You're Social - Now What? Making Social Media Work for Your Organization

© Constant Contact 2014 Making Social Media Work for You You’re Social, Now What?

Transcript of You're Social - Now What? Making Social Media Work for Your Organization

Page 1: You're Social - Now What? Making Social Media Work for Your Organization

© Constant Contact 2014

Making Social Media Work for You

You’re Social, Now What?

Page 2: You're Social - Now What? Making Social Media Work for Your Organization

[email protected]



Kim Merritt Butler

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Is it right for my business?

How to create content

How others are using it

Next steps


How do I know if it’s working?

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Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+ | Pinterest | Next steps

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Is it right for my business?


91%use Facebook

Source: Nonprofit Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

89%use Facebook


Source: B2C Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

81%use Facebook


Source: B2B Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

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If you have the resources (time, staff)

If you have content to share

If you need to be found


Is it right for my business?

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Low volume/high value

Minimum: 3 X per week

Maximum: 10 X per week

Quality vs. quantity


Facebook content

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Content best practices

Get likes, shares, commentsEntertain, invite conversation, ask

questions, images & video


Be useful & informativeIndustry info, hints + tips,

curate content30%

About your businessCalls to action, not “buy now” 20%

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Content types: Text updates

Fill-in-the-blank Question Fun fact or tip

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Content types: Visual

Digital ContentPhotos Videos

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Facebook content exercise

Get likes, shares, comments

Entertain, invite conversation, ask questions, images & video

Industry info, hints & tips, curate content

Calls to action, not “buy now”

50% Be useful & informative

About your business30% 20%

1 50% Fill-in-the-blank:

2 50% Question:

3 50% Photos:

4 30% Tip, stat or fact:

5 30% Link to a blog post:

6 20% Sale, event or product/service info:

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Plan weekly

Take time on Friday to think about the next week

Be flexible

Leave 1 or 2 posts open for something that comes up


Create an editorial calendar

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Asks questions

Shares multimedia

Is helpful

Involves fans


How others are using it


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What do I do next?

1. Try a fill-in-the-blank or question post

2. Create and share visual content

3. Monitor your page. Is your content engaging?

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Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+ | Pinterest | Next steps

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Is it right for my business?


69%use Twitter

Source: Nonprofit Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

80%use Twitter


Source: B2C Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

85%use Twitter


Source: B2B Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

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If you have the resources (time, staff)

For content creation and curation

For monitoring

If you are (or want to be) a thought leader


Is it right for my business?

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High volume/low value

Minimum: 5 X per day

Maximum: none

Quantity is key


Twitter content

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Create vs. curate

Retweets = sharing the love



Content best practices

Create = our blog post

Curate = blog post from AllTwitter

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What is a hashtag?

Used across social networks

What’s the point?

How to create a hashtag

Hashtag abuse


Let’s talk about hashtags

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Content types: Text updates

Post with a link

Stats, facts or tips


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Content types: Visual


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Twitter content exercise

Tweet at least 5 X per dayPlan 4 tweets, leave 1 open for something that happens during the day


1 Planned Blog post (created or curated):

2 Planned Question:

3 Planned Photo:

4 Planned Tip, stat or fact:

5 Open Something new you discovered or saw today:

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Posts news and events

Shares fun facts

Retweets others

Curates content


How others are using it

Currier Museum of Art

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What do I do next?

1. Tweet at least 5 X per day

2. Share curated content

3. Retweet or thank a follower

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Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+ | Pinterest | Next steps

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Is it right for my business?


53%use LinkedIn

Source: Nonprofit Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

71%use LinkedIn


Source: B2C Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

91%use LinkedIn


Source: B2B Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

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If you are a B2B

If you are (or want to be) a thought leader


Is it right for my business?

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Low volume/high value

Minimum: 2 X per week

Maximum: 5 X per week

More formal and technical


LinkedIn content

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What’s the difference?

Fill out all of the information

Add content to

Company culture

Products & services



Page vs. profile

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Content types: About you

Product updates RecruitingBehind the


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Content types: Useful info

Blog posts Industry newsGuides/ebooks

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LinkedIn content exercise

Post at least 2 X per week

Share content that’s about you

Post something useful for your audience


1 About you Product updates, behind the scenes or recruiting:

2 Useful info Blog posts, guides or ebooks, or industry news :

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Asks questions

Shares multimedia

Is helpful


How others are using it


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What do I do next?

1. Fill out everything on your page

2. Be active –post at least 2 X per week

3. Try sharing something about your industry

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Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+ | Pinterest | Next steps

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Is it right for my business?


23%use Google+

Source: Nonprofit Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

55%use Google+


Source: B2C Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

55%use Google+


Source: B2B Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

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Is it right for my business?

