YOUR LIFE IN NUMBERS - Imagine Spirit · In numerology, these cyclic vibrations are called personal...


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Page 1: YOUR LIFE IN NUMBERS - Imagine Spirit · In numerology, these cyclic vibrations are called personal year numbers, and each number is imbued with certain characteristics. For example,
Page 2: YOUR LIFE IN NUMBERS - Imagine Spirit · In numerology, these cyclic vibrations are called personal year numbers, and each number is imbued with certain characteristics. For example,


©2013 Imagine Spirit − Your Celestial Vibration Report


The Celestial Vibration of Your Personal Year

What Is a Personal Year Number?

Have you ever wondered why life seems to go along smoothly and then wham, the unexpected

happens? Perhaps things you have wanted to happen for years suddenly manifest in your life for no

apparent reason.

Out of the blue, the love of your life comes in just when you weren’t searching for him or her.

Suddenly, you get a whim to renovate your home when it seemed just fine to you before.

Perhaps a friendship drops away, and you can’t understand why.

You start thinking of your spiritual side and want to find out more about it when prior to that,

you could have cared less.

You want to stay close to home when you normally love to be out gallivanting around.

A sudden urge to find a new job enters your thoughts when previously you were content to

stay where you were.

All these things and much more can be explained by your Personal Year Number.

Everything in the universe resonates with energy. Every

object, whether living or inanimate, has its own unique

vibration. These vibrations also surround us and permeate our

lives, causing certain things to happen. In numerology, these

cyclic vibrations are called personal year numbers, and each

number is imbued with certain characteristics. For example,

when a person reaches a number 9 personal year, he or she

is ready to enter into a brand new 9-year cycle.

Everyone continually experiences the effects of these cycles,

whether they have an understanding of numerology or not.

Learning about a current vibrational cycle helps to explain

what is going on in your life and why.

This report will reveal to you how easy it is to configure your current personal year number. Each

personal year is a twelve-month cycle of energy lasting from one birthday to the next. The following

meanings are meant to be general in nature, but I’m sure you will find them close to the mark. It is

important to understand, however, that the meanings are not set in stone. They are to be considered

as guidelines only.

For additional information about your personal year number, check the meaning for the year just

past and then the meaning for the next year after the current personal year you are in. This helps to

present a larger picture of what is going on in your life.

Page 3: YOUR LIFE IN NUMBERS - Imagine Spirit · In numerology, these cyclic vibrations are called personal year numbers, and each number is imbued with certain characteristics. For example,


©2013 Imagine Spirit − Your Celestial Vibration Report

How to Calculate Your Personal Year Number

Because the personal year numbers in numerology range from 1 to 9, you will be reducing the total

sum of the numbers to a single digit to determine the personal year you are in. Don’t let the simple

math scare you. It’s very easy to do.

Here’s a simple explanation of how to figure out your current personal year number.

To begin, jot down the numbers of your birth month, the day of your birth, and the current calendar

year. All of these you will be reducing and adding together. Here’s how:

[Your birth month + your birth date + the current calendar year]

Each birth month is a number from 1−12. We all know this. For years that have double digits, such as

December, the number needs to be reduced down to a single digit. This is accomplished by adding

1+2, which equals 3.

I have a friend whose birth month is November, which is the 11th month. He wants to know what his

current personal year number is. The steps he needs to take to determine this are as follows:

To begin, he would add the 1 and 1, which equals 2 (1+1=2).

His birth date is the 13th, so he would add the 1 to the 3, which equals 4.

The current year is 2013. So, he would add the 2+0+1+3, which equals 6.

Next, he added all the reduced numbers of 2+4+6, which equals 12.

Because the 12 needs to be reduced to a single digit, he added 1+2, which equals 3, and he

determined that his personal year number is 3

My friend is currently experiencing the personal year number of 3 and will be going into a personal

year number of 4 on his next birthday. Some months and birth dates are already single digits, so you

don’t have to reduce them.)

