Download - enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4

Page 1: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4


Page 2: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4

The main thcna of ehapte: rovo1vcs .~

the corwcquc:nt o:nc:rgenQG of the nat1on stato oiZ A!gbants'ttatl

and the) rolo oS diva:s~ J:cgional ozapoQCnf:s,kc.::;,!ng in mid

the ttmq/cpGCG ~z:dtnatos. X't ~e the geogzraph!cal

f:Outes end o::t1.e ofi ~erato tbl»ugh v~J.oue b18Wtrieal

pcrtotls os At muld bo.\p !n tlnSe?:O( ~e process off

c:o-c:d.stence end conflicts amongst OC.:ho VSI'J.ouo ~hn1o-.

~U9a •. file foCW3 to mainly on tbe3 pJ:Ocess of nattou butl&.

.lng in d.UH!Gt"ent bAfltoz:Acal pG.l:.io4D Dtudytng the .,re an4

pcr:tpller:e!ono~ M · atC:tGXP~ beo elso bee3 ntde to

cnalyne tho inQect ot v~.toua boundar:y agarez:metlts t~lth the

no!ghbouro eo ~1 os tho &-esponeG to &~:it~stea

rtval#F 8124 ~ho oowtod&og eo! com1noatoJ. fol'c.teth.

ibe majo~t objccU\?eO ofi ~hG &ntll.fsla 110uld bc:::s•

t>D\a<: bwo been the b.lo'C:ortcel processeo .J.ediag to

(:he pG:QPlAng of tbo vast b~Oll lonacapo ot M~auotcmt

~oe: ~ablo fln4 unsi:abl~ zrcgiooo o! ~ulo~n

OOt\90D!'Uoc hcr"c ~04 out oQ thAD b.lotw:~oal Uauio.l't.l~.&on,

t'S\w has J:>eeu 'Cho go'.)opo!A~ po.t1:4o!p&<C;!on of

QajOt othD!Q popalat.t.oa tn cbtJSt!ne tmo hAotoq os.! tho fte't£oft

Si:sto c>B Aigb~cta'B

abet: m:e. ~ ew:"•orru patteroo .oil ~el

oc/'4t!c:z~# •Qthc:tl' SQ~<::!!rod. oJt &Aftoot: ot C'4Uolon'teS. bavo

~ ... t

Page 3: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4

!tl'£F:~f::?:ri!d .oLin~ ~ !!!! ofl rro!!!eai!l• Defore ette~pUng to urd.-sta!d . the hi~A.oaJ.

' . ' . . ' . : . . '

• ttansfo:r:mation in Algban.t.~an.. it wo~4 be a wo~Ue .

aer:c1se to kD:)w 'the maJo• 8:'fCU: of DDV'.-e .ezd the

t.r1tot>lal 11nka;• afft~e~t.a. tbeteiDt the etofte\le

bord$s of. t:&~ellcs an:! C)QQ11C'I:?C'$ fo11~ a ve11. al4ll m)11C!!111Dent' as peta'lt~ec! tty the pbf~

enviJ:omeatal consbe1ots an! by 'tbe subsequent lldluenoe

ot aogenous factol"s. ~ t«.>ul4 be mtJ.c.S "that tbougb the

eaa1ent overlord routes .of central tUd South itl.lta. tUmln..

.t.ab..S ill Jsaponance witb tne r.tse of ocoa tr:aaepon ea1

canal waterw~s, th• a:outu within ldgbetllataa U'e et.U.l

i:he me.t.n Ufta or ~octo ol t.r'SiiePOI:'t ~eationa


!be fu•t line of •'• ao,..._t em~~roes wlucable

.t.D the WtJf.Jt on the pnsentt 4ay tl:'elt'I•Afgium .ao..s.-. ( aee,•"two ® ).

St has oer:ved aa the en~ potn" fol' all 11s9ec!er·e,,

coaque=oJr• eu1 Ur8Ve11wa t41o beve cao•ea. ~-­~bJ:ouob tAm• J.o:lrnt!bllzrW. H ot'igiaatu nortb ol Heat ana ttncses tl0lltbwar4s Heca\, mteaae $a.\ elolig' the

Helmard to ~eb •. SN.s .coute ·.baa beeQ f.bllollecJ bf

Al•aad• tbe Clnat, UmuJ: ana otna o:t~•a• lbe fiMI"Gat


Page 4: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4

dvaa~age enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr

cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4

.l>tlsbt.i-f.lftt'go ln South ''~~t~n Mgtt~a. tt· .f.a Oleo ~

aontiguoua l:"cgSoa attertdtllg A.~ .~r:c~ both g<.:ogp:ePbloallt

aJid otbn&cally 0. :tnb&ite4 by the ·~.-~ ~ • (Blo four:

~n!.C trl.bCD oi 1'e.l.manlq,.g:J#OakQb1oo ·-4'cm$b¢1• on4 thO

SunQ114asatQQ), cultw:al. dtintty i(J ~ ~.d eo~:su

erd. he$ n blend of el.l eons o£ pceples~ tho J'~cxU.e

fll:'e the taos~ co~tn:Dn of til~~· tr.tbeo a.Qd btWe al.t~Qlo pla;d

host to ver.sous 1:1ravd.l.ct1 e.m\ cc:tnqucs=~:a. ·Shq

inhabit tho #'egJ.oo oS! nonban ent1 a"))~h:.~


!:ibC SQQOrd ma.Ju axis ot! rnov~ Sid 'the enc:r of! C10:mtQJI)ic:rctton As tho taoup tb~hGtn Route- It la c . 41VOZ'9'encs ~tho SUI; t'OUtC whJ.c:h gt>vcat:a tba oast-

t1e~ ~alSo in the COI'lU'al As.lo long 'befc)J;O r:oa&$ an$

h.&.ghtsqrs omao into ~. ftc aue:&eU. of t·h.l• 'ifCu-to

lies 4t Selkb ·oJr tho onel~ city o2 BaCtlte t1b!Ob be:&

]l,eeft thO~~~ i'bn'. 'thG OCDOVGACht It $~ ~QQb!O ·

<l<> auppooo that fl£om .oetll~ 'tf.lmes tr&Vel ostl.WZUUJ e=ro

Solkb c:mt ~f.Shar:U,·blr~ ott fi"Cttl the main.

