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Part 1


What is Christianity

It is the Life And Salvation God Has Given In And Though Jesus Christ

What are the two main doctrines in the bible

Law And Gospel

What does God teach and do in the law

God commands good works of thought, word and deed and condemns and punishes sin

Who brought sin into the world

The Devil or Satin by temping Adam and Eve

Two types of sin

Original And Actual

Original Sin

Sin inherited from Adam & Eve

Actual Sin

Sin we do everyday


Part 2

The Law

What are the three purposes of the law

Curb, Mirror, Guide

What is the curb

Controls Outbursts and keeps order

What is the mirror

Accuses us and shows us our sin

What is the guide

Teaches us what we should and not doto lead god plaesing life

Guides us back to the Gospel


Part 3

The Gospel

What is the Gospel

How we are saved

The good news

What do we learn from the Gospel

It teaches us what God has done and still does for our salvation

It shows us our savior and the grace of God

It shows us the forgiveness of sins deliverance from the devil and eternal death


Part 4

The Word

What is the bible

God’s Word

How many books are in the old testament


How many books are in the new testament


How many books are in the whole bible



Who wrote the books of the bible

Men who were inspired by God to write down his word


Part 5

The Commandments

How many commandments are there


1st commandment

You shall have no other gods

You should not have idols or worship other gods

2nd commandment

You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God

You should not swear repeat his name with out good reason use witchcraft

3rd commandment

Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy

You should go to church not work on that day and rest like he did

4th commandment

Honor your father and your mother

Do what they say and obey them

5th commandment

You shall not murder

Do not kill anyone

6th commandment

You shall not commit adultery

Do not cheat on your wife or husband

7th commandment

You shall not steal

Do not take anything that is not yours

8th commandment

You shall not give false testimony agents your neighbor

Do not lie

9th commandment

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house

Do not wish something is yours ???

10th commandment

You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor

Do not wish something is yours ???


Part 6

The Apostils Creed

What is a Creed

A statement of what we believe, teach and confess

How many articles are in the Apostle’s Creed


1st Article

Is about God the creator

What doses this mean

God created the earth me and everyone else and he provides me with all I need

Did god create angels

Yes – they are spirits who were created holy

2nd Article

Is about Jesus who saved us from our sins


By his life, Sacrifice on the cross and by his death and resurrection

Be more Specific

By his Blood

What day did Jesus Rise

3rd day


What does the name of Jesus mean

The Lord Saves

Why is Jesus called Christ

He is anointed with the Holy Spirit, without limitation

3nd Article

Is about Holy Spirit who saved us from our sins

What does this mean

God, the Holy Spirit, who suffered

Who is the Holy Spirit

He is the 3rd person in the Trinity

Why do we need H.S. to begin and sustain our life

Because by nature we are spiritually blind, dead and enemies of god

Who is the only true God

The Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Where is it written

Matthew 28: 19

What are the Attributes of God





Present Everywhere











Recite the Apostils Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and


And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: Who was

conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was

buried. He descended into hell.

The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the

right hand of God the Father Almighty, from there He shall come to judge the living and

the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the

resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.


Part 7

The Lords Prayer

What is prayer

Speaking to god in words and thoughts

How many times should I pray

Often, make it a part of your day

Is there a certain place to pray

No, you can pray anywhere

Who commands us to pray


How should we pray

Pray in the name in the name of Jesus

Who Helps us pray

The Holy Spirit

Who should we pray for

Ourselves, family, friends

Who gave us the lords prayer


Recite the lords Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy Name.Thy Kingdom come.

Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into

temptation, But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom,The power, and the glory,

For ever and ever.Amen.


Part 8

The Lords Prayer - Petitions

What is the first petition

Hallowed Be Thy Name

That God’s Name be kept Holy among us

What Does this Mean

How is God’s name kept holy

When the word is taught among us in truth

When we live according to the word of God

What is the Second petition

Thy Kingdom Come

God’s Kingdom comes, but we pray it may come to us also

What Does this Mean

What do we ask God for in the second Petition

To give us the H.S. so that we belive in his word and lead godly lives as members of his Kingdom of Grace

Where is the kingdom of grace

In his church

Can you Be more specific

Where his word is preached and his Sacraments are administered

What is the Third petition

Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven

Has No Meaning

What Does this Mean

What is Gods will

That his name be kept Holy his word be taught correctly and that sinners be brought to faith in Christ Jesus and lead godly lives

What is the Fourth petition

Give us this daily Bread

Give us what we Need ???