Here is a table showing how he it did it:

His Birth Month: 11 His Birth Date: 13 Current Calendar Year: 2013

Below he reduced them down:

Birth Month: 1+1 equals 2 Birth date: 1+3 equals 4 Current year: 2+0+1+3 equals 6

He then added the 2+4+6 which equals 12

He then reduced the 12 to a single digit: 1+2 equals 3 and he got his personal year number of 3

Take out a piece of paper and do your own!

See how easy it is? It is fun to figure out your personal year number as well as those of friends and


Page 4: YOUR LIFE IN NUMBERS - Imagine Spirit · In numerology, these cyclic vibrations are called personal year numbers, and each number is imbued with certain characteristics. For example,


©2013 Imagine Spirit − Your Celestial Vibration Report

The Meanings of Personal Years Numbers

A Personal Year 1:

The key words for a personal year 1 are as follows: new beginnings, setting priorities, defining goals,

vitality, and new vision.

The personal year 1 is the beginning of a whole new 9-year cycle. This is a beautiful time of new

beginnings and a golden opportunity to start over with a clean slate. Any plans and work that you

do during this year will form a solid foundation for the next 8 years. This is a time for showing courage

and taking risks. A 1 personal year also brings added vitality and emotional strength to accomplish

what must be done. This year should be considered one of grand adventure because many new

and wonderful opportunities will come your way. Of course, there will be some challenges, but you

will handle them beautifully. Past disappointments and roadblocks seem to be magically washed

away during this time. Many situations that have concerned you for the past 9 years are no longer in

the forefront of your thinking. This is a favorable time to clarify and set new goals. If you feel a

resistance toward making necessary changes, some prospects may have to wait until the next 9-

year cycle. There may be periods of hard work, however. This may involve getting a new venture up

and running. In fact, you may find your future plans and priorities have changed completely.

A Personal Year 2:

The key words for a personal year 2 are as follows: cooperation, adaptability, consideration of others,

partnering, mediating, romantic relationships, and finding balance, patience, and solutions.

The personal year 2 is a time in which you will find yourself doing a balancing act. During this time,

you will be working on projects started in year one. Still, the fruits of some projects may not come

about in the near future. Be prepared for a few delays and detours, but also be aware that the

efforts you make at this time will pay off. Forcing issues in your life will solve nothing. Others’ situations

and emotions are important to you, and you want to be a good friend or a caring family member by

listening and providing support. You may end up being the go-between in situations of conflict. The

caution here is not to become too enmeshed and try to fix everyone’s problems. During this year,

there may be a tendency toward feeling self-pity or low self-esteem at times, but you will overcome

all emotional situations by focusing on helping others and building solid reciprocal relationships.

Adopting an attitude of calm and serenity will benefit you greatly during times of stress, tension, and

emotional extremes. This could be a year of finding a new love relationship or forming a long-lasting

friendship. If you are already in a committed relationship, there will be a deepening of emotions and

a recommitment in your heart and mind.

Page 5: YOUR LIFE IN NUMBERS - Imagine Spirit · In numerology, these cyclic vibrations are called personal year numbers, and each number is imbued with certain characteristics. For example,


©2013 Imagine Spirit − Your Celestial Vibration Report

A Personal Year 3:

The key words for a personal year 3 are as follows: culmination, artistry, enthusiasm, carefree,

expansiveness, social networking, old friends, creative success, and caution in finances and


This is a time of culmination and reaping rewards. The personal year 3 is a happy year in which the

fruits of your labors finally begin to pay off. Pleasant surprises and windfalls can happen in many

areas of your life. You may be feeling so excited about the many wonderful things happening that

others will notice a significant uplifting of your personality. This is a year you may hear from old friends

and make many new ones. During a personal year 3, burdens of responsibility can be shifted

elsewhere, and you begin to feel more lighthearted. This is also a time of feeling expansive. With the

many opportunities flooding in, you are not sure which to pursue, and you might be tempted to do it

all. Discernment and knowing your limits are the keys to maintaining a sense of stability and feeling

balanced. The creative juices are flowing and you will have many inspirational thoughts concerning

writing, creativity, business ideas, and devising ways to show off your unique talents. It is a time,

however, to be cautious in business and hold on to your finances. The next personal year will be a

much more promising time for making large expenditures.

