Yuba City Unified School District · 12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz...

Yuba City Unified School District Governing Board Regular Meeting Agenda www.ycusd.org 530-822-7601 March 24, 2020 6:00 PM Closed Session 7:00 PM Open Session 750 Palora Avenue Yuba City, CA 95991 YCUSD Board Room Members of the Governing Board Brett Hancock, President Sean Fetters, Vice President Mary Buttacavoli, Clerk Julie Ann Jackson, Member Greg Quilty, Member Lonetta Riley, Member Sarbjit Takhar, Member Student Members Jesus Avila, APHS Alexa Sotelo, RVHS Laura Cuevas, YCHS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC As the Board discusses agenda items, audience participation is permitted. The President will recognize those members of the audience who wish to speak. The President may set a time limit on each person’s remarks. If necessary, each person wishing to speak will be asked to identify himself prior to speaking. Generally, the President will ask Board Members for their remarks prior to recognizing requests to speak from the audience. At the President’s discretion, agenda items may be considered in other than numerical order. Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Board after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the office of the Superintendent at 750 Palora Avenue, Yuba City, during normal business hours and are available on line at www.ycusd.org. Public comment shall be limited to matters within the “subject matter jurisdiction” of the Board. A matter is within the “subject matter jurisdiction” of the Board if it relates to the roles and responsibilities of the Board as set forth in Board bylaw 9000. Speakers are cautioned that under California law no person is immune from liability for making intentionally false or defamatory comments regarding any person simply because the comments are made at a public meeting. SPECIAL NOTICE Anyone who is planning to attend the Board meeting and needs interpretation services or is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the Superintendent’s Office at 822-7601 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to make arrangements. Quien planea asistir a la reunión de la Junta Directiva y necesita servicios de interpretación debe llamar a la oficina del Superintendente al 822-7601 por lo menos 48 horas antes de la reunión para hacer los arreglos. 1

Transcript of Yuba City Unified School District · 12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz...

Page 1: Yuba City Unified School District · 12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz & UC Santa Cruz 12.K Yuba City High School Leadership Camp Trip to UC Santa Barbara

Yuba City Unified School DistrictGoverning Board Regular Meeting Agenda


March 24, 2020

6:00 PM Closed Session7:00 PM Open Session

750 Palora Avenue Yuba City, CA 95991YCUSD Board Room

Members of the GoverningBoard

Brett Hancock, PresidentSean Fetters, Vice President

Mary Buttacavoli, ClerkJulie Ann Jackson, Member

Greg Quilty, MemberLonetta Riley, MemberSarbjit Takhar, Member

Student MembersJesus Avila, APHS

Alexa Sotelo, RVHSLaura Cuevas, YCHS

NOTICE TO THE PUBLICAs the Board discusses agenda items, audience participation is permitted. ThePresident will recognize those members of the audience who wish to speak. ThePresident may set a time limit on each person’s remarks. If necessary, eachperson wishing to speak will be asked to identify himself prior to speaking.Generally, the President will ask Board Members for their remarks prior torecognizing requests to speak from the audience. At the President’s discretion,agenda items may be considered in other than numerical order.

Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Board after distributionof the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the office of theSuperintendent at 750 Palora Avenue, Yuba City, during normal business hoursand are available on line at www.ycusd.org.

Public comment shall be limited to matters within the “subject matter jurisdiction” ofthe Board. A matter is within the “subject matter jurisdiction” of the Board if itrelates to the roles and responsibilities of the Board as set forth in Board bylaw9000. Speakers are cautioned that under California law no person is immune fromliability for making intentionally false or defamatory comments regarding anyperson simply because the comments are made at a public meeting.

SPECIAL NOTICEAnyone who is planning to attend the Board meeting and needs interpretationservices or is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs specialassistance should call the Superintendent’s Office at 822-7601 at least 48 hours inadvance of the meeting to make arrangements.

Quien planea asistir a la reunión de la Junta Directiva y necesita servicios deinterpretación debe llamar a la oficina del Superintendente al 822-7601 por lomenos 48 horas antes de la reunión para hacer los arreglos.


