Download - , 1 DEER HUNTER BRINGS€¦ · 1.expnn~ttl montana state college of the university montana. ~-~-~-~~-~-~-~-~-~-~-=-~-~-~~=-volu me viii ...

Page 1: , 1 DEER HUNTER BRINGS€¦ · 1.expnn~ttl montana state college of the university montana. ~-~-~-~~-~-~-~-~-~-~-=-~-~-~~=-volu me viii ...


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I i1A ' DEBATE TRY.OUT. DEER HUNTER BRINGS CLASS BASKETBALL CO<.ORAD~.Ai~~~~~~~Nc:·TITL E 'l Girls Vocationa LYieeting !e/'.~~\,1:~~:t ~u~I~~ a~)~o'.~~";~1,1 :::'.:

TO BEGIN MONDAY The C~ioractn Ae:ricultnrald···olleg: I /s Largest of Conferences I ~ll~~~h~::<l:;u~~:~~,,.~:~lll, .;;,1:10!~1~:~, DOWN GAME IN CAMP --- I foot 1all team eme1g<'<1 lhC' un is1mte Ol the debate "a~ Re.::.ohe<.l, Thal the

' (tor <lf tile Ho• I\) \l(I nt& 11

Ul.ler- I ailroads al Lhls cuuntn should be Trailing Party Draws First Blood.

Two Games will be Played Each •.: ' hb ' ar H d d f G' I d Women Attended the Best Voca- o"nPd and n11erat.~d. bv thP l Hlted Runs Deer •n Camp and Camp Night Except Tuesday and Ill l'~il) of Co or- un re s 0 1r s an si .. --11..,. Ji .Jllllf'I' 1 I)~ I I 1• Tender Insures Venison Steak

. Thursday. ) 1 Thl' went tional Congress Ever Held at Montana State College. I •UI " 11 top hau ,,re"'' 11 lOry carc•iul withont defec_il ;Fguments, and brought out some in-

Every Speaker Had Excellent Message to Give Young ·restillg [act;. The winners 'll ht'· 1 1 ,.. ' 1111li:1 ~ h.·m C'ham-111~t pions for two con.;erut1ve ~cars.




,, i

tei->JL milr>...i.

.\ l\ I

Women On Prospective Vocations L:er11ste:in. Rt.!etl and }.Ioore.

<liug ,, Ji; hkh ha,; I A DRILL IS DRAMATIC CLUB WILL lll"OJICJ. iron. amP~ will lle MILJJ RY l.a~t wt•ek. sa\\ lhe l1!gge~.t \'Ol'a- 1 1·'nU .~ morning·s meeting O\H:nf•!.l I . of ~e\Pfal c·oll~ge students b.H \\eek.

put o daib 1'1 •~:-.ii<•· : n 1 ED AT Ms c I tional t·on)(re's fur higb school girls 1d1 all the tlelecates in lheir places. I PLAY IN DRILL HALL St>Yer<tl fellO\\ti deculed to take ad r·1 t"d ) eal li START ... eYer held .. at the nilltge Jnd in the A1 e ''0 ~1"'\t1·tJvn" liy the Treble ,-:uitHJ.tC' or lh( hnuun~ seaRon cHlll

othe. t• 'Ill cpiuinn 01 those who ha Ye anended 1 Clef club th1:_ .. order 01 the program v. -Ill f( Sa!e:-:nlle, \\herP. they nnload

aer dee ue1l --- all it was Lhe IJe~t yeL. l.J~rom tb.e j was changerl somewhat and Mis5 ed <tnd !-'ta;ted a fiftePn mile> hike it\·

f'lo1 ;nc; UNDER-CLASSMEN w ILL No W opening on Tlrnrsday alternoon until Erma Lesscl ol' last rear's college I is to be the Largest Dramatic Per. to tile \\·iJd ot l'ottun,·:ood canyon.

St"a,...uu he HAVE REGULAR COURSE IN the t·lo::.e on Saturclay morning each rlass. s11ok1.:.~ as follows on ''The 'Yo- formance at College j'lhe f.r~t day was spent in making a

cla.o::. su r ma{ \\ il -n·e ,,.ome MILITARY DRILL assembly was [illed wilh a crowd ~man Chemist:·· in Several Years. camp and getting rlriecl out. The

of hi:> .1e\' nulterial a cbanc·e to show of interested girls and women, who ·1u con~idering the li.eld in any acxt morning several of the f~llows up. \\.hat ,hf' freslnua auks holJ

1-" iollnwed closely what the speakers J \·ocation, health is of the first im· were on the job early, whit~ one or

S(•me•' hat a my:-t1·n ~H prC'SC"Ut but Cnder leadership of Captain \..'.Lir~ had to :::a:r. The <'onferenc:es held ponan('e, and after that we should The. !arge::t tlramatic perlormance two lingered for a. while.

a ,.;trong eam j..; •xpec:tea. The thP rookje :.-;quad is rapidly rounding aiter the last speech on Friday :itter·' cons. id Pr the things we ,vould like ro of the c•ollege for Heventl yearn will The early birds jumped a deer au~ 1 ~o Jhonwrt;:s wpre- d'amvs last year into form. Al of the me:l who -.ye1e noon \Vere especially 'rell attended. do. as hnrt•iness in your C'hosen ,·o· be ~raged in the drill hall ou the shot several very subst:.ntal jack

antl ha,-P .l ~01111 eitanre 10

repeat. out for drill last year all mililiar:::.~en 'Tbe first meeting. which was held lf'a tion i:o:. of importance. Then con- evening of Saturday. Decembet· 16. pines down while the [Ject footed deer

Serond hut101 .... lasr year went to the and those who have had other miH· on Thursday aC:-.ernoon, was opened isider the preparation. In any voca- The program will consist Of s1::ven made a hasty get away down the can­

present senio~·s The senlors will tary training ha YE• been given positinns ·sith. a ::,,:ones of selections hy the I tiou a good fGnmdaUou iri the t'nnda· high class vaudeville acts. There will yon. rt happened that the frightened

vro1Jal1lY tlght for :-t"''ond plal·e with a::; temporary drill masters for the college orchestra, followed by the as- mentals is necessary. Then consider be heavy drama, light comedy. sin~·f animal passed within n. shorL distan

lhe fresh, for the juniors are rery purpose of iust.ructing the new men ~erubly singing of America. The con-1

supply and demal!d. I do not believe iug and dancing. The play is unde1· or the cabin where the 11eroes of this

weak. in the rudiments of drill. Tht:. men gress was then called w order by it is net'e8~ary to add~e .rou t9 li:eep rbe able dire<>tion or i\liss Qua" of story were encamfJed. The \Joys ·who

Ati Jwn_• ai·e but three letter men who bn\'e bee~1 a1Jpointed are GarYiil :\Tiss Ru1h :-\ob le, the <'hatrman of the j out of cn1\\ ded \"OCations. Tbe salary the l'Ollegt:· fol'lllty, assisted Uy 'u~r lrnrl lingerer! saw the deer and reports

in school. onl" in eadJ of The three Cannon, Undcm, Laden berg, Manning, c>ongress. who welcomed all lhf' dele- \s al~o of ~ome imJ)ortaneP, but should Urothet·, Gene• Quaw, in tbe :m1ieni::;- lian:.· arri\'ed in town that several of

upper 'las-:-t•:-.. thC') will iiP allowed Budde. Corkin~. Sutherland, Bowlen, gate8 and introduced Pre~·ident Ham- he consid~rt."d wi h an eye tu tlle ion of the mn~ical nulllber:;. Praf'tice' 1he re~i1Ien1s of the canyon thought

to parrwi{1ate nurge:-.::; will apl)ear Burke. Collett. Ford. Keller, McCabe. ilton, wbo gave tbe address of wl'l- f1ttnre:· ! fur t'.iis i1ro<.11tl'tion \\ill start on Monr tha.1 the :\lexil.:an~ had started to

In the soph Jin up, nrn:;s \\ith the :'\Iudd. Pope, Ribelin. Jolley, Christen- C'Otne on behalf of tbe college. Dean Jameson Speaks. •1~~. ''ecember 4. A few or the char4 wag-e wal' with ~evE-ral good machine

junior~ anti Rice \.\ th the senior". sen, Finlay, Hoem, Stra:iahan. l\lashin, The meeting was then turned over Dean Jameson of the· StatP unin~r.-· acters ha\'e: alteady Lccm dllltit'll, and gun::;_ Tt. howe\'er. ha11pened that dur·

First l; am prac:tkt--. ,-.,.m lie held ~Iorphe)r, Fowler. Davis, :\IcElwee. to Dean Herrick. who, as honorary ity. then :--!lOke on lhe subjec[. "A.s judging fror.i th~ rnlt!nt displayP1L the mg the bomban.lment a :-:.tray bullet

re<?ular!. dt -,. P' commencir.'? on :Uuntzer, ~elson, Sesstnns. Stewart, chairman, presided at the meetings. th1J othf'r side see~ it... The ~ub· 1>la,y is :rnre to be \\ell acLe<l Fnrty bit the tleer ancl brought \Jim dow1.1.

Nov('mber Hb. Taylor, Berg. and ~oble. From tbis l\Irs. E. L. Houston, stare president of stan<·e of her speeeh wa:::; as follows: people wil take pan in the play In· --~irer ~P\'eral conferences ··~ig" 'fay·

Schedule for Class Seiies. li~t the _offircrs for th~ companies the women's clubs was then intro-I ··ThP itlea of the t.wentieth century cideu!al musit and !Se\'erul spec1·a1


. r \\i\s awa.rc\Pd 1he b.onor ot badng ~1:onrlay, Det !th :~ ~11, RPoi0rs YS. will be 1ncJ.ied. the selecuon to b.e en- . . n11mben; will bf' 111rnished by the eol· li:.ll"'U tht-:> game.

fre3bmen; -t·~1. juniors n.;, sophs. 1t1rely on ment. . · · . . . lege orchestra. The big joli follov~•ed, and that was . . I duced··· Sbe extended a l'Orchal g1eet· is tn overcome time but it pays.· LO

~-.- d lJec Gth. 3:30, juniors vs. The first drill was held last Tues- mg to the delegates. . take thne an<l 've should :-:.pecrnlize, h rt S 1