A Personal Year 4:

The key words for a personal year 4 are as follows: foundation, home, maintenance, work, self-

control, and responsibilities.

The personal year 4 is the year of the home and everything in it. You may find yourself wanting to

change residences, renovate, change color schemes, or purchase new furniture. Some of these

projects will be costly, but you are in a position to make them happen without straining the budget.

Along with issues around the home, you will be experiencing increased responsibilities and finding

better ways of organizing your priorities; fulfilling obligations and acting responsibly will become

important to you. There may be times, however, when you feel as though you are going one step

forward and 2 steps back. Maintaining the status quo might seem more complicated than it has in a

while. The good news is that you will eventually see the logjam clear as the year progresses. This is an

excellent time for revisiting goals set during personal year number 1. More mature ways of thinking

and a new or more perceptive way understanding will begin to filter into your thoughts and

emotions. This shift will be subtle at first, but you will have occasion to look back and see how well

you handled situations that in previous years you might have mishandled. The personal year 4 is a

time to solidify the foundation you have created for your life and to fully enjoy the changes made in

your residence.

Page 6: YOUR LIFE IN NUMBERS - Imagine Spirit · In numerology, these cyclic vibrations are called personal year numbers, and each number is imbued with certain characteristics. For example,


©2013 Imagine Spirit − Your Celestial Vibration Report

A Personal Year 5:

The key words for a personal year 5 are as follows: challenges, independence, overcoming, horizons

expanding, freedom, friends, and connections.

The personal year 5 is the midway point in your personal 9-year cycle. When reading about the fact

that there will be some significant challenges to face in year 5, a reader might groan and feel

apprehensive. The truth is, challenges happen every day, and we need to face them head-on and

move through them as they present themselves. This could also be a time of feeling stuck on an

emotional level, but you will get back on track eventually. What occurs in this year will also cause

you to deeply reflect on where you are currently in your life and perhaps encourage you to tackle

the things you have wanted to accomplish for quite some time. You could even change residences.

There may be a need to rethink recent goals and to substitute a few of them with new goals that are

more workable. This may be a time for feeling the need for more personal freedom. This year is also

good for pursuing new employment opportunities and entering into a new circle of friends. The

strange part is, you may not feel like working and might develop a tendency to shirk obligations. This

is definitely a time in which you will long to shed old restrictive routines. This must be carefully

monitored if you want to move forward in this personal year you are in. An upside to this year is that it

could bring with it a new sense of excitement, the desire to take an exotic or adventurous trip, or

even to make plans to further your education.

A Personal Year 6:

The key words for a personal year 6 are as follows: wisdom, finding a soul mate, love, family

relationships, communication, creativity, learning, secrets, messages, and deeper home ties.

Moving into the second phase of your 9-year cycle, a personal year 6 intensifies feelings in existing

relationships and enables you to make deeper emotional connections. There may be a desire to

learn how to communicate more effectively with not only your family members but also others in

your outer circle. Reaffirming your commitment to family is paramount for you in this year. There

could be an unexpected meeting that leads to finding your soul mate during this phase. This is a very

good year to get married or engaged. Of course, these events can happen at any time, but the

personal year 6 is perfect for the right person to present and for inner knowing on your part that this is

the one. However, there is always the practical side to be considered because such a decision

could very well involve making a lifelong commitment that should not be taken lightly. Also, a friend

that you meet during this cycle is likely to become a friend for life. During this time, you may also

prefer to spend more time with family or a close circle of friends. New social opportunities and events

will keep your calendar full. On the work front, be aware of the energies going on around you, and

do not get involved in office politics. Issues on that front may be unsettling, and you do not want to

be mixed up in gossip or hiding the secrets of others. Finally, there may be a new creative personal

project that you can’t wait to begin.

