Download - ( 141215 2 The Moorings 12pp - Cygnet Care Ltd · 2019-11-18 · experience of having opened our ground-breaking dementia care facility — Manor Lodge, Blofield — in October 2012,

Page 1: ( 141215 2 The Moorings 12pp - Cygnet Care Ltd · 2019-11-18 · experience of having opened our ground-breaking dementia care facility — Manor Lodge, Blofield — in October 2012,


“Our vision is simple: to become a ‘beacon service’ for elderly people in the Waveney Valley.”



Page 2: ( 141215 2 The Moorings 12pp - Cygnet Care Ltd · 2019-11-18 · experience of having opened our ground-breaking dementia care facility — Manor Lodge, Blofield — in October 2012,

Cygnet Care – providing carehomes, respite and day care

for the elderly…

Cygnet Care is a local, family-run organisationproviding residential care in lovingly-kepthomes in and around South Norfolk.

Within the family, we have over 50 years of experiencein running residential care services for the elderly andwe still have daily involvement with the operation ofevery one of our four individual care homes, located inlovely settings around Norfolk and North Suffolk.Although each has its own character and appeal, allshare the same excellent standards and dedication tocaring for our elderly residents, respite and day carevisitors, some of whom are frail and some who benefitfrom our compassionate and experienced approach todementia care.

..with specialist facilities for dementia.

We appreciate the importance of the decision that youmay be contemplating and we’re here to help you inreaching the right conclusion to suit your circumstances.

Please take some time to browse through this brochure,and perhaps our website. They will hopefully provideinformation and answer some of the many questionsyou may have. However, there is nothing quite likeseeing a care home for yourself and we would stronglyrecommend you making an appointment for a tour ofthe preferred home, so that you can compare it withothers that you may be considering.

Thank you for your interest.

The Blackham Family

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The Moorings – our vision

The Moorings is set amidst some ofthe most wonderful countryside thatthe Waveney Valley has to offer. It was this that spurred on our family— led by brother and sister, Robertand Sally — to create an environmentthat makes the very best of thisbeauty for the benefit of our elderlyresidents. Our vision is simple: tobecome a ‘beacon service’ for elderlypeople in the Waveney Valley.

Our latest development at TheMoorings brings a brand new anduniquely designed care facility to theWaveney Valley for the very firsttime. This builds upon our previousexperience of having opened ourground-breaking dementia carefacility — Manor Lodge, Blofield — inOctober 2012, enabling us to utiliseall of the additional feedback andideas that this provided.

The Moorings now embodies thenew way to approach care for theelderly, including those withdementia — a better, more empatheticway, made possible by widespreadresearch studies and a greaterknowledge of the condition than has previously been available. We are deservedly proud ofeverything that it represents and ofour highly-trained, caring staff whomake it all possible.

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Having seen the benefits of good dementia care building design atour sister home, Manor Lodge, we again commissioned architectTom Ground to design a building that would complement andenhance the existing Moorings structure as well as make full use ofthe beautiful countryside.

Clever, thoughtful design…

Consequently, much thought and planning has gone into thelayout, facilities and style of services that are available at The Moorings, including:

• Unrestricted access to secure sensory garden

• Bedrooms and communal areas have large windows, creating lotsof natural light

• Café-style dining room

• Hallways in the new development are wide, though incorporatelittle meeting areas to maintain a feeling of cosiness

• With the majority of the building based around a courtyard,there is the avoidance of dead-ends, which reduces anxiety andfrustration

• Wonderful new salon and therapy room for residents to pamper themselves!

A Positive Approach to Resi

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• Décor and furnishings have a true ‘homely’ feel, though willincorporate clever use of colour to aid residents’ orientationaround the building

• Large photo frames on residents’ doors will contain personalpictures to help in identifying rooms

• Kitchenettes are included in communal areas, both to give ahomely feel and to help with cooking activities.

From the outset, we wanted everything about the new facility at The Moorings to be the very best — incorporating the mostadvanced techniques, state-of-the-art design and the latest thinkingon the subject of how to deal with the whole issue of caring forpeople in their later years.

The importance of gardens…

A central theme of The Moorings is the residents’ access andproximity to the sensory gardens, with level paths taking them on a‘journey’ through different gardens and courtyards. All bedroomshave views of either the garden, courtyard or farmland (some withdirect access), so that residents will feel connected to the tranquillity and calmness of the outdoors, as well as having a constant reminder of the ever-changing seasons.

idential and Dementia Care

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With majority of building

based around a courtyard there is the

avoidance of dead-ends,

which reduces anxiety and frustration

Purpose-designed with person-centredcare in mind...

