Zt. rnunrng armer.

Zt. rnunrng armer. Page 9. October 18 1902. Democratic Ticket. FOR CONGRESS--SIXTH DISTRICT. S. M. ROBERTSON, OF BATON ROUGE. WEATHER REPORT 'z• F Por week %nding Oct. 15, 1902: Oct 1Max. Mmn. Rainfall. Oct. 9...... ... 83 33 .15 10..........70 58 .65 11 ......... 85 62 .- 12...... ... 87 59 , ,13..........91 61 .50 14..... .... 79 68 15...... ... 79 44 1. frost C. CHAMPAGNE, Observer. The street car strike in New Or- leans came to an end last Sunday. -0- Mlr. Rosser Stroble and wife, of Meridian, are on a visit to rela- tives in Covington, -U- Several communications have been crowded out. They will ap- pear next week. -,- A fine daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. De- pree last Friday. -U- Get your school supplies at the Madisonville Drug Store and save money. -U- District Court has been in ses- sion all the week. We1 will pub- lish the decisions next week. "-- The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Domergue, Jr., who has been seriously ill, is convalescing. -U-- The Police Jury passed an ordi- nance forbidding the sale of game. See proceedings in another column. -*- WANTED.-- An engineer or fireman, and ten Brickyard Hands, at Alexius' Brickyard. There will be a grand entertain- ment and ball in Conrad's Hall, Abita Springs, tonight, October 18. Admission, 25 cents; bhildren, 10 cents. -*- Mrs. J. J. Biery sent us a fine Japanese plum last Monday. It was nine inches in circumference and had a delicious flavor. -0- White paint for painting your grave yard fences, etc.. for Thanks- giving 30c a quart, at the Madison- ville Drug Store. -*- Mrs. S. L. Mitchell and sister, Miss Bertha Wunderlich, returned last week, after speding the sum- mer in New York and New Hamp- shire. -0- Mr. F. F. Planche, dealer in stove and fire wood, solicits the patronage of the public. Wood delivered in any part of town. See his advertisement on first page. -*- There will be religous services at Hic:kory, about three miles north- east If Abita, next Sunday, at eleven A. i., conducted by a Pro- testant minister. Subject of the seramon, "Moses at the burning bush." Tile Pontchatoula Progress, a new paper established at Pontcha- toula, with A. H. Faust as editor and proprietor, has been received at this olflice. Bro. Faust is a news- paper writer of experience, and he has our best wishes for success. -*- Mr. A. Frederick made a fine collection to secure a new teacher for the public school last Saturday. The list will be found in another column. It is not quite enough, but the rest can be raised in a short time. -*- St. Joseph's College, a model boarding and day school, in a charming location near Covington. is open for the reception of pupils. We call attention to the advertise- ment, in another column. -0- One of the most enjoyable rides of the season was that of last Wednesday night. those who participated in the ride were: Misses Martinez. Flotte, Jessie Ev- ans, Genevyeve- Burns, Annie Smith, Bertha Doerr and Eva Ken- nedy. The gentlemen were Ed. Evans, C. Hosmer. Clay Hebert, Joe Claverie, G. Stockman and Julian Smith. Afte an enjoyable ride, the gat landed at the New Abitta 8 g Hotel, where dancing was and refreshments were in abundance. parties return thanks to the tors of said hotel for the recepdon given them. Robertson All Right. Sam Robertson, in the Sixth Disti ict, has heard of a nice young man who yearns for his seat in Congress, but the aforesaid young man will continue to yearn for some time before he succeeds in breaking the hold the distinguished] senior member of the Louisiana delegation has upon the people of the Sixth District. The long ill- ness and ultimate death, a few days ago, of his aged mother, have made a canvass of his district im- possible on the part of Colonel Robertson; but the people will rally to his support in November, and re-elect him by an overwhelm- ing majorit.--Daily States. -- We acknowledge the receipt of an invitatii,n from Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. A. Doerr, to attend the marriage of their daughter Amanda and Mr. Joseph B. Lancaster, at St. Peter's Church, Wednesday, October 29, at 11 A. M. -*-- ]'he St. Tammany Health Homes Company gave a complimentary excursion to St. Tammany last Thursday, in honor of the opening of the new depot and postoffice. We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation, and regret we were un- able to attend. -*- List of Letters Remaining in the Post Offiee at Cov- ington, La., Oct. 13, 1902: Britt Jesse Corkern Alex Davidson F J Grace Annie Gorman Ben GriGnflin L Mr Hilliard I Hanna J H Mrs Louis G A Pare Natbhn Thomas S S Wright Cecilia Miss Webb Kith and Tlucia. Post Otffice opens at 8 A M. and closes at 7:15 P. M. sharp. LOUISE ALVAREZ, P. M Subscription for an Ad- ditional Teacher. We, the nndersigned hereby subscribe the amount opposite our names for the purpose of raising sufficient funds to employ a fifth teacher for the Covington Public School, said amount to be used ex- clusively for the payment of the teacher: Thomas Hebert.......... 1 00 Louis B. Abadie.. ...... 1 00 J R Cabier.............. 1 00 E Galmiche.............. 2 00 A Frederick............. 5 00 N G Pearshall ........... 10 00 East La R R Co.......... 5 00 C K Mullings............. 2 00 TE Brewster............ 5 00 Joseph B Lancaster....... 5 00 Hardy H Smith.......... 5 00 Paul S Dulion........... 2 50 E .J Frederick........... 2 50 Emile Frederick.......... 2 50 B M Miller..... ........ 2 50 V Planche.............. 2 50 JS Jones................ 5 00 V H Frederick........... 2 00 W\ Galatas.............. 1 00 C Z Williams............ 5 00 W E Blossman............. 1 00 H R Warren............ 5 00 Jules B Maille.......... 1 00 M1C Day................ 1 00 Barrere Bros............ 2 00 Coltora & Segond........ 2 00 Z A .Goss................ 1 00 Theo Zinser.............. 1 00 I) M Wadsworth.......... 1 00 J A Wadsworth ........... 1 00 S D Bulloch............ 1 00 C S E Babington........ 10 00 W L Fussell............ 1 00 Louis Medal............ 1 00 CI H Bickham............. 1 00 S D Bateman;............ 1 00 Harley E Ellis.......... 2 00 Poole Bros.............. 1 00 C F Hardie............... 2 50 A lily.................. 1 00 L Wehrli. ............... 1 00 Dr J F Pigott............ 1 00 L Lacroix............... 1 00 M Christoffer...... ..... 1"00 R Kleemuan............... 1 00 Paul Segond.............. 1 00 J L Watkins............. 5 00 L Levy..................1 00 Thos M Burns............ 2 00 J A Laborde........ ..... 1 00 J L Lacroix.............. 1 00 J M Brown.............. 1 00 E Domergue, sr.......... 1 00 Roubion & Stroble... ... 3 00 J F Jolly...... .......... 2 00 Dr Marrero....... ....... . 1 00 G R Tolson .............. 00 Lewis L Morgan.......... 2 50 Jas M Thompson.......... 5 00 B. Labat................ 5 00 W G Kentzel............ 2 00 V B Cooper .............. 1 00 Walter Bennett ....... ... 50 H B Cook....... ....... 100 J D McLain................. 