wwp —r- ""-••-" - mmnm warn SENATOR LEE £ OVERMAN. HOD. Lee 8. Overman, the jun- ior senator from North Carolina, who will address the people of Pitt county at Ayden on the Kith. sod again at Greenville that night, has risen rapidly during the short while he has l>een iu the Senate, and is fast becoming- a nat- ional ti Mire His stand for thr inter*-'' ofthe -h'pTverin the rail- road rat Mil bmnff s t him nmmi nently to the front, and nia amend- ment to 'hit Mil, limiting rh« granting ofbjuefio> , s by Federn J courts mid *hic>i •i» secured I 1 ' the face of mwil opp d.rfcin, is ODi of the moat important feature u tb« law iu ir now stands. I 1 i wrtbv of rote rbnte- |v OPP o'h- er amend men to the hill w »* "•- cnred ly a&iatheiu senator. Senator Orel nan served 01' many of the most iniportHin com mi t tees of the senate, and took HI active p.irt in all its discussions and deliberatioaa. He secured the DMMge of ;i bill in tie senate (o establish a national forest reserve in the Appalachian mountains—a bill which has made its appear, aree at every session of congress fltr several yiais, but which has never before been passed. Senator Overman alto secured important adcitions to the public buildings bill for North Carolina, all of which goes to show that ho kept at all times the interest of his con- stituent in miod. But perhapB the most important single achievement of Senator Overman and tbat Which most vitally con- cerns the interests not only of Pitt county but of all North Carolina and the South as well, is the law creating a cotton commission to investigate am', e courage oar cotton trade abroad. The history Of thi» bill is itiotincti e. Re me ibeiiuc tl.e .teat tvifou crop of two yeais ago and the slump iu price. Senator Overman became, coLviiifnl that - lie "ffort should be made b) tne government to pro- mote our foreign trade in c itton prod tit's, and i' i induced a bill to establish a commission lor that purpose. The bill received the support ot ih: Southern member but i' seemed Impossible to secure enough ii Hue ace to bring it out of committee. Senator Oveiman, however wai i.' I to be caught nap- ping, ami when the appropriations bill came to the senate, ho pio- posed an amendment to that bil', tins bringing the mattei fairly be- fore the Benste, wheie by active and wise management and by j er- sonal ii-fluence he secured its fav- vorable consideration and the amcodment became a law. The commission is now on its way to the east. Senator OvsrmaD is one of the stanccbest party men in the Sen- ate. His colUagnee recogoiziug bis ability aDd bis loyally to his party, elected him a member of thePiniocrnlic atoeilift con mlttte nf Ire sera|P In fi?t IU vacancy by be <l. a>h «f Sei ator Gorma»—ni hone i ade the great- n by'he fad thht it bs~ teldom been rii'iftrid UI.I i a •thst tn lu- er." His I'' mccrecv was bar. eu at the leet I VHO ai d .larvis, to both t wh< m be teivedee private -utiet-.'J dining then '<• peciive terms n> gi'vemn of Nvith CuiO» ••• i. We predict f>r Bens'nr Ovu-i niau i. enbusiiSiic wiu'cwe io Pitt. NOTICE I will be at the following place for the lurnose of cc letting taxes f' r the year ]Wt6. All er- P.US curing taxes ait requested to meet me an pay same. Tuesday. Oet. 16 Mays char-el, Heaver Bam Township Wednesday, Oct, 17, Falkln.d, Falkland Township Friday' 1S>, Stokes, Carolina Township. Saturdaj> 20. Bethel, Bethel Township. Saturday, L'O, Ayden Con- tentnea Township Wednesday, li. Johnsons Mills Swift Creek lownship Thursday, 25, Bells Cross Roads, Belvoir Township Friday, i6, Pactolus, Pactolue Township. Saturday, 26, Farmville, Farm villa towushir>. Saturday, Nov. 3, Bl*Ck Jack, Chicod to* uship. L. W. TUCKER, Sheriff of Pitt com t Horses and Hules John A. Webb who has been with It L Smitb & Co. as sales- man for the past three years, has now gone in business with W. H. White in the Harrington stables in front of the court house. They will keep a good lot of drive and work Horses and Mules for sale or exchanoe and will be glad to have any one in need of a horse or mote to call and see stock. Webb & White. Greenville, N.C. COMING SURE. ONE GLORIOUS * OR Y. C1EENVILLE, SAT,, OCT. 6. i . .. .1 J i. < « I'm ?• '. t i so; in. ai (. Ojpli Dllf- ret (! ' in: : . i of i'ali' nil I .; . . \ -i i :. ] Tliri Iroure of Arabli , i di fji i. -•• d In Mi i it. T . Croat J j-11. rcrn on mi nibs New \* i ,< bueo Hen ; phaite. Lroveof Eg] tii Camels. ' inly herd 11 n. 1 J..I. d i i ttU. '1 w. per foil ano da Ij :.- lor 10.11" 1 reoj le nm i sun and rai i can- Reserved seats son sale day oi .--hov, 1.1 (i.v,i! ii <S: Wool Sto e. Magnificat and spectseu'ar Fr*eftreetparad< w't!i- a, i at 10 ocltck a. ui. j. *-.-~" r .»-,. ^jj.wiw rnm.mmmmummwv W*w*n* THE EASTERN REFLECTO Dcparment Store News BE FAIR TO »iVN^w%^/^VS YOURSELF. ^s*'*****'***-******^'' t uA<vxQ''>'*M^>nir>fVif ' **^*"^S******^^*+^^^*^^^^>^^\ And look through our mammoth stock before buying. Each article cl n < ul :n dLse has bten selected with great care as to quality, style price siid durability, and the utual high standard of excellence ha been maintained. The New Cloaks and Rain Goats are coming in every few days? the variety is great and we are offering some splendid values. Ladies Full length Rain Coats, well made in the laiest styles, double breasted, belted, and trimmed with soutache braid tor |5.50, the better grades run up to $18.00 and includes the new "Prince Chap" style. The New Dress Goods. are ready for your inspection, the showing includes the season newest offerings, such as Broadcloth. Henriettas, Batiste, Voile, Serge, Pana- ma, Poplinette. Mohairs. Flannels, Wool Mixtures and Plaids, ask to see our special Chiffon Broadcloth at fl.00 yard. The Silk Department. is "up-to-date" and sparkling with good values, 86-in Crepe de Chene, the real double width "One Seamo" in lovely shades for 31.oo yard. 22-inch Crepe de Chene in perfect shades for fio cts yard. Our 86-in Tafleta Silk in black and colors is worthy of your attention, price $1.00 yard. New Plaid Silks in all shades and combinations. The Notion Department. Contains the newest of the seasons novelties in Fancy Back Combs, Helts, Neckwear. Shopping Hags. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery. Ribbons and Underwear, Ladies 16-Button length Black Glace Kid Cloves $8.00 pair. Mtnnens and Colgate TalCum Powder 15c. IK,X. Colgate Dental Powder 15c, box. Casl.niere Bouquet Soap 25c cake The Ladies Home Journal patterns for fall and winter are here, price loc and 15c. The Fall Fashion Book Ice and 15c. Fashion Sheets free. You will not regret paying this storea visit, for we have many inter- esting tiling* to show you. 1) J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner. Twice-a-Weeh—Tuesdsy and Friday. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR VC. No. XXV GREENVILLE, PITT COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9 1906. S 186 COUNTY MATTERS * A CARD. . Proceedings of the Commission- ers. Tne board ot the county oom- missiouers met in monthly seisniou on the first Mouday, all the mem- bers belDg present. Payments were made from ths treasury as followB; For pauper* $161.75; conniy home supplies 9183.43; county home repairs #16,30; Buperiutendent lieal'n $33.30; bridges and ferries *176.- 66; 00' veyiug prisoners and in- sane *44 15; election notices $11 10 etstiouury $25.15, conrt hi une $4.50; jail •»'.120; costs $633.06; jury ticket-, §609.16; wituecs tick- ets $768.24; commnwiouers $18.- 50; general toadx $56.98; Beaver Dam roads $272 82; Chicod reads $9.88; ("oni.-in n.-.i road- $10 44; Falkland roads $14.88; Farmville roads $6-7. r i; Greenville roads $15.- 08; Swift Creek roadl $6 97; Pitt oonuty steck law $94.35. The sbeiiff, treasurer and super- intendent of health filed their monthly report-. Joe McLawborn, scperioteupent of road force, was allowed one ad- ditional glut, d at $1.26 per day until the iorce is decreased to 30. (vlonz. p Joyner was added to panpe.- li-t to receive 1 50 per month, and W. B. Bland's allow- ance was increased irom $1 to $2 per month J. h. 8pain was ordered sent to the county home- John li.i .,-i, colored, was re- leased from poll tax in Greenville township, erroneously listed. firs. Miume McL'iwborn was le leaded from 'axes on 36 acies ..f land in Conteutoea township, er- roneously listed. It wa» ii;'iei d between the board of c»miu>nionera for the cunity and F. M. Wooten, may- or, tor the r PWII of Greenville, tbat on I lie 15th day of November, 1906. or -.•* joon thereafter u pptuctloabie, ttiat the road force shall ezouVMte and refill, where sewe is laid, H line of sewer from Tar river, a e irding to diagram of eysiem, t<p point uiieie the main sewer is i a ; : eet-.iblo to the jail and OOUlt Ii nite, a distance ol 1,000 jam Provided, that the nldeinici! ul town will grant to the i- umissiooere of Pitt county >ii i connect a sewer i I and com . boute iid stiver, and for- .- ml county from Co-1 tor repairing v c r f •• * : - . . —'«....- Ttiimii II To ti e Citizeus ot I'iit County: 1 desire toanuonuce thiough the columns of The hineetor that 1 have alwayB been a Deiuoctat and am now a Democrat, and that the action ol the Republican conven- tion in nominating me foi county surveyor was without my know- ledge or consent, and I take this method of publicly announcing tbat I deciiue to accept the nomi- nation of the Republican conven- tion for said office. My reason fr r so doing is that I am a Democrat and shall support the Democratic candidates, and I desire to mint thin announcement to the citizens uf Pitt oonuty. This the 4th day of Oct. 1906. D. 8. Rollins. pipe from pro) e t\ ev. r ;••''• All se<er I iX > ; were drawn a- : m'-er term of Pitt same. The M jurors for N Bupoiior cud Fust w ek -W. J. Teel, J. K. Whilehuist, K. S. Whitehurst, Jr. J., S Cherry, W. T. Edwaid.-. Rl-in- llu- Itnldard, .1. 0. Cox Robe-t H'vithincton, J, B. Car- roll, .I. B. W'-.irr pp. Jowph Tripp, O. Hook :. .:. 1/. Tyson, 0.0. P.iil;er.-ipi , :1 (1. t McG.iWIlll, W. F. Flemi .. . Barnaul, B. E Par ha.n. S(C iu . ,1. Stokes, A. D. .Toll - . P. Murray, LtiFa . r. \V. Qal lerly, H. K. i C. Tripp, B. C. < I l. Patrick. K. V\. 1. : . P ..... David v, , . .n m, 11 A 11.-- 1 s M .j.', T I-: I le., i II why be Profane? To one who will think cooily and calmly abont human speech, it is really a puzzle why men nse pro- fanity. In the first place, most men know belter, else why will they not swear in the piesence of ladies or preachers of the gospelt Somehow men who swear just feel like it is not the polite thing to swea.- before ladies or other distin- guished presence. And yet those who are addicted to the habit will forget their po- liteness even emongst strangers and use profanity which often time shocks those who bear, thongh the man who does the swearing seems almost nncon- scirpB of what he has said. While it is not becoming in any oue to Bwear anywhere, i.tlierwise" very polite and clever geutlemrn gome- times express themselves in pri- faue language which for Ihp time may shock some one for whom the swearer would have more regaid il he knew him. Recently we heard a man wh.