YUMEC Finalized Constitution

Yangon University Motivators English Club Constitution We, the officers of YUMEC, in order to form a more perfect civil society, serve the members of the club better, collaborate with each other among officers, establish this Constitution of the Yangon University Motivators English Club. Section 1: Place and Time Yangon University Motivators English Club weekly activities held every Friday from 3:15 PM to 4:30 PM (1 hour and 15 minutes, a week) at the Department of English, Taungoo Hall, of the University of Yangon. There will be a 15 minutes pre-meeting before the club activities and 30 minutes evaluation & planning meeting after the club activities or on Monday . There can be 30 minutes special pre-meetings announced with prior notice only for the very special events and activities. There will be a 30 minutes (at least) and 1 hour (at most) special general meetings for 2 times a month, once after 2 weeks, especially in the 2 nd week of the

Transcript of YUMEC Finalized Constitution

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Yangon University Motivators English Club Constitution

We, the officers of YUMEC, in order to form a more perfect civil society,

serve the members of the club better, collaborate with each other among officers,

establish this Constitution of the Yangon University Motivators English Club.

Section 1:

Place and Time

Yangon University Motivators English Club weekly activities held every

Friday from 3:15 PM to 4:30 PM (1 hour and 15 minutes, a week) at the

Department of English, Taungoo Hall, of the University of Yangon. There will be

a 15 minutes pre-meeting before the club activities and 30 minutes evaluation &

planning meeting after the club activities or on Monday . There can be 30 minutes

special pre-meetings announced with prior notice only for the very special events

and activities. There will be a 30 minutes (at least) and 1 hour (at most) special

general meetings for 2 times a month, once after 2 weeks, especially in the 2nd

week of the month and the last week of the month, with prior notice. YUMEC will

try its best not to use a lot of the officers’ personal time for many, many times.

YUMEC will try its best to hold meetings only on the weekdays, not on the

holidays. Office working hours that is the club activity time of 2 hours is strongly

to be prioritized by all of the officers. Officers who are in charge of conducting

programs and sections in weekly club activities are strongly requested to attend pre

– meetings. YUMEC will stop its club activities 3 weeks ahead of the examination

weeks and will resume its club activities 1 week after the examination weeks.

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To be the first and the best English club of the University of Yangon,

consisting of and welcoming those devoted to working together in order to

create an environment that is interactive, motivating, sharing, caring and

upbringing people’s potentials, all at once.


To encourage a sharing and learning campus society which is solely student-

centered, student-founded for students and not conflicting with any sorts of

political bodies or big civil service organizations (CSOs)

To provide University of Yangon students and students at large a space to

freely express themselves, their ideas when learning English and obtaining

other knowledge via participation in fun, highly – interactive,

communicative and rewarding club sessions.

To offer like – minded language enthusiasts a chance to meet, make new

friends and gradually make combined effort for social welfare or just simply

for their own personal interests.

To serve as a solid foundation giving out standard, signed recommendation

letters and credit for long – term members who require them to apply for

scholarships and such as a means of recognition for members and their

regular participation in club activities.


“We Enter to Learn, Leave to Achieve”

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The logo of the Yangon University Motivators English Club is as shown


Section 2:

Club Structure:

Officers List: (Exactly in the highest to the lowest position order)

1. Club Advisor

2. President

3. Vice – President of Education

4. Vice – President of Management

5. General Secretary

6. Club Representative

7. Treasurer

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8. Membership Officer

9. Public Relations Officer

10.Planning Officer

11.General Officers

General Officers for Education and Internal Officer Affairs Sector

General Officers for Management and Logistics Sector

General Officers for Public Relations, External Affairs and Club

Activities Sector

Section 3:

Responsibilities of Officers:

Chief Club Advisors - not the officers of the club but regarded as the

honorable and highest positions of the club. Professors and

Department Heads of two Departments, English and Psychology, are

recognized for these two positions. Often do not get involved in club

activities, external and internal club affairs, club programs, but for

special guidance and supervision to the club, officers, activities,

programs, agendas and plans for the improvement and development.

