Your Review Quiz These questions were created by your peers. Enjoy! Use them as a game and study...

Your Review Quiz These questions were created by your peers. Enjoy! Use them as a game and study break but not a short cut to “soaking” in your notes and our textbook.

Transcript of Your Review Quiz These questions were created by your peers. Enjoy! Use them as a game and study...

Your Review Quiz

These questions were created by your peers. Enjoy!

Use them as a game and study break but not a short cut to “soaking” in your notes and our textbook.

Question # 1

• The social-psychological tradition is based on the premise that as people talk, they produce and reproduce culture.

• True or False?

• False- socio-culture is based on the premise that as people talk they produce and reproduce culture.

Question # 2

• Which tradition focuses on communication as the process of sharing meaning through signs?

• A) semiotic

• B) critical

• C) phenomenological

• D) all of these are traditions

Question #3

• The main route to deep social penetration is through self-disclosure.

• True

• False

Question #4

• According to Barbara O’Keefe there are three different types of message design logic.

• True or False?

• TRUE!!! (expressive, conventional and rhetorical)

Question #5

• Which principle of social exchange theory helps gauge relational stability?

• A) personality

• B) self disclosure

• C) comparison level

• D) comparison level of alternative

Question #6

• According to CMM, which of these is not one of the contexts of communication patterns?

• A) Episode• B) Relationship• C) Identity• D) Culture• E) None of the above; each is a


Question #7

• For Martin Buber, dialogic communication involves remaining in the tension between holding our own perspective while being profoundly open to the other.

• True or False?


Question #8

• The three core concepts of EVT included:

• A) adaptation, violation valence, and net worth

• B) expectancy, violation valence, and communication reward valence

• C) violation valence, interaction, and adaptation

• D) interaction, adaptation, and reality

Question #9

• The study of people’s use of space as special elaboration of culture is referred to as:

• A) cultural specialty

• B) chronemics

• C) proxemics

• D) kinesics

Question #10

• Ethnographers map out social discourse. They do this_______.

• A) to discover who people think they are

• B) what they think they are doing

• C) to what end they think they are doing it

• D) all of the above

Question #11

• Which type of stories are “positive or negative anecdotes told about others in an organization?”

• A) collegial stories

• B) corporate stories

• C) personal stories

• D) none of the above

Question #12

In Uncertainty Reduction Theory, which axiom states as nonverbal affiliative expressiveness increases, uncertainty levels will decrease in an initial interaction situation.

A) Self-disclosure

B) Reciprocity

C) Similarity

D) Nonverbal warmth

Question #13

• True/False: Deetz argues that communication is fundamentally the transmission of information.

• FALSE! Deetz argues that communication is NOT based merely on transmission.

Question #14

• T/F: Managerial control is the process that invites open dialogue among a stake holder.


Question #15

• T/F: Assimilation takes place when a message falls into the latitude of rejection.

• FALSE! Contrast is the more likely response.

Question #16

• T/F: A wide latitude of acceptance is usually a sign of high ego involvement.


Question #17

• Which of the following is not one of Baxter and Montgomery’s internal dialectics?

• A) Openness – Closedness

• B) Certainty – Uncertainty

• C) Self-expression – Non-expression

• D) Connectedness – Separateness

Question #18

• Segmentation is a tactic by which partners

• A) ignore different aspects of their relationship

• B) try to temporarily avoid their partners

• C) isolate different aspects of their relationship

• D) none of the above

Question #19

• Dewey’s pragmatism is based on the assumption that practical decisions are brought under more intelligent control through rational inquiry in a six step process called

• A) Prioritizing• B) Reflected Thinking• C) Six Sigma• D) Implementality

Question #20

• According to Hirokawa and Gouran, which is not a requisite function?

• A) problem analysis

• B) potential productivity

• C) identification of alternatives

• D) evaluation of positive and negative consequences

Question #21

• What are the five components of the phase model?

• A) orientation, conflict, coalescence, diversity, integration

• B) orientation, convergence, coalescence, diversity, integration

• C) orientation, conflict, coalescence, development, integration

• D) none of the above

Question #22

• Duality of structure refers to the idea that rules and resources are both the ______ and the ______ of interaction.

• A) medium, outcome

• B) medium, effect

• C) problem, outcome

• D) product, medium

Question #23

• T/F: Petty and Cacioppo, of elaboration likelihood model, claim that we have a large mesh mental filter that allows items we regard as less important to flow through without being processed very carefully.


Question #24

• In the peripheral route, recipients rely on a variety of cues that allow them to make a quick decision. All of the following are a part of Cialdini’s list of six cues that trigger a “click, whir” programmed response EXCEPT

• A) Reciprocation• B) Consistency• C) Scarcity• D) Evaluation

Exam Basics

– 50 questions– Chapters: 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18,

20, 21 (Yes, I know that’s a lot. But many questions will be pulled from class quizzes, online quizzes and slide show)

– Essay to be used as a curve if needed– Bring pencils or 1 dollar to buy one– Essay limited to one side of one page– Can use old quizzes and textbook website

quizzes to prepare– You can have one page of notes