Your Enrolment Guide - Group...

Your Enrolment Guide The ABC Company Group Retirement Program

Transcript of Your Enrolment Guide - Group...

Page 1: Your Enrolment Guide - Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through

Your Enrolment Guide

The ABC Company Group Retirement Program

Page 2: Your Enrolment Guide - Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through

About this Enrolment Guide

This Guide provides information you will need to enroll in your company's Group Retirement Program.

This process will take a bit of your time, but it will be time well invested. A colour-coded, step-by-stepprocess will help you navigate through this Guide. Each step includes a ‘To Do’ box showing what you mustcomplete to enroll. The boxes separate what you must do from what you should keep in mind.

A message from ABC Company

Effective July 1, 2011, Manulife Financial will be the new administrator of the ABC Company GroupRetirement Program. This change will provide you with many new and exciting services to help you plan foryour retirement. We encourage you to take the time to read this Guide to learn more about your new plan.

Your assets will be transferred from the previous carrier on July 12, 2011. The closing balance that appearson your final statement from that carrier will match the opening balance on your new statement fromManulife.

You can learn more about this change in administrators and what it means to you by attending aninformation session during the week of June 16. The date and times for the sessions will be posted in thelunchrooms at each office.


Page 3: Your Enrolment Guide - Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through

Step one: Learn about your program

Step two: Decide how to enroll

Step three: Decide how to invest

Step four: Decide how much to contribute

Step five: Check to see you’ve completed each step

Here’s what you need to do...

Let’s Get Started...


Page 4: Your Enrolment Guide - Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through



Learn about your program

Advantages of the ABC Company Group RetirementProgramTo help ensure you are prepared for life after work, your Plan Sponsor (employer) has taken the first step toward

helping you save for your retirement by offering you a Group Retirement Program. Now, it’s up to you to take the

next step and join your program.

Your Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through an individual savings

or investment account, such as:

• A convenient way to save – Making regular contributions directly from your pay – before money ever reaches your

bank account – makes it easier to commit to saving consistently. Even if the amount you contribute each time is small

– and is an amount you’re not likely to miss – it can grow very nicely over the long term.

• Immediate tax reduction – Regular payroll contributions to Registered Retirement Savings Plans and/or Registered

Pension Plans are taken from your gross pay before payroll taxes are calculated. This immediately reduces the amount

of your income that’s taxed. You’ll only pay income tax on the remaining portion of your salary, so you’ll enjoy tax

savings on each and every pay cheque throughout the year.

• Tax-deferred growth – Growth you realize in Registered Retirement Savings Plans, Deferred Profit Sharing Plans or

Registered Pension Plans occurs in a tax-sheltered environment until you withdraw funds from the plan.

• Lower investment management fees – Take advantage of the competitive investment management fees (IMFs)

offered by your group plan. Lower IMFs leave more of your savings in your account and growing for you.

• Leading fund managers – Through your group plan, you have access to some of the world’s leading fund managers

and their funds. Many of these funds aren’t available to individual investors.

To Do! Learn about the advantages of your program.

Review the details of your program.

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Details of your programThe ABC Company Group Retirement Program includes these plan(s):

• Registered Pension Plan (RPP) – You are required to join this plan

• Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) – You can choose to join this plan

Your Group Retirement Program gives you the opportunity to put more savings to work for you with a voluntary plan.

Consider taking advantage of your voluntary plan by making additional contributions. Even small contributions can

grow significantly over time. For example, a contribution of $600 a year – just $50 a month – will grow to more than

$25,000 after 20 years.

This projection assumes the contributions remain in your account until you retire and grow at a rate of 8% per year.

Your plan allows Spousal RRSP accounts. If you decide to set up a Spousal RRSP, your spouse will need to complete

the RSP Application form. You can make a copy of the RSP Application form included in this Guide or print a copy that

is posted at

Please note: You must first join the Group RRSP in order to establish a Spousal RRSP. Please ensure you also complete an

RSP Application form for yourself.

• Secure website and telephone account access – Manage your account and investments using the service option

you prefer. Access your account via the secure member website and/or the Customer Service Centre.

• Easy-to-read statements – Manulife’s member statements provide updates on your savings and include tips and

reminders to help you build an effective retirement savings plan.