Page 7: YOUR LIFE IN NUMBERS - Imagine Spirit · In numerology, these cyclic vibrations are called personal year numbers, and each number is imbued with certain characteristics. For example,


©2013 Imagine Spirit − Your Celestial Vibration Report

A Personal Year 7:

The key words for a personal year 7 are as follows: reflection, self-analysis, quietude, spiritual pursuits,

institutions, illness, and solitude.

The personal year 7 can be one of introspection and adopting a cave-like existence. Even if you are

normally extroverted, a personal year 7 could put you in the mood to cocoon and enjoy your own

company more. Although you won’t necessarily be shutting out others around you, you may feel like

pursuing private interests and easing out of relationship pressures. This could bring about a breakup

or temporary separation. A separation at this time does not have to be permanent. There may be a

need for compromise, although you might not want to. A personal year 7 is like forced meditation for

the psyche. This is a period of time in which you will analyze, reflect, and try to gain a deeper

understanding of yourself. You may decide to shed old behaviors, end certain relationships, or seek

help for self-destructive behaviors or addictions that you realize are doing you harm and preventing

personal growth. This year truly favors any kind of self-improvement, such as seeking therapy or

finding some sort of a spiritual life. Giving yourself permission to make the changes required without

assuming guilt or feeling weak minded is paramount. Those around you may find you somewhat

standoffish during this phase, but offering reassurances that all is well will go a long way toward

soothing any hurt feelings. Any kind of writing or research you can do will greatly benefit you at this

time as well.

A Personal Year 8:

The key words for a personal year 8 are as follows: health, wealth, self-empowerment, abundance,

and, as I like to say, power, power, and more power.

A personal year 8 is a potent time for all sorts of favorable financial endeavors and windfalls to come

your way. Some of them just seem to drop into your lap. After the restrictive quietude of personal

year 7, this year usually provides all aspects of your life with a significant power boost, especially your

career and financial matters. Although buying a new home, finding a new job, or putting a business

plan into action have been mentioned in previous personal years, this year has all the auspicious

signs attached so that you can achieve extremely successful results. It’s the pinnacle of success you

have been working toward for many years. While in a personal year 8, you will be more attractive

and magnetic to others. Some personal year 8 people find themselves placed in positions of greater

authority. It’s almost as if others expect you to lead. If you normally make vast amounts of money,

you will draw in even more abundance during this prosperous cycle. Of course, not everyone

becomes super rich in a personal year 8, but the potential is there for you to do something great. Use

your power wisely!

Page 8: YOUR LIFE IN NUMBERS - Imagine Spirit · In numerology, these cyclic vibrations are called personal year numbers, and each number is imbued with certain characteristics. For example,


©2013 Imagine Spirit − Your Celestial Vibration Report

A Personal Year 9:

The key words for a personal year 9 are as follows: closure, completion, endings, personal inventory,

letting go, reaching out, tidying up loose ends, and the end of a cycle.

A personal year 9 is considered to be a year of endings. Don’t let this scare you. It’s true that many

issues and situations in your life will begin to fade or completely disappear. However, it’s all for the

greater good. This year is one of completion, and it marks the culmination of everything you have

wanted to accomplish during the last decade. I call this the personal year of “cleaning out the

closets.” This is also a good time for taking stock of your assets—what you wish to keep and what you

will relinquish. It is a perfect time for tidying up loose ends and letting go of anything that is no longer

serving you. It may be an uncomfortable year for some, especially if you are unable to realize the

benefits of letting go. Let’s face it. There are those who just hate change. I think there is a little bit of

that in all of us. This is a year in which you may feel restless and find that things that used to interest

you no longer do so. To some, it feels like a kind of death; however, this year is the precursor to new

beginnings. This is the year you will think about how far you have come and where you are going. All

in all, you will be clearing the decks for the next 9-year cycle.