Page 2: Yuba City Unified School District · 12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz & UC Santa Cruz 12.K Yuba City High School Leadership Camp Trip to UC Santa Barbara

The Governor has declared a State of Emergency to exist in California as a result of the threat ofCOVID-19 (aka the “Coronavirus”). The Governor issued Executive Order N-25-20, which directsCalifornians to follow public health directives including canceling large gatherings. The ExecutiveOrder also allows local legislative bodies to hold meetings via conference calls while still satisfyingstate transparency requirements. The Governor has also issued Executive Order N-33-20, prohibitingpeople from leaving their homes or places of residence except to access necessary supplies andservices or to engage in specified critical infrastructure employment.

The Public’s health and well-being are the top priority for the Board of Education of Yuba City UnifiedSchool District (“District”) and you are urged to take all appropriate health safety precautions. Tofacilitate this process, the meeting of the Board will be available by:

http://ycusd.org/agendas and click on March 24, 2020 Audio.

Note: The meeting is being held by telephonic means with Board members Buttacavoli and Fettersand will be made accessible to members of the public seeking to attend through the link set forthabove, except that members of the public seeking to attend and to address the Board who requirereasonable accommodations to access the meeting, based on disability or other reasons, shouldcontact the following person at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of a Regular meeting to makearrangements for such reasonable accommodations. (For Special meetings, please requestaccommodations no less than 12 hours prior to the meeting.)

Please contact Lora Broad, 750 Palora Avenue, Yuba City, CA 95991, 530-822-7601,[email protected]

1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. PUBLIC COMMENT ON CLOSED SESSION AGENDA ITEMS 3. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION 4. CLOSED SESSION Public Employee Employment or Appointment Human Resources Personnel Listing BR-1920-035

Staff Report: Personnel Listing Conference With Labor NegotiatorPursuant to Government Code §54957.6. the board will meet in Closed Session to give direction to AgencyNegotiator, Robert Shemwell, regarding negotiations with Yuba City Teachers Association, California SchoolEmployees Association Chapter #265, and unrepresented groups. Expulsions, Suspended Contracts, and Readmission Case RecommendationPursuant to Government Code §54957 and Education Code §48919(k) the Board will meet in ClosedSession to discuss expulsions, suspended contracts, and readmission case recommendations withBrian Brown, Director of Student Affairs.


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Expulsions, Stipulated Suspended Expulsions Contracts, and Re-admission Cases



The audience will be asked to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence for allpresent to use at the dictates of their own conscience.

7. AGENDA REORGANIZATION / REPORT OF CLOSED SESSION 8. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA 9. CONSENT AGENDA 9.A Request for Approval of the March 10, 2020 Governing Board Regular Meeting Minutes

Governing Board Regular Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 9.B Human Resources Personnel Listing BR-1920-042

Staff Report: Personnel Listing 9.C Approval of Science Instructional Materials for Grades 9-12

Staff Report: Science Adoption 9 - 12Science Adoption Quote Grades 9 - 12

9.D Swun Math Contract 2020-2021

Staff Report: Swun Math 2020 2021Swun Math 2020 2021 k-8

9.E Edgenuity License Agreement

Staff Report: Edgenuity License AgreementEdgenuity Quote Spring 2020

9.F Contracts and Agreements

Staff Report: Contracts and AgreementsContracts and Agreements

9.G Authorize the Disposal of Surplus Property

Staff Report: SurplusSurplus Forms

9.H Donations

Staff Report: Donations03-24-2020


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10. ACTION 10.A Annual submission of District 2019-2020 safety plans. The plans are available for review

at the Office of Student Affairs.

10.B Expulsions, Stipulated Suspended Expulsions Contracts, and Re-admission Cases


Committee Reports 12. COMMUNICATIONS

Written Communications from the PublicComments from the Employee RepresentativesComments from the Board MembersComments from the Superintendent


April 14, 2020. Open Session at 7PM, Yuba City Unified School District Office 14. ADJOURNMENT


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Board Agenda Item

GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM DATE: March 24, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: Public Employee Employment or Appointment DEPARTMENT: Human Resources SUBJECT: Human Resources Personnel Listing BR-1920-035 SUGGESTED ACTION: Approve as Recommended