1 00 J M Aoueille.............. 1 00 B Carpenter .............. 1 00 Chas L Smith............ 2 00 E JDomergue, jr.... ... 2 560 '. D. Mullias............ 2 00 Total ............ ... $160 00 There will be an entertainment at the Pythian Hall on Friday, Oct. 24, for the benefit of the Presbyterian Church, Admission 25 cents, children 15 cents. --- *r--- Bargains in Violins and Mando- lins at the Madisonville Drug Store. -0-- FOR SALE..--Surrey and gen- tie horse. Apply to C. A. JANVIEH, Abita Springs. D1EI'. - In Covington, La., Wednesday, Oct. r5, 1902, Charles Maiben Poole, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Poo4e, aged-i year and three months. The funeral took place Thur,. day afternoos, Rev. J. M. Wil- liams officiating. Now is ycir chance to get a wheel. Wishing to close out my sVoee I will sell good new bicycles at $r6 50 while they last. ?. W. VACAIER, Mad~ieonville. -3-e- A fine lot of rugs andifi:ll dress patterns at usual, low prices at the Madesunville Notion Store:. FO)R SALE.--Six Muless. Pine-' land:Park, La. a-- FO(M SALE.-25,000 stalks of seed case, in lots-to suit. W. G. BIERi Y. Thomasville Notes Thlonmasville, La. Oct. 14,.1 90~. Editor St. Tammany ]Fituaa. As it has been a long time since I have seen a letter from The'ras- ville. I thought I would write you a few lines. Corn made about one-half Cane and cotton did very poor. Thera is lots of log hauling go- ing on around here. Mr. Otto Stratntan ani Mr. Henry Pfeiffer were out here on a squirrel hunt, last Thursday, and killed sixty. Mr. V. Frederick and a friend came out Thursday evening, but owing to the raim Fri- day returned home. Come again, when the weather is better. T. W. Cameron paid us a flying visit last Sunday. A bouncing boy arrived at tti home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grant- ham on the 8th. Mr. E. B. Tlhomas returned last Tuesday from the Baptist Assoota- tion. and reports a fine turnout. H. S. W. Yerger INotes. Verger La., Oct. 14, 1903. Editor St. Tammanv FARMER: I have waited some time to see if the Second Ward could produce another writer like the former Clodhopper, and for the simple fact that no ode has turned up, I take the liberty and this oppor- tunity to scratch a few items of local interest, and perhaps some one will be pleased to learn that we farmers around Verger are still able to live, though it is a tough problem, when bacon is 15 ients'i per pound, and cotton and. corn both are short; but thank God there is a way. It is true, every dog has his day, unless there are more dogs than there are days. The cotton crop, generally speak- ing, is harvested around here, and take the crop as a whole I believe it has made a very fair yield. Corn is not all gathered. Sugar cane will be an average yield. Po- tatoes light. .Mr. Jno. S. Yates has completed his new house on homestead. We are sorry to note the death of Mr. and Mrs. Yates' little child, a few weeks ago. Messrs. Emile and Eddie Fred- erick were on a business trip here this week. Messrs. Eddie and Macauley Blackwell have recently purchased the old Blackwell farm. Hurrah for our boys! Mr. Alex. Blackwell sold a splendid tract of pine land last week to Mr. E. J. Frederick, of Covington. Mr. S. .1. Glaze will return Mon- day to complete Mr. Alex. Black- well's new residence. Mrs. Dave Lavinghouse and Mrs. Hart have been spending a few happy days around their old home. We learn that Mr. H. G. Rogers will leave soon for other parts. 'Tis rumored that Mr. John H. Simmons will come south in a short while. Best wishes to all of the FARMER• host. - B. E. J. When you go to New Orleans stop at Penn's Hotel,, corner of St. Charles and Poydras streets. All front rooms, newly furnished - throughout. Charges reasonable, ) by the day or week. Police Jury. Covington, La., Oct 1.-, 1902. The Poliee Jury mnet on thi above date and remaineI in setsioi' two days. Present- First ward-Geo. Koepp, Jr. Second ward-W-\ m. Bruhl. Third ward-G. C. Alesius Fourth ward-Jos. 4. Smaitlh. Fifth ward-Crawford Williams. Sixth ward-- . Q. Q. Parker. Seventh ward- John A. Todd. Eighth ward-John Swinson. Ninth ward-W. E. Gause. On motion, duly seconded, the minutes of the last meetilg wree read and approved. (AY motion of Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Williams, the following resolution was then adopted: Be it resolved, That the read now travelled by the public between Sunny Brook ti John Legier's.. being the most south and eastern road .be decl•red to be the pe bli read. and that portion of the pubIle: road to the north and west of same be- and is hereby abandoned, at no cost to the parish. The following petition was then eead: blidel, La., Oc•b, 9, 190M Ifon.. Pres.and Members of the 1Rolice Jury, nowvia sessiou, Covington, La. Qentlemen:.--I• order to reach our brick.plant and saw mill ramps,.witb our logging road, now extending. from. Bayou. Liberty, in a northwesterly di- rection,. it will. Ia absolutely noeessaity for usato conestruct bridge across-Bayou. Vincent. at a place indicated to youru honorable president, Mr. Koepp., Ais this Bayou. is navigable, we understand it will be necessary to build a draw in. order to lot vessels go up and down,, which we acrpose t. do. Our proposi- tion is to. build a bridge across said bayou, allowing oar ears to pass over,. and the bridge will be provided with.a draw leaving a &5it-wide opening; in, the bayou at its deepest point, which will be amply wide enough for all ves- sels plying in this. bayou. We shall. also attend to theo(pening of said bridge when ever vessels want to pass. We ask your honorable body permia.- sion to ooustruct this bridge, and upon receipt of this permission, we will imme- diately proceed with the building.ofl same. Trusting that yoe will considerfavor- ably this petition, we are, Yours truly, SALMiE. BRICK & LBR. CO., Ltd:,. Pr. F. SALMEN, V. P. On motion of Mr. Gause, seconded - by Mr. Parker, the above petition was granted.. Covington, La., Oct. 13, 1902.. To the Honorable President and Mem- bers of the Police Jury. Gentlemen-Please consider this, my application for the position of Parish stenographer, to take testimony in crim- inal cases for the Parish of St. Tam- many, Louisiana, for the year ending June 3,), 1902, at the same salary as the previous stenographer, one hundred dollars (1100.00) per year. Respectfully, MISS EDNA L. RICHARD. On motion, duly seconded, the above application was accepted, to take effect Monday, October 20, 1902. The following ordinance was then adopted: Be it ordained by the Police Jury of St. Tammany, That it shall be unlaw- ful for any person to sell, barter, or exchange any deer, wild turkeys, quail or partridges, to any merchant or other person within the confines of the Parish, or any other place in the State of Louisiana. That any person violat- ing the provisions of this law shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and if found guilty be fined In sum of not less than $10 nor more than $100, and in default of payment oq pe and costs he shall be imprisoned in the Parish jail, not to exceed 40 days. It was moved by Mr. T''ood, see- onded by Mr. Alexius, that the jail committee complete the parish jail, by purchasing eight steel cells, four for the upper story and four for the lower story. Carried. The following reports were then read: TAX COLLECTOR'S. REPORT Statement of 1'. E. Brewster, Tax-Collector, for the quarter end- ing Sept. 30, 1902. Parish Tax, 55 21. Criminal Fund, 27 60, less 5 per cent com. 1 38............. $26 22 Road Fund, 8 28, less 5 per cent com. 41 .............. 