Zeta Aumni News Letter

Message from the President Hi everyone!! My name is Kayla Hansmann and I’m the new president of Kappa Omega. I’m from Cincinnati, Ohio and am a junior Nutrition and Dietetic major here at SLU. Ever since my installation in December I have been very excited to officially become President and start working on new projects in the chapter. This semester has been off to a great start but everything has gone so fast already! We have a really great Executive Council this year that meshes well together as a group—we’re so lucky! Everyone has been really great making sure each other position has enough support and help for their respective events. A few areas that I’m really focusing on this semester within the chapter are sisterhood, service and scholastics (the three Continued on to Next Hello All, My Name is Sara Mallatt and I am the new Aliumni Relations chair for the Kappa Omega Chapter at Saint Louis University! I am very excited to being working with all of you alumni and getting our chapter more involved. I hope you all enjoy this update about all the things that our chapter has already done this semester, and all the wonderful things we plan on doing!If you ever have any questions about how you can get involved feel free to email me at [email protected]. Make sure to save the date for our Alumni Inductions May 3rd! ENJOY! Message from Alumni Relations The actives team at SLUperbowl, a Sigma Alpha Epsilon New members on bid day of fall recruitment. Zeta’s at Beta’s Dodgeball Tournament ZETA TAU ALPHA FEBRUARY-MARCH 2011 KAPPA OMEGA CHAPTER AT SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY


Kappa Omega's newsletter to STL alumni Chapter

Transcript of Zeta Aumni News Letter

Page 1: Zeta Aumni News Letter

Message from the PresidentHi everyone!! My name is Kayla Hansmann and I’m the new president of Kappa Omega. I’m from Cincinnati, Ohio and am a junior Nutrition and Dietetic major here at SLU. Ever since my installation in December I have been very excited to officially become President and start working on new projects in the chapter. This semester has been off to a great start but everything has gone so fast already! We have a really great Executive Council this year that meshes well together as a group—we’re so lucky! Everyone has been really great making sure each other position has enough support and help for their respective events.

A few areas that I’m really focusing on this semester within the chapter are sisterhood, service and scholastics (the three S’s!). I want to make sure that amidst all the planning and “business” we make sure that we are enjoying the sisterhood and fun events that a sorority has to offer—fun chapter meetings are possible! I hope to make everyone feel like we are one unit and not divided by pledge classes or grade levels. It is also my goal to extend the service we do beyond our fabulous national philanthropy. I have worked closely with the service chair to reach out to local service organizations to make Continued on to Next


Hello All, My Name is Sara Mallatt and I am the new Aliumni Relations chair for the Kappa Omega Chapter at Saint Louis University! I am very excited to being working with all of you alumni and getting our chapter more involved. I hope you all enjoy this update about all the things that our chapter has already

done this semester, and all the wonderful things we plan on doing!If you ever have any questions about how you can get involved feel free to email me at [email protected]. Make sure to save the date for our Alumni Inductions May 3rd! ENJOY!

Message from Alumni Relations

The actives team at SLUperbowl, a Sigma

Alpha Epsilon philanthropy event.

New members on bid day of fall recruitment.

Zeta’s at Beta’s Dodgeball Tournament



Page 2: Zeta Aumni News Letter

Zeta Service Event at Cardinals Game!

reach out to local service organizations to make partnerships within the community in St. Louis. Lastly, it is a personal goal that we achieve and maintain a high cumulative GPA within the sorority and keep it high on a consistent basis. The Academic Achievement chair and I have been trying to look for as many ways to emphasis the importance scholarship and making it a chapter wide goal.

I’m really excited to be attending the All-Greek Spring Break Mission trip for my second year in a row to Jonesville (Appalachia) Virginia coming up in March. It will undoubtedly be so rewarding and 6 other Zeta sisters are attending in a group of 42 Greeks.

I look forward to getting the chance to meet some of you in my remaining year and a half at SLU!


ZETA TAU ALPHA AND RELAY FOR LIFE!Kappa Omega has taken on a great feat this

year: to be the top fundraising team for Relay For Life! Relay For Life is an event

that helps raise awareness and money for the American Cancer Society. Since

eradicating cancer is something very close to all ZTAs hearts, each of us are excited to

have the opportunity to help this great cause!

Important Dates3/24 Social3/26 Chapter Retreat3/28-4/2 Greek Week at SLU4/3 Zeta Week 4/7 Initiation4/9 Zeta Day4/16 Relay for Life at SLU5/3 Alumni Inductions5/11 Finals start at SLU

Save The


Inductions at SLU!

Sisterhoods!For sisterhood, we have done two

smaller events. The first was making valentine's cards for the

children at Cardinal Glennon hospital. At the second event, we made sashes for our dates for our

Valentine's event. Our next sisterhood will be a movie/game

night in the chapter room. We are in the process of planning a big

sisterhood event before the end of the year...I can't tell you because

it's a surprise!-Theresa Tracy

Page 3: Zeta Aumni News Letter

FUNDRAISING!February 23, 2011

concluded our 3rd annual, Dancing With the Zeta’s.

This event brought together Greek life in various ways.

Our performerswere members from the

fraternity’s, and our judges were girls from

each of the sororities. We raised $396.56. That same

night we did afundraiser with Papa John’s and we are still waiting to

get the totals.

Picture Perfect Zetas


Girls at the Rockin’ for a Ribbon battle of the bands philanthropy event.

Four of the girls who participated in Pie a Zeta on the quad during philanthropy week.

The Kappa Omega chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha has been extremely busy since returning back to St. Louis from Christmas Break. Not only have we

started off the year with fundraising, sisterhoods, study hours and fun-filled chapters, but we also have had our share of great events with other fellow

Greeks. Our Valentine’s Event was a great night out. Each Zeta member decorated a satin sash by writing their name on the front and then presented

them to their dates to wear the night of the event. Our sisterhood chair helped coordinate the decorating of the sashes. Our chapter is looking forward to our

March Event with Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity and our Spring Formal in April!


Zetas and Service!The girls of Kappa Omega

have teamed up with Whole Foods and Campus Kitchen. Every Tuesday a group of Zetas carpool to Whole

Foods and sort through the extra food for the day. Then we bring it to SLU's Campus

Kitchen to distribute it! Zetas will also be cooking a

meal at the Karen House and then serving it to it's
