Your Path to Transplant: a randomized controlled trial of a tailored ...

STUDY PROTOCOL Open Access Your Path to Transplant: a randomized controlled trial of a tailored computer education intervention to increase living donor kidney transplant Amy D Waterman 1,2* , Mark L Robbins 3 , Andrea L Paiva 3 , John D Peipert 1,2 , Crystal S Kynard-Amerson 1 , Christina J Goalby 1,2 , LaShara A Davis 2,4 , Jessica L Thein 2 , Emily A Schenk 2 , Kari A Baldwin 2 , Stacy L Skelton 2,5 , Nicole R Amoyal 3 and Leslie A Brick 3 Abstract Background: Because of the deceased donor organ shortage, more kidney patients are considering whether to receive kidneys from family and friends, a process called living donor kidney transplantation (LDKT). Although Blacks and Hispanics are 3.4 and 1.5 times more likely, respectively, to develop end stage renal disease (ESRD) than Whites, they are less likely to receive LDKTs. To address this disparity, a new randomized controlled trial (RCT) will assess whether Black, Hispanic, and White transplant patientsknowledge, readiness to pursue LDKT, and receipt of LDKTs can be increased when they participate in the Your Path to Transplant (YPT) computer-tailored intervention. Methods/Design: Nine hundred Black, Hispanic, and White ESRD patients presenting for transplant evaluation at University of California, Los Angeles Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program (UCLA-KPTP) will be randomly assigned to one of two education conditions, YPT or Usual Care Control Education (UC). As they undergo transplant evaluation, patients in the YPT condition will receive individually-tailored telephonic coaching sessions, feedback reports, video and print transplant education resources, and assistance with reducing any known socioeconomic barriers to LDKT. Patients receiving UC will only receive transplant education provided by UCLA-KPTP. Changes in transplant knowledge, readiness, pros and cons, and self-efficacy to pursue LDKT will be assessed prior to presenting at the transplant center (baseline), during transplant evaluation, and 4- and 8-months post-baseline, while completion of transplant evaluation and receipt of LDKTs will be assessed at 18-months post-baseline. The RCT will determine, compared to UC, whether Black, Hispanic, and White patients receiving YPT increase in their readiness to pursue LDKT and transplant knowledge, and become more likely to complete transplant medical evaluation and pursue LDKT. It will also examine how known patient, family, and healthcare system barriers to LDKT act alone and in combination with YPT to affect patientstransplant decision-making and behavior. Statistical analyses will be performed under an intent-to-treat approach. Discussion: At the conclusion of the study, we will have assessed the effectiveness of an innovative and cost-effective YPT intervention that could be utilized to tailor LDKT discussion and education based on the needs of individual patients of different races in many healthcare settings. Trial registration:, number NCT02181114. Keywords: Kidney transplantation, Living donor, Racial disparities, African-Americans, Hispanics, Patient education, Health knowledge/attitudes, Transtheoretical model * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Division of Nephrology, David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, 10940 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1223, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA 2 Division of General Medical Sciences, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 S. Euclid Ave., Campus Box 8005, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © 2014 Waterman et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Waterman et al. BMC Nephrology 2014, 15:166

Transcript of Your Path to Transplant: a randomized controlled trial of a tailored ...

Waterman et al. BMC Nephrology 2014, 15:166


Your Path to Transplant: a randomized controlledtrial of a tailored computer education interventionto increase living donor kidney transplantAmy D Waterman1,2*, Mark L Robbins3, Andrea L Paiva3, John D Peipert1,2, Crystal S Kynard-Amerson1,Christina J Goalby1,2, LaShara A Davis2,4, Jessica L Thein2, Emily A Schenk2, Kari A Baldwin2, Stacy L Skelton2,5,Nicole R Amoyal3 and Leslie A Brick3


Background: Because of the deceased donor organ shortage, more kidney patients are considering whether toreceive kidneys from family and friends, a process called living donor kidney transplantation (LDKT). Although Blacksand Hispanics are 3.4 and 1.5 times more likely, respectively, to develop end stage renal disease (ESRD) than Whites,they are less likely to receive LDKTs. To address this disparity, a new randomized controlled trial (RCT) will assesswhether Black, Hispanic, and White transplant patients’ knowledge, readiness to pursue LDKT, and receipt of LDKTscan be increased when they participate in the Your Path to Transplant (YPT) computer-tailored intervention.

Methods/Design: Nine hundred Black, Hispanic, and White ESRD patients presenting for transplant evaluation atUniversity of California, Los Angeles Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program (UCLA-KPTP) will be randomly assignedto one of two education conditions, YPT or Usual Care Control Education (UC). As they undergo transplant evaluation,patients in the YPT condition will receive individually-tailored telephonic coaching sessions, feedback reports, videoand print transplant education resources, and assistance with reducing any known socioeconomic barriers to LDKT.Patients receiving UC will only receive transplant education provided by UCLA-KPTP. Changes in transplant knowledge,readiness, pros and cons, and self-efficacy to pursue LDKT will be assessed prior to presenting at the transplant center(baseline), during transplant evaluation, and 4- and 8-months post-baseline, while completion of transplant evaluationand receipt of LDKTs will be assessed at 18-months post-baseline. The RCT will determine, compared to UC, whetherBlack, Hispanic, and White patients receiving YPT increase in their readiness to pursue LDKT and transplant knowledge,and become more likely to complete transplant medical evaluation and pursue LDKT. It will also examine how knownpatient, family, and healthcare system barriers to LDKT act alone and in combination with YPT to affect patients’transplant decision-making and behavior. Statistical analyses will be performed under an intent-to-treat approach.

Discussion: At the conclusion of the study, we will have assessed the effectiveness of an innovative and cost-effectiveYPT intervention that could be utilized to tailor LDKT discussion and education based on the needs of individualpatients of different races in many healthcare settings.

Trial registration:, number NCT02181114.