ATTACHMENTS:Staff Report: Personnel Listing


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Yuba City Unified School District

Governing Board Meeting Staff Report

To: From: Meeting Date: Item:

YCUSD Governing Board Michael Reed, Asst. Supt. of Human Resources March 24, 2020 Personnel Listing BR – 1920-042



Classified Accounting Specialist II Filled New Hire

Classified Instructional Aide II Filled New Hire

Classified Administrative Secretary II Filled New Hire

Classified Health Aide Filled New Hire

Classified Parent Liaison Clerk Filled New Hire

Classified Custodian I Vacant Resignation

Classified Office Specialist I Vacant Retirement

Coaches YCHS Filled New Hires

Coaches RVHS Filled New Hires

MR: ed


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Board Agenda Item

GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM DATE: March 24, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: Expulsions, Suspended Contracts, and Readmission Case

Recommendation DEPARTMENT: Superintendent SUBJECT: Expulsions, Stipulated Suspended Expulsions Contracts, and

Re-admission Cases Recommendation. SUGGESTED ACTION: E-1920-007




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Board Agenda Item

GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM DATE: March 24, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA DEPARTMENT: Superintendent SUBJECT: Request for Approval of the March 10, 2020 Governing Board

Regular Meeting Minutes SUGGESTED ACTION: The Superintendent recommends approval.

ATTACHMENTS:Governing Board Regular Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020


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March 10, 2020

Audio for this meeting is available at www.ycusd.org


Members Present: Greg Quilty, Julie Ann Jackson, Lonetta Riley, Sarbjit Takhar, Sean Fetters, and Brett Hancock. APHS Student Member Jesus Avila, RVHS Student Member Alexa Soto, and YCHS Student Member Laura Cuevas attended Open Session only.

Members Absent: Mary Buttacavoli. Staff Present: Doreen Osumi, Robert Shemwell, Pam

Aurangzeb, Michael Reed, Liz Davit, and Brian Brown. Rob Pogue, Esther Salinas, and James Lohman attended Open Session only.




Public Employee Employment or Appointment

Conference with Labor Negotiator

Expulsions, Suspended Contracts, and Readmission Case Recommendation






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YCUSD Governing Board Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020

Page 2 of 5

Student Board member Jesus Avila reported on student activities at APHS including the recent WASC visit Student Board member Alexa Sotelo reported on student activities at RVHS including Spirit Week. Student Board member Laura Cuevas reported on student activities at YCHS including Prom, ASB elections, and Solidary Week.


YCHS Art teacher Pam Nowak talked about Arts Education Month and shared student work.

10) PERFORMANCE/RECOGNITION YCHS Wrestlers were recognized for having an outstanding season.


Director Liz Davit gave the Board findings of the Comprehensive Review. She included why the review was done, audits, areas that the district was found out of compliance, what is being done to bring the district in compliance, and SPPI Data.


12.A Request for Approval of the February 25, 2020 Governing Board Regular Meeting Minutes

12.B Human Resources Personnel Listing BR-1920-035

12.C Frontline Contract: Central Solution and Recruiting and Hiring Solution 12.D Warrant List 12.E Contracts and Agreements 12.F Authorize the Disposal of Surplus Property

12.G Board Approval of 6-8 Science Instructional Materials 12.H River Valley High School Students State FFA Conference Overnight Trip 12.I River Valley High School State Track and Field Championships

12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz & UC Santa Cruz

12.K Yuba City High School Leadership Camp Trip to UC Santa Barbara On a Motion by Julie Ann Jackson, seconded by Lonetta Riley, to approve the Consent Agenda. The Vote: 6 Ayes, 0 Noes, 1 Absent (Mary Buttacavoli), 0 Abstain.


13.A RVHS Additional Classrooms Engineering Services Bid Award Deputy Superintendent Shemwell stated that Warren Consultant Engineering submitted the lowest responsive bid.


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YCUSD Governing Board Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020

Page 3 of 5

On a Motion by Sean Fetters, seconded by Greg Quilty, to award Warren Consulting Engineering Services the bid. The Vote: 6 Ayes, 0 Noes, 1 Absent (Mary Buttacavoli), 0 Abstain.