> seemed to be a clever aril acioinplished gentle- man slip some expression of prolanity for which he afterwards wished to apol.gizc, but did not get a convenient Opportunity. It was iu a small company, perhaps all stranger! to each o'her, one ot whom was a minister of the gospel. The company was dis- cussing some current events :>f the day, when the one of unguarded sp eCb said some things which he regretted when he letrned that one of the company was a minis- ter. Ir would have been so niucii better if he had left off the profan- ity entirely And so would be better if men in every walk and c'ncie ot life could learn how use- b S is profanity and would leitve it .vir of their expressions alto* getber. t dies not emphasize, but rather weakens tin st.iteinenl; does not edify the speaker or the nearer, is never of any benefit, iput fiequently eiusee bitter regi t-. Let ns hope that sometime? men will i t BWI ii go'much. Bcotl i \' ei i' luiniouwealtb. SCHOOL OPENlNbJ. Splendid Advancement Through the Lfunly, The •eh'"' 1 " "• •' have already opened in i!i'-C'li'ity shi'w ,i huge increase iu attendance from last >ear. The following have opoued since we last noted oneniugs. Griflon he.tin its work about two weeks ago wiih the following teachers: Supi, W. H. Cale havv io»r the 7th. 8lb, and 9th grades, Miss Trevillian 5th. and 6th, Miss Pearo*-, 3rd, and 4th, Mi<a ('ow- ard, 1st, and 2nd, and Miss Gay music. The school is fall and is doin.: tine work in the bands of this sp endiil corps of teachers. Ayden MbOQjJ opened last week in charge of the following line list of teachers: Supt. J. A. MUA thur, 8th, and '.till grades, Mins llorn.i day Ii Ii and 7ib, Mins Barnes, 5th, Mi- Whitehead 4tb, Miss Brown 2nd and 3rd, and Mi-- DAWSOII 1st. This school is rap- idly forging itaelf to the front rank ofsuhoolain thiscpiunty, La--t Monday the school at Farm- ville opened with an educational hour, tl, W. Whedbee, Esq. of Greenville, spoke for tne people. Every one who heard him speaks in tin highest terms of the address, it was sensible, well conceived, ap propriate and to the point The attend mce the first day showed an increase over last year of more than 40 pupils. It would be hard to find a more splendid set of teachers than these who are in charge of this school: 8upt, J, 11. Mclver, 8th and 9th grades, Miss Tyson, 6th and '.'ih. Miss Moore 4th and 5th, Miss Waldrop 3rd, and M n-s Perkins 1st and 2nd. The rural schools will begin to open about the 15tb, and the pros- pects are goodforalive year in tho educa'ional work of the county, Right You Are, Bioiher. A man who stands on the stieit corner chewing and spitting, tel 1 - ing how the government -hould be run, cirsiug the town, fiodiitii fault with his grandmother be« cause she w'. a w in, i- HOOKERTON DISTRICT UNION. Meeting in Christian Church of Greenville. H "pkerii.i District Union ui wilhthe Chris ian church in Green ville on Oc. 3rd. Opening de- votional exercises were conduct" d b K. H,.lo!ie-. In the ab-enee of both the presi- dent and vice-president. K. A. Moye was elected preMilent pr> tern, and he exteuded a hearty welcome from Greenville cnurch to the visiting brethren and sisteis, Upon the roll call of cburetea the following responded: Ayden, C. S, Sumnierell. 82 (It) Grifton, by letter, 5.On K iii-doII. N. D. Nyers and I). F. I.' ni II tree 2.00 U 'unite.-. Ii. If Jones 5.00 Wilson, J. B. Jones 5 00 $1!) 60 At noon adjournment Was bad with benediction by B II. Joins- Afternoon sc-sion met at 2:80 o'clo"k, opening with praise ser- vice. J. B. Jo es delivered an intei- eving address on the subject t *Working Together With Christ." Kep.irt of (i linehe- was again called for and Greenville respond- ed with B. A. Moy and H. T. Kim; as representatives. Miscellaneous business followed with ili-i-ii--inns by J. B. Jones, R. H. Joues and H. T. King. Beports from the Sunday schools were then called for: Grifcon, total enrollment 83, average attendance 53. Kiustou, total enrollment 150, average a)tendance '.25. Ayden, total enrollment 125, average attendance 75. Wilson, total eurolluieul 170, average attendance 140, Gieenvil!.'. total enrollment 50, average attendance ?5. Adj'iiirnnient, wtih benediction by J. B. Jones At 8 o'clock p. to. J. B. Jones preached an able serin90 ou the slmject "Examine Yourselves.'' A large congregation was present and the trillion was much en- STRUGGLE WITH FIEND. 1 PROGRAM FOR TcACHERS MEE INC YcurgLady Repels Vicious As- sai.ant. Tarboro, N. C, Oct. 4.-Last night about 10 o'clock a negro en to red the home of a merchant here and made a desperate at- tempt to assault Miss Kidd, a vis- .tiug young lady. She was alone in her room preparing to retire and was standing in front of tho mirror combing her hair when siio sav the brute's face in the glass, due wheeled around and was confronted by him. lie said to hor: "Give mo that ring ' Miss Kidd handed it to hi in and Saturday Oct. 13th 1900. 10 a m—Devotional exercises Rev. J. A. If. rnaday. 10:10 a in Elect'on of officers, and general organization, 10:30 Exhibition of g|i be making, Supt. II. Ii Smiih. 11a tn ad Ires?, the Teachers' op- portunity this session, Gov, T. Jarvia 11:30 a in \\ hat slmll ! e the char, actei of the assoi i .ti ins work thi* year. General di-i ns-i. n 12 am Paper What can le done then endeavored to escape, but ( for our sch<ol rooms? Mi-s Bettie he brute seized her and began c Wright. t>lioKiii< her. Bbe screamed and I 12:15 Organisation of a Woman's fought desperately to free her- j betterment association s If from his gasp. l P m Adjourn A littl. child that was sleeping; j Tllis the first meeting of the as- iu the room began crying and this [ Ociation and I desire to make a spe- frightenod the negr >, who re f cial requesi of every teacher in the leased his hold and the young j county tobe present. You cannot a if rd lauy fled to another room where she procured a pistol. Sue relumed aud tired at the negro as he jumped out of the wjj' low. Iii the .-i niggle the lady was bruised abont the faoaaa 1 ' chest, tbeie being blood stains on her clothing. Mer screams and the pistol ..not attracted an im- mense crowd of indignant citizens When they ft ached the residence Miss Kidd, from the shock and fright, was in an hysterical condi tiou, requiriug the service of a to miss this, if you expect to do g. od work this sea-ion. Nothing tells me more plainly of your lack of interest in your work than your ab- snee from-these meetings, and I say frankly to you in the beginning th it unless you attend you need not ex- pect to have your vouchers sig ed when presented. I proposo each one ol us shall bear his part in these public gatherings and the teacher who is not willing to d'> so ought not to be in the work in this county. It mutters not whether physician. She was so excited and I your school has opened or not you ft ightcncd that it was difficult to gain any information from her last uight. are expected to attend. I desiro at this meeting to get a list of the teachers anil where they will teach. that llu: merchants are a lot thieves, tfw« me lawyers awl | joyed Mr. Jones is so Interesting speakei and one of the strangest men of the Christian church in tho work wiih every teacher here on time and ready to enter heartily into the program. rt H. KAUSDALK, Supt, ol >, hods. TO..N SATTEHS. newspaper men would -Uin a mini to u ti'ii-li ami a whole lot more, is a nuisance and a ab inatmii- Any town pestcib'' with one 'PI tunic.such worthies would be jiiBti, fled iu exercising cowhide uuioor- ily on tin- bueoiu of their iiou-eis. N" one is obliged to live Where he is nm suited. It things ilm.'; suit you g i where they will. A growler and soiebead in a town i- au enterprise kilter ev.-ry time.— From Ia!;(v lie (K11.) UiCerplse Wny a To.,. I >• DI i Go t See a Pn- p.l'i F»th»r. ' ] am going Iu bl I ) in l.ili i boot yon," said a I achet In the \\'::-hii ;l'in BCho il thl Other «ii \ to a boj wild bad ' \ her patience. "If v ,u do .N'.u'ii never eiuie back ' Why?" dema ded tl :t- phi . " 'Cause PA'S Jead."—K.. Dunun in Contempt ot Court.- : ii, K ('. Oc , 2.—Rev ctor B. . i> ,-i idj ol il' uf county, l i i qnc I ' pu - hi n iu the wl le - sta id ore, in n rd i" the i t liquor license to L B. ji , 11, who w.i- on trial foi M-IMng liquor without llceuso. judge Bhaw, presiding, ordertd that tJollector Dm i be held rttitil further inveattgalion be aads in the .nailer. Hit.;!.- .S uiul Against Saloons. Tim in .ii.ami iace riots whien prevailed in the greatcityof At- liii'.tii tw.» weeks ago taught aoue things iii. some people may n t have "li-ei vi"l. Oie Ol the lit'' s'ep foi ki" i'n ( rder after it « i- one ned i at i ne cltv wi Hi.dei ii. '.." , - s t!i.•( !..-in . of the - ihp •-, ;. t inv for a d IP.1I loi . . i I :! 11. I . I'll, as the ma m uf Ibe city sit u MI ii It DI cessaiy. ih i di t i .,.,1. ui II ... ul i »g us the qn r * I.HI f ill qu trie .- ICC le ve I i ; I ... I i tli ,i i. i .. I I 9 I I lie Sate. The fjn'on reis.-etnli'ed Thins Mil nerj ( , ening Nex 1 ••'. pek will b one u luteii ui t.. the Ii dies bee ms>i ol the Ihree inilll icrj . i euia, to ink- place al i he More*, i. L. Wiikiii' -\. Co. ill i: ;ik,. ii i i lay o.i Moi d i n il TlU ''n.\, and O. T Mnralo I a ud II i I.. (11 .ii .v Co. >* uavu U.. os in r-.i.-d.i.-, and Wednesday. Btch i. . . I] In au attrai i . D iniug. day morning wild devotional ixercise- by J J. Harper. The State s.citry made hi- repnit o'i district help on the State work, which w i-. folloned by die- cus-ion (iii futII e work. On motion it was ordered thai the donation of district funds t< thewoikat Maccle.-ticld be cu - liuued for one yar and that tin In ds be placed " ' ; .e '. ' - ui tin board for lbs) T HI ;io»e. The question tp| con I inning thi preeeut plan i < I nlding di .. ie meetings was di»cu«->ed bj A. .1 Moye, .1. J. Harper and i «. Jo en. and on ni c di (1 to bold o i i 'i i i IPII I lie till II .11 IP I .1- III . . Aydea and H i i r i nnailiiunusl, i:. -. II. J e i v i ' ' i . I. c p di -'' i.. A. --. diesa on the m jei "Ha I ,-i i i-i i;: i chun h. .i I tin chuiches auj u in riHii.ty and bu-iiuesa in i hu "itevival methn I on e duudaj hi boo I method in . hurch" was d. inssed by it. li. Jones, Tbil Diorplug, however, s. e isi Jl >' lu aru n" 1 present you and your calm and describes the negro as, school may be left out and ; n such In ing black, of medium hei;-ht anil Ca8e u eould not complain. I beg whom she would readily recognize 17 oa ^ he present. Let us begin About one hundred citizens im- mediately gathered and endeavor- ed to ai in i e, II- ul i he negro. The leeling in this Community is run nug pretty high and doubtless had the negro been caught last uight or today he would have been lynched It is recalled now tn .i a stiaugS negro has been seen lai king about that vicinity receut- y sequestering himself in tne snadoiVB of the trees ss f on the ».i i-'i f.r somebody, but as he alt* pys moved along wneuever i<• -.1..- interrogated nothing niorswa* thought about the matter. 'HK- young lady think;- that ihe uegio Uiual have entered the house in the very quietly and secreted himself behind her bed. Who} ever Lie negr . was. he must have bee.: one who knew the house Wl II HI (1 the habits of the Milieu- Btiil i .. The young lady is wonderfully 111 udsome,isouly aboui iiinet'ou \ ears old, and has boen lierejiist ' a to v weeks. She vi ited here i, i , > mini r mid I us I I .I'll,.M ui ti.i- to.vii. Preceedlnji ot the Aldermen The board ul ad"»rm uisi in ntunthly session Thursday night, ail but me oi the menibers be .g present. Action on i eont'ovi i-y be- tween W. T. and 1-. Fleming regarding a lol in 'be cemetery was postponed until a report can be had Irom tin m- etery ciojuntee ol me nrevioua 1)1 III! .1. Alderman doseiej ws« made ch i i an i id -nee. i nttee ami AU1« in HI •' wi ad ..-1 to thai r MI e i lit ni - p kei p oiniiii'ti reported i B iii 1.1- i n i-p- thoroui, uiy i i h i het'e . .ItllOII i I K (I I htm A I li . .i.i n ivii (' i. I! 11 tcl . i i. i - re ap| | I. i e- A vole ol I ndi i i . \ IMlnl lie I li- " i llitj I I .11 . i i .1 . - n i 1 1 ' . i e tit p . it- were i. ii. I pool |. II! i j in ed i< m et wi un u i >uli I,, uniiei-- Dec. :' p..n I I. lie i. mi .... to y ,i, ;ii, \

