Download - Ùã Äã« çÄ ù ®Ä 28, 2020 O T St. Thomas Aquinas · 6/28/2020  · Medical Clinic: Kelly Bender, Clinic O ffice Manager 407-593-1256 Open Wednesdays Appointment sign-up @

Page 1: Ùã Äã« çÄ ù ®Ä 28, 2020 O T St. Thomas Aquinas · 6/28/2020  · Medical Clinic: Kelly Bender, Clinic O ffice Manager 407-593-1256 Open Wednesdays Appointment sign-up @


Mass Times Weekdays

9:00 am

Saturdays 4:00 pm

Sundays 8:30 am, 10:00 am,

11:30 am (Span.), 6:00 pm

Confession Saturdays

3:00—3:45 pm

700 Brown Chapel Road St. Cloud, FL 34769

407-957-4495 (Office) 407-957-1771 (Fax)

[email protected]

Parish Office Hours: M-Th 8:00 am—5:30 pm Fri 8:00 am—12:00 pm

J 28, 2020 T S O T

Adora on Tuesdays & Thursdays

9:30 am—12:00 pm Faith Forma on Classes

Wednesdays 6:30—8:00 pm

407-957-4495 x230

St. Thomas Aquinas School 407-957-1772 (O)

Page 2: Ùã Äã« çÄ ù ®Ä 28, 2020 O T St. Thomas Aquinas · 6/28/2020  · Medical Clinic: Kelly Bender, Clinic O ffice Manager 407-593-1256 Open Wednesdays Appointment sign-up @

Pastor Rev. Kent Walker

[email protected]

Parochial Vicar

Rev. Fidel Rodriguez [email protected]


Rev. Mr. John Del Giudice [email protected]


Rev. Mr. José Class [email protected]


Rev. Mr. Ernesto Nunez [email protected]

Stay Connected with Our Community [email protected] homasaquinasstcloud

Opera ons Manager Shaheda Jefferson

[email protected]

School Principal Nicholas Pavgouzas

[email protected]

Recep on & Bap sm Prep Rosie Alvarado

recep [email protected]

Parish Maintenance David Robinson

[email protected]

Music & Liturgy Director Arturas Bandza

[email protected]

Faith Forma on Director Joseph Fey,

[email protected]

Youth Minister Mary Klemm

[email protected]

Thri Store Manager Pa e Meli

[email protected]

Bulle n/ Website & Marriage Prep Megan Holmberg

[email protected]

New Parishioner Registra on Complete online at

register or visit us at the office.

Online Giving Your dona ons to our parish can

now be set up electronically (EFT) at For help or

ques ons regarding Online Giving, please contact the parish office.

Anoin ng of the Sick

Call Parish Office during business hours. If a er hours emergency, 863-513-2493 / 407-433-4472.


For Bap sms through Marriage, visit:

For Voca ons, visit

E-Prayer Requests

Submit names to prayer list at: or sign-up to receive our prayer list via email.

Hall Rental

Visit for info packet and date request form.

Mass Inten ons

Mass Inten ons can be scheduled for a deceased loved one at the parish office during office hours. $10.00

suggested dona on each. Please be aware, Masses fill up 6-8 months in


Godparent/Sponsor Cer ficate Request online or call 407-957-4495


Job Connec on Local pos ngs:

Page 3: Ùã Äã« çÄ ù ®Ä 28, 2020 O T St. Thomas Aquinas · 6/28/2020  · Medical Clinic: Kelly Bender, Clinic O ffice Manager 407-593-1256 Open Wednesdays Appointment sign-up @


Our reopening has gone very well! We are so pleased to have many of you back at Mass in person with us. We have many procedures in place to keep the space as clean and safe as possible. As the reopening continues and we are able to open up to a larger capacity we will send out that information. Please read through this information and check our website and Facebook page for further updates. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

• Daily Mass is celebrated Monday - Friday at 9:00 am in the CHURCH • The Chapel will remain closed and there will be no Adoration or Benediction until further notice • Saturday/Sunday Mass - public celebration of weekend Mass will resumed on Saturday, 5/30, and

Sunday, 5/31 and we will follow our normal Mass schedule outlined below: • MASS SCHEDULE

• Saturday, 4:00 PM - Mass ENGLISH • Sunday, 8:30 AM - Mass ENGLISH • Sunday, 10:00 AM - Mass ENGLISH • Sunday, 11:30 AM - Mass SPANISH • Sunday, 6:00 PM - Mass ENGLISH

• We will not be posting Mass online after Sunday, 6/28 • Changes to note at Mass

• Masks are strongly encouraged. • Parishioners may only enter and exit through the MAIN DOORS at the breezeway. • Pews will be marked so that parishioners can see available seating so that we maintain

25% capacity in the church. Groups are asked to seat themselves 6 feet from others with-in the open pews.