Keywords: Kidney transplantation, Living donor, Racial disparities, African-Americans, Hispanics, Patient education,Health knowledge/attitudes, Transtheoretical model

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Nephrology, David Geffen School of Medicine at the Universityof California, Los Angeles, 10940 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1223, Los Angeles, CA90024, USA2Division of General Medical Sciences, Washington University School ofMedicine, 660 S. Euclid Ave., Campus Box 8005, St. Louis, MO 63110, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2014 Waterman et al.; licensee BioMed CenCreative Commons Attribution License (http:/distribution, and reproduction in any mediumDomain Dedication waiver (http://creativecomarticle, unless otherwise stated.

tral Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the/, which permits unrestricted use,, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons applies to the data made available in this

Waterman et al. BMC Nephrology 2014, 15:166 Page 2 of 14

BackgroundNationwide, there are approximately 615,000 patientswith end-stage renal disease (ESRD), or kidney failure, acondition that necessitates renal replacement therapythrough either dialysis or kidney transplantation tosustain life. Transplantation has clear survival andquality-of-life benefits for patients [1,2] and can reducenational health-care costs [3]. Living donor kidneytransplant (LDKT) is the optimal form of transplant-ation since it can occur more quickly than deceaseddonor kidney transplant (DDKT) [4,5] and results inbetter graft survival [2] and better quality-of-life [6].Because of the deceased donor organ shortage, mostpatients are now considering whether to receive kidneysfrom family and friends through LDKT.Due to higher rates of diabetes and hypertension, the

two primary causes of kidney failure [7], Blacks andHispanics are 3.4 and 1.5 times more likely, respectively,to develop ESRD than their White or non-Hispaniccounterparts [2]. Despite this, research has shown that,compared to Whites, Blacks and Hispanics are lesslikely to complete transplant medical evaluation [8-10], beplaced on the waiting list or have longer wait times[11,12], or receive DDKTs and LDKTs [2,10,13,14]. Spe-cifically, at 2 years post-wait-listing, approximately 20% ofboth Blacks and Hispanics had received transplants while30% of Whites had (OPTN data as of 09/19/2014). There-fore, while increasing the rates of LDKT could increasethe quality-of-life and decrease the mortality of all ESRDpatients, this approach could have its greatest impact onBlack and Hispanic patients’ lives.Research has indicated that all patients, regardless of

race, face many barriers to getting a LDKT, including alack of knowledge about the advantages of LDKT [15],confusion about how to find living donors [16], concernsabout risking a living donor’s health [15,17], and fearsabout the possibility of the transplanted kidney failing[18,19]. However, there are additional barriers to LDKTfor Black and Hispanic patients. A recent study sug-gests that Hispanic ESRD patients may have low levelsof knowledge about transplant, particular concernsabout living donors’ wellbeing, and logistical barriers inthe case of undocumented immigrants [20]. With Blacksand Hispanics less likely to donate kidneys when theydie than Whites, the availability of matching deceaseddonor kidneys for this racial group is lower [21,22]. Forracial/ethnic minorities, unsuccessful completion oftransplant medical evaluation and lower receipt of trans-plants is also exacerbated by lower socioeconomic status,greater levels of occupational insecurity, and more transi-ent healthcare coverage compared to Whites [23-25].Mistrust of healthcare providers is more commonamong Blacks and Hispanics than Whites [26,27], whichmay affect their trust in physicians’ recommendations

for LDKT and cause suspicion of LDKT itself [26,28,29].Finally, variation in the availability and quality of a sup-port network for minorities affects transplantation rates[9,18,30,31].In a previous trial, our research team designed a set

of Explore Transplant (ET) print and video educationmaterials to improve patients’ transplant knowledgeand maximize informed LDKT decision-making [32].Compared to patients in dialysis centers who receivedET with those in centers who did not, after one month,patients in ET dialysis centers were more knowledgeableof transplant, had greater perception of transplant’sbenefits, and were more likely to be reading and talk-ing to others about LDKT [33]. One to two years later,more patients in ET dialysis centers were reactivatingor starting transplant medical evaluation [33].Although the results of this educational intervention

were promising, there is evidence that interventions thatare individually-tailored to ESRD patients’ needs andpreferences may be even more successful at reducingracial disparities in completion of evaluation and receiptof LDKTs [34,35]. In this manuscript, we describe theprotocol of a new randomized controlled trial (RCT) to testthe efficacy of a computerized Your Path to Transplant(YPT) educational program on decreasing racial disparitiesin LDKT. The RCT will determine, compared to a usualcare education control group (UC) from the transplant cen-ter, whether Black, Hispanic, and White patients receivingYPT increase in their readiness to pursue LDKT and trans-plant knowledge, and whether they become more likely tocomplete transplant medical evaluation and pursue LDKT.It will also examine whether YPT’s effectiveness inchanging LDKT decision-making and behavior is differ-ent between Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites. Finally, itwill examine how known patient, family, and healthcaresystem barriers to LDKT act alone and in combinationwith YPT to affect Black and Hispanic patients’ trans-plant decision-making and behavior.

Methods and study designTheoretical foundation of YPTGuided by the Transtheoretical Model of BehavioralChange (TTM) [36], one proven approach for healthpromotion is to individually-tailor education by the levelof patients’ readiness to take certain health behaviorsand other decision-making variables, like the patients’self-efficacy [37-42]. The TTM is particularly well-suitedfor the development of computer-tailored interventions(CTIs) that can be easily disseminated to entire popula-tions. By utilizing relevant theory, normative databasesand empirically-based decision rules, CTIs provide tailor-ing of the most appropriate information to each partici-pant to guide their change process. This approach allowsfor thousands of unique combinations of individual

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feedback messages to be provided based on TTM con-structs [38].CTI feedback provided to patients via coaches and

printed reports addresses how a specific patient’s know-ledge and readiness to take a specific behavior comparesto a normative group of patients (normative feedback)or changes over time compared to their own previousdata (ipsative feedback). Individually-tailored interventionsprovide recommendations to educators to guide healthconversations optimally that emphasize what is mosthelpful to the patient, minimize resistance, and emphasizekey demographic or socioeconomic factors, if needed.Research has shown that patients who receive educationtailored to their level of readiness have double thechance of taking action toward behavior change in thefollowing 6 months [43].

Design and advantages of YPTYPT was developed by Dr. Amy Waterman, creator ofthe Explore Transplant (ET) Patient Education Program[32,33], and experts in TTM behavior change, Drs. MarkRobbins and Andrea Paiva. For several reasons, we an-ticipate that the YPT educational program may be moreeffective than usual care education provided by trans-plant centers (Table 1). A unique and innovative elementof YPT is the TTM-based CTI using validated transplantdecision-making measures [44,45] that can be deliveredin person, via the telephone, and on the computer. First,the computer-generated content within this program isindividually-tailored to patients’ levels of readiness topursue DDKT and LDKT. In addition to their level ofreadiness, behavioral guidance is based on TTM con-structs (including decisional balance and self-efficacy),addresses their unique gaps in knowledge, and discussesinformation relevant to any personal challenges patientscould be facing to derail them from transplantation.Since the YPT assessment can be given at different timepoints throughout evaluation, patients’ changes in know-ledge, readiness, and other TTM constructs over timecan be assessed and tailored feedback communicatedby coaches. Second, the program is delivered over fourtime points in small increments, recommending patientstake small, more manageable steps toward pursuingLDKT. This empowers patients to feel they are makingmeaningful progress toward LDKT and honors that manyESRD patients experience mental fatigue when too mucheducational information is provided at one sitting. Third,since the YPT program acknowledges that DDKT andLDKT are two separate treatment options and choices, itaddresses patients’ individual fears and readiness forDDKT and LDKT separately. Finally, the YPT programprovides community-based resources and coaching tohelp overcome socioeconomic and other practical barriersthat may derail transplantation.