Transcript of YOURSELF. -

  • wwp —r- ""-••-" - mmnm warn


    HOD. Lee 8. Overman, the jun- ior senator from North Carolina, who will address the people of Pitt county at Ayden on the Kith. sod again at Greenville that night, has risen rapidly during the short while he has l>een iu the Senate, and is fast becoming- a nat- ional ti Mire His stand for thr inter*-'' ofthe -h'pTverin the rail- road rat Mil bmnffst him nmmi nently to the front, and nia amend- ment to 'hit Mil, limiting rh« granting ofbjuefio>,s by Federn J courts mid *hic>i •i» secured I1' the face of mwil opp d.rfcin, is ODi of the moat important feature u tb« law iu ir now stands. I1 i wrtbv of rote rbnte- |v OPP o'h- er amend men to the hill w »* "•- cnred ly a&iatheiu senator.

    Senator Orel nan served 01' many of the most iniportHin com mi t tees of the senate, and took HI active p.irt in all its discussions and deliberatioaa. He secured the DMMge of ;i bill in tie senate (o establish a national forest reserve in the Appalachian mountains—a bill which has made its appear, aree at every session of congress fltr several yiais, but which has never before been passed. Senator Overman alto secured important adcitions to the public buildings bill for North Carolina, all of which goes to show that ho kept at all times the interest of his con- stituent in miod. But perhapB the most important single

    achievement of Senator Overman and tbat Which most vitally con- cerns the interests not only of Pitt county but of all North Carolina and the South as well, is the law creating a cotton commission to investigate am', e courage oar cotton trade abroad. The history Of thi» bill is itiotincti e. Re me ibeiiuc tl.e .teat tvifou crop of two yeais ago and the slump iu price. Senator Overman became, coLviiifnl that - lie "ffort should be made b) tne government to pro- mote our foreign trade in c itton prod tit's, and i' i induced a bill to establish a commission lor that purpose. The bill received the support ot ih: Southern member but i' seemed Impossible to secure

    enough ii Hue ace to bring it out of committee. Senator Oveiman, however wai i.' I to be caught nap- ping, ami when the appropriations bill came to the senate, ho pio- posed an amendment to that bil', tins bringing the mattei fairly be-

    fore the Benste, wheie by active and wise management and by j er- sonal ii-fluence he secured its fav- vorable consideration and the amcodment became a law. The commission is now on its way to the east.

    Senator OvsrmaD is one of the stanccbest party men in the Sen- ate. His colUagnee recogoiziug bis ability aDd bis loyally to his party, elected him a member of thePiniocrnlic atoeilift con mlttte nf Ire sera|P In fi?t IU vacancy by be h «f Sei ator Gorma»—ni hone i ade the great- n by'he fad thht it bs~ teldom been rii'iftrid UI.I i a •thst tn lu- er." His I'' mccrecv was bar. eu at the leet ■ I VHO ai d .larvis, to both • t wh< m be teivedee private -utiet-.'J dining then ' gi'vemn of Nvith CuiO» ••• i.

    We predict f>r Bens'nr Ovu-i niau i. enbusiiSiic wiu'cwe io Pitt.

    NOTICE I will be at the following place

    for the lurnose of cc letting taxes f' r the year ]Wt6. All er- P.US curing taxes ait requested to meet me an pay same.

    Tuesday. Oet. 16 Mays char-el, Heaver Bam Township

    Wednesday, Oct, 17, Falkln.d, Falkland Township

    Friday' 1S>, Stokes, Carolina Township.

    Saturdaj> 20. Bethel, Bethel Township.

    Saturday, L'O, Ayden Con- tentnea Township

    Wednesday, li. Johnsons Mills Swift Creek lownship

    Thursday, 25, Bells Cross Roads, Belvoir Township

    Friday, i6, Pactolus, Pactolue Township.

    Saturday, 26, Farmville, Farm villa towushir>.

    Saturday, Nov. 3, Bl*Ck Jack, Chicod to* uship.

    L. W. TUCKER, Sheriff of Pitt com t

    Horses and Hules John A. Webb who has been

    with It L Smitb & Co. as sales- man for the past three years, has now gone in business with W. H. White in the Harrington stables in front of the court house. They will keep a good lot of drive and work

    Horses and Mules for sale or exchanoe and will be glad to have any one in need of a horse or mote to call and see stock.

    Webb & White. Greenville, N.C.



    ■  • i ■ 



    .. .1


    i. < •

    « I'm ?• '. t i so; in. ai (. Ojpli Dllf- ret (!

    ' in:

    : . i of i'ali' nil I .; . . \ ■   -i i :. ■      ] Tliri

    Iroure of Arabli , i di fji i. -•• d In Mi i it. T .

    Croat J j-11. ■    rcrn on mi nibs New \* i ,< bueo Hen

    ; phaite. Lroveof Eg] tii Camels. ' inly herd 11 n. 1 J..I. d i i ttU. '1 w. per foil ano da Ij

    :.- lor 10.11"1 reoj le nm i sun and rai i can- Reserved seats son sale day oi .--hov, 1.1 (i.v,i! ii ^^\

    And look through our mammoth stock before buying. Each article cl n < ul :n dLse has bten selected with great care as to quality, style price siid durability, and the utual high standard of excellence ha

    been maintained.

    The New Cloaks and Rain Goats are coming in every few days? the variety is great and we are offering some splendid values. Ladies Full length Rain Coats, well made in the laiest styles, double breasted, belted, and trimmed with soutache braid tor |5.50, the better grades run up to $18.00 and includes the new "Prince Chap" style.

    The New Dress Goods. are ready for your inspection, the showing includes the season newest offerings, such as Broadcloth. Henriettas, Batiste, Voile, Serge, Pana- ma, Poplinette. Mohairs. Flannels, Wool Mixtures and Plaids, ask to see our special Chiffon Broadcloth at fl.00 yard.

    The Silk Department. is "up-to-date" and sparkling with good values, 86-in Crepe de Chene, the real double width "One Seamo" in lovely shades for 31.oo yard. 22-inch Crepe de Chene in perfect shades for fio cts yard. Our 86-in Tafleta Silk in black and colors is worthy of your attention, price $1.00 yard. New Plaid Silks in all shades and combinations.

    The Notion Department. Contains the newest of the seasons novelties in Fancy Back Combs, Helts, Neckwear. Shopping Hags. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery. Ribbons and Underwear, Ladies 16-Button length Black Glace Kid Cloves $8.00 pair. Mtnnens and Colgate TalCum Powder 15c. IK,X. Colgate Dental Powder 15c, box. Casl.niere Bouquet Soap 25c cake

    The Ladies Home Journal patterns for fall and winter are here, price loc and 15c. The Fall Fashion Book Ice and 15c. Fashion Sheets


    You will not regret paying this storea visit, for we have many inter- esting tiling* to show you.

    1) J WHICHARD, Editor and Owner. Twice-a-Weeh—Tuesdsy and Friday. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR




    A CARD.


    Proceedings of the Commission-


    Tne board ot the county oom- missiouers met in monthly seisniou on the first Mouday, all the mem- bers belDg present.

    Payments were made from ths treasury as followB; For pauper* $161.75; conniy home supplies 9183.43; county home repairs #16,30; Buperiutendent lieal'n $33.30; bridges and ferries *176.- 66; 00' veyiug prisoners and in- sane *44 15; election notices $11 10 etstiouury $25.15, conrt hi une $4.50; jail •»'.120; costs $633.06; jury ticket-, §609.16; wituecs tick- ets $768.24; commnwiouers $18.- 50; general toadx $56.98; Beaver Dam roads $272 82; Chicod reads $9.88; ("oni.-in n.-.i road- $10 44; Falkland roads $14.88; Farmville roads $6-7.ri; Greenville roads $15.- 08; Swift Creek roadl $6 97; Pitt oonuty steck law $94.35.

    The sbeiiff, treasurer and super-

    intendent of health filed their monthly report-.

    Joe McLawborn, scperioteupent of road force, was allowed one ad- ditional glut, d at $1.26 per day until the iorce is decreased to 30.

    (vlonz. p Joyner was added to panpe.- li-t to receive 1 50 per month, and W. B. Bland's allow-

    ance was increased irom $1 to $2 per month

    J. h. 8pain was ordered sent to the county home-

    John li.i .,-i, colored, was re- leased from poll tax in Greenville township, erroneously listed.

    firs. Miume McL'iwborn was le

    leaded from 'axes on 36 acies ..f land in Conteutoea township, er-

    roneously listed. It wa» ii;'iei d between the

    board of c»miu>nionera for the cunity and F. M. Wooten, may- or, tor the r PWII of Greenville, tbat on I lie 15th day of November, 1906. or -.•*■ joon thereafter u pptuctloabie, ttiat the road force shall ezouVMte and refill, where sewe is laid, H line of sewer from Tar river, a e irding to diagram of eysiem, t

    ii i ■ connect a sewer

    i I and com . boute • iid stiver, and for- .- ml county from

    Co-1 tor repairing


    c r ■ 

    f •• *

    :■■■-■■    . . —'«....- Ttiimii II

    To ti e Citizeus ot I'iit County:

    1 desire toanuonuce thiough the

    columns of The hineetor that 1

    have alwayB been a Deiuoctat and

    am now a Democrat, and that the

    action ol the Republican conven-

    tion in nominating me foi county

    surveyor was without my know-

    ledge or consent, and I take this

    method of publicly announcing

    tbat I deciiue to accept the nomi-

    nation of the Republican conven-

    tion for said office. My reason fr r

    so doing is that I am a Democrat

    and shall support the Democratic

    candidates, and I desire to mint

    thin announcement to the citizens uf Pitt oonuty.

