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NAMO SIDHI INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDRegistered Office: B-2/309, Tara Nagar, Old Palam Road,Kakrola, Dwarka,

New Delhi-110059

Email:[email protected],CIN:U27208DL1983PLC016364


This Exit Offer Public Announcement ("Exit Offer PA") is being issued by M/s. Harrison MercantilePrivate Limited, a company registered under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 andhaving its registered office at WZ-315- A-1F/F Nangal Rai New Delhi 110046, one of thepromoters of Namo Sidhi International Limited (herein also referred to as "NIL/the 'Company'").NIL was listed on the Delhi Stock Exchange Limited (hereinafter also referred to as "DSE"),which had been de-recognised by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (hereinafteralso referred to as "SEBI") and NIL has been moved to the Dissemination Board (hereinafteralso referred to as "DB") of the BSE Limited (hereinafter also referred to as "BSE"). NIL isprimarily engaged in the business of investment, financing & leasing etc.

The shareholding pattern of the Company, as on the date of letter of intent given to BSE isas under:

Category Number of Equity Shares Percentage

Promoter and Promoter Group 1186650 88.42%

Public 155400 11.58%

Total paid up equity shares capital 1342050 100.00%of the company (Rs. 10/- each)

Based on the audited financial statements for the financial year ended March 31, 2017, NILhad earned a total income (including other income) of Rs. 22.53 Lakhs with a PAT of Rs. 21.93Lakhs. The Net worth of NIL as on that date was Rs.10.60 Crores.

This PA is being issued in terms of the said SEBI Circular and shall be published in "BusinessStandard (English)"being the English National Daily and "Business Standard (Hindi)" being theregional language newspaper of the region where the exited stock exchange i.e. DSE waslocated. NIL will inform the Public Shareholders by way of a notice in the same newspapers inwhich the present PA is published, of material changes, if any, to the information set out inthis PA.

The SEBI vide its Circular No. SEBI/HO/MRD/DSA/CIR/P/2016/110 dated October 10, 2016("SEBI Circular"), SEBI/HO/MRD/DSA/CIR/P/2017/5 dated January 05, 2017 and SEBI/HO/MRD/DSA/CIR/P/2017/27 dated March 27, 2017, has stipulated the procedure and process forexit of Exclusively Listed Companies ("ELC") from the DB. As provided in Clause (i) of AnnexureA of the SEBI Circular, NIL has appointed, on August 01, 2017, RR Investors Capital ServicesPrivate Limited, SEBI Registered Category I Merchant Banker as Independent Valuer from BSE'slist of expert valuers. The said Independent Valuer, after taking into consideration theapplicable valuation methodologies, has issued to the Company its Valuation Report datedAugust 10, 2017 and has determined the fair value of an equity share of NIL as Rs. 24.30/-(Rupees Twenty four & thir ty paise only).The said Valuation Report will be available forinspection at the Registered Office of the Company during office hours till closure of the ExitOffer i.e. September 15, 2017 from the date of this Exit Offer PA. Para (ii) of Annexure A tothe said SEBI Circular states that in case the fair value determined by the Independent Valueris positive, the promoters of the company shall acquire the shares from the public shareholdersby paying them value as determined by the Independent Valuer.

In view of the above, to provide an exit opportunity to all the public shareholders of NIL, weare inviting you to tender your fully paid up equity shares of Rs. 10/- each in accordance withthe below mentioned schedule. NIL undertakes to redress the grievances of all the publicshareholders pursuant to the removal of the name of the company from the DisseminationBoard of BSE.

Exit Price Rs. 24.30/-

Exit Period opens Tuesday , September 05, 2017

Exit Period closes Friday , September 15, 2017

All the public shareholders are requested to send the duly completed "Form of Acceptance"along with copy of duly signed Share Transfer Form and original Share Certificate(s) to theCompany clearly marking the envelope "Namo Sidhi International Limited- EXIT OFFER" at itsregistered office at B-2/309, Tara Nagar, Old Palam Road, Kakrola, Dwarka, New Delhi-110059, so as to reach before the closure of the exit offer i.e. on or before Friday, September15, 2017.

However, those public shareholders who could not offer their shares under the exit offer,may do so on or before September 15, 2018 at the same price of Rs. 24.30/- (Rupees TwentyFour & thirty Paise only) per equity share, determined by the Independent Valuer.

The promoter(s) shall certify to the satisfaction of designated stock exchange that appropriateprocedure has been followed for providing exit to shareholders of the Company. Subsequently,the designated stock exchange upon satisfaction shall remove the Company from theDissemination Board.

