Zymph Campaign Setting 2nd Edition

Dungeons & Dragons Campaign Setting 2nd Edition Created by Occult Entertainment

Transcript of Zymph Campaign Setting 2nd Edition

Page 1: Zymph Campaign Setting 2nd Edition

Dungeons & Dragons Campaign Setting

2nd Edition ���������������

Created by Occult Entertainment

Page 2: Zymph Campaign Setting 2nd Edition

AAA NNNooottteee ooonnn PPPrrriiinnntttiiinnnggg



TTThhhiiisss bbbooooookkk wwwaaasss dddeeesssiiigggnnneeeddd tttooo bbbeee ppprrriiinnnttteeeddd

dddooouuubbbllleee---sssiiidddeeeddd... IIIfff yyyooouuurrr ppprrriiinnnttteeerrr dddoooeeesss nnnooottt

sssuuuppppppooorrrttt ttthhhiiisss,,, ccchhhoooooossseee tttooo ppprrriiinnnttt aaallllll ooodddddd

pppaaagggeeesss fffiiirrrsssttt,,, ttthhheeennn fffllliiippp ttthhheee ppprrriiinnnttteeeddd

pppaaagggeeesss ooovvveeerrr tttooo ttthhheeeiiirrr bbblllaaannnkkk sssiiidddeee aaannnddd

ppprrriiinnnttt ooouuuttt ttthhheee eeevvveeennn nnnuuummmbbbeeerrreeeddd pppaaagggeeesss...

BBBeeefffooorrreee yyyooouuu ppprrriiinnnttt ooouuuttt ttthhheee eeennntttiiirrreee bbbooooookkk,,,

ttteeesssttt ttthhhiiisss ttteeeccchhhnnniiiqqquuueee ooouuuttt ooonnn pppaaagggeee ooonnneee

aaannnddd tttwwwooo uuunnntttiiilll yyyooouuu aaarrreee sssuuurrreee yyyooouuu kkknnnooowww

hhhooowww tttooo dddooo ttthhhiiisss...

HHHaaavvveee fffuuunnn!!!

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1 Inch = 500 Miles

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Zymph Created By James C.N. McKinney World and Story Development Tessa Butler Peter Englezos (Zymph Map) Corrine Asbell James Falero Darkxarth Chris Hitchcock Golem011 Far_Traveler James C.N. McKinney Editors James C.N. McKinney Tessa Butler Design Manager James C.N. McKinney Development Manager James C.N. McKinney Managing Editor Tessa Butler Art Director James C.N. McKinney Cover Illustration James C.N. McKinney, Unknown Artist Sculpted Cover Design James C.N. McKinney Graphic Designer James C.N. McKinney

Play Testing And Advice Tessa Butler Corrine Asbell James Falero Darkxarth Chris Hitchcock Golem011 Far_Traveler James C.N. McKinney Special Thanks To Tessa Butler – who, even after contributing so much to the world of Zymph, did not sic her Blickens on us for not mentioning her in the world’s first edition. We love you for that – and thanks.

(C) 2006 Occult Entertainment. All rights reserved.

Used under authorization.

Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast logo are registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. The d20 System logo is a trademark owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All

Wizards characters, character names, and the distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks owned by Wizards of

the Coast, Inc.

Made in the U.S.A. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Occult Entertainment.

This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual

people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.

Based on the original Dungeons & Dragons rules created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the new Dungeons & Dragons game designed by Jonathen Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and

Peter Adkison.

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We've learned a lot about making campaigns since we first published Zymph. The first thing we learned is

people like to print these things out - so page numbers, printer-friendly backgrounds, and an in-depth table of contents are very useful things. (When we first created Zymph in .PDF format, we assumed

everyone would simply use it on their computer...)

And the contributions we have received are nothing short of amazing. I never thought that opening up

my world to...well...the world would change things so drastically - and add more depth and richness to my little planet than I could have ever done by myself.

Watching Zymph grow is a little like watching your child get older. I can't say it any clearer than that.

Enjoy Zymph. It's only going to get better!

- James C.N. McKinney

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Suns....................................................10 Moons.................................................10 Calendar..............................................10 Seasons...............................................10 Holidays...............................................11 Godsday................................11 Day of the Dead.....................11 Quaninox...............................11 All Saints Day.........................11 Wish Day...............................11 The Pantheon........................................12 Angelika.................................12 Ariel.......................................12 Black Dagger..........................12 Illyana....................................12 Mariah....................................12 Palinor....................................12 Rhamatsum.............................12 Taleel......................................13 Ziamaya..................................13 Races.....................................................14 Racial Ability Adjustments.........14

The Races – Statistics...............15 Human.....................................15 Automaton................................15

Dwarf.......................................17 Elf............................................17 Fey-Touched.............................18 Gnome......................................19 Half-elf......................................19 Half-orc.....................................20 Halfling.....................................20 Ishn..........................................20 Minari........................................22 Saest.........................................23

Timeline..................................................25 Ages of Zymph..........................25 The Awakening..........................25 Time of No Magic.......................25 Monomoi...................................25 Time of Immortality...................26 Time of No Kings.......................26 Invention of Airships..................26 MagiMail Developed...................26 Time of Souls............................26 The Dragon Wars......................26 The Goblin Wars.......................26 Time of Dreams........................26 The Endtimes...........................27 Royal Timeline.........................................28

Locales....................................................................30 Overview: Island Of Krynth........................30 Overview: Island Of Kanandor....................30 Overview: The Lost Forest..........................31 Overview: Islands of Ygdrysr.......................31 Islands of Ygdrysr.......................................31 The Nayeli...................................31 Lost Forest..................................................31 Millennium Tree............................32

Myz..............................................32 The Quaninani...............................32

Island Of Krynth...........................................32 Ael................................................32 Forest of Tanatos...........................32 Klipto............................................33 Miramore.......................................33 The Mo'shai...................................33 The Testing Grounds......................33 Winden.........................................33

Island Of Kanandor.......................................34 Forest of Tenquity..........................34 Fyrn..............................................34 Monomoi.......................................34 The Tear of the Gods.....................34 Tharu’lal........................................35 Urgot.............................................35 Zorein............................................35

The Feylands.................................................36 The Dragon Isles...........................................36

Organizations...............................................................37 Cult of Grex'igal.............................................37 Dragonsblood Cabal.......................................38 Grand School of the Mystic Arts.......................38 Ilum'na..........................................................38 Lord Gareth's Honor........................................39 Nature's Bounty..............................................39 Nature's Bounty Hunters..................................40 Order of the Iron Fist......................................40 Sisters of the Spear.........................................41 The Darkslayers..............................................42 The Minstrel's College......................................42 The Shadow Guild...........................................43 Unique Races.................................................................44

Blickens..........................................................44 Ish'n...............................................................44 Seedhe...........................................................44 Soops.............................................................45

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Suns... Zymph has three suns - "Phaeros", "Aereos", and "Sauruos". This does not mean that the three-sunned planet is a perpetually hot place - it has the same temperature conditions as our Earth does. The suns

are nothing more than stars that are closer to the planet than our own...

Moons... Although Zymph is commonly referenced as "The Three Sunned Planet", most people don't know that it

also has two moons. These moons, or "Nyla" and "Aylana", as they are called, are large and beautiful to behold. This is in part because of the moons physical makeup: they are densely populated with crystals,

making them shine gloriously at night. Many a Zymphian has spent hours gazing upon their beauty...

Calendar... There are 12 months in the Zymphian calendar:

Naru, Vem, Nue, Ly, Temb, Gaust, Gara, Yam, Cem, Lir, Aeur, and Tobo.

Each month has a total of 28 days, and each day has a unique name: Urda, Dun, Dir, Ture, Desar, Sur, and Nod.

Seasons... Zymph has the four standard seasons just as our Earth does, and they occur in the following months: Winter: Tobo, Naru, Vem

Spring: Nue, Ly, Temb Summer: Gaust, Cara, Yam

Autumn: Cem, Lir, Aeur

There is usually only one of Zymph’s three suns

showing on Zymph at any one time – above is an

illustration of how this works. The time to the left is when the sun rises.

The time in the middle is when the sun is at it highest.

The time to the right is when the sun sets.

Note: Phaeros is on the left, Aereos in the center, and

Sauruos is on the right.

There is usually only one of Zymph’s two moons

showing on Zymph at any one time – above is an

illustration of how this works. The time to the left is when the moon rises.

The time in the middle is when the moon is at it highest.

The time to the right is when the moon sets.

Note: Nyla is on the left, Aylana is on the right.


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Holidays... Yes, Zymph has holidays just like Earth does. Here are a few of the better known ones...

1 Naru, Godsday A Universal Zymphian holiday. A day to honor the Gods. Shops close; people tend to stay with family and

close friends.

It is generally believed that doing bad things on Godsday is not very smart and will bring the wrath of the Gods - all of them.

13 Temb, Day of the Dead The second and only other major holiday in Zymph besides Godsday that closes shops, it is a time for Zymphians to honor the dead....a time to honor all of those one has loved and who has passed

away...Illyana's followers, however, deal with the holiday a bit differently. They believe one should celebrate death, rejoicing and embracing it. They believe that death is a part of the circle of life, and thus

should be respected, revered, and treated like any other aspect.

15 Gaust, Quaninox A time when all of the suns and moons are visible at full visibility at once - this occurs exactly one day every 3 years.

It is said that during this day the unreality becomes reality - anything can and will happen.

