Your Brand Is Not My Friend: Twin Cities Version

139 @catfoa


The Classic "Your Brand Is Not My Friend" presentation adapted for the students at MCAD and for the Conversations About the Future of Advertising Series

Transcript of Your Brand Is Not My Friend: Twin Cities Version

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Your Brand Is Not My Friend

Presented by Alan Wolk

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Ad agencies are no longer about selling

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They’re about “storytelling”

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and “engagement”

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They want to be our friend

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Your Brand Is Not My FriendBut

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Ads used to deliver news

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Then they became all about branding and image

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Then they became all about branding and image

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The Real Digital Revolution

Then along came

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Google changed everything

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Now we can fact check ad claims

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Now we can fact check ad claims

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And see what other consumers think

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And see what other consumers think

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This has resulted in a complete change in consumer behavior

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That’s huge

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Changes how we buy a car

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Before: limited resources

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Before: limited resources

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Before: limited resources

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Before: limited resources

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Now: Full range of resources

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Now: Full range of resources

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Now: Full range of resources

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Now: Full range of resources

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Now: Full range of resources

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New & improved needs to mean it

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New & improved needs to mean it

Faster!!Limited Time Only!!!

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Your product needs to be buzzworthy

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You want people talking about your product

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You want people talking about your product

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It’s all about getting to Google

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Once this happened, print and TV couldn’t close the sale anymore

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They could offer compelling facts or create an image

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So marketers looked at online

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Microsites weren’t working: why would I go to one?

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Neither were banners

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When we “surfed” the web, banners took you someplace just as interesting as where you were

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But now that we go online for a reason, we’re not likely to stop what we’re doing to “interact” with an ad

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New ways to “engage” customers were needed

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Social Media seemed like the next big thing

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Everyone was becoming “friends” online

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Everyone was becoming “friends” online

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Why not brands?

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Your Brand Is Not My Friend™

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Social networks are today’s malt shops

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It’s where we go to hang out with our friends

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We don’t want to be interrupted by salespeople

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But there are some brands people want to hear from

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They’re called “Prom King Brands”

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There are the usual suspects

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Sports teams

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TV shows, movies and music acts

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99% of brands are not “Prom Kings”

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But they can still play in social media

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They just have to do it differently

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Five steps to making social media work for you

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Step 1: Identify a need you can help with

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(Maxwell House drinkers like to save money)

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Step 2: Figure out how to solve that need

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(Coupons are always appreciated)

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Step 3: Approach your targets as a salesperson

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(Salespeople have web pages, not Facebook pages)

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Step 4: Use Twitter for customer service or to share news. Don’t use it to sell.

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(Customer service reps should have names)

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(Customer service reps should have names)

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(Customer service reps should have names)

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Step 5: Don’t push it

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(Give them the coupon and get out of the way)

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(Give them the coupon and get out of the way)

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Quick Case Study: Why Whole Foods does Facebook right

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Facebook update in my inbox

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Facebook update in my inbox

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Facebook update in my inbox

$5 Coupon

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Facebook update in my inbox

$5 Coupon

via PDF on external site

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Facebook update in my inbox

Signed by a real person

$5 Coupon

via PDF on external site

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The Whole Deal site

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The actual coupon

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Whole Foods Facebook fan page

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Whole Foods Facebook fan page

Links to WFexternal sites

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Whole Foods Facebook fan page

Links to WFexternal sites Useful videos

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Whole Foods Facebook fan page

Links to WFexternal sites

Store photos

Useful videos

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Whole Foods maintains consistency everywhere

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The Whole Story blog

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The Whole Story blog


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The Whole Story blog


Social media links

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The Whole Story blog


Social media links

Links to useful blogs

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Follow this game plan and you will see results

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Soon enough, they’ll start to like you

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They may not always talk to you, but they will talk about you

Which is exactly what you want:

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To be part of the conversation

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But what then?

What if they’re talking about you and your competition

And they like you both?

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You’ll need to set yourself apart

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But how?

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That’s where branding comes into play again

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You need to create an image for the brand

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How you do that might not be with an ad

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How you do that might not be with an ad

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But rather with really great customer service

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Really great design

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Or really noteworthy innovations

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Advertising serves as a reminder, not a driver

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Brand messages now need to be more holistic. More than words on a page or images on TV

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Consumers see ads as Potemkin villages

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They’re tired of brands saying one thing... and doing another

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And they want to see evidence, not ads

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That’s why strategy is so important

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Strategy is what sets brands... and ad agencies apart

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Creativity is still important, but it will take on different forms to match the different media

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We can no longer focus on finding the exact right shade of blue: it makes us contractors not architects

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What will the creative department of the future look like?

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Less collaboration: writers work on blogs & web site copy, art directors work on product and store design

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More collaboration: tomorrow’s creatives will need to work with people with all sorts of job descriptions

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That’s because agencies will be doing a lot of different things for clients, things that don’t fit into the boxes of today’s 20th century agencies

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Agencies will need to be flexible and staffers will need to be able to do more than one thing

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The more you can show that you are more than just a copywriter or an art director, the better.

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That can mean writing a blog

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Creating a program

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Making your own video

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Agencies are evolving daily.No one knows exactly what the future will look like.But I can assure you one thing:

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It will be interesting

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Thank You Minnesota

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