7 87 School fund, 8 26, less 5 per cent com., 41 ......... 7 87 General fund, 11 05, less 5 per cent com., 55 .............. 10 50 Total .................. $52 46 Corporation Tax, 57 76_ Criminal fund, 36 10, less 5 per cent com., 1 80.............. 34 30 Road fund, 10 83, less 5 per cent com., 54 .... .......... 10 29 School fund, 10 83, less 5 per com., 54 .... ............ .. 10 29 Total......... . ....... $51 88 Parish License 307 50,less 5 per cent com., 15 37....... .... 292 15 Poll Tax 5 00, less 5 per cent com. 25 ............ 4 75 Prr Capita tax, 10 00, less 5 per cent com., 50...... ....... 9 50 Hire of Isaac Washington, 12 u0 less 5 percentcom.60 ....... 11 40 Lumber of old jail 2 00........ 2 00 Grand total........ .... 427 12 Amount available to each fund: Criminal fund .......... $71 92 Road fund ............ 27 66 School fund ............. 22 91 General fund......... 304 63 Total.............. $427 12 I certify the above to be a true and correct statement of all amounts collected by me, from July 1, 1902, to Sept. 30, 1902, incuisive, * T. LE BREW8STER, Tax-Collector. Sworn and subscribed before methis 13th day cf Oct, A. D. 1902. H. B. WA, EN, Clerk. On motion, duly seconded, the above report was adopted. TREASURER'S REPORI' Statement of A. A. Frederick, Parish Treasurer for the qunarer- ending Sept. 30, 1902: General Fund. Btlmance on hand July -1, 19;)2.. 1 49 Amount rec'd from Sheriff.. 376 55 Total......................$378 04 Warrants paid out to Sept. 30 376 50 Balance <tn hand...... ..... 1 54 Total ........... ...... 837 04 Road Fund. Balance on hand, July 1, 1902, 3476 42 Received from Sheriff, Sept. 30, 27 66 Total ........ ........... $3504 08 VWartrnts paid to Sept 90.... 1373 02 BalA o nc . on hand Oct. 1, 19f2 2131 06 Total ........ ........... 350* 08 Amount of warrant paid by the Bank of Covington to Out. 1 19,3, not redeemed.......... 5!35 76 Respecualily submitted tllts 3 t day of October, 1902. ADOLPH FREDIlt CK, Parish l'easurer. (i motion, duly secondedrthe4 arcve repvet was adopted. 'INAN&tE COMMIIT1EE. l'o tlO .,nor.,~,l Presidenit aod muns- enlrs of the Pl ice Jury: Gentlemen -We, your Finanm-Com- mitteer- have esamiued the Treaserer's' books' ud find teem correct, tc•1it;: General Fund. Balanuceden hand,.July 1, 19012 1' 40' Ain't reed from Sheriff Sept. 30 3•0' 55 TotaS ............. $3'i'04< Warrante' paid S•pt. 30, 1902, 9..55, Balance 3as hand.............. 1.54 Road Fund. Balance o mhand Juiy 1. 1902.. 34.tR 40 Am't rec'dfrorn Sheriff Sent. 30 2,66: Ainm't paid.nut Sept, 30, 1902... 1373.0 . ]Ilalance on' hand Ut. 1, 1902.. 2131 06 We alsoapproved bills amountin,.o. 1Ss;98 06. Respectfmuly subnmitted. JOIIN H. TODD JOQ. M. SMITH H. Q. PARKER, PFiance Comm.tteea. On tnotmiou, dty: seconded, the- above report was asopted and the e~ntelled warrt ats. were destroyed, ,b~ burning: 'Ifhe fulo,wing bills were then read- aud, approved:: WeareaTkomas,Assessor, for maki•D assesemaent rl,--$"22,5 (0 29, total Par- ish, at 4 per cent, $901 60; poll tax,. $F126;, at 4 per cent, $50 4.,; road, hands, $1491t at 5 per cent $74 60.: Total, $1025 G1. H. R. Warren, Clerk of Court, for drawing jnry for October term, 2 days. $10; for inquessts: Jacob Wilde, Flor- ence CyprisaI, Manuel Goneoz, Law- rence Crawford, Stean Hecton, Un- known waite man, Henry Williams,., at $1 50 each, $10 50. Total, $20 50. H. J. Smith, H. A. Verret, V. H. Frederick. S. J. Talley, for Grand Jury service, 2 days, $10 each; Chas. Oullt- ber, 1 day, $5; M. Hestrest, C;has, Heintz. witnesses, $2 each. Total,; $59.. Grani Tolal, $69 50. H. E. Badon, for boarding prisoners:: Joseph Young, 18 days; Paul Joseph, 18 days; George Segar. 18 days; Ed, Eaton, 101 days; Chas. Felder, 31 days;. Sy Henderson, ;l0 days; John Holmes. 26 days, at 50 cents per day, $121. T. E Brewster, Sheriff, for convey, ing Si Henderson 54 miles, at 5 cents. per mile, 2 70; for traveling. 66 miles. at 1o cents per mile, 6 60; for convey uing Geo. Dorsey to New Orleans, 5 00; for traveling 120 miles at 10 cents per mile, 12 00; for cleaning courthouse, July, August, September, 15 00; for express on poll tax books, 35 cents; for for conveying Geo. Dorse) from New Orleans, 5 00; for traveling 120 miles. at 10 cents, 12 00; for expenses on trip, 3 00. Total, $61 65" 1)r. F. Julius Heintz, Coroner-- For holding inquest upon the body- of Steve Hector, colored, and one dollar for horse hire, $11 00, For holding inquest upon the body of unknown white man; railroad fare-to lidell and return, buggy hire, and telegram, $14 05. For holding inquest upon the body of Lawrence Crawford, colored, fare to and from Slidell, and buggy hIre, $13 70. For viewing body of Florestine Cy- prian, $5. For viewing body of Henry Williams, colored, burying same,-and horse- hire, $18. For Viewing body of Celestine Cy- prian, and horse hire, 9$5. Dr. J. F. Polk, for professional ser- vices to prisoners John Holmes. Si Henderson and Ed. Eaton, as per item- ized bill, $15. -- es iou si•, Louis ourreaur, Edgar Dosett, Choate Cousin, H. E Badon, Eug Badon, Louis Ho- rand, Wallace Pichon, Edgar Du- sen, Wallace Pecou, Lewis` Bu-ns. H B. Holliday, Paul Verger, A. A. Zeitvogel and M. Burns, for ser- vices at inquests as jurymen, 2 00 each, $30. B. T. Carroll, for digging grave for Si Henderson, a parish prisoner who died in prison at Slidell, coffin, hauling body' to burial ground. and nursing Henderson one night. $9 50. Criminal Sheriff, Parish of Or- leans, for boarding Geo. Dawson from Aug. 3 to Oct. 10, 68 days, $34. H. E. Badon, for services ren- dered as constable from ,uly, 1901, to July 1, 1902, $10. H. B. Cook, for, boarding Jesse Page 2 days and Bill Williams two days, at 50 cents per day, $2. Leslie L. Crow, for salary as con- stable for quarter ending Sept. 30, 1902, $9 35. John Y. Crow, for services as constatlle for quarter ending September 30, 1902, $9 35. Eugene Dupriest, for guarding George Dorsey 1 night, and.board, $2 60. 0. J. Onlliber, for services as constable. for quarter ending Sept. ,0. 1902, $5. Hardy H. Smith, for I pair of slesorb , 26 eents.i E. R Doyle, for services as jus- :ice of the ple:ce for quarter ending Sptt. 30, 1902, $. 