• Consolidate your savings – You can transfer accounts you hold at other institutions to your group program,

allowing you to enjoy the above benefits for all of your retirement savings.

Keep reading to learn about the details of your company’s program and find outhow to join.

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The details of your program – shown below – are subject to change by your Plan Sponsor (employer).

Registered Pension PlanRegistered Retirement Savings Plan

Policy number 987654321 123456789

Who is eligible to join this plan? All full-time and part-time employees. All full-time and part-time employees.

Do I have to join? Yes, you are required to join. No, enrolment is voluntary.

When can I join? Right away. Any time you wish – either now or at afuture date.

How much do I contribute? You are required to contribute up to 3%of your earnings each year.

You can make voluntary contributions upto the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)maximum limit.

How much does my Plan Sponsor (employer) contribute?

Your Plan Sponsor/Employer willcontribute 5% of your earnings each year.

Your Plan Sponsor/Employer does notcontribute on your behalf.

Who decides how my contributions will be invested?

You do. You do.

Can I transfer money into the plan?

No, transfers into this plan are notallowed.

Yes, you may transfer amounts fromanother registered plan.

Can I take money out of the plan while I am employed?

No, but in some circumstances there maybe exceptions. Please speak to your PlanSponsor/Employer.

You can withdraw any contributions you make.

Can I make additional one-timecontributions?

No. Yes.

What happens if I leave the company?

The full value of your account belongs toyou if you have worked for your PlanSponsor/Employer for a continuous 12months.

The full value of your account belongs to you.

What happens if I retire from the company?

The full value of your account belongs to you.

The full value of your account belongs to you.

What happens if I die? Your beneficiary (s) will be entitled to the portion of your account that you have specified.

Your beneficiary (s) will be entitled to the portion of your account that you have specified.

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Decide how to enroll

To enroll online

Go to and enter the information shown below for each plan you are joining. Follow

the instructions as they appear on the screen.

The online enrolment process will guide you through most of the remaining steps in this Enrolment Guide. Remember – you

will need to return to Step 4 on page 11 of this Guide once you have finished enrolling online.

*Choose your Division from the list below and log in to the website using the policy number and access code. You

should only enroll in this Registered Pension Plan once.

You must join this plan:

Decide how you want to enroll – either online or with paper forms.

Follow the instructions for your preferred enrolment option.

Remember – You must enroll in the Registered Pension Plan by June 20, 2008.

To Do!

Registered Pension Plan, Division: East* Policy number: 987654321 Access code: E2221

Registered Pension Plan, Division: Central* Policy number: 987654321 Access code: C2221

Registered Pension Plan, Division: West* Policy number: 987654321 Access code: W2221

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Tips for enrolling online:

• Review the Fund Selection Guide included in this package to learn about the

investments available through your program and their investment management fees


• Print your Beneficiary confirmation when you finish enrolling in each plan. Sign the

completed form(s), then return them to Manulife in the envelope provided.

• Print your Enrolment confirmation when you finish enrolling in each plan so you have

a copy for your records. You will need the Customer number shown on your

confirmation to identify yourself to the Customer Service Centre and to access online


• Choose your Personal Identification Number (PIN) to access the secure website at

the end of the enrolment process. Remember to keep this number in a safe place.

*Choose your Division from the list below and log in to the website using the policy number and access code. You

should only enroll in this Registered Retirement Savings Plan once.

You can choose to join this plan:

Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Division: East* Policy number: 123456789 Access code: E2221

Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Division: Central* Policy number: 123456789 Access code: C2221

Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Division: West * Policy number: 123456789 Access code: W2221

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To enroll using paper forms

Detach the Application form(s) for the plan(s) below. All forms you need to complete are located at the back of this Guide.

You must join this plan:

Complete the following sections on each Application form:

• Tell us about your plan

• Your personal information

• Tell us about the contributor (if you are setting up a Spousal RRSP)

• Name your beneficiary (or beneficiaries)

Once you have completed these sections on each Application form, go to the next step in your Enrolment Guide.

You can choose to join this plan:

Application form for the Registered Pension Plan Page 23

Application form for the Registered Retirement Savings Plan Page 25

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Decide how to invest

Open the Fund Selection Guide you received in this enrolment package.