To ensure that the individually-tailored feedback ismedically accurate and culturally competent, we recruitedan Advisory Board of key content and medical expertsincluding transplant coordinators, nephrologists, kidneyrecipients, and researchers with expertise in developingculturally sensitive interventions that address the needsof low health literacy groups. The Advisory Board hasadvised in the development of, and approved of, allcomponents of our educational intervention.

YPT educational componentsYPT tailored feedbackThe YPT individually-tailored feedback report includessections about the patient’s knowledge about transplant(DDKT and LDKT), readiness to pursue transplant, per-ceived pros/cons to transplant, confidence in pursuingtransplant, and potential socioeconomic barriers to trans-plant (Figure 1 and Table 2). As prompted by bulletedcoaching points generated by the YPT CTI, the coach willdiscuss gaps in a patient’s specific transplant knowledgebased on what questions they missed and will recommendsmall next steps to take (e.g., “Ask another person totell others about your need for a living donor trans-plant”) based on their level of readiness to pursueDDKT/LDKT.The coach will also discuss the benefits of DDKT and

LDKT and provide suggestions for any concerns mentionedin the assessment (e.g., “You are concerned that if thetransplant fails, it would have been a lot of work and painfor nothing. The first thing to know is that transplants, ingeneral, are very successful […]”) or issues that are reducingpatients’ confidence in being able to successfully pursueLDKT (e.g. “It seems that you are not feeling very confidentthat you could take actions to pursue living donor trans-plant. Finding a living donor isn’t always easy. It can taketime and can sometimes be disappointing, if family mem-bers or friends don’t volunteer or match. It’s important tobe patient and creative when problems emerge, and to stayhopeful. […]”) Finally, coaches will provide resources andstrategies that may assist with overcoming socioeconomicbarriers to transplant.

YPT coachesThe YPT Coaches, who have expertise in social work,psychology, public health, nursing and health communi-cation, deliver the CTI-generated recommendations topatients in person and by telephone. Before conductingthe program, each coach will have: 1) been assessed tobe proficient in the use of the YPT computer program;2) completed 6 hours of cultural-sensitivity training; 3)reviewed the study’s field training manual and key trans-plant literature; 4) participated in training about the TTM;5) completed role play and practice coaching exerciseswith an Expert TTM Trainer and patients; and 6) learned

Table 1 Advantages of Your Path to Transplant computer-tailored education

Innovation Implementation Resource

Tailors education to individualpatient needs

□ Tailored based on individual patients’ transplantknowledge and decision-making

TTM-based computer–tailored interventionthat was designed to track a patient’sattitudinal shifts over time

□ Provides information and recommends steps topursue transplant in small doses at multiple timepoints

□ Tracks patients’ knowledge and attitudinal shiftsover time, allowing coaches to acknowledge growthand change

Provides education in multiplemedia/formats

□ Provides education in multiple formats to accountfor multiple learning styles, including video stories,provider-led coaching sessions, and individually-tailored reports

Cultural competency-trained coaches providingindividualized coaching to the patient anddisseminating educational pamphlets, factsheetsand a DVD that highlights the experiences ofkidney donors and recipients

□ Includes an in-person educational session witheach patient to develop greater relationshipbetween the patients and the coaches

□ Provides a culturally competent andsocioeconomically sensitive coach to help guidepatients through the education and transplantprocess for deceased and living donor transplantseparately

Engages external resources tohelp patients pursue transplant

□ Includes educational resources to engagepatients’ support networks and potential livingdonors to learn about transplant along with thepatient

A guide for family and friends is available forthose family members and close friends ofpatients who want to learn about kidneytransplant

□ Provides resources to help patients overcomesocioeconomic barriers limiting their access totransplant

Patients are given a 43 page communityresource guide that contains informationranging from dental services to low costtransportation in the LA County area

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about community resources available to help overcomesocioeconomic barriers to transplant. A coach is trainedto approach the patient in an empathetic, non-judgmentalway.

YPT supplementary education materialsFinally, many brochures, fact sheets, and videos basedon Dr. Waterman’s previous qualitative and quantitativeresearch will be used in the YPT program [10,33,44,45](Table 2). Transplant recipients and living donors in thevideos represent patients of different races, ethnicities,and socioeconomic groups. All educational materials arewritten for patients with low health literacy. Along withthe individual feedback reports, specific combinations ofthese materials will be mailed in folders to review athome, based on the patient’s level of LDKT readiness atthat specific time-point.Videos will also be provided to patients in the YPT

intervention condition. First, based on their level of LDKTreadiness, patients will watch one of two 8-minute videoson evaluation day, either a video discussing general advan-tages to pursuing LDKT or a more advanced video provid-ing practical suggestions for how to find living donors.Second, the patient will be given a one-hour ExploreTransplant video to review at home with people who helpthem make important health decisions. The videos include

the stories of 20 transplant recipients and living donorsand discuss the questions and fears they had beforegetting a transplant and why they became motivated topursue transplant. Health professionals on the video andeducational fact sheets provide answers to common ques-tions, including specifics about the evaluation, surgery andrecovery processes involved with being a transplant recipi-ent and a living donor. The benefits and risks of being akidney recipient and a living donor are also outlined. Thisvideo is closed-captioned for the hearing impaired.This program also invites family members and friends

to learn with the patient. The patient will receive a Guidefor Family Members and Friends that provides suggestionsabout how others could help the patient learn, decidewhat is best for them, and, potentially, be living donorsthemselves.

Community resource guide to address socioeconomicbarriers to transplantA Community Resource Guide will also be given to patientsto provide them with referrals to services that may helpthem overcome socioeconomic barriers to transplant.Referral resources include access to dental services, re-duced or free childcare or transportation services, and in-expensive housing near the transplant center. The coacheswill refer the patients to specific resources within the

Figure 1 Example feedback reports.

