Download - or electric rickshaws are three wheeled vehicles that are operated with an electric motor. The notification defines

Page 1: or electric rickshaws are three wheeled vehicles that are operated with an electric motor. The notification defines

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General Awareness Updates (September 2014)

GA Updates (September 2014) Page : 1

Contents Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ................................................................................................................................................... 2

Key Outcomes of Narendra Modi’s US visit ...................................................................................................................... 2

PM Modi’s address to UN General Assembly .................................................................................................................... 3

Justice H.L.Dattu sworn in as 42nd Chief Justice of India .................................................................................................... 4

Home Ministry issues notification for lifetime validity of PIO Cards .................................................................................. 4

E-rickshaws recognized as special category three-wheeled vehicles ................................................................................. 4

ISRO gets ready for the launch of IRNSS 1C ...................................................................................................................... 5

Jayalalitha Convicted & Jailed in Graft Case ...................................................................................................................... 5

President’s rule imposed in Maharashtra ................................................................................................................................... 5

PM Narendra Modi launched ‘Make in India’ Campaign ................................................................................................... 6

MOM in Mars Orbit.......................................................................................................................................................... 6

2014 Asian Games ........................................................................................................................................................... 7

Miscellaneous .................................................................................................................................................................11

Important Summits held in 2014 .....................................................................................................................................14

Important Committees....................................................................................................................................................15

Who is who .....................................................................................................................................................................15

Current RBI Rates ............................................................................................................................................................17

Current Affairs Q & A September 2014 ............................................................................................................................18

Memory Based Questions Asked in RRB Office Assistant Exam & RBI Assistant Exam ......................................................28

Key: Current Affairs Q & A September 2014 ....................................................................................................................36

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Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

The Union Cabinet has granted its approval for the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBA) which was officially launched on October 2, 2014. The main goal of the programme is a clean India with all gram panchayats being open defecation free by 2019. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Urban) will last a span of five years and cover 4,041 statutory towns. The earlier mission on sanitation, Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan, will be restructured into Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Rural). The urban component of SBA will be implemented by the Ministry of Urban Development, and the rural component by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation. The total outlay is Rs. 62,009 crores with Rs. 14,623 coming from the Centre. The scheme aims to stop open defecation through construction of IHHL (individual household latrines), cluster toilets and community toilets (especially through PPP mode). Solid and liquid waste management also forms an important component of the programme.

Major thrust is being given to information, education and communication of importance of cleanliness. A cleanliness drive under SBA was launched on September 27 in the Rashtrapati Bhavan and was lasted till October 2. The Swachh Bharat-Swachh Vidyalaya campaign involving schools where cleanliness drives will be conducted, and was launched by the Minister for Human Resources Development. A multi media campaign promoting cleanliness, sanitation and hygiene and focusing on creating awareness was be launched on October 2 by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Also, in a CSR (corporate social responsibility) initiative, L&T has announced that it shall construct 5,000 toilets across India. Significantly, the SBA identifies CSR initiatives as one of the sources for the programme’s funding.

Key Outcomes of Narendra Modi’s US visit

A joint editorial released by India and US highlighted the following developments in the bilateral relationship of the two countries:- Indo- US Investment Initiative Establishment of an Indo- US Investment Initiative led by the Ministry of Finance on the Indian side and the Department of Treasury on the American side, with special focus on capital market development and financing of infrastructure. This Initiative will focus on increasing investment by institutional investors and corporate entities Infrastructure Collaboration Platform Establishment of an Infrastructure Collaboration Platform convened by the Ministry of Finance on the Indian side and the Department of Commerce on the American side to facilitate the participation of American companies in Indian infrastructure projects Trade Policy Forum The two countries committed to work through the Trade Policy Forum to promote a business environment that was conducive for companies to invest and manufacture in both in India and US. Also, an annual

high-level Intellectual Property Working Group as a part of the Trade Policy Forum will be formed to look into issues related to innovation. Others

The two leaders also committed to hold public-private discussions in the early part of 2015 under the already existing Commercial Dialogue on new areas of cooperation, including innovation in advanced manufacturing

After reiterating their commitment to working together towards the creation of a new global agreement on climate change, they agreed to hold an urgent meeting of their bilateral task force on HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons) prior to the next meeting of the Montreal Protocol

The two leaders launched a new US – India Climate Fellowship Program to build each other’s long term capacity to address climate change related issues

A MoU between the Export-Import Bank and the Indian Renewable Energy Development

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Agency was signed. This MoU would make up to $1 bn in financing available to India to help its transition to a low carbon and climate resilient energy economy, at the same time boosting American renewable energy exports to India

The countries also agreed to a 10 year extension of the 2005 Framework for the US – India Defense Relationship

The two leaders decided to intensify cooperation in maritime security, mainly by enhancing technology partnerships for India’s Navy and also upgrading the existing military exercise Malabar.

USA pledged to help India counter the threat of IEDs (improvised explosive devices) through I&T (information and technology)

The two leaders appreciated the establishment and planned first meeting of the NASA-ISRO Mars Joint Working Group under the U.S.-India

Civil Space Joint Working Group and hoped for further co-operation in the area of space technology

The two countries agreed to launch a new phase of the India-U.S. Vaccine Action Program and emphasis on developing affordable vaccines for dengue, malaria, and TB

The two countries pledged to work together towards the export of nuclear technology from US to India to make India more self-reliant. In furtherance of this, the countries decided to continue working towards India’s phased entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), the Wassenaar Arrangement and the Australia Group. The American President expressed his support for India’s early application and eventual membership in all four regimes.

PM Modi’s address to UN General Assembly

PM Modi’s first speech before the UNGA has been commended by his supporters and critics alike. He touched upon various topics concerning India and the world in his address, which was delivered in Hindi. The speech which lasted a little more than thirty minutes

was read from a prepared text, and some parts were extempore too. Some of the points he made in his speech are as follows:-

The PM asserted that India’s future was tied with that of its neighbors. Citing instances of his government’s attempts to reach out to different neighbors, he also made it clear that no stable relationship could be built under the shadow of terrorism

Condemning terrorism and rising extremism in various parts of the world, he insisted that all nations of the world would have to function in unison to deal with such a menace. He also called for genuine dialogue and engagement between countries

In a rebuke to Mr. Nawaz Sharif’s reference to Kashmir in his speech, the PM said that it was pointless to raise bilateral issues in international forums like the UN

He also stated that it was now up to Pakistan to establish an atmosphere that was conducive to resuming talks

Rejecting unilateralism, he said that countries would have to work together to resolve the issues before them. Drawing on India’s ancient history and wisdom, he stated that India viewed the world as one. Even though India is a developing nation it is ready to share its modest resources with the world, he stated. He also questioned the necessity of various grouping of nations like G8 etc when a multilateral body like the UN existed.

He also called for reforms to the UNSC He highlighted issues faced by nations and it

people due to globalization and climate chang He said that democratic principles and unity

were on an upsurge in various parts of the world, highlighting Afghanistan and Nepal as examples. He also mentioned that the world was experiencing increasing levels of prosperity and stability, especially in Latin America

The PM drew on India’s soft power across the globe by making references to yoga and calling for celebration of International Yoga Day

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Justice H.L.Dattu sworn in as 42nd Chief Justice of India

Justice Handyala Lakshminarayanaswamy Dattu was sworn in as the CJI (Chief Justice of India) by the President of India, Pranab Mukherjee. He succeeds Justice R.M.Lodha, who was also appointed this year in April. He went on to serve as the Chief Justice in two High Courts: Chhattisgarh and Kerala. He has served in the SC

since 2008. At the SC, he has been heading the bench which was monitoring investigations into the 2G Spectrum case. Justice Dattu will serve as CJI for 14 months, and is set to retire on the 2nd of December 2015.

Home Ministry issues notification for lifetime validity of PIO Cards

Within days of the PM’s announcement of lifetime visas for PIOs, the notification for the same has been issued by the Centre. The notification amends the rules of the PIO Card Scheme so that new recipients of PIO cards will receive cards that will be valid for the duration of their life, provided they are holders of valid passports. This lifetime validity will be applicable retrospectively to holders of PIO cards too if they possess a valid passport. Earlier, PIOs had cards which granted them a 15 year visa, which could then be extended for a term of 10 years at a time. The Scheme for issuance of Person of Indian Origin Card (PIO Card) Amendment Scheme, 2014 also amended the rules that required PIOs spending more than 180 days in India to register themselves with the FRRO

(Foreigners Regional Registration Office). No such registration is now required irrespective of how long the PIO’s stay is. PIO A PIO refers to any person without Indian passport and not a citizen of Pakistan, Sri Lanka, China, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, who falls under any of the following categories Any person who has at any time held an Indian passport Any person whose parent(s) or grandparent (s) or great grandparents (s) was born in India or was a permanent resident in India . However, such a person should not have been a citizen of any other specific country Any person who is a spouse of a citizen of India or of a PIO who falls under any of the above two categories

E-rickshaws recognized as special category three-wheeled vehicles

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highway has issued a notification amending the Motor Vehicles Act, allowing e-rickshaws to ply in New Delhi. Earlier, a Delhi HC judgment had banned e-rickshaws due to safety concerns. But, the Centre has recognized e-rickshaws as a special category and has come out with guidelines for their usage. This decision has been taking by the government after taking into consideration the loss of livelihood caused to many e-rickshaw drivers because of the ban. What are e-rickshaws? E-rickshaws or electric rickshaws are three wheeled vehicles that are operated with an electric motor. The

notification defines e-rickshaws as a ‘special purpose battery operated vehicle having three wheels and intended to provide last mile connectivity for transport of passengers’. Restrictions An e-rickshaws cam carry a maximum of four passengers, excluding the driver, and luggage that weighs no more than 40 kg. The maximum allowed speed limit for e-rickshaws is 25 km/hr and the net power of its motor cannot be more than 2,000 W. Further, a license issued/renewed for an e-rickshaw will be valid only for three years from the date of issue.

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ISRO gets ready for the launch of IRNSS 1C

IRNSS 1C, the next satellite in India’s IRNSS (Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System) series, is set to be launched on October 9 by ISRO. IRNSS 1C will be

launched on a PSLV C26 from Sriharikota. The satellite is similar to, and follows the IRNSS 1A and 1B which were launched in April 2013 and July 2014 respectively.

