Youth Friendly City Guide - Nairobi

38 Youth Mappers For More Information Contact: UN-Habitat/ Safer Cities One Stop Youth Resource Center Phone: +255 (22) 2130959 Fax: +255 (22) 2130961 E-mail: [email protected] NAIROBI Youth Friendly City Guide


This is the Youth Friendly City Guide for Nairobi, Kenya. This was done as a joint publication of UN-Habitat and the One Stop Youth Resource Centre in Nairobi, Kenya. The purpose of the guide is to provide information to Nairobi youth on youth services in the region. This is one of the series of Youth Friendly City Guides undertaken from 2008 - 2010.

Transcript of Youth Friendly City Guide - Nairobi

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Youth Mappers

For More Information Contact: UN-Habitat/ Safer Cities One Stop Youth Resource Center

Phone: +255 (22) 2130959 Fax: +255 (22) 2130961

E-mail: [email protected]

NAIROBI Youth Friendly City Guide

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Many Thanks Thank you to all the youth who shared their insights and showed us their assets through this project. I would like to thank Caroline Walusaga, Evan Mwavu Kana, Anma Wangari Gaitana, Safula Abdi, and Esther Mbithe from the Nairobi One Stop Centre for all of their hard work and dedication. Likewise, Angela Tatua from Al-Ta’awon Youth Centre, Ben Ochieng from the Mathare Talent Organization and David Waithaka and Boniface ’Hawi’ Rapudo from the Moonbeam Training Centre, dedicated many hours to this project and provided exemplary guidance and support to the youth within their organizations. Finally, thank you to Doug Ragan from the Univer-sity of Colorado’s Children, Youth and Environments Centre, Melanda Schmid and Jane Bisanju from the Environmental Youth Alliance in Nairobi, Nola Kate Seymoar and Jane McRae from the International Centre for Sustainable Cities and UN HABI-TAT’s Global Partnership Initiative for Urban Youth Development. Mtoaji/Editor: Meghan Muldoon Watoaji wengine/Copy editors: Nakili/Translation:

Youth Asset Mapping, Nairobi Between September and December 2009, UN HABITAT and the International Center for Sustainable Cities teamed up with approximately 40 youth through workshops, meetings and field work to produce the Nairobi Youth Friendly City Guide. This book-let identifies and discusses youth services for 4 different areas in Nairobi; it is de-signed as a reference guide, and an expression of youth opinions on youth services within Nairobi. For more information on this project, visit the One Stop Youth Cen-ter, at the junction of Racecourse Road and Haile Selassie, Nairobi .


Get Involved! The youth in all four areas of the Central Business District, Korogocho, Mathare 4 and Mavoko identified elements of youth culture that were strengths to Nairobi, as well as opportunities to address some of their con-cerns. They also had plenty of ideas on how to address these concerns. Here are some ideas they came up with:

What can youth do to be more engaged themselves? • Be confident and self-aware. • Educate yourself on issues that matter to you: check out your ward

executive office for sources of information! • Share your ideas with others: that includes both youth and adults. • Visit your local government and municipal government offices. • Come prepared to meetings where youth have a chance to be heard. • Take initiative: use the resources that are available to you, and look

for more services or assets!

What can communities and community members do to support youth? • Involve youth in decision making processes:

• Communicate when and where important community meetings (including political meetings) are being held. Try communicat-ing through some of the youth services in this guide.

• Make sure government offices and meetings are youth friendly; ask yourself: would you feel welcome in these places if you were a youth?

• Provide youth with opportunities speak, listen to what they are saying, and integrate these ideas into planning processes.