28 Aeur, All Saints Day A day intended to honor key religious figures of the world’s religions. Each religion tends to focus on their important figures, but also acknowledges others as well.

28 Tobo, Wish Day It is said that this is the one day a year when the god(s) will grant followers one wish if they have faithfully followed them.

The wish usually has to fall in line with the theme of the religion, of course, but other than that the sky's

the limit.


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The Pantheon The gods of Zymph are taken very seriously by most people – almost everyone worships one (or more)...

NAME: Angelika (Female)

DOMAINS: Water, Healing RANK: Intermediate


FAVORED WEAPON: Light Mace or Club

PORTFOLIO: Love, mercy, moon, water, passion, marriage, family, beauty, wives, women, vanity,

medicine, motherhood, childbirth, birth, healing,

life, rebirth, fertility, hearing, rivers, river hazards, sea, wetlands, hearth, home, music, art, artisans,

arts and crafts, crafts, dance, drama, theater, intrigue, jewelers, jewelry making, good dragons

NAME: Ariel (Male)

DOMAINS: Air, Sun, Travel

RANK: Intermediate ALIGNMENT: NG

FAVORED WEAPON: Longbow or Rapier

PORTFOLIO: Sun, light, horizons, fire, spring,

poetry, freedom, air, sky, zeal, mirth, thunder, bards, humor, journeys, wind, swiftness, adventure,

travel, exploration, tricks, illusion, archers, distance, roads, running, giants

NAME: Black Dagger (Male) DOMAINS: Chaos, Destruction, War


FAVORED WEAPON: Dagger PORTFOLIO: Drow, kobolds, war, undead, serpents,

suffering, underworld, discord, chaos, pain,

ugliness, hate, vengeance, madness, strife, tyranny, disease, darkness, massacres, malice, rage, envy,

brawling, panic, retribution, winter, cold, conflict, conquest, destruction, drought, trap making

NAME: Illyana (Female) DOMAINS: Death, Fire

RANK: Intermediate ALIGNMENT: CE

FAVORED WEAPON: Great axe or Battleaxe

PORTFOLIO: Death, slaughter, killing, murder,

grief, spiders, evil dragons, orcs, sleep, night NOTES: High priests are known as DeathWalkers.

NAME: Mariah (Female) DOMAINS: Knowledge, Magic


FAVORED WEAPON: Quarterstaff

PORTFOLIO: Magic, knowledge, watchfulness, arcane knowledge, writing, learning, gnomes,

prophecy, strategy, planning, wit, wisdom, cats, civilization, common sense, sight, communication,

engineering, cities, commerce, merchants, nobility

NAME: Palinor (Male)

DOMAINS: Law, Protection, Strength RANK: Greater


PORTFOLIO: Strength, law, valor, tactics, men,

trust, truth, victory, fighters, athletics, chivalry, sports, protection, honesty, honor, justice, courage,

husbands, fathers, fitness, agility, loyalty, discipline, daring, endurance, dueling, revelry, hunting,


NAME: Rhamatsum (Male)

DOMAINS: Animal, Earth, Plant RANK: Intermediate


PORTFOLIO: Wilderness, wild beasts, mountains,

forests, nature, seasons, agriculture, woodlands, earth, metal, stone, smithing, mining, gem cutting,

animals, insects, flora and fauna, harvest, trees, elves, dwarves, storms, weather, rain, beasts,

creation, crocodiles, earthquakes, desert storms,



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NAME: Taleel (Male)

DOMAINS: Luck, Trickery RANK: Intermediate



PORTFOLIO: Luck, thieves, rogues, Halflings, wealth, gambling, vice, spies, pranksters, secrets,

lies, wine, abundance

NAME: Ziamaya (Neuter) DOMAINS: Evil, Good

RANK: Greater


PORTFOLIO: Judgment, evil, good, supreme, fate, balance, foresight

NOTES: The sexless god - never depicted as male

or female


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Races If it exists somewhere in Dungeons & Dragons, it has its place in Zymph. Pretty simple, huh?

In this chapter you will find all the common races described in the Players Handbook and five new common races unique to Zymph that can be used in any D&D campaign.

This chapter gives a brief description of how each common race in the Players Handbook is different in Zymph. If not otherwise indicated here, use the material from the Player's Handbook when

playing a common race.

The five new races presented in this chapter are:

Automatons, soul-possessing statue-like creatures with a society and culture all their own.

Fey-Touched, a rare mixture of fey and another race. Ishn, a tiny people that live in trees – banished if they ever touch the ground.

Minari, a strange alien species with advanced technology and a secluded lifestyle. Saest, a winged, stoic, human-like people with rigid morals and lifestyles.

Racial Ability Adjustments Race Ability Adjustments Favored Class

Automatons +2 Strength, -2 Wisdom, Fighter -2 Charisma

Fey-Touched +2 Charisma, -2 Strength Druid Ishn +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence Barbarian

Minari +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength Psion (or Sorcerer, if no Psionics)

Saest +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma Paladin

For the common races, see page 12 of the Player’s Handbook.


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The Races – Statistics

Race Percentage Of Zymph Largest Civilization

Automatons 1% Grimorock

Dwarf 14% Narumnaheim (Krynth)

Elf 17% Tharu'lal (Krynth)

Fey-Touched 2% N/A

Gnome 7% Gaerndar (Kanandor)

Half-elf 3% N/A

Halfling 10% Fyrn (Kanandor)

Half-orc 3% N/A

Human 27% Ael (Krynth)

Ishn 2% The Lost Forest

Minari 1% Alosha (Krynth)

Other 9% N/A

Saest 4% Winden (Krynth)

Humans Humans are the dominant race of Zymph. Their rapid expansion has pushed

non-integrating races into small pockets of Zymph. Because of this, they are

both hated and feared by most demi-humans. Human Lands: Humans are most prominent on the continent of

Krynth. Because of this, most scholars agree that this land is most likely the birthplace of the species. Humans have a very loose hold on their lands – they

are rarely territorial, and tend to encourage other races to live and trade there. They exist on other continents besides Krynth, but in large pockets, not spread

out and loose like they are in Krynth.

Automatons Automatons originally started as a magical experiment –

a lonely wizard, just having lost his wife, son, and daughter to murderous thieves, tried to bring them

back by imbuing their souls into three large movable

statues, given to him as payment by a gifted Dwarven blacksmith. The experiment worked, and a new race of

creature was born. Since then, they have continued to create other

Automatons out of willing mortals. They usually only do

this to dying mortals, however, though there have been exceptions.

Personality: Automatons keep the personality they had when they were living, though the mortals approached by the Automatons tend to be non-evil

individuals who are more or less humble. Generally, Automatons are not fighters, and they tend to avoid combat unless absolutely necessary.

In conversation, they generally speak carefully, saying nothing of Automaton secrets to non-Automatons.


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Physical Description: Upon first glance, an Automaton appears to be a moving suit of armor.

Upon closer examination, however, you will find that this “armor” has an extremely intricate system of movable parts, and an equally intricate system of pulleys and cogs that allow smooth, fluid movement.

This is because an Automaton’s spirit is not a poltergeist – it has to concentrate to move the suit – so the suit is designed to make movement as easy as possible, requiring only a tiny amount of focus.

Relations: Automatons like to gather information from adventurers and merchants about the

goings-on of the outside world, preferring to stay with their own kind and live in solitude. When confronted with outsiders, they are usually coolly polite, with a hint of their personality in life showing

through. Most Automatons have he same racial prejudices and viewpoints they had in life, though toned down a

bit. See the Automatons original race for information on racial points of view. Alignment: Automatons are neutral by nature, regardless of the alignment they had in life. They

will, at times, display a hint of their old alignment, but for the most part they are coolly detached from

the goings on of outsiders and the world around them. Automaton Lands: The only known Automaton lands known to exist is Grimorock, which is an

archaic Zymphian word meaning “a forgotten land”. Automatons do not usually live anywhere else, and rarely travel.

Religion: Automaton’s keep whatever religion they had in life, though they tend to be more

relaxed in regards to following its rules and laws. Language: Automaton’s speak any languages they spoke in life, sometimes learning new

languages from each other. Names: Automaton’s keep the name they had in life – and since any race can become an

Automaton, these names can be Elven, Dwarven, Human, etc. Follow the name guidelines for the original race when trying to name an Automaton.

Male Names: See name guidelines for the race of the Automaton when they were living.

Female Names: See name guidelines for the race of the Automaton when they were living. Adventurers: Automaton adventurers are very rare, but they do exist. Usually an Automaton

adventures out of curiosity, or to fulfill some thrill they missed in life. They never adventure too long, however, because Automatons have a natural urge to be with other Automatons. They like to keep

souvenirs of their travels, however, so it is not uncommon to see an adventuring Automaton hauling a

large amount of loot wherever it goes. Automaton Racial Traits

• +2 Strength, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: Automatons are inherently strong because of

craftsmanship of their armor, but the transition into an Automaton makes it hard for them to understand and get along with others.

• Medium: As Medium creatures Automatons have no special bonuses or penalties due to their


• Automaton base land speed is 30 feet.

• Immunity to Magic (Ex): An Automaton is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows

spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below.

A magical attack that deals electricity damage slows an Automaton (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds, with no saving throw.

A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any slow effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as

temporary hit points. For example, an Automaton hit by a fireball gains back 6 hit points if the damage total is 18 points. An Automaton gets no saving throw against fire effects.


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An Automaton is affected normally by rust attacks, such as that of a rust monster or a rusting grasp spell.

• Automatic Languages: Common and any they had in life. Bonus Languages: See base race.