Follow the instructions to determine your investor style and select your investments.

Specify the percentage of contributions you want to invest in each fund in the Your

investment instructions section on each Application form.

To Do!

Note - If you consult a Financial Planner for advice regarding funds for this Group Retirement Program, provide him or

her with this Guide. If you do not generally seek the advice of a financial planner before making investment decisions,

please continue reading.

Remember: After you’re finished with the Fund Selection Guide, you’ll need to return to Step four on page 11 in this


You can choose investments for the following plan(s):

• Registered Pension Plan (policy 987654321)

• Registered Retirement Savings Plan (policy 123456789) – if you decided to join this plan

If you do not provide instructions on where to invest contributions to your plans, contributions will be deposited to the

plan default investment – MLI Balanced AA Fund (2003). You are strongly encouraged to take an active role in how

your retirement savings are invested and ensure you are invested in fund(s) that suit you. Your plan’s default investment

is intended as a temporary destination for your contributions and may not be appropriate for your long-term

retirement planning.

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To Do!

You can contribute to the following plans:

• Registered Pension Plan (policy 987654321)

• Registered Retirement Savings Plan (policy 123456789) – if you decided to join this plan

Detach and complete the Payroll Deduction Authorization form found at

the back of this Guide on page 29.

TIP – Refer to the Details of your program table on page 6 to see how much

you can contribute to each plan.

A small amount can make a real difference

Even small contributions can grow significantly over time. For

example, a contribution of $600 a year – just $50 a month – will

grow to more than $25,000 after 20 years.

This projection assumes the contributions remain in your account until you retire and

grow at a rate of 8% per year.

Decide how much to contribute

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Refer to the checklist below.

Remember – You must enroll in the Registered Pension Plan by June 20, 2008

Return the completed forms in the envelopes included in your enrolment package.

See the list below for details of which form should get returned in which envelope.

Make sure you’ve fully completed each Applicationform for the plans you are joining.

Have you:

Completed the Your personal information section?

Named your beneficiary (or beneficiaries)?

Provided instructions for how much you want to contribute?

Provided instructions on how to invest contributions to your plan?

Signed and dated each form?

To Do!

Your enrolment package includes the following forms:

• An Application form for the Registered Pension Plan (policy 987654321) – return to Manulife Financial in the

enclosed envelope.

• An Application form for the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (policy 123456789) – return to Manulife

Financial in the enclosed envelope.

• A Payroll Deduction Authorization form – return to ABC Company in the enclosed envelope.

• A Transfer Authorization for Registered Investments form – complete only if you would like to transfer other

savings to your group program – forward the form directly to the institution that will transfer your funds to


Check to see you’ve completed each step

Page 13: Your Enrolment Guide - Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through


You’ve successfully enrolled

What’s next?

If you enrolled online…

You received your Customer number and chose your PIN at the end of the enrolment process. You can use this

information to access your account online anytime. Instructions for accessing your account online appear below.

If you enrolled using paper forms…

You’ll receive a letter from Manulife welcoming you to your group program. This letter will provide your Customer

number and explain how to get your Personal Identification Number (PIN). With your Customer number and PIN, you

can access the online tools Manulife offers to help you track and manage your savings.

How can I track the progress of my account?

• Member statements – You’ll receive easy-to-understand member statements updating you about your account

activity and growth.

• Internet – You can access your account information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at

• Phone – You can contact Customer Service at 1-888-727-7766 to speak with a Manulife customer service

representative, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.

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Transfer your other savings to your group program


You can transfer your other registered savings to the following plan(s):

• Registered Retirement Savings Plan (policy 123456789) – if you decided to join this plan

Enjoy the benefits of your group plan for all your retirement savings.

It can be difficult to track your progress towards your retirement income goal when your savings are divided between

several financial institutions.

By consolidating your retirement savings with Manulife, you will benefit from:

• Competitive fees – The lower fees generally associated with a group program mean more of your savings stay in

your account and keep growing.

• A single point of access – Enjoy the convenience of receiving one statement, going to one website, and calling

one phone number to manage all your retirement savings.

Decide if you want to transfer your other registered savings to Manulife.