“Some times there is low cooperation and involvement amongst youth, and youth don’t seem to take initiative on their own.” –Jafary Kunambi, Mabibo Ward

“We want to get involved in decision making processes in the local govern-ment.” –Stanclaus Kyando, Kitunda Ward

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Get Involved! Vijana ndani ya manispaa za Dar es Salaam Kinondoni, Ilala na Temeke walitambua sehemu ambazo ni muhimu kwa tabia/mambo ya vijana wa Dar es Salaam kama mahali pa kuelezea mambo yao. Pia walitoa mawazo to-fauti juu ya namna ya kuelezea mambo yao. Haya ni baadhi ya mawazo yao:

Nijinsi gani vijana wanaweza kujihusisha zaidi na mambo yao? • Kujitambua na kujiamini. • Jielimishe juu ya mambo yanayo kuhusu. • Tembelea ofisi ya Afisa metandaji kata kwa kupata vyanzo vya

Taarifa. • Badilishana mawazo na wengine, kati ya vijana na watu wazima. • Tembelea ofisi yako ya serikali ya mtaa na ofisi za manispaa. • Fika ukiwa umejiandaa kwenye mikutano ambayo vijana husikilizwa. • Kuwa na mkati wa kutumia vyanzo ambavyo vinapatikana kwako na

angalia huduma au amali zaidi!

Ni jinsi gani jamii na wanajamii wanavyoweza kuwa saidia vijana? • Kuwashirikisha vijana katika kupanga maamuzi. • Kuwataarifu mahali na wakati mikutano muhimu inapofanyika

(ikiwemo mikutano ya kisiasa). • Jaribu kuwataarifu baadhi ya huduma za vijana kupitia muongozo

huu. • Hakikisha ofisi za serikali na vikao ni rafiki kwa vijana. Jiulizemwen-

yewe: Unajisikiaje unapokaribishwa sehemu hizi ukiwa wewe ni ki-jana?

• Wape vijana nafasi ya kuzungumza, kuwasikiliza nini wanachosema na uchukue mawazo haya kuwa maandalizi ya mipango.

“Wakati mwingine kuna upungufu katika kushirikiana na kushirikishwa miongoni mwa vijana, na vijana hawaonekani kua nzisha mambo yao.” –Jafari Kunambi, Kata ya Mabibo

“Tunataka tushirikishwe katika hatua za kufanya maamuzi katika serikali za mitaa.” -Stanclaus Kyando, Kata ya Kitunda


Ufunguo/Table of Contents OLD—to be edited Asante Santa/Many Thanks............................................................................. 2 Utangulizi........................................................................................................ 4 Introduction.................................................................................................... 5 Kata ILALA Ward............................................................................................. 6 Benki/Bank........................................................................................................ 7 Elimu/Education ................................................................................................. 7 Ajira/Employment .............................................................................................. 8 Afya/Health ....................................................................................................... 8 Taarifa/Information Access .................................................................................. 8 Burudani/Recreation ........................................................................................... 9 Kata JANGWANI Ward................................................................................... 10 Elimu/Education ................................................................................................11 Ajira/Employment .............................................................................................11 Uchumi/Finances...............................................................................................11 Taarifa/Information Access .................................................................................12 Uelimishaji Rika/Peer Education ..........................................................................12 Burudani/Recreation ..........................................................................................12 Dini/Religion.....................................................................................................13 Kata KIWALANI Ward ................................................................................... 14 Elimu/Education ................................................................................................15 Ajira/Employment .............................................................................................18 Afya/Health ......................................................................................................18 Taarifa/Information Access .................................................................................18 Burudani/Recreation ..........................................................................................19 Dini/Religion.....................................................................................................20 Kata KITUNDA Ward...................................................................................... 22 Elimu/Education ................................................................................................23 Ajira/Employment .............................................................................................23 Afya/Health ......................................................................................................23 Burudani/Recreation ..........................................................................................23 Dini/Religion.....................................................................................................24 Kata UKONGA Ward....................................................................................... 26 Elimu/Education ................................................................................................27 Afya/Health ......................................................................................................28 Taarifa/Information Access .................................................................................28 Uelimishaje Rika/Peer Education .........................................................................28 Burudani/Recreation ..........................................................................................29 Dini/Religion.....................................................................................................30 Kata Ukonga (Kazkazini) Ward...................................................................... 32 Elimu/Education ................................................................................................33 Burudani/Rereation ...........................................................................................33 Dini/Religion.....................................................................................................33 Get Involved (Kiswahili) ............................................................................... 34 Get Involved ................................................................................................. 35

