Download - -DAVID.ORG Parashat Acharei Mot - ShulCloud...May 09, 2019  · The Mitzvah of counting the Omer is a Mitzvah during every single day of the counting period, and for this reason we

  • Email Your Rabbis:

    RABBI YEHUDA MOSES, Rav HaKehillah, Senior Rabbi

    [email protected]

    RABBI MICHAEL ABRAHAM, Executive Director

    Associate Rabbi/Hazan

    [email protected]


    Erev Shabbat — MAY 3

    Candle Lighting 7:20 pm

    Shir Hashirim 6:15 pm

    Mincha/Arvit 6:30 pm


    Rabbi Moses Parsha Shiur 8:15 am

    Shacharit 8:45 am

    Teen Minyan 9:30 am

    Beit Midrash 5:30 pm

    Rabbi Moses Shiur 6:15 pm

    Mincha/Arvit 7:00 pm

    (Followed by Seudat Shlishit)

    Havdalah 8:15 pm Rosh Chodesh Sunday/Monday


    Shacharit 8:00 am & 9:00 am

    (Followed By Breakfast) .

    Mon. — Fri.

    Shacharit 6:30 am

    Sun – Thurs.

    Mincha/Arvit 7:25 pm

    Erev Shabbat — MAY 10

    Candle Lighting 7:25 pm

    Mincha/Arvit 6:30 pm


    Earliest Talit & Tefillin 5:06 am

    Last Time for Shema M”A 8:43 am

    Last Time for Shema GR”A 9:25 am

    Latest Tefillah M”A 10:05 am

    Latest Tefillah GR”A 10:33 am

    Hazot Hayom 12:50 pm

    MAY 3 ~ MAY 9, 2019 • 28 NISAN ~ 4 IYAR * 5779

    Parashat Acharei Mot Shabbat Mevarchim


    9717 W PICO BLVD. LOS ANGELES CA 90035 • 310.556.5609 • WWW.MOGEN-DAVID.ORG


    Shaul Barnes Mary Raskin Eva Martin Charles Silver Benjamin Holland

    Charlotte Chouaiki Betty Belawsky Robert Blaugrund Lester Liberman

    Benjamin Sheff Sadie Alperson David Richard Katz Charles Raskin Habib Kashanian Rachel Barnes

    Benjamin Jaffe Ychiel Chaim Rosenwald Jeff Krone Steven Weiss

    Myrna Jaffe Ellen Weinberg Mitchell Safren Esther Bernstein

    Robert Greenberg Naomi Guttman Rae Spivak Rosalie Snyder

    Lydia bat Esther Yaakov


    Abikzer Malka Aaron Breitbart Beverly Venouziou

    Betty Sytner Ariel Halwani Rita Aynesazan

    Benjamin Gerendash Benjamin Nahamia

    Eliyah Harari Oved Anter Martin Pollack

    Sivan Hakakian Rachel Halham

    Raphaela Bayanfar Edvin Malekan Amy Minc

    Reuben Robin Moshe Kupietzky Bella Kohan

    Ava Abergel Yonathan Saour Barry Jaffe

    Jonathan Mizrahi Abigail Bamela Liora Engel

    Michael Azeroual Neil Sheff Parviz Saour

    Sanaz Kashanian Albert Bamela

    Eddie Mendelsohn Emmanuel Sarir

    Tova Sarir Patrick Sabbah


    Jon & Eve Halwani

    Daniel & Shery Javaherian

    Oren & Deborah Kashanian

    Jonathan & Raizy Nissanoff

    Emmanuel & Tova Sarir

    Michael & Edith Singer

    Barry & Betty Sytner

    Ernest & Charlotte Wulkan

    Please include the Following Individuals in Your

    Prayers So that Each May be Granted

    Refoua Shelema

    Chaya Liel Bat Tali, Yehoshua Ben Orah

    Levi Ben Maytal HaCohen,Sarena Bat Rachel,

    Meir Ben Devorah, Avraham Ben Rachel,

    Menashe Ben Rosa, Akram Bat Habiba, Ezra Ben Naima,

    Naama Bat Aviva, Gideon Ben Leslie,

    Michael Nader Ben Molouk Zimra, Haim Ben Hannah

    If you would like us to include a name on this list,

    please call us at (310) 556-5609,

    email the office at [email protected], or

    email the Rabbis at

    [email protected] or

    [email protected]