50. E. Dupriest, for services as con- stuble for quarter ending Sep t30, 19 2, $12 00 Jack - , for services .n- dered in preparing room fur Silas Henderson (insace) 1 day, and material, $3 P. C. Smith, for services as con- stable for quarter ending Sept. 30, 1902, $3 75. E J. Pichon, for services as con=' stable for quarter einding Sept. 30, 1902, $7 40. Thoe. O'Keefe, for budlding poll, booth at Sandy Ford, aml for ma- etnal, t30. E. J, Frederick, for account in[ full to Octobei 13, 1902, $14 85. 1i. J. Frederick, merchandise, 45 cents. S. J. Talley, for waiting on the Grand- Jury for October terms, five days, $10. Babinvton & Co., for mercian- dise as per itemized account of Oct. 13, 190(2; $10 50. C. Stegall, court stenograpbrlr, for services for quarter ending Out. 1, 1902, $25. 1V. G. Kenizell. as per iletmized rill. $76 60. C. W. Cossou, for' Uonveyancet ,Record Letter A 3, and vowel in- dea, $14 00. The followi.'g bills wre'rejected: Tom Arnoldh.L. L. Cpow, Dr. J. -.. Polk, F. A. Bourgeois,. and Tom liearty, for services as- j~rors at itolpet upon tie bodyrot Henry fHICuer. In June, 1902,-$ Weaeh. o Ewa ran we - isuod; to members- for miteage and per-dOlm: Geo- Koepp, Jr 0 00 Wmn Bruhl, 4 60 sk. _ Alexius, 700 SJoes•M. Smith, 13 00 Crasaford William-a. 11 2 0 H.. ci, Parker, 15 00 Jnc. A. Todd, 1t 00 John Swinson, ~" 20 W.-. Gause, 50, 80 Trhose being no fiutherrbuasiiess, the Paice Jury theneadjpuanetill the- neSt regular meeting,. Jantary._ GEO. KOE*P,. Jac,. Presiden4. W. (G KENTZEL, Secretary. School Board. Covington, La., Oft, 9, l0M. The School Board met in. regu- lar session on the abovae date. present- First Ward-Emile Fuhrmann. Second Ward-Psau-Vergea. 'Third Ward-Dr. Geo, R. Tilson. Fourth Ward- L. L..Morgan. Fifth Ward-H. G. Menetre. Sixth Ward-Levy Crow. Ninth Ward-- Paul M. Sadler. Absent- Seventh Ward--J. J. Cusachs. The minutes of the meeting of April 19, 1902, wetk read and on motion of Dr. Tolron, seconded by Mr. Emile Fuhamann, were adopted as read. The Parish Treasuaer, A. Fred- erick, submitted his report, which was read, showing a balance of hand for quarter ending Sept. 30, 1902, of $1366.40. It was moved by Mr. Crow, sea- onded by Dr. Tolson, that the Treasurer's report be. adopted as read. Carried. It was moved by Dr. Tolson, seconded by Mr. Crow, that a com- mittee of three be appointed to ex- amine the warrants paid out by the Parish Treasurer. Carried. The President appointed the fol- lowing committee: Dr. G. R. Tol- son, C. V. Guzman, and H. G. Menetre. The committee appointed to ex- amine the warrants paid out by the Treasurer submitted the following report: Covington, La., Oct. 9, 1902. To the honorable President and mem- bers of the School Board. Gentlemen-We, the committee appointed to examine the books, vouchers and accounts of the Parish Treasurer, beg leave to make the following report: We find the books correct and the warrants in his possession paid up to date, and we destroyed the warrants by burn- ing them. Respectfully submitted: G. R. TOLSON. C. V. GUSMAN. H. G. MENETRE. It was moved by Mr. Crockette, seconded by Mr. Verger, that the report of the committee be adopted. Carried. It was moved by Mr. Crockette, seconded by Mr. Crow. that the Parish Treasurer be instructed to employ the Parish Surveyor to sur- vey the 16th section school landa township 8, south range 15 east, situated in Honey Island. Carried, t'he following bills were then read: W. G. Kentzel, to services as ot- ficial printer, quarter ending Sept. 30. 1902, $10. ro printing cur- riculum for public schools, $15. A. Frederick, Parish Treasurer, to commission on the expenditure of quarter ending Sept. 30, 1902, on $1807.10, at 2*1 per cent $45.11. It was moved by Dr. Tolson, seconded by Mr. H. . U. Menetre, that said bills be paid. Carried, There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and duly carried, the Board adjourned until the next regular meeting. JOS. B. LANCASFER, Sec'y and Supt. LEWIS. L. MORGAN, P'resdewt. Call at the lasdisonville Drag Store and get your cold curei at oncie. No care, no lay. We mealr what we say. -6- FOR SALE-25 ton of hay, in half ton lots or more. Address Winm. G. Biery, Coviugto&, La. Horse Branch Sanday School. ]Mo•re Branch, October 14, 19+. Editorf t Tammany Farmer: As the Horse Branch Sundy SchooP has changed iliterature:l have dterded to ran the Snnd. School three Sundays in eat mouth. The frst,' second and third uudav. We heartily welcome all o come and help to make Horse ranch aunday School one of the best comamieity bunday Schools in m St. Tammany 'arish. I especially invite all ,he parents to come out ean-take pest. then the children will be sure-to come. I want every mesmber to be present on the third Sunday, Octbher 19th, as there will be a4Sandavy Sebool lecture by Rev. John.FusseliL. Come o'nt, one and all. It, may do you good; but leave' your whiskey and wind aV honde.- That w the place for it- et at Sundey School. Best wishes to the FARnER, and a long life iw jparalism. JAMES W. ALLISON. " Supt. Sunday School. St. Joaseph's College., Boardingt and Day School. Situated neas Covington. PREPARATOQRY, COM3MERC1AL, AND CLASSICAL COURSES. For particulars, address: Tae BENEDICTINE FATHERS, Covington,. La. Hardy H. Snith. Successor to J. E. Smith & Sons. COVINGTON, LA. Daar~n Ix General Merchandise, Consisting of all the great STAPLE 'ARTICLES, Dry Goods & Grocerirs HARDWARE, OROCKERY, and. indeed every aolcle in demand as suited to this market. p The highest Price paid for Country Produce White Cross Cough Drops. For the cure of ,al-- diseases of the Throat and Lungs, Bronchitis, Croup, Hoarseness, Hacking Cough anad Whooping Cough. -We absolutely guarantee this remedy to cure any case of Croup, and makes Whooping Couligh so easy that it is almost a pleasure tp base it,and know that you went through, it with so little trouble. May 80, 1899. WHrIT CROSS MEDICINE CO., New Orleans, La: My Dear Sir:-Your "White OCpes Cough Syrup" cured me of an obstinast and hacking cough, which failed to yield to several other remedies. I heartily recommend it. Yours truly, E. W. BROWN, Manager Ciga Departmeat, Albert Mackie Grocery Co., L't'd. It does not constipate. It does not cause headache. It d t affect the appetite. .,It does not Isrirdigestion. But, it stops a cougli It will cure croup. It will cleat the throat. It will cure any cold. It will make whooping cough easy. .... PRICE 25 CTS. -... U. 8, Land Office, New Orleans, La. I October 18, 190•. Notiee is hereby given tha' the follow- Sing-named settler L.as filed notice of his intention to make final proof, in sunp- port of his claim, and said proof will ho made before the elerk Vor the distriet court, at Covingtcn, IA;, on Tuesday. November 18, 1901, via: ALEXANDER P. BLACKWELL. Who made homvsteadentry No. ,848M for the northeast quarter of the north- east qairter ot section Si, township 4, south range 10 east, St Mrelenain Meridian. - He names the. folloring witnestap tr• Ilprove his eotinuous residene ue and oiltiio aid land, vis: John St .or C.Blackwall Wills Blackwell and ri" alt of Vere aP. .. . aees-St. Waiimu Laoun, f-rg.e.