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Introduction Youth are an integral and large part of the population of Nairobi. They make up nearly 50% of the 3.1 million inhabitants of the city. When youth are engaged with their communities, in NGOs, as peer educators, and in income generating groups, they are contributing to a more sustainable and a safer city. These youth are less likely to commit crimes and remain idle. This Youth City Guide is a jumping-off point for identifying and developing services which are tailored to youth needs. Based on discussion in work-shops, meetings, and during field work, the youth involved in this project identified key issues where youth search out support and information. These youth in Nairobi are most concerned about:

-access to basic and post-secondary education -formal skill development (vocational training) -access to information -employment and income generation -access to health services -personal safety and protection from crime

The Nairobi Youth City Guide contains locations and information on places the youth of four areas of Nairobi have identified as ‘Youth Friendly,’ along with ways youth and communities can address barriers to youth service provision. Take a look inside! You’ll see that throughout Dar es Salaam, youth have identified services in Education, Employment, Finances, Water Selling Points, Access to Information, Recreation, and Spiri-tuality that either address the issues they are concerned about or have the potential to address these issues. Take a look to see where you can get involved, and what’s in your city for youth! As a youth or an adult, can you help develop some of these assets and services to meet the needs of youth?

“Youth-Friendly services are places or services where youth are able to get service for their problems in a friendly and timely manner, independently (without accom-paniment), without fear or conditionality and with confidentiality. They are ideally services where peers are the service providers and where youth participate in the decision making of how services are provided and exactly which services are pro-vided.” - Collaborative definition created by youth in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Services in the Mlolongo Townsite, Mavoko 16 Chief’s Office Hours of operation: 8am to 4pm Services: Local Authority’s office. Law en-forcement officers. 17 Police Post Services: Security. 18 Daraja Hardware Services: Supplier of cement and other raw materials. 19 Bujagali Pharmacy Services: Healthcare 20 Swale Hardware Services: Selling of construction tools and materials. Sells cement at Ksh. 720-750 de-pending on the brand. Bulk orders get free transport to the site.

21 Harmony Video Show Services: Entertainment place for a variety of movie shows.

22 Comfort Restaurant Services: Food 23 Mlolongo Water Supply Services: Sells borehole water at Ksh. 1000 for 10,000 litres. Transport to Moonbeam us Ksh. 4,500. Too much.

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Mavoko — Mlolongo Townsite


NAIROBI Youth Friendly City Guide

Central Business District

One Stop Youth Centre

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Insert new map here


Services in Mavoko Surrounding Moonbeam 1 Apostle Fellowship Church Services: A place of worship for Christians 2 Acacia Plains Academy Services: Private school where children get education. It is rundown. 3 Plot for Sale Services: Land for sale. 4 Syokimau Shop Services: The only shop in the area. 5 Acacia Plains Academy Services: Playground for school children.

6 Quarry Road Junction Services: A place to get refreshment. 7 Parliamentary Commission Hou-sing Quarters Services: Housing for Parliamentary Service staff. Could be a place with market for Moon-beam graduates. 8 Open Field Services: Open space

9 Millicent’s Place Hours of operation: 6am to 6pm Services: Food place frequented by Moon-beam staff. Serves breakfast and lunch. Milli-cent also caters to orders and delivers on-site. Breakfast is Ksh 20 and lunch is Ksh 50. 10 Moonbeam Regional Youth Train-ing Centre

11 Electricity Pole near Moonbeam Services: Electricity connection point. 12 Rose’s Kiosk Hours of operation: 6am to 3pm Services: Services breakfast and lunch to cas-ual labourers at the Kenya Government Insti-tute for construction training. 13 Regional Appropriate Building Materials and Technologies Centre Services: Kenya Government Institute for construction training. Possible collaborations with Moonbeam. 14 Water Storage Tank Services: Collects rainwater for suppoly to households for donestic use. 15 Kay Construction Services: Owner by Mavoko Municipal Coun-cil. Producing and selling quarry dust used in the making of Habitat Blocks. This is a sup-plier for Moonbeam. Quarry dust is sold for Ksh 150 per ton and Kay’s offers transport to any site in Mavoko.