.ll . t' e . ct·,,~· '"hen :lll tl1e drill wasters. alt :.\1nriel Pea:-;e for the Gallatin which is the mot lo or the universities This will Ue the firf,t time that the I getting t e ~er to a esv1 e m ime

rresbrue:n: 4 .1--; s.tniors v :-> sophomores .] ·v • I 1 1\J 1_ h K 1 11

. drill hall has been miPd for dramatic to e;et the "flyer" for Bor.ema11. This Fri Pee )<. 3·ju, .iimiors vs. 3en- JUt11ors and seniors. and all sopho high sc1o?l, a.11cl ! iss \ l")tl eo~vn today. H0Wr\'e1·. oue ~ wu c not spe~ 11urpo~e~. The asr.;ernhly ball is hnrd- le-at '>vas. howe.-er aec:om11lished with

iors; 4:1; .. fre~hmen vs. sophomores. moies reported Tne me:i were nut (or the Gui~ A1txil1a1~ <'llJ aso ializeroot>ari),butshohh.l~etl\.guu ill int t This ::;cb~dllL "'ill be repeated th1oug:h a ,·1gorous cal.stheuic greet(>d the dPIP-gates ancl gave them fcuutld.uon; shouh.1 lea1n :romelhing !y larg~ 'nn11gh o aceommodatP thf' about teen m u es o spa1e-

th.ree time!'. exercbe. Cat)Utin Clark is a be~ the best wishes oC the girls of the about e\~eryt.liiog. One should go to play nor the audience, aud is vuorl)

1 1iever in short snappy drills and 'Yith community, ('o\lege in order to better U.ecide on arranged for this PUI'llOSe. Tempur· 0 ASKETBftLL srHEnULE this in Yie" the men will be handleu 1 The ref;pon~e to the greetings and the course in later Hfe. To know a ary scenei·y and a runain will be 1~ 11 t DH H 1J U

LOWER Gl~~SMEN Will I b th hi h up at the soutb end or the hall. Chair~

in sections. As soon as the captain laddre.:s of \\elcume was g1\·en by :.\[_iss little a out 0 er t ngs t an :rour will be put in the hall. wh_ich. tog_erber 15 fBR r1rrEEN PAM ES can get a line o:ithe merits of the I Hazel )liller of Choteau county high Yocation is a good thing for it will with the seats at tile side. wtll ac· if OH

DEB~TE NEXT rRIDAr rn.en .lhe of_fic_ers. will be appointe•1 school at r~ort Benton. keep one out of art. lt is tbe pleas· I h . h k comodate several hundred peopl~_. Tbe

I :\ def1.111te is know n as .yet. c:•m· The first t.a!k of the congress. that ure we get out of sen·ice w 1c ma -es

___ cernmg eqmpment so the drill for a of .\1is.s Gra;.:e Helmic:k o[ the Helena a good life worth while. Choose ~::;~.-u:~:~o~~lt~. s~~~s ~\~i~~i~>~ t'~~\a~~ Five Games will be Played in Boze-

Af . . time will consist of exercise and later college club on lbe ·Call of Public your goal, aim for rhat goal. but don't big event before the holidays. so a man and Othe rs on Trip F reshmzn will Argue the f1rmat1ve the manual of a rm s with the old mus- Service." was in part as follows: iorget to see all tbe beautiful things, into Wash ington.

of Military Service kets. '' l think that this galberiug should a\1 the opportunities, rhnt lie beside large crowd. both of students and

Question. .1e upper classme:J. have turned out remind us of our increased advant- you." town p-eople is expected.

exceptionalJy well considering the fact · · that rn si>eaki ng on.. the subJ'et·t o( .. The At the conl'lusion of the play, the I Basket hall manager. Ray Cannon. ages and advanced postt1on ; ·with cbe a,~tf' for the aauual inter~ thc1t (bey are not required to ta ke even in comparati\'ely modei-n times \Vomeu Homesteader," Miss Mary chairs \Yil be remo,·ed lrom the floor i bas a tough season liued up for the

the drill. Bu t little is known as to some philosophers ha Ye argued lhat \Yylie' ga\•e a short summary ol the and a dance will follow The best I Bobcats. Fifteen games are practical-elas~ debate just a wi:>E'k off. the two the number of freshmen and sopho- - · ro be had will plav tor the .... tearnh are busily engaged in putting woman is without a soul and that now homestead law an d tben went on to muStC' . ' ly assured and some more may poss1-on the fini~hia~ touc.•he!:' for the c:on · motes a::id shor thorns who will r eport we a r e coming into our own and ot sar: dance. b1 b ~cbedulecl Five of these