13.B Resolution No. BR-1920-040 Approving Loan Deferral Agreements for the New Haven Affordable Apartment Housing Project Deputy Superintendent Shemwell explained the rational of extending the term of the loan from thirty (30) years to fifty-five (55) years. Mr. Shemwell stated that YCUSD District Counsel was consulted. On a Motion by Sarbjit Takhar, seconded by Lonetta Riley, to approve Resolution No. BR-1920-040 approving loan deferral agreements for the New Haven Affordable Apartment Housing Project. The Vote: 6 Ayes, 0 Noes, 1 Absent (Mary Buttacavoli), 0 Abstain.

13.C IT Recycling Contract Deputy Superintendent Shemwell explained that the district is requesting to dispose of surplus equipment through a competitive bid.

On a Motion by Sarbjit Takhar, seconded by Lonetta Riley, to approve the IT recycling contract. The Vote: 6 Ayes, 0 Noes, 1 Absent (Mary Buttacavoli), 0 Abstain.

13.D Erate Category II Responses to RFP Deputy Superintendent Shemwell brought this item to the Board. On a Motion by Julie Ann Jackson, seconded by Lonetta Riley, to approve the Erate Category II Responses to RFP. The Vote: 6 Ayes, 0 Noes, 1 Absent (Mary Buttacavoli), 0 Abstain.

13.E Second Interim Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2019/20 and Budget Revisions – Board Resolution No. BR 1920-037 Deputy Superintendent gave the Board the Second Interim Report, focusing on assumptions, general fund general fund projections, projected cash flow, and other funds. On a Motion by Lonetta Riley, seconded by Sean Fetters, to accept the Second Interim Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2019/20 and Budget Revisions – Board Resolution No. BR 1920-037. The Vote: 6 Ayes, 0 Noes, 1 Absent (Mary Buttacavoli), 0 Abstain.

13.F Expulsions, Stipulated Suspended Expulsions Contracts, and Re-admission Cases Recommendation On a Motion by Sean Fetters, seconded by Greg Quilty, to approve S-1920-027S-1920-028S-1920-029S-1920-030S-1920-031S-1920-032 as


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YCUSD Governing Board Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020

Page 4 of 5

discussed in Closed Session. The Vote: 6 Ayes, 0 Noes, 1 Absent (Mary Buttacavoli), 0 Abstain.

13.G California Voting Rights Act BR-1920-041 Superintendent Osumi brought the CVRA to the Board stating that this resolution provides the outline for the district to begin the process to shift from at large elections to trustee-area voting.

On a Motion by Julie Ann Jackson, seconded by Lonetta Riley, to approve California Voting Rights Act BR-1920-041. The Vote: 6 Ayes, 0 Noes, 1 Absent (Mary Buttacavoli), 0 Abstain.

13.H Release/Non-Reelection of Temporary & Probationary Certificated Employees BR-1920-036

Assistant Superintendent Reed stated that temporary employees may be released at the end of the school year at the Board’s discretion. Mr. Reed stated that affected staff has been informed.

On a Motion by Lonetta Riley, seconded by Sarbjit Takhar, to approve Release/Non-Reelection of Temporary & Probationary Certificated Employees BR-1920-036. The Vote: 4 Ayes, 2 Noes (Sean Fetters, Brett Hancock, 1 Absent (Mary Buttacavoli), 0 Abstain.

13.I Reduction of Certificated Staff Due to Reduction or Elimination of Particular Kinds of Service BR-1920-039 Assistant Superintendent Reed reviewed for the Board as to the rational for requesting approval of three PKS eliminations. He stated that affected staff have been informed.

On a Motion by Sean Fetters, seconded by Lonetta Riley, to approve Reduction of Certificated Staff Due to Reduction or Elimination of Particular Kinds of Service BR-1920-039. The Vote: 5 Ayes, 1 Noes (Julie Ann Jackson), 1 Absent (Mary Buttacavoli), 0 Abstain.

13.J Reduction of Classified Staff Due to Reduction or Elimination of Particular Kinds of Service BR-1920-038 Assistant Superintendent Reed brought this item to the Board stating that funding for these positions was previously brought to the Board. On a Motion by Sean Fetters, seconded by Sarb Takhar, to approve the Reduction of Classified Staff Due to Reduction or Elimination of Particular Kinds of Service BR-1920-038. The Vote: 6 Ayes, 0 Noes, 1 Absent (Mary Buttacavoli), 0 Abstain.