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guide if the patient expresses concerns about not beingable to successfully pursue transplant due to these types ofbarriers.

Usual Care (UC) educational componentsThe transplant education of kidney patients at UCLA-KPTP randomized to the UC education condition willtake place predominately during evaluation at the trans-plant center and afterwards, by telephone, as needed(Table 3). Three to five weeks after scheduling a transplantevaluation appointment, the patient will come to UCLA-KPTP to attend a transplant educational seminar andcomplete a series of medical, psychological and financialtests to screen for health problems or other concerns thatcould affect the success of the transplant. Patients whopass all of these tests are called transplant candidates.During evaluation, the two-hour transplant education

seminar will be delivered by a social worker or nurse toa group of transplant patients and any family membersor friends who are present. The transplant coordinatorwill deliver a PowerPoint presentation that outlines theevaluation, surgery, and recovery processes, how to fi-nancially prepare for transplant and communicate withthe transplant team, possible resources for housing andtransportation, and caregiver obligations post-transplant.In regards to LDKT, the coordinator discusses how toobtain a LDKT, who is eligible to be a living donor, theavailable paired donation programs, and what the donorcan expect during evaluation and surgery. The patientsreceive a copy of the PowerPoint slides and a “PatientEducation Manual”, that includes additional printededucation regarding the transplant and living donation

processes, recipient selection criteria, nutrition, and exer-cise. They also receive education about LDKT includingtwo pamphlets discussing incompatible blood type andkidney transplantation and the UCLA kidney exchangeprogram.During their one-on-one evaluations with the transplant

coordinator, social worker, nephrologist and/or surgeon,patients have the opportunity to ask additional questions.Additional educational opportunities are also available byphone after evaluation when speaking with their transplantcoordinator while completing their final medical tests andtracking their progress on the waiting list.

RCT overviewIn this study, we will conduct an educational intervention asBlack, Hispanic, and White ESRD patients present for andundergo transplant evaluation, and take actions to pursueDDKT and LDKT. This longitudinal, parallel RCT has twotreatment conditions with equal allocation, the YPT Inter-vention and the UC control education conditions (Figure 2).Patients in both groups will be surveyed prior to presentingat the transplant center (baseline), and at 4- and 8-monthspost-baseline. Patients in the intervention group will also besurveyed an additional time during their in-person trans-plant evaluation meeting. Completion of transplant evalu-ation and receipt of LDKT will be assessed for both groupsusing medical records 18-months post-baseline.Patients in the YPT and UC education conditions will

receive identical UCLA-KPTP education during transplantevaluation for an estimated 3 hours and will continue tolearn on their own afterwards. Patients in the YPT inter-vention group also will receive additional sources of

Table 2 Your Path to Transplant education materials and delivery timepoints

Timepoint Education delivered Time required

At baseline ▪ Computer-tailored feedback report for the individual patient based ontheir DDKT and LDKT readiness, decisional balance, self-efficacy, andtransplant knowledge.

25 minutes

▪ Coaching recommendations for the individual patient.

▪ What You Need to Know About Kidney Transplant Booklet introduceda:19 facts about the benefits and risks of transplant and the transplantevaluation and surgery process.

▪ What You Need to Know About Living Donation Booklet introduceda:15 facts about the benefits and risks of living donation and the livingdonation evaluation and surgery process.

▪ A Community Resources Guide introduceda: A guide providing referralsto community services like reduced or free childcare or transportationservices, and inexpensive housing near the transplant center for patientswho are facing socioeconomic barriers to transplant.

During evaluation ▪ Computer-tailored feedback report for the individual patient based ontheir DDKT and LDKT readiness, decisional balance, self-efficacy, andtransplant knowledge.

20 minutes

▪ Coaching recommendations for the individual patient.

▪ LDKT Education, based on LDKT Readiness Stage, either:

○ Review and discuss Why People Donate Their Kidneys Brochure:Provides a list of reasons why living donors decided to donate akidney to someone in need. Given to patients in LDKT readinessstages of Precontemplation and Contemplation.

○ Review and discuss How to Find a Living Donor Brochure: Suggestssmall steps potential kidney recipients can take to find potential livingdonors. Given to patients in LDKT readiness stages of Preparation andAction.

▪ A Guide for Family & Friends Brochure: This brochure offers small stepsfamily members and friends can take to support the patient in completingevaluation successfully and, if interested, pursuing LDKT.

▪ Explore Transplant DVD: This 4-part video discusses why patients decidedto pursue transplant, why living donors decide to donate, the recipient andliving donor evaluation and surgery processes, the risks and benefits totransplant, and how patients lives have changed.

4 months post-baseline ▪ Computer-tailored feedback report for the individual patient based ontheir DDKT and LDKT readiness, decisional balance, self-efficacy, andtransplant knowledge.

15 minutes

▪ Coaching recommendations for the individual patient.

▪ Additional LDKT education, as their LDKT stage of readiness changesover time.

▪ Additional copies of the Community Resources Guide to support themas their socioeconomic barriers change over time.

8 months post-baseline ▪ Computer-tailored feedback report for the individual patient based ontheir DDKT and LDKT readiness, decisional balance, self-efficacy, andtransplant knowledge.

15 minutes

▪ Coaching recommendations for the individual patient.

▪ Additional LDKT education, as their LDKT stage of readiness changesover time.

▪ Additional copies of the Community Resources Guide to support themas their socioeconomic barriers change over time.

aThese materials are introduced during the education session and then mailed to the patient.

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transplant education including individualized feedback re-ports, print and video education resources, and coachingat four time points: a few weeks before and during trans-plant evaluation, and 4 and 8 months after baseline.

Patients in the intervention (YPT) condition will receivean estimated 1 hour and 15 minutes of additional formaltransplant education compared to patients in the UC con-dition over an 8 month period.

Table 3 Usual care education materials and delivery timepoints

Timepoint Education delivered Time required

During evaluation • Power point that outlines the transplant process from evaluation to post-transplant.The second portion of the presentation focuses on financial preparation, resourcesfor housing and transportation, and caregiver obligations post-transplant.

2 hours

• Patient Education Handbook that contains information regarding the transplantprocess, the Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program selection criteria process,transplantation and hepatitis c/HIV, the role of social services, additional informationabout nutrition and staying fit as well as information for potential donors and whatthey can expect throughout the process.

• Discussion with transplant coordinator, nephrologist, surgeon, financial coordinator,and social worker during evaluation.