Jayalalitha Convicted & Jailed in Graft Case

The 18 year long corruption case against former CM of TN , J. Jayalalitha, reached its conclusion when a special court in Bangalore presided by Special Judge John D’Cunha convicted her under the Prevention of Corruption Act. She was sentenced to four years imprisonment and levied a fine of Rs. 100 cr. The charge against her was of holding assets of Rs. 66.65 cr that were disproportionate to her known sources of income. This verdict marks the first ever conviction of a serving Chief Minister. Two aides of Jayalalitha and her now disowned foster son were also convicted in this case. After the sentence, Jayalalitha was taken to the Parappana Agrahara jail in Bangalore. Since she was sentenced to a period of more than three years, she will have to approach the HC of Karnataka for bail. She is also expected to file an appeal challenging the order of conviction. As of now, she stands disqualified as an MLA in accordance with the Representation of People’s Act, which also prohibits her from contesting elections for a

period of six years after she finishes serving the sentence. However, if the order of conviction is stayed or overruled by a higher court, the disqualification will be annulled. This is not the first instance of Jayalalitha having to step down as CM. In 2001, she had to step down temporarily till a higher court overturned the decision which sentenced her to two years rigorous imprisonment on a land deal case. O.Paneerselvam, who was the Finance Minister of TN, took Jayalalitha’s place as CM, following a meeting of the party’s MLAs. Mr. Paneerselvam had also served as CM for a period of six months in 2001 after Jayalalitha had resigned. After the verdict was announced, incidents of violence were witnessed in various parts of Tamil Nadu. AIADMK supporters burnt effigies of leaders of opposing parties and went on a rampage destroying public properties. Shops were shut down and instances of buses being broken or burnt were also reported.

President’s rule imposed in Maharashtra

On 28 September 2014, President’s rule has been imposed in Maharashtra by the President in accordance with a move by the Union Cabinetcalling for the same. The state assembly has been kept under suspended animation. The Cabinet made this recommendation, after the Maharashtra CM, Prithviraj Chavan, submitted

his resignation to the Governor, C.V.Rao. Mr.Chavan was put in a position where he had to resign after the NCP Congress alliance in the state crumbled. Assembly elections are scheduled to commence from October 15 in Maharashtra

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PM Narendra Modi launched ‘Make in India’ Campaign

In order to make India a manufacturing hub, PM Narendra Modi launched the Make In India Campaign at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi. The promotion is intended to appeal foreign companies to set up their manufacturing units in India and to obtain larger foreign investment. P.M. Narendra Modi on his Independence Day speech had declared the Make in India policy. The aim of the crusade is to get manufacturing sector to grow over 10% on a viable basis over a long run and to transform the economy from a Service-driven growth model to Labour-intensive manufacturing-driven growth. Thus, it will assist in creating jobs for over 10 million people, who join the workforce every year. Via ‘Make In India’ campaign, the Union Government wishes to clear the disheartening image of complex rules and bureaucratic red tape of Indian administration. It will assist the global investors to promote their investment choices. This will assist in apprehending the objective of a liberalized economy. As per the World Bank’s ease of doing business index, India ranks at very low at 134 (out of 189) nations in 2014. The ‘Make in India’ campaign will act as a guiding for foreign investors on all aspects of regulatory and policy issues and support them in attaining regulatory sanctions. The Government has already allowed 100% FDI under automatic route in construction, operation and maintenance in rail infrastructure projects. The ‘Make In India’ places stress on 25 sectors with emphasis on job creation and skill development. These include: automobiles, chemicals, IT, pharmaceuticals, textiles, ports, aviation, leather, tourism and hospitality, wellness, railways, auto components, design manufacturing, renewable energy, mining, bio-technology, pharmaceuticals and electronics, etc. Union Government released individual brochures for these sectors along with a general brochure. The brochures will offer details of growth drivers,

investment opportunities, sector specific FDI and other policies and associated agencies. Features of the ‘Make In India’ campaign

Govt to look into all regulatory processes to ease the load on investors.

A dedicated cell to answer enquiries from the

business bodies via a freshly created web portal.

F.A.Q.s on the portal to assist investors find instant answers to their general queries

Back-end support team to answer specific enquiries within 72 hours

DIPP and FICCI have together set up an 8-member expert group to address enquiries and apprehensions of investors. They will explain Indian policies to the investors and propose reforms to the Central and states governments.

All Central government services are being integrated with an e-Biz single window online portal.

States recommended initiating the self-certification

The Union Ministry of Home Affairs has been asked to provide all security clearances to investment proposals within 3 months.

An advisory has been sentto all departments/ state governments to streamline and straighten out the regulatory environment.

MOM in Mars Orbit

The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) or Mangalyaan was successfully inserted into Mars’ orbit on the 24th of September 2014 with the help of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). This gives India the distinction of not only being the first nation to send a satellite into Mars’ orbit in its first attempt, but also the first Asian nation to successfully send a satellite to

Mars. This combined with the fact that MOM cost India only a tenth of what NASA incurred to insert its satellite into Mars’ orbit, makes this achievement a source of great pride to the nation. India’s first interplanetary mission was launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota on a PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) on the 5th of November

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2013. The satellite, weighing around 1,350 kg was on an elliptical orbit around the Earth for a month before it set off towards Mars. The objectives of the MOM are to study Mars’ surface

features, mineral compositions and atmospheric conditions using indigenously developed instruments. The mission also serves to showcase India’s capabilities in indigenously developing, planning and launching an interplanetary mission. Apart from being a feat in itself, this latest milestone could help open up the highly lucrative space technology market to India.

2014 Asian Games

The 2014 Asian Games, officially known as the XVII Asiad, is a multi-sport event celebrated in Incheon, South Korea from September 19 – October 4, 2014, with 439 events in 36 sports and disciplines set to feature in the Games. India competed at the 2014 Asian Games in Incheon, South Korea, from 19 September to 4 October 2014. After 16 years India won the Gold medal in Asian Games men's hockey tournament, and consequently earned a direct berth to the 2016 Summer Olympics hockey tournament. The 2014 Asian Games, is the largest sporting event in Asia governed by Olympic Council of Asia (OCA). Asian Games 2014 Medals Tally

Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total

1 China 151 108 83 342

2 South Korea

79 71 84 234

3 Japan 47 76 77 200

4 Kazakhstan 28 23 33 84

5 Iran 21 18 18 57

6 Thailand 12 7 28 47

Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total

7 North Korea

11 11 14 36

8 India 11 10 36 57

9 Chinese Taipei

10 18 23 51

10 Qatar 10 0 4 14

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India at the 2014 Asian Games

Sport Gold Silver Bronze Total Athletics 2 4 7 13 Kabaddi 2 0 0 2 Squash 1 2 1 4 Shooting 1 1 7 9 Wrestling 1 1 3 5 Tennis 1 1 3 5 Archery 1 1 2 4 Boxing 1 0 4 5

Field hockey

1 0 1 2

Rowing 0 0 3 3 Wushu 0 0 0 2 Badminton 0 0 1 1 Sailing 0 0 1 1 Swimming 0 0 1 1 Total 11 10 36 57

Detailed Medal List-

Medal Name Sport Event

Gold Jitu Rai Shooting

Men's 50 Metre Pistol

Gold Rajat Chauhan

Sandeep Kumar Abhishek Verma


Men's Team Compound


Saurav Ghosal Mahesh

Mangaonkar Harinder Pal

Sandhu Kush Kumar

Squash Men's Team

Gold Yogeshwar Dutt Wrestling

Men's Freestyle 65 kg

Gold Seema Punia Athletics

Women's Discus Throw

Gold Sania Mirza

Saketh Myneni Tennis Mixed Doubles

Medal Name Sport Event

Gold Mary Kom Boxing

Women's Flyweight (51


Gold Men's Team

Field Hockey

Men's Hockey


Priyanka Pawar Tintu Luka

Mandeep Kaur M. R. Poovamma


Women's 4 x 400 m Relay

Gold Women's kabaddi



Women's Kabaddi

Gold Men's kabaddi


Kabaddi Men's Kabaddi

Silver Saurav Ghosal Squash Men's Singles

Silver Pemba Tamang

Vijay Kumar Gurpreet Singh


Men's 25 m Center Fire Pistol Team

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Medal Name Sport Event

Silver Dipika Pallikal

Joshna Chinappa Anaka Alankamony

Squash Women's Team

Silver Abhishek Verma Archery

Men's Individual


Silver Khushbir Kaur Athletics

Women's 20 km Walk

Silver Manju Bala Athletics

Women's Hammer Throw

Silver Sanam Singh

Saketh Myneni Tennis Men's Doubles

Silver Bajrang Kumar Wrestling

Men's Freestyle 61 kg

Silver Vikas Gowda Athletics

Men's Discus Throw

Silver Tintu Luka Athletics

Women's 800 m

Bronze Shweta Chaudhary Shooting

Women's 10 m Air Pistol

Bronze Jitu Rai

Samaresh Jung Prakash Nanjappa


Men's 10 m Air Pistol Team

Bronze Saina Nehwal P. V. Sindhu

Badminton Women's Team

Medal Name Sport Event

P. C. Thulasi Pradnya Gadre N. Siki Reddy

Ashwini Ponnappa

Bronze Rahi Sarnobat Anisa Sayyed Heena Sidhu


Women's 25 m Pistol Team

Bronze Dipika Pallikal Squash

Women's Singles

Bronze Abhinav Bindra

Ravi Kumar Sanjeev Rajput


Men's 10 m Air Rifle Team

Bronze Abhinav Bindra Shooting

Men's 10 m Air Rifle

Bronze Sanathoi Devi



Women's Sanda 52 kg

Bronze Narender Grewal Wushu

Men's Sanda 60 kg

Bronze Dushyant Chauhan Rowing

Men's Lightweight Single Sculls

Bronze Sawarn Singh Rowing

Men's Single Sculls


Kapil Sharma Ranjit Singh

Bajrang Lal Takhar Robin



Men's Coxed Eight

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Medal Name Sport Event

Ulahannan Sawan Kumar

Kalkal Mohammad Azad Maninder Singh Davinder Singh

Mohammed Ahmed


Shagun Chowdhary

Shreyasi Singh Varsha Varman


Women's Double Trap


Bronze Sandeep Sejwal Swimming

Men's 50 m Breaststroke


Trisha Deb Purvasha Shende

Jyothi Surekha Vennam


Women's Team Compound

Bronze Chain Singh Shooting

Men's 50 m Rifle Three Positions

Bronze Trisha Deb Archery

Women's Individual


Bronze Vinesh Phogat Wrestling

Women's Freestyle 48 kg

Bronze Geetika Jakhar Wrestling Women's

Medal Name Sport Event

Freestyle 63 kg

Bronze Lalita Babar Athletics

Women's 3000 m Steeplechase

Bronze Yuki Bhambri Tennis Men's Singles

Bronze Yuki Bhambri Divij Sharan

Tennis Men's Doubles

Bronze Sania Mirza Prarthana Thombare


Women's Doubles

Bronze M. R. Poovamma Athletics

Women's 400 m

Bronze Arokia Rajiv Athletics Men's 400 m

Bronze O. P. Jaisha Athletics

Women's 1500 m

Bronze Narsingh Pancham



Men's Freestyle 74 kg

Bronze Naveen Kumar Athletics

Men's 3000 m Steeplechase

Bronze Laishram Sarita



Women's Lightweight (60


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Bronze Pooja Rani Boxing

Women's Middleweight (75 kg)