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YCUSD Governing Board Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020

Page 5 of 5

Employee Groups Dina Luetgens, YCTA President, spoke of concern over COVID-19, release of staff, and noted the career of a retiring staff member.

Board Members Sean Fetters commented that regionally the Special Olympics have suspended all activities. Julie Ann Jackson stated she read at Park Avenue school for Read Across America. Brett Hancock commented on the Geweke reception for the Ford Focus donation to YCHS Automotive Career Exploration.

Superintendent Superintendent Osumi shared with the Board that the Promotion Graduation schedule is available for signups and that YCUSD students took a clean sweep at the County Spelling Bee. Assistant Superintendent Aurangzeb stated that two YCUSD GATE students will be going to State competition.



Approved: Respectfully Submitted, ______________________________ Doreen Osumi, Secretary ______________________________ ______________________________ Brett Hancock, President Mary Buttacavoli, Clerk


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Board Agenda Item

GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM DATE: March 24, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA DEPARTMENT: Human Resources SUBJECT: Human Resources Personnel Listing BR-1920-042 SUGGESTED ACTION: Approve as Recommended

ATTACHMENTS:Staff Report: Personnel Listing


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Yuba City Unified School District

Governing Board Meeting Staff Report

To: From: Meeting Date: Item:

YCUSD Governing Board Michael Reed, Asst. Supt. of Human Resources March 24, 2020 Personnel Listing BR – 1920-042



Classified Accounting Specialist II Filled New Hire

Classified Instructional Aide II Filled New Hire

Classified Administrative Secretary II Filled New Hire

Classified Health Aide Filled New Hire

Classified Parent Liaison Clerk Filled New Hire

Classified Custodian I Vacant Resignation

Classified Office Specialist I Vacant Retirement

Coaches YCHS Filled New Hires

Coaches RVHS Filled New Hires

MR: ed


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Board Agenda Item

GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM DATE: March 24, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA DEPARTMENT: Educational Services SUBJECT: Approval of Science Instructional Materials for Grades 9-12 SUGGESTED ACTION: The Superintendent recommends approval.

ATTACHMENTS:Staff Report: Science Adoption 9 - 12Science Adoption Quote Grades 9 - 12


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Yuba City Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Staff Report

To: From: Meeting Date: Item:

YCUSD Governing Board Pamela Aurangzeb March 24, 2020 Approval of Science Instructional Materials – Grades 9 - 12

The Educational Services Department is requesting approval of Grades 9-12 Science instructional materials. In an effort to continue to meet identified curricular needs of the district and school sites, the Grade 9-12 Science Committee reviewed materials from the State Board Adopted Instruction Materials List. The Committees voted to recommend the following programs for Board approval:

Publisher and Program Grade Level

Physics: Principles with Applications, 7th Edition, AP Edition, Author: Giancoli, Douglas C., Pearson, Copyright 2014


Forensics Science: An Introduction, Third Edition, Author: Saferstein, Richard, Pearson, Copyright 2016


Conceptual Physics, 12th Edition, Author: Hewitt, Paul G. Pearson, Copyright 2015


These materials were on display at the Yuba City Unified School District Office. The public display began February 17 and ran through March 20, 2020. No concerns have come forward as a result of that review. Fiscal Impact: $74,355


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Board Agenda Item

GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM DATE: March 24, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA DEPARTMENT: Educational Services SUBJECT: Swun Math Contract 2020-2021 SUGGESTED ACTION: The Superintendent recommends approval.

ATTACHMENTS:Staff Report: Swun Math 2020 2021Swun Math 2020 2021 k-8


Page 22: Yuba City Unified School District · 12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz & UC Santa Cruz 12.K Yuba City High School Leadership Camp Trip to UC Santa Barbara

Yuba City Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Staff Report

To: From: Meeting Date: Item:

YCUSD Governing Board Pamela Aurangzeb March 24, 2020 Swun Math Contract for 2020-2021

The Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services is requesting approval from the Governing Board to renew and expand the Swun Math program. The contract between Yuba City Unified School District and Swun Math will cover the 2020-2021 school year. The goal is to increase student achievement in mathematics through the supplemental resources and instructional coaching for 8 Elementary and 5 K-8 schools in the District.