Complete a Transfer Authorization for Registered Investments form (located at the

back of this Guide on page 31) for each account you wish to transfer to Manulife.

Return the completed form in the return envelope with your Application form(s). This will

initiate the transfer of your savings to Manulife Financial. Once Manulife has received the

funds, you’ll receive a confirmation from the previous institution.

To Do!

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Any tax-deferred group savings plan that lets you choose between two or more investment options is defined as a

Capital Accumulation Plan (CAP).

As a CAP plan member, you have these responsibilities:

• Deciding how much to contribute.

• Making use of the tools and information available to you through your program.

• Selecting your investments.

• Reviewing your investments regularly to ensure they continue to meet your retirement savings

and investment goals.

You should also consider obtaining investment advice from an appropriately qualified independent advisor.

Manulife’s Customer Service Representatives and Financial Education Specialists are available to help you understand the

many planning tools and services you can use.

Call 1-888-727-7766 to speak with a representative, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.

Review and understand your responsibilities.To Do!

What are my responsibilities as a plan member?

Page 16: Your Enrolment Guide - Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through


You have taken the most important step – enrolling in your plan. Now think about how to get on track – and stay on

track – to achieve your retirement income goal.

In this section, you’ll find these articles to help you get started:

• Creating and maintaining a retirement plan

• Other sources of retirement income

• The benefit of paying lower fees

• Starting early pays more

Take an extra step – Learn more aboutplanning for your retirement

Page 17: Your Enrolment Guide - Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through


It’s hard to imagine retiring when you’re rushing to work, paying your mortgage and organizing day care. However,

taking the time to create a retirement plan now can:

• help you determine how much income you’d like to have at retirement.

• assist you in creating a plan and keep you focused on achieving your retirement income goal.

• let you track your progress to ensure your plan is meeting your expectations.

Creating a retirement plan shouldn’t be a one-time activity. Like an annual check-up with your doctor, you should

review your plan once a year. A retirement check-up gives you a chance to re-evaluate your retirement plan and keep

track of the progress you’re making towards achieving your goal.

Manulife’s Steps Retirement Program® (Steps) helps you to gain a clearer view of your retirement outlook. Steps

walks you through a quick, simple process that helps you set your annual retirement income goal. With your goal set,

you can check your progress online at any time – or see how you’re doing on the statement mailed to your home – to

be sure you’re on track to reach your goal. If you’re not on track, you’ll see suggestions to help you close any gap.

To learn more about the Steps Retirement Program® – and put Steps to work for you – go to and log in to the secure member website. You’ll need to wait until you have your Customer

number and Personal Identification Number (PIN). Once you’ve logged in, choose ‘Set/change my goal’ in the STEPS

RETIREMENT PROGRAM section of the left-hand menu.

Creating and maintaining a retirement plan

Page 18: Your Enrolment Guide - Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through

Canadians generally rely on three distinct sources of income during retirement.

1. Government benefits, such as Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) and Old Age Security

(OAS) income.

2. Personal savings, such as savings accounts and individual retirement accounts.

3. Income from this company-sponsored Group Retirement Program.

Government benefits provide some portion of income, but you’ll likely need income from all three sources to maintain

the lifestyle you enjoyed during your working years.

Joining this plan and making regular contributions will help you start building toward the retirement you hope to enjoy.

Other sources of retirement income


Page 19: Your Enrolment Guide - Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through


Typically, when you participate in a Group Retirement Program, you pay lower investment management fees (IMFs) than

the management expense ratio (MER) you would pay as an individual investor. You have the purchasing power of a

group of people as opposed to the purchasing power of one.

Let’s see how $10,000 invested with a 1.75% IMF compares to a MER of 2.25%. This projection assumes the initial

investment remains invested for 25 years and grows at a rate of 8% per year*.

This graph shows the long-term benefit lower fees can have on your retirement savings. When the IMF is 0.50% lower,

the potential increase in the value of your retirement savings is $5,063.

Lower fees leave more of your money in your account to grow for your retirement.

The benefit of paying lower fees

A difference

of $5,063












1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25


IMF 1.75%$45,522.22

MER 2.25%$40,458.56






*The IMF, MER and rate of returnused in this example are forillustrative purposes only. See theRates of Return Overview in yourFund Selection Guide for the IMFsyou pay in your group program.