• There will be no items in the pews including worship aides. We will project the lyrics for all music

• There will be no Holy Water • The baskets will not be passed for the offertory. Instead, baskets will be placed at the

entrance to the church and you may place your offering there upon entering or exiting the church

• The Sign of Peace will be a gesture of acknowledgment to others rather than a hand-shake

• Holy Communion will be distributed to the congregation in the form of the Sacred Host • When we receive the Sacred Host, all communicants will receive in the hand only • Communicants are asked to maintain a distance of 6 feet while in line to receive Com-

munion • The priests and deacons will not be outside of the church after Mass

• There will be no printed bulletins, however, the bulletins will continue to be available on the website

• The Gift Shop will not be open • There will be no Coffee & Donuts after morning Masses until further notice • There will be no other gatherings or meetings at this time • There will be no Vacation Bible School this summer. We will continue to communicate with you through our website, Facebook, the bulletin, at Mass and through the office. Stay well and God Bless you!

Reopening Information

Page 4: Ùã Äã« çÄ ù ®Ä 28, 2020 O T St. Thomas Aquinas · 6/28/2020  · Medical Clinic: Kelly Bender, Clinic O ffice Manager 407-593-1256 Open Wednesdays Appointment sign-up @
Page 5: Ùã Äã« çÄ ù ®Ä 28, 2020 O T St. Thomas Aquinas · 6/28/2020  · Medical Clinic: Kelly Bender, Clinic O ffice Manager 407-593-1256 Open Wednesdays Appointment sign-up @


9:00 am

Daily Mass [Eng.]


MON 29

10:00 am 4:00 pm

First Reconcilia on Mass [Eng.]



8:30 am 10:00 am 11:30 am 6:00 pm

Mass [Eng.] Mass [Eng.] Mass [Spanish] Mass [Eng.]



9:00 am Daily Mass [Eng.] CHU WED 1

9:00 am

Daily Mass [Eng.]



9:00 am

Daily Mass [Eng.]


9:00 am

Daily Mass [Eng.]



Bereavement Ministry: Dee Arrington ([email protected]) Coffee & Donuts: Do e Jensen 407-957-4495 ([email protected]) Council of Catholic Women: Solange Joseph - 407-435-2825([email protected]) Cursillo: Celeste Rivera 407-910-9818 ([email protected]) Carmen Garcia 407-361-4698 ([email protected]) Faith Forma on & RCIA: Joseph Fey, Director 407-957-4495 x230 ([email protected]) Grupo de Oración-Divino Niño: Español Sonia Reyes 407-334-4796 ([email protected]) Knights of Columbus Council #15357: Miguel Rivera, Grand Knight ([email protected]) Liturgical Ministries: Art Bandza 407-957-4495 ([email protected]) Living Sta ons of the Cross: Doris Hunt 407-340-3024 ([email protected]) Medical Clinic: Kelly Bender, Clinic Office Manager 407-593-1256 Open Wednesdays Appointment sign-up @ 3:30 pm Ministry to the Sick: English Elinor Tietz 407-892-8689 (e [email protected]) Español Gloria Noda 407-870-8132 ([email protected]) Ministerio de la Música-ADVENTUS: Español Nilsa King 407-350-8343 ([email protected]) Ministerio de Lectores: Español Maria Azevedo 813-270-0096 ([email protected]) Ministros de la Eucharis a: Español Gloria Noda 407-870-8132 ([email protected]) Padre Pio Prayer Group: Deacon John DelGiudice ([email protected]) Parish Finance Commi ee: Joe Cruz, President ([email protected]) Thri Store: Pa e Meli, Store Manager—407-891-0022 ([email protected]) Ujieres: Español Ruth Mendoza and Fernando Hernandez, Jr. 407-957-4495 ([email protected]) Youth Ministry: Mary Klemm 407-932-8252 ([email protected])


Please check calendar for addi onal details about reopening specifics

Pray for freedom, love, faith and each other... God bless America!

Page 6: Ùã Äã« çÄ ù ®Ä 28, 2020 O T St. Thomas Aquinas · 6/28/2020  · Medical Clinic: Kelly Bender, Clinic O ffice Manager 407-593-1256 Open Wednesdays Appointment sign-up @


Monday 6/29 Tuesday 6/30 Wednesday 7/1 Thursday 7/2 Friday 7/3

9:00 am Artemio Cuza

9:00 am David DeYoung, Sr.