but as all able men in these diYisions recent years we ha\'e been receiving "It is entirely possible for a wo- :'\I iss Quaw received a letter from Y e ~ .

~~~~k f:~r~h:e~::~ ~,~-=e \\~:::s ~a.:t~:; will be required to take lhe cou rse it vositions of note. It was recognized man to oversee the work of the farm. the Theater Magazine. reque.sting that games will be played iu Bozeman, and

is sa[e to say that there wil l be at early in the game that women were IJut she should not attempt tbe drudg· flashlight pictures be taken of the of the remaining len, uine will be

prepared on e\'ery argument both pro least two hundred and fifty m en o[ all efficient and those who enler the ery of it. Don't be carried a~·ay with play. and 8ent to them with a short viayed on an ele\·en day trip into '"ash· and con so that they might be ready c lasses out for the drill. article ou the pro<.luction. A copy .o. [I ington. [rJ; all surprise::-; that might be sprung profes~ions will soon find the calJ to your enthusiasm on how lo\•ely it

bl' · lu a few rears from would be to hase a homestead; con- this letter is on the new Dramauc 1 . _. ai an elen~mh hour by their oprron· Outweighing and outclassing r..heir pu ic serv ices. club board in the main ball. The first game ot tht:"! season \\ill

now vou wi ll become voters and re· sider your C'haracteristics~ if you can -ants. l ct m t o[ tile · .'ll ne\•.·s of the club is J>OSted on rbis I be with 1\lontana \\"es\eyan at Helena op1,onen :; n every epan en member with the right of citizenship not stand being alone. don't take up ;-\.

The q_uestion it.seH il:i. Onf' that is in game. the \\'ashington cta:e colle~e goes tbe dnties of citfaenship, and we a homestead. board. on De«ember 1:-1rh Jc:.11uary ZUth the

the min cl of every thinking person to· footbal l elev·en defeated 1\Vb1tman col-! owe it as a duly to participate in civic At this point on the program greet- l invadin!?: Oklahoma ~ormal will be

d~y r or this rPason it is bigllly lege Thursday afternoon at Walla affairs. \Te of the west whose fath - ing~ we re received rrom Mrs. From4 AYS ll!E"\ in. Bozl:'ma11

. A week t~ter the

prl1ba!Jle that a11 PXtra largCi" arnO\mt \Valla iG to 0. ers did pioneer work, ha~•e a message berg, pres iden t of th e state uurse·s LOYAL ALUMNUS p !J Billings Y . .:\1. C A. tt'Ulll plays in ot v.'ork has been spent in getting .

to Uring LO the east co that the. easr J associa tion. VISIT TO l'HE OFFICE I Bozeman. On February 2nd at the ready for the final contest. The ques·

tion is, Resolved, that the U. E. ENRICO TASSETTJ may better uaderstano the west. Art as a Profession. 1 cto:::e of lhe iir::>t :.-;emester, the tean1

should adopt a system of com11ulsory The Great Vocation . Miss Lana Baldwin ol' the college will lea\·e on thf'ir lung Lrip, Only

military ser"i<'e modeled after that DELIGHTS AUDIENCE The last talk of the afie rnoon ses- art department. had for her subject three days of school will be missed

of Switzerland. The lower c lazs wm sion wa:::i. given hy :\1i ss Helen M. ··opporLUuities.'" and spoke in part as "\Yell, wbnt happened to the boys on this Lriv a.s it come~ during exams

Bennett, of the Chit'ago collegiate foILows: dow:i iu etab last Sarnnlay? A little and durin_g vacation. Enrico Tassetti who gave a recital bureau or Occupation on the "Great .. I want tO speal{ for the girl who hard luc: k was it'! r had them doped The Bob<·ats will meet the State

argue the affirmath·e and the second ~Par men the negative.

in l\iont.ana hall on Monday evening Yocation... 1 wishes to <lo a work through which out to \\·in" said au alumnus of the 1.:niYersiry at ).Iissoula in two games Hal Stew an. Lawrence Hayes and pro \·ed to be an artist of exceptional ,; In speaking or U1e g reat voc:ation ~he <:an express the beautiful. Ar: college who drop1>ell in at the Ex.pon- on Feb. :? and ;~: l "niH•J dt_r of Idaho.

Da,~iJ Gray will defend the digi;itY ot talent.. He played a program largely 1 cannot and shall 11ol pick out any is closely co nn ected with e,·ery day e-ot oiiice Tuesdu:r at'te1 noon for a Feb. :-1

and o: \\"as.hington State col·

the seond year men, while the honor of modera composers, whose forte singlP vcn.;a 'ion. Th e great vocation IiYing. A rtists expres~ their thoughts little chat. lege. F''-"'lJ. 7 and s; Gonzaga. l<"'eb. ~ of the freshmen will Le sustained by lie~ in "mood" pai nting. rathe1· t.lian is like a. r·raz. quill because it is coru· in our houses. our dothes and our No. it'L 1 man who ~raduare: t and lll: State i;;i:hool ot' mines at

Zales Ecton, James Ourns and Law- Lhe emot ional or tbOL1ghtfu l m 1rn i<'al po~ed ni all 11Je voca l.i ons to each ot funiilu re . Art is not tlle gift oi di:tsll- last year . uor the year before. nor Butte. F'elJ. !!!. :\°Pgotia.tions are now

rence Price. expression to which music love1.;; a re you. 'I hEc1 nicar ion you select will ing off ' things without thought; you even the year before t hat. It wa~ under way for a serie~ in Bozeman

accustomed . be the g reat vocation to you. The must \JUt your heal't into it if you just fourteen year~ a.go tmu b.P re· j 'i' ith the Utah A_g-g!e:;, 11ossibly abou t

Mrs. R. o. ·Wilson and Mrs. Jahnke Program-Part \•ocation you :-;~ l e<'t will be the e~ter ihi f.: voontion . There are 16l ceived llis ··sheep~:tkln.'· took a last l'Bb. l~th . on !•'f'IJ. 2-lth a Terurn

l•antasla . Tassetti vo<·ation .. rrhe \vork whl<:ll you can vocations open to the a.rt ~1uden1. Oae look al the o \tl l'Ollege ns_a :-'l\H,kut. · with lhe mi1H.'~ wil! lie held i11 were hostesses at. a beautifully ap· pointed luncheon Saturday, at the home or Mrs. \\"Uson, on Cleveland t>treet. A delicious five-curse lunc h­

eon v.·as served at 1: 30 o'clo'ck to twenty guests and the remainder of the afternoon was delight[ully spelll "_,th bridge-

Scherzo No. 1, Op. 20 Chopin do tlle bent md be the happ ies t in of ThPSt? b commC>n·ial design. The and went out to see \\hat l•'1d\.\e Dame J. , .... ·nrnn . The f:?-ason ends \\farell 2

Nocturne, Op. l5, Xo. 2. ..Chopin doing is your job." l (Cun. LillUt!<I on P~lgc 'rwo.) F\:irlllnf> had in storl' for 111111 · . Hi::i and ~~ with two gnmes witli thi.• Stat~ Valse Bt·iJliante. Op :l4, No. l. Chopin narue is Homer C Thompso11 or the l"uher~ity in Bozeman.

Part II. cla...">s ot' 1~02. P olacca de conce1·r. Op. 72. :\o. I

... Tsthaikow:sk~

Lot115 Land, Op. 74, ~o. I La Danse de Pnck



Exponent All State Football Team \\Then Homer Thompson was in col- ~YORTHORN-PREP BASKETBALL.

legc he took a prcmine nt part in stu· Thursday e\·ening th e alumnat- Andante. Polka di f"o nc·eno, 0\ 1 •• ).

Left End-Clark, State Universi ty.

<lent activities. He wa~ a star on the A g1 ocl rowll wa~ out last Friday

blu1.' ~nd gold footba1o t er:"'_ ci· 11i it n ;:::H tor the t'ou1• inter·elass short· <loesn·t ta ke a gre:u st re tch Ol the 111:-·n II P:.'.l.11H'.'S ,, hkh \\ere a n rn1

agmauon to picture the gn~h Hcmers pr-cve~l'\€'1'1 u'·"r ,un prP,ious exh1 bi1 l c·lub of the Galla.tin valley were host· Mar ucci

·f"SSes at an elabora te reception in t h~

college gymnaiurn for the delegate!

t r, the \.'OCational congress. The hal1

r as decorated w ith banners, pennank:

end Japanese lanterns. In one eno was the pun ch, whicb was served by a few of the alumnae. The grand

mar~h. whkh was l ed by Mrs. Fred

·wmson and Miss Mary Alward , waf

a ver y 1>retty si~bt, with about fou

~ hu ndred girls. Music was furnisbe·

bv the colle~:? band and r}ancing teir

e:i to pass a most nlea:Jant evening.

Un.answered Habanent

hepherd ':-; Hey

La V.oletle Ra,·el


The penna11A..s ordered by the fresh· ]

ma n class i;ometime ago have arrived. and more classy pennants have s.e1~


dom been seen . The colors are wmte

and green• and arranged in such a ·av as to rival those of the upper

la~sman. and tllus ca.u se an envious "'Oling among tbose that belive theirs

;e .r:~;<.r::r b s tyle and quality.

Left T ackl e-Bentz, State Un ive rsity.

Left Guard-Duquette, State Coll ege, Cente r-Layton. State Universi ty. Right Guard-Kerran , State Un ive rsity .

.Right Tackle-Borton. State Col lege. Right End-Berg man, State College. Quarter Back-Boberg, State College.

Front Halfback- Hanser., State College. Rear Halfback-McAuliffe, State School of

