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Prepared by: pupil of the 10th class B

Yulia Syrykh

Presentationfor a theme:

«William Shakespeare»

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William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English playwright and poet of the Renaissance, which greatly enhance the development of theatrical art.

Born William Shakespeare April 23, 1564 in the small town of Stratford-upon-Avon. His father, John Shakespeare was glover and in 1568 he was elected mayor of the city. The mother of William and Marie Shakespeare kind of Arden, was a belonging to one of the oldest English names. Believe that he studied Shakespeare in stradfordskia «grammar school». This is where he learned the basics of Greek, Latin, and he gained knowledge in literature, history and mythology, which was reflected in his future work. When William was eighteen, he married Anne Hetooay, and this Union were born daughter Suzanne and the twins Judith and Hamlet. Between 1579 by 1588 years are referred to as «lost years», because there are no accurate information about what did Shakespeare. Somewhere in 1587 Shakespeare leaves her family and moves to London, where he begins to engage in a theatrical experience.

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A large number of unexplained facts and poor biographical information became the reason for the nomination of the author's role Shakespeare's plays a very large number of people. And today there are lots of hypotheses (the first notch nominated in the end of XVIII century), that plays of William Shakespeare wrote, not he, but a completely different person. For more than two centuries of the existence of such versions on the «role» of the author of such pieces were put forward a variety of applicants , from Francis bacon, and Christopher Marlowe, and ending with the pirate Francis Drake and Queen Elizabeth. There were versions that under the name of a famous writer is a group of authors. At the present time, there are a whopping 77 candidates for this author. But whoever he was, and in numerous disputes about the identity of the great poet and playwright point put not soon, maybe even never, creation of the Renaissance genius and to this day inspire actors and Directors all over the world.Entire career of William Shakespeare - between 1590 by 1612, as a rule, share 3-4 period.I (optimistic) period (1590-1600)The General character of the works of the first period could be defined as painted joyful perception of life with all its diversity, faith in the triumph of good and smart, optimistic. In this period Shakespeare wrote more Comedy:

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The theme of virtually all of his comedies is love, the emergence and development of intrigue and resistance surrounding, as well as the victory of the young light feeling. Actions in the works take place on the background of magnificent landscapes, which is bathed in sunlight or moonlight. This is a magical world of Comedy beautiful writer, it would seem, from joy far. Shakespeare was a great ability to connect lyric and comic (duels of wit Beatrice and Benedict in «Much ADO about nothing», Katharina and Petrucho in the Taming of the shrew»), and even tragic (intrigues sheyloka in «the merchant of Venice», the betrayal of Proteus «in Two Verrors»). Characters William surprisingly multifaceted, in the images of their embodies features that are characteristic of people during the Renaissance: the desire for independence, the life and the will. Of particular interest are the images of women such comedies that are equal to the man, vigorous, free, infinitely charming and active. Shakespeare's Comedy variety. He used various genres Comedy - Comedy characters («the Taming of the shrew»), romantic Comedy («the Dream in summer night»), a situation Comedy («the Comedy of errors»).

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In the same period, Shakespeare wrote a number of historical Chronicles. All cover one of periods of his history of England.About the time of the struggle of roses.About the previous period of the struggle between the absolute monarchy and feudal barons. Genre drama Chronicles is peculiar only to English Renaissance. It so happened is probably due to the fact that in the early English middle ages were very fond of theatrical genre with the mysteries of the world motives. Under their influence was formed dramaturgy of Mature Renaissance; and in drama Chronicles preserved many of the mysterial features: a number of characters wide coverage of events, free alternation of episodes. But in the Chronicles, if to compare with the mysteries, presents the history of the state and not the biblical story. In essence, here he also appeals to the ideals of harmony - but to harmony in the state, which sees in the victory of the monarchy over the medieval feudal civil strife. In the final of Shakespeare's plays prevail good; and the evil, no matter how кровав and terrible was his way, Convention is broken up. Thus, during the first period of creativity of Shakespeare on levels - public and personal - interpreted the main Renaissance idea: achievement of humanistic ideals and harmony.