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The sooner you start to save the better. By starting now, you won’t have to put as much money away to achieve the

same amount as someone who starts ten years after you.

Take a look at the difference – Terry starts to save at age 25 contributing $1,000 every year for 10 years. While Chris

starts saving at age 35; contributing $1000 for 30 years. Chris still can’t catch up to Terry – it really pays to start early!

Starting early pays more

Terry Chris

Starts contributing at age 25 35

Annual contribution $1,000 $1,000

Number of years contributing 10 30

Total contributions $10,000 $30,000

Total accumulated valueat age 65 $157,435 $122,346

Assumptions: Contributions made at the beginning of each year, compounded annually, at an8% rate of return.

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Here is a list of forms found in your Enrolment Guide:

• An Application form for the Registered Pension Plan

• An Application form for the Registered Retirement Savings Plan

• A Payroll Deduction Authorization form

• A Transfer Authorization for Registered Investments form


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Page 23: Your Enrolment Guide - Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through


Application Form

Registered Pension Plan (RP P)

Name your beneficiary (or beneficiaries)If you do not name a beneficiary and you do not have a spouse at the date of your death, proceeds will be paid to your estate.

Check here if you have attached a separate page listing your beneficiaries. Please sign and date.

The above beneficiary designations are considered revocable unless you write “irrevocable” in the chart above.

For Quebec only:The designation of a spouse as beneficiary is deemed to be irrevocable unless specified here: Revocable

Tell us about the planIf you aren’t sure how to completeany of these boxes, your PlanAdministrator can help you or you can call Customer Service at1-888-727-7766.

Your personal information

Please print clearly in the blank boxes.

Send your completed form to:Manulife FinancialAttn: GRS Client Services, KC-6PO BOX 396 STN WATERLOOWATERLOO, ON N2J 4A9

Plan Sponsor/Employer Policy number

Member number Date you started with your employer (mmm/dd/yyyy) Date you are joining the plan (mmm/dd/yyyy)

Division Member class Province of Employment

Gender First name Middle initial Last name

Mailing address (number, street and apartment number)

City Province Country Postal Code

Date of birth (mmm/dd/yyyy) Social Insurance Number (SIN) Marital status

Your preferred language Telephone number Ext. Email address

Trustee name Relationship

Name Relationship Percentage of proceeds

A revocable beneficiary can bechanged at anytime.

An irrevocable beneficiary canonly be changed with writtenconsent from that beneficiary. Youwill also need your beneficiary’sconsent to withdraw or transfermoney from your account A parentor guardian cannot provide consenton behalf of a minor who has beennamed as irrevocable beneficiary.

If you want to name more thanthree beneficiaries, attach aseparate page with the names andthe percentage of proceeds foreach beneficiary.

If you have locked-in money in yourRPP and you have a spouse on thedate of your death, the law mayrequire any death benefit be paid toyour spouse, regardless of otherbeneficiaries you’ve named.

If you die while your beneficiary isstill a minor, the trustee you nameon this form will act on the child’sbehalf.

Trustee for a minor beneficiary named above (not applicable in Quebec) Any payment to a beneficiary who is a minor will be paid in trust to the trustee named below.In Quebec, the proceeds will be paid in trust to the minor child's tutor.

ABC Company Ltd. TBD

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If you do not complete this section,or the total does not add up to100%, your contributions will beinvested in the plan default fund.

You can go online at anytime tochange the funds you have chosen.

The minimum amount you caninvest in a fund is 5%.

Percentages must be wholenumbers.

Note: The investmentperformance of a market-basedfund is not guaranteed.


Fund code Fund name %

Your investment instructionsSpecify the 4-digit fund code of each fund you select below, along with the percentage of contributions you want to invest in eachfund. Your percentages must add up to 100%.

If your plan offers Group IncomePlus note this option is intended to provide you with guaranteed retirement income. Before you selectGroup IncomePlus, review The Bold Print for more information.

Your percentages must add up to 100%.

Please sign here

I confirm that I have read, understood and agreed to the information in this form, including the Enrolment and RegistrationAuthorization section below, and the Personal Information Statement. I also confirm that information in this form is correct to thebest of my knowledge.