• Favored Class: Fighter. A multiclass Automaton's fighter class does not count when determining

whether he takes an experience point penalty (see XP for Multiclass Characters, Player's

Handbook page 60). The ability to fight is an inherent ability of Automatons.

Dwarves Dwarves are master smiths – and they treasure the items they

make. They rarely give out weapons and armor to outsiders,

unless it is at a very high price or extremely useful deed. Dwarven weapons and armor will fetch top-dollar from any

Zymphian adventurer or merchant. Dwarven Lands: Narumnaheim is the only known

Dwarven civilization at present. While other types of Dwarves hailing from different lands have been seen, they never disclose

where they came from. Small pockets of Dwarves have been

seen, but they were not large enough to call a town, so these pockets went unmapped. Dwarves are very territorial of their

lands, and tolerate no other races but their own dwelling on it.

Elves Elves are an ancient and mysterious race, associating

very little with outsiders. They are not nearly as well-

known as in other D&D worlds, and most humans go their entire lives without ever seeing one. Elves are very magical creatures, and this magic can be felt by most when they are near them.

Elven Lands: While technically the largest

civilization of Elves is the feared and powerful Tharu'lal, the Mo'Shai are the most well-known. They are also the

only Elves willing to associate with the other races, if only because they feel themselves to be superior to



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Fey-Touched Fey-Touched are unique creatures - they are the results of fey and

another humanoid race mating. The results are often spectacular:

people whom are unearthly beautiful, or who can cause someone's hair to stand on end simply by being near them.

Regardless of the unearthly qualities of the Fey-Touched, they all have a magical air about them, and a special "something" that makes other

people take notice when they are in the area.

Personality: Fey-Touched are mysterious by nature. They tend to talk straight and to-the-point, showing little patience for lengthy

conversation. When another Fey-Touched is near, they become quiet and slightly hostile. Fey-Touched rarely ever get along with other Fey-

Touched, and almost never keep each other's company. Physical Description: Unearthly beautiful by nature. Eyes that

seem to look into your soul. A subtlety electrifying presence. All of these

things describe the Fey-Touched - though the description does not end there.

While Fey-Touched are only half fey and half another race, the fey side almost always overrides the other. Only a slight similarity to their other

half can be seen.

Relations: Fey-Touched are mostly cool and calculating to other races. They do not like to talk for great lengths of time, and cannot stand being around others of

their kind. Fey-Touched seem to get along with Humans, Dwarves, and Halflings the most, being more likely to talk

and spend time with them than any of the other races.

Other Fey-Touched, Elves, and Half-Elves are strongly disliked and usually avoided - if they must speak to these races, the conversations are very terse.

The very existence of Automatons and Minari fascinate Fey-Touched, as do the inventions of Gnomes. Half-Orcs, Ishn, and Saest disgust Fey-Touched, and they refuse to speak to them at all.

Alignment: Fey-Touched are usually chaotic, and lean towards neutral. Fey-Touched Lands: Fey-Touched are much too rare to have a place of their own (that and

they can't stand being around each other). Instead, they usually "adopt" a city as their own and quietly

live out their life there. Religion: More often than not, Fey-Touched individuals worship Rhamatsum. This is because of

the deep and inherent connection they feel to mother nature, and the bond they have with the creatures of the wild. They have little respect for other gods.

Language: Fey-Touched can speak Common, as well as Sylvan. They purposely refuse to learn

elven. Names: Names tend to lean more towards the Fey side of their bloodline (in other words, names

in the Fey tongue), with a slight hint of their other half. Fey-Touched names usually mean something, and only one who can speak the Fey tongue will understand that meaning.

Male Names: Wey'ley, Orlon, Twilye, Torniq, Byrn, Sorlorn, Lycosava, Horyur, Jaja, Qwernby

(See how many names are listed off, add more if needed)

Female Names: Orsha, Pennylope, Lae'nore, Hylulia, Taevio, Mynolidia, Willsoung, Daersha, Elminwa, Let'bura

Adventurers: Fey-Touched adventurers are very common - they frequently wander the planet looking for oddities and magic. Money tends to mean very little to them, and if received it is often spent

on quick thrills or expensive foods.


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Fey-Touched Racial Traits • +2 Charisma, -2 Strength. Though they tend to have an anti-social attitude, they exude a great

amount of natural charm and allure, though they care very little for athletics and other muscle

toning activities. • Medium: As Medium creatures, Fey-Touched have no special bonuses or penalties due to their


• Fey-Touched land speed is 30 feet.

• Low-Light Vision: A Fey-Touched can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight,

torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

• Automatic Languages: Common and sylvan. Bonus Languages: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Terran,


• Favored Class: Druid. A multiclass Automaton's druid class does not count when determining

whether she takes an experience point penalty (see XP for Multiclass Characters, Player's Handbook page 60). A bond with nature and empathy towards all wild things are natural abilities

in Fey-Touched, and they tend to live accordingly. Gnomes Gnomes are the most technologically inventive and mechanically inclined race on the

planet. They are also the friendliest towards other races. They are distributed everywhere, and have almost no racial biases – they tend to

flock together because they are of like-mind, but welcome the chance to show off

and explain their inventions to other races. They are constantly trying to sell their odd wares – which may or may not work correctly, and may only last for a very brief

period of time. Gnome Lands: While Gaerndar is the Gnomish capital (if ever such a thing

existed), they are thinly spread all over the planet, usually in areas where other races

are in heavy concentration. (In towns with at least 2,000 residents).

Half-Elves Half-Elves are a rarity, and most people go their entire lives never seeing one. Not fully accepted in either of their halves, they tend to be reclusive,

attempting to blend into Human cities. Unlike the Players Handbook version of the Half-Elf, Half-Elves in Zymph can be any mixture – Orc, Goblin, Ogre, etc. The results of this, of course, are not always pretty, and the statistical abilities

may differ from the normal “template” given in the Player’s Handbook. Half-Elven Lands: Half-Elves have no true land, and try to blend in

to Human (or mixed) societies the best they can. They more or less want to fit into society, and go to great lengths to do this. It is very difficult to spot a

Half-Elf, even for the most observant person.


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Half-Orcs Half-Orcs, like Half-Elves, are very rare and not restricted to the typical

Human/Orc combination given in the Players Handbook. Unlike Half-Elves, however, Half-Orcs boldly venture into society, making no attempt to hide their appearance or nature. They tend to see themselves as physical

superiors to other races, and will waste no time forcefully stating this fact. They don’t tend to settle down in any specific area, preferring to migrate

from place to place when bored.

Half-Orc Lands: Like Half-Elves, Half-Orcs have no land to claim as their own. They can be found anywhere, in any land that will accept them.

Halflings Halflings are the most gypsy like of all the races – they like to

travel, flinging themselves into whatever adventure or

challenge they can find. Halflings tend to be extremely curious, and will get themselves in trouble because of this more often

than not. They love exploring new towns, caves, dungeons, etc., but will quickly move on when they feel they have seen

and experienced all there is in that area. Halfling Lands: Though there is a large population of

Halflings in Fyrn, most Halflings see this civilization as a “retirement home” for old ones. Younger

Halflings usually wouldn’t be caught dead settling down in one city, and they can be seen in most other towns at various times because of this. Halflings are fairly commonly seen, and make no attempt to hide

themselves or make their presence a secret.

Ishn Ishn's are tiny people that live high in the trees of the Lost Forest, and

have an intense fear of the ground. If any of their race touch the

ground, they are banished from the trees, and killed by the other Ishns if they try to force their way back up.

Ishn's who fall often become adventurers out of necessity - they have to learn how to provide food and shelter for themselves in an entirely new


Personality: Ishn's are savages - they have a very crude language, and little understanding for the ways of modern civilization.

Even if they somehow get off the island of the Lost Forest, they often stay away from towns - they are simply too alien of a concept for them.

It takes a long time for an Ishn to trust and befriend someone, but once done, they will follow that person to the ends of the earth.

Physical Description: Ishn's are a tiny people - they are

about the size of most well-fed housecats. They have slightly slanted eyes and well-toned muscles, and slight needle-like skin tissues on their hands and feet that give them a spider-like ability to climb things.

Because of this, Ishns rarely wear shoes or gloves. If adventuring, Ishn's have the barest necessities, hating to carry more than they have to (they don't like

feeling weighed down).

Relations: Ishns fear creatures over twice their size - Humans, Automatons, Elves, Half-Elves, and Half-Orcs are feared just because of their size alone, while Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings and other

Ishn are seen as equals.


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Fey-Touched, Minari, and Saest fascinate Ishns, and they may be approached cautiously.

Alignment: Ishns are usually chaotic, and tend to lean more towards the neutral end of the spectrum.

Ishn Lands: Ishns naturally live in the trees of the Lost Forest, and have a hard time adapting anywhere else. They do not do well in cities, and tend to stay as close as possible to forests as they

travel. They tend to avoid traveling across plains, as Ishns have a slight case of agoraphobia (fear of

open spaces and the sky). If an Ishn absolutely has to travel across plains, they will always be with a guide.

Religion: Naturally Ishns know nothing of religions - but once taught, they almost always choose Rhamatsum as their patron.

Language: Ishns don't naturally have a spoken language - their language consists of clicks and body movements. Often times they will learn choppy common if they have to, but only the words they

need to know.

