ZJU-Philips-TUE workshop




Transcript of ZJU-Philips-TUE workshop

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�Insight'to'crea3on�'Learn&consumer:&Gain'insights'into'users,'condi3ons'empathy'visualiza3on'and'Key'learning.''Learn&market:&Design'a'theme,'posi3on'our'product,'discovering'opportuni3es.'Analysis:&brainstorm'for'crea3ons'and'draw'flow'of'user'experience. �





�Crea3on'to'realiza3on�'Design&product:&Diverge'thoughts,'assess'value'of'ideas,'design'products'with'interpreta3on'and'elabora3on. �

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2050,320 million More than 23% of the total population We will enter the widely aged society

Opportunities and Challenges of China’s Aging Society

The trends for people over 60 years in China

Next decade in CHINA: Industrialization Urbanization Information Age Modernization

180 million 11% of the total population

'≥'60 yea

rs old


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We Focus on� Aging doesn't necessarily mean lack of health care, being

alone and low quality life, it can be and should be changed.

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10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80+

Investment into different life stages |Vitality-Age|


Dynamic'changes:'walking'into'aging' Sta3c:'in'aging''≥'60'We must see our life as an organically integrated entity, which is composed of mutually connected and overlapped life stages. That's also how we should experience our life. Experiences in the earlier stages of our life affect our life later.�


0-18 Adolescent : Cradle of longevity longevity, knowledge and emotional foundations were built in our adolescent period of time. �

18S25'Youth:'The beginning of good lifestyle. Young people may have no idea about the future, however, they do know that their current lifestyle, mindset and habits or anything going on may have some consequences later. �

25S40'Adults:'The time when we can develop ourselves and shoulder a citizen's responsibility. All those activities contributed to the building of our economic, social and human capital, which helps to ensure happiness of our later life stages.�

40S60�Adjustment'and'Transi3on'Middle age is a crucial time of transition. Contrary to what many people believe, this period of time is actually very shapeable. It should and must be seen as the overture for an energetic aging. It's the same logic as the good accumulation as a teen is an overture for a better adult life.�

60+�Redefining our life The vulnerability and sense of loss in our old age can be interpreted as an indispensable part of the unstoppable development of our life. Experiencing loss can be transformed into forgiveness and sympathy. Many people see the coming of death as a transformation. Thus, aging and experiences can be transformed into development and wisdom.�

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东方养生观 Eastern Thinking of keeping health

言行,心态,文化 Words and deeds, mentality, culture

“动则不衰,乐则长寿” “Life lies in motion, longevity lies in happiness”


药饵/medicinal herbs

调气/regulating Qi

动形/movement 精神/spirit

食养/food maintenance “戒骄戒躁,养调情绪”

“guard against arrogance and rashness, regulate emotions” �

“阴阳平衡,天人合一” “The integrity of man and nature”

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�Insight'to'crea3on�'Learn&consumer:&Gain'insights'into'users,'condi3ons'empathy'visualiza3on'and'Key'learning.''Learn&market:&Design'a'theme,'posi3on'our'product,'discovering'opportuni3es.'Analysis:&brainstorm'for'crea3ons'and'draw'flow'of'user'experience. �


�Crea3on'to'realiza3on�'Design&product:&Diverge'thoughts,'assess'value'of'ideas,'design'products'with'interpreta3on'and'elabora3on. �

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PAIN Genetic headache Can not quit smoking

GAIN 20 years young, enjoy the fun of modern life

Be able to have more time to pursue his own things

移情图 Empathy map

51岁 Dr. Wu He live in a small town, hoping to develop his interests. He is planning the retirement life. "I love photography and grow vegetables." "I am an otaku. "

What does he THINK and FEEL ? Hope dull day; Young people should have their own personality! Of course, also the elderly; Few people has the same interest in the town; Marital harmony, well-behaved daughter study, do not have to worry about his daily lives, very happy.

What does he HEAR ?

Friends like chatting with him to get his suggestions; Like to share with others; Good relationships with neighbors.

What does he SEE ? Many products with too many features, but do not know how to use it; Square dance is very popular in China, but the sound facilities is poor; As a doctor, found a lot of people feel uncomfortable go first to a doctor rarely buy medical equipment.

What does he SAY and DO ?

Start photography last year, went to urban Photographic Society; Start learning Internet chat, online shopping when he’s 40; Grow vegetables with wife after work; Often say no to meat, to lose weight, but never do.

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PAIN Once he spent more than two months’ pension to pay the hospital expenses (25000RMB after Medicare6000RMB); Few free facilities for the elderly

GAIN Do not have a serious illness;

More services agency; More facilities for the elderly

移情图 Empathy map

What does he THINK and FEEL ? Hope the older products really think for the elderly; Country should do practical work for the elderly; Life is well-off, but can not afford high medical expenses;

Want to play but have no place to go, all need money

What does he HEAR ? The elderly are cheated; 10 thousand people help one person when he is young, but now no one dare to help the elderly when they fall on the street.

What does he SEE ? One never need to worry about thief before 1990 ; The Community outdoor activities equipment were broken, nobody repair it;

What does he SAY and DO ? Shopping and cooking by himself; Chat and rest in the park; Play free facilities; Phone only be used to answer calls; People who invited him to lectures, their real purpose is selling the product (high prices)

71岁 Mr. Liu He is exercising with community public health facilities. As retired worker from a silk factory , he is quite concerned about the high medical costs. Our living conditions is better, but social condition is poor! “TV says every day that the aging, old age security, but clubs for elders began to charging a fee, why?”