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II (tragic)period (1601-1607's.)This period is considered tragic period in the works of Shakespeare. It is devoted mainly tragedy. It was then that the playwright was able to reach the peak of their creative work: In them already and not remains and traces of harmonic sensation of the world, here are disclosed intractable and the eternal conflict. Here tragedy lies, as in the clash between the individual and the society, and in internal contradictions of his soul. Displays the issue at the General level, in this case, the characters remain psychologically lengthy and extremely diverse. However, quite important that these great tragedies and not fatalistic attitude to rock, which determines the tragedy. As before, the main emphasis is on the personality of the hero, who makes his life and the lives of those around.

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III (romantic) period (1608-1612)He is considered to be the romantic period in the works of Shakespeare.This is poetic tales, which deviates from reality into the world of dreams. Care in the romantic imagination and conscious refusal from realism шекспироведами naturally regarded as a disappointment Shakespeare in humanistic ideals, admitting that harmony is impossible to achieve. This path from triumphantly, triumphant faith to harmony against tired frustration is actually able to go all the worldview of the Renaissance.Shakespeare's Globe

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Unparalleled popularity in the world of Shakespeare's plays contributed to the perfect knowledge of the playwright «inside» of the theatre. Almost all life in London, Shakespeare, or otherwise, associated with the theatre, and with 1599 - with the theatre «Globus», which was one of the most important centres in the British cultural life. It is in the newly constructed building and moved troupe R. Berbedzha «Servants of the Lord Chamberlain,» as the time when Shakespeare in the troupe became one of the shareholders. William played on the stage until 1603 in any case, after this is never mentioned about his participate in the performances. Probably, as an actor Shakespeare was not especially popular - managed to preserve information that he was fulfilling the role of occasional and minor. But all the same, theatrical school he went - work on the stage, undoubtedly, helped to William rather to understand the mechanisms of interaction between actor and audience, as well as the secrets of public success. For Shakespeare he was very important, and when he was a theatrical shareholder, and when was the playwright, and after 1603 he was tightly connected with the «Globe», on the stage of staged almost all the plays that were written. Hall «Globe» has been arranged so that the combination of these factors determined the audience on one performance from a variety of property and social strata, and, seated theatre is not less than 1500 spectators. Facing actors and playwright faced a very difficult task - to hold the attention of diverse audiences. Shakespearean plays to the maximum extent this task answered, taking advantage of the success of viewers in each category.

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Sonnet 3.Look in thy glass, and tell the face thou viewestNow is the time that face should form another;Whose fresh repair if now thou not renewest,Thou dost beguile the world, unbless some mother.

For where is she so fair whose unear'd wombDisdains the tillage of thy husbandry?Or who is he so fond will be the tombOf his self-love, to stop posterity?

Thou art thy mother's glass, and she in theeCalls back the lovely April of her prime:So thou through windows of thine age shall seeDespite of wrinkles this thy golden time.

But if thou live, remember'd not to be,Die single, and thine image dies with thee.

William Shakespeare.

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Dramatic works of William Shakespeare were the basis of many performances in musical theatres (Opera «Falstaff» («the Windsor mocker»), «Othello»and «Macbeth» by D. Verdi, the ballet «Romeo and Juliet» by S. Prokofiev and many other).Care ShakespeareSomewhere in 1610 Shakespeare left London and returned to Stratford-upon-Avon. To 1612 he liaised with the theatre: in 1611 wrote «Winter fairy tale», in 1612 «Storm» - the last a dramatic work. In the last years of his life he ceased to engage in literary activities, and began to live quietly and silently in the family. Probably, this is connected with a serious disease Shakespeare - indicates that its remaining Testament that was obviously a hastily compiled March 15, 1616, and signed exchange handwriting. In Stratford-upon-Avon 23 April 1616 death had overtaken the most famous playwright of all time and peoples.