    This the 4th day of Oct. 1906. D. 8. Rollins.

    pipe from pro) e t\ ev. r ;••''• All se■; were drawn a- : m'-er term of Pitt

    same. The M

    jurors for N Bupoiior cud ■ 

    Fust w ek -W. J. Teel, J. K. Whilehuist, K. S. Whitehurst, Jr. J., S Cherry, W. T. Edwaid.-. Rl-in- llu- Itnldard, .1. 0. Cox Robe-t H'vithincton, J, B. Car- roll, .I. B. W'-.irr pp. Jowph Tripp, O. Hook :. .:. 1/. Tyson, 0.0. P.iil;er.-ipi , :1 (1. t McG.iWIlll, W. F. Flemi .. . Barnaul, B. E Par ha.n.

    S(C iu . ,1. Stokes, A. D. .Toll - ■ . P. Murray, LtiFa . r. \V. Qal lerly, H. K. i C. Tripp, B. C. < I l. Patrick. K. V\. 1. : . P ..... David v, , . .n m, 11 A 11.-- 1 s M .j.', T I-: I le., i II

    why be Profane?

    To one who will think cooily and

    calmly abont human speech, it is

    really a puzzle why men nse pro-

    fanity. In the first place, most

    men know belter, else why will

    they not swear in the piesence of

    ladies or preachers of the gospelt

    Somehow men who swear just feel

    like it is not the polite thing to

    swea.- before ladies or other distin-

    guished presence.

    And yet those who are addicted to the habit will forget their po- liteness even emongst strangers and use profanity which often time shocks those who bear,

    thongh the man who does the

    swearing seems almost nncon- scirpB of what he has said. While it is not becoming in any oue to Bwear anywhere, i.tlierwise" very polite and clever geutlemrn gome- times express themselves in pri- faue language which for Ihp time may shock some one for whom the swearer would have more regaid il he knew him. Recently we heard a man wh.> seemed to be a clever aril acioinplished gentle- man slip some expression of prolanity for which he afterwards wished to apol.gizc, but did not get a convenient Opportunity. It was iu a small company, perhaps all stranger! to each o'her, one ot whom was a minister of the gospel. The company was dis- cussing some current events :>f the day, when the one of unguarded sp eCb said some things which he regretted when he letrned that one of the company was a minis- ter. Ir would have been so niucii better if he had left off the profan- ity entirely And so would be better if men in every walk and c'ncie ot life could learn how use- b ■ S is profanity and would leitve it .vir of their expressions alto* getber. t dies not emphasize, but rather weakens tin st.iteinenl; does not edify the speaker or the nearer, is never of any benefit, iput fiequently eiusee bitter regi t-.

    Let ns hope that sometime? men will i t BWI ii go'much. Bcotl i \' ei i' luiniouwealtb.


    Splendid Advancement Through the Lfunly,

    The •eh'"'1" "• •' have already opened in i!i'-C'li'ity shi'w ,i huge

    increase iu attendance from last >ear. The following have opoued since we last noted oneniugs.

    Griflon he.tin its work about

    two weeks ago wiih the following teachers: Supi, W. H. Cale havv io»r the 7th. 8lb, and 9th grades, Miss Trevillian 5th. and 6th, Miss Pearo*-, 3rd, and 4th, Mi tern, and he exteuded a hearty welcome from Greenville cnurch to the visiting brethren and sisteis,

    Upon the roll call of cburetea the following responded:

    Ayden, C. S, Sumnierell. 82 (It) Grifton, by letter, 5.On K iii-doII. N. D. Nyers and I). F.

    I.' ni II tree 2.00 U 'unite.-. Ii. If Jones 5.00 Wilson, J. B. Jones 5 00

    $1!) 60 At noon adjournment Was bad

    with benediction by B II. Joins- Afternoon sc-sion met at 2:80

    o'clo"k, opening with praise ser- vice.

    J. B. Jo es delivered an intei- eving address on the subject

    t*Working Together With Christ." Kep.irt of (i linehe- was again

    called for and Greenville respond- ed with B. A. Moy and H. T. Kim; as representatives.

    Miscellaneous business followed with ili-i-ii--inns by J. B. Jones, R. H. Joues and H. T. King.

    Beports from the Sunday schools were then called for:

    Grifcon, total enrollment 83, average attendance 53.

    Kiustou, total enrollment 150, average a)tendance '.25.

    Ayden, total enrollment 125, average attendance 75.

    Wilson, total eurolluieul 170, average attendance 140,

    Gieenvil!.'. total enrollment 50, average attendance ?5.

    Adj'iiirnnient, wtih benediction by J. B. Jones

    At 8 o'clock p. to. J. B. Jones preached an able serin90 ou the slmject "Examine Yourselves.'' A large congregation was present and the trillion was much en-



    YcurgLady Repels Vicious As-


    Tarboro, N. C, Oct. 4.-Last

    night about 10 o'clock a negro en

    to red the home of a merchant

    here and made a desperate at-

    tempt to assault Miss Kidd, a vis-

    .tiug young lady. She was alone

    in her room preparing to retire

    and was standing in front of tho

    mirror combing her hair when

    siio sav the brute's face in the

    glass, due wheeled around and

    was confronted by him. lie said

    to hor: "Give mo that ring '

    Miss Kidd handed it to hi in and

    Saturday Oct. 13th 1900.

    10 a m—Devotional exercises

    Rev. J. A. If. rnaday.

    10:10 a in Elect'on of officers, and

    general organization,

    10:30 Exhibition of g|i be making,

    Supt. II. Ii Smiih.

    11a tn ad Ires?, the Teachers' op-

    portunity this session, Gov, T. J«


    11:30 a in \\ hat slmll ! e the char,

    actei of the assoi i .ti ins work thi*

    year. General di-i ns-i. n

    12 am Paper What can le done

    then endeavored to escape, but (for our schlioKiii< her. Bbe screamed and I 12:15 Organisation of a Woman's fought desperately to free her- j betterment association s If from his gasp. l P m Adjourn

    A littl. child that was sleeping; j Tllis '» the first meeting of the as- iu the room began crying and this [ ■Ociation and I desire to make a spe- frightenod the negr >, who re f cial requesi of every teacher in the leased his hold and the young j county tobe present. You cannot a if rd

    lauy fled to another room where she procured a pistol.

    Sue relumed aud tired at the negro as he jumped out of the wjj' • low. Iii the .-i niggle the lady was bruised abont the faoaaa1' chest, tbeie being blood stains on her clothing. Mer screams and the pistol ..not attracted an im- mense crowd of indignant citizens When they ft ached the residence Miss Kidd, from the shock and fright, was in an hysterical condi tiou, requiriug the service of a

    to miss this, if you expect to do g. od work this sea-ion. Nothing tells me more plainly of your lack of interest in your work than your ab- snee from-these meetings, and I say frankly to you in the beginning th it unless you attend you need not ex- pect to have your vouchers sig ed when presented. I proposo each one ol us shall bear his part in these public gatherings and the teacher who is not willing to d'> so ought not to be in the work in this county. It mutters not whether

    physician. She was so excited and I your school has opened or not you ft ightcncd that it was difficult to gain any information from her last uight.

    are expected to attend. I desiro at this meeting to get a list of the teachers anil where they will teach.

    that llu: merchants are a lot thieves, tfw« me lawyers awl | joyed Mr. Jones is so Interesting

    speakei and one of the strangest men of the Christian church in

    tho work wiih every teacher here on time and ready to enter heartily into the program.

    rt H. KAUSDALK, Supt, ol >, hods.


    newspaper men would -Uin a mini to u ti'ii-li ami a whole lot more, is a nuisance and a ab inatmii- Any town pestcib'' with one 'PI tunic.such worthies would be jiiBti, fled iu exercising cowhide uuioor- ily on tin- bueoiu of their iiou-eis. N" one is obliged to live Where he is nm suited. It things ilm.'; suit you g i where they will. A growler and soiebead in a town i- au enterprise kilter ev.-ry time.— From Ia!;(v lie (K11.) UiCerplse

    Wny a To.,. I >• DI i Go t ■ See a Pn- p.l'i F»th»r.

    '■] am going Iu bl I ) in l.ili i ■boot yon," said a I achet In the \\'::-hii ;l'in BCho il thl Other «ii \ to a boj wild bad ' \ her

    patience. "If v ,u do .N'.u'ii never eiuie

    back ' Why?" dema ded tl :t- phi . " 'Cause PA'S Jead."—K..

    Dunun in Contempt ot Court.-

    :■   ii, K ('. Oc , 2.—Rev ctor B. . i> ,-i idj ol il' uf

    county, l i i qnc I '■ pu - hi n

    iu the wl le - sta id ore, in n rd i" the

    i t liquor license to L B. ji ■• , 11, who w.i- on trial foi M-IMng liquor without llceuso. judge Bhaw, presiding, ordertd that tJollector Dm i be held rttitil further inveattgalion be aads in the .nailer.

    Hit.;!.- .S uiul Against Saloons.

    Tim in .ii.ami iace riots whien prevailed in the greatcityof At- liii'.tii tw.» weeks ago taught aoue things iii. some people may n t have "li-ei vi"l. Oie Ol the lit'' s'ep foi ki" i'n ( ■ rder after it « i- one ■     ■ ned i at i ne cltv wi Hi.dei ii. ■ '.." , - s t!i.•(■!..-in . of the - ihp •-, ;. t inv for a d IP.1I loi . . • ■   i I :!■• 11. I . I'll, as the ma m uf Ibe city sit u MI ii It DI cessaiy. ih i di t i

    .,.,1. ui II ... ul i »g us the qn r * I.HI f ill qu trie

    .- ICC le ve I i

    ; I ... I i tli

    ,i i.

    i .. I I 9 I

    I lie Sate. The fjn'on reis.-etnli'ed Thins

    Mil nerj ( , ening

    Nex1 ••'. pek will b one u luteii ui t.. the Ii dies bee ms>i ol the Ihree inilll icrj . i euia, to ink- place al i he More*, i. L. Wiikiii' -\. Co. ill i: ;ik,. ii i i ■ lay o.i Moi d i n il TlU ''n.\, and O. T Mnralo I a ud II i I.. (11 .ii .v Co. >* uavu U.. os in r-.i.-d.i.-, and Wednesday. Btch

    i. ■ . ■. I] In ■ au attrai i . D iniug.

    day morning wild devotional ixercise- by J J. Harper.

    The State s.citry made hi- repnit o'i district help on the State work, which w i-. folloned by die- cus-ion (iii futII e work.

    On motion it was ordered thai the donation of district funds t< thewoikat Maccle.-ticld be cu - liuued for one yar and that tin In ds be placed " ' ;.e '. ■ ' - ui tin board for lbs) T HI ;io»e.

    The question tp| con I inning thi preeeut plan i < I nlding di .. ie meetings was di»cu«->ed bj A. .1 Moye, .1. J. Harper and i «. Jo en. and on ni c di (1 to bold o i■ ■ i 'i • i i IPII I lie till II .11

    IP I .1- III . .

    Aydea and H i i r i

    • nnailiiunusl,

    i:. -. II. J e

    i v i ' ' ■ 

    i .

