Your business in People’s Republic of China Belgian Customs … · Your business in People’s...

Your business in People’s Republic of China Belgian Customs challenges, initiatives and activities towards enhanced international trade facilitation

Transcript of Your business in People’s Republic of China Belgian Customs … · Your business in People’s...

Your business in People’s Republic of ChinaBelgian Customs challenges, initiatives and activities towards enhanced international trade facilitation

EDDY DE CUYPER Federal Public Service of Finance

Counselor at the General Administration of Customs & Excise

Customs Counsellor in Beijing, China since 01.05.2013

Previous (12.12.1975 – 30.04.2013)

Responsible for customs at Brussels airport

Trainer in customs procedures for private organizations


Eddy De Cuyper

1827 firms are exporting and 2654 are interested

6.775,5 miljoen € uitvoer in 2016 (9de klant)

België China ◦ Chemische producten (28,8 %)

◦ Apparaten en Machines (14,6 %)

◦ Transportmiddelen (9,5 %)

14.684,3 miljoen € invoer in 2016 (7de leverancier)

China België ◦ Apparaten en Machines (23,5 %)

◦ Minerale producten-ertsen (ijzer) (13,3 %)

◦ Textiel (12,5 %)

Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters

(signed 2004 – entry into force 1/4/2005)

Smart : Optimize trade

facilitation by use of

modern technologies (IT

plateform, CSD, SSL…)

Secure : Cater for safety and

security concerns (Risk

Management, …)

Trade Lane : Reliable traders

(AEO/AA) + End to end supply

chain + Data Exchange (B2C, C2C)

Participating seaports

• China : Chongqing, Dalian, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Qingdao

• HK China : Hong Kong port

• France : Le Havre

• Germany : Hamburg

• Belgium : Antwerpen, Zeebrugge

• Italy : Genoa

• NL : Rotterdam

• Poland : Gdansk

• Spain : Barcelona, Valencia

• UK : Felixstowe

• Participating airports

• China : Guangzhou, Bejing, Shanghai

• HK China : Hong Kong airport

• NL : Amsterdam (Schiphol)

• UK : London (Heathrow)

• Participating railway stations

• China : Alashankou, Xiajiang, Chongqing

• Poland : Malaszewicze


• AEO certification S

• Consignment pre-identification and evaluation (goods,

frequence,…) by customs

• Willingness to apply SSTL mechanisms

Vetting process

To assess compliance level by Customs Administration :

Pairing between a BE company and a CN company

Common template o Importer/Exporter Company name o N° EORI/CCRC (China Customs Register Code)o In house Contact person BE/CNo Place of loading / Port of EXITo Port of ENTRY/ Place of destinationo Adress

Export BE CN

1. TO Belgian Customs Administration

1) Share information on lead time with Customs

2) Send SSTL data in advance to Customs

3) Introduce PLDA declaration

2. Send Data : Excel File & Data elements

1) At exit of the consignment from the departure port

2) In advance & according the data elements of SSTL messages

3) For every consignmentunder the SSTL conditions

4) Via Excel file communication procedure

Exit Date

Exit Customs Office


Goods Description



Notify Party


Exporter ID

Destination port

Customs Code

Customs Remarks

Total Pckgs




Arrival Date

First Arrival Location Id

Transport Contract Ref

Loading Location

Container ID

Seal ID

Customs Release Date


Routing country

Exit Date

3. Data exchange between EU & China Customs

1) Via WCO IT plateform (Cen-Comm messages)

2) Control on request of destination customs administration, ifappropriate

3) Information about result of control before consignment departure

Facilitation At departure = Customs controls at point of stuffing containers (and at the latest

moment, in the national port)

• At arrival = Reduced customs clearance + lead time immediate CUSTOMS release in the country of destination of all consignments concerned (under SSTL mark)

• Except random controls and controls from other competent national authorities

Benefits• Certainty and predictability at importation

• Contribution to certification as AA/AEO

• Enhanced Customs/trade cooperation (trust)

• Specific liaison communication channel via Port-to-Port contact points


State Food Safety Commission

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Agriculture

General Administration for Quality

Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine

State Administration for

Industry and Commerce

China Food & Drug



Provincial CIQs (35)

Division for Food Safety Supervision

Division for Facility Registration

Local CIQ


Import and Export Food Safety Bureau

Other Departments (19)…

Dep. for RegistrationOther Departments (7)…

AQSIQ General Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine

CNCA Certification and Accreditation Administration of the PRC

CIQ China Inspection and Quarantaine




regulating food production.




(exit-entry inspection and quarantine agencies)

AQSIQ Measures on Certificates for food export

New certificate

AQSIQ importation of these goods without delay and unnecessary controls.

(immediate release with random controls)

Into force April 20, 2016.

Transition period 18 months.

Food cannot enter China if official certificate is not confirmed by AQSI0Q on Oct. 1, 2017.

All low risk products new certificate

Valid for one importation (competent authority in the country of export

can, for trustworthy firms with identical or reliable production flows, deliver

certificates based on their own risk assessment).

High Risk Products

• sensitive products for the Health (meat, dairy

products, poultry, fruit, ….. ),

• subject of different negotiations, protocols and/or

health measures. (existing protocols don’t change).

• New protocols (or prolongations) will be subject of

discussions and negotiations to create the necessary

measures for that specific kind of goods.

Low Risk Products

• hard to give a complete list. It has to be decided for

each product in relation with the Chinese standards.

• The examples of low risk products: products with

additives, health-care food, food for special dietary

uses, pastry and biscuits, candy, condiments,

beverage, alcohol, preserved fruits, fruit cans, etc.

Competent authority in the country of export (In Belgium FASFC will probably

take the lead)

• Each country has to indicate internally which authority is competent

for the certification of the products of a sector. After this negotiations

and indication this decision has to be discussed with and accepted by


• Self-certification by the exporters is not authorized.

• Registration of importers and exporters on website AQSIQ

• Before-border pre-inspection system for food exported to China and

the accreditation system of third-party inspection (authorized by

AQSIQ) are in preparation.

NOTIFICATION to the WTOThe following communication, dated 22 September 2017, is being circulated at the request of the delegation of China. _______________ The People's Republic of China hereby notifies that the Measures for the Administration of Certificates Attached to Foods Exported to China (Draft) was notified in document G/TBT/N/CHN/1209 on 19 June 2017

by the People's Republic of China. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China is currently studying the comments from relevant countries/regions. According to the comments and application received, we hereby decide to provide a transitional period of 2 years: from 1 October 2017 to 30 September 2019.

Belgian customs counsellor forChina, Hong-Kong and Macau.
