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Lee Shiak Yao’s Resume (Conductor, Vocalist, Pianist, Lecturer)

Born in 1980, Lee Shiak Yao is one of the most exciting musicians of his generation in Malaysia. He graduated with MMus from the University of Hull, UK and studied conducting with Andrew Penny and Dr. Lee Tsang. He also mastered the arts of piano accompaniment under the tutelage of Miss June Stephenson and vocal singing under Ralph Macdonald, Lim Cheng Hock, Paul Wade from Opera North and Dr. Michela Bertagnolli.

Since his early age, Lee Shiak Yao has shown remarkable talent in music and with great opportunities, he emerged as one of the most promising musicians in Malaysia. He was no stranger to musical competitions as he had already won an impressive series of awards locally before he headed to further his studies in the United Kingdom. Among the many prominent awards he won were the titles of champion in solo singing, best accompanist awards in various singing competitions as well as best conductor awards from national choir competitions.

Lee Shiak Yao represents Malaysia to sing with the World Youth Choir (was awarded the “Ambassador of Peace” by UNESCO), Asian Youth Choir and World Chamber Choir on a regular basis. Apart from indulging in the joy of music making of the highest level with elites hailing from all the corners of the earth, he, together with the members of the choirs, had also continuously contributed to the global peace movements through the art of music. Under his baton, school choirs have constantly won national choir competitions and he himself has also trained a few award winners of best conductor. He is equally at home with leading roles and solos in operas and oratorios as he is with choral activities.

Besides his career in singing, he is also very active in all grounds of musical performances which include conducting wind and symphonic orchestras, adjudicating music competitions and conducting master classes and workshops on vocal singing, choral singing, instrumental ensemble playing and professional conducting technique regularly both on local as well as on international stages.

Lee Shiak Yao’s career has brought him to more than 26 countries around the world and he had the privilege of landing himself on the grounds of Scandinavia, Europe, Asia, Southeast Asia and South Africa. Other than his schedule of international performances and lectures which he enjoys, he also serves part-time in a few local universities’ music education department. He is affiliated with Malaysia Choral Federation, International Federation of Choral Music (Belgium), Klang Music Festival (one of the longest-running and grandest privately organized classical music festival in Malaysia), Musique Inspiration Band (M.I.B), SGM Fei Yang Symphonic Band, UPM Orchestra, Klang Chamber Choir, a number of local high school and amateur choirs and also with his own production house.

He was recently awarded the ‘Honourable Music Art Contribution Award’ by the 2010 Klang Music Festival for his diligent and ceaseless contribution in musical arts all over Malaysia. Not only that, Lee Shiak Yao is the youngest person as of date to be presented with this award; He was awarded ‘The Most Promising Conductor Award’ in 2011 Venezia in Musica International Choir Competition & Festival; He was being appointed the General Manager of TIME ENSEMBLE, which consists with elite young musicians from different corner of the world; Together with Ho Chi Mei, they received the utmost honour to be invited to perform with the World Youth Choir in the 2011 Nobel Prize Award Ceremony and in the 200th Anniversary of Oslo University, and were the first Malaysians being invited to this prestigious occasion.

Page 2: 李锡耀中英文简介 (2)

李锡耀简介 :

毕业自英国 University of Hull, 考获音乐硕士学位, 是位全方位的音乐指导。 曾随大马著名男高音林清福、 英国歌剧演唱家Paul Wade 、 意 大 利 声 乐 博 士 Michela Bertagnolli 及 Ralph

Macdonald 学习声乐; 并且随 Andrew Penny、 Lee Tsang 博士、June Stephenson 女士等学习专业指挥、 作曲、编曲及钢琴伴奏艺术。

在前往英国继续深造之前,他已获得无数的奖项,包括许多独唱比赛的冠军、各项歌唱比赛的最佳伴奏奖及最佳指挥奖。大学期间非常活跃于各类型专业与业余的音乐活动。大学毕业后,他回到祖国在音乐领域中作出不少贡献。他在多项大型演出如巴生歌乐节中担任节目总监,也拥有自己的音乐制作公司;而他所领导的中小学合唱团也常在全国性的比赛中获奖,同时也培训了多位荣获最佳指挥奖项的学生。在演出方面,他除了经常在歌剧、神剧及歌舞剧中担任要角、活跃于指挥国内外的交响乐团之外, 也常于国内外给予专业指挥及合唱的大师班及工作坊,并且经常受邀于多项音乐比赛中担任评审的工作。

至今,他的国际表演及演讲足迹横跨了欧洲、亚洲、非洲及东南亚等 26 个国家。 多次代表马来西亚入选被世界遗产、文教组织 UNESCO 授予“和平大使”的世界青少年合唱团(World Youth Choir)及亚洲青少年合唱团(Asian Youth Choir),进行高水平的音乐交流与演出并致力于推广世界和平的使命。目前是为数 30 人的世界室内合唱团(World Chamber Choir)的固定演唱员之一。随着该团于 2009 年 10 月的瑞典巡回演出结束后,被正式提呈为 2010 年诺贝尔和平奖的候选团之一。

日前,为了表扬他对大马音乐界无私的奉献,他在第 36 届巴生歌乐节获颁了“音乐艺术贡献奖”,并且是历届以来该奖项最年轻的得奖者;也于 2011 年 4 月,意大利主办的威尼斯合唱比赛中荣获“最佳指挥奖”,为国争光;2011 年 9 月被集合世界各地年青音乐家团体 TIME ENSEMBLE 邀请成为驻团指挥及总经理;2011 年 12 月与何季美成为马来西亚历史上首位受邀至挪威诺贝尔颁奖典礼演出的代表之外,也于北欧及英国巡演并授课。

目前,他除了担任马来西亚合唱联盟的副主席、任教于多所本地大学音乐教育部、指导及指挥多支中小学及青少年的合唱团、 管弦乐团及管乐团外, 也通过频密的多元化音乐会、音乐制作及教育全力推广全马各地的音乐教育。