Names: The concept of names is foreign to Ishn - they describe traits of objects and each other instead of using names. Name association is one of the hardest things for an Ishn to learn when they

learn common. Adventurers: Ishn adventurers are Ishns who have or are descendants of someone who has

fallen from the Lost Forest community. They tend to be on the Lost Forest island, but some find ways to

get to Krynth and other lands. Land-bound Ishn are almost always adventurers, as they find it almost impossible to fit into cities and

civilized society. Ishn Racial Traits

• +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence: Ishn are extremely fast, but not very smart in the ways of civilized


• Small: As a Small creature, an Ishn gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on

attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a medium character.

• Ishn base land speed is 20 feet.

• +4 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, and Move Silently checks: Ishns are extremely agile, surefooted,

and athletic. • Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus languages: Sylvan, Halfling, Gnome, Dwarven.

• Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass Ishn's barbarian class does not count when determining

whether she takes an experience point penalty for multi-classing (see XP for Multiclass

Characters, Players Handbook page 60).


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Minari The Minari are tall, skinny, chalky-skin having creatures with large black

eyes and bulbous heads. They are other-worldly, though they are very

secret about where exactly they came from and why they might be here. Personality: Minari are unnaturally quiet individuals - to the

point that if you watched them for an hour, you would swear they were talking to each other through their minds.

When they do speak, it is very softly and with purpose - they do not ever

seem to have casual conversations, and their sense of humor seems non-existence...

Physical Description: Minari stand over 7 feet tall. They have chalk-white skin, bulbous heads, large black eyes, and seem to be

completely hairless. They have elongated fingers, smooth skin, and very thin bodies.

Relations: Minari get along well with Elves, because they understand their personality and art.

They are highly amused by the inventions and concepts of Gnomes, and like to subtly nudge them in the right direction in regards to their inventions.

Minari dislike magic - because of this, they have an inherent dislike of Fey-Touched. Automatons fascinate Minari, and they like to study them as much as they can without being overly rude

or intrusive.

Minari avoid the other races, as they have little in common with them. Alignment: Minari are neutral, leaning more towards the good end of the spectrum than any

other – though Minari care little for the affairs of the world outside of their civilization. Minari Lands: Minari only live in one small area: Alosha. They never leave their small civilization

unless they absolutely have to - and even then, it is a very quick journey. They almost never visit other

towns or lands - the two exceptions being Ael and Gaerndar)

Religion: Minari refuse to acknowledge the Zymphian gods - much less worship them.

Language: Minari have their own tongue, which is rarely ever heard by outsiders - it is thought by most wise men that Minari communicate through their mind...

A Minari has never been heard to speak another language, resorting to pantomime instead. Names: Names to a Minari are very strong sounding - it is almost as if they have a life of their

own when said. Almost every syllable is accentuated.

What Minari names mean, if anything, is unknown. Male Names: Her, Tek, Vor, Bor, Cer, Din, Bik, Seq, Qoo, Dun

Female Names: Thi, Ji, Kiji, Ai, Ree, Oi, Ry, Hi, Ti, Bi Adventurers: Minari adventurers are a true anomaly. A Minari would almost never venture into

the world by themselves - certainly not for any length of time. Something really special would have to happen for a Minari to leave it's land and kin. Such a leaving would never be permanent, however, so

adventuring would be difficult to accomplish...

Minari Racial Traits

• +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength: Minari are highly intelligent, but physically are very weak.

• Medium: As Medium creatures, Minari have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

• Minari land speed is 30 feet.

• Psionics (Sp): At will - charm monster (DC 25), detect thoughts (DC 20), levitate, plane shift,

suggestion (DC 25). Effective caster level 15th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.

• Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus languages: Elven, Gnome.

• Favored Class: Psion (or Sorcerer, if no Psionics). A multiclass Minari’s Psion (or Sorcerer, if no

Psionics) class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multi-classing (see XP for Multiclass Characters, Players Handbook page 60).


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Saest Saest are a winged, stoic, human-like

people with rigid morals and strict lifestyles.

They are the epitome of scheduled - to a Saest, everything has a time it can be

done. A normal Saest will schedule out their day

based on their occupation, but will follow a

basic pattern: 8 hours sleep time, 8 hours serious time, and 8 hours recreational time.

The older a Saest gets, the more detailed the schedule gets...

Personality: To a Saest, everything has its place and time. Saests

are extremely organized, and schedule their

day in equal portions of sleep, business, and play.

Physical Description: Saests look like normal humans in every way but one:

they have huge white angel-wings on their

back. Relations: Saests don't get along

very well with any of the races - their strict attitudes and schedules make it very hard for them to understand the laziness of other races.

They passably get along with Dwarves and Gnomes, but tend to avoid the other races.

Alignment: Saests are usually lawful, leaning more towards the good side than any other. Saest Lands: The Saest are only found in Winden, though a few wild Saest can be found

scattered throughout the world. Religion: Saestians tend to worship Mariah, because they put a heavy emphasis on education

and intelligence at a very young age. They want their children to be well versed in the peculiarities of the world around them, and have some of the best teachers and teaching tools ever seen on the three-

sunned planet.

Language: The default language of the Saest is common. They easily learn other languages, but don't speak the languages they learn unless it is absolutely necessary.

Names: Saestians have their own tongue, but they rarely use it - mostly they speak common. The Saestian tongue is usually only used by the elders, or those who are well-schooled.

Because of this Saest names tend to sound like a mixture of common and elven, the closest language to

Saestian. Male Names: Tore, Aivhyn, Ghya, Loyki, Zuqos, Hololo, Forn, Jakster, Cern, Halio

Female Names: Huera, Beavia, Jolie, Vili, Ferora, Doreen, Seed, Walia, Sodia, Fedia Adventurers: Saest adventurers are not as rare as one may think -

though the cause has to be one they deem worthy. Though not reluctant to leave their home, they dislike being gone away from it for long periods of time. Noble by nature, Saests only tend to adventure for just


Saest Racial Traits

• +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma: Saest are naturally quick and agile, but have a difficult time getting

along with other races.

• Medium: As Medium creatures, Saest have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

• Saest land speed is 30 feet. Fly speed is 150 ft (good).


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• Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus languages: Dwarven, Gnome.

• Favored Class: Paladin. A multiclass Saest’s Paladin class does not count when determining

whether she takes an experience point penalty for multi-classing (see XP for Multiclass

Characters, Players Handbook page 60).


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Ages of Zymph

Scholars divide Zymphs timeline into ages, which they feel represents the patterns history has taken

during those years. The ages of Zymph are not

absolute - they merely show the predominate theme for that period of history.

They also give you an idea of how the campaign will

"feel" when it is played during those times. Though

the public might not always be aware of what's going on in a grander scale around them, they feel the

effects, and will act accordingly.

Years Ages

0-400 Age of Discovery 401-800 Age of Enlightenment

801-1200 Age of Magic 1201-1600 Age of Chaos

1601-2000 Age of Darkness

0 The Awakening A time in history where Zymphians simply came to consciousness. Wise men say man was not created

then, but was wiped clean of past transgressions and given another chance.

500-501 Time of No Magic A period of time when magic simply...stopped.

Some have said that the reason the Time Of No Magic occurred is because the Millennium Tree, which was placed by the gods and thought to be the perfect way to safeguard against "too much" magic overpowering and destroying the world, did what no one ever though it would:

it got sick...

763 Monomoi Ygrydr Qng broke away from the Tharu’lal, taking a small band of followers with her. After a long

journey, they settled on an island (which they named after her) and began calling themselves "Monomoi"

(which means 'they who are separated'). Unfortunately, Ygrydr never got to see her people become a civilization - she died from a heart attack as

they reached the island they were to settle at...


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980 Time of Immortality A brief period where no living thing could die. The cause of this is unknown, though sages speculate that

the reason for this immortality is because Illyana left her realm for a brief period, closing her realm and

making it impossible to die as a result. The Time of Immortality ended suddenly, with all the living that should have died doing so, and the

natural order of things being fully restored.

900-1000 Time of No Kings A time when Zymphians simply had no ruler. This was ended after the coming of the Ilum'na, the order

of wizards who took it upon themselves to bring order to Zymph and crown the new king...

1015 Invention of Airships By Cermonius Tunn.

1111 MagiMail Developed Magimail is truly an amazing concept. It allows letters to magically travel to any MagiMail building on the planet (for a tiny fee, of course) instantly, where individuals can then pick the letter up at their leisure.

Never before has communication been so easy!

1203 Time of Souls A period when the dead returned - the cause of this is unknown. All over the planet the dead crawled from their graves, unaware that they were supposed to be dead. Dead with no bodies or with bodies too

badly damaged returned as spirits haunted their loved ones and friends, trying to make their presence known and not understanding why they couldn't be seen or heard.

The Time of Souls ended as abruptly as it started - one by one, the dead returned to the earth, and the

spirits simply ceased to exist...

1350 The Dragon Wars A time when the dragons of The Dragon Isles united in an effort to destroy the monarchy of Zymph.

The reason for this is fascinating - a powerful, evil wizard named Talimon framed the Ilum'na by disguising himself as one of them, teleporting into several of the egg incubation chambers, and

destroying the eggs.

Retaliation was swift, and if it wasn't for the powerful magics of the Ilum'na, Zymph would have been under dragon rule within a matter of moments.

Once the deception was uncovered by the mysterious founder of the Ilum'na, Aelem Nur, the attacks stopped and the dragons returned to their island.

Though Zymph's monarchy was proven to be innocent, relations between the dragon kingdoms and

Zymph royalty were tenser than ever...

1500-1505 the Goblin Wars A time when the goblins rose from the bowels of the earth, attempting to overthrow the king. The attempt nearly succeeded...