If you are a content creator

If you have the time

If you want more SEO value

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Google uses an algorithm

You need to create fresh content regularly

Use the right keywords

Google ♥ Google


Let’s talk about SEO

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Medium volume/high value

Minimum: 3 X per week

Maximum: 10 X per week

Keywords = searchability


Google+ content

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Content types: Useful info

Blog posts Industry newsEvents

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Content types: Multimedia

PhotosGraphics or


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Google+ content exercise

Post at least 3 X per weekShare content your audience will find usefulTry sharing multimedia


1 Useful info Blog post (created or curated):

2 Useful info Link to industry news:

3 Multimedia Photo or video:

Page 44: You're Social - Now What? Making Social Media Work for Your Organization

Shares blog posts

Provides industry news

Posts events

Shares photos

Uses humor


How others are using it

Geek Girl

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What do I do next?

1. Share your blog posts

2. Post a photo or a video

3. Use keywords that will get you found

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Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+ | Pinterest | Next steps

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Is it right for my business?


24%use Pinterest

Source: Nonprofit Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

53%use Pinterest


Source: B2C Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

34%use Pinterest


Source: B2B Content Marketing 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends

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If you have products to sell

If you have images to share

If you want to build awareness of your brand


Is it right for my business?

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High volume/high value

Minimum: 5 X per day

Maximum: 10 X per day

Quality images = important


Pinterest content

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90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual

Photos are liked 2X more than text updates

67% say images are very important in selecting and purchasing a product


Why visual content is important

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Content types: About you

ProductsPhotos and

videosDigital assets

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Content types: Useful and interesting

Curated content Quotes or tipsBlog posts

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Pinterest content exercise

Pin at least 5 X per dayPin content that’s about youShare useful and interesting content


1 About you Products or services:

2 About you Digital assets (guides or ebooks):

3 Useful/interesting Curated pins:

4 Useful/interesting Blog post with tips or how-to:

5 Useful/interesting Inspirational quote:

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Pins its products

Provides useful pins


Tries how-to pins


How others are using it

The Unique Sheep

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What do I do next?

1. Create 3-4 boards to start

2. Install the Pin It button

3. Provide a description and link in your product pins

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Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+ | Pinterest | Next steps

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Delete negative comments

Next steps


Be helpful, create a positive experience

Ignore your fans Say thank you, answer questions

Talk about yourself all the time

Balance self-promotion with helpful and entertaining content

Not completing your page

Fill out all the information about your business, add your logo and photos

Forget to provide context

Infrequent posting or posting too much

Be active, but don’t overdo it

Include a comment when sharing

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Engagement = content and frequency your audience wants

Likes, shares, comments, retweets, repins, +1s

More followers

It takes time

Next Steps

How do I know it’s working?

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Choose the networks that are right for you

Use the worksheets to help with content ideas

Try the next steps we suggested for each network

Keep track of audience engagement

Next Steps

Go do it!

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Page 61: You're Social - Now What? Making Social Media Work for Your Organization

Value Package for Constant Contact

Today’s Webinar Special

Online Learning System $199

1 Custom Email Template $ 99

Email Audit of CC Account $199

Package Value $ 497

$497 Package

Plans start at $20/month | No Contract | 100% Money Back Guarantee

[email protected] @theurldr

Holiday Success Package _____

Page 62: You're Social - Now What? Making Social Media Work for Your Organization

Value Package for Constant Contact

Today’s Webinar Special

Online Learning System $199

2 Custom Email Template $198

30 Minute Marketing Exam $199

Package Value $1,094

$1,094 Package

Plans start at $20/month | No Contract | 100% Money Back Guarantee

[email protected] @theurldr

40% off Constant Contact

for 3 months

Account Set Up $299

1 Email or Social Campaign $199

Holiday Success Package _____

Page 63: You're Social - Now What? Making Social Media Work for Your Organization

Page 64: You're Social - Now What? Making Social Media Work for Your Organization

Fill in the form

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Pick Your Plan

Page 66: You're Social - Now What? Making Social Media Work for Your Organization

Choose Your Payment Plan

Page 67: You're Social - Now What? Making Social Media Work for Your Organization

Billing Information

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Payment Method

Page 69: You're Social - Now What? Making Social Media Work for Your Organization


Page 70: You're Social - Now What? Making Social Media Work for Your Organization

Value Package for Constant Contact

Today’s Webinar Special

Online Learning System $199

2 Custom Email Template $198

30 Minute Marketing Exam $199

Package Value $1,094

$1,094 Package

Plans start at $20/month | No Contract | 100% Money Back Guarantee

[email protected] @theurldr

40% off Constant Contact

for 3 months

Account Set Up $299

1 Email or Social Campaign $199

Holiday Success Package _____