- DeYoung Family

9:00 am Edgar Piercy

- Margaret Piercy

9:00 am Mary Schilling - Herbert Shilling

9:00 am Bob Parke - Pat White


Saturday 7/4

4:00 pm Helen Rodzinka

- Rob & Nancy

Sunday 7/5

8:30 am Madeline Padrezas

- Family

Sunday 7/5

10:00 am Rita Samartha

- Parents

Sunday 7/5

11:30 am Carlixta Guerrero - Mercedes (Suhija)

Sunday 7/5

6:00 pm James Raddtz

- Wife

R Monday: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9;2 Tm 4:6-8, 17 -18; Mt 16:13-19 Tuesday: Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Ps 5:4b-8; Mt 8:23 -27 Wednesday: Am 5:14-15, 21-24; Ps 50:7-13, 16bc- 17; Mt 8:28-34 Thursday: Am 7:10-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 9:1-8 Friday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 20:24- 29 Saturday: Am 9:11-15; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 9:14-17 Sunday: Zec 9:9-10; Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14; Rom 8:9, 11-13; Mt 11:25-30

Army Francisco J Noda Korey Heineman Shawn McGinley

Laura Reiber Caleb Cousins Peter Morales

Harry E Johnston IV Jason T. Heineman

Steve Holmberg Gregory Fried Valeria Pete

Ana Canot-Suarez Serenity Luna Tyler Dupont

Cassandra Vieira Grisell Acevedo

Joshua Chris an Cox Christopher Ronan

Antuan Lendor Gabriel Rivera Monge

Navy Jon DeYoung

Nathaniel Lee Grigsby Derrick Lee Smith

Robert Dupont Anthony U. Tambio

Erik Feliciano Eric E. Garcia

Jose B. Nieves-Paugh

Air Force Anthony Toro

William Tyler J. Connard

Stephen James, Jr. Karlos Malave

Diana Tesoriero Cassandra Russo Adrian McCullers

Christopher J. McGinley Francisco Rivera Monge

Marines Jason Garcia Jose A. Trejo

Ginger Headley Jacob O’Toole

Law Enforcement Officers Timothy Brown

Eric Morales Jennifer Passarella

Jus n Lunsford Kevin Valencia

Andrew Holmberg James Allgood Frankie Perez T. Jason Sibley

Michael Johnson Kevin McGinley Joey Broughton

Fire Service Daniel K. Ronan Thomas Murphy

To ensure an updated list, please submit all military & law enforcement/emergency worker prayer list requests (full name and branch) to us via: > Parish Community. Thank you! List will be updated annually.






OFFERTORY $10,284.40

2ND COLLECTION $1,019.21

As always, your support of our parish, St. Thomas Aquinas Church, is greatly appreciated


Pledged to Date: $156,807.00

Pledge Balance: $74,147.02

2020 Assessment Goal for St. Thomas Aquinas: $230,954.02

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∗ First Reconcilia on will be held on Saturday, June 27 at 10:00 am in the Church

∗ First Communion will be held during two sepa-rate Masses on Saturday, July 25 at 10:00 am and 11:30 am. Masses have a limited capacity and will be on a first come first serve placement.

∗ RCIA Confirma on will be held on June 20 at 10:00 am in the Church

∗ Confirma on will be held on Tuesday, August 4 at 7:00 pm in the Church

There will be NO Vaca on Bible School this summer.

Updates for First Sacraments, RCIA and Vaca on Bible School

St. Thomas Aquinas is in need of Catechists and Assistant Catechists for our 2020-2021 Faith Forma on year!

If you are willing to dedicate your Wednesday evenings to help with this most important ministry, please contact Joe Fey in the Faith Forma on Office at 407-957-4495, ext. 230. (All church personnel and volun-teers working with children and vulnerable popula ons must complete Safe Environment Training in addi-

on to a background/fingerprint clearance. In an effort to ensure the safety of those persons under the care of the Diocese, all Church Personnel and volunteers, ages 15 and older, will be required to submit a completed Criminal Background Check Form as well as a complete set of fingerprints to facilitate a criminal background inves ga on.)

Page 8: Ùã Äã« çÄ ù ®Ä 28, 2020 O T St. Thomas Aquinas · 6/28/2020  · Medical Clinic: Kelly Bender, Clinic O ffice Manager 407-593-1256 Open Wednesdays Appointment sign-up @


Lunes: Hch 12:1-11; Sal 34 (33):2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19 Martes: Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Sal 5:4b-8; Mt 8:23-27 Miércoles: Am 5:14-15, 21-24; Sal 50 (49):7-13, 16bc-17; Mt 8:28-34 Jueves: Am 7:10-17; Sal 19 (18):8-11; Mt 9:1-8 Viernes: Ef 2:19-22; Sal 117 (116):1bc, 2; Jn 20:24-29 Sábado: Am 9:11-15; Sal 85 (84):9ab, 10-14; Mt 9:14-17 Domingo: Zac 9:9-10; Sal 145 (144):1-2, 8-11, 13-14; Rom 8:9, 11-13; Mt 11:25-30

F F La inscripción para la Formación de Fe es después de todas las misas los siguientes fines de semana:

1-2 de agosto, 8-9 de agosto 15-16 de agosto .

Para más información contacte a Joe Fey en [email protected] o en la oficina parroquial al 407-957-4495

Oren por la libertad, el amor, la fe y el uno al otro ... ¡Dios bendiga a América!

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Page 12: Ùã Äã« çÄ ù ®Ä 28, 2020 O T St. Thomas Aquinas · 6/28/2020  · Medical Clinic: Kelly Bender, Clinic O ffice Manager 407-593-1256 Open Wednesdays Appointment sign-up @