zodiac meaning (2).doc

1)ARIES· · Aries is a flIe sign, ruled by the energetic and competitive planet Mars. Aries is symbolized by two rams butting heads against each other. so Aries indicates a challenging, adventurous spirit. It is of k sauiya, or military. nature. It is also movable and thus confers a wandering spirit 2) TAURUS· . Taurus is an earth sign, fixed in nature, representative of the sudra or labor class. Ruled by sensuous Venus, this sign gives a virile.  productive. artistic and stubborn nature. Its symbol is the bull. 3) GEMINI· . Gemini is an air sign, ruled by intellectual Mercury. It is symbolized by the pair of loyers and it is of vaisya or merchant caste. Persons with a Gemini influence are talkative, sk illed in a variety of tasks. knowledgable and alluring in appearance or style. 4) CANCER . ~. Cancer is a movable, watery sign. signifying an emotional and sensitive natur e. It is brahminical or s  piritual in nature. The symbol is the crab. which indicates attachment to household affairs and the tendency 10 complain. Rulership of this sign goes to the Moon. 5) LEO · Leo, like the first sign Aries, is fiery and military in natur e. Its symbol, the lion, indi cates an impressive appearance, showmanship and leadership ability, endurance, her oism. etc. Leo is fixed in nature. Mountainous and sunny places are connected with this sign. There is a nobility of the hean associated with it as well. 6) VIRGO - Virgo. like Taurus, is an eanhy, wor ker'ssign. Its symbol. the vi r gin, suggests purity of natur e. Other Virgo ideas are craf tsmanship, attention to detail, expressiveness. femininity, humor and other categories represented by Virgo's ruler, Mercury. 7) LIBRA  _ : Libra isa movable, air sign of merchant caste. Ruled  by Venus, it is symbolized by the scales, which indicates both a sense of  justice or concern for the good of ali, and an ability to balance one's s  piritual and material needs. Other qualitiesassociated with this sign are good judgment, business sense, success in partnerships and the ability to examine and coordinate. 8) SCORPIO - Like Cancer , this is a watery, s  piritual sign. yet

Transcript of zodiac meaning (2).doc

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1)ARIES· · Aries is a flIe sign, ruled by the energetic and

competitive planet Mars. Aries is symbolized by two rams butting

heads against each other. so Aries indicates a challenging, adventurous

spirit. It is of k sauiya, or military. nature. It is also movable and thus

confers a wandering spirit

2) TAURUS· . Taurus is an earth sign, fixed in nature,

representative of the sudra or labor class. Ruled by sensuous Venus,

this sign gives a virile. productive. artistic and stubborn nature. Its

symbol is the bull.

3) GEMINI· . Gemini is an air sign, ruled by intellectual

Mercury. It is symbolized by the pair of loyers and it is of vaisya or 

merchant caste. Persons with a Gemini influence are talkative, sk illed

in a variety of tasks. knowledgable and alluring in appearance or style.

4) CANCER . ~ . Cancer is a movable, watery sign. signifying an

emotional and sensitive natur e. It is brahminical or s piritual in nature.

The symbol is the crab. which indicates attachment to household affairs

and the tendency 10 complain. Rulership of this sign goes to the Moon.

5) LEO ·  Leo, like the first sign Aries, is fiery and military in

natur e. Its symbol, the lion, indi cates an impressive appearance,

showmanship and leadership ability, endurance, her oism. etc. Leo is

fixed in nature. Mountainous and sunny places are connected with this

sign. There is a nobility of the hean associated with it as well.

6) VIRGO - Virgo. like Taurus, is an eanhy, wor ker's sign. Its

symbol. the vi r gin, suggests purity of natur e. Other Virgo ideas are

craf tsmanship, attention to detail, expressiveness. femininity, humor 

and other categories represented by Virgo's ruler, Mercury.

7) LIBRA  _ : Libra is a movable, air sign of merchant caste. Ruled

 by Venus, it is symbolized by the scales, which indicates both a sense

of  justice or concern for the good of ali, and an ability to balance one's

s piritual and material needs. Other qualities associated with this sign


good judgment, business sense, success in partnerships and the ability

to examine and coordinate.

8) SCORPIO - Like Cancer , this is a watery, s piritual sign. yet

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it is fixed in nature. Being ruled by Mars gives it a sharp nature. Its

symbol is the scorpion, indicating that one under Scorpio's influence


cruel. revengeful or critical. The desire f or excitement and the seeker 's

mentality are also associated with this sign .

9) SAGITTARIUS -  This is a fire sign indic ative of a warr ior.

 As it is ruled by Jupiter , however , it is also a holy sign represenia tiYe

of saints" or people who aim towards a high purpose. The sign's

symbol, the ar cher, suggests ambition, vigor and endeavor towards a

 particular goal .

10) CAPRICORN - Capricorn is a movable earth sign of 

laborer nature, ruled by Saturn. The symbol is the crocodile, which

indicates that these people can live in low or unclean places while still

commanding r espect f or their potencies. Saturn's influence indicates

slowness of movement, depth of commiunent and power of influence.

11) AQUARIUS . Aquarius is an airy, fixed sign ruled by

Saturn. It is symbolized by a woman carrying water pots, indicating

that people born under this influence serve others or carry a burden.

Aquarius generates interest in mystical things and an unstable or 

 pleasantly eccentric character.

12) PISCES· This is a watery, brahminical sign ruled by pious

Jupiter . Its symbol is the two fish swimming in opposite dir ections.

Some ideas connected to this sign are intoxication, indecision, sacrifice

and salyation.