What Does this Mean

What is meant by daily bread

Daily Bread includes everything that has to do with that support and needs of the body and soul

Can you Be More Specific














What about your spiritual needs, what does God give

us to feed our faith with

The word of God, true blood of Jesus

Does our entire life depend on GOD


What is the Fifth petition

And forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass agents us

Forgive ???

What Does this Mean

What do we confess when we pray this petition

We confess that we sin everyday and deserve nothing but punisment

What is God’s response to our confession

He forgives us our sins for Christ sake.

What does God want us to do when someone sins

against us?

To forgive and do good to them.

What is the Sixth petition

And To Lead Us Not Into Temptation

God temps no one, we ask God to guard and keep us so that that devil, the would and our sinful nature may not lead us into despair

What Does this Mean

What do tempt and temptation me in the


First God tempts no one he test our faith to bring us closer to himself

Second, the devil and sinful nature try to lead us into temptation and away from God

So we ask god to do in this petition

To give us strength to resist and overcome temptations

So we ask God to do what in this petition

To give us strength to resist and overcome temptations

What is the Seventh petition

But Deliver Us From Evil

Take us away from evil ???

What Does this Mean

What kind of prayer is in the seventh petition

It is a prayer in which we ask God rescue us from the devil and all evil

How does God rescue us

He keeps us from harm and helps us to endure the trouble that he allows to come into our lives

What is the final deliverance from evil do

we ask the Lord to bring to us

Keep us faithful and take us into heaven

What is the Conclusion

For Thine Is The Kingdom And The Power And The Glory Forever And Ever

Why do we in the Lord's Prayer with the word amen

The word Amen means God will hear our prayers and that he will answer them


Part 9

The Sacraments

What is a Sacrament

First - a sacrament is a sacred act

Second - instituted by God

Third - which God himself has joined is word to a visible element

Fourth - which he gives forgiveness of sins strengthening of faith and eternal life

How many sacraments are there


What are they

Baptism and the Lord's Supper


Part 10


What is baptism

Baptism is water included in God's command and combined with God's Word

Where is it found in the Bible

Matthew 28:19 (look up together)

Who instituted Holy Baptism

Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20

What does Jesus mean by all nations


Does that include babies and infants


Who is to baptize

Called Pastor's of Christ

Are you able to baptize

Yes if it is an emergency and no pastor is available

Why does the church in encourage sponsors

To witness the baptism to help raise a child up in the word if your she should loose their parents to bring them to worship and have fellowship with fellow believers

Who do you receive the in Holy Baptism

The Holy Spirit

What do you receive in baptism

Faith, forgiveness, and eternal life


Part 11

The Sacrament Of The Alter

Who instituted the Lord's Supper

The true body in the True Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ

What is the sacrament of the altar, and The Lord's



What are the visible elements in the Lord's




How then are the bread and wine in the Lord's Super, the True Body and True Blood of

Jesus Christ

The bread in the wine by the power of the Word of God are the True Body in True Blood

If a person does not have faith and receives the

Lord's Supper is it still the Lord's Supper


The Lord's Supper does not depend on the person's face put on Christ's word

Why are we to receive the sacrament of the Lord's

Supper often

Jesus commands us to for we receive forgiveness of sin strengthening of our faith in eternal life

How do we take the Lord's Supper worthily

First - We must examine ourselves by confessing our sins and then receiving God's forgiveness

Seconded - We must believe in these words, Given in shed for you for the forgiveness of sins

Third - We must by the help of the Holy Spirit want to change our sinful lives


Part 12

Office of the Keys

What is the office of the keys

It is the special Authority Christ is given to is church to forgive sins of repentant and sinners but to withhold forgiveness from unrepentant sinners

How does the church publicly exercise the office

of the keys

The Christian Church by the command of Christ calls a pastor do carry out the office of the keys the Pastoral Office is a divine institution

What specifically is the pastor called to do

Preach and teach the Word of God and minister the sacraments absolute repentant sinners care love and shepherd God's people


Part 13


What is confession

First – I confess my sins

Seconded - I receive absolution

Who speaks a absolution that is who announces

forgiveness of sins


How should we regard to absolution spoken by the


We should receive the pastor's absolution as from God himself

What do you plan to do after you are confirmed in

regards to feeding your faith

Will you be in the Word of God, Come to worship, Be Fed with the True Body and True Blood of Jesus, Come to Christian Fellowship

What Will You Do?

You have finished the quiz

What is you score