Bronze Varsha Gautham

Aishwarya Nedunchezhiyan


Women's Two Person Dinghy

Bronze Women's Hockey


Field Hockey

Women's Hockey

Bronze Annu Rani Athletics

Women's Javelin Throw

Bronze Satish Kumar Boxing

Men's Superheavyweight

(+91 kg)

Bronze Vikas Krishan



Men's Middleweight (75 kg)

Bronze Inderjeet Singh Athletics Men's Shot Put


Bamiyan finalized as SAARC cultural capital for 2015-16, Dhaka for 2016-17

India approves $12 mn assistance to UN to fight Ebola in Africa

Govt declares September 25 as ‘Antyodaya Diwas’

110 Acre Integrated Food Park Inaugurated In Tumkur (Karnataka)

Indian scientist Kamal Bawa wins the Midori Prize 2014

Meghalaya Governor Dr KK Paul given additional charge as Governor of Manipur

Subhash Chandra Garg selected as the ED (Executive Director) of the World Bank

RBI sets upper age limit for private bank CEOs at 70

Unit 5 of RAPS (Rajasthan Atomic Power Station) becomes world’s 2nd longest running reactor

Sania-Soares win US Open mixed doubles title 2014

China gave “China Book Award” to JNU professor Priyadarsi Mukherji

India’s first coral garden to be set up in Gujarat World’s Oldest surviving Test cricketer Norman

Gordon passes away Nalanda University in Bihar reopens after 800


Chandrakala Padia apointed as first women Chairperson of Indian Instiute of Advanced Study, the instiute established in the year 1964

Narendra Ambwani apointed as Chairman of Advertising Standards Council of India, the Council is a self regulatory voluntary organization of the advertising industry

Leonardo DiCaprio (Ful Name Leonardo Wilhelm DiCarpio) apointed as UN Mesenger of Peace while UN Secretary General is Ban Ki-mon.

Kaushik Basu, an Indian economist and Chief Economist of World Bank, apointed as President-elect of International Economic Asociation. He became 2nd Indian after Amartya Sen who join International Economic Asociation

V.G. Mathew apointed as MD and CEO of South Indian Bank replaced with V.A. Joseph. Hereby, it is very important to know you that al the Bank apointments made under Section 35-B of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

Carolina Marin won World Badminton Championship and became the first Spaniard to win this championship. Carolina Marin defeated the world’s No.1 badminton player Li Xuerui.

Sudhakar Jayant won Gold Medal at IWF World Masters Weightlifting Championships while Huskonen Jari of Finland won the Silver Medal.

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This is his third Gold Medal at IWF World Masters Weightlifting Championships.

On 7th September 2014, Lewis Hamilton won Italian F1 Grand Prix

Pankaj Advani, Snoker Player anounced his retirement.

Saed Ajmal of Pakistan, World’s No.1 Spiner, suspended by International Cricket Council for ilegal bowling action. He is a right-arm of Spin Bowler and represents the city Faisalabad in Pakistan.

H.S. Pranoy (Ful name Pranoy Hasena Sunil Kumar), also known as Pranoy Kumar, Indian Badminton Player won Indonesian Masters Grand Prix Gold after defeating Firman Abdul Kholik of Indonesia.

Li Na, the Chinese Grand Slam Winner announced her retirement.

17th Asian Games started at Asiad Main Stadium in Incheon, South Korea with theme of ‘Met Asia’s Future’.

News SMS Service of Al India Radio launched by Union Information and Broadcasting Ministry in 5 Indian languages. The languages are: Sanskrit, Nepali, Dogri, Hindi and Marathi

Former Cricket players Sachin Tendulkar of India and Steve Waugh of Australia are selected for Bradman Honour.

Leander Paes and Marcin Matkowsi won Malaysian Open Double tile after defeating Jamie Muray and John Pers.

The Government of India signed the agreement with World Bank for Mizoram State Roads Project. Under the guidelines of agreement, International Development Agency will provide assistance of $107mn to complete the project.

According to Central Statistics Office, 5.7% GDP growth rate recorded in the first quarter of financial year 2014-15 which is the best growth rate for past 10 quarters.

. The Legislative Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir passed the ‘Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bil 2014’. The Bill will provide 5% reservation to the Pahari speaking people of the State of Jammu and Kashmir in government jobs.

Raul Khajimba won the Presidential Election, recently held in Abkhazia.

Abdulah al-Thini re-apointed as the Prime Minister of Libya.

The Himachal Pradesh High Court banned the animal sacrifice at any place of religious worship. Justice Rajiv Sharma and Justice Sureshwar Thakur issued the directions.

Eight Commemorative Postage Stamps on famous Indian Musicians released by the President of India Shri Pranab Mukherje. The eight musicians are:

o Pandit Ravi Shankar o Pandit Bhimsen Joshi o D.K. Patammal o Pandit Malikarjun Mansur o Gangubhai Hangal o Pandit Kumar Gandharva o Ustad Vilayat Khan o Ustad Ali Akbar Khan

On 2nd September 2014, the Health and Family Welfare Minister of Karnataka Shri U.T. Khader launched Health Adalat’. The State of Karnataka became first to launch the Health Adalat.

Tony Abbot, the Prime Minister of Australia launched the New Colombo Plan to enhance the students exchange between the Universities of two courtiers.

During the official visit of Prime Minister of Australia Tony Abot, the pact on civil nuclear engery deal was signed between the two countries to open decks for sale of Uranium to India.

During the oficial visit of Prime Minister of Australia, he returned two most important stolen idols of India related near about he 11th century. Two stolen idols are ‘Nataraja’ and ‘The Dancing Shiva’.

Indo-Nepal military exercise concluded jointly namely ‘Surya Kiran VI’.

According to the data released by Central Statistical Ofice, the State of Mahdya Pradesh is the fastest growing state of India during the period 2013-14.

India signed an agreement with Germany for Skill Development and Solid Waste Management. The agreement signed during the oficial visit of Foreign Minister of Germany Frank Walter Steinmeier.

The Civil Aviation Ministry of India launched ‘Know Your Rights’ (KYR) portal, which will provide the information on the rights of passengers in cases of cancelation, denied boarding and delays. The portal launched to

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mark 10 days of newly formed government of India i.e. NDA.

. Islamic State of Iraq and Syria established the women brigade namely Al-Khansa Brigade in Syria. Al-Khansa was a famous Arabic Poet of the 7th century. ISIS militants took over many cites of Iraq recently.

The Chief Minister of Utarakhand Shri Harish Rawat selected 9th September to be celebrate as ‘Himalaya Diwas’ to spread the message of conservation of the Himalayan ecosystems.

Minsk Agrement related the ceasefire signed betwen Ukraine and pro-Rusian rebels. Under this agrement, the fight will end between Ukraine and pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine which is going on since 5 months.

The State of Bihar recognised the transgender as the third gender. Recently, in April 2014, Hon’ble Supreme Court of India made the judgment to recognize the transgender as the third gender and to treat them socialy and economically backward and considered as OBCs. Firstly, Ferguson College, Pune recognised transgender as the third gender.

Union Teritory of Puduchery established the Rape Crisis Intervention Centre, one-stop centre to deal with any rape case relating to women or children. Recently, Government of India gave its nod to set up the Rape Crisis

Centres in al the districts in al over India. Under this proposal, near about 60 Rape Crisis Centres wil be establishes in al over India.

According to the UNICEF’s report released recently, Bangladesh has the highest rate of child marriages under the age of 5 during the period of years 200 to 2012 while India placed at 2nd place.

On 14th September, Hindi Divas celebrated in all over India.

Antara Haldar, Indian-origin became first non- European Law Lecturer at Cambridge University, the public research University. This is 2nd oldest University in the English speaking countries.

Miss Kira Kazantsev of New York won Miss America Pageant crown while Miss Nevada Nia Sanchez won Miss USA 2014 recently.

Tej Pratap Singh Yadav became the youngest Member of Parliament after wining the Lok Sabha by-election. He is just 26 years old and won from Mainpuri seat in Uttar Pradesh. He

also became 6th member of Mulayam Singh Yadav’s family who became MP or MLA.

$105mn granted by the World Bank Group for Ebola Emergency Response Project to fight Ebola.

Rajasthan became first State to ratify National Judicial Appointments Commission Bill 2014, the bill seeks to end the collegiums system of appointments and transfer of judges to higher judiciary.

. Electronic Tol Colection programme decided to rol out by Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways under the brand name FASTag.

Goa became permanent venue for the International Film Festival of India after signed MoU betwen Information and Broadcasting Ministry and Government of Goa.

France joined United States of America to conduct the military strikes against Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. France became first country to join USA against ISIS.

On 21st September 2014, Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai was chosen as the next President of Afghanistan after conducting Presidential elections.

John Key (ful name John Philip Key), Prime Minister of New Zealand won the third time on 20th September 2014. He led to the New Zealand National Party.

United Nations launched United Nations Mission for Ebola Emergency Response (UNMEER) to fight with Ebola Virus.

Achin and Sartha, Narula Brothers of Delhi became the first ever contestants to win Rs.7 Crore in television show ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’ after answering 14 questions.

The State Government of Uttar Pradesh decided to set up Nirbhaya Centres in al the district of State. The basic aim of this step is to provide the help to the victims of crime against women.