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Mavoko—Moonbeam Youth Training Centre


UCHUMI/FINANCES 1 Rattansi Edu-Trust Huduma: Services: Give scholarships to local and re-gional students/youths. 2 Equity Bank Harambe Street Huduma: Services: Give loans 3 National Bank Huduma: Services: Give loans 4 Family Bank Ronald Ngala Street Huduma: Services: Offer loans, jobs

ELIMU/EDUCATION 5 Children Traffic Park Huduma: Services: Every Thursday children come for training. Adult learners as from 18 years. Rules about traffic. 6 Kenya Institute of Management Huduma: Services: College that offers business studies and management to all. 7 Kenya Methodist University Huduma: Services: University for the people which is open. Both the youths and the public at large. 8 Goethe Institute Nairobi Huduma: Services: College that educates and enter-tains on German cultural centre. Language test. Library and information centre admini-

stration. 9 Alliance Francaise Huduma: Services: They exhibit, teach some lan-guages foreign. Model youths, have theatres, music, open to the public and a college too. 10 Maseno University Huduma: Services: Public University to all. Offers out-reach programmes. 11 Universal Group of Colleges Imenti House along Moi Avenue Huduma: Services: Human Resources, tourism, ICT packages and other courses approved for the youth. 12 Kenya Polytechnic Huduma: Services: Education. 13 Metropolitan Training and Edu-cational Centre +254 241484, 242490 Huduma: Services: Business admin/marketing man-agement, community development. IT and short computer classes.

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AJIRA/EMPLOYMENT 14 Maasai Market Located along Taifa Road, City Hall way Open Saturday and Sunday Huduma: Services: Offers employment. Sells cultural things, such as drawings, wood sculptures, beads, shoes, etc.

15 Professional Shoeshine Centre Huduma: Services: They are 8 shoeshiners. They are open from 6am to 6pm. Charges are according to the type of shoes.

16 Culture Council of the Embassy of Iran Huduma: Services: Offer jobs to the youths (ECK). AFYA/HEALTH 17 X-Rays and Ultrasound Njenga: +254 0733 785142 Huduma: Services: Offer ultrasound services, general x-ray services. 18 Ngaira Health Centre Haile Selassie Avenue Huduma: Services: Offers VCT, TB services, curative services.

TAARIFA/ INFORMATION ACCESS 19 One Stop Youth Centre Junction of Red Cross and Haile Selassie Open 24 hours Huduma: Services: Offer VCT, ICT training and entre-preneurship. Share compound with the Red Cross and the City Council of Nairobi. 20 Maendeleo ya wanawake Huduma: Services: Deals with women and single moth-ers/ladies. Self-help groups. Have generating incomes, offer loans. 21 Macmillan Library Monday to Saturday, 8am to 6pm Huduma: Services: Library open to the public.

“Nisehumu ambayo vijana wanafanya bi-ashara kwa urahisi na unaweza kukodi eneo kwa muda mfupi. Vijana wanafanya shughuli zao za kujiingizia kipato.” “Soko la Mitumba offers youth a place to do business easily, on a short term basis. Rentals don’t have to be long term, and youth can have their own income generat-ing activities here.”


The Moonbeam Train-ing Centre for Youth was founded after UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon visited the Nairobi slum of Kibera and pledged to do something to help. The Moonbeam training centre has been lo-cated in Mavoko on the outskirts of Nairobi on land purchase by UN-HABITAT. Youth from Kibera and other slums have been training in brick making and housing construction. They have been responsible for building the training centre and will begin construction on low-income housing cooperatives in Mavoko. Youth participants were trained in asset map-ping in October 2009. They mapped locally available services in order be able to provide this information to the families that will even-tually be living in the area. This information will also be beneficial to the youth, who will become private contractors once the housing project is complete and they will need to know where to purchase their supplies. It is the in-tention of the youth at Moonbeam to update the maps as the community expands and de-velops.