401 Time of Dreams Zymphians simply went to sleep in the middle of summer - and didn't wake up until the middle of winter.

No one is sure why or how this happened, but nothing seemed changed upon awakening...except for an unnatural increase in religious devotion immediately afterwards.


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2000 The Endtimes


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Royal Timeline Year Ruler Year Ruler1-3 Good King Krynth

3-7 King Saelom Nul 8-22 King Morein - The Dreaded

23-41 King Natul - The Mysterious

42-43 King Nosa Jul - The All Knowing 44-57 King Kanandor Thane - The

Dark 58-66 King Kluj - The Wanderer

67-320 King Tanundun Rule - The

Ageless 321-322 Good King Lodus

323-343 King Rhend 344-354 Queen Luciat - The Righteous

355-367 King Widyer - The Honorable 368-375 King Kertzer - The Wicked

376-390 King Nercian

391-392 King Hevir – The Vengeful 393-400 King Welliard

401-406 King Arraen 407-426 Good Queen Breyates

427-444 King Ferius

445-458 King Mearied 459-464 Queen Keirtheart

465-477 King Reardion 478-483 King Lieard - The Brave

484-495 King Vioter ul

496-509 King Urgot 510-529 King Chriatesiou

530-552 King Jerti Erd 553-563 King Ewaered - The Enigmatic

564-565 Queen Qweneth 566-582 King Derdust

583-594 King Teriat – The Watchful

595-603 King Yoek Tharkus 604-609 King Xatuier

610-625 King Reatier - The Wise 626-636 King Mekiarden

637-638 King Ledtern

639-651 King Ertyiaf 652-659 Righteous King Lerkiob

660-674 King Krilken ‘ja 675-686 King Jeartin - The Jovial

687-699 King Gwernt Boarshead 700-706 Queen Fergentus

707-712 King Kael Lur

713-719 King Mewirt

720-731 King Hercati Jae

732-749 King Fraier - The Joyful 750-761 King Tayel

762-775 King Grivetes

776-781 King Chafdis 782-784 King Jamaite

785-786 King Hora Tienet 787-795 King Lamatis

796-816 King Fertius

817-835 King Verco Role 836-853 Queen Ara’tab

854-872 King Demal Isfis 873-893 King Serpetius

894-900 King Kelitasp 900-1000 Time Of No Kings

1001-1014 King Melo Ja

1015-1020 King Merkot 1021-1023 King Erit Mern

1024-1025 King Tamarid – The Dreadful 1026-1034 King Breter

1035-1052 King Xylop

1053-1073 King Qwernyth 1074-1084 King Asbreni

1085-1104 Queen Greneth - The Honorable 1105-1116 King Minard - The Fearless

1117-1124 King Jaczid

1125-1136 King Larimor - The Clumsy 1137-1156 King Zasid – The Lonely

1157-1167 Queen Virntius - The Merciless 1168-1179 King Fersianius

1180-1194 King Wirtian 1195-1199 King Jekla – The Mischevious

1200-1216 Queen Renoid

1217-1239 Queen Merntia 1240-1241 King Nayel

1242-1262 King Quet Feron 1263-1283 King Derkant

1284-1301 King Teristad

1302-1303 King Britacit 1304-1319 King Carian Yipardus

1320-1338 King Vaciusant Sear 1339-1356 Queen Zorein

1357-1362 King Irid Jartu – The Insightful 1363-1365 Queen Mantes

1366-1386 King Hewart

1387-1393 King Rayn Semaj


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Zymphian Coins

The first Zymphian coins...

Zymphian coins were created by Good King Lodus on his last year as King, the year 322.

One the front side of the coins is the three suns,

and the backside shows the two moons.

On both sides it says “One World. One Kingdom. One Destiny”...

1394-1412 King Enirroc

1413-1415 King Einahpets 1416-1426 Queen Aramatssaet

1427-1438 King Miaj Reart 1439-1443 King Kih Raet Laram

1444-1455 King Baen

1456-1562 King Daemiousat 1563-1564 King Jarkma

1565-1581 King Ralc Warhod 1582-1594 Queen Beatrine

1595-1599 King Hepi Baft 1600-1619 Queen Zibah - The Beautiful

1620-1634 King Gorgal - The Deadly

1635-1640 King Ridiard 1641-1651 King Naitsirhc

1652-1658 King Saloh Cin 1659-1674 Queen Neleh Aratus

1675-1695 King Adnerb

1696-1712 King Mervitus 1713-1733 King Heter Haces

1734-1745 King Noskaj 1746-1752 King Yennik

1753-1771 King Retiop 1772-1790 Queen Haewershia

1791-1804 Queen Hestamandis

1805-1824 Queen Mariua Lur 1825-1832 King Adnil – The Brilliant

1833-1848 King Ecno’yeb 1849-1855 King Raierdin

1856-1865 King Wernitat’ta

1866-1880 King Jalkusist 1881-1888 King Horatim

1889-1905 King Asifed 1906-1913 King Arjedarn

1914-1923 King Quarnt

1924-1927 King Mebtis 1928-1943 King Dasferd

1944-1960 King Ylilmar 1961-1963 King Yelhasa

1964-1970 King Narm Cev

1971-1974 King Arety 1975-1986 King Mazarius

1987-1999 King Tarenit 1999-2000 King Wo‘beld


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Locales Below are overviews of the known continents and the towns that are contained on them. The information here was collected during the year 1,000, so it may be slightly different depending on the year you are

running your campaign in.

A good rule of thumb for Zymphian town size estimation is this: for every 100 years under 1000, go down

a town size category. For every 100 years over 1000, go up a town size category.

Overview: Island Of Krynth

Town Name Town Size Population GP Limit Power Center Alignment

Power Center Type

Racial Mix Of Community Dominant Race

Ael Metropolis 250,001 100,000 gp Lawful neutral Conventional Mixed Humans

Lawful good Nonstandard

Lawful neutral Conventional

Lawful good Nonstandard

Alosha Village 401-900 200 gp Neutral good Nonstandard Isolated Minari

Deadlands N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Forest Of Tanatos N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Grimorock Village 401-900 200 gp Neutral neutral Conventional Isolated Automatons

Kalem Metropolis 25,001 100,000 gp Neutral neutral Conventional Mixed Integrated

Klipto Metropolis 25,001 100,000 gp Lawful neutral Nonstandard Mixed Integrated

Lawful neutral Conventional

Lawful good Conventional

Lawful evil Conventional

Miramore N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Mo'Shai Large Town 2,001-5000 3,000 gp Lawful evil Conventional Isolated High Elves

Narumnaheim Large Town 2,001-5000 3,000 gp Lawful good Conventional Isolated Dwarves

Testing Grounds N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Winden Large Town 2,001-5000 3,000 gp Lawful neutral Conventional Isolated Winged Humans

Overview: Island Of Kanandor

Town Name Town Size Population GP Limit Power Center Alignment

Power Center Type

Racial Mix Of Community Dominant Race

Forest Of Tenquity N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Fyrn Large City 12,001-

25,000 40,000 gp Neutral evil Nonstandard Isolated Halflings

Gaerndar Large Town 2,001-5000 3,000 gp Lawful neutral Nonstandard Isolated Gnome

Monomoi Village 401-900 200 gp Lawful good Nonstandard Isolated Drow

Tear Of The Gods N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Tharu'lal Metropolis 25,001 100,000 gp Lawful evil Nonstandard Isolated Drow

Tok Su-ath Village 401-900 200 gp Lawful good Conventional Isolated Centaurs

Urgot Small City 5,001-12,000 15,000 gp Lawful neutral Conventional Isolated Humans

Zorein Metropolis 50,000 100,000 gp Lawful neutral Nonstandard Mixed Mixed


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Overview: The Lost Forest

Town Name Town Size Population GP Limit Power Center


Power Center


Racial Mix Of

Community Dominant Race

Myz N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Quaninani Metropolis 25,001 100,000

gp Lawful good Nonstandard Isolated Wood Elves

Overview: Islands of Ygdrysr

Town Name Town Size Population GP Limit Power Center Alignment

Power Center Type

Racial Mix Of Community Dominant Race

Nayeli Small Town 901-2,000 800 gp Lawful good Conventional Mixed High Elves

Locale (Area)

Note that major locales (continents, islands, etc.) are in bold, and locales within that major locale are underneath it. Note also that minor locales are alphabetized for your convenience.

Islands of Ygdrysr (N. Zymph) This section of Zymph is north of Krynth and covered in ice. The Nayeli are the main inhabitants of these islands.

The Nayeli The Nayeli's civilization dates back to the 300's when they were outcast from the Mo'shai near central Krynth. They left the Mo'shai to start their own city. They eventually wound up on the largest island in

Ygdrysr. Despite the harsh, cold climate' and against all odds; they survived, mostly due to a male elf

named Nayel Da'in [from who they would later take their name] who helped them adapt to life where the suns shine only during the three summer months out of the year. Now they are pale skinned with light

hair. They dress in whites and light grays in a an effort to blend in. When adventurers and explorer stumble across them, the Nayeli sneak up on them and kill them.

DMs Note: Treat the Nayeli as High Elves for mechanics purposes.

Lost Forest (Western Zymph) Some of the greatest secrets ever to exist on Zymph reside here. The forest takes up the entire island, and is strongly magical in nature.

It also has an odd propensity - anyone entering the forest will not find what they are looking for unless their heart is pure.