After evaluation • Additional discussions with transplant coordinator, nephrologist, surgeon, financialcoordinator, and social worker after evaluation.

1 hour

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Patient recruitment, eligibility, randomization, and retentionThe records of patients who have recently been scheduledfor their evaluation day appointments will be obtainedfrom UCLA-KPTP’s clinical database, randomized to atreatment group by a data manager, and uploaded into apatient recruitment and tracking database supported bythe Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) software[46]. Research staff will contact patients by telephone

Figure 2 Your Path to Transplant study design flowchart.

to be invited to participate in the study. The REDCaprecruitment database will include eligible patients’names, contact information, demographic data, dataon their retention in the study and progress throughthe survey time points, and their final clinical out-comes at the end of the trial. It will be continually up-dated by the study research coordinators and a datamanager.

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Inclusion criteria for the RCT include: 1) presentationfor transplant evaluation at UCLA by calling to make anappointment; and 2) self-identification as either White,Black or Hispanic race/ethnicity. Exclusion criteria include:1) being under age 18; 2) not being able to speak English;3) being previously deemed ineligible for transplant atUCLA; 4) being on the wait-list for transplant at a centerother than UCLA; 5) pursuing multi-organ transplant; or6) having no consistent access to a working telephone.After being informed of the risks and benefits of the trial,patients will be asked to give verbal informed consentto participate and have their electronic medical re-cords reviewed. This protocol has been approved bythe University of California, Los Angeles’s Internal ReviewBoard (#14-000382) and registered at will recruit 900 patients at baseline, 450 per

treatment group. We estimate a conservative attritionrate of approximately 33%, resulting in a final sampleof approximately 600 subjects, 300 in each group. Tomaximize participation and minimize attrition, we willprovide a $10 incentive upon completion of each of the3 or 4 time points (depending on treatment group), payfor the costs of transplant center parking and providesnacks at evaluation day, and collect alternative contactinformation at baseline in case of study dropout. We alsohave the ability to monitor patients’ progress throughtransplant evaluation daily using electronic medical re-cords, which will greatly reduce the number of patientswho are lost to follow-up.

Survey timepointsTo begin the trial, we will conduct a 40-minute assessmentof patients in the YPT and UC conditions to measuretheir demographic and clinical characteristics, any so-cioeconomic barriers to transplant, as well as their base-line DDKT and LDKT knowledge, decision-making,readiness, and self-efficacy. Upon beginning evaluationapproximately 3–5 weeks later, patients in the YPT con-dition will repeat components of the survey during a 10-minute assessment. Four and 8 months later, patients inboth conditions will complete two more 15-minutesurveys to assess how their knowledge, decision-making, and behavior are changing over time. Duringthe final 8-month interview, we also will ask patientsquestions regarding the cultural competency of theirmedical providers and other process measures includingwhether they had made an informed decision as towhether or not pursue DDKT or LDKT, and the overallhelpfulness of the education they received.For patients in the UC education condition, no add-

itional education or coaching will occur after these surveysare administered. Patients in the UC education conditionwill receive a $10 gift card and a letter of thanks in the

mail after each time point. Patients in the YPT conditionwill receive additional education and tailored coaching, asdiscussed next.

YPT baseline education and coachingTypically within 14 days post-baseline survey, patientsrandomized to YPT will have a separate 25-minute base-line coaching telephone call. During this call, as promptedby bulleted coaching recommendations generated by theYPT computerized program, the coach will discuss themost relevant content to support each patient in complet-ing transplant evaluation successfully and pursuing LDKT.Immediately after the call, the coach will mail each patienta folder containing the informed consent documents, anindividually-tailored feedback report generated from theiranswers to the baseline survey, print DDKT and LDKTeducational resources, including a Community ResourceGuide, and a $10 gift card.

YPT evaluation day education and coachingOn evaluation day, 3 to 5 weeks after baseline, patientsin the YPT intervention condition will be taken to aprivate area in the hospital where they will be reassessedto see how their transplant decision-making is changing.Then, the coach will provide 10-minutes of feedbackbased on any changes in readiness, confidence, andperceived benefits or concerns that have occurred sincethe initial assessment. Since the focus of this meeting isLDKT, patients also will watch a 10-minute LDKT videoappropriate for their level of readiness and a discussionwill be held about small steps they could take that honortheir stage of readiness to further explore or pursueLDKT (20 minutes total time). At the end of the session,the coach will give the patient a second folder includingan individually-tailored feedback report, print educa-tional materials about LDKT, including an ExploreTransplant video, educational resources to share withtheir family members and friends, and a $10 gift card.This meeting will take 30 minutes (20 minutes of coachingand 10 minutes for survey assessment).

YPT 4- and 8-month education and coachingDuring two additional telephone assessments at 4- and8-months following baseline, patients will be resurveyed(15–20 minutes) to see how their decision-making andbehavior is changing and, in the YPT education conditiononly, surveyed at 8 months about YPT’s helpfulness.Tailored coaching (15 minutes) will be given by tele-phone and individual feedback reports and $10 giftcards mailed following the phone call.

YPT coaching fidelityThroughout the intervention, the coaches will participate inweekly calls with a clinical psychologist, Dr. Mark Robbins,

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to discuss questions and continue to improve the tailoredcoaching process. Coaches administering the YPT interven-tion will be assessed for fidelity using a standard rubric[47]. All patient interviews will be audio recorded with thepatient’s consent. For each coach, the first 10 calls will bereviewed to ensure competency, then, afterwards, a ran-domly selected 10% of their calls will be reviewed by tworaters and checked to see if the content and dose of theintervention has been delivered consistently, per protocol.Coaches administering the intervention and coaching tothe intervention group will be rated on: 1) their standard-ized interviewing technique; 2) the consistency of coach-ing to TTM principles (e.g., effective tailoring to stage ofreadiness); 3) effective delivery of additional trial compo-nents (e.g., addresses socioeconomic status barriers totransplant, cultural competency); and 4) effective commu-nication skills and rapport. Coaches scoring below a mini-mum threshold will be required to undergo furthertraining before continuing with the trial.

Outcome measuresLDKT and DDKT readinessUsing validated measures [44,45], patients will be askedhow ready they are to get a DDKT by reporting whetherthey are “not considering getting a DDKT in the next sixmonths” (Precontemplation), “considering getting a DDKTin the next six months” (Contemplation), “preparing toget a DDKT in the next 30 days” (Preparation), “under-going evaluation to get a DDKT” (Action) or “listed andwaiting to get a DDKT” (Maintenance) [44]. Patients willalso be asked how ready they are to pursue LDKT and torate whether they are “not considering taking actions inthe next six months to pursue LDKT” (Precontemplation),“considering taking actions in the next six months to pur-sue LDKT” (Contemplation), “preparing to take actions inthe next 30 days to pursue LDKT” (Preparation), or “tak-ing actions to pursue LDKT” (Action) [45].