    I. c

    p di

    -'' • i.. A. --.

    diesa on the m jei "Ha I ,-i i i-i i;: i chun h. .i I tin chuiches auj u in riHii.ty and bu-iiuesa in i hu

    "itevival methn I on e duudaj hi boo I method in . hurch" was d. inssed by it. li. Jones,

    Tbil Diorplug, however, s. e isiJl >'lu aru n"1 present you and your calm and describes the negro as, school may be left out and ;n such In ing black, of medium hei;-ht anil Ca8e y°u eould not complain. I beg whom she would readily recognize 17oa ^ he present. Let us begin

    About one hundred citizens im- mediately gathered and endeavor- ed to ai in i e, II- ul i he negro.

    The leeling in this Community is run nug pretty high and doubtless had the negro been caught last uight or today he would have been lynched It is recalled now tn .i a stiaugS negro has been seen lai king about that vicinity receut- y sequestering himself in tne

    snadoiVB of the trees ss f on the ».i i-'i f.r somebody, but as he alt* pys moved along wneuever i

  • IF1 >J»'lll" • vmmmmmmmm \

    mmmm "I Itail^ina* i, Jl^w.p/'IWWRA^' I" I.UW


    Ruin For Car* of Bathroom and IU Afpur1tn«nc»l.

    If the bathtub is of zinc instead of enamel have it painted with en- amel paint as speedily as possible, a.- ii i- more sanitary and avoids tlie ... -,,r!(. t.ll ... .' •■'--

    gibli. .. ■   t • ire tint in the folds. A good iin i to p rel an extra hall' \; rd ... t;. Ii II . fter a time cat oil - ru l< :i tl . 1 liia hni. s tl ' li , ■    .


    ly the

    .' •r.l

    e or

    d - ■ »-o d lie •. " '..■ 

    cru i.


    Hci'schoid Helps.

    When broiling sti ik try brushing ii over with butler and flnnr to keep the juice in.

    If freshly cleaned tiles arc rubbed over «ii!. paraffin they will keep1

    clean for a long while. A few drops of lemon juice added

    to scrambled eggs while cooking will improve them.

    To remove fly specks from var- nished surface- ate equal parts of water and skim milk warmed.

    Discolored china baking dishes can be made i I clean as when new by rubbing them with whiting.

    Larded Halibut.

    Have the halibut steak cut an inch thick and larded by drawing matehlike strips of firm sail port through, so that they will stick out on both sides of the fish. Heat a frying pan. put in the lisli and as the pork fries the tisli will cook. Turn once and serve on a hot platter. Sprinkle with lemon juice and spread with a little butter which has been creamed and mixed with a teaspoonfui of finely chopped par- aley.

    A Silver Hint. • If the box coin.iiii:iig silver pol-

    ish, a small bottle of alcohol, soft flannels, chamois .-k.ns and brushes be kepi in to: le > en enl pi n pantn or k ti hen it is n tr mattei after each n ei : I r i I •■ few pii i es of silver d e> I .• .1 by egg. salad or what not, By this means the weekly silver polishing may be lighten d or done away with. —Harpers Bazar.

    For Stains en Wood.

    If the wi id ia unpolished apply spirits of -alts t i the spot, then scrub well with soap and water. For polL-ln I wood drop a very little ■weet - rits of niter >>n the stain, using a fine camel's hair brush for the purpose. 1 mediately after- ward i ■ •• "■-. i I iile street oil and polish « tli .. .' d ister.

    Rust St.iir.5 on Linen.

    Soak stained linen all night in very sour milk. Rinse with clear water in the morning and lay in the hot W". ever boar with lem- on juice, Al night soi i- Bgai I, rin^e in the morning nil.: repe il the sun- ning process until the spots ari ef- faced, when wash in the usual way.

    Wow the Wisa Man Confounded an Artful flottar.

    In the ancient times there lived a wonderfully wise man. of whom it was said that he could answer ceir- rectly anv question put to him. There was one, however, who thought himself clever enough to outwit the sage. This i to'ik a poor, captive bird and cut ■ 1 it so tightly in his hand tl at he \ and tail were \

    "T. :l i ie," said ; v I ed : :c- rr of riddle.-. " which 1 hold in my lia' ' dead ?"

    If t' .■   unswer « thougl - ; ntt« . ju t ojn'ii his hand and fly. !• the anav.-t r w< n " wo ' ' n ith »'ie little s, e the | r bird to death.

    l',i, the v -.' lean prove conn I ' i the occasion a' "It i- you please."

    Ea ' one of you ch ' ' en holds within his or her gra*p ' • fair bird of life. Which is it to b .; blessing or a b..\ ■': It is "as you please."

    A Useful Littic r...d.

    Do vou remember the size of the chicku aei Vou have probably seen many .f these little birds hovering about the orchards the | a-t summer, and peri U|is have \w»'idered what good such a small creature could do to niaiiki nl.

    Often and often they have saved the farn er's crop* of apples, bow- ever, fp :ti the dnngeroui attack of the t :ker irm. TV ■ canker- worm's v lud very s . and very numerous. ;:".'. il t.i'v- the bright litt'e chici.uuuo's i-ves to find them, and when he has found them he eatl them for breakfast, dinner or sup- per, it matters not which, and as lie eats at least 250 for one meal, his every meal is a great benefit to the farmer.

    Wedding Superstitions. Here is what happens to brides

    when they marry in any color they may select: Hurled In ' Its, yon have rho*«>n nil

    right; " ■ . you will KO far away: M.rr .1 lr ISfti k. you will wish yourself

    ba. k: Married in red, you will wish your.-..If

    di ad: Harried in green, nshiuned t-i be Keen:

    ! in blue, lie w'll always bs true: U I In I'' •'!. yOU will live 111 ;l . Horr! I In yellow, aahamad of your fel-

    low; Harried In hrnwn. you will live out of

    town; Married In pink, your npirltn will sink.


    -ord Raseber/s Joke and Haw It Turned Out.

    The Hon. Joseph Chamberlain ia fond of relating an incident that occurred while he and I^ord Rose- berv were returning from the thea- ter one night. While crossing the I street they were accosted by a rag- god boy wlio. alter swei plug the . mr.d fr.e P r path, asked for ill .

    Lore Ri i en w.: abo ' to the ho. . in when an ,!ea •'" ■ '. him. "'" " •■.«-i THE Jl'llOE.

    will give you 10 shillings." Prompt to the word, the boy crept in buck of tlie of.icer and, raising his broom, -;r.iik him in the back, then turned ::• ! ran, but to the dismay of Ifose- bery the ofiicor caught the boy after a chase of a few yards.

    No! want'ng to leave the boy in a lix. Rosebery tried to fix tilings up with the olfi • r. but the worthy gen- tleman would not listen and took them all three to the station.

    They were then taken before the judge of tin station, and, after sur- veying them through his glasses. |>,. ' ik .1"'.':i a Iwok and. turning to Chamberlain, asked his name. "lion. Joseph Chamberlain^ »n« the reply, and the judge smiled.

    Rosebery responded also with his full title. "Lord Rosebery."

    The boy was next and. stepping to the front, he drew himself up to his full height and waited for the usual question. "Your name':"

    "Sly name?" said the boy. "Well, judge, I'm not the kind as what goes back on me pals. I'm the Duke of Wellington."—Savannah News.

    Don'ts For Schoolroom.

    Don't enter the room with mud- dy, noisy feet.

    Don't move about nervously in your - -at.-.

    Don'l rattle your books, slate ana pencil; about.

    Don't be untidy about your per- son nor your desk.

    Don't play \ iiile you work nor work while you play.

    '. j i Oven. If you uiv l> anythi and

    l f. o I . ■! of coli .. i i i the oven -I"...-. cold ler cool- ■ .1 II i i iii r fro refills tiie 1 In' re I I inrVil it "

    • l.|. ■•nli'; Po-'.


    Is humping things this year. Every farm:.*


    WHY? BECAUSE they ,41 To- bacco higher and it is a Farmers movement working to organize the


    (jreenville Livery and Transfer

    . :.;. Ui'diah nice btn'sea and car-. •. UDl tol all oec.i'ioiis.

    rlbnw boarded by the dav, week or inontii.

    STRAY TAKEN UP. \\V have tukeu up two Shoatx

    one b'aek male with no ear mark one ted female with ear marks weight about B0 ponds each O ' i er C»'i l*»* hHinii l»v ■ »j 11 td .i|ji 1. .;. 8.F1' n'rt- ■& l;-r.tb« R. F. II. X • 1. tirimealani' N. C


    Yours to serve,

    H. L. C A Kl ? The Hardware Man.


    OUR AYDEN DEPARTMENT. M. BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent

    A - authorized a«ent lor DAILY

    and KABI EKt> KanJioiOK we laki

    that plMMre in receiviug uuti-

    •eriptloua ai.d writing receipts foi

    tnoie in atnia VVe have a list

    tl all who receive their mail a!

    this office. A'e also take ordeir

    or job printi hg.

    Miss t> ra Spier after visitni

    /rii'iii'.- hen- returned to her htimt

    is Kiustou Tjuihuay.

    We haveuu L nd obe as hypos

    and w ill be glad to make you

    price on ski e. .). K. Tornate & Co.

    Mi>. j•. B. Parker ftonFalk" Jau i. u ui« -'. dnosday to visit ber siaier, ilr». .1 P Smith, Sr.

    A«Iexj.. tobeiu New York

    ior about t -.) we'.ks iny office will cii.slieni )i' in Aug. 22od, tilj

    Ijept. 3rd. J. W. iaylor,

    Mrs. On I Mamiiug, of Winter- ville, hasb-eu visiting Iriei.ds iu Aydeu dunrg the week,

    \\' u ml hi > .ui wiiialer and Wli- .eou and Sn.^er sewing machiue Prices wny way down at J. H. Tripp & Bro. next to Early Hotel. Aydeu, N.■ H» Smith and Ella Wayue Ml yesterday to visit iu

    Greeuville. If iu need of i disc plow or cul-

    tivator, ge' our prices before bny- ie3. J. it. Turn age & Co.

    Mia. V . E. Hooks aDd MisjJ Nina Cannon spent the day yet- eidBy in VI iutciville.

    tut. supply of buy, grain, hul c Hi. seed, bran, ship stuff

    always on band, Cannon and Tyson

    Train Feld Up—Last Tuesday a ciewin c ''.icloron a woiking

    train |'"' I ilarioui at Parniele ai.d tbioi;.-lr Pf. nould Miuiewbat ciiiii ■..■■ be i-t » routine of their natii'l-iv.. i nine 11 i uiiiwi ii i.. Apply n

    .1. in ox: ic'u N.C.

    '• i IT OB,—A it i. sons liavii gt claims againsi blie . ti oof 8 m-

    nrd will ] i -ell r to tliou

    ttt-d all tl .ii ...

    Ool I -t II U W. J MI ;vuieii - of us esaatence in proliist'irie tiiaes luiving been dig. □ .ored throe. ..oil Africa, Austra-

    and lA-eu: .. In In.-toric timea . K are ii aii ti i on the nioiiu-

    ...- i'i.!- of j eara i,, .ore lie Al >i a.vni had ciuer.-- ed tr r ill c lac; nigneal civil but h. re . . tinned tl. . , even aa is now

    It is Good

    dun nl ilin Richmond papers published that Pawnee Hill's Wild West show was no g oil. Tin- show was in Wash- ington Thursday, ami people who saw ii there say the Rich- mtii tl report is Incorrenl as the ■bow is a good one.