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NAIROBI Youth Friendly City Guide


Moonbeam Youth Training Centre


22 Nation House Kimathi Street Huduma: Services: Media House. Information in gen-eral, t.v., radio. 23 Book Point Huduma: Services: Resource books in all categories (health, civic, healthcare, etc.) 24 Standard Group Huduma: Services: Media House, publishing, t.v. 25 Ministry of Home Affairs—Vice President Taifa Road Huduma: Services: Office of the Vice President, pris-ons. 26 Kenyatta International Conferen-ce Centre (KICC) Huduma: Services: International conferences, youth events. 27 Catholic Bookshop Huduma: Services: This is where youth get access to religious books. 28 City Hall Huduma: Services: Social services, local government authority. 29 Notice Board Standard Street Huduma: Services: Youth come and collect and travel service implementation.

30 Kenya National Archives Huduma: Services: All legends and records are kept here. Political, economic, cultural, etc. 12 Treasury House Huduma: Services: Budgets are done here, planning and finance ministry.

BURUDANI/RECREATION 31 Bomb Blast Site Located on Moi Avenue, opposite Pioneer House. Open 6am to 5pm. Entry fee 20 Ksh. Huduma: Services: People are allowed to sit and relax, have meetings, but commonly people were old. There is a museum, gallery, video that takes 50 minutes (9am to 6pm). There is a

conference room for hire. There is a peace builders kids’ club. 32 Pioneer House Resting Place Moi Avenue Huduma: Services: There is a small garden where peo-ple can relax. It is always open. The garden is maintained by the Co-operative Bank.

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Nairobi Central Business District old map


Mathare 4 Youth Groups 1 U&I for our Community Youth Group Services: This group offers toilet services, garbage collection, and does waterfront gar-dening. Vegetables grown include kale, cab-bage, tomatoes and onions. 2 Mathare Youth for Action (MYFA) Services: AIDS awareness, sports (boxing, ludo, games), community cleanups, garbage collection, and the sale of cereals. 3 Single Mothers Services: Poultry farming, shop, football. 4 Millennium Youth Group 5 JAFREST Services: Vegetable garden, school. 6 CASO Upendo Youth Centre Services: School, orphan care, urban agricul-ture (vegetable garden). 7 MYTO Academy Services: Supporting orphans and vulnerable children. Empower children through education.

8 NAGEYA OVC Care Centre and Schools Services: School and orphanage with 24 chil-dren. 9 MASIO Services: Garbage collection, sports. 10 JASIL Services: Run a school. 11 CAROON Services: Run a school and help orphaned girls with counseling and providing basic needs. 12 MANYGRO (Mathare No. 10 Youth Group) Services: Urban agriculture, garbage collec-tion, screen printing, toilet services, acting. 13 Mathare Youth Talent Organiza-tion (MYTO) Services: Run a butchery, tailoring business, school, garbage collection, music and enter-tainment, microfinance and sports. 14 SECC (Success Education Care Centre) Services: Run a school and provide guidance counseling. 15 Breclares Rehabilitation Centre Services: Run a school from nursery class to class 8 with a total of 370 children. Have ren-ted different houses as classrooms. Also do community cleanups. 16 Excellent Care Centre Services: Run a school, do home visits, and conduct garbage collection (not for business).

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33 Aghak-Car Park and Resting Centre Huduma: Services: Provide space for cars to park, peo-ple to rest and pavement. Car park and pay fees. 34 Nairobi Cinema Huduma: Services: Provide food courts, canteens, a college (Nairobi office). Open every day. Share office with Ministry of Youth. 35 Kenya Cinema Moi Avenue Huduma: Services: There is a cinema, salons, sports house, boutiques, bars (Zanze, Winkers), res-taurants (eateries), cyber with and ice cream parlour, Barclays ATM, chemist. 36 Uhuru Central Park Huduma: Services: Relaxing and resting place for peo-ple.