•cu:a:flo BD\1to ~ Gl\Gt ~ ~~.let tbo mer:cb~o ott

c~ ~so tbo pasoes ot ~Q ~ob t:o ~alia~ ~('


Page 5: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4

oulisr ~»uta soutm:rerae ~m Selleh .~et>lv. mo~es t:h~

Salkh ri'VEit end Cli.'Oesed tho main ridge of: tho . ' -_..' .· " ' ' . .

by· t~O Se!ld-i.Alt~S.r $ild ~ pDSSGS Ot ~sing by Heibok ' . • t •

. ana lCehmdl '\tallq. ae.tOos tho Ao& .. Rol)et Pass. Bo'tb routos . ; . ' ' . . : ., .

converged on tbe a~y~ vallqy lihete .An ~st tbnae . ' . . '

tbe cttr of Ghulghulo gavo J:est e.nd ~- tct tJOSIY ;


l?tom Seli\Yan thoro ere 'tt<Q routes to»~a the 1CeboJ.

plateCil tha fuat t:h1<>"l erOGsG$ the Sbibal!' pass an.1 4eao.

on:lo iftto tho a'hot:benil veUqy seems to be tho baste s:ou~e~

ao long aa Bcgram ret::o.tnd .it~ pre-Olliaence 1.ft A1ouanfb:'1en

tboe&. thts J:OUt~ ~as oleo #:tllot1Gl by Ob.f.neao pUg~rm

tUc:m !Ieang tn tho ~b eontuq A..O.

He mentJoncd dlout .tts tough cl.tmate, ~ passes

CDS tcpogt:Qpby ~ ih16 route tJ&s also follo~ by C:baft9t:.a

Khan .tn Aot.>~sazo. t,et~ o!'l t1hen Begtam vee rcplacd. br

.Kabul,. es tho pr~o o.t~ R the toute 1b:om Be:mvatt t-Jrftd

~ cr.ose.tng tho fbb-1-Doha .c'C~ by tho Haji '3al% pess

anti aft¢t nC£QtiG'tiftg tho upp~ t1atera o! tbG H~ and

tbo t.n.lal pea~ d~«l th~ b®.ut"Uul 17d1GY ofl ~ho Kabul

g£vor: o.A to tbe ccntl:el plat~ thutl (X)lloW.iftg & m::uro

d~ a:oute tc> Kabul itself•

St mer be Plf'~ i:h~ uost ot i:ho ga::•t 9011Q.Uet'Qllt&

·~ ca:oesctl thO IUtdutosdl 1b1lowa& shorter: tm4 4Ufi<NJ.t

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u 0 <t

/. \. . .-/ . :-:> ) 1 . ~akh~ t . .r · ./x7"~ '_; / Barog'lil

Doreh /. An (

Boghlan . )( '\ . Anjumen .

ui·J·khumri )

~Salong J. s hibaf-"'-- _,. 0'v .

Nil pass.., / *~~arabi \ S'zak ?" Una.if' - ---·-~Khyber r ShutLg; .. -._"-\........) ~ ('-""."""""Pass

___ ....-....----~~u_w- Kirm7 AoGoden '1 Talkh Ao ·) Ghazni .

() ( . ., . -..J·-

~ (


\ )

\ ""andhar <) ' t·-· "" . '--·-..


I ) !' )

~ ,./ ·- / ·-- .--. . ......_ __ . .-.... . ......_,


. _)

Major Passes Major Towns Paved Roads Kuchcha Roads

40 80 120


Page 7: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4


.UQuta«t Alo.s:antletr (328 SoC:") tld. ~ ( U9S A•Da) ozoasdl

tho ~m:1e"k p~fJSo Bd'lw: csm$ by tbet Gipcbo.k paoo:. Glto cu

bo at:t~:.tbutC'!d ~ the 6.1$tri.'bution of tcibe$ etd ~c.

g:roUpa 14'bich. inhebited thone er:oas·$) ttlo 11~s of 411!f&m4t

exi~ nnvdDQI'No 11tX'O iabeb!tod by oel!antaey : C'U'%d. noaadlic

tsdbeo flh1ch w~e Gmall !.n ~at t'ld uor:o..o:-lcse t1ltb '

S.n.'iapendont autbos:1tlosa 'lbo sett1ct! 'C:!beo 1ft hab!ta~d

~a:t!lo J:iver \1811eye and uere loyol ·(!o mmo 'tt,4])a1 autb­

or1tr tbus md.nta.tn1n9 QQ. overall f! ~ieh

p:ov.!dcd ~lit re.slntanae to cnv tnvd.a•

\be t~ line o# ax!e movmnent to oasUy disc~

oible .to eaaltcrn ert4 aout.b.oaoterD ~gbentD"Can tmicb hoo

b~ tG:1!'tnea. e.o tho !nv~ers nntn;y. .!.rd:o Jd&ao l-t: oonwea erou!'d ~ho 1Q\e.tbe3: po.os, ad bas b~. b]r tho

de.Qenoe oa ~av:o Atlr1&a, 8~00 ol .t.1:o t'f(O~iool

d1s~ant~ 4\J.etantl~ =of.leeti tho !tcbul wAva: ned

t1tl!o1cltttl eftA cemo G»m :tnto ~~ vallcu out ofl suat. . . ( .