Transcript of Zt. rnunrng armer.

Page 1: Zt. rnunrng armer.

Zt. rnunrng armer.Page 9.

October 18 1902.



WEATHER REPORT'z• F Por week %nding Oct. 15, 1902:

Oct 1Max. Mmn. Rainfall.Oct.9...... ...83 33 .15

10..........70 58 .6511 .........85 62 .-12...... ...87 59 ,

,13..........91 61 .5014..... ....79 6815...... ...79 44 1. frost

C. CHAMPAGNE, Observer.

The street car strike in New Or-leans came to an end last Sunday.


Mlr. Rosser Stroble and wife, ofMeridian, are on a visit to rela-tives in Covington,


Several communications havebeen crowded out. They will ap-pear next week.


A fine daughter arrived at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. De-pree last Friday.


Get your school supplies at theMadisonville Drug Store and savemoney.


District Court has been in ses-sion all the week. We1 will pub-lish the decisions next week.


The little daughter of Mr. andMrs. E. Domergue, Jr., who hasbeen seriously ill, is convalescing.


The Police Jury passed an ordi-nance forbidding the sale of game.See proceedings in another column.


WANTED.-- An engineer orfireman, and ten Brickyard Hands,at Alexius' Brickyard.

There will be a grand entertain-ment and ball in Conrad's Hall,Abita Springs, tonight, October18. Admission, 25 cents; bhildren,10 cents.


Mrs. J. J. Biery sent us a fine

Japanese plum last Monday. Itwas nine inches in circumferenceand had a delicious flavor.


White paint for painting yourgrave yard fences, etc.. for Thanks-giving 30c a quart, at the Madison-ville Drug Store.


Mrs. S. L. Mitchell and sister,Miss Bertha Wunderlich, returnedlast week, after speding the sum-mer in New York and New Hamp-shire.


Mr. F. F. Planche, dealer in

stove and fire wood, solicits the

patronage of the public. Wooddelivered in any part of town. See

his advertisement on first page.-*-

There will be religous services atHic:kory, about three miles north-east If Abita, next Sunday, ateleven A. i., conducted by a Pro-testant minister. Subject of theseramon, "Moses at the burningbush."

Tile Pontchatoula Progress, a

new paper established at Pontcha-toula, with A. H. Faust as editor

and proprietor, has been receivedat this olflice. Bro. Faust is a news-

paper writer of experience, and hehas our best wishes for success.


Mr. A. Frederick made a finecollection to secure a new teacherfor the public school last Saturday.The list will be found in anothercolumn. It is not quite enough,but the rest can be raised in a shorttime.


St. Joseph's College, a modelboarding and day school, in acharming location near Covington.

is open for the reception of pupils.We call attention to the advertise-ment, in another column.


One of the most enjoyable rides

of the season was that of lastWednesday night. those who

participated in the ride were:Misses Martinez. Flotte, Jessie Ev-

ans, Genevyeve- Burns, Annie

Smith, Bertha Doerr and Eva Ken-

nedy. The gentlemen were Ed.

Evans, C. Hosmer. Clay Hebert,Joe Claverie, G. Stockman and

Julian Smith.Afte an enjoyable ride, the

gat landed at the New Abitta8 g Hotel, where dancing was

and refreshments werein abundance.parties return thanks to thetors of said hotel for the

recepdon given them.

Robertson All Right.Sam Robertson, in the Sixth

Disti ict, has heard of a nice youngman who yearns for his seat inCongress, but the aforesaid youngman will continue to yearn forsome time before he succeeds inbreaking the hold the distinguished]senior member of the Louisianadelegation has upon the people ofthe Sixth District. The long ill-ness and ultimate death, a fewdays ago, of his aged mother, havemade a canvass of his district im-possible on the part of ColonelRobertson; but the people willrally to his support in November,and re-elect him by an overwhelm-ing majorit.--Daily States.


We acknowledge the receipt ofan invitatii,n from Mr. and Mrs.Charles J. A. Doerr, to attend themarriage of their daughter Amandaand Mr. Joseph B. Lancaster, atSt. Peter's Church, Wednesday,October 29, at 11 A. M.


]'he St. Tammany Health HomesCompany gave a complimentaryexcursion to St. Tammany lastThursday, in honor of the openingof the new depot and postoffice.We acknowledge the receipt of aninvitation, and regret we were un-able to attend.


List of LettersRemaining in the Post Offiee at Cov-

ington, La., Oct. 13, 1902:Britt JesseCorkern AlexDavidson F JGrace AnnieGorman BenGriGnflin L MrHilliard IHanna J H MrsLouis G APare NatbhnThomas S SWright Cecilia MissWebb Kith and Tlucia.

Post Otffice opens at 8 A M. andcloses at 7:15 P. M. sharp.


Subscription for an Ad-ditional Teacher.

We, the nndersigned herebysubscribe the amount opposite ournames for the purpose of raisingsufficient funds to employ a fifthteacher for the Covington PublicSchool, said amount to be used ex-clusively for the payment of theteacher:Thomas Hebert.......... 1 00Louis B. Abadie.. ...... 1 00J R Cabier.............. 1 00E Galmiche.............. 2 00A Frederick............. 5 00N G Pearshall ........... 10 00East La R R Co.......... 5 00C K Mullings............. 2 00TE Brewster............ 5 00Joseph B Lancaster....... 5 00Hardy H Smith.......... 5 00Paul S Dulion........... 2 50E .J Frederick........... 2 50Emile Frederick.......... 2 50B M Miller..... ........ 2 50V Planche.............. 2 50JS Jones................ 5 00V H Frederick........... 2 00W\ Galatas.............. 1 00C Z Williams............ 5 00W E Blossman............. 1 00H R Warren............ 5 00Jules B Maille.......... 1 00M1C Day................ 1 00Barrere Bros............ 2 00Coltora & Segond........ 2 00Z A .Goss................ 1 00Theo Zinser.............. 1 00I) M Wadsworth.......... 1 00J A Wadsworth ........... 1 00S D Bulloch............ 1 00C S E Babington........ 10 00W L Fussell............ 1 00Louis Medal............ 1 00CI H Bickham............. 1 00S D Bateman;............ 1 00Harley E Ellis.......... 2 00Poole Bros.............. 1 00C F Hardie............... 2 50A lily.................. 1 00L Wehrli. ............... 1 00Dr J F Pigott............ 1 00L Lacroix............... 1 00M Christoffer...... ..... 1"00R Kleemuan............... 1 00Paul Segond.............. 1 00J L Watkins............. 5 00L Levy..................1 00Thos M Burns............ 2 00J A Laborde........ ..... 1 00J L Lacroix.............. 1 00J M Brown.............. 1 00E Domergue, sr.......... 1 00Roubion & Stroble... ... 3 00J F Jolly...... .......... 2 00Dr Marrero....... ....... . 1 00G R Tolson .............. 00Lewis L Morgan.......... 2 50Jas M Thompson.......... 5 00B. Labat................ 5 00W G Kentzel............ 2 00V B Cooper .............. 1 00Walter Bennett ....... ... 50H B Cook....... ....... 100J D McLain................. 1 00J M Aoueille.............. 1 00B Carpenter .............. 1 00Chas L Smith............ 2 00E JDomergue, jr.... ... 2 560'. D. Mullias............ 2 00

Total ............ ...$160 00

There will be an entertainmentat the Pythian Hall on Friday,Oct. 24, for the benefit of thePresbyterian Church, Admission25 cents, children 15 cents.

--- *r---

Bargains in Violins and Mando-lins at the Madisonville DrugStore.