Small steps toward LDKT and DDKTTo assess their steps toward transplant, patients will beasked to respond whether they have “Already done”, “Areplanning to do”, or “Don’t plan to do” a list of actions re-lated to LDKT [45] and DDKT [44]. Examples of steps to-ward LDKT include “Read information/watch videosabout getting a living donor transplant” and “Ask potentialdonors to be tested”, while examples of steps towardDDKT include “Share educational materials about de-ceased donation with people in your life” and “Follow-up with the transplant coordinator until transplantevaluation is complete”.

Decisional balance and self-efficacyDecisional Balance measures will assess how patientsweigh the relative importance of possible LDKT and

DDKT positive and negative outcomes (e.g., “My livingdonor will feel good seeing my health improve”). Patientswill be asked to rate the importance of each statementon a 5-point scale ranging from, (1) “Not important” to(5) “Extremely important” [44,45]. The Self-Efficacy scalemeasures the confidence an individual has in his/her abilityto pursue transplant in a wide variety of challenging situa-tions (e.g., “If your friends and family were unsupportiveof you getting a transplant”) on a scale from (1) “Not at allconfident” to (5) “Completely confident” [44,45].

Transplant knowledgePatients will be asked 11 true/false and 8 multiple choicequestions to determine their level of knowledge regard-ing basic facts, advantages, risks and outcomes of DDKTand LDKT (e.g., “Patients older than 80 years can receivetransplants”; “Compared to transplants from donors whohave died, how long do transplants from living donorslast?”) [10]. A measure of transplant knowledge is thencreated by summing the number of correct answers tothe questions.

Final transplant outcomeFinally, patients’ electronic medical records at UCLAand data from the Scientific Registry for TransplantRecipients (SRTR) will be reviewed 18 months post-baseline to create a final study outcome for each patient.At the study’s conclusion, the patient will be coded as to:1) be waitlisted for a DDKT; 2) have received a DDKT;3) have received a LDKT; 4) have been determined to bemedically ineligible for transplant; 5) have died; or 6) havedropped out of evaluation.

Predictors and covariatesDemographic, clinical and cultural factorsMany other patient characteristics will be assessed in-cluding age, sex, race/ethnicity, dialysis status (on oroff dialysis; if on, hemodialysis or peritoneal), patientcomorbidities (e.g., the presence of diabetes, hyperten-sion, polycystic kidney disease) and validated measuresof health-related quality of life, including the MedicalOutcomes Study (MOS) SF-12v2 [48] and a patient-reported Karnofsky rating of health status [49]. Toexamine how other known causes for health disparitiesin transplant affect key outcomes we will also assessmedical mistrust using the Medical Mistrust Index, avalidated scale that assesses patients’ agreement with7-items about their trust of health care organizations(E.g., “Patients have sometimes been deceived or misledby health care organizations”) [29,50].

Socioeconomic transplant derailersMultiple characteristics also are thought to be associatedwith having greater levels of socioeconomic stressors

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that may impact successful completion of transplantevaluation. These include patients’ education level, thetype of health insurance they have (private, government,multiple sources, no insurance), and their employmentstatus (full time, part time, disability, other financialassistance programs, no employment). Additional mea-sures such as income vulnerability (e.g., “If your familylost your current income, how long could you continueto live in your current situation?”) [51], family obligations,access to transportation [52], and feelings of safety in theirneighborhood will also be assessed to determine the levelof vulnerability each patient faces. Lastly, patients will beasked a series of two open-ended questions to determine:1) how personal life factors might make it difficult to get atransplant (“What are you dealing with that might get inthe way of you pursuing transplant?”) and 2) what plansthe patient already has in place to overcome the identifiedbarrier (“Do you have any ideas about how you couldmake sure that this doesn’t stop you from pursuingtransplant?”).

Social support and availability of living donorsSocial support will be assessed by examining discordanceon responses to two items measured on a 4-point Likertscale ranging from “None” to “A great deal”: “In the past6 months, how much help or support have you received,related to your kidney disease?”; “In the past 6 months,how much help or support have you needed, related toyour kidney disease?” [52]. Availability of donors will beassessed by measuring the number of close and extendedfamily members and friends a patient has, presence of kid-ney disease or other comorbidities (e.g., diabetes and hyper-tension) in these groups, and the number of donor offers.

Transplant education and health literacyPatients’ previous transplant education will be evaluatedwith four “Yes/No” questions that explore whether theyhave: 1) read brochures, 2) watched videos, 3) browsedthe internet, and 4) talked to doctors or medical staffabout LDKT or DDKT. Patients responding “Yes” to anyof the items will then be asked how much time they havespent learning about transplant through that distinctmethod. Subjective health literacy and numeracy [53] willbe assessed with two items scored on Likert-type scales:“How often do you have someone (like a family member,friend, hospital/clinic worker or caregiver) help you readhospital materials?”, “How confident are you filling outforms by yourself?”

Evaluation and process measuresAt the 8 month assessment, or if patients receive atransplant or are deemed permanently ineligible fortransplant before then, patients will be asked to assessthe cultural competence of their healthcare providers

during the evaluation process (e.g., “How often were youtreated unfairly at the transplant center because of yourrace or ethnicity?”) on a 4-point scale ranging from “Never”to “Always”. Cultural competence will be further exploredwith 4 items that assess how much patients agreed thatthey felt trust and concern from their providers (e.g., “Didyou feel you could trust them with your medical care?”;“Did you feel they really cared about you as a person?”). Allcultural competence measures were adapted from the Con-sumer Assessment of Healthcare and Provider Systems(CAHPS) Clinician & Group Survey [54].Patients will also be asked a series of questions about

their informed decision making. The decisional conflictscale [55] was adapted to reflect three kidney diseasetreatment options including remaining on dialysis, get-ting a DDKT, and taking actions to pursue LDKT. Afteridentifying which treatment option(s) they have chosen,patients will be asked to evaluate their decision (e.g., “Iknow the risks and side effects of each option”; “I amchoosing without pressure from others”; “I am satisfiedwith my decision”) using a 5-point, Likert-type scale ran-ging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree”. Toassess whether a patient has made an informed decision,patients will respond using a 4-point Likert-type scaleranging from “Completely Disagree” to “CompletelyAgree” to the following questions: “I have all the facts Ineed to make an informed decision about whether or notto pursue deceased donation” and “I have all the facts Ineed to make an informed decision about whether or notto pursue LDKT”.