Requested to prepare certificates with their signatures, strong

recommendation letters and Departments’ Official Seal Stamps to

those officers of the club who had served dutifully and worked

wholeheartedly for 6 months. Requested to supervise and present the

club in club special activities, programs and events when it comes to

deal with the officials of the University. Officers have to often submit

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all the documents (constitution, plan from the meetings) concerning

with the club to the Chief Club Advisors and keep their advice and

comments on them. Officers have to meet with the Chief Club

Advisors for once in a month to present about the club and assign the

future planned agenda, events and club activities programs for one

month ahead to them.

Club Advisor – considered as the honorable position of the club. Shall

be strongly in charge to supervise the overall activities from all

sectors of the club and direct as far as it is needed to improve. Set up

the best objectives, guidelines, rules and regulations of the club for

more and more improvement, Shall bring up with the best

innovations, ideas and creativities for the club’s improvement and

consolidation. Considered as the special observer of the club,

regardless of the terms and officers changes. Will not be elected

through the elections and interviews. This position is highly classified

and not allowed for anyone to get through elections and interviews but

only with the experiences, achievements or Former Presidents, who

had worked at the club for more than 2 terms and are not allowed to

take the same position anymore. Must collaborate the most with the

President, as this position is regarded as the Senior President and co-

operate with the other officers as required. Must systematically

evaluate the presenters and conductors of the weekly club activities

for their development.

President – shall be highly responsible for managing the club

smoothly of all sectors. Being accountable, having strong passionate

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leadership skills, leading and cooperating with the fellow officers and

motivating them as required. Dealing with both the external and

internal matters of the club as required. Representing as one of the

important leaders of the club. Giving assistance to the fellow officers

as required.

Vice – President of Education – shall be greatly responsible for

managing the education sector of the club. Especially evaluating and

giving advices on weekly topics, activities, discussions, presentations,

etc. Giving assistance to fellow officers regarding topics,

presentations, researches of for weekly activities.

Vice – President of Management - shall be responsible for managing

the internal activities of the club. Cooperating with the General

Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Officer, Treasurer, Public Relations

Officer, Planning Officer in managing the club internally. Often act as

a leader for the management and logistics sector of the club together

with other officers.

General Secretary – often regarded as a heart of the club. Play an

important role in managing the internal affairs of the club smoothly.

Responsibility includes writing and reporting meeting minutes,

weekly evaluation reports, monthly general reports, writing for

approval and announcements for holding special events, inviting guest

speakers and logistic works and management of the club. Cooperate

with Vice – President of Management, Club Representative,

Treasurer, Membership Officer, Public Relations Officer, Planning

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Officer. Often act as a leader for the Internal Officer Affairs Sector.

Shall act as a Discipline Officer to regulate the discipline and

attendance for the fellow officers.

Club Representative – often regarded as the image of the club.

Responsibly includes dealing with the other external affairs of the

club, student clubs, student teams, committees, groups within the

university and the other universities. Responsible to attend the

external and outside meetings for any purposes and to be lively and

active to participate in club’s outside activities for the improvement of

the clubs’ relations.

Treasurer – Someone who is interested in managing the finance of the

club beneficially and who is enthusiastic and hardworking for

fundraising of the club. Shall set up plans for the fund raising and

budget saving for the use of special purposes.

Membership Officer – responsibly includes dealing with members and

participants of YUMEC and helping them as required. Providing the

best facilities and services for more and more membership

registration. Someone who is sociable and friendly. Will be able to

explain the club membership processes to the members whenever in

need. Checking member list regularly and reporting to the other

officers in the meeting. Must make sure that membership forms and

books are always handy. Shall act as a liaison officer between the

members and club. Preferably someone who is good at arranging lists

and tables. Highly responsible for arranging the certificate of

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attendance and recognition or recommendation letters for full – time

present members who are above the attendance of 75% in 3 months.

Public Relations Officer – responsible for designing posters, vinyl,

announcements, etc, Managing the official Facebook Page of Yangon

University Motivators English Club active and responsive to members

and promoting the club activities online. Preferably with a very good

English and Myanmar writing skills and have to post in two languages

in the same time.

Planning Officer – responsible for organizing the weekly club

activities, special events, and arranging for the guest speakers during

special events. Shall cooperate with the Vice President of

Management and General Secretary for managing the club smoothly,

especially for the logistics works of the club. Shall come up with the

best monthly plans, special programs and schedules for the club

promotion and set reasonable short-term and long-term target goals

for the club officers’ improvement. Must make sure that there are

sufficient refreshments (snacks) for the weekly club activities and buy

them in advance for 2000 kyats for one club activity. Responsible for

arranging the presents for the guest speakers at the special events and

gifts for the motivators of the day and speakers of the day at the

weekly club activities.