The fiscal impact is $760,000.


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10073 Valley View #116 Cypress, CA 90630 • (714) 600 -1130

Goal: to increase student achievement in mathematics through the development and implementation of a daily 90-minute math model for 8 Elementary/5K8 students at Yuba City USD. Key features of this program include a pacing guide utilizing Swun math CCS Lessons, common pre-and post-trimester exams, teaching strategies (Phase I lesson design/ Phase II Inquiry based Instruction, group work techniques, academic language development, writing skills, etc.), monthly coaching support/site visits by contractor for both teachers and principals.

• Math pacing guides that promote and support instruction of the essential CCS Standards as well as grade level and vertical alignment

• Lessons/Curriculum support for grades K-8 Common Core Standards • Web based CCS curriculum support for classroom and at home • Standards-aligned benchmark assessments that spiral in key standards learned in earlier

trimesters or quarters • Math fluency assessments for Common Core Math Standards that require automaticity • Formative unit assessments that enable teachers to adjust their instruction to meet student

needs • Beyond the Basic Facts intervention materials for grades K-8 • Content and instructional strategies-based professional development four times a year:

teachers and administrators attend the same sessions to build common language, consistent expectations, and mutual support

• Monthly coaching and site support for teachers and site administrators (demonstration lessons, co-plan/co-teach, observations and debrief, teacher collaboration, development of quizzes, data cycles)

• Ongoing coaching and site support for site administrators as well as professional development on instructional leadership

• Coordination of services through quarterly meetings with site and district administrators • 3 Parent workshops • Swun Math will provide all Professional Development materials for teachers only. (all

additional materials including consumables are the responsibility of the school/districts • All teachers manual will be included


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The following services are included in 2020-2021 Contract: $ 760,000

K - 8 Math Pacing Guide Development Grades K- 8 Pacing Guides aligned with district Calendar (One pacing guide per site teacher)

Assessments Grades K - 8 Benchmark Assessments and Performance Tasks Includes 7 benchmark assessments/grade: pre-/post-trimester exams (One master set per site teacher; site responsible for making class sets) Formative/Unit Assessments, Constructed Response Short and Extended Includes 10-14 formative/unit assessments per grade level (One master set per site teacher; site responsible for making class sets)

Math Fluency Assessments to be used to support learning targets for each grade level (4 versions of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, integers, fractions, percents, proportions) (one master set per site teacher; site responsible for making class sets)

SWUN MATH PD & SITE SUPPORT SERVICES Professional Development for Teachers & Administrators (2-3 Consultants) Total of 18 days of Professional Development. Site provides substitutes/release time.

Grade/Course Levels Frontloading Trimester/ Trimester 1 K 2.0 days 1 2.0 days 2 2.0 days 3 2.0 days 4 2.0 days 5 2.0 days 6 2.0 days 7 2.0 days 8 2.0 days Sub-Total 18.0 days

Coaching & Support (2-3 Swun Math consultants) Full-Day Site Support Visits for Elementary schools 1 day per site support visit/month x 9 months = 9 days of elementary/Junior High school support Full-Day Site Support Visits for Elementary schools 2 day per site support visit/month x 9 months = 18 days of K8 School Support

Administration Support By Trimester (additional will be provide if needed) Sub Total – 4 Elementary schools x 45,000 = $180,000 2 K8 Schools x 90,000 = $180,000 Sub Total – $360,000 (Returning Schools) Sub Total – 4 Elementary schools x 40,000 = $160,000 3 K8 Schools x 80,000 = $240,000 Sub Total – $400,000 (New Schools) with discount of $5000 per school Total – $ 760,000


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Board Agenda Item

GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM DATE: March 24, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA DEPARTMENT: Educational Services SUBJECT: Edgenuity License Agreement SUGGESTED ACTION: The Superintendent recommends approval.

