Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12 th Workshop Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012 Adapting e-learning materials...

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12 th Workshop Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012 Adapting e-learning materials to students' intelligence type Janko Žufić Department of pre-school and primary school teaching University Juraj Dobrila, Pula Damir Kalpić Department of applied computing Faculty of electrical engineering and computing University of Zagreb

Transcript of Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12 th Workshop Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012 Adapting e-learning materials...

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

Adapting e-learning materials to students' intelligence type

Janko ŽufićDepartment of pre-school and primary

school teachingUniversity Juraj Dobrila, Pula

Damir KalpićDepartment of applied computing

Faculty of electrical engineering and computing

University of Zagreb


• How to adapt e-material to be equally effective for each student?Students differ in:

foreknowledgelearning styleintelligence


Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

• Students will learn most effectively if the e-material is adapted to suit them.

• Criterium for adjustment: intelligence • The most frequent models / theories of

intelligence structures are :• Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, 1983.)• The Triarchic Model (Stenberg, 2003.)• Structure of Intellect Model (Guilford 1967.)• The Tree-Stratum Theory (Carroll, 1993.)• Two-factor' theory of intelligence (Spearman, 1927.)

– For almost every model / theory there are developed numerous tests of intelligence

The adaptability of e-materials

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012


• Students  of eighth grade in 10 elementary schools in Istria - Croatia (> 500 students)

• Intelligence of students tested• The division of students into four groups

With the strongest verbal factor - VerbFactor with the strongest non-verbal -NoVerbWith the strongest mathematical-logical factor - MLControl group consisted of three previous - Cont

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

Creating 3 e-materials – one each for every group of students - based on guidelines from the literature

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

Creating 3 e-materials

Development of e-material for the 4th (control) group: the

above guidelines do not apply

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012


• 19.34% better results verb groups

• 14.16% better results NoVerb groups

• 19.94% better results ML groups

from the control group (the significance level P=0.05)

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

Development of EduPsy

• In  adaptive hypermedia  EduPsy system, there are functionality tests of intelligence developed individually for each student (optional)

• E-materials are created for each individual student, based on the tests of intelligence results, learning styles and other elements

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

Testing the intelligence on the computer

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

Entry of learning materials into the EduPsy System

• The teacher of the course does not have to possess advanced IT knowledge.

• Teacher spends extra time to prepare materials

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

The structure of the teaching units


Paragraph: Enter / edit text

Enter keywords



Name of the


Insert audio, video, pictures

or other files

Button to create the questions on a passage (new window)

Highlight terms …

Button to create a new paragraph

Insert a link to the Internet, other sources of interesting games, 


Space for student’s


Entry materials for learning in the system EduPsy

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

Data storage in MS ACCESS

Name of the particles The content of the

particles Date of material Teachers ID priority of occurrence

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

Design of e-materials• The application pulls the known parameters of student’s:

– Intelligence– Learning style– Combination of text and background color– How many times the student had to go through the teaching

material– Success of self-testing– Priorities of reccurenies

…and displays material adapted to each student using about

15 CSS files (Cascading Style Sheets) with DIV containers and attributes

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

Division of the screen

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

Division of the screen

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

Principles of design of e-materials ML

Teaching strategies The application in the EduPsy System

PROGRAMMED TEACHINGTo divide the text into smaller unitsTo receive feedbackTo direct the activity of an individual to the right directionTo continue only if the self test is successfulTo set teaching goals

Up to 1000 characters of text (2-4 paragraphs)Self-tests with feedbackComments on Self-TestingIf a student does not pass the self-test, repeat the whole learning process for each unit and present the teaching goal

HEURISTIC INSTRUCTIONTo apply the strict structure of teaching materials

and encourage the discovery of new content

Set up a hierarchical table of contentsSet up links to instructional materials marked with 'Level: Advanced', 'internet','Other sources'

PROBLEMS’ CLASSESCooperation, brain-storming, creating analternative to other persons

Setting up links: E-mail, chat with colleagues,go to the Forum and Facebook

SOCRATES' METHODAsking questions to get the answerHighlight certain concepts

Ask questions that will direct students to seek answers.Highlight important concepts through B, I, U and font color

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

"Mathematical-logical" materials

Hierarchical Table of contents

You are here

links toadditional materials



Asking questions (Socratic method)

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012


Teaching strategies The application in the EduPsy system

- Pictures,- Videos,- Illustrated books- Use different colors and sizes for textand highlight key words or concepts- Pictures or sketches at the beginning- Visit the places where the course content can be seen- Imaginative games

- Use as many pictures- Use the video- Use the illustrated PDF, Flash, animation, or similar file- Highlight key words and concepts in a different color and size and place them in textboxes- Put a picture or sketch of the beginning of the course content- Links to the materials 'Internet', 'video, “ and "Other Sources'

- Link to the game - if available

Principles of e-material’s design

“NonVerbal" materials

Animations and games


Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

Principles of e-material’s design


Teaching strategies The application in the system EduPsy - Highlight key words- Ask questions that require answers in the form of essays.- Ask questions that begin with 'how‘, 'why' and 'what'- Love to listen to new content- Questions that are answered in one word- Explain / narrate the topic which is discussed- Set up links to answers

- Formation of the B, I, U, and font color- Questions that require answers in the form of essays.

- Ask questions that begin with 'How', 'What' and 'Why'

- Insert the audio content of the teaching material if available- Ask questions that require a short answer- Ask students to recount what was taught and recorded without explanation. The students should listen to the recording.- Set up links to instructional materials marked with      'Advanced', 'internet', 'Other sources'

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

“Verbal" materials

Audio contents

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

Verbal e-materials

recording audio content

Feedback, wrong

Feedback, correct

recommendations to continue or not



Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012


• Tests of the 1st year Teaching Education students at the Juraj Dobrila University at Pula, indicate 11-17% better performance of the students who learned with adaptable e-materials than the results of the control group

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012


- Teacher utilizes extra time to prepare teaching materials

-Learning efficiency is better

Žufić - Kalpić - DAAD - 12th Workshop

Opatija 2 - 9 September 2012

• Questions? Comments?