    Thank You To Our Sponsors



    Will Be Sponsored By

    Haim & Helen Dayan

    In Memory of Avraham Ben Roza


    Nader & Tally Kosh

    & Shashoua Family

    In Memory of Yosef Ben Elisha

    TEEN MINYAN Sponsorship

    Is Available


    Please Save The Date

    For Our Upcoming Elections

    On June 2nd

    (Right Before Summer Break)

    Between 8:30 am and 10:00 am.

    All The Best,

    Rabbi Michael Abraham

    Executive Director/Associate Rabbi

    Please Pray for the Refoua Shelema of

    Our Soldier Netanel Felber

    Who Was Critically Wounded in the Attack

    At the Givat Assaf Junction

  • Parashat Shemot

    The Mitzvah of Counting the Omer The Torah states (Vayikra 21, 15): “And you shall count for yourselves, from the day following the Shabbat, from the day the waved Omer offering is brought, seven complete weeks shall they be.” Our Sages (Menachot 65b) have a tradi-tion that the “day following the Shabbat” refers to the day following the first day of Pesach which is a holiday. (This is what is meant by the words, “the day fol-lowing the Shabbat,” i.e. the day following the first day of Pesach which is a holiday, also known as “Shabbaton.” Therefore, on the night following the first day of Pesach following Arvit, we immediately begin counting the Omer.) It is a Torah commandment to count the Omer beginning from the Sixteenth of Nissan until the end of seven weeks, which is a period of forty-nine days. Counting the Omer-A Torah or Rabbinic Commandment Nevertheless, since the Torah also states (Devarim 16, 9), “You shall count for yourselves seven weeks, from when the sickle begins to strike the standing stalks shall you begin to count these seven weeks,” which means from the time the Omer offering was harvested and unfortunately nowadays when the Bet Hamikdash no longer stands, we have neither the harvesting of or bringing of the Omer offering. Thus, this Mitzvah of counting the Omer is only rabbinic in commemoration of the services performed in the Bet Hamikdash. Therefore, in the “Leshem Yichud” text customarily recited before counting the Omer, one should omit the phrase, “As the Torah states, ‘And you shall count for your-selves’” etc. for the Mitzvah of counting the Omer is no longer a Torah com-mandment. (Although according to the opinion of the Rambam and the Ra’avaya there is no correlation between the Mitzvah of counting the Omer and the har-vesting the Omer and according to them the Mitzvah of counting the Omer is a Torah commandment even nowadays, nonetheless, we do not rule this way and the Halacha in this matter follows Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch, whose rulings we have accepted, who rules that counting the Omer is only a rabbinic command-ment nowadays, for this is indeed the opinion of Rav Hai Gaon, Tosafot, Rosh, Itur, Rashba, Ran, and others). One Who Forgets to Count One Day The Mitzvah of counting the Omer is a Mitzvah during every single day of the counting period, and for this reason we recite a blessing on it before counting every single day. However, according to the opinion of the Ba’al Halachot Gedolot, if one has forgotten to count the Omer on one day during the counting period he can no longer continue to count the Omer since it is not possible to count by skipping (for if one counts one, two, four, he has counted incorrectly; thus, if one missed counting one day he can no longer rectify this and what he counts from now on is not considered counting at all). Halachically speaking, we hold that even if one has forgotten to count one day of the Omer, he may in fact continue to count the rest of the days for every day is a separate Mitzvah regardless of the other days. Nevertheless, since we always follow the great rule of “when in doubt, do not bless,” regarding the blessing we are concerned about the opinion of the Ba’al Halachot Gedolot. Therefore, if one forgets to count one day of the Omer, one should continue to count the rest of the days as usual; however, from now on he should not recite the blessing before counting. A Child who Turns Thirteen during the Omer Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”ldiscusses (in his Responsa Yabia Omer, Volume 3, Orach Chaim, Chapter 27) the Halacha regarding a child who turns thirteen years old during the Omer period. Since the days he has counted until this point were counted when he was still a child and not halachically obligated to perform the Mitzvot like an adult, his status is similar to one who has not counted the Omer until now and thus does not continue to count with a blessing on subsequent nights. He speaks lengthily and brings a great many sources to support his view. The luminaries of the previous generation debated this matter at length. Nevertheless, halachically speaking, a child who turns thirteen years old during the Omer should continue to count on the subsequent night without reciting a blessing. The Time for the Counting and the Laws of Women and Counting the Omer The appropriate time for counting the Omer is at night; however, if one forgets to count at night, one may count throughout the day without reciting a blessing before counting, in which case one may continue counting on all subsequent nights while reciting a blessing. Women who count the Omer should not recite a blessing before counting. Ac-cording to our custom though, women do not count the Omer at all. The reason for this is discussed by the Mekubalim.