ATTACHMENTS:Staff Report: Edgenuity License AgreementEdgenuity Quote Spring 2020


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Yuba City Unified School District Governing Board Meeting Staff Report

To: From: Meeting Date: Item:

YCUSD Governing Board Pamela Aurangzeb March 24, 2020 Edgenuity License Agreement

The Educational Services Department is requesting approval to enter into a digital license agreement with Edgenuity, Inc. to extend the current agreement to include digital library access to 10 schools, including Albert Powell, Andros Karperos, Barry, Butte Vista, Gray Avenue, Riverbend, River Valley, Tierra Buena, Yuba City Independence Academy and Yuba City High School during the school closure. Digital Libraries provide Grade 6-12 Comprehensive Content for math, ELA, science, social studies, electives, CTE, AP, world languages, and Virtual Tutors.

Fiscal Impact: $30,000


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Edgenuity Inc.8860 E. Chaparral RoadSuite 100Scottsdale AZ 85250877-725-4257

Price Quote for ServicesYuba City Unified School District

Yuba City CAQuote Number 151058

Total $30,000.00Date 3/17/2020

Edgenuity will audit enrollment count throughout the year. If more enrollments are found to be in use than purchased, Edgenuity will invoice the customer for the additional usage.

This quote is subject to Edgenuity Inc. Standard Terms and Conditions (“Terms and Conditions”). These Terms and Conditions are available at http://www.edgenuity.com/edgenuity-standard-terms-and-conditions-of-sale.pdf, may change without notice and are incorporated by this reference. By signing this quote or by submitting a purchase order or form purchasing document, Customer explicitly agrees to these Terms and Conditions resulting in a legally binding agreement. To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, all pricing information contained in this quote is confidential, and may not be shared with third parties without Edgenuity's written consent.

If this Quote includes any Sophia® Learning Inc. courses for purchase, the following language applies to any such purchase (and this language is also found in the above linked Terms and Conditions): “Use of any Sophia course is prohibited for all students under the age of 13 years.”

Yuba City Unified School District Edgenuity Inc. Representative


Print Name:



Jesse [email protected]

Not valid unless accompanied by a purchase order. Please specify a shipping address if applicable. Please e-mail this quote, the purchase order and order documentation to [email protected] or fax to 480-423-0213.

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8860 E. Chaparral Rd., Ste 100, Scottsdale, AZ 85250 877-725-4257 Fax: 480-423-0213 www.edgenuity.com

Thank you for an excellent partnership!

Payment Schedule Contract Start Contract End

3/23/2020 4/24/2020

Site Description Comment End Date Qty

Digital Libraries 6-12 Comprehensive All Content Concurrent User (MS and HS content for math, ELA, science, social studies, electives, CTE, AP, world languages, Virtual Tutors; excludes Sophia, eDynamic Learning and Purpose Prep)

04/24/2020 600

1. Yuba City Unified School District

Site Description Comment End Date Qty

Digital Libraries District Pool Access Concurrent User 04/24/2020 10






6. Riverbend Elementary School

7. River Valley High School


Page 28: Yuba City Unified School District · 12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz & UC Santa Cruz 12.K Yuba City High School Leadership Camp Trip to UC Santa Barbara

Edgenuity Inc.8860 E. Chaparral RoadSuite 100Scottsdale AZ 85250877-725-4257

Price Quote for ServicesYuba City Unified School District

Yuba City CAQuote Number 151058

Total $30,000.00Date 3/17/2020

page 2 of 2

8860 E. Chaparral Rd., Ste 100, Scottsdale, AZ 85250 877-725-4257 Fax: 480-423-0213 www.edgenuity.com

Site Description Comment End Date Qty

8. Tierra Buena Elementary School

9. Yuba City Alternative School

10. Yuba City High School

Subtotal $30,000.00

Total $30,000.00


Page 29: Yuba City Unified School District · 12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz & UC Santa Cruz 12.K Yuba City High School Leadership Camp Trip to UC Santa Barbara


Board Agenda Item

GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM DATE: March 24, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA DEPARTMENT: Business Services SUBJECT: Contracts and Agreements SUGGESTED ACTION: Superintendent recommends approval.