37 Jivanjee Gardens Huduma: Services: A lot of people sitting around and relaxing. Private and Eco-toilets available.

38 Stage Global Huduma: Services: Public stage—security available, kiosks. 39 Recreation Facilities Huduma: Services: Metal benches for public to relax, rest. 40 Kimathi Kenyatta Huduma: Services: Hot spot. 41 Cameo Cinema Huduma: Services: Youth friendly Entertainment. 42 Railway Club Huduma: Services: Basketball ground, Has restaurant. Ksh. 100 to play tennis. Halls, grounds, games, pool and tennis. Church. Processional road.

SANITATION 43 Marafiki SACCO NCC Open 6am to 6pm 7 days per week. Fee is 5 Ksh per visit. Huduma: Services: NCC public toilet. Operated by three people. One for gents and ladies and cashiers. 44 Iko Toilet Aga Khan Walk. Open 6:30am to 8:30pm 7 days per week. Fee is 5 Ksh per visit. Huduma: Services: This is an open/public toilet

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45 Public Toilet Huduma: Services:

FOOD 46 Garden Square Restaurant Huduma: Services: Funeral arrangements, restau-rant, seminars, youth workshops. 47 Steers Restaurant Huduma: Services: Eating and resting place, major-ity are the youth. 48 Sizzlin Grills Ronald Ngala Street Huduma: Services: Food.

SHOPPING 49 Nakumatt Lifestyle Huduma: Services: Mega supermarket have a lot of stalls with chemists, bookshops, gym, curio shops, all under one roof. 50 Exhibition Huduma: Services: Selling of clothing 51 I&M Building Huduma: Services: Banks, stalls, media (KTN), chemist, Safaricom retailers, restaurant, boutique which is youth friendly. 56 Limoda Shopping Complex Cabral Street Huduma: Services: Shopping mall which is youth friendly. Everything is there under one roof.

57 Tusky’s Supermarket Mfangano Street Huduma: Services: For shopping. 58 Cianda Market Mfangano Street Huduma: Services: There are hotels, stalls and Mpesa services.

NO-GO ZONES 59 University and Uhuru Highway Roundabout Huduma: Services: It id not safe—there is a lot of mugging. People don’t obey the traffic rules. The evening there are some rapists around. 60 Slip Road Huduma: Services: Traffic jam Hotpoint, very, very unsafe. Safety for students, school-goers.

61 Globe Tunnel Huduma: Services: Tunnel—very unsafe spot.


MYTO Micro-Credit Funded Businesses 1 Bones to Survive Services: Millicent Anwar received a micro-credit loan from MYTO to start her business, which sells omena (stones high in iron for women to chew during pregnancy). 2 Beatrice Odoyo Services: Beatrice Odoyo sells bananas, avo-cados, tomatoes, oranges and dried fish. 3 Ann Otieno Services: Ann Otieno sells tomatoes, sukuma wiki, milk and eggs. 4 Silvia Akoth Services: Silvia Akoth sells avocados and on-ions. Her vision is to expand the business to a bigger unit in order to sell wholesale.

5 Lilian Anyango Services: Lilian Anyango sells lemons, pep-pers, ginger and onions. 6 Eska Achieng Services: Eska Achieng sells Nile perch.

7 Otieno Collins Services: Otieno Collins sells sweets, soap, bananas, onions and avocados.

8 Okidi’s Business Services: Okidi Onesmus sells chips and vege-tables. 9 Kachibora Video Show Services: This site was originally mapped as a potential site for a future MYTO grocery store. It is now a video shop. 10 MYTO Butchery Services: The owner is MYTO member Ben Ochieng. He sells meat and makes ugali and bone soups. His vision is to expand the busi-ness to have more branches and employ more people, especially youth. 11 One Stone Video Store Services: Business owner Salome Achiengi shows video tapes and manages a barber shop. Her vision is to expand into a bigger unit so that she is able to employ more people. 12 Cobbler Services: MYTO member Lobedus Olik repairs shoes for a reasonable price.