    Parashat Acharei Mot

    One of our most significant challenges is serv-ing Hashem consistently with genuine enthusiasm and pas-sion. The Navi Yeshaya cautions: "Befiv ubesfatav kibduni velibo richak mimeni, vatehi yiratam oti mitzvat anashim me-lumadah"(29:13) - "In as much as this people has drawn close, with its mouth and with its lips it has honored Me, yet it has distanced its heart from Me. The fear of Me is like rote learning of human commands." Even Aharon HaKohen who was granted the unique privilege of entering the Kodesh HaKodashim is warned, "Ve'al yavo bechol et el hakodesh (Vayikra 17:2)" - "Do not come at all times into the sanctuary." Rashi comments, "..ulefi shegaluy shechinati sham yizaher shelo yargil lavo." - "Because my Shechinah is there, take heed not to come regularly." Even the sublime, pristine experience of hashra'a hashechinah can become 'normal' if treated as ordinary and routine. The balance of loyal adherence to the devar Hashem and the importance of spiritual growth and creativity underlie the Parshiyot of Acharei Mot and Kedoshim. Parsahat Acharei Mot, which follows the death of the b’ne Aharon, Nadav and Avihu, emphasizes obedience of the devar Hashem. Nadav and Avihu were killed for offering an "Aish zara asher lo tziva otam," an alien fire that He had not commanded them. The clear message of their death underscores that genuine Avodat Hashem rests on strict observance of the letter of the law. However, one who is merely concerned with the letter of the law easily becomes what the Ramban terms a Naval B'reshut HaTorah, a sordid person with the permission of the To-rah. The next parasha, Kedoshim T'hiyu obligates us to em-brace the Torat Hashem with an added sense of enthusiasm and passion. The days of Sefira are a period of preparation for kabalat Ha-Torah. The Kli Yakar notes that no where does the Torah refer to Chag HaShavuot as zman matan Torateinu. He explains this striking omission as follows: "Lo ratza Hashem L'hagbil yom yadua l'fi shetzarich ha'adam sheyihiye dome lo b'chol yom vayom mikol yemot hashana k'ilu b'oto yom kibla maiHar Sinai". Hashem did not wish to limit or confine kabalat HaTo-rah to a single day. Each day we must approach the Torat Ha-shem with a sense of newness and freshness. It is with these qualities of genuine commitment and passion that we continue to grow and develop as true ovdei Hashem. Post-Pesach is a perfect time and opportunity to rededicate ourselves to Mitzvot and Kedusha in anticipation of Zeman Mattan Toratreinu just 5 short weeks away!

    Shabbat Shalom,

    Rabbi Yehuda Moses,

    Rav HaKehillah/Senior Rabbi

    Congregation Mogen David

    Halachic Illuminations Special Events, Shiurim & Announcements