The operation namely ‘Operation Megh Rahat’ undertaken by the Northern Command of Indian Army to give assistance and relief to the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

Madhya Pradesh, the only Diamond producing State in India will host the Global Investors Summit 2014 which will be held during the period 08th October 2014 to 10th October 2014 under the theme ‘Invest Madhya Pradesh’.

25th September declared as ‘Antyodya Diwas’ by the Government of India to mark the 98th

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Birth Anniversary of Pandit Dendayal Upadhyay, famous philosopher and political activist.

HC ordered IIPM to not to use word "B-Schol" in their ads.

Norman Gordon, the world’s oldest test cricketer died on 02nd September 2014. He is from South Africa. He was the last man alive to played test cricket before the World War-I.

Joan Rivers, the famous actres and comedian of United States of America died on 4th September 2014.

Upalapu Srinivas, an Indian mandolin player died. Generally, he was known as Mandolin Srinivas.

Akineni Nageswara Rao, the famous Telugu actor became the first Indian actor to be honoured with postage stamp by the US Post Service.

India’s big pharmaceutical company ‘Wockhardt’ became the first Indian Pharmaceutical Company to receive the Qualified Infectious Disease Product (QIDP) status.

Dr.Kamal Bawa, the famous Scientist of India won MIDORI Prize in Biodiversity 2014.

“Backoff” the deadly Trojan is prowling in the Indian cyberspace by Indian Cyber Security Watchdog CERT. Backoff is being seen spreading through computer networks.

To detect the presence of the fatal virus i.e. Ebola Virus, the researchers of Japan established the method namely ‘RT-LAMP’

T.N. Suresh Kumar, a senior Scientist of India became 1st Indian and 259th person in al over the world to visit the Stratosphere, the 2nd layer of the Earth’s atmosphere.

NASA’s Mariner 4 (United States) was the first successful Mars mission in the year 1965.

United Bank of India declared ‘wilful defaulters’ to its promoter Vijay Malya.

Ecuador will issue the Digital Currency. Ecuador will be the first nation to issue the Digital Currency. The currency will be issued by Central Bank of Ecuador

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd. (MTNL) will be merged by the next year in July 2015.

Important Summits held in 2014

APEC Summit Beijing, China Arab Summit 2013 Doha, Qatar ASEAN Summit Myanmar Asia Cooperation Dialogue Summit 2012 Kuwait B-20 Sydney, Australia BRICS Summit Fortaleza, Brazil Earth Summit Nagoya, Japan G-20 Summit Brisbane, Australia G-7 Brussels, Belgium G-8 Russia IBSA Summit 2013 India NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) Summit 2012 Tehran, Iran NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Summit Newport, Wales Nuclear Security Summit Netherlands SAARC Summit Kathmandu, Nepal SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) Summit Tajikistan UN Biodiversity summit South Korea World Economic Forum Summit Davos, Switzerland Cyber Security Summit Prague, Czech Republic

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Important Committees

G. Padmanabhan Committee: implementation of Bharat Bill Payment System (BPPS) Nachiket Mor committee: for small and payments bank Nachiket Mor Committee: to permits NBFCs to work as Business Correspondents of banks. Deepak Mohanty Committee: on Data and Information Management in the Reserve Bank of India K.K. Mehrotra Committee: to inquire gas leakage in Bhilai Steel Plant. PJ Nayak: to review Governance of Boards of Banks in India. The committee was constituted under the

chairmanship of P.J. Nayak. He is a former Chairman and CEO of Axis Bank. M P Bezbaruah: to suggest suitable remedial measures to address concerns regarding security of people from

North East. B. Sambamurthy: panel favours single mobile banking app on all SIMs. Panel recommended that customers

should not be required to visit the bank branch for mobile number registration. Vijay Kelkar Committee was appointed by the Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry to prepare a road map to

make India Self-sufficient in oil and natural gas by 2030. Vishnu Sahay committee: look probe into the Muzaffarnagar communal violence. Urjit Patel Committee - to examine the current monetary policy framework Mukul Mudgal member panel to probe IPL spot-fixing Nachiket Mor committee on comprehensive financial services for small businesses and low-income households. Justice A.P. Shah committee : to head panel on road safety Anil Kaushal committee: to examine the recommendations made by the TRAI on pricing of Spectrum. Bimal Jalan panel : to scrutinize applications for new bank licenses. Parthasarathi Shome : for Tax Administration Reform Commission (TARC), Suggest a system to enforce better

tax compliance. Kirit Parikh panel : on fuel pricing has suggested that the diesel prices should be increased by Rs 1-1.50 a litre

every month as against the 45-50 paise monthly hike followed currently. K U.B. Rao : the idea of setting up Bullion Bank or Bullion Corporation of India Arvind Mayaram Panel: report on the alleged irregularities at the National Spot Exchange Ltd (NSEL) Arvind Mayaram Committee: for giving clear definitions to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign

Institutional Investment (FII)

Who is who

Chief Election Commissioner of India

V. S. Sampath

Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission

Justice K. G. Balakrishnan

Chief Commissioner, Central Information Commission

Rajeev Mathur

Chairman, National Commission for Minorities

Naseem Ahmed

Chairman, National Commission for SC

P. L. Punia

Chairman, National Commission for ST

Rameshwar Oraon

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Chairperson, National Commission for Women

Lalitha Kumaramangalam

Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission

Ratan Kumar Sinha

Chairman, ISRO K. Radhakrishnan

Chairman, Union Public Service Commission

Rajni Razdan

Chairman, National Knowledge Commission

Sam Pitroda

Chairman, University Grants Commission

Ved Prakash

Chairman, Central Water Commission

Ashwin B. Pandya

Chairman, 14th Finance Commission of India

Y.Venugopal Reddy

Governor of Reserve Bank of India

Raghuram Rajan

Chairman, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

Upendra Kumar Sinha

Chairman, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority

T. S. Vijayan

Cabinet Secretary of India Ajit Seth

National Security Adviser Ajit Kumar Doval

Secretary-General of the Rajya Sabha

Shumsher K. Sheriff

Secretary-General of the Lok Sabha

P. K. Grover

Attorney General of India Mukul Rohatgi

Comptroller and Auditor General of India

Shashi Kant Sharma

Solicitor General of India Ranjit Kumar

Principal Scientific Adviser R. Chidambaram

Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations

Asoke Kumar Mukerji

Chairman, Railway Board Arunendra Kumar

Foreign Secretary Sujatha Singh

Union Home Secretary Anil Goswami

Finance Secretary Arvind Mayaram

Chief of Army Staff Dalbir Singh Suhag

Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal

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Arup Raha

Chief of Naval Staff Robin K Dhowan

Chief of Integrated Defence Staff Air Marshal PP Reddy

Director General, Border Security Force


Director General, Central Reserve Police Force

Dileep Trivedi

Director General, Central Industrial Security Force

Arvind Ranjan

Director-General of Military Intelligence

R. K. Loomba

Director, Central Bureau of Investigation

Ranjit Sinha

Director, Intelligence Bureau Syed Asif Ibrahim

Director General, National Investigation Agency

Sharad Kumar

Secretary (Research) Alok Joshi

Member (Investigation CBDT) KV Chaudhary

Current RBI Rates

Repo Rate 8%

Reverse Repo Rate 7%

SLR 22% CRR 4%

Bank Rate 9%

MSF 9%

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Current Affairs Q & A September 2014 1. Who among the following has been awarded Dhyan Chand award by the President Pranab Mukherjee at the

National Sports Adventure Awards function 2014? (1) Gurmail Singh (2) Anirban Lahiri

(3) Geethu Anna Jose (4) Jitu Rai

(5) Gurcharan Singh Gogi

2. When is the National Sports Day celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of hockey player Dhyan Chand? (1) August 25 (2) August 27

(3) August 29 (4) August 26

(5) August 20

3. Which state government, after Tamil Nadu, has approved the formation of Transgender Welfare Board? (1) Kerala (2) Maharashtra

(3) Punjab (4) Rajasthan

(5) Gujarat

4. Who among the following Bollywood actors has become the Ambassador of Turn Back Crime campaign of Interpol?

(1) Amitabh Bachchan (2) Salman Khan

(3) Aamir Khan (4) Amir Khan

(5) Shahrukh Khan

5. Which e-commerce company has tied up with Tata Value Homes on August 26, 2014 to sell houses online through the online marketplace model?

(1) Snapdeal (2) Flipkart

(3) Amazon (4) Naaptol

(5) eBay

6. Which domain has been launched by Union Government in Devanagari script on August 27, 2014, which will cover eight languages namely Hindi, Bodo, Dogri, Konkani, Maithili, Marathi, Nepali and Sindhi?

(1) Dot Bharat (. bharat) (2) Dot India (. india) (3) Dot Hind (. hind)

(4) Dot Hidustan (. hindustan) (5) Dot In (.in)

7. Which among the following broadband services provider company has signed a deal with Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) for sharing around 4000 mobile towers?

(1) Airtel (2) Tata Indicom

(3) Idea cellular (4) Uninor

(5) Reliance Jio Infocomm

8. Avia Indra-2014 is: (1) The first Indo-Russia aerial exercise that involves the air forces of the two countries. (2) The insurance scheme for all poor family of India. (3) The hypersonic cruise missile tested by India. (4) The newest and largest ship to join Indian Navy. (5) The new Tank to join Indian Army

9. Who has been recently appointed as the Special Director-General of Central Reserve Police Force by Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) led by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi?

(1) M Mahender Reddy (2) R N Ravi (3) Ajit Lal

(4) Ajit Dhoval (5) Ramesh Chand Tayal

10. Which police force personnel have set a LIMCA Book of Record by planting saplings at all its locations in a special tree plantation drive conducted recently under Green Mission?

(1) Border Security Force (2) Indo-Tibetan Border Police (3) Central Industrial Security Force

(4) Sashastra Seema Bal (5) Central Reserve Police Force

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11. Japan has offered anti-viral drug favipiravir as a possible treatment of Ebola. The drug is known under the brand name of:

(1) Ampligen (2) Avignan

(3) Arbidol (4) Amantadine

(5) Avipir

12. Name the India’s first indigenously-built stealth Anti-Submarine Warfare which has been commissioned recently in the Indian Navy by the Union Defence Minister Arun Jaitley.