    . i9oe , Lave bee;]

    :.;al!y with the is of antiquity,

    ■' •„•> tire em -.1..'. a re-

    ...,...■. .oiid .. apparent in tho'

    aouther' atab . ahero they araiso- lated ' i l.ii. ■■ i

    Am ter i i«.nt fact is that the m ro I-., in aailei than th« Caucas an, tht d ITerem e in si/.e be- ii. - r< ■ ■ ed in bo gray nutter (nerve ceils) ami while matter (nerve fibers). * * * Brain oella ar-1 the ba.da of brain power or' mental ability, and their number is k:.... :. lo reu tin constant through- out life, so that there aeenu never to be i degree of mental develop- m.ent lieyon I the poaaible expression of the brain cella inherited. Devel- opment of mental activity by expe nciit e, • dm I m, etc., ie considered to be cm- >!• .1 with the develop meiit if sheaths around the nerve fiber- as they become active in tit transmission of impulses. The effi ciency of the brain dopenda u; the number ami position of IUC nerve fibers, just -s the t■'.'' iency n a teleiihnm- avsti'in d ula up the number of i;.s conn tions and ri'inifications. The ne-r brain, heriiwr fewer ne*ve cell? a nerve Hbsrs, assuming Hut I-T;.' matter and whito matter r • ■ vti< ly re;ir" enl 11 -" possinilitic- ... d iveioji inj t!'c iie^ro are therefore limited, ex ejd by crossing with other rat w, Thia ha l

    been done tosueli an extent in time* post that it ij difficult to ilatermine whether a pure negro really existi in America.—Rollers Bennett Bean in Century


    I have taken up one black bar sboat, weight about 60 ponndp no ear marks. Owner can get sam*. by paying charges.

    Mali lone 'i'neker I?. Y D Ko. 2. Gn en ville. N. C

    d sw tf.


    Hv virtue of a daerafl In II 9 Soi>arlor e.'tirl ol I'ltl t-i.iiiitytrnil,- in a H|>t'lsl |ilor Un^ numl tr nvi ,'Dllt'M ' r. Joynrr m • ihi . XX. I'srlc. Ilie ui,.lri-iKI ' .1 I*. s>iiil.->i..J . : villftpll foi card I ef..,t- 11.- Court lloio... po, r In Onanvllla on &friiln>. Oeloliar flip 2«lli I'm', al is • wck si. He- foil. WIHR a.. irrlbed tmrl of laml In '. WIIHIUI :-.

    lino lrn< I U'*Joining II.,. Int.iN of tic h.|.- Hit «,II,.- U. II. MnillmiMl . II.. r. .i .1 ly IHK on,. I'oi.triiienni'K-'.k, Ir i.fim.- |.| iiuinlx.r r> III MIP .'IvlHlouof Hi'- Iiinan ofth.- Un Wl|.y W illlHIUX. .Ior.-. ...I i ■ -|.,. wtiu,. ■milKlira lo II e I fin. ol Join, T: ifjnrt. III. nillii Iv.. imi-lii, .lie II a in mn- Ml I). .11 . r i. t i, ■ li >r H »n l - tin Si> 11'«'

    .nail .-ml in i. . * ..I. i. it- wiiii ini I in Iii.•:. i. Vivuiii i*i-il.. i I'" ii >")!', N. ' • £4 3#li aw

    ■. .i



    Manufacturer- of

    5aih, ;Doori, Blinds, Mouldings

    And all Kinus of Turned Work. sis> DiaUri i.i


    note • iip'r tor ladies' uxe all tin is plain or hemstitch*' to a buttle UVA hOL m ed Tho mainstay of soci

    respondence, a..itiuiitv K. t. -i M.M. SAULS, Druggist. TTVil -

    !'n sulVi'ii i s t : •• i I..;., i '• ' Bladder Irouhk'K Ott.ov n mn lectures sa f ' i"'j ■  lii'iii« .• ii it diwen't cure wu win und your money." WB >UI 'lake • full *i..:0 ;i/. •r.-.-; - .. -iU\'.. LAl-GE ASSORTMENT OF SASH, DOORS AND • 'ii., and ii it uoi'i n» • , 11 ii nse I'VA Sin. until (ur-1' _„.._. .¥iarAV ov -IAVT\ This ndve rtu. nw u. «•«!• lea BLINDS ALWAY; ON .LAND.

    stitch*I'" a ui'iin" i N « (s"i. ui j.M.-d. KiiM I.M ijiti i. Sin.:-..j i Herders will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction

    , Only a limited n u '' ■ uf AU •nta-i*ii 111 PII"- . ,. rt" ' .*ill*-u. given away. Don . . ■•• i

    sr,vr;;-v ., OF THE 13ANK OF A

    ■ AYOBI •■f* {-ft ;'■■-■ i . .,'

    iu t>lil2l

    1 i ,. i

    u -' ■'

    . ,1

    Knowing IS i

    : : : :


    ..:::: I ..' , .1 jCaal

    ill-. 8. i. tea •• 046,01*1 F



    . . N

    •58.67a 21 Total, : : BTATBOF \ol:'ill PAROIitNi. .

    GUI N'l V OF il'IT,

    me, thia htti

  • mm



    RnVr-e in the post "ffice al Greenville, N. C. as second class matter,

    titrertUine rstfl r: ade Wnowff upon application. , ..... .: , ..„.reu at evert po.t office in Pitt and adjoining counties

    7 Mi*; in *\rffmnrt to fiftim

    -,■:'. - XV I IV NORTH CAROLINA I'ESDAY, ' to always let the

    o I er i'l» iiicls alone

    B is worth a good deal to know you Clothes are right in this respect, with the right

    quality, tailoring and fit as well.

    You can feel that way about what ever yra buy here—we absol ttely guarantee everything we sell. Y >u will find that our styles are exact duplicates of the fashionable gaiments worn in New York and other large cities and that our big va- riety enables you to perfectly suit your individual taste. Let us show you

    The Latest

    Fashions for fall.



    Tn ^JllitQ* Lon2Coat5 are the thing, with long, narrow lopels and semi-shaped backs. The newest All ouiio. idea is to have no vent in back, though men men prefer side or centre vents. All coats A r ft fl are "three button" this year, and those cut either "straight front" or nearly so, are con In jn {Ii sidered tne bcst sty|e- Colors are mostly dark mixtures.- black, blues, and browns,—

    though greys are still very popular. Plain colors are always stylish.

    in Overcoats $15 to $30 The latest is the "French Flare Back" model, of which you get some idea from the picture. This is a semi-fitting gar-

    ment with wide skirts and a deeo centre vent in back, made of the new worsteds and other approprirte fabrics R*.in 'boats both loose and form fitting, are more popular than ever, while the Top-Coat U a garment alway s in style. Paddocks and Box- Coats are also amonsr the fashionable over-garments of the year.

    See 'mr Splendid Showing now, when it is at its Best.

    PRANK WILSON. The King Clothier.

    nmm> .jp"u«.f. !■ >« i. i law n..,.,. wbsnwviMi


    but'ona from ovemment employes.

    Judge Hilnney in Washington the othi r 'I > II 'I n whits woman I,, i.-i■!-.ii... ,■ i ~s . xnmim d

    ■ bv a m rroliiwjei >ludce ifalon- Iji v. i HI i iheors have seised a ■ ^ ;li !,., i - ihe dis'inelion of

    disti It ry n ut La(irange by n-iuli io • ■■■ «ion ■s.


    Diatrict Attorney Jerome said that if the Dawnoiirata Would nom- inate an Inmost man lor governor ol New York, he would stomp the stiilo for him. Now will be a goud lime to get a line on what he really

    thinks of Mr. Duarst.

    State Convention in Seiiion Here. The Universalist State Conven-

    tion Is in session with Delphia Moye chapel in Greenville, and i* nell attended. A prayer and l>rai»e service led by Rev. Thomas Chapman was held Thuisday

    night. The convention met Friday

    forenoon "hen an address sf wel- eome was delivered by Mayor F, M. Wuoteo. This welcome w.n> most cordial, expraaasd in appr >• priate w -ids nod beautiful laa

    guaue. The opening sermon wa>

    pr acbed by Hey. Tlnmas (.'Inn-

    man. After the haziness meet las; of

    tbe convention n'ridry afternoon, iii« Woman's Missionary Oiicli met slid ieleuted the following oft, eersi Mr-. Thomas Obapnuii president, Mr*. Pattn- W'ia-teil, vice-president, Mrs. 'A. bboavei, secretary, MiwLula Beusoa, treasure'.

    Bepori for the dlfleientoircisn were tee ived and laid ove' for dts CUSSlon u' il later se»-ion.

    Ni a' v all ' he rjoN el tali t ObUtC e-of the Mate are ri-prew ti- led, hi ugh tbe delegation from i «• one e--,iieh it l i.'.e. TheTJ'ilver- - dim i'i ii'ih lu toit 8ine It grad* nn It . lining ground. Within ili- (ii - iev y.'arH there bavt ll, i. . MR II »■   chine . /.

    inn- i II -ml, -even new coil . uCi built, with one nearly completed

    Two years ago the State confer- env en.ployed Hev. Thos. Ohap* man of Georgia 113 Sate Superin- tendent of the UoivsraalUt ennrobes of the State. Dnderbli wiss supervision the churches bave prospered, and this year the U.iivcrsaliHt State Convention has bien organized.

    Tie in nisteri atlendlog this convention are State Uuperintead-

    enl Chapman; Rev. Dr. Clayton, now in his ninetieth year, who has been preaching TJoiversalism in the Setitb for sixty years, nnd is now bealthv, often preaching vigorously sermons two hours in length, Rev. Dr. Shiuu, general missionary 'or the UniversRlist church of the South, and Rev. Mr Bowers Editor of the Universalist Herald published Cannon G.».

    A. H. TAFT W. H. RICKS

    John I). Rockefeller bat gone into hiding again. ITe mi'ht slat liill without the count y being ranch the irons off ''y hi* n'wet ce.

    The man who owes a deb' and

    persists in spending monev for luxuries is spending money that does not belong to him. And yet how often it is done.

    Th" young hid eiol cla*a X >. 13, of Ihe Methrditt Sundi-y BChoj will serve cream and cake on the ennrt house ^qll1re during tiie

    fti-inoon and ev-nii e of Tue-d^y Oi't St, Tbe proceeds will aid in completing the Methodist Btinday school room.

    *i. Bi>sii- Harding. Oct. 5, 1906

    mtAYTAKHN UP. 1 [ have iaki< up ■■• 1 »o ■. v eitto- 1 1 . 1 in "JtIO pom ds II la', 1 d an! blank s;.' fed, split inlefl ear.

    !owi.«roan !•' snine by proving I propetty and payl \y 01 s'.

    J. K. May, Qreeoville, N O.

    Two bundn d and Hfiy ii. It and ilsits Io won ,. a ties kitting

    ... ,1 in 1 • '. .\. t . Qoid •>.• e-. Applt 1 1 . W. Jeffreys, TnLHICO, K 1:. Kl .ui sw

    Dur complete lino of Pall and Winter millinery goods willbe ready for inspection at nine o'clock Wednesday morning Oct. 10th I!I0C continueing through

    Thursday. All are invited to call at our new puarters with the J. R. Smith and Company.

    The Misses Morrison. Ay den N. C.


    Furniture Problem, Wc can solve it for you.

    ^-Leadership Furniture Sale Competition is Brisk and Furniture Sale Claims are many and loud.

    WHO LEADS—AND WHY? What bhall decide it?. There is but one test. That sale is best and most impcrtant that offers you :>£:m

    he Lowest Prices on the Furniture Vcu Wan Come'and beacon vi need.,;' lours to please.