B\1(a1. ~ oe Clhea! doscem.\0'! from tho lbfts:' ~.

trrao Dwat o ~.tsttera oil O)utOQ An fte'>mal ib~ oroesdl <tme

l<' of\:.·ac thGY pala a 1l1a!J: I!ObbGZfs. ee¢Ul•~ (~ tit>ht10

19~!J ) ~ %ll tbo Gatetn end. south G&etorn J'm:"t• ot Atgbante..

tan tho Q)llow.tno sub-lines ~t e:nAs _,OIIOQt.Q enaego&e•

e) ono #O~a ez:om ·t:ll~ cona.eo t!ot10 1:no Ool®l •

1dtJ, to the ~cr~:e peas ttlco. tho .~c.m

Page 8: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4

1fb1Cib eepwates 1~. fl:om the :tt.dus,.: atd . thllftee . . , ' . ~ . ,. .

to th. h1$t0Jt1C fott o! Ohaftla:tt-•

b) ·An elterns1:.ttt• route from <lluat ·~atte e:tthar

e;r sannu. am DhM~kot or in ._.11c t.tmu ib~·

Pubawar ))y · the Jrohat peso.

c) · 1be f«r.oua tud\i "'fal.ley .route ts the best

k.Q:,wn whiob the· 4.1fferMt ol.ezs$ o:e tho

Sula.!mtln ·141e;1. oa,ilc t:iown to the Udue plains

· fo:c- w.t.ntc g3::ea1tlg~

4) A IO'Qte fmt~~ JWdbc <10tnes )).r way of Ptllbtn

an1 1.bel osotiel£ at th• J.owec Dar:ajat •


Mention raust be mfde ebout t-he nwaar:oua .invades

Who follotdlel «Ut••• aoutes ml4 ltne• ol uta mv«aefts

·,into . ltd.&,••. Ob_. lOlU nw• tn..-oNtd the ndua~ fi'Oia

Ghu.U..f be Gbaa.S .Sulilao ~eld • • uuw •· Dh81l1Q>'tl-. Milt

l'.iaad' ••• •G Dhaa_,'U .u:oute to Delh' bv wey oil D.OI'Il•

ileau Shot\ oan• •~~a J(ebul ov the KhaOer:. 11\e tt:lgbals

to ·ime tam• ol Akbu BW!de l<h..._, a ....,._ highway. e I ' I

.9•~~tSI)b4o~ ~cas &ncS .meta 1~ ot a£• IIQYtmetlt:r.

••4Ml• two £tlpon~ taota••

Page 9: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4

, th• ..,...,..., .. ~.eel "'•'• eG'i ••ecUng o:acur-a c~ o• atJOieni: .AigheAletaa '•e.ll•at, ~ .. ·Gb•&n&, Jt.abul., aukh Mli. M~z.-Wbuu.· .1n •·

e>.aoeatct• en blt•ald.qg· cu'4J' An t:be nolrthcn

Put eo4 v~1:r ~••nv 81'0ud. tne •••

well of tile &lduktlsb •1Uitatna .u. cent11a:L Atgb .....

tet•• Ubl.c •• sb<3Ptd oji .u.a mvGnent hae

8:>11owe5 tb•l.toe oti 4BN'U4 £1Dal;)t'tauta. ao~.t.•

cb.'l.dlsr oC the ~til• d tr&Stqg (I)Man.iilies

of Afgt.erd.aten -h• JIQSb-'.le • ~U::QIIkohis of

Heat. (West) Ueb*a of 8o11cb an! ma=-: .... .c.&bal"if

(ilbrth) ard the Gbtltlo4.e Wtc1 the Per&iwan »asbt..

oons os kanaber: (S()uth a soutb-east) • tt

'hQUl,d be obs.-vecS that the maUl body ot the Hazua 1

o:f .fic)\\t~1fe$tfn:'h Afg1umtstan ard the aedantaey

4li:)\Ul'taj.o l'aj.t.ka end KU:gb,tz ot t:he Wekhar» & aettab-. .

shan have el~(J pxov.t.de4 hardieep to tJ;"$n&it


.U) the lact "V4weli.M& ·'• tnet rtne .l&.nes oi

at., aoveaeata ment.f.cuac eaarl.t• ·enci tbe .main

9fDCJJ"~ieal l:tnstee- nUl a.., ... , •• toacw as


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th• •w e.nsin ot Q)JII'QQQI.c:lations en4 •r:aacon. Btdb•• ttt• :ausU.u lrwolvenet lA AtQbaniaen .f.ft

19?9. tbe wol!d t'l'aaaLt .trt Afth~slen •••sal

fl:o• H•at to W.ncU\q -o Obufti ani~ Mabu1 bdln

-*•l.rf9 Pa~aQ ria lb.-.. It ol.ulp show

tb•t 'tNl aaet.ut axle liftM ot m•••• •• to1entillu$ v£i$b p~:esen 481' lat&onal bitbwars in

~gb.UeteA eQ4 wittl .-o4 the tAm••

"'• •s•ert~a o:t Al;bea ••.tonalttr ard 'he

toft of .._ aotioa nat• ot\edaton •• sr•.- wem:s

poa-' -ooiut a lol'l9 b&noq,. lbw urdbl<Ung the p~es ol

this h.tAo.r 0011 ale ••&nAng •• aabelovteal •"••

to PIO\f• ita 1\Jbataaoe 1s • • .,..,.,. azduou euk. xa tbe ••-.obt.J 4lecNH~oo.. eQ atept to i4 ..... F th•

r.gSoa ..s ''• ,_.i.tx:.l'iel liJid.t:• baa JMa ao ••

·. tb• t-.rrii:ol'ia$. .wolutlion ot At•wnc hu ,.,.

p•ft!•ld •• • pb-..etDa «•etop.a let the o:tl\t.t ot·

hlstoi'Acal ~eta.., opeet.tao .,,. e 9tiOP8Pbi• envkoa-

••• ·lb•s haa b~~Gft .l.dAu .... bf J.ocaion~ factoX'a

-"lcl\ bel 4a'9utt.S o_..Q.ft poll~_,lt>ldO ard aoeial have mm tJM to •£.mtr.•co• aD:t ,_. .. to . . .~ .

eweogttt• as wttll .......... th• powcir 'baae o# th:e sta•·· (,<a>palaa.&s~Ul.Q,~ !992) ,

Page 11: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4


ttae SWQlut.SOn of 'h• aai:ion nate ol ~stan

can be usta •• bRC!le ill o#dc· • fa.c.U..

ttete • pr:opa ,.,_po11i:lctel aae1rs.t.•••

a) hflJ' taauenoea,~

b) •• z.two pe:~.ot. o) .._guce ol Mgbaa.t.sten ·es a atat••

4) .. lt)4--. .....