(1) INS Kamorta (2) INS Kolkata

(3) INS Taragiri (4) INS Khukri

(5) INS Vikrant

13. The Competition Commission of India has imposed a combined penalty of more than 2500 crore rupees on 14 car companies. The highest penalty of around 1346 crore rupees has been imposed on:

(1) Mahindra and Mahindra

(2) Maruti Suzuki (3) Tata Motors

(4) General Motors (5) Hyundai

14. Rani Mukerji's latest released film 'Mardaani' was tax-free in: (1) Madhya Pradesh (2) Uttar Pradesh

(3) West Bengal (4) Rajasthan

(5) Maharashtra

15. Who among the following Indian origin has been appointed as Shadow Minister in U.K.? (1) Virendra Sharma (2) Shailesh Vara

(3) Priti Patel (4) Seema Malhotra

(5) Sameer Chopra

16. Name the director of the film Gandhi, a 1982 epic biographical film on the life of the Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the father of Nation of India, who died on August 24, 2014 at the age of 90.

(1) Michael Anderson (2) Daniel Birt

(3) Charles Cricht (4) Ben kingsley

(5) Richard Attenborough

17. Who has been elected as the Prime Minister of Thailand on August 25, 2014? (1) Prayuth Chan-ocha (2) Yingluck Shinawatra (3) Abhisit Vejjajiva

(4) Thaksin Shinawatra (5) Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan

18. President Pranab Mukherjee has inaugurated India's first Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST) in:

(1) Haryana (2) West Bengal

(3) Karnataka (4) Andhra Pradesh

(5) Maharashtra

19. Name the first Indian Pharmaceutical company whose two drugs have recently received the QIDP status from US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA).

(1) Abbott India Limited

(2) Alchemist Ltd (3) Wockhardt

(4) Biocon Limited (5) Sun Pharma

20. Name the Telugu Actor, who became the first Indian actor to be honoured with a postage stamp by the US Post Service (USPS).

(1) Kamal Haasan (2) Nagarjuna Akkineni (3) Nandamuri Balakrishna

(4) Rajnikant (5) Akkineni Nageswara Rao

21. Which among the following pairs is the winner of mixed doubles US Open 2014? (1) Sania Mirza and Bruno Soares (2) Bruno Soares and Abigail Spears (3) Sania Mirza and Mahesh Bhupathi

(4) Sania Mirza and Santiago Gonzalez (5) Sania Mirza and Nenad Zimonjić

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22. Who is the winner of the Men’s Singles gold medal in World Badminton Championships held in Copenhagen, Denmark?

(1) Lee Chong Wei (2) Chen Long

(3) Viktor Axelsen (4) Tommy Sugiarto

(5) Lin Dan

23. Name the noted historian, Padma Bhushan Awardee, former chairman of the National Book Trust who died recently.

(1) Ram Charan Sharma

(2) Bipan Chandra

(3) Ranajit Guha (4) Irfan Habib

(5) Pran Kumar Sharma

24. Which country has unveiled plans to issue world’s first digital currency? (1) Canada (2) Australia

(3) New Zealand (4) Ecuador

(5) Grate Britain

25. Which among the following Sates accounts for 80 percent of the kala azar cases in India? (1) Bihar (2) Odisha

(3) Chhattisgarh (4) Uttar Pradesh

(5) Maharashtra

26. Bombay High Court has set up a Committee, to conduct forensic audit of NSEL and liquidate the assets of its defaulting borrowers in the over 5500 crore rupees payments scam, under the chairmanship of:

(1) Justice C S Dharmadhikari

(2) Justice V C Daga (3) Justice S C Gupte

(4) Justice Girish S. Kulkarni

(5) Justice P Sadashivam

27. Which among the following States has become the first State in the country to launch a Health Adalat? (1) Kerala (2) Rajasthan

(3) Punjab (4) Karnataka

(5) Maharashtra

28. Name the new method which has been developed by Japanese researchers at Nagasaki University to detect the presence of the Ebola virus in 30 minutes.


(3) CSFB E2 (4) CONX.OB

(5) RNX

29. Which country has slipped to 71st position, lowest among BRICS countries, in an annual global competitiveness list released by Geneva-based World Economic Forum (WEF)?

(1) India (2) Brazil

(3) South Africa (4) China

(5) Russia

30. Who among the following India-born scientists has been awarded the American Chemical Society's ACS Award in Industrial Chemistry, one of the top honours in the field?

(1) Sanjaya Rajaram (2) Meghnad Saha

(3) Robo Brain (4) Manjul Bhargava

(5) Thomas John Colacot

31. Which committee has recommended Maharashtra government to enforce a "complete ban" on dance bars and frame a policy to check "vulgarity" on social networking sites such as Facebook?

(1) Justice CS Dharmadhikari

(2) Justice J. S. Verma

(3) Justice Mukul Mudgal

(4) Justice Rajinder Sachar

(5) Justice R M Lodha

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32. Former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Kalyan Singh has been sworn-in as the 20th Governor of: (1) Kerala (2) Rajasthan

(3) Haryana (4) Andhra Pradesh]

(5) Maharashtra

33. Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has constituted the panel to assess the amount of unclaimed deposits in the PPF accounts and Post Office saving schemes under the chairmanship of:

(1) Urjit R. Patel (2) R. Gandhi

(3) K.C.Chakrabarty (4) H R Khan

(5) Mukul Mudgal

34. Which Bank has introduced personalized savings accounts 'Pehli Udaan', a singly operated savings bank account for a minor aged 10 years and above and who can sign uniformly?

(1) State Bank of India (2) ICICI Bank (3) Kotak Mahindra Bank

(4) Union Bank of India (5) Axis Bank

35. Minsk agreement has been signed between (1) Ukraine and Chechen rebels (2) Ukraine and pro-Russian rebels (3) Syria and rebels active in Syria

(4) Rebels of Islamic State and Iraqi Govt (5) Rebels of Islamic State and USA

36. World number one Serena Williams won her US Open trophy 2014 by defeating Caroline Wozniazki. It was her _____ consecutive US Open Title.

(1) Third (2) Fourth

(3) Fifth (4) Sixth

(5) Seventh

37. Which of the following High Courts has ordered to stop discrimination on the basis of caste in cremation at various crematoriums?

(1) Delhi High Court (2) Bombay High Court (3) Rajasthan High Court

(4) Allahabad High Court (5) Guwahati High Court

38. International Literacy is Day observed on: (1) September 8 (2) September 9

(3) September 10 (4) September 11

(5) September 12

39. Major tribal bodies have rejected the demands for a separate state called Twipraland. It was to be carved out of which of the following States?

(1) Nagaland (2) Manipur

(3) Mizoram (4) Tripura

(5) Meghalaya

40. Know Your Rights (KYR) portal has been launched by (1) RBI (2) Law Commission of India (3) The Supreme Court of India

(4) Prime Ministers Office (5) Union Civil Aviation Ministry

41. What is al-Khansaa Brigade? (1) It is an all-female branch of ISIS (2) It is an all-female branch of al-Qaeda (3) It is an all-female branch of al-shabad

(4) It is an all-female branch of Boko Haram (5) It is an all-female branch of Taliban

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42. Who is the winner of Men’s singles US Open final 2014? (1) Marin Cilic (2) Kei Nishikori

(3) Roger Federer (4) Novak Djokovic

(5) Roger Federed

43. Electrolux has planned to buy the appliances business of General Electric. Electrolux is based in which of the following courtiers?

(1) Norway (2) Finland

(3) The Netherlands (4) Sweden

(5) Russia

44. Mary Barra is the CEO of? (1) GE (2) General Motors

(3) Yahoo (4) Boeing

(5) Google

45. Which of the following banks has launched a Card less Cash Withdrawal service on 10 September 2014? (1) HSBC (2) HDFC

(3) ICICI (4) Axis

(5) Standard Chartered

46. Which of the following pairs is the first pair in tennis world to win 100 titles? (1) Marc Lopez and Marcel Granollers (2) James Dwight and Richard Sears (3) Mike Bryan and Bob Bryan

(4) Ken McGregor and Frank Sedgman (5) Bob Bryan and Mike Bryan

47. Which Bank has announced the launch of Multi-Currency Foreign Travel Card through 100 selected branches of Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Bangalore circles with the collaboration of MasterCard?

(1) PNB (2) HDFC

(3) SBI (4) ICICI

(5) Axis

48. Uttarakhand has officially declared 9 September as (1) Ganga Diwas (2) Himalaya Diwas

(3) Devbhumi Diwas (4) Tapovan Diwas

(5) Chardham Divas

49. Unit 5 of the Rajasthan Atomic Power Station became the second longest running reactor in the world. Which is the first one?

(1) Unit 3 Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Power Plant, Japan (2) Unit 6 Obinsk Nuclear Power Plant, Russia (3) Unit 7 of Canada's Pickering nuclear plant (4) Unit 1 Three Gorges Power Plant, China (5) Unit 5 Taichung Power Plant, Taiwan

50. According to 6th Economic Census All India Report 2013, the highest percentages of hired workers in India are present in

(1) Arunachal Pradesh (2) Punjab

(3) Haryana (4) Assam

(5) Delhi

51. With which of the following countries India signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the field of traditional medicines and homeopathy?

(1) Sri Lanka (2) China

(3) Nepal (4) Bangladesh

(5) Japan

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52. Prime Minister’s Office has constituted a committee to facilitate systemic, scientific and planned utilisation of mineral resources in Meghalaya to prevent environmental degradation. Who will head the committee?

