Your Course Checklist


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Creator Course Instructor Master Checklist

Transcript of Your Course Checklist

Page 1: Your Course Checklist

Preparation is everything! When producing your course it is important to not miss a single step! The following checklist is designed to support you in tracking all the moving parts of your course production.

Remember to utilize your other Course Production Resource Guides and contact us with any questions - [email protected]

We want you to have a dynamic, engaging and beautiful course on our platform. Have fun and channel your excitement into the content. We honor and respect you as a Creator Course instructor and wish you all the best!

Section Recommendations

Course Title RequiredMake it unique!  Also make sure it’s clear as to what you are teaching.  For example “Quick Energizing Meditations” is clearer than “ Short Meditations”.

Subtitle RequiredGive a little more detail and generate some excitement.  For example “Get the most out of your time and practice with these simple and effective meditations”.

Page 2: Your Course Checklist

Section Recommendations

Summary RequiredThis is where you’ll want to go into more detail about what will be taught in your course.  It’s also an opportunity for students to get a feel for your style.  Don’t forget to include any hot keywords to trigger the user’s interest. The course summary is truly your best “selling point”.

Goals & Objectives RequiredWhy should someone take your course.   Be clear about what problems this course solves, what skills can be acquired and why it’s important.  Objectives are often worded as “By the end of the course students will be able to…….”

Intended Audience RecommendedWho is this course is perfect for?   Describe them here.   If your course demands some minimal level of competency be sure to tell them what knowledge students should have before taking this course.

Course Requirements RequiredWhat specific equipment and/or state of mind is needed to take your course successfully?  Do they need their own journal, a blender, a yoga mat?

Course Framework RequiredGet specific here!  Create a Table of Contents for your Course including an intro/overview module, the main content modules and a final conclusion module.  

Page 3: Your Course Checklist

Section Recommendations

Video Outlines RecommendedIf you are using any video tutorials, have the video content outline broken out with the times of sections for example:

Video OneIntro from 0:00 - 3:15Preparation 3:16 - 5:25Part One: The Foundation of Adrenal Health 5:26 - 11:40

Instructor Bio RequiredHere’s where you get to highlight your awesomely unique talents and abilities!  Personalize your bio by sharing a unique hobby, favorite food, music, or travel destination.  Share who you are!  This will make you more approachable to students.

Promo Video RecommendedThe Promo Video is displayed with the detail about your course before a student registers. This is an opportunity to “sell them” on your course. Answer any common questions and give them a taste of your style.

Course Cover Image RequiredAnother chance to get creative!   Make something catchy with an image and possibly some text.  Note that the course name will appear below the image. We also offer templates to create your Course Cover here.

Category RequiredWhich of our categories most matches your course?

Page 4: Your Course Checklist

Section Recommendations

Sub-Category RequiredWhich of our sub-categories most matches your course?

Media RequiredHow is your course content split up? Video & Text. Audios and Text, a combination of everything. Be very clear about what information is conveyed through what Media before you start producing it all.

Novelty RecommendedGiving your course a unique twist to stand out is always encouraged.

Engagement RecommendedIt’s very important for you to engaged with your students, replying to comments, and even offering to host webinars and live calls!

Video Quality Required1080 Full HD or 720 HD, 16:9 Aspect Ratio, Mobile Viewable (Check out our Video Resource Guide)

Audio Quality RequiredRecord in Stereo and always check for hissing and buzzing. (Check out our Audio Resource Guide)

Quiz RecommendedThis is a GREAT way to allow students to review the entire course content and absorb the most vital components. We make it easy as our platform provides and intuitive quiz builder in your instructor dashboard.

Page 5: Your Course Checklist

Section Recommendations

Pro Courses RecommendedPro Courses are more in depth courses students can purchase. When a student completes one of your courses or anytime they visit your instructor profile, they are encouraged to “dive deeper” into your other educational offerings! You can upload your ProCourse in your instructor dashboard.

Immersions RecommendedImmersions are private 1 on 1 webcam coaching you offer to the students of your course. We offer a calendar, scheduling and payment software in your instructor dashboard.

Contact Us: [email protected]