*<':b ofl the hiatosy d Algb~en pJrio# to •b•

#lae ot l-'• 1• obHQI'e aD1 .m:oue~.s in ..,._,,Mcb._

olog.t.cel ns ... 111btob h• \lftGO•v.& so naq atc:t* of

th• peat &D th• .... - --· ... ,. , • .in ,, •

.f.ftfanQJ' ia th.t.• Jre;ioft• • A't th• 8elme tiM .u.ttl.oient . l'eo:>ICSs •• anUeble to ti~GUU .In-~ oll'tli.A-.~ tb_•

P-'t•n of the e1:oq t.o at.t>ltllh tl\e guee:&. wea!l ol

..,.. • .- ~ot the •-• of h*left .aJtM.VQ\1# 1=Mou.;bt:.Nt the

c__.ies:~• (h'u-.~l•,·tt~.~· lftf)·~

•• a8Q1'41d ltQotc ot the ban:ieu • ••• Avate•.­

•nUou AfQhq.lfto u put ot "'• ~ttOioA ot .Ada CM11e4

MY••• •• ••• thlt anceetol'a ot the oW.ut ._ • ._. ' ' '

--~ •• •--• ead • .._ .. of All'•• •• aldlO ...._

l.oned .in th• Rig Y~,· lb .. ta· · elao a Olo•• .:lmUluitrl' ' ' ; ' '

. ' \ ;J' ·,,

, .... •v•tt-. l._ag •. «)I 'b• anu• ll'eat.a, .. •All •••

po~a -.bateau-.. oa ... tan-•• ,..,..,_, .. ,81 ... ,..,. ol' q

Page 12: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4

AIJ'eM, . .t4entil£e4 g.,pepb1eal1J' u t~:o•, tbe

auJ.e.&m• 110~ .&ft. the east to tb• put aa~ttu .

,.,.... ol lbl'tb Peaia ift. the westJ - t=m th• Mewso ooen -. tbtt ~· to c• HUdulmlh· anrs lfatab& plat..,•

,(n tb• rDftb.• ( I'Uhwat, · adllao, 1SitU •

IMI'ltti>D el»\tt M7e9 • eAOieftt AttbW•aa &a ~­fourd .ta tb• ter>pepblod. wittln\'ls ot MJol., aid &tl'abo•

ln. hia .... .,.k9lct•' cc.aJO a.a.J ...... u ..... ll'lek••

...... th• aenoe of 1'1.1Quntdu,j mv tmown •• ~

IUD!ulewb~ •He ttet•• to th• Hitdukueh an! the lUatalaJ'a•

utd• tb:e ~ •.»wna.::ts~,• wb.Sdb app.wa to taave •• .._

etltl41C1 th• llGU'f'• $rdiU ·Q811Mt to .. 'be H&nll\llut8b,* "'#.._• .


~1-, w.~ i917)4J. MO!ent #MIOW tlN 4Ual.o•• .,.._..

oft "'• pepl• ot .Utbu.t.,.,. the Qnell Himl'lU.RC'Odotu, ·~ ...

W'Ote of •• •fQlchWih• ~lo<sattd .&a •• <.latdtlao

•-let wb.t.ob bu t;,.-. Ul~ti.S br au Old COIOQ wlt'll '

tr. p.rud 4• •Peebtoou•· o# ·~--~· (N••Jc~.u,...,.

Slr.U.fltl~ 1,1C$t) *• t•pepbtOe ot 'lM• above •• .._,.._.

teidlt,. tp M7ap& .. cU.-.l4td Atlto ~- p~-..DI"\liJ-.efta

("'leh .,oo=uplect '*-l• of '*'Rheift dtbaiatea);,.•oboda

(Wb.t.C!h. (JO'fei.S tM' IIQ~t»eaat.- l)Odi.QD),:tetll tb• Pat:-.

•••• (th• ltlb:4 ~rt..- Yatl~·lb• a.ttr ot ~ •• 1'-·

od144 ~ .......... 3aleleba4 u P1a~'- 1fa9uar fCimdh•a flf$ ~--. .. , •• _,,.,....,,,

. 'f

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the Aeha...u4•·wc•·'b• ii#A aooauCOJrs of

Afgbwnao. Jcrowa to binoq.,· Oyj:wt the Gl"ea1: (549-Sit

a.c .) · enabU.ehtJd tb.U:' wl.e wblob wu 1n• · o.lo~

e-taS by DW.f.WI l (522-481 B.-0 •) • ~bet took poa••sion . .

of tb• lea! onb>tb aidM ol •• 1Urd1lkub .en~ 41Wd .. ;

lt tnto "*» s•t•ep.tu oardhua .s a.ea.t.a. the eaa'twa

fi'Onti• of the aucnuate4 l)ew.en th• SQJ.a&men

m1at1taina ard the .lrdua. • P inr:lucl«d .t.q,on.ant. f~P.t.c:NJ.,.

-81 erd cultatal eeatr:u .I.D aft O~lo· UGeavoux-ebl•

gcp~~Aal eaYil:onrnen' llk• Paailewar,~ IC8b\4,· Salkh;

Herat, Pea-lib, a.euj ad Dl.dhef'• 1.1\'fr fond 3101.U.

dong •• Q'#eat eaet-wu• tX"a:!e woutea 'Whioh co~ect

•estern ~~t-ueaa wtth Jrdta w th• o.t.tent,, CarJcu,


'• 2940).,. Ole ~•eatAe Sul'.duiJIS ame11 Atghaa 'Qt.iJ:)al,

K&agtom•.• a, th.U Strb'epr a.v·•••· the,r p.-lt1;tld eaeh

J:u,~r~pl• in ·t-bflllt -.ue to •'•" W'dW' ~• ow.a leadet~t•

ablp• -...s wu p••• the l>U'th ot 'tb• atibee;u-. U:Utal­

tdd O!'fWAtloo enS Clan arne 11lb.tth £• a*'+l .......

., • .,., ot.Afthaa _,__, todar.

~- ,._ 330 a . ..c ....... m•cb ot (lilaaa\eir -· . .

01'-.t fJ:oto. }.Iace'lold.a lnto the Nt.t.•aa -~.He_..,..,

Afghaaistan tbt"o• ..,.__." H••- fowdel Aa.aaell!lc of

'he At.tliei lllW.ahti! '.ut ••u;•aaa(AlOQJ a......,. Vellet ) ..