For and on behalf of Promoter Group of Namo Sidhi International LimitedM/s. Harrison Mercantile Private Limited

Sd/-(Anil Kumar Singhal)


Date: August 18, 2017Place: New Delhi

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ABHIJIT LELEMumbai, 18 August

HDFC Standard Life InsuranceCompany (HDFC Life) hasfiled a draft red herring

prospectuswith theSecuritiesExcha-ngeBoard of India (Sebi) for an InitialPublicOfferof 299.8millionshares.

Housing Development FinanceCorporation (HDFC) plans to offloadup to 191.2 million shares (9.57 percent stake)andStandardLife, its jointventure insurancecompany,will sellup to 108.6 million shares (5.43 percent stake) through the public offer,according to the prospectus.

HDFC holds 61.5 per cent in thelife insurance company. StandardLife, the UK-based foreign partner,holds 35 per cent.

Merchant bankers for HDFC LifeIPO’s include Morgan Stanley, HDFCBank,Credit SuisseandNomura.

According to the draft prospec-tus, the embedded value of HDFCLife was ~12,470 crore at the end of

March 2017, up from ~10,232 crore atthe end of March 2016. As on June30, its embeddedvaluewaspeggedat~13,220 crore.

It had a net worth of ~4,150 croreand a solvency ratio of 197.5 per centonJune30,2017,above theminimum150 per cent solvency ratio requiredunder the InsuranceRegulatory andDevelopment Authority of India(Irdai) rules.

After Irdai rejected the initialstructure of merger between HDFC

LifeandMaxLife, theboardofHDFCLife decided to go ahead with theirlisting plans as no other alternativestructure was in place. Moreover,Standard Life had expressed appre-hensionof anewstructure’s viabilityandstated its intent togo for a listingat the earliest opportunity.

ForthefinancialyearendedMarch31, 2017,HDFCLifepostedagrosspre-miumincomeof~19,445croreandtheprofit after tax stoodat ~892 crore anditsnetworth stoodat ~3,839crore.

HDFC Life files draftpaper with Sebi for IPO ABHIJIT LELE


Andhra Pradesh Grameena VikasBank (APGVB), a regional rural banksponsored by State Bank of India, islooking to raise ~600-800 crore byissuing fresh equity shares throughan InitialPublicOffer (IPO).

V Narasa Reddy, chairman,APGVB, said the bank was comfort-able on the capital front,with a capital adequacyratio(CAR)of14percentbutit would need extra capitalto support growth plansover thenext fiveyears.

The lenderwould liketoexpandthebranchnetworkandassetbookaswellasmakeinvest-mentstoupgradetechnology.Besidesretainedearnings,itwouldneedinjec-tion of funds (equity) to financeexpansion and strengthen capitalbase.Theseplansare subject to regu-latoryclearances,Reddysaid.

The bank’s CAR strengthened toreach 14.05 per cent at the end ofMarch2017, from13.48percentayearago,wellabovethelevelofminimumnine per cent stipulated by the K CChakrabartycommittee.

SBI has indicated it plans to listtwo regional rural banks (RRBs)

sponsoredby it in thenext oneyear.Besides APGVB, SBI plans to listRajkot-based Saurashtra GraminBank.

TheRRBActwasamendedin2015,allowing these banks to raise capitalfrom sources other than the Centre,the state government and sponsorbanks. In such a case, the combinedshareholding of the central govern-mentandsponsorbankcannotbeless

than51per cent.NationalBankforAgric-

ultureandRuralDevelopm-ent,whichsupervisesRRBs,is yet to issue guidelines forraising capital from themarket. Reddy said thebank’s deposits grew 25.65

percent(from~2,616.46crore)toreach~12,818.58crore.Theshareoflow-costdeposits — current and savingsaccounts—increasedfrom36.60percentinMarch2016to41.04percentinMarch 2017. The cost of depositsdeclined from 7.62 per cent (March2016) to 6.89 per cent in March 2017.

Advances rose by 16.66 per cent(~1,766.76 crore) to reach ~12,368.53crore inMarch 2017. Out of it, creditto agriculture and allied activities,includingagriculture-portionofself-help group lending, stood at~8,403.85 crore.

APGrameenaVikasBankto raiseup to~800crore ANUP ROY


ICICI Bank the country’slargest private sector lenderand, one of its public sectorpeer Union Bank of Indiareduced their savingsbank rates by 50 basispoints on Friday,expanding the num-berofbanks thathavecut their savings ratesin recent times.