ATTACHMENTS:Staff Report: Contracts and AgreementsContracts and Agreements


Page 30: Yuba City Unified School District · 12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz & UC Santa Cruz 12.K Yuba City High School Leadership Camp Trip to UC Santa Barbara

Yuba City Unified School District

Governing Board Meeting Staff Report

To: From: Meeting Date: Item:

YCUSD Governing Board Robert Shemwell, Deputy Superintendent March 24, 2020 Contracts and Agreements

During the course of the school year, it is necessary to enter into contracts and agreements for goods and/or services. The attached list of contracts/agreements is submitted for Board approval and/or ratification.


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Page 33: Yuba City Unified School District · 12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz & UC Santa Cruz 12.K Yuba City High School Leadership Camp Trip to UC Santa Barbara


Board Agenda Item

GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM DATE: March 24, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA DEPARTMENT: Business Services SUBJECT: Authorize the Disposal of Surplus Property SUGGESTED ACTION: The Superintendent recommends approval.

ATTACHMENTS:Staff Report: SurplusSurplus Forms


Page 34: Yuba City Unified School District · 12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz & UC Santa Cruz 12.K Yuba City High School Leadership Camp Trip to UC Santa Barbara

Yuba City Unified School District

Governing Board Meeting Staff Report

To: From: Meeting Date: Item:

YCUSD Governing Board Robert Shemwell, Deputy Superintendent March 24, 2020 Surplus

EC-60510 The state board, the Governing Board of any school district that employs a

superintendent of schools, and other school districts with the approval of the county

superintendent of schools, may dispose of surplus or obsolete instructional materials in

their possession that are usable for educational purposes in any of the following ways:

(a) By donation to any nonprofit charitable organization.

(b) By donation to children or adults in the State of California, or foreign countries for the

purpose of increasing the general literacy of the people.

(c) By sale to any organization that agrees to use the materials solely for educational



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Page 38: Yuba City Unified School District · 12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz & UC Santa Cruz 12.K Yuba City High School Leadership Camp Trip to UC Santa Barbara


Board Agenda Item

GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM DATE: March 24, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT AGENDA DEPARTMENT: Business Services SUBJECT: Donations SUGGESTED ACTION: The Superintendent recommends approval.

ATTACHMENTS:Staff Report: Donations03-24-2020


Page 39: Yuba City Unified School District · 12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz & UC Santa Cruz 12.K Yuba City High School Leadership Camp Trip to UC Santa Barbara

Yuba City Unified School District

Governing Board Meeting Staff Report

To: From: Meeting Date: Item:

YCUSD Governing Board Robert Shemwell, Deputy Superintendent March 24, 2020 Donations

EC 41032 - The Governing Board of any school district may accept on behalf of, and in the name of, the district, gifts, donations, bequests, and devises that are made to the district or for the benefit of any school administered by the district. The gifts, donations, bequests, and devises may be made subject to conditions or restrictions that the Governing Board may prescribe.

BP 3290 - The Governing Board may accept any bequest or gift of money or property on behalf of the district. While greatly appreciating suitable donations, the Board discourages any gifts which may directly or indirectly impair its commitment to providing equal educational opportunities for all district students.

Financial Impact: Increase in restricted revenues and related expenditures of $7,224.91. Net Impact -0-.


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Page 41: Yuba City Unified School District · 12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz & UC Santa Cruz 12.K Yuba City High School Leadership Camp Trip to UC Santa Barbara


Board Agenda Item

GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM DATE: March 24, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: ACTION DEPARTMENT: Superintendent SUBJECT: Annual submission of District 2019-2020 safety plans. The

plans are available for review at the Office of Student Affairs. SUGGESTED ACTION: Superintendent recommends approval.



Page 42: Yuba City Unified School District · 12.J YCHS Band Spring Tour to Music in the Parks in Santa Cruz & UC Santa Cruz 12.K Yuba City High School Leadership Camp Trip to UC Santa Barbara


Board Agenda Item

GOVERNING BOARD AGENDA ITEM DATE: March 24, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: ACTION DEPARTMENT: Superintendent SUBJECT: Expulsions, Stipulated Suspended Expulsions Contracts, and Re-

admission Cases Recommendation. SUGGESTED ACTION: E-1920-007