.s petU~ecJ " Cm«•o ~.t-All) • ~·· pn..a.. lbf to ..... some taribM All nodh•a ~~.Ia

Page 14: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4




~-~oKojend . j:l, ... '

/ Marcanda SOGP1ANA

I .

Z Nautala ' '

oxiana'o.. 0 ,,Kelift

' ', ' ,,

.... ' ... o- ____ o-' [?dlkh Khulm




40 0 40 80 120 L__--L _ _j_l _ _,__:J


Page 15: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4

A1aMS1'1• .of ArebOeio on tbe TWilM ~rt•• uA -be t:Uaat.&.o. . . ' . .mU4 eouth wut•o Mgtient.etoa nee GhllfiQ&• H• 418'8bl-

1abll4 ret aaoth• AI. • .,..,. of· hwepaai$1•· at; .._._, 10 . .

.U• ~ o·• iCd>ul oll tb• !OOftftU.OC• ol ·Gho~· 8oS

.PenJshec a:!ftl:~" ftO«#..Uog .~»db he c=o·ne4 tb• lbowa

p .. s,·c~a• out at mocSC'Q ~· oa4 eutpJ:1e.t tbe Baet~r.S.aa

.-my at 'ang-.1-!;'a~an ·cnod•o·~ .til s.a.o;aa ~ . .

taee), He paaaf.d at 880b:a (aulkb) l)dJn oa:oM.f.QJ tb• "*"• at Jtel.A.ft. 8-wol¥1 ~· oxu.e, be oOCNpt«l l!aft:alr!•(a«Aul&liud)

·,.,;.'a• . '·· , •

..S ~:&Mti-'t lfbjeat whae he, buUt: ~ecerld.c"ie . .Bachaate

(A1•809.i'te. at the 10ot of the W01'14) t.'PYel.Ung tru:ougb

a-ren ea1 Qhol'baQd·¥e;t he I'Mdl..S t7aldet:Jid., l'&rotG .:b•r~

h• ·f;)lloWtd the 111Qert·1'1'ftt .iQto hjaua:- rud._S~~ .

h• 2:eacb.O. obild whee be Ol"C)Ne4 the Xrdu• ent1 .ater:ea in

J.ld1e ( Map lf> • 3 . J •

lbe b.;&n&ng Ot. the. Cbl'isttq era ... tbG UQi'tb

o·t the J>J.abao powe Urd• l(eiltabJca•· a-. JU~ -.tetd.a.

flo• Math\l#e to ~ eot· thae tzom. aaou&• to the

fl:o•l.cs of Q~,. ·e.e l.QsahaOs w.-. peat. paw-. of .ACt

ana :reu.g~oa• 8\a4tlli.- tlo'UJ.shc to •· liaPJ:"~ect ;loey

lhe QaOlbca· acbool oi ~ pe-.,.U....s .,, 'the ~ana rev.eJ.,

•• iq,1onance ·~• tax: U;.•·pro~Jo~ o• at:t: •. lb• 14o:

ot 8\d&a ., a-yeo ~·o balono• to ttl• • ..- pctoa.


Page 16: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4

DwrArq ~o ·~ ad ~h C®'\lWr4~M~GQAS::Cqa

t100· 4A~d - .!oQQl ~lf Cly;ltiS'\l&OO~ ~~ tJas OnlY' a~

~bo ana oi ~ho 9~ c~ ~~~G~ la.\c::a ~tt~ci ~

,,g 1:bo HAduh.u~o;. Qo Mob~ \UdQlf CG&Jlpb ~

-~~ !f4c:li ~ ~0 b~ oQ <ibO C)wt4U1ftt M ~O:.

OG~iag tlo~o !o ~o E:lao o.rt4 ~trod 011 Xalao aml •o . ouboequosa tU~oncd o9 Od61co of4 Chrt~laal~.

'ibo 9~ EU14 SOtb <rCftWB'!eo u!~ac& 'CJbo S"Aoo

oil ltVlila:oua looa& <lJ'n~!e:l both ·1'Utld.Oh · a~U! ~onAano orao oQ ~be o=J..AQ;R of! tbso eoo ~o M~Wab.ilfs.d

·4ra~ l1h!Qb inOJ.wca s~tcb 4Uii Ho:!;ot 4l:l !~o ~

oa tttoa~o l'a t~ao ~$dd bJ- o ~tvo 3daai~ 4ya~,. ~ho Bo:ISW!cia am1 su~Saoau~1Y l>Jr ~bo sc::'eo:&4a

un4m \1htob eo~ · a~IU\m\ cmi Sal kh onjoyctl a

(J014a ago~

ar ~bo tl11Ad&o ·OS' ~be 30~1\ ~~;<sbo Blt\110 .

4pa~p qppatm:dl etlt)1J&'l4. ~o. l1ourt&O! bf Mcp"il~!o ,.

. '

s~lNg~.ta h4o eon altd ~son-~ iho·Gtr~ u~ oa . aoaa& •w:fb~ &11 Agghosdnea·uttw h&a ~·~· uo ·

~Qrol!J aid ·~~- Gant camrAd.'bA·a ·caasa &nto tbo "~ oa !daa~ .untA~ h4a·auAO,· ~aa.·1D~ o. op1a=t14 ot~Yi . eo 4ia auo~ C.Loabk= (!Qh) o


Page 17: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4


fh• ~Ids ._.. _.,._ oa )?r the Gho~l.a ·•

_, locle.S ._.Aoll ol Boutb nstcn Af;tumistaat• tbe

MeftQQl ~- J:Octce4 tb• Ghol' •'" 814 '' c.u .t.ftt:o .

. the· Utll 805. 14th catu~"lea ..,.. uon cU~us

for •• ngtora ol Af;banbtan• •&41git4tlg w.ttb th• aompaa..

GM of O.aghi• .. ._ f.OU gea.8uon• ot ~· CDo;.u•.S,

plWd_. an4 -~ lh• ,&'GSdl't was tbe <lutiUOt.fon of

the 1cve U1t.lgnton. qrst-. which baS appon.s th•

eopht-.loattd oAtuo ol Ballcht1'tha m£4dle Helrmen4 VeiJ.e.v.