So what happens, one may ask, when the person entering the Lost Forest isn't looking for anything at all, or is looking for something that isn't there? They get led to something that

they need...though this might not always be good.

Many have ventured in and never been seen again.


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Millennium Tree (Lost Forest) According to legend, the source of magic for Zymph. Only a few were

reported to have ever actually seen it.

Those who have seen it describe it as a tree larger than any ever seen, with flesh like bark and large flesh like leaves. Its aura is

powerful, making one nauseous and delusional the closer one gets to it. There has only been one person who has ever touched the tree -

they described its feel as "fleshy - like touching a baby’s skin". The

Millennium tree resides deep in the Lost Forest, and cannot be seen from the outside...

Myz (Lost Forest) (The Dark Realm) Legendarily the flip side of Zymph - the dark side. Myz isn't actually a land mass on Zymph, but another

dimension attached to it. According to legend, of course.

The entrance to Myz allegedly resides in the Lost Forest.

The Quaninani (Island beside Lost Forest) “The Dreamlings”

The Quaninani are a mysterious band of lithe, light skin humanoids that rarely move or talk. They stay secluded from civilization, living in simple monasteries and only moving or talking once every week or so,

and then only to consume small quantities of food or water.

Why they do what they do is a mystery - only the Quaninani know... DM NOTE: Treat the Quaninani as wood elves for mechanics purposes.

Island Of Krynth (Central Zymph) “The Highlands” Named after "Good King Krynth" shortly after his death, this is the largest of the islands - it

is also where the royal castle, Miramore, and the kingdom capital, Ael, are located (near the

center). The island is one of the safest - and most mysterious - on the planet.

Ael The City Of Wonders The capital city of Zymph - the largest, most intricate city on the planet. If it exists on the three-sunned

planet, it can be found somewhere in this sprawling city.

Forest of Tanatos A legendary area. Story has it that before the awakening there was a powerful demon called Tanatos, whom killed millions of people in his rampages across the planet.

He was finally stopped and magically imprisoned in a forest, which later took on his name.

Since the demon is eternal, he is still supposed to be trapped there now.

Creatures here tend to be very odd and mutated - the Seedhe, for example, came from here...


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Battles in The Testing Grounds are furious, but even training

warriors need to have fun sometimes, as shown above.

Klipto City Of Thieves

A dark, lawless cesspool that fugitives find refuge in. Anything goes in this city, and crime is an everyday aspect of life.

Miramore The castle the king of Zymph resides in. It is a large, mysterious place, the size of most small cities.

It has many defenses and secrets.

The Mo'shai The Mo'shai's city is large and beautiful to behold - its buildings are curved, in varying shapes, and

remind one very strongly of nature. The Mo'shai themselves are a very aloof people, inviting travelers only to show off the beauty of not only

their city but of themselves as well.

Physically, the Mo'shai are stunningly beautiful - probably the most beautiful people to ever walk Zymph - a fact that they are very aware of.

They look down on ugliness, and completely disallow mating with outsiders. DMs Note: Treat the Mo'shai as High Elves for mechanics purposes.

The Testing Grounds (W. Krynth) The Testing Grounds is a legendary arena where

warriors come to learn their trade and prove themselves. It was built many years ago, by a wealthy

weapon master who had decided .. to begin training others in the ways of the warrior. As

soon as it was complete, he opened its doors to all people to come in and learn to fight. Since that day,

the Testing Grounds has trained hundreds and

thousands of the greatest warriors in history. Names such as Halavar the Mighty, Brekton the Great, and

even Sikwillig of the Burning Blade made their humble beginnings at the Testing Grounds. Unlike the

Minstrel's College and the Grand School of the Mystic

Arts, there is no tuition to learn at the Testing Grounds. However, after training is complete, the

warrior must return once a year, for five years, and accept a quest from the current Weapon master. These quests are taken on behalf of the Testing Grounds, and, as such, any rewards from them must be

donated to the Testing Grounds. This, and a large treasury left behind from previous Weapon masters,

help keep the Testing Grounds in good condition. The Testing Grounds train people to become Warriors (the NPC class), Fighters, and Knights. It can also train people in more prestigious classes such as the

Cavalier, the Exotic Weapon Master, the Knight Protector, and the Master Thrower.

Winden The people who occupy this town, the Saest, are a mysterious people – they all have wings, for one, and

they do not associate with the outside world except for strictly monitored trade and to fulfill their self-imposed duty as the king’s high-guards.


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When a Saest resident reaches 20 years of age, they are required by Winden law to dedicate a year’s service to the current king of Zymph.

Island Of Kanandor (Eastern Zymph) “The Wildlands” One of the first things "King Kanandor Thane - The Dark" did upon gaining the throne is

place the island that would eventually be named after him on lockdown. He made it illegal to

enter - or leave - the island. There are many who debate why he did this, but very few know for sure...

The island remained on lockdown until Queen Luciat - The Righteous came into power.

Forest of Tenquity (W. Kanandor) This forest is located on the western part of Kanandor not too far from Zorein. The forest is mostly un-

inhabited since the Tharu'lal live beneath it.

Fyrn (S. Kanandor) A Halfling populated city led by a High Norlak, who is voted in by the three councils: the Tharen, the

Yurg, and the Reyol. The High Norlak is for all intents and purposes a figurehead; the ruling of Fyrn is done by the councils. The Tharen is a guild of thieves and their new members are hand picked, tested,

and trained by the elder members. They are a neutral evil aligned group, and by far one of the most powerful forces in Fyrn. The Yurg is made up of the lawful good residents in town. They are recruited by

current members much like the Tharen, but their bylaws state that there must not be more than 15

members at a time, a distinct disadvantage when it comes to dealing with the other councils. The Reyol are a lawful-evil aligned group of 5 people, whose identities are not known to each other. They get new

members by a secret vote. Whenever they need new members they send in a profile on their candidate and each individual candidate is tested; the member that has been their the longest chooses the new

member. The Reyol have very little turnover in their group, as they are a member until death.

On a warm day in Gaust the city of Fyrn was founded in the year of 423. It is the closest port city to

Krynth. It is the second largest city on Kanandor and a shopping center for just about everyone who visits the


They boast a top notch armory, as well as a large shop of magical items. They have always made their money on tourism from people passing through to Krynth, and they have a history of plotting to

overthrow whoever the current king or queen of Zymph is.

Monomoi (Ygrydr, Kanandor) A small group of underground dwelling individuals who broke away from the Tharu'lal and their evil ways.

Although identical in appearance, the Monomoi are very much their dark cousin’s opposites. Another

thing that makes the Monomoi different: tattoo magic. They are the only society in Zymph that uses it...and they never share its secrets with outsiders.

DM NOTE: Mechanically, treat the Monomoi as Drow. Physical appearance is identical, though society is almost exactly opposite.

The Tear of the Gods (N. Kanandor) The Tear of the Gods is located in the middle of Lake E'yak-Sic. It is considered by most Zymphians to be purely mythical, and many people have died in their quest to find it. Legend states that the goddess


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Illyana and the god Black Dagger had a great war on the island that used to be here. Many people were

slain and the goddess Angelica wept, her first tear crystallizing into a large jewel. Her tears served as a catharsis, cleansing the island and sinking it into the lake, leaving behind no traces. Legend then says

that the centermost building in the main city (some say it was a temple, some say a pub), sits perfectly preserved waiting for someone to come and discover the Tear. It is said that the Tear will grant your

heart's greatest desire, but it comes with a price. If you wish to be the richest man in the world, you will

be, but you will not be able to touch your money. The Tear is also said to be a great – if not the – source of psionic power in Zymph. This is, of course, just

a legend…

Tharu’lal (W. Kanandor) One of the most feared people on the three-sunned planet. Their civilization spreads over a great deal of

Kanandor's underground - making the underground a very much avoided place. These dark-skinned individuals are said to be allied with demons and other dark forces - and they very

well may be. Very few have actually seen a Tharu'lal and lived to tell about it...

DM NOTE: Mechanically, treat the Tharu'lal as Drow. Physical appearance is identical, as well as society.

Urgot (N. Kanandor) Located just north is Urgot a small city that is mostly populated by a sect of humans that are known for

their eccentricity. The town of Urgot is considered the city to go to for information on The Tear of the Gods; the only known survivor of an expedition to Lake E'yak-Sic lived in the town in 964. People would

travel for miles and across oceans to hear the man speak. He was a human named Dorak Drahcir, and he

died of a mysterious illness approximately two years after his return, just when he had gathered enough money to make a return trip to get the Tear. It is accepted as fact that Illyana had something to do with

his demise; she did not want the Tear to be found by humans, she wanted it for herself. Urgot is the smallest major city on Kanandor, the other towns can not be found on a map.

Zorein (W. Kanandor) Zorein is the capital city of Kanandor and the largest city found on the continent. It has a mixed population of mostly humans, elves, and there is a small group of goblins that live by the river Yarrhgrd.

Its main source of income is magic trade. Wizards come from all over Zymph for the magic items, wands,

and spell books that Zorein's many shops boast. Since the city's inception there has been a governor appointed by the king to run the city, and he or she has a small 3 person cabinet for help with city

affairs. Zorein is one of the only Kanandor cities that allow its residents to vote for laws.


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The Feylands The Feylands is a strange, mystical place inhabited by

fey-type creatures and animals.

The magic in this place is strong, and some of the

animals have mutated because of this - some can speak, some are unnaturally intelligent, some are


No other place in Zymph is as breathtaking to look at

- vibrant green hills, colorful flowers, large mushrooms, lush forests, and lots of beautiful,

friendly animals decorate this magical island.