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DINI/RELIGION 62 The Salvation Army HQ Huduma: Services: Church. They give service to the elderly people as in food, clothing, etc. Train the youths on music and even how to use a guitar. 63 Jamai Mosque Huduma: Services: Mosque/temple for Muslims. 64 Holy Family Basilica Catholic Church Huduma: Services: This is where youth go to worship and also youth activities such as seminars are done here. 65 Neno Evangelism Centre Haile Selassie Avenue office. Huduma: Services: TRANSPORTATION 66 Bus Station Huduma: Services: Terminal bus station, retail-ers, shops, public toilets, 10 shillings at FCC, Premier College.

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MYTO Member Businesses 1 Josiah Otieno Services: Jisiah Otieno first started his busi-ness cooking mandazi in 2008. He now has his own shop and sells groceries, sodas and sweets.

2 Mama Mahinda Services: Mama Mahinda sells boiled maize, roasted maize, oranges, bananas, tomatoes, sukuma wiki and onions 3 Everlyne A. Odoyo Services: Everlyne Odoyo sells Nile perch. Her vision for her business is to become the leading fish supplier in the near future. 4 Mama Kadi Services: Mama Kadi sells chapattis and chal-lenges the luck of customers. 5 Baraka Chemist Services: The proprietor is Festus Munyoki. He sells medicine, cosmetics and greeting cards, His vision is to expand to wholesale. 6 MYTO Tailoring Services: Run by MYTO member Benter. She works making dresses and selling material. Her vision is to expand the business and begin

selling material wholesale. She would also like to trian others how to make clothes. 7 Otieno Collins Services: Otieno Collins sells sweets, soap, bananas, onions and avocados. 8 Okidi’s Business Services: Okidi Onesmus sells chips and vege-tables. 9 Kachibora Video Show Services: This site was originally mapped as a potential site for a future MYTO grocery store. It is now a video shop. 10 MYTO Butchery Services: The owner is MYTO member Ben Ochieng. He sells meat and makes ugali and bone soups. His vision is to expand the busi-ness to have more branches and employ more people, especially youth. 11 One Stone Video Store Services: Business owner Salome Achiengi shows video tapes and manages a barber shop. Her vision is to expand into a bigger unit so that she is able to employ more people. 12 Cobbler Services: MYTO member Lobedus Olik repairs shoes for a reasonable price.

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Mathare 4


NAIROBI Youth Friendly City Guide


Al-Ta’awon Youth Organization

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Kisumu Ndogo — South-West


The Mathare Youth Talent Organization (MYTO) is a youth-led organization located in the Nairobi slum of Mathare 4. Group mem-bers participate in song and dance perform-ances throughout the city and have opened schools in the community to educate children who are not able to afford to attend the public school. The group also provides start-up funding loans to MYTO members wishing to start their own busi-nesses. The group recently expanded their activities to begin offering micro-credit loans to widows and other low-income people also wishing to open businesses. Members of MYTO participated in a series of mapping ini-tiatives in their community. In the first ses-sion they mapped the MYTO member busi-nesses in Mathare 4. Next, they mapped all of the small businesses run by non-MYTO members which received micro-credit loans. Finally, youth participants also mapped the locations of all the other youth support groups located in Mathare 4.

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NAIROBI Youth Friendly City Guide

Mathare 4

Mathare Youth Talent Organization


HEALTH 1 Amana Medical Clinic Services: Family planning and laboratory ser-vices. 3 Uzima Medical Clinic Hours of operation: 7:00am to 8:30pm Services: Laboratory, dental, fam-ily planning, pharmacy and clinic services, free consultations. 7 Dispensing Chemist Services: Pregnancy tests, chem-ists. 16 Dispensing Chemist Hours of operation: 8:00am to 8:00pm Services: Family planning, selling drugs. 33 Health Centre Tumaini Services: VCT, HIV care, maternity, immuni-zations, clinical services. 39 Public Toilet Services: Public uses this toilet every day.