Heat eos GbQQ!• lb• •acJd.ftg aa1 4411P>pulatAoo ot these

· recJf,ona lll'otce the co•&auttv ot Olltul'al 11•• ~bed

ectel¥!fd badkvG~J.Sa to the IO.llba,J eltpll'e CRawe1J.,••1972)'.

Hav&Qlf ~- ttl• ar.-natntng •• erd agJ:iQultul'ol oent­

s-esi ~~ t:h• gn&t t.\.Jd.eb 00~:1: atnee b.t.e fJirp1Jte . tUl. abo~:u o! the .f.led&t•an-. Whlob i~Jelu4e4 H•a•, lebd ard ~-

. ttte tU's'· quatw of the lftb ,___, ,.., the

Elrl*:~ ot BabLur;~ a d•oencJeot ot .,_ Who &tHPt the - -' - * .

!ldo-g~,to §lel.ft to GS'i$bl.$ab th• .-,;neJ. ••• ill '

.mste #.a· d24t? 1ft biG t~Jne .~ ....-oei as • Pcodan~

Oep,te\ CiiG'~ l'be Atgbe.Q atlbelll.oft$· O.'UlStMi:lJ'

~~ th• Jtet:* in the line ol ~ela~r A~ 'ibe tlGd

Page 18: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4

JN1_.4ets_..ine4 to aubclue •• . ...,teQ IWJhtoou liQii

1nstl.tu1:.S a ••• ot al1oweoou to tb• Af.I'W ilarl.b• to

k...., the Jbrb• pass, open 8DCl ua'l• h£$ oontml bdow• 'he Pce.lall$ .t.n tba bC>I'th nn •. K• ~:~

Jel'dl\u ·eo& belA on to _tb.l• ol"Y uatU hi• 4airb '" 1601•• . . .

(W.Ub.,Doftltl4.- S9G) •· l(.ah!bal' contitN.S iro l>4t •• bone ~~ ,, 1, ' ' '

c:ront.-l.oa b.-w .. the R~Obal• .w the._.., ••• 6ebeftQ'U,_

Shah. ~theA .s AW:'~#' all IIIQI\al ltl.llga of the ltne

RWftlal to 1f.et9 Keo!bc aid 'l(abul .t.n tb. apip•

Mhtle the fonlp JO,_.a v;Lfd witb ..a oth• U1 • 1

gaWno contml ol o:>l"thcn,' weatau aid eestco t.fgbaa-. '

tat an,• a D.DH N.gaJ.•toam: pr:o.-•. ~· l.ta iu~ ba!

b.,.. lbe Pesbtoon 'b-Abes became o:>UC#I.ou . . . . ~-

. . .

of the£~' CNl'Usl an! tbi.s stl.na4ate4 tbe1W ••~et.

aoce.· ~-al Khan lChattalf, thm tl:'il:tal leaciw, l.S _...e!J:'

l'~d.ton tn the lat• 11th c•tu.J:rf BUlJ' ln th• s.atb

o~ ofi the PU.ehtoon #eg!on· es:actea. .i,s autolt)ltf' • '

lhd.b Sheh- the last of· ••· or•~- Cer&t•al M1ea .

oon(l'lla:ox:s eppewaS ·oft the ...-.,)1 AfgbaM.etau ant1 I

Jtecaptw:'f!d i~:,:I·R• also p1tmtt•e4 the •ebulQ'.)UA •tdl• ot tnate uaiQg All4al4.'GhUaaS. ard Mtsi.u Uoo~>•• Attw

b.ts assuaatnet<to~ 1ft 174,,· one of hts A'be.\&;a.t chiefs.~ .


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~- shah oi Setbae& Cl~ ~nr:olM~oS tbo Aegbca .

foi'COO sftt1 gUQ(d pt)OSOO$!oll of 'tho OS~Oli:'Q _pt:»:tjo~ oB

maiiJr Bbd\11 o ~Us• lle mdo lCmd'la:r as h!o CG>Atal. erd ' . ' \l .

<uribo h~h CDmO· to bo ~- .QO .u~aun. Ho

foadd 0; po~~ ~u-o tlhAa ·.stJ1stdld -~ ~shci . . .

An <tho l10a~ to tho Gm'.lgos plQ.ia 1rl i;l\0 oe.s~ ad ~­

~ho owe 1.n ~ho ~ to tho ~cllian aeo .ln tho -who He ibuld tho Paehtcol'IS bat:a 1to gova:n end nto son and

sucac:u»r i'~ ahab. uiow£ ~e oep1to.!. to ~ ~

l1es tn the c ont:s-&1 eoutb-oaet,o; I

~G ~ghan eutonomoue W!bOS COnW~1F d\ellorl0» - ' . . ~;

cd ~no myat eccsntJ.anc.r o!! .t:hcle& atum ant. IU.a eoa ~tctwr .

Shd'lo Conston~ tal!'2ar<l h~ abfi~¢lro4 (~be CQ)IrlftW• «Ji\Gf:fl

t1GD ·J.ncn:ese1ag atvsraa.on o:i: Asian ~tdo rlmc 4Glonta {:()

ooee.a t-ou~oo, tho C:i ttoe ttQC'O 4cdlllft.lng and 'tlho.rro t1os

G&~QM S~at1&n trA.'f'ol!:y botmcaa Sft!oi~O PateiODO

end tho prc::doltl.f.n~lr SUM! Atgbeno.

Sy t91~;. ~~an uas lost~ thG Sikhs~ ISle IJQ!.Jr

of Bokhare oaptureti ~ a:ii other p~o of !'lltl;est:aGo

'J.'hq saao~a1 J?Urranis th\tS aecd .ttietl .ill powor arta presc.a.go . . . . '

t1h1le the ser~lma1t\o;. Specially tho M:uhemmad.aai

ion oi t:ho C1~· ga.tned streng"t:bt. m 1818 Cost ~~, ' , ' • 'I •

Page 20: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4


M?\}h~ao ad. ooc:n::::3ca ~hQ.Q!J\:lo oa tho~ o1l A1!Poa!~oo

4n taD~" l • . ' ' .

