Download - Bell is credited with inventing and obtaining the first patent for the telephone. Patent – is the exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor.




Alexander Graham BellBell is credited with inventing and obtaining the first patent for the telephone.

Patent is the exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor to manufacture, use, sell, an invention for a certain number of years.

Alexander Graham BellHe once worked as a teacher for the deaf and had always been interested in the study of sound.

His work made it difficult to focus entirely on his experiments and in the fall of 1873, Bell gave up all students except 2.

This allowed him time to concentrate on his laboratory work.

Alexander Graham BellTelegraph messages were becoming more popular and people needed a way to transmit more than one message at a time.

Bell became friends with Thomas Watson, who was an electrical mechanic, and he became Bells assistant.

Alexander Graham BellElisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell both applied for patents with the U.S. Patent Office. Its not clear who was there first, but Bell got the patent.

3 days later, Bell and Watson were working in their lab when Bell said, Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you.

Watson, in another room, heard him clearly!

Some people wonder to this day if Bell stole the design from Mr. Gray. ??????

Bell MovieThomas Edison

Thomas EdisonThomas EdisonEdison is credited with over 1,000 inventions, with patents He is noted for inventing the phonograph and worked on the telephoneFirst Movie ProjectorCentral Power StationsElectronic Voting machine

Thomas EdisonSurprisingly, Edison did not invent the first light bulb. Others had been tried, but they could not seem to find a filament that would burn long enough to make a long lasting bulb possible.

Thomas EdisonBy 1879, he found that carbon burned for hundreds of hours before burning out.

received a patent for having the first successful glowing white with heat, light.

Incandescent Light Bulb showing the filament that heats and produces white light. (History of US film clip)

Orville & Wilbur Wright

The Wright Brothers

Orville WrightWilbur WrightThe Wright BrothersOrville and Wilbur Wright were NOT the first to build an airplane and fly.

They WERE the first, however, to build and fly a plane that was controlled by an engine and that could be controlled by a pilot.

The Wright BrothersThey spent a great deal of time observing birds in flight. They noticed that wind flowing over their wings created lift. By changing the shape of their wings, birds could turn and maneuver.

They believed they could reproduce this technique in a man-made craft.

The Wright BrothersThe first few years of the 20th century, they experimented with gliders that could be manned or unmanned.

The Wright BrothersThe Wright Brothers built a full-size glider, took it to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, to test it.

Kitty Hawk, NC - They chose this site because of the wind, sand, hilly land, and remote location.

The Wright BrothersDuring the tests in 1901, they faced many problems.The glider spun out of controlIt lacked enough lifting power

They commented that they would probably not see flying aircraft in their lifetime.

The Wright BrothersAfter making necessary adjustments, they once again tested the glider which proved successful.

They then turned their attention to a powered plane.

Studying how propellers worked, they designed a motor and new craft to handle the extra weight.

The Wright BrothersOn December 17th, 1903, Orville Wright took the aircraft for a 12 second flight, 120 feet!

This was the first successful, powered, piloted flight in history!

Actual photograph taken when Orville Wright made the first flight on a powered aircraft in history on Dec. 17th, 1903.

The Wright BrothersGeorge Washington Carver1864 -1943peanuts

George Washington CarverGeorge Washington CarverHe was born in the 1860s on a horse farm in Diamond Grove, Missouri.

His parents were George and Mary.

His master was Moses Moses Carver.

Yes, George Washington Carver was born a slave.

George Washington CarverIn 1865 the Civil War was over and there was no longer slaves.

George and his brother stayed with Moses Carver and his family anyway.

The Carvers were the only family he knew.

George Washington Carver Carver was a botanist, scientist, educator, and inventor. He conducted several experiments with peanuts that led to the discovery of shampoos, soaps, and 19 new shades of dye. He is credited with changing agriculture in the South

George Washington CarverThe Boll Weevil Is a bug that eats cotton plants.

In the 1900s the boll weevil came to the US from Mexico and worried cotton farmers.

George Washington Carver told them to plantGOOBERS!Taught Farmers that they needed to rotate their crops to replenish the soil -

George Washington CarverGoobers

Goober is an African Americanname for peanut.

Slaves brought peanuts from Africa.

Boll Weevils didnt like peanuts.

George Washington CarverWhat else can we do with peanuts?

People thought they were only good for hogs!

He discovered over 300 ways to use peanuts so that peanut farmers could sell their crops.

He proved that African Americans could contribute to society. ( handout)