Fullback-Sanderson, State University.


massive tram e lPft rn the Br11111 \me · · · h , , ·10:-t~ ti·is ~enl'Oll when th e plgskm wns pa:::;:sed rn t -I!

I rla' s nf rp~l spo1 t '' when Montan~ In the l1r~t game the prPP::3 \\ere

I Stale had rtbollt at:: clear sa1 lrn g fo r beaten \)\ th ~ lic:e11se·c:ours1;.1 rn a

Lhe st:1te inter-collegiate football cham· dt-:-:e g-nme, the score 8tandng 1~ to · 1 · l has enjoyed oJ late 1 G The- second ~ume result eel m a

p10:1s EJ'I as s 1 . - - f . the second· i:l the winter sport. He was also a nf'l'Jry of l i to . " 01 hirU me;nher or the college trnc'k team. !~ ePLr oYer the tl11rd. Iu !he t • Then just co demons trnte the fact. g:~~m€' the preps defeated the ~ecbank that his a billt:- wa s nor ouly physical. arts by the sc>o re of 10 to 1 • The

I lie tooli: :ei\'e parl in 0· ;1€'r act iYi- rlnal t>::i me was he~ween the first .and

I tics. He w:is a li:'.'a.d~r in colle)?e Y. ~.I. ~<-'cn"1fl~ye~ r tean::-:, and resulted m a (Continued on Page Fonr.1 ; to to • victory lor the latter.


Page 2: , 1 DEER HUNTER BRINGS€¦ · 1.expnn~ttl montana state college of the university montana. ~-~-~-~~-~-~-~-~-~-~-=-~-~-~~=-volu me viii ...


THE WEEH.L Y EXPONENT I GIRLS VOCATIONAL YOCRI solo an d encore by ).li ss Made- 1 line Ph ill ip s.


rOut~rO\\ th of ~l oa th l y Exponent. l!~sta b lisbed January 1, 1895.)



CONGRESS MEETING (Continued t r om P::tge 'J n e.)

T he Woma n S t,e r iff .

The last SJleak e r O[ the morni ng f was M i s~ :.U m·y H anson . d e1na y bher· 1

j[[ of county, who ga\·e a I reYiew of her Uut i t>$ au d exp~rlences

in her po:.-;itk111.

-------- ··onr of thC" tirst duties or my pus-1 .urn1rnl Jll'Orluc·tifln of lt11·11itttrP rm1i:;. irion "·as lunlcin.t:: nfte1· the wo~1en

into thl' t> tnillion~ ni' 11tilla ~ .u1tl pri::>on1trS in cJ!"d(•f' tu rp\!e\'t• lhe .ia1lor

Till' \\ P<'ldy E\JJOJtf'lll is ~lrictJ~· a ~ttHl 11 t .llt'I 11ri:'l' II'~ t'111rt p11rpo?:-0 / '"arie1.\ l~ !lt'l'~·ssnr.r in 111' Th· or tbi~ duty. \\"omen nnllc> intn jail

1::> tu JirC',;L;lf to ii. l't':Hkr.:;. t•ach \\1·t•l.;, an t·~ 11t•ttl • <.1IHI t·on11oll'l1_• fti't:<.1 ~·\t ol ~ 1 usi1H'~~ cir <lt·:~lgniug- t~ d l'<llbl:.\111 in ,,1rinus \\ny~ und 1lwy ure .ther.e

the d '\'elopnH.:nt:-: 111 college arruir::i during- th:' 111·i-10.t and to i;xert tls rntlu- Jilb I lw qllah • ell \\ork t tht> I for at li~ast thirty l lays. Our hl~ges1 '-'lll'f' 11,r tilt 1iplrnild11,g n( !\lonrnnn. ::-:1~lt._,. 1·(11!'--.1·-<' ·1 IQ ,1 ..: is lht.· n·!'.'ult l·f \\] ul 1 tllim:.. Tl~ I'\ ha llt;>\1.·r lwl'll iirolilNtt was ,,ith drng; fiPnd~ at1d

\'lllun ;;ry ..:ffort pui l1•rlh Uy tlv• s111d~ ·its \.hl• l Hll L lh 1 star "'le 1 n11 opportu11i1 s tr1 \\ 11(1:111.·t· on!~ mttHillul luws <'<Ill l'Ollfrol ihis

J'11ld1 hefI t'\t 1~ J·rhhn 11f 1he t·CJ t·i..r •: h) !al <1111!-'1 n from lh 1·

.tud u of tlw :'1101 una ~1<11e C'n J, _r of _.\gr 111 ~l t .1 Hl ~l .. :t hank Art:-,

O( 1 h1• l tli\ Pr~ttY vf .\lni.11311;1, J\1,.. Ill II .\loll

E111er,•d as st><·onrl-dai::i.: nall1-r rt I'• 11l1 \1 1 .nt:.i°l'-1,

11nckr Act C l'onK '"~s 1Jt )l:,n Ii ;: 1


T wo J>ollarl" l'r-r Yt·~~r ·1-. .J ( j llf!< l'~r ('1 1 1'~•

St u d ent~ bc•t·Ontt> SnbscribPr~ 11Jl(ll1 1mym~·n1 or TIH· n~11lar .!('\1\lfy f{"("

1,;DJTOR-JN.r 11 IEF












K L. COLK, ·1 i

HAROLD Dll' KSO!\, ' 1 ~

C' n. STRANAHAN . ~ ·

1107' L.\ "GO H R, '17

l>.\\'lJ1 1'110)1,\S, Ti

FRl·:ll Hl'LLOl'K, 'I,

)•; I JITI I FO\\ Ll::R. 11

r'H8D II ALLACh~. ·1>

t;HEC:OR ~l.\l' r-.nJ I...Ai'\. ·111

. ILHICHT .J llUH'J'UN. -1,

,TOH!\ \\ Ml~AR, 'H

nf th1• <'lo:,.11n· ,,ft ,,... rop• .111 sl•Ur 'l' _\.tin lwr ltratJt h ot' lllY work il'l \\ ith

:\lon1ann i:- rh h \\ itb idea!< au<l !lw 1·n1·ni11u~ nl a <h•si:;:11t .. 1 ::- only limi1c•11

U:- !ht:· 11ualll) ul t "u··k

Tlll' TH'\\ un th• \\ •. :-

The New Way

To Manicure t'ntt.·x rr1nm P:" !-'U TJJl 11s cu t icle

\\'itlHrnt culting. Jltws tt\\:ay with

Ta l\.e~ lrnlr thC' lime heretotore

l'f'Clllil"(·1! l ):-\1·: applh'atlnn make:-:

your nails llO l it't'llUly lo\'elier,

In 25c. o r 50c . Bo ttles.

rl'lllml'r TO l >AY


MANIC U RE SET AT $1 .25 .

ht.• ch:1rity so!'i1•1lt·l-' in their work

\\ ith th!-' 1•011r. TIH· JHV:-.t.·nt s~ stem 01

1·t1 1 ·at·t 1·.iri11~ le 1· tht \HHJt' slionilJ

I•· d llll' a\\<1.' with Am11ng lhe orh­

• 1· !· ~ 11rulil~·ms whkll I 11<1\e lrnd

'1. lit>al '' 11h ar.~ ilw lit•gJ!a l"s. !Juol­

room. pr1.'.!i\(·111 and th1: darn.:e hall [ llllf'SllOl1.

F"rida) Hl'IPl'llOn11 :\lr.!'. \\'irricli.. in

lwr l'iPnr l'lll, !::ilrni.c:hltnn\an l 11li111 ·

llPI' t11\d \he clt-legtltP!-i w h_v Lhf:',,. wer e I sent tu Thl' 1..·tmgr es~ iln d w hat \\a':i

I P::-..jJl'{'tct.l uf tlte·1~1. 1\1 l'H. \.\ .inH·k 1"€'­

fened to tili~ a:::. tht:-• best conr:; r es':i

held and in speakill!{ or tlle good i:l l:-1

(·lnnplish ecl hy tliP oues in the fHl~t

sbl' a~:,;Pried 1ha1 til t~,- had been of

a ~re-ater Ut:> 11Pfil than ;'llll hf:' realized. I I Prefessor Nash on Music. I

Proff'~:;ol' Xa::;h 1ook up t h e ,·ariu us

plrn}'es ur music as ~ YO('ation. T he.

firs[ point lo IJe Ptnpha~ized was 1be 1

wanton mH.:ie-<·t ol the study U'.\ the

I \'C-lSl fll<"tjority or Ueg-imiers.

Prnfessor :X a':ih t o ld !ht' delega t es

ho\\ to p r 1H·ePcl ir 1 he•\ t llouglll they

I 1111Ssl'Ss mu~il-:-tl LHlt~nt. ..(;n !n snnlP

I n·lil:Lidt 11111sic'inu i n • tntr rn\\ 11 or






You'll want some FLOWERS from

LAN60HRS The Florist

T o make that Turkey feed complete.

Phon e 95 W . 315 So. T racy.

Special Sale of Olives Very Fancy Goods ; too high pr iced to sell at regular price.

so we are goin g to put pr ices on t h e m t h at will move them-:-

MAXWELL'S Genera l Re port orial Staff

J r.ordtlO Sew ell '18 Ru!'sell Templeton ·1~1

war at 111.11111 pt1y thrm the pr icP1r------------------------------. 11i1~~ a!'lk 10 ll~11 yon rrnnk ly 11\eir Th G II . L

Rose Drug Co. Re porte rs bei ng se lect ed by co m peti t ion


1'b11r·.· 11U\t' 111:·1:'11 Thanks.:d\·ing day~. si1w1· tlw tillll' 1J11r torerar.hers

Jan<lNl 1;,1,111 \ht.> "~tern a11t.l rock·l1ot1nd c<ia:<t · <llHl ~t·nt llJI I hat 1rrpa1 prayer

<11 thanb·:.:lYin~ lrom th,· :-:hore~ of the. thi•u nt'\\ ;.iml 11rn•xp\nl'l'1! f 1 11in•1~t

w!wn ti ill':- \\l:'re hard or tht" t'nltlltr:- ;1t w;11·, wlw11 nuitc~riali~tfr Amt·ril'all~

•·t\ft:'l •d u1•ot1 tlw .... ~~1su11 ol Tlmnk!<gi\ing in a ~nn Pf 11ll'l'ha11i«al way awl

r1Prt"1l II ... J1t.•nun1·tOI') thank:<giYill~- 111 :< ) {'II'. hr!\\'\ l'1' tllt"J't !II Id ht•

n11 tlrttlkh.;lliy ah011t rbe AmC>rit'an thanks!?:i\'ing"

\\"bile e\•ery ntber g reat nation in tbP wor!cl b Pngaged in thP ll)(lSt

dganti<' aud most terrible Viar in 1.he bi~wry or mnnl\lnd. \\'hilt" the hospitnls

m lh!'olcl "' rld 1.Towdetl with tbe wom1df'd ur1d tilt" s11ffl:'rilu~. wllilt· home~ ,ire dP£;.oln1e oncl whole ('n1mtries $tnn·ing, while hm;inr'S~ is di~t·1q11ed. \\'hile

rwarly t:'H•ry uhl1• hodied ma11 is: E'n!'.!.agr.od. (lirt>i'tly or indin•c·tlY. in the

1eri-ihle work of hnman ~laughter, whiJP all is. l'haos IHTO~:::. tlie sPa ches1"

l"nited 1.ntes of AmeriNl arP t>lljn~ in~ the hlt-~.-oings 01· Jl('lll't' :rnd 1nl\1rt-><vtl·

rnled prosperity, Tht>re is ind~ed. e\ en

!..,.rarelul tll<1Uk$ tu The rrentor (or tbe l!ll)llllWl"lile

has showPrPd upon 11!' dnring tht"~E' tro11lilou!< timt":-


A :-r1 Kt!) L~chukal in:;tituti1•1,, al its l11 . .:"~l. oilers an 1111tfl\·oraldf> medium

for the de;'.dtJ1JD1l'lH cf l·ol!ege drama1il-s. ~llulent~ in s<'ientifh: (' do 1wt

dten ha\·e uatural talen t. along SUC'h lines. ln an!' i'Olil"l;!.es t hP ruse is 'ery

differeui . There regu la r ('ourses in Htera t ure. t he d ra ma. an ct fo ren sics

make co m paratively sim1Jl 21 t be o rgan ization tlf reg ular dram.atk societies v.·hich g ive fre lJ. Uen t p lays before t ile s t lldf' n t ho <l y and fill ;in i11111nrta111

part in t he college world .

It i~ a frequent--and sonH!lim~~ a j11s 1 rit!('ism 11f !t.•1·hnk:1I <•olh~~t--:-

tbat. in their l>agenw~s to turn 0111 !'.'IH~<·ialbi:... nnd 8<'i1·111i~{:-: \'hi n1·1 1 apahlP

of ~XC'elllng in Mlmt· ~ill!.!'le line 1?f 1ed1nkul ""rk. th1 ~ an 111n pnrnl:' 10

liirect tln.: suah.•111.' wholl! <lllent1011 '1iJOl1 th1.. 111a<.1..•r;al 1l1111gs ol liil lll•gh~<·t­

