30 – 12.30Office tel/fax : 286868e-mail : [email protected]

CHURCHSt. John’s Centre tel 283492Vestry tel 286868

Magazine [email protected]

Now available throughout the Centre.

ST. JOHN’S DIRECTORYOffice Bearers Sunday Duties

Welcoming you at the Church door at morning services:

October November














Kirk Session Team Meetings9th November 2016 12th October 2016

11th January 2017 (Membership stats) 14th December 2016

8th February 2017



2nd Ian Brown & Fiona Anderson

9th Anne Gillespie & George Wade

16th Paul Flarry & Sheena Wilson

23rd Sandra Bordon & Diane Craw

30th Morag Ireland & Andrea Grant


6th Fiona Dodds & Fred Landery

13th Robert Jackson & Sandra Gray

20th Delia Hart & Dennis Hart

27thCOMMUNIONChristine McArthur & Ian MacGregor

Evening Services

To maintain privacy, telephone numbers and email addresses have been removed. Please telephone or email the office for these contact details