Enrolment and Registration Authorization

I request that Manulife enrol me as a Member in this plan. If applicable, I authorize the Plan Sponsor/Employer to deduct mycontributions to the plan from my earnings.

If I have selected Group IncomePlus, I acknowledge that I have read and understood The Bold Print and by signing below, I agree tothe terms, conditions and fees applicable to that option.

Your signature Date signed (mmm/dd/yyyy)

Plan administrator’s signature Date signed (mmm/dd/yyyy)

Manulife customer number Date (mmm/dd/yyyy) For Manulife use

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Application FormGroup Retirement Savings Plan (RSP)

Name your beneficiary (or beneficiaries)If you do not name a beneficiary, proceeds will be paid to your estate.

Check here if you have attached a separate page listing your beneficiaries. Please sign and date.

The above beneficiary designations are considered revocable unless you write “irrevocable” in the chart above.

For Quebec only:The designation of a spouse as a beneficiary is deemed to be irrevocable unless specified here: Revocable

Tell us about the planIf you aren’t sure how to completeany of these boxes, your PlanAdministrator can help you or youcan call Customer Service at1-888-727-7766.

Your personal information

Tell us about the contributor (the member)Complete this section only if theapplication is for you as a SpousalMember. Otherwise, leave thissection blank.

Please print clearly in the blank boxes.Important: If this application is for a spousal RSP, the spouse (i.e. Spousal Member) must complete this form.

Check one:This RSP is for you as a Member (i.e. employee)This RSP is for you as a Spousal Member

Plan Sponsor/Employer Group annuity policy number

Member number Division Member Class

Date you are joining the plan (mmm/dd/yyyy) Date you started with your employer (mmm/dd/yyyy)

Gender First name Middle initial Last name

Mailing address (number, street and apartment number)

City Province Country Postal Code

Date of birth (mmm/dd/yyyy) Social Insurance Number (SIN) Marital status

Your preferred language Telephone number Ext. Email address

First name Middle initial Last name

Date of birth (mmm/dd/yyyy) Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Trustee name Relationship

Name Relationship Percentage of proceeds

A revocable beneficiary can bechanged at anytime.

An irrevocable beneficiary canonly be changed with writtenconsent from that beneficiary. Youwill also need your beneficiary’sconsent to withdraw or transfermoney from your account. A parentor guardian cannot provide consenton behalf of a minor who has beennamed as irrevocable beneficiary.

If you want to name more thanthree beneficiaries, attach aseparate page with the names andthe percentage of proceeds foreach beneficiary.

If you have locked-in money in yourRSP and you have a spouse on thedate of your death, the law mayrequire any death benefit be paid toyour spouse, regardless of otherbeneficiaries you’ve named.

If you die while your beneficiary isstill a minor, the trustee you nameon this form will act on the child’sbehalf.

Send your completed form to:Manulife FinancialAttn: GRS Client Services, KC-6PO BOX 396 STN WATERLOOWATERLOO, ON N2J 4A9

Trustee for a minor beneficiary named above (not applicable in Quebec) Any payment to a beneficiary who is a minor will be paid in trust to the trustee named below.In Quebec, the proceeds will be paid in trust to the minor child's tutor.

ABC Company Ltd. TBD

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If you do not complete this section,or the total does not add up to100%, your contributions will beinvested in the plan default fund.

You can go online at anytime tochange the funds you have chosen.

The minimum amount you caninvest in a fund is 5%.

Percentages must be wholenumbers.

Note: The investmentperformance of a market-basedfund is not guaranteed.

Please sign here

I confirm that I have read, understood and agreed to the information in this form, including the Enrolment and RegistrationAuthorization section below, and the Personal Information Statement. I also confirm that information in this form is correct to thebest of my knowledge.

Enrolment and Registration Authorization

I request that Manulife enrol me as a Member in this plan and register me in a Retirement Savings Plan (RSP) under the Income TaxAct (Canada). If I live in Quebec, I request that I am registered in a RSP under the Taxation Act (Quebec).

I understand that any withdrawals from my RSP will be taxed according to the rules outlined in the Income Tax Act (Canada) or theTaxation Act (Quebec), as applicable. I understand that withdrawals may be restricted under the terms of the plan.