(1) The Cabinet Secretary (2) The Home Secretary (3) Coal Ministry Secretary

(4) Union coal minister (5) Prime minister

53. Who among the following has won third term in office for Prime Minister of New Zealand? (1) Tony Abott (2) Aadolf Micyert

(3) John Key (4) Robert Hook

(5) Ashraf Ghani

54. Recently which among the following Indian architect has been named as ‘leader of tomorrow’ by the ‘Time’ magazine?

(1) Shashank Pandey (2) Alok Shetty (3) Rahul Malhotra

(4) E S Balasubramaniam (5) Satish Gujral

55. Which country will host Asian Games in 2018? (1) Malaysia (2) Sri Lanka

(3) Indonesia (4) China

(5) India

56. Who has been elected as Chairman of the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI)? (1) Narendra Ambwani (2) Partha Rakshit (3) Shashidhar Sinha

(4) Benoy Roy Chawdhuri (5) Ajit Seth

57. Which among the following companies is to build Nepal's largest hydro power plant? (1) L & T (2) Tata Power

(3) Adani Power (4) GMR


58. Which among the following is the first state to ratify Judicial Appointments Bill? (1) Gujarat (2) Rajasthan

(3) Goa (4) Kerala

(5) Madhya Pradesh

59. Recently, Cairn India Ltd. made three more oil discoveries in which among the following Indian States? (1) Maharashtra (2) Gujarat

(3) Rajasthan (4) Himachal Pradesh

(5) Assam

60. Recently which among the following senior leaders has become chairman of Lok Sabha’s Ethics Committee? (1) Manmohan Singh (2) Murli Manohar Joshi (3) Kamalnath

(4) Ghulam Nabi Azad (5) Lal Krishna Advani

61. Recently who among the following has been appointed as the new chief of the National Commission for Women (NCW)?

(1) Hemamalini (2) Mamta Shukla (3) Meenakshi Lekhi

(4) Lalitha Kumaramangalam (5) Rekha

62. To promote the Matru Bhasha, the mother tongue of India, National Hindi Divas (Hindi Day) is observed across India on:

(1) September 14 (2) September 16

(3) September 18 (4) September 20

(5) September 25

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63. Which State government has decided to open Nirbhaya Centers in all districts of the state? (1) Bihar (2) Uttar Pradesh

(3) Madhya Pradesh (4) Rajasthan

(5) Maharashtra

64. Which pharmaceutical company has been fined a record 489 million US dollars (3 billion Yuan)by China for paying bribes to doctors to use its drugs?

(1) Glaxo Smith Kline (2) Beacon

(3) Baxter BioScience (4) Aventis Pharma

(5) Zydus

65. Name the world renowned Carnatic musician and a legendary Mandolin player who died on September 19, 2014 in Chennai.

(1) Rajesh Srinivas (2) Uppalapu Srinivas (3) Snehasish Mozumder

(4) S Balasubrahmanyam (5) Pandit Balguruswami

66. Name the former Prime Minister of Norway who has been awarded Tang Prize recently for his/her innovation, leadership and implementation of sustainable development that laid out the scientific and technical challenges.

(1) Thorbjørn Jagland (2) Jens Stoltenberg

(3) Gro Harlem Brundtland

(4) Odvar Nordli (5) Matto Renzi

67. Union Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has decided to roll out Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) programme in the country under the brand name:

(1) FASTag (2) FASTrack

(3) FASToll (4) FASTgo

(5) FASTdrive

68. Who has been appointed as China's new Ambassador to India? (1) Wei Wei (2) Le Yucheng

(3) Zhang Yan (4) Xi Zhang

(5) Li Keqiang

69. Recently who among the following Bollywood actors has released his autobiography ‘And then One Day: A Memoir’?

(1) Anupam Kher (2) Dilip Kumar

(3) Prem Chopra (4) Amir Khan

(5) Naseeruddin Shah

70. Name the Indian-origin who has become the first non-European law lecturer at Cambridge University? (1) Antara Haldar (2) Venkatraman Ramakrishnan (3) Shri Prakash

(4) Rashmi Doraiswamy (5) Sunil Chopra

71. Who won the crown of the Miss America 2015? (1) Ashton Jo

Campbell (2) Kira Kazantsev (3) Victoria Cowen

(4) Lauren Kuhn (5) Megan Young

72. The International Day for the preservation of the Ozone Layer is observed on: (1) September 19 (2) September 18

(3) September 16 (4) September 21

(5) September 25

73. The Headquarter of Northern Command of Indian Army is located at? (1) Shimla (2) Chandigarh

(3) Lucknow (4) Delhi

(5) Udhampur

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74. Which of the following countries was the first one to impose carbon tax? (1) Russia (2) USA

(3) Sweden (4) New Zealand

(5) England

75. Who took oath as the new Chief Justice of India (42nd)? (1) Justice T.S. Thakur (2) Justice Anil R. Dave (3) Justice H.L. Dattu

(4) Justice Ranjana Desai (5) Justice R M Lodha

76. Which of the following wildlife sanctuaries will be the second home for Asiatic lions, who are only found in Gujarat's Gir National Park?

(1) Kuno Palpur Wildlife Sanctuary (2) Bori Wildlife Sanctuary (3) Gomarda Wildlife Sanctuary

(4) Sanjay Dubri Wildlife Sanctuary (5) Bhor Wildlife Sanctuary

77. Who among the following was not awarded with the Fields Medal for Mathematics, 2014? (1) Maryam

Mirzakhani (2) Martin Hairer (3) Artur Avila

(4) Lars Ahlfors (5) Manjul Bhargava

78. Which two Indian buildings have won the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Award, 2014? (1) Esplanade House, Mumbai & Shri Sakhargad Nivasini Devi Temple, Satara (2) Hill Forts, Rajasthan & Jantar Mantar, Jaipur (3) Mahabodhi Temple, Gaya & Sun Temple, Konark (4) Rani-ki-Vav, Gujarat & Mahabodhi Temple, Gaya (5) Victoria Terminus, Mumbai & Westorn Ghats, Sahyadri Mountains

79. What is the name of the new plan launched by PM Tony Abott for increased student exchange programs between India and Australia?

(1) New Perth Plan (2) New South Wales Plan (3) New Sydney Plan

(4) New Colombo Plan (5) New Australia Plan

80. Which city has been announced as the new capital for Andhra Pradesh? (1) Vijayawada (2) Nellore

(3) Guntur (4) Kakinada

(5) Rajahmundry

81. Which country holds the chair of G20 group of countries currently? (1) USA (2) France

(3) Russia (4) Germany

(5) Australia

82. The successful launch of Mars Orbital Mission into Mars orbit was done by the critical test-fire of LAM of Mangalyaan. What does LAM stand for?

(1) Land Apogee Motor (2) Liquid Aerial Motor (3) Land Aerial Machine

(4) Land Aerial Motor (5) Liquid Apogee Motor

83. Which among the following cities has been decided as the next SAARC Cultural Capital for the year 2015-16?

(1) Bamiyan (2) Shenzhen

(3) Kathmandu (4) New Delhi

(5) Dhaka

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84. Government of India celebrated September 25 as? (1) Urja Diwas (2) Antyodya Diwas (3) Itihas Diwas

(4) Sadbhawana Diwas (5) Yoga Divas

85. India's first Coral Garden is coming up in which state? (1) Maharashtra (2) West Bengal (3) Kerala

(4) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (5) Gujarat

86. Which country has declared plans to issue world's first digital currency? (1) Germany (2) Thailand

(3) Cuba (4) Ecuador

(5) Peru

87. The world famous Ice Bucket Challenge has raised tremendous amounts of funds for research for the disease known as ALS. ALS stands for?

(1) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (2) Amyotrophic lateral suspension (3) Arterial lateral sclerosis (4) Arterial lateral suspension (5) Amyotrophic lateral spondylosis

88. What are the names of flood rescue Operations launched by Indian Army to deal with disaster of J&K? (1) Operation Megh Rahat & Operation Sahayata (2) Operation Rahat & Operation Megh Sahayata (3) Operation Megh Suraksha & Operation Megh Sahayata (4) Operation Megh Bachav & Operation Megh Aaram (5) Operation Rahat & Operation Sahayata

89. Indian Army's Lt Colonel Sudhakar Jayant has recently made India proud by winning the gold medal for the third time at IWF World Masters, Denmark. He is related to which among the following sports / athletic events?

(1) Shooting (2) Squash

(3) Weight-lifting (4) Swimming

(5) Long Jump

90. What is the objective of the recently launched "Reefer Vehicle Call-in-Centre Scheme"? (1) Provide boost to automobile sector (2) Evaluate the safety of different vehicles in the country (3) Smooth transportation of perishable goods (4) Provide free maintenance to farmers vehicles (5) None of the above

91. According to a recent WHO report which country has recorded the highest rate of Child Marriages? (1) India (2) Pakistan

(3) Nepal (4) Bangladesh

(5) Bhutan

92. Which nationalized Indian Bank has recently completed its 150 years of operations in Sri Lanka?

(1) UCO Bank (2) Allahabad Bank (3) Punjab and Sind Bank

(4) Bank of Maharashtra (5) State Bank of India

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93. Recently, RBI revised the upper age limit for MDs and CEOs of the private sector banks to__? (1) 68 years (2) 70 years

(3) 62 years (4) 65 years

(5) 75 years

94. Who was India's flag bearer at the 17th Asian games Incheon, 2014 (also known as XVII Asiad) opening ceremony?

(1) PC Thulasi (2) Sardar Singh

(3) Jitu Rai (4) Samaresh Jung

(5) P V Sindhu

95. Which Indian snooker player has announced his retirement from professional snooker? (1) Pankaj Advani (2) Subhash Agarwal

(3) Aditya Mehta (4) Geet Sethi

(5) Kush Kumar

96. What is India's rank in the list of world's crude-oil importing countries? (1) First (2) Second

(3) Third (4) Fourth

(5) Fifth

97. Legendary actor Dilip Kumar's ancestral home has been declared as a national heritage by? (1) Bangladesh (2) Pakistan

(3) Sri Lanka (4) Dubai

(5) Saudi Arabia

98. Which insurance company has introduced an "insurance on wheels" concept for faster renewal of policies recently?

(1) Bajaj Allianz (2) ICICI Lombard

(3) National Insurance Company

(4) Oriental Insurance Company

(5) ICICI Prudential 99. India ranked fifth amongst top ten wind power producers in the world. The top producer is

(1) Germany (2) Spain

(3) Australia (4) China

(5) USA

100. Who has formulated the scheme Swami Vivekananda Single Girl Child Scholarship for Research in Social Sciences?

(1) CBSE (2) AICTE

(3) UGC (4) NAAC

(5) IIT Delhi

101. Which AICTE scheme envisages selection of one girl per family where family income is less than 6 lakhs / annum on merit at the qualifying examination to pursue technical education?



(5) RMSA

102. AICTE has decided to award 1000 scholarships per annum under which scheme to differently abled students to pursue technical education based on merit in the qualifying examination to pursue technical education?

(1) Saksham (2) ENROL (3) UDAAN

(4) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (5) RANK

103. UGC has launched a special scholarship Scheme Ishan Uday for ...... from the academic session 2014-15. (1) North east students (2) Minority students (3) SC, ST students

(4) Physically challenged students (5) None of the above

104. Which of the following cities in Australia hosted the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting in September 2014?