FOR SALE..--Surrey and gen-tie horse. Apply to

C. A. JANVIEH,Abita Springs.

D1EI'. - In Covington, La.,Wednesday, Oct. r5, 1902, CharlesMaiben Poole, infant son of Mr.and Mrs. S. M. Poo4e, aged-i yearand three months.

The funeral took place Thur,.day afternoos, Rev. J. M. Wil-liams officiating.

Now is ycir chance to get awheel. Wishing to close out mysVoee I will sell good new bicyclesat $r6 50 while they last.

?. W. VACAIER, Mad~ieonville.-3-e-

A fine lot of rugs andifi:ll dresspatterns at usual, low prices at theMadesunville Notion Store:.

FO)R SALE.--Six Muless. Pine-'land:Park, La.

a--FO(M SALE.-25,000 stalks of

seed case, in lots-to suit.W. G. BIERi Y.

Thomasville NotesThlonmasville, La. Oct. 14,.1 90~.

Editor St. Tammany ]Fituaa.As it has been a long time since

I have seen a letter from The'ras-ville. I thought I would write youa few lines.

Corn made about one-half Caneand cotton did very poor.

Thera is lots of log hauling go-ing on around here.

Mr. Otto Stratntan ani Mr.Henry Pfeiffer were out here on asquirrel hunt, last Thursday, andkilled sixty. Mr. V. Frederickand a friend came out Thursdayevening, but owing to the raim Fri-day returned home. Come again,when the weather is better.

T. W. Cameron paid us a flyingvisit last Sunday.

A bouncing boy arrived at ttihome of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grant-ham on the 8th.

Mr. E. B. Tlhomas returned lastTuesday from the Baptist Assoota-tion. and reports a fine turnout.

H. S. W.

Yerger INotes.Verger La., Oct. 14, 1903.

Editor St. Tammanv FARMER:

I have waited some time to see if

the Second Ward could produce

another writer like the formerClodhopper, and for the simplefact that no ode has turned up, Itake the liberty and this oppor-tunity to scratch a few items of

local interest, and perhaps someone will be pleased to learn thatwe farmers around Verger are stillable to live, though it is a toughproblem, when bacon is 15 ients'i

per pound, and cotton and. cornboth are short; but thank Godthere is a way. It is true, everydog has his day, unless there aremore dogs than there are days.

The cotton crop, generally speak-ing, is harvested around here, andtake the crop as a whole I believeit has made a very fair yield.

Corn is not all gathered. Sugarcane will be an average yield. Po-tatoes light..Mr. Jno. S. Yates has completed

his new house on homestead.We are sorry to note the death

of Mr. and Mrs. Yates' little child,a few weeks ago.

Messrs. Emile and Eddie Fred-erick were on a business trip herethis week.

Messrs. Eddie and MacauleyBlackwell have recently purchasedthe old Blackwell farm. Hurrahfor our boys!

Mr. Alex. Blackwell sold asplendid tract of pine land last

week to Mr. E. J. Frederick, ofCovington.

Mr. S. .1. Glaze will return Mon-

day to complete Mr. Alex. Black-well's new residence.

Mrs. Dave Lavinghouse and Mrs.Hart have been spending a fewhappy days around their old home.

We learn that Mr. H. G. Rogerswill leave soon for other parts.

'Tis rumored that Mr. John H.Simmons will come south in a shortwhile.

Best wishes to all of the FARMER•host. - B. E. J.

When you go to New Orleansstop at Penn's Hotel,, corner of St.Charles and Poydras streets. Allfront rooms, newly furnished-throughout. Charges reasonable,) by the day or week.

Police Jury.Covington, La., Oct 1.-, 1902.

The Poliee Jury mnet on thi above

date and remaineI in setsioi' twodays.

Present-First ward-Geo. Koepp, Jr.Second ward-W-\ m. Bruhl.Third ward-G. C. AlesiusFourth ward-Jos. 4. Smaitlh.Fifth ward-Crawford Williams.Sixth ward-- . Q. Q. Parker.Seventh ward- John A. Todd.Eighth ward-John Swinson.Ninth ward-W. E. Gause.On motion, duly seconded, the

minutes of the last meetilg wreeread and approved.

(AY motion of Mr. Todd, seconded byMr. Williams, the following resolutionwas then adopted:

Be it resolved, That the read nowtravelled by the public between SunnyBrook ti John Legier's.. being the mostsouth and eastern road .be decl•red tobe the pe bli read. and that portion ofthe pubIle: road to the north and westof same be- and is hereby abandoned, atno cost to the parish.

The following petition was then eead:blidel, La., Oc•b, 9, 190M

Ifon.. Pres.and Members of the 1RoliceJury, nowvia sessiou, Covington, La.Qentlemen:.--I• order to reach our

brick.plant and saw mill ramps,.witbour logging road, now extending. from.Bayou. Liberty, in a northwesterly di-rection,. it will. Ia absolutely noeessaityfor usato conestruct bridge across-Bayou.Vincent. at a place indicated to youruhonorable president, Mr. Koepp., Aisthis Bayou. is navigable, we understandit will be necessary to build a draw in.order to lot vessels go up and down,,which we acrpose t. do. Our proposi-tion is to. build a bridge across saidbayou, allowing oar ears to pass over,.and the bridge will be provided with.adraw leaving a &5it-wide opening; in,the bayou at its deepest point, whichwill be amply wide enough for all ves-sels plying in this. bayou. We shall.also attend to theo(pening of said bridgewhen ever vessels want to pass.

We ask your honorable body permia.-sion to ooustruct this bridge, and uponreceipt of this permission, we will imme-diately proceed with the building.oflsame.

Trusting that yoe will considerfavor-ably this petition, we are,

Yours truly,SALMiE. BRICK & LBR. CO., Ltd:,.

Pr. F. SALMEN, V. P.On motion of Mr. Gause, seconded -

by Mr. Parker, the above petition wasgranted..

Covington, La., Oct. 13, 1902..To the Honorable President and Mem-

bers of the Police Jury.Gentlemen-Please consider this, my

application for the position of Parishstenographer, to take testimony in crim-inal cases for the Parish of St. Tam-many, Louisiana, for the year endingJune 3,), 1902, at the same salary as theprevious stenographer, one hundreddollars (1100.00) per year.

Respectfully,MISS EDNA L. RICHARD.

On motion, duly seconded, the aboveapplication was accepted, to take effectMonday, October 20, 1902.

The following ordinance was thenadopted:

Be it ordained by the Police Jury ofSt. Tammany, That it shall be unlaw-ful for any person to sell, barter, orexchange any deer, wild turkeys,quail or partridges, to any merchant orother person within the confines of theParish, or any other place in the Stateof Louisiana. That any person violat-ing the provisions of this law shall bedeemed guilty of a misdemeanor, andif found guilty be fined In sum of notless than $10 nor more than $100, andin default of payment oq pe and costshe shall be imprisoned in the Parishjail, not to exceed 40 days.

It was moved by Mr. T''ood, see-onded by Mr. Alexius, that thejail committee complete the parishjail, by purchasing eight steel cells,four for the upper story and fourfor the lower story. Carried.

The following reports were thenread:


Statement of 1'. E. Brewster,Tax-Collector, for the quarter end-ing Sept. 30, 1902.

Parish Tax, 55 21.