Section 4:

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Rules and Regulations for Officers:

4.1 The term of office for all the officers should be 3 months (1

semester) and 3 months (within holidays, only if there are club’s

extracurricular activities and special external affairs), 4 days in one

month exactly. Officers have a full right to take an official day off, if

Official Myanmar Gazette Holiday falls on the working Friday.

(not the semester breaks and holidays)

4.2 All the officers are expected to have commitment for working 6

months at most and 3 months at least for the club

4.3 If an officer cannot continue working for the club for whichever

reasons, he/she should inform officially to the other officers that

he/she will resign from the current position (preferably two or three

weeks in advance)

4.4 If an officer were to be absent for a particular week, he/she

shall inform it to other officers in advance with a long-term official

leave letter, stating the reasons and purposes strongly and exactly. So

that the other officers can substitute his/her responsibilities with

someone else quickly. But, he/she will not get the attendance for that

prior notice of leave.

4.5 If an officer was absent more than 3 days out of 12 days (3

months term for one working semester) (it is considered as less than

75% of office attendance), without giving special notice to any of the

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officers and neglecting the warnings, it will be automatically

considered as a resignation and someone else who is preferably able

to his/her position shall be elected and substituted in his/her position,

either with the interview or election as considered further.

4.6 If an officer was absent more than 1 day out of 4 days in one

month (it is considered as less than 75% of office attendance, he/she

have to pay 2000 kyats fine for his/her one day absence. (Regardless

of his/her 100% office attendance in the previous month)

4.7 If an officer is present for 100% of office attendance, (that is

he/she is punctual and present in 4 out of 4 club activities of one

month and strongly without any leave and absence), he/she has a

full right to choose 1000 kyats for his/her travel allowance or his/her

phone bill charges as a reward. He/she also have a right to carry on

his/her extra bonus leave days in the next month, (that is he/she can

have 2 days for leave and absence in the next month).


IN THE TERM OF 3 MONTHS (1 SEMESTER), officers shall be

awarded the certificates from the Chief Club Advisors, Professors &

Department Heads of Department of English and Psychology.

4.9 Officers will only get the recommendation letter from the Club

Advisor and the President of the English Club, if he/she could

contribute only for 3 months.

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Section 5:

Election Process Elections and officers interview selection will be held in every

new semester (6 months after 1 term, including the 3 months

semester break holidays)

Members who are 3 months and above of membership are only

allowed to apply any of the officer posts.

Members who are new and without 3 months of membership

will only be allowed to apply for the General Officer post.

Candidates for President and Vice President of Education and

Vice President of Management positions will have to give a 5

minutes speech the reason they want to serve with that position

and will be decided by the voting system whereas the rest of the

positions (from the General Secretary to the General Officers)

will be based on interviews (by the former and newly elected

Presidents, Club Advisor and the Vice Presidents)

A person cannot serve the one and the same position, for more

than two terms (1 year)

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Section 6:

Amendment Regardless of the position, the constitution cannot be

changed within 90 days (3 months) of its amendment.

The constitution can only be considered as to be ratified

after 90 days (3 months) of the previous amendment and

by two thirds of the votes of all officers.

Any of the officers, regardless of the position, can

amend the constitution to be better and perfect, as long

as he/she have great innovations and excellent ideas for

the club, officers and members improvement.

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Officers’ Positions for 1 st Term (2016 June –

2016 December)

Yangon University Motivators English Club

No. Name Position Specialization Year

1. Eē Mon Si Club Advisor English For


Purposes (National

Center for English


Final Year

(4th Year)

2. ZayYa MoeKyaw President Psychology 1st Year

3. Aye Shweyi Cho Vice – President of


English 1st Year

4. Eindra Kyi Phyu Vice – President of


English 1st Year

5. Htar Sandi Naing General Secretary English 1st Year

6. Aw Ko Ko Phyu Club Representative English 1st Year

7. Khin Myat Mon


Treasurer English 1st Year

8. Kyi Lai Seine Bo Membership Officer English 1st Year

9. Sun Htut Aung Public Relations


English 1st Year