Hallways in newdevelopment arewide andincorporate littlemeeting areas tomaintain a feelingof cosiness

Small groupcommunal areaswith kitchenette

Unrestrictedaccess to securesensory gardens

Access togardens fromsome bedrooms

Decor andfurnishings havea ‘homely feel ’,though willincorporate cleveruse of colour toaid residents’orientationaround thebuilding

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Personalisedphoto frameson residents’doors to aidrecognition


Wonderful newsalon andtherapy room

Bedrooms andcommunalareas havelarge windowscreating lotsof naturallight

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Small group living…The layout of The Moorings has beendesigned around the concept of smallgroup living, meaning that residents arewith people of a similar disposition tothemselves — using a number of daytimeand dining areas — and yet have the spaceand freedom to enjoy the building andgrounds when weather permits. Thiscombines the human need for convivialitywith the equally important requirement forpersonal space and time for quiet reflection.

People we know and trust…Although having the right building andfacilities play an integral part in providingcare for the elderly, having the right team ofpeople is paramount.

The Moorings’ Manager is Danni Howard,who has been involved with the familyorganisation for over 15 years. This istestament to the organisation’s philosophyof ‘growing your own’, where Danny hasrisen through the ranks from CareAssistant, Assistant Manager, DeputyManager and then, in 2012, became theRegistered Manager.

Danni is strongly supported by a seniorteam who all have the same passion forproviding person-centred care. Together,they are responsible for a team of staff who are knowledgeable of dementia careand understanding of people’s needs, being patient and, above all, having a caringand sensitive nature. The team is supportedby our wonderful training manager —Marina Collins.

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Living life to the full…

Our overall aim is to create alife-enhancing experience forresidents and day visitors alike — through the environment,the approach from staff and theday-to-day activities. There willbe lively and involvingprogrammes for everyone’senjoyment — from gardening, tobaking, life skills and outings, to reminiscence sessions.

Healthcare andwellbeing…

At The Moorings we arethoroughly committed tolooking after the physical healthof our residents as well as theirmental health. We are luckyenough to be supported byexcellent General Practitionersand district community nursingservices, plus arrangements canalso be made for visiting eyeclinics / opticians or trips to thedentist. A private chiropodistvisits us every eight weeks andwe strongly recommend theirservices. A professionalhairdresser also operates fromour on-site salon each week.

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Danni Howard, Manager of The Moorings

Danni has been involved within the familyorganisation for over 15 years, building up awealth of experience in caring for elderlypeople with dementia. Danni has completedher Health and Social NVQ level 4 as well asher Leadership and Management Award,which has given her a real understanding ofthe skill required in managing people.

When relaxing, Danni enjoys nothing betterthan spending time with her husband onfishing adventures as well as walking,reading and travelling the world. ApparentlyDanni makes the best roast potatoes andcrackling — now that is a claim!

Danni believes caring for our elderly isabout empathy, the key ingredient inhelping to understand other people’s needsand emotions. “Empathy is the first step tocompassion, sharing happy and sadmoments with the people in our care as wellas their families.”

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Pen HouseOur head office, Pen House, is situated in Earsham,near Bungay, only half an hour’s drive from any one of our four homes. This enables Sally and Robert toalways be in support of their Managers — ensuringnothing is run at ‘arm’s length’.

Within Pen House, we have a team of people whosejob it is to support the homes:

Marina, who delivers our excellent induction andongoing training sessions in our purpose-madetraining room;

John, our Maintenance Manager, ensures all the homes our well-maintained, with a real focus on health and safety;

Ness, our payroll clerk and administrator, makes sureour team of staff are paid on time, as well as reducingthe burden of paperwork on our Home Managers sothat they can focus on the care of their residents;

Louise, our Accounts Manager, keeps everything inorder at Pen House, not to mention making suresuppliers are paid as well as care fees sent out.

Hopefully, you will appreciate that it really is a team effort!

For further details and enquiries about The Moorings,call 01986 892269, asking to speak to one of theSenior Team, email [email protected] or

The Moorings Residential Care Home,Church Road, Earsham, Nr. Bungay, Norfolk NR35 2TJ

Tel: 01986 892269

Email: [email protected]