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PAIN Too much advertising when watching TV Many people cheat the elderly Radio noise is too much

GAIN Healthy body

Future generations’ happiness Social stability�

移情图 Empathy map

75岁 Mr. Zhang He used to be a Chinese chess teacher. After retiring, he picked up his interest and biking to Hupao Spring just to collect the water for boiling tea. “The mentality of life is most important!” “I should get out more before I can’t walk.”

What does he THINK and FEEL ? Health is the most important thing; People can not be idle. He always find something to kill time; Social stability is happiness; Could do what he wanted to do after Retirement, Without the pressures of life, very happy.

What does he HEAR ? Read and watch news everyday, concerned about national affairs; Suggest health promotion of to others;

What does he SEE ? Experienced the war when he’s young; Life is not easy to modern young people; Seeking the hard days of food and clothing; Grandson’s academic pressure is too large

What does he SAY and DO ? He don’t believe the advertising of health products; Biking, gardening, fishing, often go traveling to spend time; Eating habits is different from his son and wife. Play MahJong, chatting, drinking tea to pass the time; Son bought him a touch-screen phone, but he just use it answer and save phone;

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PAIN Joints are not flexible Dysaudia Dizzy、hepatitis、gastrosia Teeth

GAIN Health�

Peace, stability and harmonious life�

移情图 Empathy map

86岁 Prof. Li Used to be a Russian translator and teacher in Shanghai Foreign Language School. He had suffered many diseases, however hold himself up for 30 years with a healthy lifestyle. “Sports is the essence of life” “As long as the hobby is good for my health, I will like it .

What does he THINK and FEEL ? He believes the happiest thing is social stability. He learned to control his emotions and forgive other people. When he think about my past time, he would be moved into tears. He was proud that he can take care of himself.

What does he HEAR ?

Read newspapers and watch TV for news to understand national affairs.

When one found an effective way to stay healthy, the message will soon be spreader out.

What does he SEE ? He experienced the hard time of Anti-Japanese war and the period time when PR China was built. He used to live in Beijing and Shanghai, and now choose to stay in the hangzhou, that felt like everywhere is park;

What does he SAY and DO ? He is concerned about the health care keeping in good health knowledge, from the 70s to exercise every day. Every day he most of the time the massage and health care. He and his family divide food, pay attention to nutrition rather than taste. He didn't have any electronic equipment;

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50 8



Apportioned Teeth Gone Food safety '

Poor square equipment use mobile phone just for answer Shopping less Movements were painfully


Headache Joints are not flexible High maintenance fee High blood pressure, blood pressure monitor quality is poor Deafness Fall no one will help

Insomnia Bad environmental quality

Want to use the internet but Children has no patience to teach Nostalgia Children earn less, have to depend on oneself

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专业医疗// Professional solutions for acute or chronic health problems.

生活方式管理// Providing solutions and guidance for managing health risks.

平衡生活// Optimizing daily rituals for small, convenient health improvements.

健康爱好者// Fueling and supporting a passion for a healthy lifestyle.

Motivation�Being not motivated is not an option because there is a need for change and support. Hard-hitting, precautionary Time-bound, programmed

Motivation�Can vary through life-defining moments, is highly dependent on enthusiasm. Empowering, optimistic Continuous, lifestyle

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The ever-increasing need for personal care is contributed to the reality that modern hygiene and medical system were built for urgency rather than chronic. It is one of the biggest challenge for a rapidly aging society to design a high quality, affordable and sustainable health care service, especially health care service in the long run. Such increasing need is also related to the transformation from community care to mobilized care and family care.�

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Pacng'Therapy'经络拍打疗法 'It's'a'tradi3onal,'green'therapy'that'boost'metabolism'and'strengthen'immune'system.'It's'widely'applied'to'many'diseases'and'became'popular'among'Chinese'people'for'it'simplicity.''Pacng'therapy'can'remove'toxins'from'our'body'thus'curing'diseases'and'strengthen'immune'system'of'our'body. ��


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giro �

shu]lecock � diabolo �

Play'giro �

pallSmall � fitness'ball �



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Main'opportuni3es' �

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�Insight'to'crea3on�'Learn&consumer:&Gain'insights'into'users,'condi3ons'empathy'visualiza3on'and'Key'learning.''Learn&market:&Design'a'theme,'posi3on'our'product,'discovering'opportuni3es.'Analysis:&brainstorm'for'crea3ons'and'draw'flow'of'user'experience. �


�Crea3on'to'realiza3on�'Design&product:&Diverge'thoughts,'assess'value'of'ideas,'design'products'with'interpreta3on'and'elabora3on. �

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1 Simply'hold'it'with'two'fingers''Massage'user‘s'nose'�round'Ying'Xiang'point''Massage'anywhere'and'any3me'''



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Ying-Point | 迎香穴 (in the nose lateral 0.5cm)



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Head: Good sights and clear hearing. 眼不花来,耳不聋。 Face: No wrinkles, feel younger 皱纹不生,更年轻。 �Back: No Hyperostosis, No pains in the waist 骨质不增,腰不疼 Chest: No coughing and No Respiratory diseases 气管畅通,咳嗽宁 Limbs: Feel fresh and walk fast 走路如风,全身轻


According to the thoughts of traditional Chinese medicine, our organs, limbs, skins and all the visible and invisible body parts, are closely and mutually connected and has widely profoundly impact on each other. Patting stimulate our skin, while the positive change on some part of our skin can bring about positive changes to the whole body thus strengthen immune system and self-repair function, thus curing diseases.

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袁思思 Sisi YUAN



邱懿武 Yiwu QIU


罗哲宁 Charlene LUO


俞立颖 Liying YU

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