Doat ~CDea·aa~c;::ptct to Q:)aat144a:to =~a ovcza

~o lrcaAoD ~ radlo oiiono ~o tm&BJ' ~h13 ~~1.\0 'CttAboao

Ho oo'oblicbctl'~hQ ~cn'\:o oa o o~e!.!17·t:~~ea

no"\Jllontt. c:sc:u &a Aapodoileaft H&o s~ 1:10.0 Aa:~ctl !);!

~o .Og.S.t1ch Asloa:loft ot 183£» ~.~ AcG 'tO tho U&it~ t\fl.;nOQ

tfll1r ·c:ru.bCCfd'l~1r coeu1t1ng a tm'A~Ach mUA'\lo=y atonotc::ro

1\ft·e:- b1o d~ 1ft aoes3., ~~l.o ax:- con<=oA cga1n @mll~ ' ' '

o llSlQ ·&a con, Sho:J: ».~ gain.dl cotm:ol An 1S as ~ by th.t.s

~.smo, ~a::a.ouo cut~ p,~:oodu.J:o uaa lnU.1 ~ t;p ffl\.11:9 tum

<to J)~ tl~irnonta1 ~ ~0 1rtaOJ:emtO o!l A~oOS.~ODo ii'JO

Rusotoo c::;p.Uo hq'l l:OC.Chctl .ru:n De:r:ya. oC~ogo ~o tru::luo!on

of "llOhl:~ orttl oamOStltand ona uoao G:J~amlv d'lollc:tt:itng

~ho Br1~1oh in no~~otn zn:u.a~ ~~ QOQ)~A~.ions

'(11~h ~o A2ghoao 4e.U.e&, ~o UI:J:aiob ~ct\ ib!l o Scconfl

im?tltlkln !11 1910 o Jolalebrz:G attt1 ttaEtShar t.Yatto o~co. br ~e Dlr1ti:m. Ql tho teaul ~om UOGtJ" ;>1."0Vi4c:ti Colt tb0 S:t!'(:Aeh

$~.talon oi! Mgbo~a.o•o tbt:olgn goolot!ons• A St1~1ob

=tssio.n was .S.~aU<:e An RatlW. but .In l8"19(J1 it t188 J:U~OaS~:::t

11 l1'1\U'de:cdQ aubseqt.l~ tho v~ oa 1n!Uo: otla~ea "ttho

~s:1\.lp to Abaw: a~~ o g:r:~n o~ Dost MU'hatmd Abdwr·

Ach."'Oft t1ao a fl)~ obt'c~ elltl~Urol.,oss &gurs Lea A~a!l

hl~~o ~~~ =tUtt!QllY ps.-opooalo mea 4~c:Q c:N'1ing

hAs !:o19fto ln iSS,? ~e ftUB~ghQD fbloD'C!cs- uaa

Page 21: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4


xn sass tb• AlgbeD Xt'eni8ft frontier wee 4din.a. :rn 1993,

Atd.c' Abdu Rehman enS sta: Ibn•• D\lln:a...S.. th• BcA:tisb

e&Wo:V. e;rMCS UpOD a line 4t' the •hn4cally .:elated

ttttbel Pb\lP~ populely kmwn as. Dun'Gnfl Llne~ ~• Btthnic

.itw.t;Jlicationa ot Afqbwsten .trn•nstional.· ·bo\Ull!ules ,. .&a elate d'lep~c.

In S901, ~ a$bnusc•it· aon. Hm!bu11eb osca.dtd

the tb1:one atd eet h!ftwel.f to the tae~ oe •cconp11eb4tag

thtit wotks lett wdone by bis fethG~r, a• fo110Wt!ld soit

an! liberal methods t.o per~• l"d.G poliCy of preventing . '

tbcetgn inter."VQQt.ton an4 ntainta.'I.D109 Z:Ofal. gr~ on

internal PQWC~ He et:out tntcnel. Stab.U:&.ty Suppo,tt of trJ.bel and lea:.ics ~cal

t~vat.t.ona jb\ll'd :oot ia h.t.a z:oeign w!th the oomiss.t.oa.

1ng of the f1tst p:.wc pt:Ojecst(nftl:' Kabul), .t.rdust~£.81

p1antt:J ·atd aOacn z:oaSs.., Signtficent p:o;ress was male

·tb 'he field of edUoatton end Jounal'•• Hab.ib.llleb was

essas-.tnated tn Januur DS ah4 was INCGtMdGd by his

son· amanulllh•

AttUU'lullah =t.iowea en ~esstve P,licz to wtn

eoq,lete l.oSeperd.ence and this aoatn. J:'Gn$feQ ·confltct

w1~n tho Bf'it.t.~~ !lbe A.fghe.n$ suf~eted ;-c;wet:e• after

· J.nit.tal cuccessea-. ~e ~ewltaot -:J:•af:lt of aawatp.inii

gu~ai)tee1 the SovEmeigbtf o£ Afgb~taa .tn 'ts

Page 22: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4


y •

fol"eign Jtelsttons;t: A oouptenEJ~U~ive ldgbao-&•it:.f.eb treaty .I ' '

was neQbed l.n 1192 ~ .I'Jr.terdly Bolsbcwio ove~nos ln:ought . ' '

new changes in ausso-Afghaa l'eJ.e:tioas. a'Gbse;uentlY an '

Afth~•t• 'tl'eaty ot kie.nclship was conolu4.S• Ute

aua,au oiiCletook to provtcle tec:hntae.l am ec:Dnomio

aasutanoe, am81!lt41eb ibitiaterl .:.eor.e )))' ~gatiDO

the ._. ... • &ltd CDDet1tut.ton Ua J.taJ, 1ntJ:oduet.ton

ot tducat~oel lnftov«tkJn• aDS .ioaHuittg ••• oo 89t . .S.

oul'IUI'• enc:t co__.ce, av the . ..., oe . uaa.l'tlltv*»u erd ' tttbd 1.ea:Jwsh.&p agat..Q enpteer. #CHtlU.Ona begeQ among

Pashtoon,p peacefUl Tajitc. tw:nar:l violent, baa1.ite

oetn.S. d0ntl01 .ol the muntq .. .- u.S the gave:.... wee '

on th• V'411'0'• of a collapse. Mllt'Nl1ah allllr4taat.S aat left

Afghantatea to# .U• in ftaly wwe be 4iec! late.