ing those things whkh tt.=>nd to hroailt:)n lht:> \bin11 an,I l:'nahlt> mt•11 antl \\Ollll'll

1n get more from life than doJlars <•Htl i till.~.

\Vhen a body of st11cle11ts of a technkal i11s t it1ninn ti"e ,\lunlalla state

College form a tlrarna1k c-lulJ for 1hl" worlh.' 111rpos1-> nf affording Lhem­

sehei-; -·~h1aLlt- trn1ni11:; and !ht> s1Udf'nt IJod~ a:-1 ll wlrnlt~ in!';ll"Ul'li\'e ~llle r tain ·

rnent. a1111r:11n<·c tht>ir intt'OliOn to \ll't st•nt ,tt 11-'H:-t on•" pin~ t'ad1 mon t b , and <ltmonstrate lhPir dP1t>rmiuario11 to It a<I a \ i~1ll"n11~ <1tHl ~t1tTl'::isl1d existence

by gidn,!?: a \'t•ry pa!'.sablt> litlle far(~~ l'Oll1~cly ht>fore th1_; asl:it>mllh ut' tei- li?ss

than ten r1ays lll'a<'tke, we lielie\'e lil<Jt 1hey shnu lcl lw giren ~di possible 1 ·UC::Jlll'a14"e1nent from the Ja(•ttll~ ancl st11 cl en1:-:

And yet. with the first p roduc·tiOJJ of lht' 111llt•gt· cln\llliHH· so1:iely, n11pos

ii ion spring~ \!Ji A ff'w--nnd we are g'hld to ~n}. unly ~l fPw-·nwmtiers of the

fal'u ll} <1bjcctecl when informt.•cl Uy memUer:-: of th1..• dub 1ha1 it would lip

i1ecessary for those who had par ts. it1 tbti 11lay LO ~pend t h e hour prior to

the eleven o\.:loc·k a::isembl} pt>riod in pri•parinJ.. tl,1·ir l'o~tllmf'!:' and in mak­

inl,;, rtady for their part~ iu the p1·oduetinn. In one or l\\t1 i11s1aiwes in

~t ru<'lors gan" notirE thal tll<'y wonld look with tl isfa\'OJ' 1111<·11 furthpr ah!.i.t:'JH·e~ lrom theil' t•lasses 01 stndp111s wbo tr.r..L pa.ri i11 the munlhly asi-;Pmhl~ play.

The ExponPut hPlit•\'p~ that. u111c-~~ s• Jc!l'nt i~ (hrnu iii Iii::; \\Ork. the

upi1Lion rd \'!ll\1 Hhi\Hy in n111sieul e a at1n umber Co. 1 l111es aud in \\hat IJT"ctnd1 ~·011 shn11l1l


I ll1· l~l!<tlPr nl :\1nrray·s bos11iu1l in

Headquarters for the F amous Ow l Creek and P eerless Boo .. Creek Coal.-Your trade wil l be appreciated.

---- j llllttf· SJHlk~· 011 rhP woma n s work in

~l.e- hcspilat Tlw l lnctor han1lled t:bt' C>ppo, it e Court ll lll1S<. T elephone :-.lo. 20.

I 'lll•ie• t in a new and 11l~a"in~ iashion I 1·.tlwl' ihnn 1:1ki11g 1p tht> ~Ldnrnh1~e>~. ,;------------------------------~ a1i<l d"'"" ha< ks oi th" p1·ofe;sion. llr : F IN E S HO E REPAIRING DONE WHILE YOU WAIT

I Ki~tler !-!aid_ ··our training uo mallet I 1-1 · I ' l I · " '- ei:tnca -' ac 11 ncr)'. hest ( >ak I :l!rned Leather and expert

I :ilnng \\'IHll !in(-> it ma~ Ue direr.:ted I \\'1lrkmtl n sk1p does it. Ladi es' heel.-:. a specia lt_v. Low prices is JIUl'elv large lwar1ecl philau throJlh)' I CHAMPION SHOE REPAIR SHOP


Su its and girls t'nr lw!-q•irnl tra i n in~ is easy but 7 E. Main J ohn Ko ma r. Pn .. --.p. Oil tlH· ]la l'1 ot' lrnniauity_ To gel I I

0 verc 0 a ts I ;;:1· ";1:" "'.:.·~;~·!<" :~" ,;:r;·, i;i11110i~~11'.~~s~il~l~I~ ----------------·--------------..:

111 dn;-;1ng- !)r Ki~lh:r :-:aid 1hRL FOR THE CO LLE GE M E N . HUM NON TONG ! 111 llling nnliil 1end to g-n•ater tJa)

tlif" dPlll Wt" uwn humanity than toj 14 ~~nrth Bozem:i.n \\•r.:TJ:!1e

/cteYOIE· a life to 1ht.• c·are of t h t' hl~lp- \\ 'ash in g Called for a nd Deli,·e red less. Prices Reaso nab le



COLLEGE M E N . Mis~ Howe o f th~ :::. ta le experi mentl '--------------------------------lJ

s1a1 ion spokt~ 011 tht:' lO}lk of ·Buil cl· 1

ling Hun.ti :'\ Lomana:· l\. liss R owe t

LET U S SHOW YOU . ~puke of tht~ home tl~ Lbt1 woman's I 1

I place. and 1hen e n h\rged on 1bti te rm

10 mal\t• i t 11wlud t> 1 h e w or\cl .

l ' l'O\l•:-;.,.Ol" Swin~ I E" talkecl on WOUH~ll

iu hio lo,,;kl'l l \\Ork i\1 1· Swingl e

I we-111 in t o th e :-111 hj l:'ct o r wome n in

'-----------------' lie ld \\Ork a n cl in t h e laborutor y. \\" . \\" U f\ il o f Uill lngs !:'Poke on ihe

,.-------- - ------ 1 wumnn 0 11 th e ne "'xpape r . i\Ir. Gail


We Thank You for Yo ur



Foerschler' s

1 Cash Meat Market

11r~Pti the girls ~'ho had incliua ti ons I wwnnl newspape r wor k. to look i n to

the Uusine~~ nf nli \'t'l"tbing, a8- it was

1easier 111un• p r i,filable 1ha11 rhe oltle1· nnd long ~s t alJli~hecl lines n!

pa pe1· work . F riday N ight .

A n tlw fi r st speakpr 011 t h e e,·ening

pi-o~ran1 .\l it;s ".'. l Hr y t<J ll en Chas~ had

as he r sull jt=>CI "Gf'niui:; or llara \York ," w h i(·h :-:b e dN1l t wit h as fo l ­


"Tl1e r e an~ only \ wu obstacl es tha t

f kuow ur to thuse \\ho r eally wish t o \\oTite lJt!Oks, ro r I believe th is ll E>­

:-;in.• to '"ri te th t>se books is indicat iYe ol' the al>ility t o d o so. 'Th ese ob­

i:.lac:J e~ a.i·e: In abil ity to disci p line

o ne's reading. a nti la <.' k of w ill in gness

to do hard work All of us a r e in _1 ________________ ~Olllt" ~l'lll::)e authon;; rn our use of

f e lion. It b a ta le111 lo use J!OOd E ng-

Coiner's Variety Store THE NEW NOVELTY STORE,

In the New Dawes Block.

Come in and look us over for your Xmas needs ..

E. W . COINER Proprietor.

Patnmize Our Advertisers

~ j II j f--+---+-- - il :i

i n VC:~tnlellI Of Olle t'hl~~ Jlt•f'iOci a tnrHJth f( !° Sll!'Jl pnrpc•:-;,, jc;: jUStilied. lt ifs

t lie dl'sir...- or the Expnm.·n1 to besit'i'ii tt.r !M~ 11''\\' l'Oll(.'~l· <li'<tllJ:-,ti<' ~O<'.it"tJ. the whole heanPd t'OOJl<.'rntion 01 t:.l lf~ a11d :-.llldenl~.

B •1 11.Je h1 11 g11agt.• in ordiuary cou versa-

l lish and as WI:) mu ~t. al l talk we

C • • I I shou ld deYc loJ) th is talent , Good amh-

11 r1t1ca I orsbijJ is m erP ly " l'OllSC io us author------------------, I · 1sh tp, \\hi \e t lw o th e r can be consider·

THE BEST POSSI BLE VALUE I N I I 1·1 1IH1 ltl\\€'-sl q110 1u1 kn1~ )OU :f'd as unc o11 s c·io u s."

l'.c. 11 un \\ha'. 'llll 1·1•n111n. !Jut al i T he. n ext numUe r o u t.b e program

FOUNTAIN PENS I ~1~·· ~arn•· i1111L· J1~a1n aU11l11 ql1al !wa s <l HJta l sol o. "To M ary ." sang by

1 1~~. A £-f. C"11rriPr Of cb e C'O ueKe.

$I 5 0 1 11· I Printi r. g as a Profession II• H Yoti u11der:0;t.un<l t h1·~1· tw u •

I M rs. L. 0 . l~tlm u nd s of the A bsar-1·01nt:-: thorouµ;h ly, I.iring 1h1· n1be r :. .

• an·!-0 Jiropositlon tu us. ok ee l-i~ 1 1 eri1r1se spok e o n " The \Vo-

1 rn ctn l 1ri11l('1 ·· 11 i s the fee l i tt g among






PHmffi 602 M.

Seils Call ed fo r and Del iver ed.

\\-, \\Ulll 1u ~11 b~tant1t1{t· our us \\Ile> 11111st a1hlt·ess yo u lhnl '"e <· !aim tl11q our st oc k is a:-. ca r e l n1 ! must 11r 1g ye u !iOm t" t hing w m·th

of your 1111111t. .. Y :is it is Pt1.~:-'i'bl e for j whilt" 11t' of u11r ) e a!' :-\ of expe.ri t• n l·e.

'iY e w ill 1.rnre lhn.t \\t> k n1rn b.o w not J'....0:-''Ht, in'iPPd lhP re i.s n ot n ny

a jl:'"1~1 -..11 1v'k 10 IJ<". /The rnuuual work in a pri 11 t s hoµ i:::.

t o buy a s l'h e1t1> an d t~l !->e ll a l:S (ConUnued 0:1 'P ~ .. g e Four.)

<'heap as any o th P1· f.tOrt> that I'

I ma.kef:i a. bi d fo r you r tradt-

And only AFTER h avi ng d one

1 t h l ~ do we expect y ou t o do b us l-

1 ~en w i th us.

! H. A. Pease & Co. !

CAlENDARI~' F r iday, Dec. 1- F ac ult y dub

F r iday , Dec. r.;: _ - 1'.,re':ih mn.n -Sopl10 mor e d ebat e.

D c. 13-Civ ic Lea j! IJ P D<'c. 1.:;. Ret·i1a\ O :->!-'ll'llll>·~ hall

Rhur1 Conr~e d r11H'l'.

Uel', tt;- O!'alll:.l t k l'iu ll 11ia)-

f I ~~:e~~:L~:;·~r ~::~:. -~-~---~·-~--~----~--~-~~~~~~~ !~~~-

! Dec-. lX. Armstron g llcclamnton contes t.

Dec· 21 CJ"·1 ~ 1 ma~ \ ' a l·a ti o:i l>eg111s.

When on your next shoipping trip call and buy a daini,, box of HIGHLAND LINEN . We Jaave just received ouc supply of Autumn goods and we have a wide range of beauti­fully tinted and delicately embellished writing papers to choose from. HIGHLAND LINEN is not expensive. It is the one writing paper sold at a popular price for whicn you need never apolog ize. Don' t fooget to drop in and inspect our stock whee next you are on shopping bent.


Page 3: , 1 DEER HUNTER BRINGS€¦ · 1.expnn~ttl montana state college of the university montana. ~-~-~-~~-~-~-~-~-~-~-=-~-~-~~=-volu me viii ...


SOME WELL Exceptionally


Pinch Back Suits


We krrow you have had plenty of T urkey, so will not feed

you anything, but really we are selling the BEST SUIT IN

TOWN for the least money. Make us prove it and we will

make a customer out of you. NUFF SED .

J JS received. They are in stripes. b1ues, greens, browns and greys, and wi'l sell at

$25 Take ~ne vf these home for