WATER SELLING POINTS 4 KAD Kisumu Ndogo Services: They sell water. It is a youth pro-ject that deals with biogas toilets for a fee. 6 Kisumu Dogo Water Project Hours of operation: 6:30am to 9:00pm Services: Sell water. 8 Water Project opposite KNOG/ALFA Hours of operation: 7:00am to 8:00pm

Fee: 2Ksh/30 litres Services: Selling water. 10 Water Project Fee: 2Ksh/30 litres Services: Selling water. 13 Big Pen Water Project

Fee: 2Ksh/30 litres Services: Selling water. 15 Water Point Hours of operation: 7:30am to8:00pm Fee: 2Ksh/30 litres Services: Selling water. 27 Shosho Water Pro-ject Fees: 2Ksh/20 litres. Services: Selling water

28 Ken Water Proect Fees: 2Ksh/20 litres. Services: Selling water 30 Anab Water Project Services: Selling water 31 Water Project Hours of operation: 7:00am t0 8:00pm Fees:2Ksh/20 litres Services: Selling water 35 Tumaini Water Project Fees: 1Ksh/20 litres. Services: Washing, advertisement zone 36 Water Project Highridge Fees: 1Ksh/20 litres. Services: Selling water, washing 38 New Hope Water Project Services: Selling water.

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Kisumu Ndogo — North-East


RECREATION 5 Viper Cinema Recreational Facility Services: This is a recreation facility where the youth can get entertainment when they are free at an affordable price. 14 York Show Kisumu Ndogo Services: A recreational facility that youth access with an affordable price during their free time. 18 Nu-Metro Kisumu Ndogo Services: Recreational facility that youth can access in their free time.

24 Mysa Field Services: This is a football field where young people can play to develop their talents.

25 Playstation PS3 Services: This is a Playstatiion for the boys at their free time. Recreational facility that is very popular. 32 DSTV Video Show Services: Shows football from around the world on weekends and sometimes at mid-week (e.g. champions’ league).

SHOPPING 29 Al-Bagdad Shop Services: Retail shop offering retail services.

NO-GO ZONES 42 No-Go Zone Services: This area is not accessible to most people due to a lack of security.

SPIRITUALITY 19 Legio Maria Services: This is a Legio Maria church where people go for worship and prayers.

37 Tumaini Highridge Church Services: A place of worship and prayers for both the youth and other people. 40 Anglican Catholic Church— Good Shepherd Services: This is a church and a school.

Page 19: Youth Friendly City Guide - Nairobi


Korogocho — Highridge


EDUCATION 2 Jambo Toto School Services: It is a primary school where young people can bring their children. 9 Kisumu Ndogo Nyago School Services: It is a primary school where young people can bring their children. 11 Big Pen Academy School Services: This is a baby class and primary school that young people can easily access. 23 School/Church Overcomers Life Seekers Services: This is both a church and a school. 21 Daniel Comboni School City Coun-cil Services: This is a primary school led by the City Council of Nairobi for the children. 39 Korogocho Glory Primary and Secondary School Services: This is an informal school that has primary and secondary school through Korean sponsorship. It is easily accessible.

YOUTH SUPPORT 12 Napenda Kubhi Rehabilitation Project Services: Counseling children, feeding them, bathing at the centre, taking them to school (reintegrating them). 20 Child Care Centre Maisha Mpya Services: Centre where children with HIV/AIDS and orphans are taken care of. There is a free school and a free bus is offered. The total number of children served is 859. There is a feeding program, lunch, break tea. Sup-ported by Nyumba ya Wazee (Elders’ House). 22 Child Care Centre New Hope Services: Feeding program, school. 26 Al-Ta’awon Youth Organiza-tion Services: Education programme, vocational training, health programme, ICT, adult educa-tion, medical camps. 34 Highridge Development Group Services: Advert done, garbage collection, water selling, bathrooms, toilets, hotel opening very soon.

EMPLOYMENT 17 Youth Led Paraffin Selling Hours of operation: 6:00am to 7:30pm Fee: 60Ksh = 1 litre Services: Selling paraffin.