(1) Sydney (2) Brisbane

(3) Melbourne (4) Adelaide

(5) Cairns

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105. Who was declared the next President of Afghanistan on 2014 September 21? (1) Abdullah Abdullah (2) Habibullah Habib (3) Hamidullah Amin

(4) Ashraf Ghani (5) Hedayat Amin Arsala

Memory Based Questions Asked in RRB Office Assistant Exam & RBI Assistant Exam

1. Sanjita Chanu won gold medal in which sport event at 2014 Commonwealth Games, Glasgow? : Weightlifting 2. Abhinav Bindra is related to which sport? : Shooting 3. Apurvi Chandela is related to which sport? : Shooting 4. 6th BRICS summit was held in? : Fortaleza, Brazil 5. Anirban Lahiri is related to which sport? : Golf 6. Rory Mcllory is related to which sports: Golf 7. What is full form of JAC? : Judicial Appointment Commission 8. What is full form of NHB? : National housing bank 9. What is full form of KYC? : Know Your Customer 10. India celebrated it's ___ independence day on 15th Aug, 2014 : 68th 11. Who is Gurdial Singh Sandhu : Economist (Financial services secretary) 12. PPF investment Limit is? : Rs 1.5lakh 13. Kohima is the capital city of which state? : Nagaland 14. Who directed the silent film raja Harish Chandra? : Dadasaheb Phalke 15. According to Census 2011, which state have highest sex ratio? : Kerala 16. What is current Repo Rate : 8% 17. What is current CRR? : 4% 18. How many Deputy Governors RBI have? : 4 19. Satish Shivlingam is related to which sport? : Weightlifting 20. Who is Nripendra Mishra? : Principal Sec. to PM 21. Who is the current Defence Minister? : Arun Jaitely 22. Who is the current Home Minister? : Rajnath Singh 23. How much amount is allocated in Union Budget 2014 for Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sichayin Yojana : Rs. 1000 cr 24. Who is the author of the book Young India? : MK GANDHI 25. MGNERGA Act was launched in? : 2006 26. National Pension System (NPS) was launched in? : 2004 27. Capital of Italy is? : Rome 28. Who won gold medal in Men’s 56 weightlifting at 2014 Commonwealth Games, Glasgow? : Sukhen Dey 29. Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) is launched by? : Ministry of Labour and Employment 30. How many medals India won at 2014 Commonwealth Games, Glasgow? : 64 31. How many countries are member of WTO? : 160 32. Who is the Official director of RBI (Governor) : Raghuram Rajan

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33. How much amount is allocated in Union Budget for Van Bandhu Kalyan Yojana? : Rs.100 cr 34. Monetary policy is published and controlled by? : RBI 35. Yuki Bhambri is related to which sport? : Tennis 36. Lionel Messi is a player of which country? : Argentina 37. As per Union Budget 2014, tax free home loan limit is? : Rs. 2 lakh. 38. As per Union Budget 2014, Income tax limit for other than senior citizen is : Rs. 2.5 lakh 39. Gangtok is the capital of which state : Sikkim 40. Jai Bhagwan related to which sport? : Boxing 41. What is the currency of China? : Yuan 42. ‘Volley’ term is used in which sport?: Tennis 43. How many new IIMS are to be opened, as proposed in union budget 2014? : 5 44. Kargil war took place in which year? : 1999 45. ISRO is headquartered at? : Bangalore 46. Make in India campaign was launched by? : PM Narendra Modi 47. Who was the first Governor General of India? : Lord Mountbatten 48. ViIkas Thakur is related to which sport? Weightlifting 49. Adarsh gram adopted by ministers of state is to be completed in which year? : 2016 50. Ryder cup related to which sport? : Golf 51. Jitender Singh is the minister of? : Science and Technology 52. Parliamentary award for 2011 was given to : Karan Singh 53. The company Suzlon Energy related to?: Wind Turbine 54. Planning Commission will be replaced by how many members committee? : 8 55. Gangavaram port is located in? : Vishakhapatnam 56. Sheikh Hasina is the Prime Minister of? : Bangladesh 57. Dhaka is the capital of? : Bangladesh 58. What is Full form of MPLADS : Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme 59. Shillong is the capital of? : Meghalaya 60. Financial inclusion overdraft limit provided to? : people who come under Jandhan Yojana 61. Heena Siddhu related to which sport? : Shooting 62. "Love" is related to which game? : Badminton 63. D Viju related to which game? : Badminton 64. Amit kumar related to which game? : Wrestling 65. Zero Effect- Zero Defect is the slogan given by? : Narendra Modi 66. Who is Azim Premji? : Founder of Wipro 67. Prior to which year currency note are should be exchanged? : 2005 68. What is the monthly pension limit given by PFO? : Rs. 1000 (Minimum) & Rs. 15000 (Maximum) 69. Pankaj Advani is related to which Sport? : Billiards 70. Chanakya also known as (his alternate name)? : Kautilya 71. Number of free ATM transactions? : 3 72. What is full form of CDR? : Credit Default Swap 73. SEZ was started by In which state/city? : Maharashtra 74. What is the new name proposed for Indira Awas Yojna? : National Gramin Awaas Mission 75. FLIPKART is which kind of company? : E-Commerce 76. What is the Income Tax exemption limit for Sr. Citizens? : Rs. 3 Lakh 77. 200 cr are allocated for a stadium in which state? : Jammu & Kashmir

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78. Which organization is worried for EBOLA virus? : WHO 79. How many New AIIMS are proposed in the Union Budget 2014? : 4 80. Which is the largest bank in world? : Industrial & Commercial Bank of China 81. Who is Sumitra Mahajan? : Loksabha Speaker 82. No. Of new trains proposed in rail budget 2014? : 58 83. No. of countries in BRICS? : 5 84. Who is the Union Health Minister? : Dr. Harsha Vardhan 85. What is the full form of CST? : Central Sales Tax 86. What is the full form of NABARD? : National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development 87. What is the full form of UGC? : University Grants Commission 88. What is the full form of SLR? : Statutory Liquidity Ratio 89. Who is Vladimir Putin? : Russian President 90. Ajiknkya Rahane is related to which game? : Cricket 91. What is purpose of Jan Dhan Yojna? : Minimum one account for every family 92. Who issues RuPay card? : NPCI 93. If RuPay card is linked with a bank account, how much insurance cover is linked with that account? : Rs. 1Lakh 94. Robin Williams was an? : Hollywood Actor 95. P.J Kurien is the current ___? : Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha 96. According to Union Budget 2014, how many new Govt. Medical Colleges will be opened? : 12 97. Who is regarded as Chairperson of Planning Commission of India? : Prime Minister of India 98. What is the amount charged for ATM transactions after 3 times? : Rs. 20 99. In addition to Tennis, Rafael Nadal is associated to which game? : Football 100. The First Bullet Train will start for which Route? : Mumbai - Ahmadabad 101. Who was the Flag Bearer for India in Commonwealth Games 2014? : Vijay Kumar 102. Kundakulam power project is located in which state? : Tamil Nadu 103. Strike word is related to which game? : Baseball 104. Who is all time highest goal scorer of Germany football team? : Miroslav Klose 105. Who is Wilfried Bony? : Football Striker from Ivory Coast 106. Saji Thomas is related to which game? : Rowing 107. Bhamashah Yojna in Rajasthan is for what purpose? : Women Empowerment 108. Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan will start from? : 2nd October, 2014 109. Bank Capitalization related to : Basel III Norms 110. Which country is the top source of FDI in India? : Singapore 111. Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan is targeted to end by? : 2019 112. What is the capital of Zambia? : Lusaka 113. Port Louis is the capital of? : Mauritius 114. What is the currency of Russia? : Russian Ruble 115. Who is the Rural Development Minister? : Nitin Gadhkari 116. Who is the President of France? : François Hollande 117. Coorg Hill station is in which state? : Karnataka 118. Kathak dance type is related to which state? : UP 119. Kakrapar power plant is located in which state? : Gujarat 120. Who is the new Governor of Kerala? : P Sathasivam 121. REIT stands for? : Real Estate Investment Trust 122. By how much percent the passenger traffic is increased in railways? : 9%

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123. Which insurance company extended Jan Dhan insurance cover to 1 lakh? : HDFC Ergo 124. BKS Iyengar was related to which field? : Yoga 125. National Films award for Best actor was given to? : Suraj Venjaramoodu(Malayalam), Raj Kumar Rao(Hindi) 126. Who was awarded with Oscar for Best actress? : Cate Blanchett 127. Rajiv Khel Ratna award for 2014 was given to? : None (No one was awarded) 128. US released postage stamp on which actor? : Akkineni Nageswara Rao 129. "The suitable boy” is written by? : Vikram Seth 130. Who scored final goal in goal in FIFA World Cup 2014? : Mario Goetze 131. World Computer Literacy Day is observed on? : 2nd December 132. Cheruthoni dam in which state? : Kerala 133. Japan will invest ___ for infra project? : $ 33 Billion 134. How much funds are allotted for price stabilisation fund : 500 cr 135. Who is the Railway Minister of India? : Sadananda Gowda 136. What is the currency of Malaysia? : Ringgit 137. World Environment Day id observed on? : 5 June 138. New IIMs are in which state? : Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Bihar, Orissa and Maharashtra. 139. Who is John Carrey? : an Actor 140. Tintu Lukka is related to which game? : Athletics 141. Who won the Oscar for best Actor? : Matthew McConaughey 142. Who is the USA Secretary of State? : John Kerry 143. Port Victoria is the capital of? : Seychelles 144. Who is the author of Cry the peacock? : Anita Desai 145. Who is the Atomic Energy minister of India? : Narendra Modi 146. Who won French Open 2014 men’s singles? : Rafael Nadal 147. Narora Power Plant situated in?: U.P 148. Who won National Award for Best Director? : Hansal Mehta 149. Who is the Prime Minister of U.K.? David Cameroon 150. What is the full form of UNCTAD? : United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 151. Sattriya is the dance form of which state? : Assam 152. What is Full form of SARFAESI? : Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of