zmr•oal .t..natigves aDS dlstw:bemoes. follow«t

,_._., Oppo#t:ton ,ezytJtal.l.ltt.S \Udc the 1eascshlp ot

~- ab-., who was th• lea:lear ot ·trNt lllaahibao fad.ll'

d.Oa!datda :koUt tb• hfal Sedoada anc1 MuhaM~adaeia

elena, aeau ahm o:>neenuat.s his eifode. on '

<b',tho.-iV to ut&lieh aup•ee pol&tlcel aid m41.t.t-

417' po._. za Stilt a new <"»nnl~ioll w•a .:kafted. 1>1'

wbiah Atthaa&nu wu to be goyw~MC~. br a f.U.r ollgc.

obJ' • S'Qbatdt&al · ~•c .4We\opm.n wu 4\so lnitiatfd

Page 23: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4

' . ea:>nomic or:gan1oat£onA .. ~o aant;..&.MU1A (Nat~nal.

. . . Bf.\M) ~· · lt Jimmgc4 pctvato f:it'ms b~ing monDpoly

l:i.OCSQCQS- the <bft.,fo~: ctp:u:t atd impo~ tred.f:l; A .. mode$t b¢qintng tn tho l'tl)dorritac:A o«on4_.,. s~

t1es msa.e Wb~ ~~.U.o Jdlls anfl cauant plents \101:'0

' ot~d. N'~Att· Sbeb t~aa csscttetn&tdl to 19Sl d tho

Wod\iban ~o eolWit1ua4 to nlo Ulll1~ 'tho AoshtM•

shtp o~ his tht~ ~hC:oc0 ~ho 11~ oa f!2tlhe::me:tl acbu sh•(son of

N'dk Sbch) it~llab1o PCOO#OSS t:fGS QS:do to 'tb$ gf.eld J

o:e <Xlu.c~Aoa- foJtoign turoto, estebl&ebm~ of"'-

Aos to pt:Oooss t:~ mat~,l.alo, eat plennetl cont~:al ,.

auti\oc-1_. o'\?t:C uibal . QJ.GmGD~s.,. Push~ vas ~hOOi~fetl ..

as tho no.t.lonal langu.ago and Gnt»u:c-agod ot the c=p<moe

o£ Pa:oicn,o Dco~o tlotel~ CIC)J$Anuca. to be tho . maJot 'eell of abah MCGU6.. end lata: oD Oa.t4.t tho .tt:o . .

oubD~~ sulerc;~ It tJU dur:tng .oad• e !Nlq, tilo-t the

dectolon uas mdo to tw~C<l;>fl aussieft eiJ# Bast ~peen . eco·rJOmio ami mUl'EIIJ' OUlo .Dad ~~¢4 Algha.U.-an · .


1:bl'oUgb 0 ·P?C'£o4 Oil ~QC'.toUG :l.ntGtAel pJ:GSSUI'OS .am! chet:p

tue'tu1 I.Q its fc:u:ool<JQ po11qy ... Hi$ cons4d:a-eblc eec:omp~

S.$hta~s ~ho hEn:llO$SS1ftq of vaot lJI'CI)ums. ot fo~:Oign e!cl1

the o1.Wnatton oi ta-Abd tbJ:'oat$ to tho goVE!I'ntneat

'alU:o\tgb ~amteetion o! tbe m:aw. the ~hGr axpensl.on

ol rrod•a lomDP o! c4ucat,Aoa tmd. the cdgec:ttve 4GV'oUiag

Page 24: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4


of women. wee eee •• lqtag the fould.atllou fb~r a

ctw •• of poltctea.• ( ..,ell~ca• , 19,a) • lPt:om the eboY•. atscueel.o ... 'the fbUowlng

coaol,.atou ce clwlr ..


'~be main l'n• of sis ~s lerdq •

au'b•~ h~ioel PI'Oet~a•• bave*l ~icNl.w

ens u pi'O'rid.S btl aultabl• pbJ'a.'ko-feog&"apbJ.o emruoa­

ment. l'h.a eros nUl C"Emain th• atclei' oj u.oveaont

ol pcopl.• etJ. vti.l •s vaSe,.

She #Ull•t h.lato.r;leel uanato.DUet:ton h.a.

cau•.S ¢011•14•8ble d•elopaeAt along f:b• mao lines ot

Gt. .,v•ellU• :ro~: -~• Heat, Kanahu, Ghasmt.

~~ ~eltcb .atJl ..... .t-aher'l•conttoue '1.11 today to

be tb• mdn M:>I'Cmic .ard oultical centcw ot Afotten.t.stan.

MSF t#ont 'tbta -.t.._....,. t:he cSwel.oprfteot has been: meape.

Jn tame ol te!ereaoe to ~litloal· <Je()gJr"apby, 'the areas .

away fzom •• ads •• '··· rewe, oJowrajU,• <llo~:,

Ol'\189an, et<h beiu-e 'been 'U.IIate1• acea. ba9.tng pol1t£oal

~u aa ·G9'eft toder·-.

!he f«;-poli,la.l JDtdt.._ pfDt'tAc..,~£on of

some o,t the ethnlo ts»Upa along~· main lu• ot ax&e

m:rrt41'fteni: •·•<~•Nato~ tajJ.lca.Aiilaq ttrd &alWCb~a, ..

etMto CDl'lftWli .. le.~ etd hav• dfeottd Afuhfll'l

Page 25: enjoyed by thls cou:to u th.o flat J.evQl couftttlr cml.m.tnsting ioto &:y barron 10il4sc:spe of · Ueiniian cn4

atr:uotqe aid .~1\i~JU:atton,

~ SUlll ~. the SocdD C!Ul•al p~cn oi ethnic ;

s4Wttlements aleo ,._to CIOmr«cVe along t:he H.-&'b­

Kancih8.l' • <llucd. • .Kebul .. Balltb.. Dia end •ea:u lJ.neat;

wheJ:'fts •efl~1tnonte aeen toRe .c&i=-t.-.s .a.n centl"al ard

nonn Af;beitstan,

. .