~a.:ation, or, bette. st 11 come in ntl ;;et_ one at once.

Holloway's Qua 11ty Corner

CollegeMen's English Last

BOOTS in tan and black, rubber sole

and leather sole

Reed's Bootery 1

Now is The Time 1


Schlechten Studio

12 S. Black Ave.

:\1·1 11 1;nne:-. 01 L v ·ophon in 1 1 ni:. an1l Killllr>s ''en• l'lljn~ltl <iur·,

la~ I < mh1c•d to hh h >mP \\iith an ~ni::; the 1 \etiiu~ aud a th.'IHious lulh.·h

utu1 k of rh um.tti m \,1 enP•l .1r miJn1g1lt

1~· 1 k fla r.., t 1• n~hnl.ln c1ai;::s ill" <ll' 1 II t 11<i11 i ~JttHl HK li~

t11 iis l1ome rn Lt.I 11~s 1 , nk g- 'l'l,... 'a1.:fl.ti<r11 1n .\Ii...~oula.

1 t r~ 1.i.) t1n .nt·c11nt or t11p illnl'ss1,\hl' e ht ent to a1t>IHI thf' annual

f 111 a1b r. m e in~ of thP tentllC'r"s n~SOt'intiou.

~l ( t."T> ~ l'o\\t·l. I IHt•rtailwcl ill Ht• i~ tbt- i<:.m.'~r ot Pror. r:1n1d nf tb~'

IHI l 11'11 r pa ·t\' J't11 :""cl<P· 1 \ f,1t1• tllli\'€'rsit)'.

1 n111g or hb :--tstr r ' I s I It of 11

! I '1 'ell. A • w nf t ht"' Kapp;\ :\n lratC'rnit)

1 \ l' e ho!' ts at an 111form1.1l dunc·e and

Alumni and Ex­Students

,he 11 \;all! .1 l·Htt·rt;:dmd al tlrlsilh• pany ~atur<la.y 1•\1-'U\11~ at :\ln111 n

.t 111111t•r parry Tut•sda) 1•\t:Oin~ in tlwir honu~ on Bouth Grund '!'here Th·· l·.llllo1 You will kiiull'.' diang-1

ho1wr 111 'tiss Hdt·n l.und, "ho l"t'lt~ wt·:·+· :1ho11t tWt·IYt• <'on pie 11rf'sent and my acltltt•s:-. trom lll·lt 1a '.\ t nn11111a. 10

1ratetl ln·r birthday. lntt 111 the 1>\"Ptlin.1! <l delil'inus su11per Lt·w i"tuwn, :\loHtalla. Bo'.\ '-1:-11

• J,,a:-. !'ened. )ly hrolht.>r <\IHI I han· ~nld out I

)l i~~ "a r~lrPl \\·abh and )[i~~ I the <TL':tllH:ry at 1 lt>\t>mt and ;.1 lso th-·

Kalht.'n1w Kt>a us 1f'f• ;·or thefr home:' Tlw Hom.., f-:('ouomi<:s 1·luh of the ont.• Wt.> had :11 \\'hilt'h:lll. illHl liaYt>

Tm·sda\ to speud lht• Tholnks~l\"iog <' 11 r.:,. t:>l\tPrlaint>rl at n luncheon rp1,.·1·11tly h<.UJ;{hl :nul wkt•n p11~s1 :--:--~on I ren'!'.''-'. Fntla., <1flt•nwon ror the \orntional t1f tht: lTt.'<llHt.>ry in Lt:\\l~t< 1w 1 \\ •

t·mlJCT"l'S!'i delt>gates. The servmg ha' 1· ht"rt:' a 11t·lkr fit•ld wt· thin I.. \\\.

lio'".H"t.' ra~Jnr f>Il tf"rtainecl a It'\\ 111 r·11om was tillf"d \\'\th small tables ha\1• nt lhi"' plan· i11 e111111Pt·tio11 wi th

hi:- t'rit·1Hb at n , enlson clinnt·r at bi~ whic·h wert:"' decorated with smilax and the cr•·amen·. :1 rull~ 1...·11nipJ1t•d <"0:.1

1om1• 1111 Wt>st \lendenlrnll. ~tnnday pink 1·arnauons. The 11fa<·e c-a rd$ ~toral'.!,1 l\11d un 1fidal pl.t1i1

t-\f'T\ ng Hb ,;uc~t wt\rt.' ~[t>~srs. \\t 1 \1•ry unil""]Ue. dunt irl blue and Y11n1:-. ,,.n truly,

l c1rk~1011, U1u1ut-tte \\'heele1· Hoberl!" ~ul•I ''ith lhl" collt•gp •wal. Tlwre I" L. l>l~~LY l·.x. 1

111ct ~{'~!"iOD~- \\ertti ahout 1:10 gUl"SIS ,\\llOllJ: tilt' ~1 ..,..,t:-- 't>rP !Jr Kistlt•r 01 Bull<'. ~tr" {'l1url1..•s l>ra11t·r. forllll'I" t·tlnor nl I 1n I

A Ill r. hl'r o( t""" frkmb nl ~tiss l:1111 1 or Butte, )fr <.:ail ol llillings. lcxpc-ne1H who is 110\\ m:111a1..a•r .. 1 I J

l!t'h'H Ho:-t mos! 1IP11~;,.illtl)' s11rpriReil ~Ir:->. i· I.. llu11~1on. ~1i:-.s nenn<>lt of editor of the_. ('arbon County .lonr-l;'i,

IJt'r Sat irda~ P\f'nin,... 1h1• 1wea~ion 1chil 11.;o, )11:-. Herrick and a number at H..t•d l.o<lg<.·. anived in the <·ily lasr

bt•illR lhl· youni? ady s hirth1lay or 1ht- ntllt'r speaker;.; of the l'Ongress. Friday ,\lr Dra.111:'1" is prp:;idPni •1 t

~IX NEW lETTrn MfN IN 1~1o raOTB~ll ~ijU~a

Ir ht . \111m11 .· <t"Sl'Ci:ttio11 .and attt·r

lhas h1<'11 arrani..:ed betwet•n thl· l'nted <.~'"'.:Ing ":th ~h1 .l .. ~t·«.~~l.ll\P i·11mn11.11-i-lt,itl·~ (~eclogk;.il suney lh<· State llt rr-ardinu: .ts~o11.1l1on. h(\ lt·

'1tiard of lit>a.lth and the department • rt ,j for 111 lt~lla wlwn.• ht- h;1c1 t·on­

dl dlt:mh~trv F'ortnnatt-ih all 1he (prpnc" \\ilh \"twm~t""llor Ell.011 i.t:ld

~<.tmples 01 · ,\c-!ler <.·olle<·ti·;I b) ~Ir lotht·1 mt·mbl'ls ot lhl co111mntc1 aml I

Ellis durin~ the s.umff1t•r \\ere 1esc.·u t>d ,\f'srn·rnuon

! !?ii: lht! wi:Jtt.'r hy '.\lr nou:..drnl('k TIH t:''.\t•('llll\{' l'OUllllitll't' n•"

"Let Hank '& Ed Do It"


GEO. H. WILLSON GO. " On the way to the post office.''

A.G. McKEY The Printer



1f\11u hrnh< w1tl pl•st'*'f r11111 IH.H.'. It f"' ;1 ... rinc f:Ui

-.1ftl·d ·11 11r l·ntin h in:t' from g-nt '"r ~tn\. f,-rrt·iKH_. ... 11h ... tanre. It j.., ,\ grt-'"3.t wa ter alisurber, mixe' free!: an cl «:t qnick!y with a c;urface a" c:.mooth as glass. We a1'o <ell plaste1· board , the mo<leru wall fini sh Which can we furnish "' 'u?

COPELAND LUMBER CO Requir'ements for Play lng Time In all College Athletics are Revised

by Council.

1rmn the fire and will bt> analyzed I f lht· waii·r laborator~. 11,..\ 1 •11rolnl·i11~ thf" t·urJ mile'.\ -------------------

whic·h \\a!' ost in the ('hpmfstr~·

Part of thl· llt>W eqn1pttlt'11t rrquired I huildinc- ri ·+ •

Tht• r11l1o\\ ing uu•n ha\ !II~ phlYt--i<i Ito t'stablish the t'h mkal lnbora1orie~ I .. 'he n,.qulred linw iu tH.Hhall "ill in t Jl' qntlrt('r.:; s(•c-un•d from tla~ Gal· A J>;rnl l li11n111so .. 1. 1·.»I'\111 :-1•n·r<1l

rtll'l\t.."' ht->Ii first it•ltt>r Dahl. -11 ; tin ('1 nnn high sc·hool. has arri\ed. cl:i_,·.:; la.a """k d:-lci11µ hi~ pan·nl~ 't

F"1ft' ho:xt·~ an~ now 1eadv to Ue l!J1· 1 llu,. 1 ·111a11 .\Ir Tho111p~o11 wus ..:r.11l ~ll'Spadtlt-n 1-;. Hoht·ns 1:-... Chri:::;tPn· · · .. nn l'-1, l! . 1 ~ 1 and Bryan ·:?o. packed as soon as tht' <"il 11cntt·rs 11:11t•d 1r11111 1Jie d1t·1~isiry 1h-'11'.u~1'11'i.t

Rules fer Granting o f M . JlaYC t'Cllnplt;>ted the cksks that an.• 10 1 wo \t'~tr:-. ••J.!O and :--~1111• th l · .. ~1· l: ~

.\.:" the .t quirements in pla~ iiig ii me ht'" imnallt>d. 'Ir l-l:nree is look in~ ma tit• ~111t·111lid 111o~rcs-. Ht• •s HL

atterlht' <.klaili•. of retCi\"ing llH• JJPW I plo~t·cl a:-. as~i~Ullll dh.'lllt~.t al l\{'<'· 10 l'31'1l cl letlt'I' han.- he-C"OlllP somt>what antiquatt•d and wen• l'Qllipment a:t<l thC' ~tora~t· of the ~am(' zl111· plant of I h<~ \ n:.:.t c tl l

1 '01 ,,.

until the regular sto<'k room j 8 n.•ady I '.\linilll! 1·ompn11)· a1 Ort t" l•'ail~ selcl(Jlll known h~ anyone outside the for ll~t>. sthl~1k connl'il, tha1 body bas re-t"Plltl~ rp\·ist•tl the rules ~UHi plan.~d Laborator} c·our~es for ~t>lliors \\ill

t 1e 11 ol\ rt>l"Ord Thl· dtil"t rt;>\ ision bl'" srnrted fir~L It is expected that

con~ist of a ~reater stress lltiin~ laid a. pl•usl's of laboratory work will bf' iu 01·1 ra:io11 heforL· Jong

ll\lt:ll Ila• mort- importi.llll ~amf'~ or 1 lhe ~ea~on . Tilt' ~tall' Hoar<l ol I kalth F(Jod and I Tla· l"t"C(llirt~menls \Yntt>r lahoratory iR now in rull opera-

\\" B, \"e~till. '11 and Billy \"t'stal

Ir \\1·r1· g-Ht•sb it! 1 ht- lll·l'a ('bi

ho11sp asl ~atunlil) .11HI ~unday ~tr

\-t:>stal :o;r 1s t a· dty t•1u!i11l·t.>r of A:ta­


)I rs. Huh-' ·0!1, and

F'oo1hall Al };.-aH onP half tllf lt'maifr slmb of llw tt11<11ity 01 drink- \ln• 1: I\ L:.t\\ foi- a ~hort time. and

Bozeman Farmers'1Creamery

j ndevine & Sons

All Kinds of Frozen Products



Cor. Main and Tracy Stss.

HAVE YOUR KODAK FINISHING DONE HEmE. .-------1-1·=-= .. -.. -.. -.-.-. -.. -/-.. --- sta11<.l lo!IO\\ tiou in llw \Pkrinary huildi ng. A sys- d111tlrt·11 ar-· \'h .. iting ;u the homp 01

pJayine lilm induclinJ! 1hn~t-Pi~h1hs in1.:. woter fur-li~hed by all ri.lilWa) tht>n !ht>'.' will cit-part rnr Rawhide

the playin_g 1.lle vt UH-' l\\11 must i111- t·c·mi•<HliC'!" 011 , 13 ~M·ni:.l'I' trnin" i~ 111 :-;'"''\tl:t \\hl•rt> thl'y will "isil Wilh ----------- -----------


11ortant ~am~~ or th1· 1111al pla)in_g- '.\lrs llogan·~ pan:onts, ~Ir and :\Jr~ 11ro~Te~s.

I tinll' OI !ht' two most imponant Thp u~ual 111\esti~aliunt' of the food t<~ \\. Klnf{.

I game~- s11p11lit•s 1 t 1lw :->tall.> an· bl'in~ made. • / BaseUnll-At JP8:-il tbn~e-fo11nh!'. lhe I' Thompson, 1~1. \\a~ ,-lsltinl{

I fL- ~ I !'l'~'.,i.~11~· ~:n~:<hin,'.·:u:~:~~f\:;:";,::::1,i it~"r BENNION WILL ASSIST :~ti·:ll;~an·'.~\s tlt1\~ t'/~~·e l~~ l~i~u~~~~::ti~: ponant Karnes. t· "as 1·111ployNI by tht.: A C ~r Co ..

I A. j Hast'lJall .At leaH tlllt .. l'ounh!i 1hp WITH PENN "U" TEAM 111 l llt• has rt•<·l~rlll) ht·en promoted to

/:=:. /; I ( playin~ timt:. iududilll=":" OIW run ;.tamf> • th1 nrnk ot fil"!"t as~l~t<lllt in the zitw

~ of tlw most im1>orrnnt seri•·:->. A pitl'h I 11lan1 at nn•at !·,alls.