Criminal Fund, 27 60, less 5 percent com. 1 38............. $26 22

Road Fund, 8 28, less 5 percent com. 41 .............. 7 87

School fund, 8 26, less 5 percent com., 41 ......... 7 87

General fund, 11 05, less 5 percent com., 55 .............. 10 50

Total .................. $52 46

Corporation Tax, 57 76_

Criminal fund, 36 10, less 5 percent com., 1 80.............. 34 30

Road fund, 10 83, less 5 per centcom., 54 .... .......... 10 29

School fund, 10 83, less 5 percom., 54 .... ............ .. 10 29

Total......... ........ $51 88Parish License 307 50,less 5 per

cent com., 15 37....... .... 292 15Poll Tax 5 00, less 5 per cent

com. 25 ............ 4 75Prr Capita tax, 10 00, less 5 per

cent com., 50...... ....... 9 50Hire of Isaac Washington, 12 u0

less 5 percentcom.60 ....... 11 40Lumber of old jail 2 00........ 2 00

Grand total........ .... 427 12

Amount available to each fund:

Criminal fund .......... $71 92Road fund ............ 27 66School fund ............. 22 91General fund......... 304 63

Total.............. $427 12I certify the above to be a true

and correct statement of all amountscollected by me, from July 1, 1902,to Sept. 30, 1902, incuisive,* T. LE BREW8STER, Tax-Collector.

Sworn and subscribed before methis13th day cf Oct, A. D. 1902.

H. B. WA, EN, Clerk.On motion, duly seconded, the

above report was adopted.

TREASURER'S REPORI'Statement of A. A. Frederick,

Parish Treasurer for the qunarer-ending Sept. 30, 1902:

General Fund.Btlmance on hand July -1, 19;)2.. 1 49Amount rec'd from Sheriff.. 376 55

Total......................$378 04Warrants paid out to Sept. 30 376 50Balance <tn hand...... ..... 1 54

Total ........... ...... 837 04Road Fund.

Balance on hand, July 1, 1902, 3476 42Received from Sheriff, Sept. 30, 27 66

Total ........ ........... $3504 08VWartrnts paid to Sept 90.... 1373 02

BalAo nc. on hand Oct. 1, 19f2 2131 06

Total ........ ........... 350* 08Amount of warrant paid by the

Bank of Covington to Out. 119,3, not redeemed.......... 5!35 76Respecualily submitted tllts 3 t day

of October, 1902.ADOLPH FREDIlt CK,

Parish l'easurer.(i motion, duly secondedrthe4 arcve

repvet was adopted.'INAN&tE COMMIIT1EE.

l'o tlO .,nor.,~,l Presidenit aod muns-enlrs of the Pl ice Jury:

Gentlemen -We, your Finanm-Com-mitteer- have esamiued the Treaserer's'books' ud find teem correct, tc•1it;:

General Fund.

Balanuceden hand,.July 1, 19012 1' 40'Ain't reed from Sheriff Sept. 30 3•0' 55

TotaS ............. $3'i'04<Warrante' paid S•pt. 30, 1902, 9..55,Balance 3as hand.............. 1.54

Road Fund.Balance o mhand Juiy 1. 1902.. 34.tR 40Am't rec'dfrorn Sheriff Sent. 30 2,66:Ainm't paid.nut Sept, 30, 1902... 1373.0 .]Ilalance on' hand Ut. 1, 1902.. 2131 06

We alsoapproved bills amountin,.o.1Ss;98 06.Respectfmuly subnmitted.


On tnotmiou, dty: seconded, the-above report was asopted and thee~ntelled warrt ats. were destroyed,,b~ burning:'Ifhe fulo,wing bills were then read-

aud, approved::WeareaTkomas,Assessor, for maki•D

assesemaent rl,--$"22,5 (0 29, total Par-ish, at 4 per cent, $901 60; poll tax,.$F126;, at 4 per cent, $50 4.,; road,hands, $1491t at 5 per cent $74 60.:Total, $1025 G1.

H. R. Warren, Clerk of Court, fordrawing jnry for October term, 2 days.$10; for inquessts: Jacob Wilde, Flor-ence CyprisaI, Manuel Goneoz, Law-rence Crawford, Stean Hecton, Un-known waite man, Henry Williams,.,at $1 50 each, $10 50. Total, $20 50.H. J. Smith, H. A. Verret, V. H.Frederick. S. J. Talley, for Grand Juryservice, 2 days, $10 each; Chas. Oullt-ber, 1 day, $5; M. Hestrest, C;has,Heintz. witnesses, $2 each. Total,;$59.. Grani Tolal, $69 50.

H. E. Badon, for boarding prisoners::Joseph Young, 18 days; Paul Joseph,18 days; George Segar. 18 days; Ed,Eaton, 101 days; Chas. Felder, 31 days;.Sy Henderson, ;l0 days; John Holmes.26 days, at 50 cents per day, $121.

T. E Brewster, Sheriff, for convey,ing Si Henderson 54 miles, at 5 cents.per mile, 2 70; for traveling. 66 miles.at 1o cents per mile, 6 60; for conveyuing Geo. Dorsey to New Orleans, 5 00;

for traveling 120 miles at 10 cents permile, 12 00; for cleaning courthouse,July, August, September, 15 00; forexpress on poll tax books, 35 cents; forfor conveying Geo. Dorse) from NewOrleans, 5 00; for traveling 120 miles.at 10 cents, 12 00; for expenses ontrip, 3 00. Total, $61 65"

1)r. F. Julius Heintz, Coroner--For holding inquest upon the body- of

Steve Hector, colored, and one dollarfor horse hire, $11 00,

For holding inquest upon the body ofunknown white man; railroad fare-to

lidell and return, buggy hire, andtelegram, $14 05.

For holding inquest upon the body ofLawrence Crawford, colored, fare toand from Slidell, and buggy hIre,$13 70.For viewing body of Florestine Cy-

prian, $5.For viewing body of Henry Williams,

colored, burying same,-and horse- hire,$18.

For Viewing body of Celestine Cy-prian, and horse hire, 9$5.

Dr. J. F. Polk, for professional ser-vices to prisoners John Holmes. SiHenderson and Ed. Eaton, as per item-ized bill, $15.-- es iou si•, Louis ourreaur,Edgar Dosett, Choate Cousin, H.E Badon, Eug Badon, Louis Ho-rand, Wallace Pichon, Edgar Du-sen, Wallace Pecou, Lewis` Bu-ns.H B. Holliday, Paul Verger, A.A. Zeitvogel and M. Burns, for ser-vices at inquests as jurymen, 2 00each, $30.

B. T. Carroll, for digging gravefor Si Henderson, a parish prisonerwho died in prison at Slidell, coffin,hauling body' to burial ground. andnursing Henderson one night.$9 50.

Criminal Sheriff, Parish of Or-leans, for boarding Geo. Dawsonfrom Aug. 3 to Oct. 10, 68 days,$34.

H. E. Badon, for services ren-dered as constable from ,uly, 1901,to July 1, 1902, $10.

H. B. Cook, for, boarding JessePage 2 days and Bill Williams twodays, at 50 cents per day, $2.

Leslie L. Crow, for salary as con-stable for quarter ending Sept. 30,1902, $9 35.

John Y. Crow, for servicesas constatlle for quarter endingSeptember 30, 1902, $9 35.

Eugene Dupriest, for guardingGeorge Dorsey 1 night, and.board,$2 60.

0. J. Onlliber, for services asconstable. for quarter ending Sept.

,0. 1902, $5.Hardy H. Smith, for I pair of

slesorb , 26 eents.i

E. R Doyle, for services as jus-:ice of the ple:ce for quarter endingSptt. 30, 1902, $. 50.

E. Dupriest, for services as con-stuble for quarter ending Sep t30,19 2, $12 00

Jack - , for services .n-dered in preparing room fur SilasHenderson (insace) 1 day, andmaterial, $3P. C. Smith, for services as con-

stable for quarter ending Sept. 30,1902, $3 75.