Here’s Your Added Bonus!

Discover Your Life Path Number

A Life Path Number Is About Traits We Are Born With and How We Approach Life

The life path number represents you at birth—the inherent basic traits that you were born with and

that you will carry with you through life. As in all numerology numbers, such as those that correspond

to our name, birth date, and soul essence, there are lessons involved. Your life path number can help

you understand and realize your life’s purpose. It serves you by offering direction when you are

feeling lost. In short, it can help you find your place in the world.

A life path number is configured just like you would calculate a personal year with one important

exception: you will use the actual year of your birth!

If you feel the numbers presented below don’t fit you very well, think again. The truth is, we often

don’t know ourselves on a deep level. Be open to what you read. You might find the information

inspirational enough to help you with any life problems you are experiencing right now.

Page 9: YOUR LIFE IN NUMBERS - Imagine Spirit · In numerology, these cyclic vibrations are called personal year numbers, and each number is imbued with certain characteristics. For example,


©2013 Imagine Spirit − Your Celestial Vibration Report

The Meanings of the Life Path Numbers 1−9

Just as in life, there are negative as well as positive characteristics. In this report, we are listing only

the positive traits for each life path number. These meanings are meant to be general in nature.

There is so much more that makes up the total of who you are.

Life Path Number 1

The life path 1 is characterized by individualist desires, a desire to lead, independence, and the

need for personal attainment.

People on life path 1 are hard workers. When a life path 1 has won a personal victory, his or her face

radiates pure joy. People with positive life path 1 traits abound in creative inspiration and possess the

enthusiasm and drive to accomplish a great deal. Their potential for action comes directly from the

enormous depth of strength they have— both the physical and inner varieties of strength. With this

strength comes utter determination and the capacity to lead. Multitasking is something they tend to

be very good at, and keeping busy is important to them. As natural leaders, they have a flair for

taking charge of any situation.

Life Path Number 2:

The life path 2 focuses on maintaining peace and creating harmony, balance, and diplomacy.

Life path 2 people could be creatures of habit and routine. They like their road ahead well worn and

familiar. Life path 2 people rarely dispose of anything that may have any kind of value. They are very

sensitive people who also have the ability to be fair and like to mediate for others. They possess a

sincere concern for others; they think the best of people and want the best for them. Life path 2

people are honest and open. They are apt to excel in any group activity in which their expertise in

handling and blending people can be used effectively.

Life Path Number 3:

The life path 3 focuses on expression, sociability, and creativity.

People on life path 3 can be the writers, speakers, artists, and entertainers of this world. They are

vibrant, effervescent people with very optimistic attitudes. The life path 3 people possess an

abundance of creative skills, such as writing, speaking, acting, and similar endeavors. They are

excellent painters, interior decorators, landscapers, and even composers. They are very sociable

and search for like-minded people to share their interests in art. Warm and friendly, they are good

conversationalists and open with their opinions; their approaches to life tend to be exceedingly

positive, and their dispositions are almost always sunny. Life path number 3 people need to be

careful with their money and stash some away because they really believe it grows on trees!

Page 10: YOUR LIFE IN NUMBERS - Imagine Spirit · In numerology, these cyclic vibrations are called personal year numbers, and each number is imbued with certain characteristics. For example,


©2013 Imagine Spirit − Your Celestial Vibration Report

Life Path Number 4:

The life path 4 focuses on security, the home, loyalty, tenacity, practicality, and organization.

The life path 4 is a trus2rthy, practical, and down-to-earth individual. They are excellent organizers

because of their innate ability to view things in a very practical way. They are finishers of whatever

they take on. Once a decision is made, it will be followed through to the conclusion. Life path 4

people are the most dependable people anyone could know. With patience and determination,

they can achieve great success in life. They are sometimes very set in their ways but are determined

to handle whatever is presented to them.