~ .. Kr~ E!r to pi1d1 at ka .. t onP·third th~ 1da~ _ ____,,- ~~~ ing tlnH.'. 111dlH..lit1..: UIH-'·thinl of one Wiii Go to Pasadena to Assl ~ t in l·:dna lt:w~t·rnian'1:! of Crt.•a1 fl""'alls

NEW ARRIVALS IN COL- gam{• or the most mportnt sl-'rie~. Coaching Penn Huskies for the ·.\ill 111"1':-<Plll a 1,aper lll the stnte

ORED COLLEGE SH OES. I ~o <L\\ards to be maclp ii IPss 1ha1.1 New Years Game I 1t•a<.·h1·r~· association at ,\1is~oula on

The latest idea!=t 111

t.:ulored four ~111111.·s 1rt_. 11la~t-d A g-ame i tlit:> suhjet·t of "Art iu Dress: At

11 I · l'oaC'h Bl-'l11tion was honurNI last\ 1ir,·st·n1 \tis~ HaPg<>rman is ~npen·bor dn:ss shoes for college girls,- ('ons < l'l"t>t as lllllf> inning~. \\1·pk with an a1•11ointlllt>lll to the I in hntnt> 1•<·onomks at tht' Falls L .. aet: styles in IIavana brown, Tral'k At least two st·<·ond plat·e~ Battleship grey and t\vo-tuned or mH· tirs1 plm·p iu the mo~t im t·o•u·h~n~ stall or tht· l ' niH·l'~ily of

greyc:; ~peciall~ prn:c: 1 at 111onant meet or a poirll won in auy l'1·11n:-.yha111a. when lw~ dash with

$6.50 <·ontt"rt·m·e 111 L'l. tlit> I 11i\t-ndl.' or Orl"'g:on 1.:•l(\\·e11 at

I A 1ilayt•1· is 1101 tintitlt>d to a h•ttt>r Pasach·11a, <'al., 011 :'\'t>w Yt:!Ul"s da)

Cbambers=Fisher Co. 1!Hltir :tlly ("011!->idt·ratiou llflh"s~ ltl' ha..; I Ht1l 1 Fol\q·ll. lu·ad l"Oad1 al Pt:nn pray(•tl 111 at lea~t tin• cr11aner!' ot ... _, h anrn i~ an ohl·ti11u· pal and

fc >I hall Pr in at ltiast four hah·t'~ uf I sdiool mut ... of Bl•nniou. whom h1·

l.laskNIJall or in at lt.' 1 wo game~ 1 holds in hij!h Psteern as an authorit)

\fiss H.ttth Pt't·k duu~hter of .\Ir~

L1w\· ~Tafl'ord PPt'k. wa~ al the YO­

C'ari;111al ('Oll j~Tl-'ss held in t his dty re- j

1·t·111h·. \Ir!'. PP<'k was a member of I th1· dass 01 IX~H., wh11:h <'OllSisted ot

four mt•m lwrs. two mt>n an<l two wo-11wn. and \\US the finH dRsH 10 ~racl·

ua1+• t"rom this i11stit111ion.

The Triple Alliance Of Medical Perfection

of ha_:.;1•1Jall or it~ f'(}Uhnlent 011 '' t•stPrn root hall. ('oad1 lknniou

:'\'o lt~ttPr \\ill he ~rantPd ror par· \\ill joi11 thp Penn sl1uacl nt Salt LakP I 1icipation in otht<r tha n illll'.'n:ollt--ig-i· 011 th1tir way WPSl. Rtisldes ht~IJiing, ______________ __,

Thanksgiving alP ~ports. l'+.:.nnsylnrni;1 10 hN·ome familiar with

The c·onch will mak• propf'l" reeom th< western style of allnc·k Bennion I 11a·11darion ll tht• < 0 11111·11 in <.·a!ie of in will undoub te dly absorb a IOl of JU?\\

I ion or clbahilil~ of any playPr footbnll whic:h will strenp;thPn th~

Thu prrn·eedure for tlk KntntinK of goJH·ats nt-'Xt y1•ar

W e have a large stock of


Order them early. I I

Montana State College of Agricul­ture and Mechanic Arts

Practical courses in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy, Hoc­ticultural. Home Economics, Industrial Chemistry, Economic Biology, Music and Art.

Beautiful grounds. commodious buildings, complete wood and iron shops, extensive laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms, music and art studio.

J. M. H amilton, P resident.. Bozeman, Montana.




You Owe It To Your Loved Ones Food that is clean a.nd fresh as well as delicicrusly pure .

Quality in groceries 1s our highest ideal. Trade at

Thre~ remedies that may prove life ~averA through prompt. use. Three .remed1e• to be de1>ended upon to do all tbat simple remedies can do They are parUcularly requi red dur­ing thJs season.

White P ine Compound Cough Syrup

I an award "hall Uc a:-. 101\o"·s· A fter I 1 ::~·:;::,' ,~,.,'.~' 01/


~"'.;;"';:~,.:;eli:~rntll:~, ~:,•; 1 II EXTENSION NOTES I] form or athleti<'~ thP c·oac·h shall re-

c·om m£'nrl Sllt'h parth..·ipant to the it.============ ===-'. Tracy ! THE MODEL GROCERY 11 GEO BARTZ, Proprietor. A good thing to give tor any

throat aftectton. Most reliable of safe su re cough reliefs

Wh ite Pine Compoun d w i t h T ar..

A sLTonger combinaUon 1~xpress·

Ir good for chro:iic, deep •eated ('OUgUs u.nd lung arrectlous. Sate

to take. Our Special Baby Coug t-: Sy"' JF.

.\ stron g but harmless remedy

particularly adaptable for young r-btldren Safe and very etrtcactou• A go<>d r('medy for all oughs.

Roecher's Drug Store Prescriptions a Specialty.


cou ncil as being deserving or an award providing i;.ald partlrfpant's 1. A project in farm marketing: has

performan<'e c-omplies with tht:> above been signed by the ex t en!:Jion dh·tsion

ru l e~. The C'ouncil 1 h en a<" t i:: u1>on 01 thP C'ollege and th e offit'e of mar­

lhe r1><·ommendation. k et s, l' S, d~partmeot Of agrkulturP


10 go Into effec·t December 10th ll has not yet been rul!y deC'idPd wheth

er a ~tontana man wlll lJ~ appointed

1 or onP fn1m ou tside. but doublless lhC'

appointment will be ded ded on be

fort' tilt- !H·'.\l iS:iU(' or the E'.\pOnent

A f~w day!:t befon: the ch emis try The df>sks for the xpe riment stn-

. fire ~fr. A. J Elli~ uf the United tio:-i arl· completed but th e J e rJart·


Sta.tP~ Gcolo.E,.rical suney <·0111plt'tPd ment is n_ot i_n active OJ>erntion .a~ bis ~umn11-r"~ flf'ld study of und<'r- the plumlnng 1s not complete. Bids

~rou:td w:llllni in SoutheaRtern Mon- I are beinr: ret:eived d;!tly for thn <'Orn

rrn \1r Elli~· vi~:tPd tlH dC"P rt I p1ete I(':>l ·kn: of t· t• t;... ..ntl ment to cllscm;s detail~ 0 1' th,~ <·00111. 1 fr Jlr<•bahlP that t lH• <.nntr l"t 1-\ill bt

li\'l- sl!ldy t" r. • ~ \H\ters th:it: it t !u tho nc<..r futJ:\

GREENHOUSE S Phone 46 Telephone 88.

I Auto Delivery.

---------" !--- ---------.!'




price of a shave)-OTHERS FROM $100 AND UP.


O wen hou se H ard ware Company ---- -----------------

Page 4: , 1 DEER HUNTER BRINGS€¦ · 1.expnn~ttl montana state college of the university montana. ~-~-~-~~-~-~-~-~-~-~-=-~-~-~~=-volu me viii ...

THE W EEKLY EXPONENT, FRIDAY. DEC. 1, 1916. ion Barber Shop

In t'loJ.n , up·to-datt• work:rneu


Gallatin T rust Bank Build ing.

n:· '!st{ ~ t t all J ·epre:- Ul<t n e~

The Boze man t1otel Th la::;t J·t ·<·h ot ht: t \-1 1 in~ w:i.~

I\' "'.\11.-:-s lle!lllt•tt on "T~11i al \'olil t ·n~ .\! i"'~ rh:-nm It. tli\ ille<l all

1 c J !1• into thll'E. l'las~•·n. Tlw dr;1

till ltll l1t!.IJt•d tht. lh \(W:ltll\111 (()\IL, (:'-'~ ;1 'II P!l(}

i}JlP; tht philo:-;opbil·al t) pC'. 111! 1llt !-Wie·1t fit OPl'. Slip poin 1 c:d



MODERN MODERATE COMFORTABLE l t1 1 lla1 "l' ~f-'ldom iiud ;1 purp tnw IHH rathPr ;i mixt11r1• uf l\\O or lhret:.•

:-;hf' "ent on to ~ive thl-' char-.\fl Pl' an ;n n·al of lhru '1:etrs, 1 ( ll\'Pr~it :; · PP1111~.,-l\-,.111ia ret11n1-

MATT WA.L KE R, Shining Parlors.

"'We shinr· heli.l"r. pre":.. bc.:tt~r au!

cl~a.n better

Phone 258. U nder H olloway's I

M . P. DAVIDSO~ De nta l and Oral Sur;::ec111

Comm?rcial Ba111' Huildin!!·

Vienna Bakery .\. Bobter, Prop.

Ask y our grocer for Purity and Mother's Bread.

• I to lh•' winnil'g- H1li of tllf' scure the 'ariou::; 0(•1·upations which women in the annual Tbauk:5g.Ying game. l'I tht' nn·ious tn11:.·~ 11s11ally enter defeating Cor n.ell 23 to 3. and lho:-:e to \\ hi<'h they nre adapted. Pennsyi,·a111n outplaye-d her rhi.\\s in She dcil"t:d with tltl• injun<'lion to nlf

I 10 find ont. their Lem11erame111 and L lass <HHl Uwn pick a Yocatiou to "hich 1hey are suitetl.

t \C'ry depar•menr of t\lt.~ eame. g-:1.ln­ing a total of 2 I 9 y ards from SC'r im­mage to Cornell 's 110 and losing only 11 to Corne ll's 30. Each Learn at-

At tht· dosing ses::;ion :'l l iljs Lilla 11·mpt('cl the forward pa~s ten limf's, Party Rolls and Home Made llarkius. iustructor in home science the Red and Blue being sl1CCessful on

Candy jat !\ lontaua Slate. spoke on \'otation~ fi'e occasions for a total gain of 79 arising from tile ~tudy of home e{·ou- yards. while the IL hac a ns succeeded

Deliv eries 10 :30 a .m ., 4 :oo p.lll.. omits. Mi::;s Harkrns traced four t;mcs lur gains aggregalin~ 13 Call 28 W . historr ot' home economics in a. most ~ard:-:. P~ n nsylvania gained tlrst


interet>ting ''a)·. t>howing ils great. de- dnwn 16 time:>. while Cornell was H'lopment from tbf' time of Oilr gr and- hie to make it only seYen .

The 6allatin Laundry Company \ Is giving better se rv ice this year than ever on ar.count of the success obta ined since adopting a strictly cash system. Ma ke arrangements with your landlady to take care of your laundry when sam e is delivered. otherwise it will be returned