    A. H. TAFT & «MY,t Pictures Framed to Order.

    Save the Worry The hot weather brings yoil

    foeuougli dissouafr ouy br brssfctlt. '

    without adding to it by cworrying oer w r supper. With such a stock of

    Orocei ef. Canned Goods, Packagi Goods, Pickles, Butter Cheese, Coffee Tea, Cakes, Candies, Fruits, &c as I carry, tho mleoting and buy-l Ing are easy and tho worrp all saved It will tilfo no argument tol couvonce you of 'his if you visit my store and see what I carry.

    You can find mo one door North of Munford's.


    J. B Johhston

    W1NTERVILLE DEPARTflENI This department is in ch-rge of F. C. NYE, who is authorized to rep-

    resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory BSBJ

    As the fall of the year has come and money is in greater circulation, those in Wintarville and on the rur- al routes leading out from here, who are in arrears on subscription to the Daily and Eastern deflector will confer a great favor upon us by banding tbe amount 'o me at yonr earliest conv- nience. Receipts will tie promptly Subscriptions also so icited

    F. C XYE, Man. Wintervil'e Dept.

    Josephus Cox is in Norfolk with We are offering our entire line of bis little son who is recovering from Dress goods at special low prices an operation performed some days and it will be to your interst to see ago. them before buying elsewhere and

    TheA.G. Cox Mfg Co., are)corae before jl1 tbo-egiod bargains

    receiving orders for their fa- are "^v"""'? ~ c :_ D._I. r>-_j .. L„ now 40c Ju and 36c mous Economic Back Band to be snipped direct to Baltimore.

    Theodore Cox went to Qrcenvil'e Friday,

    cent goods goods no*

    19o and several others same w iy. Harrington Barber and Co

    Harm 11,'tan Barber and Co have

    TheA.G. C..x Ufg Co., htve | the most select aad complete lioe of


    jest c ino'eted a nice baggy for a I Virginia sport and we ttiink we

    cau please those of Carolina alto.

    Rev. VV. E. Cox, returned to

    A soaxl list of the le*ding ua ■;■» j ziue-ant. daily papers will :■'■ rays be found00 the tables. Tuisis one of the most useful equipments I Greenville Thursdiy.

    to any school. Students must read j Tti» school d-sk interest seems io order to be educated. I to be iucreajing very rapidly.

    On9 of the strongest lines of :Seud yeur o^dea to A. Q Cox Mfg

    shoes ever exhibited can be found at j ^°- T» m »r - «. r' Ladies in need of the "Dehne- B. F. Msnm ng & Co. „ *"

    ator"and patterns can nnd them A new piano has also been pur- at B p Manning A Co.

    ■chased for the music department, w. j. Kittrell and liule 4wi;itsr making six piani* ownea by tne | annabel 8pent Sunday here with

    school. relatives. "L»xo tikes the plase of Cilo- I K. J. Dill. Wl tTviIle. N. O., It F D X . 1.


    S'rayed 8ep\ 6— 5 9hoo s one ! Bhioh on* white and black three

    The young men will do well to. ,.ed samly color we:ght a,Jou: 75 see H P. Manning & Co., before lb marked holo in left ear Finder buying their fall hats. They are will be paid to take up samo and offering special bargains on their! notify me _..•:_. 1 :„. AlonzoSmih entire line n m n , on . 111 v n

    R F. D. 1 Win'ervillj N. C. Joel Rouse and Paul Elmorei Alex. Dill and John Oarwway,

    left Friday to spend Sunday at; of Green count*, were visit lug their homes rear Beven here today.

    Springs. j A full line of fa.tcy candies We got more pants for the same Ia,ld fruit llt J " Oarroll & Co.

    money and the same pants for less! FOR SALE. money. II. rriugion Barber St < • | Tract of land nontalolug 121-2

    Prof. Ihnmas I'. Lindsey gave acres, 6 acres cleared, in (j eeu-

    aniexcel lent entertainment at thejvlU« '?ZT& >,""",' i0'./^". ' . , , . , : ,-oid, aiij 11 ittiif the 11 1 l of'I vv acadnmy Wednesday night to aj M ,,,,,,, „1(1 Ur, L.uveaia Jacy it

    Some pir money I — under 1 lie iarpo:, sonyi in the! smoke heus ss, some in tomatoe cans,' and tobacco boxes and som6 even I f "ID in their woodeu legs but sensible' peopl deposit theirH in the bank of j Winter', il .• where it is sbsolute'vl safe lr, ,,i , ,, ,es, hurgiarsa' d lire. | Wo al-o pay mie'eat 011 time depot—I its. .Loans and Discounts I V^-"'] Capital Stock paid in

    ... .. . .... , .,, , ; Furniture and Fixtures lu.i'.i.llt, ijndividi'd nmfit-s lasa Miss Nan in Nichols will have ,. , T -„IIHKI, pionts, less

    «v„_a f ,, , 1 1 , n-maiid I/ians -On 0D; currant expenses !):t.:iii chug; of tin, dry good depart-; Due from Banks and [Bills payable 1000.00 ment In tho large store of IJ. F. | Bankers 25;t.97 j p,.,,,. , tiflea^e of deposit 2100.00 Manning and Co. Shn wl" he.Go'd Coin ^-00)Deposits subject to ck. 678521 glad '11 have her hi si of ladi riend ■ ti va hora call.

    G. -. Smith, who has

    Boys' Hair. A boy's hair grows one-half slow-

    er than a girl's. In hoys tho aver- age rate of growth is 3 feet II inches in six years. During his twenty-first and twenty-fourth years a man's hair grows quicker than at any other period.

    The human hair forms a profitable crop. Five tons are annually im- ported by the merchants of London. The Parisian harvest is upward of 200.000 pounds, equal in value to $400,000 a year.

    Don'ts For Schoolroom. Don't enter the room with mud-

    dy, noisy feet. Don't move about nervously in

    your seats. Don't rattle your books, slate and

    pcnc;'-' about. Di n't bo untidy about, your per-

    son nor your desk. D play while you work nor

    work v h'ie you play.



    tV. Ange and Co. Winterville, N. C.

    "hen the Books Rulo.

    :„'..•■■.. 1 ' -own; ... 1 -i i: I [ , ' I desk

    .Ml. .-il;

    1. . •■   -n; Hill) . 1, :.-

    1 Iho n Ii 1, 1 n n lit of 1

    1 v i.' raer say



    At the pose of Business, Sept 4th l!>0

  • m —-—e~ '"»■ +"* ■»'■' vmim**m>jwu*i*» ?,i.'»i.»i «'i' I mHUI


    ' 0 FsssassBEB .^«l*r,'i-.

    oods, Millinery ?nd Pol liiu bcr 9th and 10




    ■   , it

    life' v -#

    m if • I

    V 1

    r r'riy of(«ei.. identifying ami pay- ing chance. C. l>. limdce, B. r". D. Griuirflaud, N. C,

    $10.60 MIUHIIP«^!.III'«I..I V^'J ■.Mipp^i|#nai»1p».piii,iaiii!«i, nm>*jmmM#vimm*»»>• wishing lo i'i..rii i:-c e-ia e, lown In'- o ilarii, land, will do well lo call on uie ai IUJ ollice >n Gretn

    ville. N. C. ISAOO A. SUGG.

    8 lwkd awif.

    ii. .--in r' i 'i



    North Carolina ) Pitt Ooonty. j

    Lemuel Tee ^ V,.

    Ida T«e!. J Tie defendant lliOTl iiaiued will takf

    notlie itial an Mtl< n eiiililed an Ibtrt bll beeu c D>B< i>cert in Hi* hu,»rlor oOrl Of Of Fltl couniy for A divorce, from the tiondit of uieirluiony; and I be doft-ndant will lur thertake notice thai hfl la required to m»- near at iliemxt |rp.n •>! the miit-iior Uoart of Maid county to > e held 00 the flrat Hun- day of [tovoaihvf l^oft it bvlUff the » lb day of pioveinltr 1WB «• I In- court house of Raid couiiij In (Ireei vli:e >' 0 . and aoawor or demur lo I he CODJI In ut In aald aclto". > r Ihe I>lalutIff will ai i>ly lo tvOODrl for the re.lief (•eii>aiidt'n In aald r< mplaii>i(

    Thia the 2»th d»y of ^e|»leulI»e^ ivoo. I), u. Mooro

    Clerk H u ]■d • Return. [Ac.

    count rlome Coming and

    Jubilee Week



    Tlckelaeo Mle Heptfailnr 81b

    llih and KKIi, final limit fept

    17tli. For fun her 11 formation call

    ui ITIII'M Ti l el A goal or Bum*

    ■niiricile »i i\ wiul '1 liemm (iriDi.i* !•• a Inrpi iuny nomo, mi-Oiiiu IH'IKIII. walffba H|HM HV or :»n ponu *, wain a niu>i rl.a MI M «• burnsa. v.-ry'-k. I a- a lial'll > I RI III'I.U ^ linhllj wli.-n lalhiig ai «i -H HI • MI O or Is I'cira bM, I li'tilcr ii odd Krllo%i ' dK** l'"t aal a r#ffU' lar ii r inujof iIn-1 ion ao i hnabai d n" Z Ffyton lo I fl»-n - rffhliiarn ihstiidday» ; January ilul> i-.-r-o.«-i ii. Hi- K>ul ! UT ot Card> ol'caol I'm n null Horlh,'a i ina. in I. OB ii. ii',..->'." i be uidnalan' » ill rX] Oh^ I. | ul'l r -h.> l.!i'i. I., < o 'J II. UM- .'■ 01 II. Or., i \l lr, i. H . I , I . Iidd*.i.i. llbiada< ttioi.i 4t|, IU.I. i 't. am i lad « r riaierl o* M .1 lylifi 1.11 1 < n II. .. I.I i) . 11 in i no Ma i i : i HI • r iII a .i, . «II. I i tir It l'iar. lorn: s HI in w*n On ri rille Uwoln iMata. on Mrk Nyav.iii- iair».| sir* iMt*«t ll..ncr norii' i.'itoj.n wi ii.y'a hnr.iltrir raal 120 lo III e IH i III 11 H •" 'allsl) laid Mirlg.

    Il.'rd, STIUB of. ai.- oai-h. 'I M.- 9 8 81 Furnitino & Fix'r's 1,680.00 Due from Banks 10,319.88 Cash Items 18 .48 Gold coin 475.00 Silver coin 3,455 18 Nat. Dk&U.S notes 3,170.00



    Capital stock pd • n |10,000.i Undivided profits 2 fJSfi 70 Bills payable •6,000 009 Depos. sno to check 31,777.66


    The Spread of Leproay.

    Leprosy is increasing in bolh North and South America. Co- lombia, where there were only 400 lepers forty years ago, is said to have 40,000 now, and many find their way into the United States. Such a medical authority as Dr. Aahmead, who was formerly chief medical adviser to the government of Japan, says the increase is alarm- ing. When leprosy is brought into a new country it takes fifty years for the seeds to take root, and it be- comes epidemic after some 200 years. It has been shown that mosquitoes arc active in transfer- ring the bacilli of leprosy.—Chicago News.


    Sir Anthony MacDonnell express- ed the belief the other day that the coming year would see the fruition of those hopes which the liest Irish- men had for inanv years entertain- ed. A correspondent of the Lon- don Times observes that "the mis- use of this word 1 fruition) is one of the commonest errors of educated persona. II is supposed to have Something to do with fruit, whereas it conies from Ihe Latin and means enjoyment Fructifl 'ation or fruc- tnation moans 'fruiting.' The Ox- ford Dictionary puiius out tin t the use of 'fruition, in Sir Anthony's sense, is a eon. m niodorn error."