State Bank of India (SBI)started the trend on July 31with a cut of 50 basis pointson savings deposits. Bank ofBaroda,PunjabNationalBank,HDFC Bank, Axis Bank, YES

Bank and now Union BankandICICIBankhavealsocuttomatch competition. But, thebaskets are different for dif-ferent banks.

For example, SBI reducedits savings rate to 3.5 per cent

fordepositsupto~1crore.For ICICIBank, the cutis effective fordeposits up to~50 lakh. Beyond~50 lakh, savings bank

remain at four per cent.IncaseofUnionBank, thecutinsavings ratewouldbeappli-cable for deposits up to~25 lakh. For deposits above~25 lakh, the rates continue toremain at four per cent.



The National Company LawTribunal (NCLT) has rejectedan appeal by Usha Martin’sousted chairman, PrashantJhawar (pictured), boardmemberBasantKJhawar, andother promoter shareholdersto stayaboardmeeting sched-uled for Saturday.

The meeting is aboutinfusing fresh capital into thecompany.

In a filing with the BombayStock Exchange, the companysaid the promoters, including

Usha Martin Ventures Ltd andPeterhouse Investments IndiaLtd, had moved the KolkataBenchoftheNCLTonThursday,seeking the appointment of a

special officer or administratorto supersede the current boardaswell asprevent the companyfrominfusing freshequity.

DebanjanMandal, partner,Fox & Mandal, the solicitorfirmrepresentingUshaMartin,said the NCLT had, on Friday,declined to stay the boardmeeting.

“After hearing the partiesat length, the Bench did notpass any order of stay on theboard meeting or any resolu-tion or agenda item proposedto be taken up at the boardmeeting scheduledonAugust19,” he said.

Thebenchhasdirected the

applicant and the respondentto maintain the status quo ontheir shareholding pattern inthe company.

The resolution to be pro-posed at the boardmeeting onSaturday will be over infusing~90 crore in the company byissuing convertible equity war-rantsandwillnotaltertheshare-holding pattern of the partiesconcernedandisonlyapropos-al to allot shares to thepromot-ers and promoter group entity.

It implies that PrashantJhawar,whocontinuestobeonthe board despite losing hischairmanship, and RajeevJhawar, thecompany’smanag-

ingdirector,will infuse~45croreeach into thecompany.

Incase theproposal for cap-italinfusionispassed,theshare-holders of the company willhavetoapprovetheresolutionatageneralmeeting.

“Theinfusionoffreshcapitalis in accordance with a prioragreementreachedbetweenthelendersandthepromoters.Theinfusionwillhelpinrepaymentof loans, besides other things,”RajeevJhawar said.

In the petition before theNCLT, the Basant-PrashantJhawar faction had allegedmismanagement at the com-pany by Rajeev Jhawar and

oppression of shareholders.Also, this factionof promotersin the company sought torestrain the current manage-ment fromsellingordisposingof immovable assets or prop-erty of the company.

They also alleged that theboard meeting convened onApril 25 this year, whenPrashant Jhawarwas removedas chairman, and BasantJhawar stripped of his powerson the board, was illegal. Thesame day, in the board meet-ing, GN Bajpai, former chair-man of the Securities andExchange Board of India, wasappointed chairman.

NCLTrejectsUshaMartinex-chief ’splea


SBI indicatedthat it plans tolist two RRBssponsored byit in the nextone year


The Reserve Bank (RBI) willsoon introduce new fluores-cent blue ~50 bank notesbearing the motif of ‘Hampiwith Chariot’ that depictsIndia’s cultural heritage.

RBI said it would shortlyissue these ~50denominationbanknotes in the MahatmaGandhi (new) series.

“The new denominationhas the motif of Hampi withChariot on the reverse,depicting the country’s cul-tural heritage. The basecolour of the note is fluores-cent blue,” RBI said in arelease.

Among others, the newnotes will have designs andgeometric patterns aligningwith the overall colourschemes, both at the obverseand reverse, RBI said.

On theobverse/front side,thenotewill haveaportrait ofMahatma Gandhi at the cen-tre, denominational value inDevanagari script, micro let-ters RBI, India — both inEnglish andDevanagari—as

well as the numeral ‘50’.The Ashoka pillar

emblem will be on the rightside of the obverse and anelectrotype watermark andthe number panel withnumerals in ascending orderon the top left side and bot-tom right side.

The new note havingdimensions of 66 mm by 135mm will bear the year ofprintingon the reverse side, aSwachhBharat logowith slo-gan, language panel and themotif of ‘HampiwithChariot’.

“All the banknotes in thedenomination of ~50 issuedby the Reserve Bank in theearlier series will continue tobe legal tender,” RBI added.

RBI to issue fluorescentblue ~50 banknotes