Visitors are sometimes, though rarely, allowed onto

the island. People who are lucky enough to be allowed to visit are always welcome to return, but

often don't - because they never tend to leave. It is said that the fey pamper their guests, and the

love and encouragement one receives from them will

make even the strongest individual cry.

If ever paradise existed on Zymph, it is the Feylands.

The Dragon Isles The Dragon Isles is the home and birthplace of most

of the Dragons on Zymph. They stay on these islands

united but divided - each species has their own kingdom and king, and the relations between these

kingdoms is often tense. They recognize the authority of the current ruler of

Zymph, but only barely. For the most part, the

residents of the Dragon Isles stay out of the affairs of mortals, and expect outsiders to give them the same

respect. Venturing to the Dragon Isles is never a wise

decision, as the dragons do not take kindly to visitors...


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Cult of Grex'igal "Rik'hathal! Mishtoon! Bezz-aton! Grex'igal!!"

- Part of an ancient ritual for initiating people into the Cult of Grex'igal

"May the Forever Eye watch over and protect you." - Ancient parting blessing of Grex'igal

The Cult of Grex'igal is an evil order dedicated to reviving their long

dead god, Grex'igal. For many years, indeed, nearly since the

beginning of recorded history of Zymph, the Cult of Grex'igal has been searching for the way to bring their dread lord back.

Long ago, Grex'igal lived in harmony with the other gods, until he tried to destroy them. He attempted to steal their divine power, and

use it for himself. Though he succeeded in stealing the divine power

from Mariah, Palinor, and Black Dagger. The other gods, fearing that the same would happen to them, banded together and banished

Grex'igal to Arvelitas*, the Plane that Has No Form. Once he was banished, the divine power that he had stolen returned to the gods he had stolen it from. From Arvelitas,

they thought, Grex'igal could do no harm. They were right, Grex'igal had no power while he was in Arvelitas, but his followers still had power. As soon as he was banished, his clergy lost their divine

abilities, but quickly realized what must have happened. Since that day, they have dedicated themselves

to bringing Grex'igal back from Arvelitas. Their dedication to their god, despite his banishment, gave them new divine powers, allowing them to continue their quest to bring Grex'igal back.

Finally, only decades before the Endtimes, the Cult of Grex'igal nearly succeeded in bringing him back. However, a group of adventurers, working on behalf of the Church of Palinor, was able to stop the

ancient ritual of the Cult of Grex'igal, and brought the cult down. After that, Grex'igal's existence passed

into myth, and was forgotten.

*Arvelitas is the ancient name for the Black Hole at the center of the galaxy.


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Dragonsblood Cabal The Dragonsblood Cabal is a group of powerful

mages, but only those with the power to

spontaneously cast arcane spells. (I.e. Sorcerers, Bards, etc.) The Dragonsblood Cabal is constantly

looking for new members, and they charge no tuition. They simply request that once one finishes

their training, they promise to bring any new spells

or knowledge to the Cabal for recording in their records. The Cabal's only goals are to amass

arcane knowledge and expand their power. Anyone that joins the Dragonsblood Cabal may take

training in Sorcerer or Bard classes. However, the Bards of the Dragonsblood Cabal concentrate more

on their spell casting abilities than their musical

abilities. As such, some Bards may take training at both the Dragonsblood Cabal and the Minstrel's

College (making them level 2 Bards). Also available at the Dragonsblood Cabal, are several prestige

classes. The Archmage, the Dragon Disciple, and

the Loremaster.

Grand School of the Mystic Arts This is a school dedicated to training beings in the Mystic Arts (arcane magic). They have campuses all across Zymph, each one with its own

powerful headmaster. Though the tuition is rather high, they will teach

anyone who shows promise, and have special scholarships for those who cannot afford normal tuition. Each headmaster determines who is eligible

for teaching and who is not. This normally involves tests of logic and wisdom, but other tests may be used, at the headmaster's whim. The

Grand School of the Mystic Arts can train people to become, Wizards, Adepts, and other arcane casters who prepare their spells. Sorcerers, Bards, and other spontaneous

arcane casters are not welcome in the Grand School of the Mystic Arts.

Ilum'na “They whom crown the king.” These individuals, whom were founded by a mysterious individual named

Aelem Nur, are comprised of powerful wizards (sorcerers are not accepted) whom rarely speak - in a group, only one is allowed to. (The highest ranking.)

They pulled Zymph out of the Time of No Kings by crowning a king and giving him Ilum'na guards, and

have been crowning kings since. No one quite understands WHY they choose the individuals they do (bloodline means nothing to them)

but there choices thus far have been very good ones. Except for one king (King Larimor the clumsy); all the kings they have appointed have done great things before they died...


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Lord Gareth, as a youth, was one of the most dominating fighters to ever walk the three-

sunned planet. He is shown here training his

half-brother, Elren.

Lord Gareth's Honor Lord Gareth's Honor is an order of knights. He trains them to be

his personal army, and the best become his bodyguards. In order

to become part of this prestigious group, you must be chosen by a knight that already belongs to Lord Gareth's Honor. Often, these

knights frequent tournaments and other gatherings of warriors. If they believe you are worthy, you may be chosen to accompany

them to Lord Gareth's estate, a marvelous mansion known as the

Palace of Honor. Here, you begin your training. If you are younger than 16 years old, you may be placed as a squire to a current

knight. If you are over 16, you begin training as a knight immediately. You may take training as a Paladin, a Knight, a

Fighter, or a Cleric. If a Cleric or a Paladin, you must worship Heironeous, God of Valor, or dedicate yourself to righteousness. If

you pass your training, you may also train as a Knight Protector, a

Cavalier, or a Kensai, under Lord Gareth. Anyone who finishes their training is free to leave, so long as they promise to return to Lord Gareth's manor if he summons

them. If, however, they decide to remain in the service of Lord Gareth, they must obey their immediate superior, usually an older knight. After several years of dedicated service, a knight of Lord Gareth may

receive the official title of "Honored Knight," earning him the title of Sir.

Women who enter Lord Gareth's Honor can never receive this title, but may qualify for the title of "Lady of Honor," earning her the title of Lady.

Nature's Bounty Nature's Bounty is a powerful order of Druids who work to

preserve Mother Nature. They aren't against eating meat, or

chopping down trees, or mining metals, as long as it doesn't go too far. They believe that Mother Nature created the trees

and lesser animals and things for the sentient creatures to use to survive, but not to abuse them. They don't use metal

armor or weapons, nor do they build extravagant homes, but they do use wood to create homes, build fires, and make

rudimentary weapons. They do not allow Evil Druids, but

they do allow Rangers and Barbarians, as long as they are

Nature based, not combat oriented. For enemies like Aberrations and Undead, unnatural creatures. Barbarians

with high Wisdom who aren't just mindless Raging machines. However, if one wishes to learn the ways of Mother Nature,

they are welcome to learn. There is no tuition fee, as Nature's Bounty grow their own food, build their

own homes, weave their own clothes, craft their own weapons, etc. If one joins Nature's Bounty, they may train as a Druid, a Ranger, or a Barbarian. They cannot be Evil (of any kind), Lawful Good, or

Chaotic Good. They may also take training in the Prestige Classes: Bear Warrior, Nature's Warrior, or an Order of the Bow Initiate. Nature's Bounty Hunters Nature's Bounty Hunters is a break-off from the original Nature's Bounty. It consists of Evil Druids, Rangers, and Barbarians. They believe that Mother Nature is being abused by others, Dwarves mine too many minerals, Humans take everything for granted, etc. They also take up Bounties on anyone who's wanted, Good or Evil, Chaotic or Lawful. They use this money to buy more weapons and equipment.


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Though they claim to be working to preserve Mother Nature, they are really just working for themselves. The Warshaper prestige class is a favorite of the Evil Druids of Nature's Bounty Hunters.

Order of the Iron Fist The Order of the Iron Fist is an organization of Monks. They have many monasteries scattered across Zymph,

most located in secluded areas, i.e. a hidden valley, a

forest clearing, etc. However, some are located in more open areas, to better attract students. Any who wish to

join the Order of the Fist, need only show up on the doorstep of the nearest monastery. When they arrive,

the monks will take them to a special room, where they must sit quietly in contemplative thought for 48 hours.

After that, if they still wish to join the Order, they are

allowed to begin their training. Order of the Iron Fist initiates are trained in unarmed combat, stealth, speed,

and cunning. They are also taught not to value material possessions and goods. As such, anyone who shows up on the doorstep of a monastery of the Order of

the Iron Fist must give all possessions to the monks who escort them to their room. Said possessions are

sold at the nearest market, and the money is donated to the poor. The new initiate is given simple robes and wooden sandals, in place of their old garments. The monks of the Order of the Iron Fist also have no

need for tuition payments; they grow their own food, have their own water sources, and make everything they need themselves. People who join the Order of the Iron Fist can be trained as a Monk, and can take

additional training as a Tattooed Monk or a Reaping Mauler.


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Sisters of the Spear- "The Spear is life. The Spear is death. You are the Spear."

- Excerpt from the Oath of the Sisters of the Spear

"You shall taste your own blood!"

- Famous war cry of Allerna the Bloodthirsty

The Sisters of the Spear is an organization of warrior women.

