Your Healthcare Roadmap: (3) Where Do I Go?


Transcript of Your Healthcare Roadmap: (3) Where Do I Go?

Everyone can use a little guided support getting through the healthcare maze.

This information series is a roadmap that will give you a good understanding for how it all works.Everyone can use a little guided support getting

through the healthcare maze.

This information series is a roadmap that will give you a good understanding for how it all works.

This information series is a roadmap that will give you a good understanding for how it all works.

We’ll break down our complex healthcare system into 5 key questions. Each question is important, and the valuable

information you’ll find will help you make informed decisions.

We’ll focus on the question “Where do I go?”

Make sure you confirm both your doctor and your hospital are experts in your condition.

People tend to think of a doctor as having met certain qualifications, and therefore, that they’re all pretty much the same.

But the reality is, just like any other profession, doctor quality varies from poor to excellent.

What this means is that where you go for your healthcare really matters. Doctors are not the same.

.....Just as all artists are not the same. And just like artists that paint what they are used to painting, doctors do what they are used to doing. Even

expert doctors are better at some things than they are at others. For example, a surgeon specializes in surgery. They have specific areas of expertise. You wouldn’t want a hip surgeon doing your heart surgery.

Polling says that most people believe that a doctor’s overall knowledge, training, and expertise are very important, but, many of us aren’t comfortable asking a doctor about his or her qualifications.

You’re likely to have a better outcome with a board certified physician. Look to see if your doctor maintains board certification.

This will let you know that they are keeping up to date.

Most people spend less than an hour researching a doctor, but more than 10 hours shopping for a car. It’s important to

ask questions. By doing so, you’ll get a sense of how well your doctor listens to you and your concerns.

Make sure to research the hospital you’ll be going to for your healthcare.

Your hospital choice really matters in much the same way that where you choose to have dinner matters.

When you’re in a top rate hospital you’re much more likely to avoid problems, spend less time in the hospital - and most importantly - survive. The more patients like you that a hospital treats, the more

experience they have, and the better your outcome will be.

Neither doctors nor hospitals are created equal.

Ask your doctor questions and look into his or her experience and reputation. Make sure you are comfortable.

Investigate and ask questions about your hospital’s experience and track record in the treatment and procedures for your condition.

Download our free guide for more detailed information to confirm if your diagnosis is correct. It’s free!

To learn more about how to find quality care, download our free guide below!