E J. Pichon, for services as con='stable for quarter einding Sept. 30,1902, $7 40.

Thoe. O'Keefe, for budlding poll,booth at Sandy Ford, aml for ma-etnal, t30.

E. J, Frederick, for account in[full to Octobei 13, 1902, $14 85.

1i. J. Frederick, merchandise, 45cents.

S. J. Talley, for waiting on theGrand- Jury for October terms, fivedays, $10.

Babinvton & Co., for mercian-dise as per itemized account of Oct.13, 190(2; $10 50.

C. Stegall, court stenograpbrlr,for services for quarter ending Out.1, 1902, $25.

1V. G. Kenizell. as per iletmizedrill. $76 60.

C. W. Cossou, for' Uonveyancet,Record Letter A 3, and vowel in-dea, $14 00.

The followi.'g bills wre'rejected:Tom Arnoldh.L. L. Cpow, Dr. J.

-.. Polk, F. A. Bourgeois,. and Tomliearty, for services as- j~rors atitolpet upon tie bodyrot HenryfHICuer. In June, 1902,-$ Weaeh.

o Ewa ran we -

isuod; to members- for miteage andper-dOlm:

Geo- Koepp, Jr 0 00Wmn Bruhl, 4 60sk. _ Alexius, 700

SJoes•M. Smith, 13 00Crasaford William-a. 11 2


H.. ci, Parker, 15 00Jnc. A. Todd, 1t 00John Swinson, ~" 20W.-. Gause, 50, 80Trhose being no fiutherrbuasiiess,

the Paice Jury theneadjpuanetillthe- neSt regular meeting,. Jantary._

GEO. KOE*P,. Jac,.Presiden4.

W. (G KENTZEL, Secretary.

School Board.Covington, La., Oft, 9, l0M.

The School Board met in. regu-lar session on the abovae date.present-

First Ward-Emile Fuhrmann.Second Ward-Psau-Vergea.'Third Ward-Dr. Geo, R. Tilson.Fourth Ward- L. L..Morgan.Fifth Ward-H. G. Menetre.Sixth Ward-Levy Crow.Ninth Ward-- Paul M. Sadler.

Absent-Seventh Ward--J. J. Cusachs.The minutes of the meeting of

April 19, 1902, wetk read andon motion of Dr. Tolron, secondedby Mr. Emile Fuhamann, wereadopted as read.

The Parish Treasuaer, A. Fred-erick, submitted his report, whichwas read, showing a balance ofhand for quarter ending Sept. 30,1902, of $1366.40.

It was moved by Mr. Crow, sea-onded by Dr. Tolson, that theTreasurer's report be. adopted asread. Carried.

It was moved by Dr. Tolson,seconded by Mr. Crow, that a com-mittee of three be appointed to ex-amine the warrants paid out by theParish Treasurer. Carried.

The President appointed the fol-lowing committee: Dr. G. R. Tol-son, C. V. Guzman, and H. G.Menetre.

The committee appointed to ex-amine the warrants paid out by theTreasurer submitted the followingreport:

Covington, La., Oct. 9, 1902.To the honorable President and mem-

bers of the School Board.Gentlemen-We, the committee

appointed to examine the books,vouchers and accounts of the ParishTreasurer, beg leave to make thefollowing report: We find thebooks correct and the warrants inhis possession paid up to date, andwe destroyed the warrants by burn-ing them. Respectfully submitted:


It was moved by Mr. Crockette,seconded by Mr. Verger, that thereport of the committee be adopted.Carried.

It was moved by Mr. Crockette,seconded by Mr. Crow. that theParish Treasurer be instructed toemploy the Parish Surveyor to sur-vey the 16th section school landatownship 8, south range 15 east,situated in Honey Island. Carried,

t'he following bills were thenread:

W. G. Kentzel, to services as ot-ficial printer, quarter ending Sept.30. 1902, $10. ro printing cur-riculum for public schools, $15.

A. Frederick, Parish Treasurer,to commission on the expenditureof quarter ending Sept. 30, 1902,on $1807.10, at 2*1 per cent $45.11.

It was moved by Dr. Tolson,seconded by Mr. H. . U. Menetre,

that said bills be paid. Carried,There being no further business,

on motion made, seconded and dulycarried, the Board adjourned untilthe next regular meeting.

JOS. B. LANCASFER,Sec'y and Supt.

LEWIS. L. MORGAN,P'resdewt.

Call at the lasdisonville Drag

Store and get your cold curei at

oncie. No care, no lay. We mealr

what we say.-6-

FOR SALE-25 ton of hay, inhalf ton lots or more. AddressWinm. G. Biery, Coviugto&, La.

Horse Branch SandaySchool.

]Mo•re Branch, October 14, 19+.Editorf t Tammany Farmer:

As the Horse Branch Sundy

SchooP has changed iliterature:lhave dterded to ran the Snnd.

School three Sundays in eatmouth. The frst,' second and third

uudav. We heartily welcome all

o come and help to make Horse

ranch aunday School one of the

best comamieity bunday Schools in m

St. Tammany 'arish. I especially

invite all ,he parents to come out

ean-take pest. then the childrenwill be sure-to come. I want everymesmber to be present on the thirdSunday, Octbher 19th, as there will

be a4Sandavy Sebool lecture by Rev.

John.FusseliL. Come o'nt, one and

all. It, may do you good; but

leave' your whiskey and wind aVhonde.- That w the place for it-et at Sundey School.Best wishes to the FARnER, and

a long life iw jparalism.JAMES W. ALLISON.

" Supt. Sunday School.

St. Joaseph's College.,

Boardingt and Day School.

Situated neas Covington.




For particulars, address:


Hardy H. Snith.Successor to J. E. Smith & Sons.


Daar~n Ix

General Merchandise,Consisting of all the great


Dry Goods & GrocerirsHARDWARE, OROCKERY,and. indeed every aolcle in demand as

suited to this market.p The highest Price paid for

Country Produce

White Cross Cough Drops.For the cure of ,al-- diseases of the

Throat and Lungs, Bronchitis, Croup,Hoarseness, Hacking Cough anadWhooping Cough. -We absolutelyguarantee this remedy to cure any caseof Croup, and makes Whooping Coulighso easy that it is almost a pleasure tpbase it,and know that you went through,it with so little trouble.


New Orleans, La:My Dear Sir:-Your "White OCpes

Cough Syrup" cured me of an obstinastand hacking cough, which failed toyield to several other remedies. Iheartily recommend it. Yours truly,

E. W. BROWN,Manager Ciga Departmeat,Albert Mackie Grocery Co., L't'd.

It does not constipate. It does notcause headache. It d t affect theappetite. .,It does not Isrirdigestion.But, it stops a cougli It will curecroup. It will cleat the throat. Itwill cure any cold. It will makewhooping cough easy..... PRICE 25 CTS. -...

U. 8, Land Office, New Orleans, La. IOctober 18, 190•.

Notiee is hereby given tha' the follow-Sing-named settler L.as filed notice of hisintention to make final proof, in sunp-port of his claim, and said proof will homade before the elerk Vor the distrietcourt, at Covingtcn, IA;, on Tuesday.November 18, 1901, via:

ALEXANDER P. BLACKWELL.Who made homvsteadentry No. ,848M

for the northeast quarter of the north-east qairter ot section Si, township4, south range 10 east, St MrelenainMeridian. -

He names the. folloring witnestap tr•Ilprove his eotinuous residene ueand oiltiio aid land, vis:

John St .or C.Blackwall WillsBlackwell and ri" alt of Vere

aP. .. .aees-St. Waiimu Laoun, f-rg.e.