Data management and statistical considerationsTo ensure confidentiality and security of patients, alldata, including de-identified audio-recordings of patientinterviews, will be stored in university-maintained,encrypted, password protected servers. Also, in accord-ance with NIH policy, we have established a data safetyand monitoring board to monitor our trial’s progress. Allstudy data will be captured in two electronic databases.First, registration data, patient demographics, patienttracking fields, and transplant status/medical recordswill be captured in a REDCap patient registration system[46]. Study personnel can check on patients’ records byexamining their data entry form or through reports gener-ated in REDCap. The records of patients who refuse toparticipate or are never successfully recruited to the studywill be retained in the REDCap registration database andde-identified at the end of the study so that patterns inrecruitment can be analyzed and reported.Second, assessments of transplant decision-making,

factors that could derail patients in their pursuit oftransplant, health literacy, medical mistrust, and socialsupport at baseline, 4 and 8 months post-baseline andrelevant coaching recommendations will be captured in

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the YPT computerized survey and coaching program.The YPT system has been programmed using Pro-ChangeBehavior Systems, Inc.’s proprietary behavior changesoftware that utilizes spreadsheets, within which statisticaldecision rules for generating patient feedback, assessmentquestions and response options, and multimedia specifica-tions are programmed and configured. An offline Javaprocess converts the information on these project con-figuration spreadsheets into Java objects, and stores theJava objects in a single serialized file. Then TTMX, aJava application, accesses the rules defined in the serial-ized file to give TTM-based, individualized feedback. Asa participant proceeds through the program, TTMXcompiles the text and graphic components of eachscreen based on the participant’s responses and on whathave been programmed in the spreadsheets. The statisticaldecision rules are derived from multivariate analyses. Anintegrated back-end database allows for dynamic storedresponses which enables dynamic tailoring. The integrateddatabase allows for a fully-integrated user experienceregardless of their chosen method of engagement (i.e.,coaches, online, and others).

Power and sample sizeThe sample size and power calculation for this trial wastreated as a test of the proportional differences betweenYPT and UC patients in the Action stage of LDKT readi-ness at 8-months post-baseline. Based on previous work,we conservatively estimated that, at 8 months post-baseline, 10% of UC patients and 20% of patients in YPTgroup would reach the Action stage [10,33]. Assuming aone-tailed alpha of 0.05, a sample size of 300 patientsper group is required at 8 months post-baseline toachieve power of 0.80 (total n = 600). Assuming an 8-month post-baseline retention rate of 66%, a total sam-ple size of 450 per education condition will need to berecruited/consented at baseline (n = 900). This samplesize will provide sufficient sensitivity to detect a differ-ence in increase in LDKT readiness (i.e., moving to Ac-tion) of about 10% between treatment (YPT) andcontrol (UC) groups using logistic regression.

Statistical analysesAll statistical tests will employ an intent-to-treat (ITT)approach wherein subjects will maintain their assignmentto the treatment condition to which they were originallyrandomized regardless of whether they actually end-up re-ceiving the planned interventions or not [56]. Multiple im-putation of missing data will be used for the analyses [57].The alpha level for all tests will be set at 0.05, and randomeffects models will be used to account for longitudinalmeasurement and linear regression employed for normallydistributed outcomes, logistic regression for binomiallydistributed outcomes, and Poisson regression for count

outcomes. The social, demographic, and other characteris-tics of patients who refuse to join the study or are neversuccessfully contacted will be compared to those who donot to determine if the patient selection procedure hasresulted in a biased sample. A similar analysis will beconducted to compare the patients who drop-out of thestudy to those who do not to determine if patient attritionhas biased the sample.To test whether, compared to the UC education con-

dition, Black, Hispanic, and White patients receivingYPT increase in their LDKT readiness, we will firstexamine the proportion of individuals moving into theAction stage for readiness to accept a LDKT 8 monthspost-baseline between the YPT and UC conditions. Fora more fine grained assessment of change in LDKT andDDKT readiness throughout the study, change by threeoccasions (baseline, 4 months post-baseline, and 8 monthspost-baseline) will be examined. To assess differences intransplant knowledge, DDKT/LDKT self-efficacy, andDDKT/LDKT decisional balance, comparisons betweenthe YPT and UC conditions by these three occasions willbe made to determine if the intervention increasestransplant knowledge, DDKT/LDKT self-efficacy, andDDKT/LDKT decisional balance scales. Finally, differ-ences in the number of small steps toward LDKT andDDKT will be examined at these three time points.To determine whether, compared to the UC group,

Black, Hispanic and White patients receiving YPT aremore likely to complete transplant medical evaluationand pursue LDKT 18-months post-baseline, regressionmodels will be fit with: 1) only the treatment conditionas a predictor; 2) race added-in as a covariate; 3) aninteraction term between treatment and race. To examinewhether the YPT’s effectiveness in changing LDKTdecision-making and behavior is different between Blacks,Hispanics and Whites, comparisons will be made of pro-portional forward movement in readiness at 8 monthspost-baseline between Black, Hispanic and White patientsin the YPT condition. Also, Black, Hispanic and White pa-tients will be compared on three occasions (baseline, 4months post-baseline, and 8 months post-baseline) to de-termine if access to YPT increases transplant knowledgedifferently for Black, Hispanic and White patients throughthis follow-up period and if the intervention has differenteffectiveness on the increase in proportion of living donorsbeing evaluated for LDKT and increases in the proportionof LDKTs among Black, Hispanic and White patients18-months post-baseline.Finally, to examine how known patient, family, and

healthcare system barriers to LDKT act alone and incombination with YPT to affect Black and Hispanicpatients’ decision-making and behavior around LDKT,the direct effects of key modifiable and non-modifiablevariables known to affect disparities in receipt of LDKT

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(e.g., medical mistrust, quality of health insurance, phys-ician recommendation to pursue LDKT) on readiness topursue LDKT, transplant knowledge, completion of trans-plant evaluation, and receipt of LDKT will be adjusted forin regression models of YPT’s effect on these outcomesfor Blacks and Hispanics separately. Then, interactions be-tween YPT and these factors will be added to the models.Specifically, we will model each dependent variable firstusing the main effects of the barrier variables and of theYPT intervention, and then add two-way interactionsbetween the intervention and the barrier variables.Similar models will be constructed for White patients.Based on these models, we will determine: (1) the es-timated magnitude of racial differences between Black,Hispanic and White patients with and without accessto the YPT for each outcome, and (2) which patientand care-related variables represent important con-founding and modifying effects for explaining racial/ethnicdifferences in each outcome. These analyses will help eluci-date whether the YPT achieves results by attenuating theimpact of specific ‘causes’ of racial/ethnic disparities inLDKT.Qualitative analyses will be performed to understand re-

sponses to key open-ended questions asked in the survey,particularly those around socioeconomic barriers to pa-tients’ pursuit of transplant, potential solutions to barrierspatients face in their transplant pursuit, and actions pa-tients are willing to take toward LDKTand DDKT. Patients’responses will be coded and analyzed to determine themes.

