(Youthlab Indo) Testimonial on Youth Laboratory Indonesia Since 2009

Testimonial on Youth Laboratory Indonesia (Since 2009)

Transcript of (Youthlab Indo) Testimonial on Youth Laboratory Indonesia Since 2009

Page 1: (Youthlab Indo) Testimonial on Youth Laboratory Indonesia Since 2009

Testimonial on Youth Laboratory Indonesia

(Since 2009)

Page 2: (Youthlab Indo) Testimonial on Youth Laboratory Indonesia Since 2009

RT @Outstandjing: @Youthlab_indo Research agency with clear vision, kudos!

(Imam Wiratmadja works at Narrada Agency)

Page 3: (Youthlab Indo) Testimonial on Youth Laboratory Indonesia Since 2009

RT @PatrickSearle: @Youthlab_indo Deus. Love their philosophy and love their authenticity (Previously worked at Ogilvy Indonesia)

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RT @KizkyNoor: Gw baru baca tweetnya @Youthlab_indo tentang pandangan anak2 muda terhadap

politik :) dan gw suka banget !!! (Founder Kita Berkarya Movement) 

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RT @solitiol: Never wonder being a researcher is a prestigious job until I found @Youthlab_indo. (Now work at Ruma)

Page 6: (Youthlab Indo) Testimonial on Youth Laboratory Indonesia Since 2009

RT @Anggunintan: Enknya krja d@Youthlab_indo: nmbh tmn, bhkan masih keep in touch sama

responden2 yg dlu asal ditangkep di jln bwt wawancara

(Anggun now works as Management lecturer at PPM Management) 

Page 7: (Youthlab Indo) Testimonial on Youth Laboratory Indonesia Since 2009

RT @andisboediman: An insightful study, recommended! Riset

@youthlab_indo tentang Indo twitter behavior

(Andi s Boediman founder of ideasource) 

Page 8: (Youthlab Indo) Testimonial on Youth Laboratory Indonesia Since 2009

@ruu_stevan: @Youthlab_indo You guys are awesome!! Great findings on your research. Way to go :) (Works at Dentsu Digital) 

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RT @widiasmoro: menarik nih data yg disampaikan @youthlab_indo

(contributor at PROVOKE magazine)

Page 10: (Youthlab Indo) Testimonial on Youth Laboratory Indonesia Since 2009

@TraxFMJKT: Anak Trax, lo hrs buka web @Youthlab_indo : www.enterthelab.com

disana banyak bgt ulasan ttg apa yg lg nge-trend saat ini!!!

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Page 12: (Youthlab Indo) Testimonial on Youth Laboratory Indonesia Since 2009