I authorize the Plan Sponsor (my employer or my spouse's employer if I am a Spousal Member) to remit contributions and to deliverdirections to Manulife on my behalf.

I request that Manulife accept a transfer of locked-in funds into the plan, if applicable, according to the terms described in the Lock-inRetirement Account (LIRA) or locking-in addendum. I understand that with respect to such funds, these terms will override the groupRSP contract.

If I have selected Group IncomePlus, I acknowledge that I have read and understood The Bold Print and by signing below, I agree tothe terms, conditions and fees applicable to that option.

Your signature (as the annuitant) Date signed (mmm/dd/yyyy)

Manulife customer number Date (mmm/dd/yyyy)


For Manulife use

Fund code Fund name %

Your investment instructionsSpecify the 4-digit fund code of each fund you select below, along with the percentage of contributions you want to invest in eachfund. Your percentages must add up to 100%.

If your plan offers Group IncomePlus note this option is intended to provide you with guaranteed retirement income. Before you select Group IncomePlus, review The Bold Print for more information.

Your percentages must add up to 100%.

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The personal information statementYour consent to use your personal informationBy signing this Application form, you give your consent for us to obtain, verify, and share your personal information, as set out below, in administering youraccount, now and in the future, with the plan sponsor, the plan administrator, the plan advisor and its employees and other parties in the performance oftheir duties for us.

You authorize us to use your Social Insurance Number (SIN) if applicable, to uniquely identify you during the administration of your account.

How we will maintain and use your personal informationYou agree that we may use the personal information that we collect to:

� comply with legal and regulatory requirements,� confirm your identity and the accuracy of the information you’ve provided,� conduct searches to locate you and update your member information,� administer this plan while you actively work for your employer, and after you no longer work with your employer,� administer any other products and service that we provide to you, and� determine your eligibility for, and provide you with details of, other select financial products or services that may be of interest to you that are

offered by us, our affiliates or other select financial product providers.

Who may access your personal informationThe following individuals may have access to your personal information:

� our employees and representatives who require this information to do their jobs,� the plan advisor, including its employees, appointed by your Plan Sponsor to provide ongoing benefit counselling or plan administrative

services,� people to whom you have granted access,� people who are legally authorized to view your personal information, and� service providers who require this information to do their jobs.

This may include data processing, programming, printing, mailing, distribution, research and marketing or administration and investigation services.

Asking us not to use your personal informationYou may withdraw your consent for us to use your SIN for non-tax administration purposes. You may also withdraw your consent for us to use yourpersonal information to provide you with other product or service offerings, except those that are mailed with your statements.

If you wish to withdraw your consent for us to collect, use, retain or share your personal information, you may contact us by phoning our customer servicecentre at 1-888-727-7766 or by writing to the Privacy Officer at the address below.

How long we can keep your personal informationYou authorize us to keep your personal information for the longer of:

� the time period required by law and by guidelines set for the financial services industry, and� the time period required to administer the products and services we provide.

The information we collect with your consent will be protected and maintained in your Manulife plan member file.

The personal information that we must haveYou may not withdraw your consent for us to collect, use, retain or share personal information that we need to issue or administer your account unlessfederal or provincial laws give you this right. If you do so, we may no longer be able to properly administer your account and this is what could happen:

� benefits will not be payable as provided under the plan,� we may treat your withdrawal of consent as a request to terminate your contract, and� your rights, and the rights of your beneficiary or estate under the plan may be limited.

Recording your customer service calls to usWe may record your customer service calls to us for the following reasons:

� quality service controls,� information verification, and� training.

If you do not wish to have your calls recorded, you must communicate with us in writing to Group Retirement Solutions, 25 Water Street South,Kitchener, ON N2G 4Y5, and request that any response by us also be in writing.

Questions, updates and requests for additional informationIf you have a request, a concern, or wish to receive more information about our privacy policies, or if you wish to review your personal information in ourfiles or correct any inaccuracies, you may contact us by sending a written request to: Privacy Officer, Group Retirement Solutions, 25 Water Street South,Kitchener ON N2G 4Y5.