DiscussionIn every transplant center in the country, there are racialdisparities in the receipt of LDKTs [58]. Active educationalinterventions to increase Black and Hispanic patients’ pur-suit of LDKT have demonstrated some success [27,59-62].For example, in one dialysis center study, compared to theirbaseline attitudes, Blacks, younger patients, and patientswho spent less time on dialysis were significantly more will-ing to pursue LDKT after receiving a print and video-basedintervention compared to patients who did not receive thisprogram [60]. In transplant center studies, compared withtraditional clinic-based education, significantly more pa-tients in a home-based educational intervention condition,particularly Blacks, had living donor inquiries, evaluations,and LDKTs [61,63,64]. Further, two important trials areunderway that will develop and assess the effectiveness of:1) culturally sensitive education to improve kidney diseasepatients’ early consideration (pre-ESRD diagnosis) of LDKTwith and without the assistance of a social worker [65];2) group- and individual-based LDKT education at patients’homes and in transplant centers [66]. Less interventionsaimed at Hispanic patients have been conducted, though aculturally sensitive transplant evaluation process forHispanic patients providing linguistic support in Spanish

and transplant education that focuses specifically on con-cerns among Hispanic patients was successful in increas-ing Hispanic patients’ knowledge of and positive attitudesabout living donor transplant [27].While these trials have, or promise to, contribute

important evidence about how best to reduce racialdisparities in LDKT, a common limitation among themis that they are not tailored to patients’ individualreadiness, self-efficacy, or confidence to pursue LDKT.The proposed YPT RCT is novel because it assesses theeffectiveness of an individually-tailored health educationintervention and personalized coaching system to reduceracial disparities in LDKT. The findings of this trial willfoster greater understanding of how YPT specifically af-fects White, Black and Hispanic patients’ LDKT decision-making, knowledge, and behavior.Another novel feature of the YPT trial is its ability to

examine the impact of socioeconomic factors that mayderail White, Black and Hispanic patients’ pursuit of LDKT.Past studies have demonstrated that patients of lower socio-economic status are less likely to successfully completetransplant evaluation [14,67]. However, these studies havecompared the relative effects of few socioeconomic factorssimultaneously [10,11,68], focused exclusively on factorsthat are difficult to modify (e.g., type of health insuranceor household income) [11,68], or employed measurementat the neighborhood or census block level [14,68,69]. InYPT, after assessing key, specific barriers and providingsupport services to address them, we will be able to pin-point the factors most likely to interfere with evaluationcompletion and successful LDKT.In conclusion, through this trial, we will have developed a

computerized Your Path to Transplant tailored computerintervention that could be utilized by providers servingESRD patients in 250 transplant centers nationwide totailor LDKT education by race/ethnicity and based on theneeds of the individual patient. With additional testing inother clinical settings and other patient populations, thisYPT program could be used in other healthcare settingsincluding in community nephrologists’ offices, in dialysiscenters, and even on the internet with patients and theirfamilies learning at home. Only then can all ESRD patientsbe assured the opportunity to learn about and pursue thetreatment option most beneficial to them – LDKT.

AbbreviationsESRD: End-stage renal disease; LDKT: Living donor kidney transplantation;YPT: Your Path to Transplant computer-tailored intervention; UC: Usual careeducation (control condition); DDKT: Deceased donor kidney transplant;ET: Explore Transplant; TTM: Transtheoretical model of behavioral change;CTI: Computer-tailored intervention; UCLA: University of California, LosAngeles; UCLA-KPTP: University of California, Los Angeles Kidney-PancreasTransplant Program; RCT: Randomized controlled trial; SRTR: ScientificRegistry of Transplant Recipients; MOS SF-12: Medical Outcomes Study ShortForm 12; CAHPS: Consumer Assessment of Healthcare and Provider Systems;NIH: National Institutes of Health; IRB: Internal review board;

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REDCap: Research Electronic Data Capture; ITT: Intent-to-treat; OPTN: OrganProcurement and Transplantation Network.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributionsAll authors read and approved the final manuscript, and all authors madeintellectual contributions to the design of the trial. ADW, JDP, LAD, SLS, LABand CJG prepared the manuscript. MLR, ALP, CSK-A, EAS, KAB, NRA and JLTrevised the manuscript.

AcknowledgementsWe would like to acknowledge the staff at the Barnes-Jewish and UCLA-KPTPTransplant Centers for their advice and support in designing this protocol.

FundingThis research was supported by the National Institute of Diabetes andDigestive and Kidney Diseases [1R01DK088711-01A1], the WashingtonUniversity Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences which is, in part,supported by the NIH/National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences(NCATS), CTSA grant [UL1TR000448], and the UCLA Clinical and TranslationalScience Institute grant [UL1TR000124].

Author details1Division of Nephrology, David Geffen School of Medicine at the Universityof California, Los Angeles, 10940 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1223, Los Angeles, CA90024, USA. 2Division of General Medical Sciences, Washington UniversitySchool of Medicine, 660 S. Euclid Ave., Campus Box 8005, St. Louis, MO63110, USA. 3University of Rhode Island, Cancer Prevention Research Center,130 Flagg Rd., Kingston, RI 02881, USA. 4Renal and Pancreas TransplantDivision, Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Livingston, NJ 07039, USA. 5Collegeof Nursing, University of Missouri St. Louis, One University Blvd., St. Louis, MO63121, USA.

Received: 6 September 2014 Accepted: 17 September 2014Published: 14 October 2014

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doi:10.1186/1471-2369-15-166Cite this article as: Waterman et al.: Your Path to Transplant: arandomized controlled trial of a tailored computer education interventionto increase living donor kidney transplant. BMC Nephrology 2014 15:166.