Security Interest Act. 153. Leander Paes is related to which game? : Tennis 154. Rihand Dam is located in which state? : Uttar Pradesh 155. Who was the man of the series in India and England Test Series? : Bhuvaneshwar Kumar 156. Mogadishu is the capital of which country? : Somalia 157. What is the currency of Denmark? : Danish Krone 158. Who is the Urban Development Minister? : Venkaiah Naidu 159. Smriti Irani is holding which ministry? : HRD Ministry 160. Arjuna Award 2014 is given to which cricketer? : R. Ashwin 161. "The God of Small Things" is written by? : Arundhati Roy 162. What is the rate of interest in Public provident fund? : 8.7% 163. Rawatbhata power plant is located in which state? : Rajasthan 164. National Sports Day is observed on? : 29 Aug 165. Kathakali dance is from which state?: Kerala 166. e-visa will be started in how many cities to promote tourism?: 9

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167. FIDE world (rapid chess championship) won by? : Magnus Carlsen 168. Who is the Vice President of USA : Joe Biden 169. Which film got the Best Film Award at Film Fare Awards 2013 : Bhaag Milkha Bhaag 170. Who is the Governor of Maharashtra? : C Vidyasagar Rao 171. La-tomatina festival is from which country? : Spain 172. Hill station 'ARAKU' is in which state? : Andhra Pradesh 173. Who won Best supporting actress Oscar for 2014? : Lupita Nyong'o 174. Who won Film fare for Best actress 2014? : Deepika Padukone 175. Who is the Law and justice minister? : Ravi Shankar Prasad 176. Who is the Water resources minister? : Uma Bharti 177. Who is the Defence minister? : Arun Jaitley 178. Kuchhipudi dance is from which state? : Andhra Pradesh 179. What is the currency of Iran? : Iranian rial 180. In which case RBI has imposed 1.5 crore fine to 12 banks? : Deccan Chronicle 181. How much fund is allotted for Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sichayin Yojana? : Rs. 1000 cr 182. Name the South African cricketer who retired recently? : Jaques Kallis 183. Kampala is capital of which country? : Uganda 184. Tarapur plant is located in which state? : Maharashtra 185. Varanasi Ghat is situated on which river? : Ganga 186. Who is the CBI chief? : Ranjit Sinha 187. What is the Fiscal deficit according to union budget? : 4.1% 188. Tawang is in which state? : Arunachal Pradesh 189. Mettur dam is in which state? : Tamil Nadu 190. Parupalli kashyap is related to? : Badminton 191. Jai Bhawan is related to which game? : Boxing 192. Who is the author of the book The Guide? : R.K. Narayan 193. According to Budget 2014, how many new Govt. Medical Colleges will be opened? : 12 194. What is the insurance amount provided by Jandhan Yojna? : Rs 1 Lakh 195. Who is Cristiano Ronaldo? : Football player 196. Vistara is name of air lines of which two companies? : Tata & Singapore airlines 197. Who is Rakesh Jhunjhunwala : Indian investor and Trader 198. 44MW Hydro power project which was inaugurated by PM is in which state? : Jammu & Kashmir 199. James Rodriguez belongs to which sports? : Football 200. Germany defeated Brazil in FIFA world cup semi final by what score? : 7-1 201. What is the Full form of CRR? : Cash Reserve Ratio 202. Which bank will provide mobile banking facility in its 1st phase: 75% of the market value of your gold 203. How many countries are member of SAARC? : 8 204. Thambi Durai related to? : AIADMK 205. Who is Mallikarjun Kharge? : the leader of the Indian National Congress party in the 16th Lok Sabha 206. Buenos Aires is the capital of? : Argentina 207. Which is the world’s second most populated city? : Delhi 208. Who is Dayanidhi Maran? : Former Telecom Minister 209. What is the full form of OECD? : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 210. Mithali Raj is? : Captain of Indian Women's Cricket team 211. Who is Gagan Narang? : Indian shooter

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212. National Academy for Customs & Excise situated at Hindupur is in which state : Andhra Pradesh 213. RuPay card is launched by? : National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) 214. Who is the cabinet minister for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)? : Kalraj Mishra 215. Ethiopia’s capital is? : Adis Ababa 216. What is the currency of Libya’s? : Dinar 217. Who is the author of Shiva trilogy’s series of books? : Amish Tripathi 218. Who is the author of Chacha Chauhary? :Late. Pran Kumar Sharma 219. Eco tourism and Education tourism in railway is announced for? : North East States 220. Which country celebrated its 95th Independence Day recently? : Afghanistan 221. Who is RBI’s new deputy governor? : SS Mundra 222. Name the transaction in which we doesn’t swipe card, but still use details of card? : Online transaction 223. Which agency sets standards for individual customers and SME: BCSBI 224. Red Cross day is observed on? : 8th May 225. Rath Yatra festival is related to which state? : Odisha 226. Sunidhi Chohan received Dada Saheb Phalke award for which song? : 'Kamli' from 'Dhoom 3' 227. What is full form of IIEST? : Indian Institutes of Engineering Science and Technology 228. Ragala venkat Rahul is related to which sport? : Weightlifting 229. Which film directed by Sir Richard Attenbourgh got Academy Award : Gandhi 230. Who is the chairman of PAC (Parliament's public accounts committee)? : KV Thomas 231. Kruger National Park is located in which country? : South Africa 232. India’s first Indigenous anti submarine ship is? : INS Kamorta 233. Name the drug for ebola virus? : ZMapp 234. Agartala is capital of which of state? : Tripura 235. Yogeshwar Datt related with which Sport? : Weightlifting 236. Recently, Bank of Rajasthan Merged with which bank? : ICICI 237. Oslo is the capital of which country? : Norway 238. Who is H.R.Khan? : Dy. Governer of RBI 239. What is the full form of QIP? : Qualified Institutional Placement 240. Who is the current MD of IMF? : Christine Lagarde 241. Double fault is related to which games? : Tennis 242. Who is the Chairman of Press Council of India? : Markandaye Katju 243. What is the Full Form of SEBI? : Security Exchange Board of India 244. According to social responsibility tax,tax is levied on company worth more than? : 1000cr 245. Which country achieved highest GDP in 2001-2010? : United States 246. What is the route of the Fastest Train in India? : Delhi to Agra 247. K R Kamath is the CMD of which bank? : Punjab National Bank 248. Gulmarg Hill Station is Located in? : Jammu and Kashmir 249. Who was the Founder of National Congress? : Allan Octavian Hume 250. Rory Mcllroy is related to which game? : Golf 251. In the budget, how many new AIIMS institutes were decided to be made? : 4 252. Modi visited which country in First Week of August? : Nepal 253. What is the initial capital of payment bank? : 100 cr 254. Who is the current CM of Bihar? : Jitan Ram Manjhi 255. Kudankulam power station is located in?: Tamil Nadu 256. Shillong is in which state? : Meghalaya

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257. Najma Heptulla is minister of? : Minority affairs 258. Mamta Pujari belongs to which sport? : Kabaddi 259. Anti Tobacco Day is observed on?: 31st May 260. Revolution 2020 is written by? : Chetan Bhagat 261. Novak Djokavik defeated whom in Wimbledon Championship final? : Roger Federer 262. FDI raised in Defence from 26% to? : 49% 263. full form of FRBM is? : Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management 264. Mohiniattam dance is from which state? : Kerala 265. Windhoek is capital of? : Namibia 266. Pakistan mudra is? : Rupee 267. Oscar 2014 for best director was given to? : Alfonso Cuaron 268. Best actor in film fare award ? : Farhan Akhtar 269. Begam Praveen got Padma Bhushan for which category? : Singing 270. What is the full form of ARC? : Asset Reconstruction Company 271. What is the full form UFCE? : Un hedged Foreign Currency Exposure-Clarifications 272. What is the loss incurred for railways per passenger in paise? : 23p 273. Palace of winds is situated in? : Jaipur 274. Who is the CEO of Infosys? : Vishal Sikkha 275. What is the Minimum paid-up capital for payment banks? : Rs 100 Crore 276. Which organisation gives loan to landless farmers? : NABARD 277. BRICS bank head office will be located in which country? : Shangai, China 278. “Strictly Personal, Manmohan and Gursharan” a book is written by? : Daman Singh 279. In India economic condition is measured after? : 5 yrs 280. Who is the new Governor of U.P? : Ram Naik 281. Lab to Land is a initiative launched by which Ministry? : Ministry of Rural Development 282. Who is Tony Abott? : Prime Minister of Australia 283. Which state banned wearing dhoti in parliament? : Tamil Nadu 284. Which state has largest number of tigers? Karnataka 285. What is the age limit for voting? : 18 years 286. ISIS is active in which country? : Iraq 287. Mars Orbiter Mission is informally called? : Mangalyaan 288. What is HAL Dhruv? : A utility helicopter developed and manufactured by India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. 289. Rainfall density is highest in which state? : Cherrapunji, Meghalaya 290. Who is the Director-General of UNESCO? : Irina Bokova 291. Ban Ki Moon is the Secretary-General of? : UN 292. Which country is helping India for Ganga rejuvenation? : Japan 293. According to Union budget 2014-15, Agricultural University will be opened in which state? : Andhra Pradesh &

Rajasthan 294. Gandhi Nagar is the capital of which state? : Gujarat 295. Nalanda University is located in which state? :Bihrar 296. Who is Telangan’s state brand ambassador? : Sania Mirza 297. Which country topped Human Development index 2014? : Norway 298. Capital of Maldives is? : Malé 299. Bangkok is the capital of which country? : Thailand 300. Jitu Rai is associated with? : Shooting

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301. What is the rank of India in CWG 2014 games medal tally? : Fifth 302. K. Sanjita chanu belongs from which state? : Manipur 303. Tiger wood is related with which game? : Golf 304. Novok Djokovic is related to which game? : Tennis 305. Roger Feredar is related to which game? : Tennis 306. Which country topped medal tally in CWE 2014 games? : England 307. Which country finished 2nd rank in medal tally in CWE 2014 games? : Australia 308. Union Cabinet approved the Juvenile Justice Bill, 2014, age limit for juvenile to be carried in court for heinous

crime is? : The bill will treat minors above the age of 16 as adults, who are accused of heinous crimes like rape and murder.

309. HUCK term related to which game? : Ultimate Frisbee

Page 36: or electric rickshaws are three wheeled vehicles that are operated with an electric motor. The notification defines

BankTest Prep

General Awareness Updates (September 2014)

GA Updates (September 2014) Page : 36

Key: Current Affairs Q & A September 2014

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