The majority of the women in the Sisters if the Spear is Fighters who specialize in a spear of some kind. There are

some Barbarians, more civilized than most, and also a great deal of Kensai who have chosen a spear as their special

weapon. The Sisters of the Spear was started by a famous female Barbarian named Allerna the Bloodthirsty. After

countless battles against nearly endless foes, Allerna decided it

was time to retire. She returned to the place of her birth, fighting what she thought were her last battles on the road

home, and eventually returned to her family. Once there, she assumed she would retire to a life of peace and tranquility.

How wrong she was. Only three moths after her "retirement" a

band of Orcs made a raid against her village. She asked who defended the town; she was answered by a rag-tag group of

male farmers with pitchforks and scythes. So, she had to basically defend the village on her own. It was no trouble, they

were just plain Orcs after all, but it made her realize that if

something happened to her, this town would be dead meat. So, Allerna took it upon herself to train the young men of the

village in the art of combat. She taught them all how to wield spears, swords, bows, shields, axes, and every other type of

weapon she knew. Finally, these young men became the greatest warriors the village had seen since Allerna herself. Unfortunately, over the course of only two years, all of them left. It had taken Allerna five

years to turn those boys into men, and they all ran off and became adventurers, and never came back.

"Well, I'm not doin' that again." Allerna thought. So she had another idea. She decided to teach the young women of the village the art of combat. Except, this time, she only taught them the spear, one of

the best and easiest weapons to learn, and it took her only six months. In addition, in order to encourage them to stay, she created a sorority of sorts, and inducted them into it. She made them all swear to

defend the village, first and foremost. She called this sorority, the Sisters of the Spear.

Since Allerna's death, she died in her bed, still asleep, the Sisters of the Spear has spread its influence and now claims to protect a huge tract of land, nearly the size of a kingdom. They don't claim dominion

over these people; they only swear to protect them at all costs.

If a woman wishes to join the Sisters of the Spear, she must fulfill several requirements:

Gender: Female

Weapon Proficiency: Any spear (Short spear, Spear, Long spear, & Javelin) Skill: Knowledge (Local) 5 ranks

Feats: Weapon Focus: Any spear Special: Must pass a rigorous test that includes a combat (not to the death) against a current member.

One does not need to defeat the member, simply have them believe they are worthy to join.


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The Darkslayers The Darkslayers is a secret organization, created slightly before

the Time of No Magic. It was, in fact, the Darkslayers that

created this dark time for Zymph. The founders of the Darkslayers were warriors who traveled the land, working as

mercenaries. One day, they ran across a group of rival mercenaries, but these mercenaries used magic, not steel. These

magic mercenaries had been hired specifically to take out the

other mercenaries, and did so quickly. They left the mercenaries alive, however, mostly just for the pleasure of seeing the looks

on their faces when they lay there in pain. After recovering, the mercenaries swore to kill the mages. To that effect, they trained

themselves to battle mages of all types. Soon, they tracked down the magic mercenaries, and slaughtered them like cattle. Every

spell they cast was disrupted or deflected. The mercenaries,

seeing how easily they destroyed the magic mercenaries, decided to dedicate their lives to destroying mages everywhere. Why they

did this is anyone's guess. Some speculate that the leader had bad history with a powerful mages guild, but no one really knows

for sure. At any rate, they soon discovered a way to cut off magic all over Zymph, by making the

Millennium Tree, the source of magic, sick. After searching for its whereabouts for years, they finally discovered that it was located in the Lost Forest. They also discovered that only those that were pure of

heart could find what they were looking for. So, they designed a cunning plan, and used a group of would-be heroes to execute it for them. They told these heroes that the Millennium Tree was already

sick, and that the only way to save it was to find it and administer the cure, before magic was lost

forever. What they gave the heroes, was actually the disease, and when they poured it on the roots of the Millennium Tree, it became sick. The heroes, however, were convinced that they had just saved the

world, and returned to their homes. When they learned that they had been tricked, they tracked down the mercenaries and defeated them. They then set out to cure the Millennium Tree, and finally

succeeded, bringing magic back to Zymph. However, the leader of the mercenaries survived, hid for a time, fearing retribution from the heroes,

should they discover that he was still alive. After many years had passed, he began gathering followers

once more, this time under the banner of a group of anti-mage warriors, known as the Darkslayers. Soon, his organization grew, expanding its power until it reached the same size it was when they initiated

the Time of No Magic. Although the original leader is long since dead, his purpose lives on, to destroy magic forever. They now bide their time, waiting until their power is more than double what it was when

they originally cut off magic. In addition, with the death of their leader, they lost the secret of creating

the poison that had sickened the Millennium Tree in the first place. If one joins the Darkslayers, they may begin training as Occult Slayers. In addition, they receive access to anti-mage weapons.

The Minstrel's College The Minstrel's College is a school to train people in the musical arts. The tuition for the Minstrel's College

isn't nearly as high as it is for the Grand School of the Mystic Arts, and there are also scholarships for

people who cannot afford the tuition. Minstrels, Bards, and other musicians are welcomed here. There are only a few Minstrels’ College campuses, and each one is different from the others. Although they all

teach every type of music, each school has a type of music it specializes in: strings, percussion, winds, choral, etc. The Minstrel's College trains Bards and Experts that specialize in music. They also train

prestige classes like the Bladesinger, War Chanter, and others.


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The Shadow Guild The Shadow Guild is a semi-secret organization, part of it is public

knowledge, and the other part is a closely guarded secret. On the surface, the

Shadow Guild is an organization that teaches people the art of stealth. They learn that stealth is as effective a weapon as magic or brute force. They are

taught the art of stealth by many different tutors, each specializing in one subject: Camouflage (Hide), Light Feet (Move Silently), Disguise, Acrobatics

(Tumble, Balance), Weaponry, Stealth Combat (Sneak Attacks), etc. The

Shadow Guild does require payment for its services, i.e. tuition, but it isn't nearly as high as the tuition of the Grand School of the Mystic Arts, or even

as high as the tuition at the Minstrel's College. However, if someone cannot afford tuition, they are promptly sent on a quest, immediately after their

training is complete. Usually it involves sneaking into a dungeon and retrieving goods that were stolen from the Shadow Guild or one of its clients. At the Shadow Guild, one

can receive training as a Rogue, a Scout, or a Swashbuckler. Also, you can continue on to become a

Shadowdancer or an Invisible Blade.

There is, however, another side to the Shadow Guild, a darker side. Once you complete your training, if the Shadow Guild believes you are like them, they offer you a different kind of membership, a deadlier

one. The Shadow Guild operates as an Assassin's guild, and not even their clients can connect the link

between the deadly Assassins and the Shadow Guild. If you accept this offer, you can begin your training as an Assassin, usually by taking different "jobs" for the Shadow Guild. If you refuse, you're memory is

erased, or you are killed.


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Unique Races

Blickens On first glance, these entities would look to be chickens - if you looked closer, however, you would see

their bloodshot eyes, their constantly ruffled and dirty feathers, and their sharp teeth protruding from their beaks.

Blickens rarely sleep - this is due to their over-sensitive hearing and sense of smell. The slightest thing

wakes them up...which also explains their psychotic propensities... Blickens hunt using a scout, then lynch the newly found prey.

Blickens are very carnivorous, and will grow deathly sick if they eat vegetables.

Seedhe Large Animal

HD:4D8+12 Initiative: +1

Speed:70ft (14 squares) Armor Class:14 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 13

Base Attack/Grapple:+3/+11

Attack: Hoof +6 melee (1d8+4) Full Attack: 4 hooves +6 melee (1d6+4) and bite +1 melee (1d4+2)

Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: —

Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +3

Abilities: Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 13, Cha 6

Skills: Listen +5, Spot +4, Track +5 Feats: Endurance, Run

Environment: Temperate plains Organization: Pair, Group (8-40)

Challenge Rating: 3

Advancement: — Level Adjustment: —

The creature standing before you appears to be a longer, heavier, sleeker horse with six legs. It is

saddled as a normal horse would be, and looks at you with a glint of intelligence.

Seedhes are six-legged creatures about the size of a heavy warhorse. Although totally natural, they are

more intelligent than most other animals. They can run faster than almost anything, despite their gawky appearance.

Although rare, Seedhes are prized as mounts. Any one Seedhe will cost over 10,000 GP to a normal

customer. Their saddles cost 25GP more to make than a normal saddle. Due to their sensitive noses and

skill with tracking, they are also famed as hunt animals and scouts.



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A Seedhe generally begins combat by slamming with as many hooves as possible before fleeing. If you

encounter a colt Seedhe, however, a young male, you are in trouble. Colts will fight until almost dead, and then carry on fighting.

Soops Soops are extremely long-stemmed plants that live by rivers and lakes. They are carnivorous, though

they can also draw nourishment from the soil in times of desperation.

When prey comes near them, they quickly whip out like a snake and wrap around the victim, dragging the victim to the water. Once the victim drowns, they pull the body to the surface and consume it in a

quick frenzy. If you are far enough away and really quiet can sometimes see Soops drinking from the lakes and rivers

they reside next to...


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Step into a world of grand fantasy and legend. And never leave. Zymph is not just another fantasy world for the Dungeons & Dragons game system – it is a living,

breathing, constantly evolving planet full of unique places, people, and creatures.

Learn the secrets of the Millennium Tree. Embrace the ancient gods. Choose one of many organizations to affiliate yourself with.

Explore the massive three-sunned planet, and discover lands never before seen by mortal eyes. Step into Zymph. And never leave. After all – why would you want to?

Game design by James C.N. McKinney, Tessa A. Butler

To use this campaign setting, a Dungeon Master also needs the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Monster Manual.

A player needs only the Player's Handbook. Visit our website at www.occultentertainment.co.nr