    State of North Carolina, ) M County of Pitt. f83: , '

    I, J. R. Davis, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemn ly swear that the above statement is true to the bast of my knowledge and belief. J. R. DAVIS, Cathier.

    Sub scribed and sworn to be- fore me, this 11th day 0:* Sept. 1906.

    J. V. JOHNSTON, Notary Public.

    Correct--Attest: W.J. TURNAGE,



    I Neat Job Printing Our specialty,

    fteflector Job Printing Office

    C.late Lo.tcriea.

    State lotteries add to the incomes of foreign governments. In Italy they bring tho government in a sum of nearly C?.50O,Q00 a year. In Prussia the profits of the public lot- tery amount to no less than £4,850,- 000. The Dutch government gets the nice little sum of £50,000 profit out of its lottery. Portugal makes about £70,000 in this way and Den- mark a profit of £88,000, In Brazil, where the government does not it- self run the lottery, but collects a tax on tic receipts of private lot- teries, the sin.mnt realized is £17. 000.— London Queen.

    Absentrr.inded. Kimball ('arrow Jias the reputa-

    tion of being the champion absent- minded man of Bedford, Mass. On one occasion he called upon his old friend and family physician, Dr. B. E. Sawyer. After a chat of a couple of hours the doctor saw him to the door und bade him good night, say- ing: "Come again. Family all well, I suppose?"

    "My heavens!" exclaimed Mr. ('arrow. "Thai reminds me of my errand. My wife is in a fit I"


    In Paris, M. Olemenceau, minister of the interior, is famous for his caustic wit. The other day he was pa.-sing through one of the rooms at the home otiice when he caught sight of a clerk fast asleep, with hi.' head on his blotting pad. -M. C'!

    Perforated S.-iila.

    Although the assertion recently in..ile I., an Italian sea captain that the power of sails was increased by their being perforated was ridiculed, it has just been proved that he was right. His theory was that the force of the wind cannot fairly take eCc ■ on an i"(lilted sail because of the cuslron "f immovable air that fills ;:_: Ihe hollow. To prevent the creation and presen if thai cush- ion he pierced his sails with many holes, through which the wind blew, the balance of the air pressure strik- ing against thecanvas and exercising its fall effect. Several experiments have been made on these lines, and the results are declared to have been eminently satisfactory.—Ix;eds Mercury.

    It Killed the Dog.

    James Lawrence Toole, England's veteran comedian, who died not long ago. once played a practical joke on his dog with futal results, In order to get her hut band home at a rea- sonably early hour after his work in the theater was over Mrs. Toole used lo promise him just as good 11 meal as could Lo found in ir.iy re taurant or club in London. This meal hi wife would provide and leave on the table for the comedian. Toole d'dn't like to disappoint his wife and sn used to give the food I his dog. \'< \ inorninu the pint would lu'ilcri mil Mrs'. Toole hr py. By ill's '"\ice tho cue:, il

    managed to 1 ' : :s . bib . er» .: til the dog died of nvei 'ceding.

    An Age In Hlcio.*y.

    "You are young and I am Mi 1 One f the most formidable Mao:, rebellions was headed by a chief named lloni Ileki. but the British soldiers culled him"'.lohnny llickev." and out of this grew the legend 1 ■ tradition that he was really an Irish- man paying off old scores in the guise of a Maori chief.—Argonant.

    Hard Traveling.

    Hard traveling had no great ter- rors for a man who recently rode th • 835 miles from Paris to Marseilles strapped to an axle beneath a I'reuch railway car. When d,.-, over- ed at tho Paris station, he wi • < travel sta Bed that be \va 11 ■■ 1 taken for a negro. However, when he was handed over to the police charged with intent to defraud the railway company, he said he was a Roumanian. Beyond a little stiff- ness he was none the worse.

    Lightning Prenka.

    A bolt of lightning did some queer things during a thunderstorm near (larstang, Preston, England. It came down the chimney line of a farmhouse, wrenched the carpets up and tore the paper from the walls. Damage was done in every room ia the house, but nobody was injured.

    T HE



    r? I'- iJfcir ■ 

    Takes place Monday and Tuesday October 8, and 9, 1906 to which >ou are cordially invited. We name Monday and Tuesday as the days so that all may attend before starting your weeks work. These Hats were bought to sell as well to be admired aud shown.

    The prices are Reasonable


    C. L. Wilkinson & Co.

    E IxMBfcB i»—.iiaai.iaii li Ai'i.11" IIWH


    The' Goverrment Interested in

    .This Matter.

    Washington. N. C, Oct. 6,1906.


    Yon will oliMTveby the append-

    «t let tea fr«tni Mr. M. O. LeiKhlon,

    antini: ebtftf hyd-ographer, thai

    pliee, yet there has been no 8 b1. - matic Btudy of the fnndamet IHI condition*, and lack of infoimo- tion concerning them has been re- sponsible for the waste of manv thousands of •'.ollare in searching for good water* at localities whu* none are procurable. Moreov«r, industrial growth of many kind* ib dependent upon the availabilit.v ol water* of particular character*.

    the ('. B. Geolo ical Sm-vy v»ud the eonmental development .i .. . , ... .i i.»—ii.

    IJI ir >< caved .ii n akine. a *t«dy ••< lbefioti"«i-i i •■ i >etmiiee of tb©f tue pnM>c ) i '" ularly in tl» preventi"1 of ">»' "el ■ *t '>'

    oi the legti 'i ' »" uudoubtedlv been I anipeit'' by the meager in- lotni I'ioii couc-i i uii'tr the chaiacter

    and HIUOUII ©f the available « el

    waters. A laige :.mount of ge. logic ma-

    terial bar already been collect" d, the liepth* of the mg

    jr Id fevi-■-. * ab*' lu'ely depend- „, ra.:, naVe been determined at ep- HTM li . ;:l Ul rlH I SIM.'" 0

    ,, .. . don 'tie • : -«. Invi tips - have ec-l csu.-ively den >nst Hied tnat the only ie- liiible •' nrce of pure water nl< Dji the . •.: il:■' • ' in of the ertire At* lactic neahoard i* to be obtained from deep bored wall*. Titian at belt, nonrce of public supply foi to«n> rod r I eeand also for "he mi i sections. This fact cannot be too strongly impressed upon oni people, l lie one obstacle in the prrfrrera of Eisteru North Carolina i- the presence of njalailal diseases. Mali ria dors not exist to tbe extent believed ty the resident* ''. "ther sections but still It doe* prevail sufficiently to give color te Itbe prejudice existing ■gainst is. I" is unquestionably true that good water and right living will lOUBtitate an ininiiinily against any form of inalaiia in Eastern North Carolina. CAo abundant supply of suitable water for industrial purposes is of only nceida y Importance and aj sure supply fui these put poses must also come from the sublet'-'

    ra e II St real t«.

    Those wlio Lave heretofore •ought a water supply in the towns and on the farma mat with difficult is 'IIley bad DO informa- tion to guide them us to the loca- tions wh ■ Ii would probably afford a satisfactory supply of drinking wa- ter or the quality ol same and mncb mom y liai be< n invested am! disap- pointmenls encountered as the re- sult of this ipnorauce upon the ques- tion The chief bydrographer so- Ueita inquiries from >ntcre>ted par* ties and Iprul advice regarding the work oi investigation which ia new proceeding I hope thai owners oi factories, the municipal authorities of tin several I >wna. as well as in- tellifiept f. MI pre, will not heeitate tocoinmuni ale freely their wiale orai.; nation which they mi y have upon tliis Mil in!. the; . lirecl to me and I will i 'i | !• .-nre in forwarding

    tin tion. 'I; ' i■ , ; .-1 I the I'nited States

    ■i«i poin>, HI ii -.t is expected thai sufficient additional data have, be. n collected uy the ti. lit men thi* summer to enable tin publication of a repoit during tie winter. So far as possible th - leport will be divested it techni- cal details, and it will be wo pre- pared and arranged that the read- en may ebtaii' from it acuie.i- formatiou ouutaroiog the qu u- tity and quality of the avail" "It water supply at any locality and the industrial purposes for wl ich ir is pecu'arly filled.

    It is often d flicult to deteinin v just what ilipctiou iuveatigatioi s should lake in any region, ai d lornl ;"'• ee, especially that given 1 j luieiested parties, is Deeded. As'tbe eutiie copgiessionai dis- trict- represented by jiu is ci m- piised within this coastal plain aiea, it :s hoped that yen wil take active pait in the woik and aid tie bureau with your rec m- niecdations.

    Very tiuly yours, M. O, Leigh I on,

    Acting Chiel Hydrograhlu i.

    Name Your Fsrm.

    It has been frequently sugg(steil and the suggestion is a good one, for every farmer to place bis i ane and the name of his farm on I. is road-gate. Not only would per- sons driving to a place more en>.:. find it, but it would add mote pleasure and interest to people driving from place to place. Thi- last result v.ould have special if- ftct with regard to well kept and pretty bocses, An observing i>e■ - son will seldom pass a beautiful la i in without desiring ko know w tnie tl m it ii tiling i

    Will Hang Nov. 17.

    The Kupieme court bavirgins tail.eil the viniHi of the lowei court in the case of Sylvester Bar- rett, convicted nf the murder ol Constable \\. J. Lovitt, > l Patm-

    •vej writei me that villa town«bl|-, this cinrty, Gov wbi . rkhaabeen herel fore ernor Glenn bat Issued ft math pri.. y, that plans Uvi ! wairanl setting Hie day of tie- mi i . i . perfected '" »-*.a»'M~ >»^v^\/vv»*

    YOURSELF, ^td It«k ll cur n-inirpth gtcik left re luyiiig. Each aitcli

    ol merchandise lias bten telected with great tare as to quality, style price and din ability, and the usual high standard ot excellence ha

    been maintained.

    The New Cloaks and Rain Coats are coming in every few days, the variety is great and we are offering some splendid values. Ladies Full length Hain Coats, well made in the latest styles, double breasted, belted, and trimmed with soutache braid for $5,60, the better grades run up to 118.00 and includes the new "Prince Chap" style.

    The New Dress Goods. are ready for your inspection, the showing includes the season newest offerings, such as Broadcloth. Henriettas, Batiste. Voile, Serge, Pana- ma, Poplinette, Mohairs, Flannels, Wool Mixtures and Plaids, ask to see our special Chiffon Broadcloth at $1,00 yard.

    The Silk Department. is "up-to-date" and sparkling with good values, .'tii-in Crepe de Chene, the real double width "One Seamo" in lovely shades for Sl.oo yard. 22-inch Crepe de Chene in perfect shades for flo ets yard. Our !Hi-in Taffeta Silk in black and colors is worthy of your attention, price Jl.iHI yard. New Plaid Silks in all shades and combinations.

    T Ii Iri] eparlment. Contains the newest ot the seasons novelties in Fancy Back Combs, Belts. Neckwear, Shopping Bags, Gloves. Handkerchief a, Hosiery, Ribbons and 1 nderwear, Ladies 16-Button length Black Glace Kid Gloves $8.00 pair. Mennens and Colgate Talcum Powder lflc, box. Colgate Dental l'owder 18c, box. Caslnneie Bouquet Soap 25ccake

    The Ladies Home Journal patterns for fall a nil winter :ue here, price loc and 18c. The Fall Fashion Book toe and 15c. Fashion Sheets


    You will not regret paying this store a visit, for we have many inter- esting things to show you.

    w . J I I I

    , ,..-.,




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