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Page 29: Your Enrolment Guide - Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through

Your personal information

Please sign here

For your RPP (Policy number 987654321)

For your RRSP (Policy number 123456789)

Payroll authorization

You authorize ABC Company Ltd. to deduct the specified amounts from your pay each pay periodand submit these contributions toManulife to invest in your RPP.

Payroll authorization

You authorize ABC Company Ltd. to deduct the specified amounts from your pay each pay periodand submit these contributions toManulife to invest in your RRSP.

Contribution type: Member required

Enter a percentage from 1% to 3%: ___________% (in increments of 1%)

Contribution type: Member voluntary

Enter an amount: $_________________

Your signature Date (mmm/dd/yyyy)

First name Middle Initial Last name

Date of birth (mmm/dd/yyyy) Member number

Your Payroll Deduction Authorization Form

Send your completed form to:ABC Company Ltd.123 John St.City, Province Postal Code

Please print clearly in the blank boxes.

For: ABC Company Ltd.


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Page 31: Your Enrolment Guide - Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through


Transfer Authorization for Registered Investments(RSP, LIRA, LRSP, RIF, LRIF, LIF))

Client direction to relinquishing institution

Receiving institution information

General information

Transfer:(check one box only)

Complete this form for: • RSP to RSP transfers (excluding transfers due to death or marriage breakdown)• RSP to RIF and RIF to RIF transfers

Note: • Complete Sections 1 through 4 and forward to the relinquishing institution.• If required, retain a photocopy for your files.• The completion of this transfer will NOT result in reporting of income or issuance of an

official tax receipt.

Account/Policyholder last name First name Middle initial

Address City Province Postal code

Social Insurance Number (SIN) Home telephone number Business telephone number

Relinquishing institution name

Address City Province Postal code

Client account/policy number Group plan number Member numberOR

Investment AmountAll

Dollars Investment Description

Symbol and/or certificate number or policy number Delay delivery until (mmm/dd/yyyy)

Investment AmountAll

Dollars Investment Description

Symbol and/or certificate number or policy number Delay delivery until (mmm/dd/yyyy)

Investment AmountAll

Dollars Investment Description

Symbol and/or certificate number or policy number Delay delivery until (mmm/dd/yyyy)

All in cash* Partial* _ as listed below or on attached list

Receiving InstitutionTO: Manulife Financial, Group Savings & Retirement Solutions, KC-6

PO BOX 396 STN WATERLOO,WATERLOO ON N2J 4A9Customer number Policy number Member number

Fund name Fund code Percentage

*Please refer to thestatement in bold in the Client authorization section below.

Page 32: Your Enrolment Guide - Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through


Client authorization

For use by relinquishing institution only

Signature of Account Holder Date (mmm/dd/yyyy) Signature of irrevocable beneficiary (if applicable) Date (mmm/dd/yyyy)

I hereby request the transfer of my account and its investments as described above.* I have requested a transfer in cash, I authorize the liquidation of all or part of my investments and agree topay any applicable fees, charges or adjustments.

Irrevocable Beneficiary: I consent to the transfer of the account.

Last name First name Initial Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Locked-in funds Governing legislation

Contact name Telephone number Fax number

Authorized signature Date (mmm/dd/yyyy)


Spousal Plan? No Yes - if “Yes”, Contributors:

Locked-in:No Yes - Locked-in


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Your Notes:

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Your Notes:

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Contact your plan advisor

Jonathan Smith, XYZ Consulting Inc.

( Call 1-888-789-9856

@ Via e-mail at [email protected]

Page 36: Your Enrolment Guide - Group Retirement Program provides many benefits that may not be available to you through

Group Retirement Solutions' group retirement and savings products andservices are offered through Manulife Financial (The Manufacturers LifeInsurance Company).

Manulife, Manulife Financial, Manulife Financial For Your Future logo and the block designare service marks and trademarks of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and areused by it and its affiliates under license.

Sample RPP/RRSP (03/2011)

GP5276E (EG)

Questions?Contact Manulife

( Call 1-888-727-7766.• Customer Service Representatives are available Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.• Financial Education Specialists can be reached Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET.

@ Send an email to [email protected]


Contact Manulife

( Call 1-888-727-7766

@ Via e-mail at [email protected]

Visit us at

You can also reach us via Bell Relay Service (TTY) at 1-866-391-7788.