Life Path Number 5:

The life path 5 focuses on freedom, fun, adventure, motivation, and seeking answers.

A life path 5 person is usually very versatile, adventurous, and progressive. A 5’s personality can be

cavalier, with a live-for-today way of thinking and without worrying too much about tomorrow. It is

important for them to mix with like-minded people and to avoid those who are too serious and

demanding. Work life should involve a job that provides thought-provoking tasks rather than routine

and redundant responsibilities. They do best dealing with people, but the important thing is that they

have the freedom to express themselves at all times. They have an innate ability to think through

complex matters, analyzing them with lightning speed, but then they are off to something new.

Life Path Number 6:

The life path 6 focuses on nurturing, idealism, balance, compassion, and responsibility.

Wisdom, balance, and understanding are the cornerstones of this life path. The life path 6 usually

presents to the world a strong sense of dependability. They are idealistic and must feel useful to be

happy. They make great friends. Their main contribution in life is to offer sound advice and be of

service to others. Life path 6 people often take on the burdens of those around them and are always

ready to assist. This life path 6 person often displays leadership characteristics by example and taking

on responsibility. While a 6 may assume huge responsibilities in the community, life truly revolves

around the immediate home and family.

Life Path Number 7:

The life path 7 focuses on peace, solitude, spirituality, study, intellect, and knowledge.

This is a very cerebral and intellectual number. Life path 7 people have a love of natural beauty: the

ocean, green grass, plants, flowers, birds, butterflies, and sweet little animals. They give off an air of

mystery and do not want people to know who they really are. They are often psychic and believe in

otherworldly places and entities. They aren't ones to have a wide circle of acquaintances, but once

they accept someone as a friend, it's for life. They are very thorough and complete in their work and

can sometimes be annoying perfectionists, expecting others to meet their same high standards of

performance. Their reserve is often mistaken as snobbery, which is not usually the case. A life path 7

person is an affectionate soul underneath but is reserved and analytical by nature. The strength of

the life path 7 is reflected in the depth of thinking that he or she sometimes reveals to others.

Page 11: YOUR LIFE IN NUMBERS - Imagine Spirit · In numerology, these cyclic vibrations are called personal year numbers, and each number is imbued with certain characteristics. For example,


©2013 Imagine Spirit − Your Celestial Vibration Report

Life Path Number 8:

The life path 8 focuses on financial security, power, materialism, and success.

Life path number 8 people are focused on learning the satisfactions found in the material world. The

life path 8 produces many powerful, confident, and materially successful people. They are apt to be

forceful and competitive. Their routine is involved in practical, down-to-earth affairs, and there is little

time for daydreaming. Life path 8 people are well equipped for competition in the business world or

in other competitive fields of endeavor. They know how to manage themselves and their

environment with the courage of their convictions when it comes to taking the necessary risks to get

ahead. This life path is perhaps the one that is the most concerned with and desirous of status as part

of showing the world their material success.

Life Path Number 9:

The life path 9 focuses on compassion, generosity, and humanitarianism.

The keys to the nature of a life path number 9 person are sensitivity, feeling, and compassion. Usually,

this number produces an individual who is very trus2rthy and honorable. The 9, being the highest of

the single-digit numbers, holds an elevated position in life that involves carrying certain heavy

responsibilities. The purpose in life for those with a 9 life path is of a philosophical nature. Judges,

spiritual leaders, healers, and educators frequently have much of the energy of a life path 9.

Material gains are not overly important, although the qualities of some life path 9 people are such

that they are materially rewarded in very significant ways. Often, a number 9 life path requires a very

selfless attitude and the giving up of material possessions for the common good. Even the most

average of those with life path 9 possesses extremely compassionate tendencies. The desire to help

others, especially the troubled or underprivileged, is strong. They have the ability to make friends very


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