to laundry. We are here to serve you .

t I I I I I I I I I I

I he 6allatin Laundry Company I _ _J





THE HUB • Ed. and L ou H oward.


Have you seen the new line of Trunks and Traveling Ba gs a t

D. D. SMITH Pho11e 386·\\' I

-----------, mothC"r~ up LO t.lw pr sent da:i.· Berry who <lit! tb.I:! puntint.r for This has n·sulted in the opening Pennsyi,·ania out-puntetl hit> Cornell - ----- ----------- --------------

I OPEN t ft ,. h .,.,,.:.·ing account with this

3 ank and pa) all you·· colleg-e expenses by check. This will enable you to keep , ·uratt account of your expentli ure:-.. GALLA TIN TRUST &

j E. W. Thompson I j. I


I 11>1"r \.at• nal Dank ,,f l;alla-

t1n \ ailey.

!~:~~~~~~~~alt~-SAVINGS BANK -------------

W. S. Davidson, Cashier. 111 :.-------------·- REPAI Rl NG-

1 I Have it fix ed before the Xmas rush.- your 'N atch.

of Hl(<llion:-o for "umen such a::; Lhe r ival. aH'raging .1;-;1~ yards in eight teaeh1n~ of (lome~tic un. aornesticl" attempts. \\"bile Shh·erirk a''erae:ed 4-1 scienn. dt>siv;ning. also 1 he prof es y ~tnls in 11 trial. Ear•h succeeded in siott.<:: nr in:::;ti t llliounl manager, dielic· scvring a goal fr om the field and inn, 1mhlie dC'monstrator and exteu$iOn each tailed in an auempt. The Car \\orl\ ).fh;:; Harkin:.: sJHtke or tht' llt·II Jin<~ was nnable to hold the ru~h \Ol'alinns tlw graduates of [h€' home mg Quaker f1wwards and two o[ Penn e1v110mlLf' tl~parruwnL of :\J S. (' are ~,yl\·ania·s to11c·hdowns <·ame as the follm\illg 011( ol 1liese the majority Jt•·-ult or l.JIO("ked ki<'l\s '\hile 8erry :ire • ten. .. hiu~ u11 Its!"- tiiart t.:1len•n ro- was e-na!Jled to place hi;::- kick5 to the

ations i.lrl;;' repre::;emetl hy them; che-y'~t ad\'antagt'. are z;('attert?d in <'\II parts of the Unit- A 11oor kick-off hy ;\Ia.tthews, t.he erl State~. Panama and one is !Ol'i.lted J>enns.\l\ania ca1nain enahled Cornell in Afric:a. anLl 1ht ~alari<.~::> Lhe) re· 10 ~('l within scnriu~ distani·e- early






PHONE 24. Coal, Wood i I Clock or Jewelry put in or- I der or your glasses repa ired. ,

t· ·iH' 1angL· (l·l-rll ~S1111 to $2~)/HI per in tbtJ game when Shheriek made Car far. nell's only tally with a d r op k ick Tlw nexl !->peakl'r was ~l.lg~ Kalher- from 1 he :18 yard line. Pen nsylvania

ine llan!eu ·who reprpspnfe-d tl1e :WOfl'd in the ~ame period with a l'hamlJer~·Fisher t'o. of Bozeman tOUC'hclO\\ n by l" r q11hart, who r eceiv :'lli$s Bartlett 111 her interf'sr_in~ talk ed 8 short deh1yed pa::;~ rrom e ll L·ll The Busin-t~::;~ \\"oman·· spoke of aud nv·pd ~!1 yard::. o\ '-"r the goal line lhtl. \'OL'<ltions ari:::ing from the stud~ BPrt·y kieked goal und in the nex l of milliner~ name!~ Th~ saleslady. p1__-i·iud. ::;ta1uling near the side lin s llirecl<lr of domesti<- an or trade f'erry drop1ied a goal from Lile field :.;d10ols. ~rntl millinery de::;igners, a ll rrom thP 23 ynrd line. l>err a nd )Iil · r,f which were plen~ant a11d high sal· ter added two more touchdowm; lor aried pusi1io11s. The~!:'. conC'luded the rf'<l and \)lue in the thi rd pe riod .\ l iss lhirtlell, all require a well de \·el Berr:• kicking- one goa l a nd rnb::;iug oped mind . naturla anil"tit abilities. thP oth•·r.

r '..-~~~~~--~~~~----~~~~~--~~~~~~~-'


Kenyon=Noble Lumber Co.


J eweler a nd Opti c~:-· __ ! IF IT WILL BE A BOX OF CANDY FOR


320 West Main St. I ~-·,

Commercial National Bank

Let us have your order for a nice fancy box of all Home Made Candy. Best and purest made and more to pick from.


Capital ~t<>ck $1 ,;o,O<XJ Surplus and Profits. ..$250,0<XJ I

J. H. Baker, Cashier. 1

B1>Ze111 an Monta na !



We Cater to College


and g11od thol'ough TrHining al ong thest• line~. )lrs. Ht' r ril'k and :'l'liss Ba ld w in ba\·e

An addres~ whkh prm·etl n1 ~neat reuirned from :\1issoula. w here t h ey iJHf'n)st \\a::; that 01 :\Ii~~ :\l ary RusL attend ed the an n ua l m eet in ~ of the of Dozeman on .. The Sel10ol Nurse:· stare tl•cH:he1"s a~soeiation . .\I isi-; Rn::.:t spoke of th~ fac t that the I I vc(·ation or nursing wa8 one to be c·la:;:s{'d with the line ar ts becaust' i t


1leahs. _"itb t he soul. mol ding the 11tr and chan1et~1· ot human be­ings. The achanta~es or tllis pro­f('ssiun, a~ -Miss Hu$t classified th em

)fr. Lawrence Vida l of Gr eat F'alb~· 1 r egistered at the college the pas week J le was n. \ i(~utenan t with th >iomann reg unen t on the Mex ican border. which was mu~tered ou l a ~hon Lime ago.

LOY AL ALUMNUS (Con tinuC'd fr o m Pru?.e One.)

Cook By Wire Use an Electric Grill.


W ill Press Your Clothes.


Montana Power Company THE CLASSIEST STYLE ~


\\E're· F't'::il, thal in this \Ocation W(>­lllt'll ditl 1101 h;we to compt::>l~ n ith IHt'll; HP«onil. th;,1t iu o rder to lwt.:ume a nursP one must ret·eh·e n hroad knowledge nf all nctiYities, and. thi rd. tbat the trainug aC"quired hPr(' 1vould serq• i11 many 01 her \·uraLiOtl:i. B)

~~------~--~--~-·- ~~~~~~--~~~~~~-·~-~-----~~~~~~~~~--! hecnniing a 11unrn. girl fill$ th~ high- C'. A . wcr k . w as b us ines::> manager of I I NOTICE ~st ambition t.haL of lwlpi ng ~uffe-r- the Exponen t w hen it w eb; a mon thly s h A • I Any pPrnon o r 11ersuns wh o lc1ow ill!;. hrnu:rnity:· magazine, n:id w as Monta na S tate's out merlca BY

l H. HARRIS & CO. Prop rietor~

J . H. HARRIS J . E.

In Spite

l ,,t the wlwreabouts of lht:' follo\\·ing- " W oma n and Work." firs t r epresentative in tb e state in te r- l ' mn i -will kincllv noti fy Pro[essor :.\I iss :\iargaret. Boyle. \\ho i·epre-- collegiate oratorical contesL In his linni 01• nuv of 1be men;ben• of the I sen tf'd t be Coll ege c lub of Bulle. c·o ll ego days Homer T h om pson was IS A REGION I J 1..;-xC'c11tive . t 'om 1nitltte immediately :';JlOk<.' in a viJ,:orou~ an (\ inspi ri ng nrnn. rccegn!zed as ?.. boo!;ter.

LANG I Tbf' wher ealiouti; or l hes(> men Is grea1 ner 011 tlw suhjt>C't '' " 'oma.11 antl K Now, fourteen years a fte r bis grad · y w t t QW ------. ly r t-:t.1 a 11 !1 \\lll be appretiatecI. \\'cfrk." The k~ynOl0' 01 Miss Boyle's uation, Homer c. Thompson is m or e OU an 0 n I t \\la.Iler \Y. Grime:-;. ' J:'i; Maxwell .r talk w:-ts that w111rn'n mu:-;r work-not ot a b0oster than e ve r. He is recog- t 1 \\"ikomb. 1;); George ~ lil bunl, "16; cnl y for LOdAy but fo r ! omono~ By More .... lli.iliout I:, niz d as bein g one of the roos t prom il ! Sidn1->y A \\'illlam!:'i, ·11 : Clrns. \•'. \\'C:!'ldnK as a unit worn n w ill :-en1re i.1ent and progressi ve bus iness men

I l lc111l<·rson. 1n: l l~rr:: l'eck . '11. J.' /a foundation and w ill be som eth ing, of the communit.r around Three l?ork s. 1 \ V Sdmlll.l, '03. wol'klng to l in~ and u.o t ]!\ring to For a while be was supe ri m e ndent YOUR CHANCE WI L L COME 'INH l! N OR. G. WHITFIELD RAV , t ' =============================== of school s but bis farm i ng interes ts II I 11,--. qu ired his ant.ire at tenlion so he re- a very eminent lecturer and traveller, give::f of tb.0 sl t•.tt.d i l y iucrea8ing <'OH of Th• I Th Pl sign ed his posilion . H e i s tbe h ead or I his v ivid story.

all LoaJh ers, we ol'fe r i n ~ 11 IS s e ace I :~~ :!~~:i:u:~ rksW~h ~~i'-~~i~ ~u~i~~:~~ Through F1·ve Repub11·cs ! A NEATLY MADE, I interests Homer Thorupso·1 is still ~e·1 I I GOOD WEARING I booster o f Montana Stale ollege. H I CALFSKIN comes JO Boze man f o r all the im port- on Horseback. I s H 0 E To supply all your needs and at a price that will pay you to I ant fo o tball and lrtts kelball games For m~u ;_ind yomig meu wide a ud give us a. call. aoct t nkes jus t a s keen i nter es t in I\arro" uie-s. bu tton and laCl' bis alma m a t e r a.s h di ll wh en an ac-atyles. :1 I, p~r l•a lr EVERYTHING TO WEAR FOR< LADIES AND GENTS. live student here fourteen years ago. I


$4.50 Missoula next fall.''

T uesd3y Evening, November 28.


8 :30 P. M.

Th~ s!!!l~?c~66 .. Co. 1 ARE


The last thing he .,:vhe:i he 1ert

t he E:xpon ent offi ce Tu esday wrubs~a t · 1 " 1'11 be there wh en the boys .....

No charg e to holders of Civic Le31gue Tickets.


And the MQ.n~at-the·typewriter won­dered how many more or. the a lumni I or fourteen years standing are as in· t t.~resled in seei:\g " the boys bent Mis· ! so ula." :_------------------------------